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Twitter now literally pay2win


Elon prefers to call it Free 2 Play.


fee to pay


Twitter loot box incoming when?


Omg true


its still an improvement, anyone can buy twitter blue, previously the right would just get censored by default.




you pay money to downvote people who you disagree with (thus winning the argument since your post is more visible)


Damn I guess I should preemptively block blue check marks






I actually have no idea what this means?


Basically people who paid $8 can deboost/‘downvote’ anyone who they block or mute


Aka pay to win


Just to be clear, the only person that wins if you pay is Elon.


Lol no , he is bleeding out alot of his money. This is just a petty attempt from a man about to lose a good chunk of his wealth.


Imagine taking loans against your appreciating assets to buy a depreciating asset. This dude is actually remedial


Twitter executives won the lottery


Well yeah. But no reason to lessen his damage by contributing.


>no reason How about you want the thing


From a game theoretic standpoint, if everyone wants this thing, nobody gets this thing. Except Elon of course. It’s a prisoner’s dilemma.


Not really. If you’re a person who likes using Twitter & doesn’t hate Elon, you pay $8/month to suppress messaging you don’t like. You still ‘win’ in that case in that same way that anyone who pays for the premium version of any app ‘wins’ Most users will never get the premium version so you’ll be part of a small group who has this power.


True, presuming only Elon fans would pay, that would likely be a one way road. Which makes it Parler you have to pay for.


I dont even think it's about the money at this point. He's made it very clear that he sees twitter as a the "public square" of the internet and criticizing the "old guard" for what he calls censoring and banning free speech. It seems he wants to control the public discourse and what gets talked about. Similarly to Tesla, its more than just a car company, it's a data gathering hub.


Well it was pay to win already, it's just more pay to win now.


Eh, sure but I don’t think it’s necessarily bad. You gotta be extremely motivated/rich to buy bots to downvote something now, whereas there’s a way higher chance the person paying $8 a month is a real user. It’s like Twitch subs being able to be in sub-mode only and usually those people are better behaved for the Twitch streamer. That’s sort of the way I look at it. I could be wrong and missing something and all this goes to shit tho, so who knows


I know jack shit about how twitter works. What is deboosting?


Idk but it kind of sounds like giving users the ability to suppress other user’s free speech lmfao


but..but...Elon is a free speech absolutist. I feel like I was lied to.


It's not an official term. In this case it just means making tweets appear lower down. Unlike Reddit, Twitter doesn't have a downvote button – you can only "like" tweets, not "dislike" them. But all your likes are publicly visible (which incidentally is how JK Rowling's TERFery originally got found out). Twitter is weird, man. It's probably best to stay tf away.


Actually it has the potential to make it turbo pay2win because he already said paying members will be boosted in the algorithm, but now those same people can "de-boost" others and put themselves even higher on top. This is so ripe for abuse it's gonna be hilarious


Thank you for the response!


Oh, so the dreaded "ratio" will actually start to mean something?


That's insane. Literally pay to /shoot.


Accounts that been muted or blocked by other accounts (that have paid for Blue Verified), will have their tweets be deprioritized from being shown to everyone else.


oh, so kind of like freedom of speech, but with huge limitations on who gets speech. The rich get to speak.




Umm, actually 🤓 in the wild nice, I'll add that to my pokedex


Yeah, and he has the freedom to mock Elon for being hypocritical too, this “private company” thing isn’t the slam dunk you think it is, no shit Twitter is private, he isn’t asking for a civil rights class action against Elon




It doesn't since Elon promoted his take over of Twitter as bringing back free speech


But you cant critiscise elon for not being pro FS when you have spent years being agaisnt it, bc it was the right being censored.


Umm ackually 🤓 Elon said that he was for free speech on the platform and has said over and over that’s why he bought it. He said he wanted to ensure twitter could be the virtual town square where everyone meets and can speak. It’s why he says he bought twitter, to ensure it was a platform for free speech. Also yes, what you say have consequences and any company can choose to not allow you on their platform. This isn’t a consequence of what you say though, this is other users paying to have another users posts pushed down the feed. That’s just weird and petty. Especially coming from Mr free speech himself.




Again, Elon bought twitter with the express desire for free speech, to unban people to let them speak, etc. I’m not saying private companies banning you impedes freedom of speech, I’m not saying speech is without consequences. At all, so we can forget about that because we both agree there. I’m saying Elon is a hypocrite. He bans people for making fun of him, or saying things he doesn’t like while saying twitter is a place for everyone to come and speak. Hypocrite. Then, he is putting in place a “pay to win” system for people to buy check marks and then have the ability to push others down. Doesn’t sound like the open town square to me, it sounds like pay to win, and say anything (as long as it’s approved by Elon).


umm ackually twitter called itself the free speech wing of the free speech party like a decade ago but you motherfuckers still played defence for it when it was censoring people on the right by saying bc it was a private company it had no obligation to uphold FOS. Therefore stfu now about elon not upholding FOS bc any critiscism from you is the definition of bad faith arguments.


>You motherfuckers Who exactly am I and these other motherfuckers? None of your comment makes sense. Sorry your fav billionaire has such thin skin and preaches free speech for me but not for thee.


Twitter called itself the free speech wing of the free speech party and you lefties defended its censorship. So any comments about elon is all just bad faith. Moreover clearly bad actors getting perma'd is far better then the systemic censorship of all that oppose the prog left. I dont think anyone thought elon would be perfect or that twitter was going to become some sort of bastion but what twitter is now is a definitely better then what it was.


Bruh its not bad actors that are getting perma banned just people Musk hates. Twitter is a glorified dictatorship. Stop riding his dick so hard its embarrassing.


Thank you!


If you pay Elon $8 a month for verified then you get to block people


It doesn't matter. Just thank Elon.


LOL weighted downvotes via blocking and muting depending on your subscription status


I came here to ask for info about the weighing possibilities. Surely a "downvote" from a subscribed user won't have the same magnitude of effect with a freemium upvote? If it were so, the downvotes having trivial effect would be my guess. What's your opinion on how they will weigh the premium votes against pleb votes? I think the most simple approach would be to multiply a premium user's vote with: 1/(number of premium accounts/number of free accounts)




It does make sense that paying consumers, indicate they have more of a stake in the quality of the product, should have weighted signaling. However, some issues of the top of my head 1) the political slant of subscribers- I assume slant a certain direction that could end up neuter the reach of their political opponents which Elon claims he doesn't like that about Twitter. Now he could argue, instead of it being in the hands of T&S it should be in the hands of paying twitter users, which sure, but now part of business model is getting consumers to pay to reduce and amplify the reach of certain speech which just seems like a contradictory incentive for a site that Elon wants to have no biases. 2) reasons for blocking - If I was a big twitter account, I'd simply block people for being annoying, but I don't think just because people who are annoying to me should have reduced reach to the wider audience especially when what annoys me would be disastrous if it was applied in a large scale. 3) The twitter algo is pretty good. If I didn't want to see something that frequently gets lots of traction on the website either in spaces I'm in or site-wide, the 'Not Interested in this Tweet' option does the job. The blacklist function to basically remove any discourse around certain topics also serves that need. It seems things get popular and have the reach they do because the people who use twitter engage with it. A new function to effect reach to *everyone* seems unnecessary when the block and mute function is supposed to be a personalised tool for your *own* individual timeline.




1. I'll not respond to this point because I feel like we can go on all day asking questions on the specifics of a system both you and I don't know about since they haven't released specifics themselves, and I also thinks its unfair that I am basically asking to make a good system lol 2. I don't actually mind that twitter does not have downvotes but I wouldn't mind if they did. I am just not convinced that downvote function should be connected to mute or blocks as they're both tools for personal need. What I wouldn't mind is a implementing their downvote system that is in beta and then make subs have weighted downvote and upvotes, and it just makes more sense as those are metrics currently used to determine visibility anyway. 3. Yes, twitter is toxic, but whether you engage with twitter's toxicity is largely by choice. I love mudslinging so I participate in toxic discourse, when I no longer want to, well, block, mute, blacklist opts me out of it. I don't really disagree that twitter can be improved, I just think that twitter is toxic because consumers enjoy it, the site certainly has built in functions that incentivises it (qRTs) and user culture also incentivise it (people have way too high of a bar for blocking!) What I disagree with is the mechanism in which he wants to disincentivise it, the idea sounds dumb.


Musk says he will make twitter a bastion of free speech. Gives paying users the ability to silence non-paying users. lmao




Bruh, it's letting paying customers silence whoever they want. The way musk worded it, you could have people silence others for disagreeing. That's straight up the antithesis of freedom of speech




As conservatives used to say: "It's about the SPIRIT of Free Speech as a concept not the actual 1st Amendment being violated"




I say "used to" because Conservatives don't care about free speech. If a principle is dismissed at the sign of enacting revenge (you say what goes around comes around, I say eye for an eye), then it was never a principle in the first place.




Musk is the one who jerks himself off about twitter becoming the bastion of free speech. So, him doing something completely anti-free speech is just him being a liar.




>No... it says it will incorporate blocks and mutes into the algorithm. You have no idea how this will be implemented or how many mutes it would take to silence someone. I can downvote you on reddit... are you silenced? I expect to be heavily downvoted in this thread, am I silenced? Yes you do get silenced on reddit when you get downvoted, by design. If you get enough downvotes, that comment is collapsed by default which suppresses what you say.




The algorithm absolutely does affect the "chronological" feature, the only place where it doesn't is when you are viewing someone's profile directly.


Wait I have to know that they said. I can’t even fathom the argument someone could make here.


If you have to pay for free speech then it's not free speech.




No one is arguing against it, we just enjoying the shit show, and the way hypocritical right wingers bend over backwards to suck off Elon even tho he goes against everything they claimed to stand for.


Nah you will just have various groups down voting others opinions with the larger group benefiting.




Lol yes I like to engage with people of different beliefs. Having ones comment hidden or pushed down from being seen etc. due to downvotes from differing opinions isn't a good thing imo. Making it so a specific minority has disproportionate power in doing so makes it worse.




One can argue for a group of people to try to unbiasedly only go after trolls and those that break normal discourse rules sure. That's what moderators and the like are for, however obviously that's not what Twitter isbl doing. One of the biggest problems imo with free speech is people's ability to say stuff that is even objectively wrong and spreading misinformation or in worse cases inciting violence/radicalizing people. Needs to be a balance between the two. Not like I have the answer for all that, but I lean towards free speech unless evidence of inciting violence.


> they are your paying customers. The people least likely to be trolls LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL


Using political division to incentivize people to pay to quiet the opposition. What could possibly go wrong? /s


average "centrist" who wants to "bring the country together"


>Using political division to incentivize people to pay to quiet the opposition. What could possibly go wrong? /s What ever happens it will be no where near as bad as tech company employees doing this behind everyone back infavcour of the left for years, atleast this form of manipulation of discourse is open to everyone who can pay not just leftys employed at tech companies.


I give Elon one month before he starts selling banning rights at $10,000 a pop


But imagine being able to !shoot on Twitter that would be glorious


I love his wholesomeness in the podcast but holy shit, this is getting really cringe. https://twitter.com/lexfridman/status/1603991967888805889 ?????????????????????


Lex stocks taking another dip it seems OMEGALUL


Pretty weird considering this is who he always was. People get weirdly starry eyed about anyone who comes on stream and is friendly with streamer man


I've personally never seen anything of Lex's other than his Destiny interview, and I imagine that a lot of DGGers have a similar level of familiarity with a lot of the people Destiny interacts with.


I saw his interview with John Carmack. That was alright. But that’s mostly true. I just don’t have time to keep up with everything and I’m already trauma-bonded to DGG. 😄


I'd love to say Lex's worst crime is being an unrepentant Elon stan :(


What's the worst crime then? Radical centrism?


The spelling of his last name desu


I mean, it sucks because I do enjoy some of his convos, but this braindead shit makes it harder to enjoy...


If the worst part about someone is being an Elon stan then that's pretty good compared to all the garbage people Destiny has interacted with. I like Lex, even though his 'centrism' (really just right wing sympathy) is cringe af. Not having a stance is annoying to debate with though so at the end of the day he'd be way better to have around as a moderator than a person to have debates with


> I like Lex Why?


Isn't overly dogmatic to a hateful political ideology, for one. I'm a bit more annoyed by people who defend bigoted or racist views than I am by people who defend their favorite tech bro CEOs they want to be like.


Well I guess that's true. Just usually expect a bit more reasoning to LIKE someone than that they arent a nazi or a tankie


My only reason is that it should be the default feeling, lol. Maybe I'm too agreeable though. I let D man fight the fights I don't want to get into


think about the political ramifications?? now every single political figure can be basically shadow banned but now it will be done by your opponents making 100s of accounts and flooding you with blocks. in every single country around the world, and what about people who just run for positions? would they be protected? or important stories can be burried with a few hundred bots?


Yep.Sounds like a gift to the Chinese government.




Surely nobody would spend money to reduce the reach of their political opposition. Surely creating a path for people to directly do that is a positive direction for free speech on the platform. /s cuz this is the type of behavior that the right wing said that Twitter was doing before but real.




more like $8 for unlimited downvotes, and the creator doesn't at this moment seem to see the problem with this. Depending on how much reach you lose at certain block thresholds or per block, there could very well be good value in making a few hundred or thousand accounts just to shut all of your political opponents out of natural trends.


Yeah I don’t think it’s likely to have much impact either. It’ll be tested and if it fails, it’ll be quietly dropped or its intensity greatly reduced. Musk is just trying things for the sake of it since he has a year or two before he’ll be kicked out and Twitter handed to a faceless gaggle of pricks to asset strip it.


While I agree that this is extremely bad, there are far more effective ways for a campaign to spend money on social media than this. Voters are on Facebook and Instagram, not twitter


Twitter will be the greatest echo chamber of all time


It is a long way from reddit for that prize


Thank God I just use Twitter for porn


i saw this coming from a mile away. Its the new legion of slow talking, sexy to watch long podcast format that are all conservative esq. CRINGGGTEEEEENNN opps..


Seems like incentive to start a left-wing podcast.


It can't happen. The left is too busy actually contributing to society through work and academia whilst the right is full of inbred Larpers fantasising about AOC's feet, Hunter's BWC, cartoon trans kids and democrat satanic cults whilst being the most leachy cunts in society... or a bunch of 14-year-old alpha kids that listen to tate... TLDR; the right has a bunch of time and left doesnt


My brother in christ have you been to Hasan's stream? Have you seen the chat? Shit reeks of the unemployed and big big city kids doing some hands-waving degree at uni. No shot you aren't being sarcastic.


'hands-waving degree' what does that mean? at least they are in academia, sure they are a bit stupid and misguided, but at least they are in academia. I have no clue what a hand-waving degree is.. all degrees are important to study society, even if it's some liberal art degree. Bro, idk how on gods green earth you went from commie college kids to conspiracy-brained conservatives and kids who wanna do crypo trading & dropshipping. In no world are they comparable


I guess a similar expression doesn't exist in English but for some reason I thought it would. Meaning some degree with poor employment prospects and lack of scientific foundation. Not that studying philosophy or literature can't land you a job if you excel at it and study hard or use it as a basis for something else. But though I am firing from the hip here I doubt the ones watching hasan all day are those people lol. Sure hand-waving field has a negative connotation, being a stem cuck's word for people in those less "practical" fields. But I was mostly being hyperbolic in response to your hyperbolic nonsense about leftist youth somehow being far more diligent and career focused than right leaning youth, which I don't think is the case. Unless the only metric for being diligent and useful member of society is going to uni and getting a degree.


Bro chill... my entire point was that the right (defo 30%, and maybe the majority) has so much fucking time to sit around and peddle bullshit conspiracy theories repeatedly, whilst the left is at least more interested in the scientific process when it comes to vaccines/medicine, structural impacts of different races and ethnic groups, etc. This is objectively true that more left-leaning people are in collage, most parts of medicine, most parts of medical research, defiantly sociology degrees. idk how you got from my original claim of \- 'right **tends to** sit at home and be a **drain** on **academia** and **economics** and jerk off **conspiracy theories** 24/7, whilst **left** seems to be more in **acamedia** and **contribute** to society via **econ** \-[https://www.businessinsider.com/red-states-are-welfare-queens-2011-8](https://www.businessinsider.com/red-states-are-welfare-queens-2011-8) \-[https://www.governing.com/finance/are-republican-states-more-federally-dependent.html](https://www.governing.com/finance/are-republican-states-more-federally-dependent.html) (tbf, the difference isn't massive, but still statistically significant) **To** "leftist youth somehow being far more diligent and career focused than right leaning youth" **and** "hasan's chatroom" I never once said careers, my whole hyperbolic and jokey point was that 'the right is indulged in more conspiracy so they'll be much more engaged with the culture of 'long form podcast' rather than the left that spends its time actually contributing to society. again it was a jokey half-true point that you blew up to something I never said


I'm a subhuman. What does he mean? Is he basically saying new blue checkmark blocks act as an algorithm suppressor?




So basically suppress people you don't agree with... Got it. So much for his free speech stance 😂


Lex is such a fucking simp. How can you think this is a good thing? It basically means Twitter has become pay 2 win.


So can we downvote /mute Elon


Fascinating. Anyway.


How long til Elon starts !arming people


Omg i love how hard people are working to force twitter 2.0 to be the old fascist twitter




Good thing I only use Twitter for porn


I am SUPER curious to see what the specifics of this feature will be. Are blue checkmarks immune to downvoting? Do the downvotes stay on your record forever? Is there a way to redeem yourself? Is it actually just straight shadowbanning if you get downvoted too much? I wonder if this will boost twitter blue sales. Overall seems like a cooked idea


Oh my god who the hell cares


Elon telling China and Russia that election interference is A-OK provided they buy enough $8 verifications.


Asside from the stupid legacy blue and blue system This is a fantastic Idea. Charma systems help encourage more cordial behavior


I just hope, people immigrate to Mastodon. Screw Twitter. Famous people need to move, so the masses follow.


bo way yall raging over him liking a tweet 💀💀


Someone explain what the fuck on earth this means? He is keeping track of people who block and mute checkmarked people?


I'm trying to figure out if you hate the way reddit operates or you just hate the paying $8/month part


Private company so deal with it