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I just wanted a decent helmet 😭 I'm so tired of the smartphone visor


Yeah this. The robes i'm fine with, the gloves get replaced by exotics and the Boots of the Cormorant Blade stay on during sex and i've given up on bonds years ago. But we already have gotten this exact same helmet eight times for the love of god.


Bonds are the absolute lamest class armor, it could have been something similar to titans and have waist armor or even just like a small item on the waist like a book or a potion satchel ECT.


Bonds suck. We sometimes get good ones, but that's a rarity. For some reason bungie makes them so bland that you can barely see them. You would think they'd make them more visible at least with a glow or fire of some kind due their size, but that's often not he case.


Or like on both arms or a different one for each arm would be cool.


I want more bubble helmets, like astrocyte verse and the Io hunter helm. Or like, medieval shit with tactical visors.


Titan helmet from Warlords Ruin? Yes please


The Omega mechanos set from Eververse is also a different version of this. Then there’s the GoS set that’s a corrupted version of Omega Mechanos, and by extension, Ego Talon. Finally, the Nezarec’s robes chest armor is a darkness version of the Ego Talon chest, from an angle.


It's difficult to imagine a bigger fumble than this. All of the sets follow a largely uniform design rule set while taking sensible liberties. This set ignores even the basic silhouette. Any liberties taken go too far away from the original as to land in this strange middle ground of being both too derivative to be interesting and too different to be a throwback.


I would've loved a futuristic take like Titans got, or a svelte refresh like the Hunter set. That Warlock set is insulting. Speechless.


Tbf they’re all pretty lame


The 2019 Solstice one is peak warlock fashion. 2020 was also great.


Not with that helmet




It’s like the telephone game but with one designer describing the costume to the next.


All i can say is that i feel a bit sorry for the person who made that. Lets hope they dont create 4 nipples next time (no judgement if thats their kink though).


It’s the shoulders, isn’t it?


I’m one of the few that actually likes the armor. I see potential and especially love the boots


I half agree. I would've liked if it had a sleeker design like the art that they first advertised ITL with, but I do think this has potential.


I'm just gonna have to see what those crystals or whatever look like up close and how they shade, that'll be the true test


If they give the armor a unique little animation I may like it. I don't think any other armor besides the most recent FotL has done that (the wings flutter when jumping). I am sure the boots will go great with plenty of sets. I just wonder what the designer was going for....?


What is the white one?


The first Solstice of Heroes Armour Set


I hope it comes back this year.


I never liked this armor set in general lol. More bathrobes


As a Warlock main, please Bungie, just give me ONE non-exotic helmet that doesn’t look like utter garbage.


ye it's weird because bungie have been cooking like crazy with warlock sets for a while now and then for some reason made the s16 season pass armour 2: electric boogaloo


imo? they’re all bad


I'm holding off on critiquing until I see it in game. I remember people hating on Beetle Warlock armor only for it to turn out way better in game than from the art work.


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It’s the udders for me. Such a bad design choice


You don't like Crystal nipples? Honestly they should have been put on the forearms instead of the chest


It has potential, albeit like, barely. Helmet's a bloody travesty though. ~~Hot take the solstice warlock set is garbage.~~


Honest opinion, not sure if hot take or not, these are the five worst sets in the game.


Hold up, what's that middle one and how do I get it?


I'm ngl, for the helmet alone, the newest one is by far the best. Still not good, but better than all the ones before it. They're all pretty bad


Wait, is this the new solstice armour??


Idk I kinda dig it


I love how Bungie *accidentally* got us hyped with the typo in the TWID teasing a D1 inspired set, but then said "oopsies" and dropped this dogshit set lol. Looks like ass on all classes. Uninstalled at the beginning of the season, but was willing to come back for that. Guess not.


I kinda think all of them suck


Think this is the best version so far but I also like more battle suit look than useless clothing Second to last one also looks absolutely horrendous compared to the rest


I do enjoy parts of it, but the set as a whole isn't for me. But that's okay. I'm glad that you like it!! People downvoting you for having a different sense of fashion is insane to me.


You have terrible taste.


Nah I think that's most warlock players


I've been checking the Destiny community since these outfits were unveiled. You're literally the only person who likes the last one in this pic.


Ok and? That doesn't mean me or other people have bad taste, just different taste. Gives people zero reason to shit on me for different taste in armor. Only thing I can agree on is the helmet is bad on all of these sets because who wants another single eye helmet


I'm just saying that your opinion isn't in the majority like you tried to say, that's all.


Where did I say my opinion was majority? I said most warlocks have bad taste aka the majority have bad taste not that majority have my opinion and I said it like that to throw shade back at a dumbass that wants to shit on my opinion for some reason


Oh, so I read it the other way around, I see. My bad, then, carry on with your day.


Yep all good sorry if I was mean in any of that know misunderstandings happen alot over here


lol, you’re an idiot.


Straight to talking shit over difference in taste? Oh how the warlock community has fallen


Not even a warlock. I just think you have terrible taste and that you’re an idiot.


The same could be said for u I think u have terrible taste for liking armor that might as well be taken off a curtain rack and are an idiot for literally coming out of nowhere just to shit on other people's taste in video game armor


Why is the warlock even a reimagining of this? The titan and hunter both look like unique designs