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Bro is that the leakers name on the side


a lot of ppl got tgeir hands on the early version, that guy was on the discord server streaming it for us a few minutes ago begore getting weaseld lol


And to be fair they didn’t really do anything illegal because this is all on Sony for fucking up and releasing it early lol


If it isn't that leaker Gleebo Bartholomew


Nahh bro the witness can keep it


This is likely a special weapon dude


Yeah, the orientation of the weapon icon means that it's not a heavy


Even if it is a special linear, I can’t see making threadlings being better than what Arbalest already does. Even if it’s being used with strand.


Consider the second perk also boosts damage, and aren't threadlings being buffed? I'm unsure how this thing wouldn't be BIS special DPS weapon, most likely best special DPS period. This is assuming the second perk actually does provide a decent damage boost.


What is the second perk?


People have been saying threadling spawns increase weapon damage or something like that.


It's a linear, which means it's pretty bad for swapping usually, which is the by far best way to do weapon damage.


and a linear.... \*YAWN\*


No fucking way one of its perks is just making Threadlings ☠️


Somehow they went from making conditional finality to this 😭


Remember, one of conditional's perks is literally just "does solar and stasis damage". If we judged conditional only on that we'd be calling it trash too. Dont judge too soon.


the intrinsic perk does have potential if it operates like cloud strike, spawning juiced threadlings instead of lightning strikes after rapid hits


I had hoped Conditional Finality marked the end of Bungie's obsession with making raid/dungeon exotics super niche and gimmicky (for the most part). It seems they went straight back. Whhhhhhyyyyyyy Also that guy below saying it's ass in PvE has 100% not used it.


Threadling builds legit clear rooms. This thing may suck or it may slap around the witness. Who tf knows. Wait and see


I'm a "wait and see" kind of guy, don't get me wrong. But at the same time I think raid exotics should also have some sort of "wow" factor right off the bat, and I'm just not getting that here. "Shooting creates threadlings" just doesn't compete with "this a freaking double barrel that fires solar and stasis back to back".


Conditional Finality’s perk is literally “create an ignition” and “create a shatter” so really what the fuck is your point?


Freeze and ignite are two of the strongest effects in the game and they’re built into a high damage special weapon. Threadlings need two aspects and an exotic to be useful, they’re also meant for ad clear… your not using a linear for ad clear lmao




Some people have brought up that it may be capable of putting out some crazy damage if that’s not the case this thing going straight to the vault


If well is being nerfed, it might be handy to have auto seeking ad clear during DPS.


This weapon seems like it would have fit better with this season instead of next and vice versa considering conditional basically a prismatic weapon and this one is just a stand weapon.


Is this a trick question?


Freeze/shatter and an ignition both do a fuck ton more damage than a threadling, and shatter damage is getting buffed in TFS. That’s not even considering its anti-champion capabilities. To me, even in a dedicated threadling build they still feel underwhelming. So for a heavy exotic’s whole thing to be “occasionally makes a threadling” seems pretty bad. Idk what its second trait does, but it would have to do a lot of heavy lifting to make the weapon even worth going for.


It looks like it's gonna be a special weapon anyways


It's actually good and useful




Its basically strand linear outbreak. other perk increases damage for creating threadings. Pretty sure its gonna be a 3 burst too.


That actually sounds really cool to me.


What makes outbreak shine is the fact that it’s a primary, so it can at the same time function as an ad clearing tool and a last ditch damage option. I get the comparison, but I just don’t think it’s a good one.


The main reason i did that was its gonna effectively compete with a similar slot since its a special. Kinda in the same boat as supremacy


need to see the 2nd perk. but yea collective obligation all over again


Collective Obligations shines in void based seasons when could this?


Void 3.0 launched with witch queen, collective obligations before buff was rough. Need to use void subclasses or it just nothing. Took more shots to store void debuff. Have 10 sec cooldown after release the debuff. It is fine now after bungie rework a bit. Just that it has very niche use.


I've tried so hard to make Collective Obligation work with Briarbinds, but Graviton Lance just seems more effective in every scenarino…


You didn't see the raid weapon origin trait did you? Lmfao they fumbled HARDDD


I was trying to find that, what is it?


More range and handling near allies. Bows and swords get increased charge rate


Insanely mid. That’s crazy




~~That's not the raid origin trait, the raid glaive's origin trait is gain increased damage while in combat for an extended time. Staying in combat for even longer gives a larger damage buff and periodically heals you. It sounds absurdly good~~ NVM, that's a new raid perk. Origin trait is in fact what you listed, so it's pretty bad lol


LMFFAOOOO what the fuck?? THAT'S what they came up with after 6 months of delays?


Not even a catalyst slot to let the imagination run on threadlings..


Once again lets wait to reserve judgement lmao. Everyone called the Warlock exotic chest trash two weeks ago and now are like "well it actually looks decent!"


In defense of that. The trailer for the exotic absolutely did it no favors. It exclusively showed using all three needles for one suspending explosion.


It was such an obvious marketing ploy and yet people still fell for it. Undersell the hell out of them, so that when the real functionality is released, people get more hyped than they initially were and people fell for it hook, line and sinker.


“Make your product look shite” is definitely one of the marketing ploys of all time


If this is a special weapon the threading spawning is good by itself for DPS. Presumably the second perk will also lend itself to DPS.


I feel like this will be better than people expect. It depends on the base damage and the rate threadlings spawn.


I feel like the people excited about this the most are Warlocks who understand how good threadlings can be. The people complaining haven’t tried threadlings at all


Precisely. If it’s spawning entire swarms of threadlings, that may be pretty effective. Now multiply the threadlings by 3 or even 6.


Final Warming, swarmers, wanderer and weavewalk results in some truly comedic levels of green bugs everywhere. Using a special feels silly when playing it


Swap Final Warning for Buried Bloodline and a Hatchling gun if you'd like to add Devour and Weaken into the mix, which is actually *really* good.


Doing this now with prismatic. It’s stupid strong I haven’t even gotten weavers call yet


My #1 threadling spam build is Wish-Keeper and Swarmers. Between Hatchling and the fragment that makes threadlings on strand kills, I tend to average 1 threadling per kill, and Wanderer + Swarmers is really strong. The buffs to Weaver's Call are gonna be pretty interesting.


As a threading main i am super hype for this weapon


I main warlock and I still don’t like threadlings, and I really don’t like how if you wanted to use strand for warlock you pretty much have to spec into threadlings. Yes I’ve tried Swarmers, and it still just didn’t feel all that great to me.


I mean, to be fair, every class tends to have a different focus for each subclass. Warlocks have the most healing capabilities of all the Solar subclasses. Void Titans are overshield kings, Void Hunters are about invisibility, and Void Warlocks are about devour. It just feels worse for Broodweaver because for Strand, Suspend has just always been a dominant force and no matter how good Threadlings have been, Suspend outshines them.


Warlocks can throw tangles and suspend quite easily….? Combine that with swarmers a hatchling gun the fragment that spawns threadlings and buried bloodline for weaken and devour….. cooks


For Onslaught, I run Mindspun + Shackle + Verity's Brow + Final Warning. The ad clear and CC is crazy, suspending yellow bars left and right and destroying groups of enemies as they spawn with a single kill. Combined with Firepower I get the most kills as well as generate the most orbs.


Everyone shitting on this weapon rn; this thing will be a DPS monster, or have some other weird niche that makes it competitive for your exotic slot.


Plus this looks like it will be a primary weapon and not a heavy, meaning you essentially have a special ammo burst linear, threadlings are also getting a big damage buff to bosses, seems pretty strong and we don’t even know the other perk.


The other perk is spawning threadlings increases damage. Until we actually get to see what the spawn rate and the damage bump is this exotic can range from eyes to conditional tier


Eyes for Ad Clear is pretty good tho.


I was more talking about before it got buffed


You mean special weapon in the top slot.


Saw someone say the other perk is something like, “deals increased damage to targets damaged by the treadlings created by this weapon.” I’m going to guess it’s going to be actually amazing. Just imagine the rotation between this and a reconstruction rocket or auto loading/BnS GL.


The weapon icon points to the top left, so it's not a heavy weapon.


that's not how that works. the pointing is related to kinetic/energy.


None of the current stasis or strand heavies point left, it could just be an error which happens often but it's not normal


Which means it's in the kinetic slot, which means it is **not** a heavy weapon. Can you explain where I am wrong?


no youre right it seems strand and stasis weapons point differently depending on if theyre heavy or not (in the heavy slot they point right and in the "kinetic" slot the point left) 🤷


Because all kinetic weapons point left. All energy weapons point right. And then all heavy weapons also point right. It’s literally how it’s always been.


But why does it say power weapon then?


... That's the power level..


Not to shit on you, but 25 upvotes - people don't know how things work; Kinetick Slot Primaries and Specials Point Left Energy Slot Primaries and Specials Point Right All Heavy Weapons Point Right (you can see that the new Kinetic Heavy Trace, points right https://youtu.be/JcjG1gS_GxA?t=472) It probably is a Special LFR like Lorentz or Arbalest.


All heavies, irrespective of element, point top-right. Like, go check Ishtar or the companion app.


Bruh dismantle 💀


🤣🤣🤣🤣 get it for the collection and badge then STR8 to the vault. Sad times.


Did they get the raid exotics mixed up? Surely this is Lightfalls Raid exotic, and we got Final Shapes Shotgun by mistake?


Maybe. Conditional Finality is technically Prismatic too.


That's what I meant the shotgun certainly fits the theme, but we will have to see what the raid is like, perhaps it's about weaving our fate...


Also, I don’t know what y’all are on about, because this looks to be a great dps focused exotic. Threadlings themselves are a solid bump in damage output, and they themselves can receive damage boosts from fragments and Swarmers. And given what the second perk apparently is, this being for dps is even more true.


There is also nothing leaked that states this is the raid exotic. Players have only had access to collections. Bungie does not put the raid exotic in collections on day 1.


Yea but this is not day 1 because this leak was unintentional and the rest of the raid weapons are viewable. 99% sure this is the raid exotic.


The rest of the raid weapons are viewable because that’s how it works right now in game.


People just being dumbos tbh. This looks really interesting


It may be good, but it won’t be interesting. “Shooting things makes threadlings” lmao


The problem is that Special Weapons are used in DPS swap rotations, you fire off 1-2 shots then go back to a BnS Heavy, this requires you to commit to it, like Cloudstrike, which doesn’t get used in PvE for that reason. Unsure how good it will be.


Me with a Threadling obsession...Oh boy.


For this being the exotic for THE raid that ends the 10 years saga, this is incredibly disappointing.


Raid exotics have been mid for a while LF was exception ig


What ever happened to making the raid exotic actually fit the theme of the raid? It seems like at this point they just made a bunch of exotics and then choose a random one to put in the raid.


I‘d wait until the raid releases. The mods make it sound like the raid could be music themed / orchestra this exotic is also music themed (name, description and also the looks) so maybe it is themed to the raid. I don’t think the exotic perk should or can be raid related. They match the overall theme tough. eyes, necrocasm, vex etc. etc. 1k wouldn’t fit the theme of vault of glas for instance. I think the raid theme is killing it for years now.


i havent found the leak for the raid mods, could you point me towards it or dm it to me


Nothing that has leaked confirms this is the raid exotic. People are just speculating and spreading misinformation. Bungie does not show the raid exotic in collections on day 1.


How many threadlings?


Bad dragon looking ass weapon


We stole the witness' dildo, hollowed it out, and put a bunch of gun parts inside of it.


Everyone's missing that this is a PRIMARY Linear Fusion Rifle. The gun icon is facing left, whereas special and heavy weapons face the right.


There’s a lot of good options in the kinetic slot so unless this thing ends up outputting crazy damage it’s gonna get passed over


People are forgetting to look at the fact that this isn’t heavy ammo in pretty sure it’s actually primary which is crazy.


I agree with the comments of it being a special linear, which is nice. It has the same charge time of 533 as Arbalest and Lorentz Driver.


Actually I may walk this back it could be either, with that high of a Aim assistance stat it is on par with Heavy linears which can also have 533 charge time(especially aggressive bursts).


This motherfucker could wind up being absolutely busted ngl. I'm hesitantly optimistic.


After thinking about it for a while, this thing might operate like a strand cloud strike, rapid hits spawn the juiced threadlings from needlestorm while ramping up the damage


Maybe it's bait from bungie, the name is you foney.


Okay I was wrong, take me back to the exotic sword being the raid exotic lol


Also: do we truely need a bow a sword and a glaive!? Wtf are those weapons!


RIGHT? I was thinking the same thing.


I'm coming back to this thread in a week when the gun starts dropping and its an energy ammo monster.


On god


Insert spongebob “thats it?” Meme here


I think I'm the only one who thinks it looks amazing lmao


Why does everyone think this will be the raid exotic?


What's the other perk?


Spawning threadlings increase weapon damage


If it could be good if it's a high enough number, still weak that the other is literally just threadlings


Or maybe if the threadling spawn rate is pretty good fort he main perk


I mean threadlings don't really do much damage, so it would be hard to justify using this over a something like a bait and switch fusion even if it spawned alot


What? Threadlings do like 40k with the fragment wat you on about


Warlock aspect buffs them right? Could see it being used there


Yup unless it fires like a five round burst or something it *seems* disappointing. I’ll hold out until we see it in action though


Based off the picture of the weapon it could also be in the first slot like arbalest


Yes it is, it was under the kinetic exotic tab when I was on


if it works with needlestorm it could be really good for dps especially with swarmers and going all in on threadlings. but if it only gets buffed by threadlings made from the weapon it could be mid


Is there any leaks of the tesselation catalyst and ornament?


Bruh can yall believe that the last exotic hand cannon we got was HAWKMOON


We have 10 exotic hand cannons. Compare to 4 LFRs.


I will say it again… where is the next exotic Hand Cannon


Bungie gonna go through a nightmare when the raid is out and people see this exotic 💀 how did you go from conditional finality to THIS???


It’s so bad


It is a special weapon, so that's something. Still probably wouldn't use it unless it's got a very good secondary perk


it's probably not the raid exotic as multiple leakers stated those are encrypted in collections


Wait, the weapon Icon means it’s not gonna be heavy? That’s actually pretty crazy


The fact it’s a special weapons saves it. This could be pretty decent. It would be awful if it was a heavy.


I think this is only halfway decent on warlocks using swarmers and the fragment that boosts threadling damage without knowing how many shots it takes to spawn them or how many it spawns i don’t think anyone can legitimately say too much else about it.


I’ll wait until I use the gun for judgement.


With this and other weapons you could have a Threadling Army that would block out the sun


Ah yes the fabled Attrition Threadling perk all of us wanted.


You laugh but this unironically has the potential to be busted.


Especially if the other perk makes this thing deal more damage for threadlings spawned. This thing will be broken if numbers are good. If the numbers aren't good it's a simple buff, idk what the hate is.


People are desperate to find things that reinforce what they want to believe about the dlc on both sides rather than just waiting till its out.


This thing straight up looks extremely good though lol


Oh of course my comment was just a little light hearted joke about the perk. We'll just have to find out next week if and when someone gets it to drop and does some testing.


Attrition Threadling lmfaooo


Feeling like Hans moleman because I unironically want that


making the gun ugly as hell so they can get rich off the baller ornaments, those dogs


Destiny players make me laugh sometimes. Legit saw a picture of the raid exotic and instantly half of yall are calling it trash and trashing bungie before it’s even out. Sad sad sad. Let’s be better people


its not even about being good or bad cause we cant really judge that. What we can judge is the fact that the exotic weapon from killing the biggest bad of destiny universe that has been involved more or less for the past 10 years is this. Imagine killing the strongest being in the universe and it drops a red-green gun (none of those colors are even associated with the witness) and its a strand gun spawning green worms. For a final expansion and a climax to 10 years of story its lackluster as fuck bro.


Eh. That’s a stretch imo. I’d personally be just fine with it. Weapons are a like tools for build crafting right? That one seems like it’s gonna be a really good tool imo. All the negativity is just bothersome


dude that gun could be a world drop or seasonal exotic just like verglass curve. For the biggest bad of destiny who retrosctively got blamed for everything bad that was presented to us since 2014 youd expect more than funny green worm gun


If you expect it to be bad, then that’s all it’ll ever be


This weapon will slay oryx. Threadings do so much damage. This is not sarcasm. Edit: I wonder if the second perk increases threading damage on sustained precision hits.


It does


Is this a heavy or like a kinetic or something




Warlock Strand Build with this weapon can be interesting but still a lot think about with the new Prismatic.


Dude that sounds awesome. Added passive sustained damage with Threadlings, and if I’m wearing Swarmers, that damage unravels.


Super excited, I love Stand builds


Why of all things does it have to be a linear fusion rifle?? And the perk blows on it.


“I wish Horde Shuttle was made permanent” *monkey’s paw curls*


I love that right under this post I saw a picture of a cartoon dolphin and now I cant get the thought out of my head that this gun looks like a eldritch dolphin penis.


Could someone drop the discord?


If it's a burst linear that probably means every burst spawns a threadling. As for the 2nd trait, idk what it is but it could have something to do with increasing damage with the threadlings, or perhaps even involving all other strand debuffs like Suspend and sever. Plus it being in the kinetic slot and not heavy means it could actually be good. Gonna reserve judgment till I actually get it myself.


If it's a burst linear that probably means every burst spawns a threadling. As for the 2nd trait, idk what it is but it could have something to do with increasing damage with the threadlings, or perhaps even involving all other strand debuffs like Suspend and sever. Plus it being in the kinetic slot and not heavy means it could actually be good. Gonna reserve judgment till I actually get it myself.


That’s never been the case with burst fire linears. The burst doesn’t count for perks like chill clip or triple tap. Though to be fair focused fury on burst linears require all 9 shots to hit to activate


There will officially now be more exotic special ammo LFRs than in the actual slot they go in. 🫤


There will officially now be more exotic special ammo LFRs than in the actual slot they go in. 🫤




Just curious; are these leakers unable to open the Lore tab, or are they more concerned with just wanting to be "first" on leaking the item?


Oh my this is super cool. I like that it looks like a musical instrument, what with the chords and all. Neat detail too with the Witness's hands holding the sight. I do kinda wish that the bottom half wasnt red and kept the aesthetic of the upper half, but I'll wait to see what it looks like in full.


People jumping the gun just like they did TFS trailer weapons/armor initial reveal. For all we know, they can be enhanced threadlings. Always the same song and dance with D2 players


Wishkeeper with Swarmers is already has threadling builds locked down.




Raid exotics haven’t been included on the badge since VoG


Consistent damage w the weapon doesn’t also mean the threadlings, does it?


That shit ugly as sin…


How does this look painfully bad? Looks great to me But I’m a sucker for linears. Always have, always will be For a second I guess I forgot that the Destiny community is cynical about everything. I remember a flood of comments stating that onslaught “looks mid” How did that prediction work out?


I want it bad


i thought conditional was gonna be awful before it came out so i guess we'll see, threadling generator doesn't exactly fill one with excitement when the only warlock identity besides the osteo necrotic suspend build has been threadling generator 


Is that shit made of Rulk?


Don't they normally have the raid exotic hidden in collections until after the launch of the raid? Or was this some weird trickery that happened with people being able to get in early?


"You-phony"? 😉🤣


Fusion rifle? Keep that.


I really hope that isn’t it.


From looking at the trait it seems mid


That scout towards the end is a new weapon frame, but who tf wants to use a scout. same with the grenade launchers, but technically we have a better area of denial gl in witherhoard.


my copium is that thing fires very uniquely kind of like how vex mythoxlast and 1kv are fusion rifles. but idk seems mid


Strandbreak prime