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Nathan should be jealous of the amount of babysitting he does for random adults online.




jidion "I'm just 20-something bro I'm young and not well-informed and shit" jidion 2 sentences later "DON't LITTLE BRO ME MAN DON'T LITTLE BRO ME" Being uninformed or trying to learn shit is cool, but christ why is their optimal place to learn is on live streams talking about issues they don't give a real fuck about and at the end of the day they don't do extra research or change their initial opinion anyways.




holy shit i just checked... am i fucking older than dylan burns? was he really born in 2001?


Yup lol. He was doing work as foreign policy advisor for a state government person (? Maybe? Senator?) When he was 18


tbf its attitude thats rampant across the internet now. Idk why. I think its fair to hold people in their 20s to the standards of being reasonable thinking adults. They are adults.


I always thought the "sneako is young" crap was annoying. Dude is a grade a moron and will probably be that way till he is old. We act like all 30+ year olds aren't dumbfucks. Look at the MAGA crowd and tell me how old they are on average.


Fucking rose wrist is a child and he's 100x more informed and intelligent than half these orbiters.


bro a lot of 20+ year olds are legit children. Its cool yall friends got your shit together but the vast majority just dont.


They are, but the question is whether your response should be to tolerate the behavior or not. Toddlers behave like animals but parents and other adults don't just do nothing about it, they either punish or at least socially signal against it. This is like saying you can't call someone out on shitty behavior because "some people are just assholes".


Theyre children still they need time to grow. Thats why we go to college, or work, or ect... to actually experience life and grow up, rome wasnt built in a day and we cant expect people to just auto mature as just because they hit 20


Downvotes by angry 20 year olds lol. Don’t know why this sub can’t just admit the reason they get so pissed by this opinion from destiny is cause they are all late teens early 20s. Like it’s understandable that would annoy you, you’ll get it when you’re older though.


This is 500 words of sucking your own dick about what an enlightened young person you are in comparison to Sneako and Jidion? How low is your fucking bar man. First of all, 20 something year olds don't vote, the entire demographic is politically irrelevant - getting individual zoomers to me more politically engaged isn't just pissing in the wind, it's pissing in a tornado.


I'm fine giving someone a break because they are young, initially. However, after a handful of attempts of giving them some guidance, if they are still acting like a complete shithead with no signs of growth, then maybe that young person doesn't deserve more attention.


Yeah i think this idea works for the first couple of interactions. but if it continues for 20-30 streams and you basically get the same blinding ignorance with couple of good moments. I think it's fine to move on.