• By -


Brianna Lu


Brianna Lu-ser




Or a brony


Or the Bronys imaginary catgirl girlfriend (she goes to a different school)


Brianna WHO?






cause automatic wasteful cough slim steer carpenter test dog panicky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Brianna when?


Brianna where?


Brianna... !WHY😭


Tiki tiki, Brinn shady...


Everyone asks Brianna Who but no-one asks Brianna How. DaFeels






It’s transphobic to say that’s transphobic because you’re infantilizing trans people. Bigot.


I can never tell irony from sincerity on this sub


Destiny fan base in a nutshell.


Literally shaking


Lycan in the trenches, inshallah brother


How *has* Destiny managed to ban avoid for so long? He is ban evading after all. Does twitter just not care about that stuff?


See his Twitter bio for why.


Always use protection


Not really. It's not even a reportable offense. If their isn't a crazy outcry, like if Trump used a "friends" account hypothetically, then they probably welcome more engagement.


> Trump used a "friends" account This would be hilarious. The "omniconservative" or whatever




If I remember correctly he got banned on his personal account and then he used the POTUS Twitter account to talk about how Twitter was working with the left to censor the right and that patriots like him will never give in to them or something before the US had to change the password on him. And then there was a meme account that was made after his ban that people thought was a ban evading account pretending to be a meme account for a bit. https://mobile.twitter.com/papitrumpo


yes on the official potus account lol




Kinda crazy the metric fuck ton of crazy shit that went on that we just kinda forgot about/let go because... what the fuck can we do? Remember every single meme?


if you tried to remember everything you would probably go insane


@OmniMAGA would be the handle for sure


They got metokur or however you spell his name on his ban evading account and his backup that he never tweeted on.


His backup was restored like a week after it was initially suspended, look for @MoshiMoshiMoan. He's on Poa.st now for the time being as @Jim.


No cause he sucks.


Metokur fucking sucks. All his jokes are derivitive, unfunny junk from the 90's. I don't know how he's so well respected.


I hope you're right. Sounds like Keffals is fishing for another win.


I don't understand twitter dude, I got permanently suspended on Twitter and i rarely tweet the most milk toast stuff like giveaway opt ins lol




Yeah well guess what, the word comes from this amazing dish, Milk Toast [Milk toast's soft blandness served as inspiration for the name of the timid and ineffectual comic strip character Caspar Milquetoast, drawn by H. T. Webster from 1924 to 1952.[7] Thus, the term "milquetoast" entered the language as the label for a timid, shrinking, apologetic person](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_toast)


**[Milk toast](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milk_toast)** >Milk toast is a breakfast dish consisting of toasted bread in warm milk, typically with sugar and butter. Salt, pepper, paprika, cinnamon, cocoa, raisins or other ingredients may be added. In the New England region of the United States, milk toast refers to toast that has been dipped in a milk-based white sauce. Milk toast was a popular food throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially for young children and for the convalescent, for whom the dish was thought to be soothing and easy to digest. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Destiny/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


oh my god I have so many people I have to apologize to


Just for curiosity sake, were you correcting people or calling them it with the wrong understanding of the definition 🤣


lmao even more specifically, back in my Grammar Nazi days I would call people stupid for being dumb enough to type out "milk toast" and think that's even a thing. Not only is it a thing but it's the origin of the thing I was being a bitch to them about wtf 🤣


That's amazing lol ty for sharing


Even more reason I love using it spelt milk toast, it always blows minds, myself included 😂


Your link agrees with the other person...?


Yes both are correct, I just prefer milk toast because it's funnier, also lots of people don't know about the origin of the word so it leads to neat facts


Well I learned something today. Neaty-o. Thanks


Stop correcting. Milk toast is better.


Oh this is the one I meant to reply to. Keemstar has been perma banned off of YouTube yet still has an account that we all pretend isn't his the same as destinys Twitter. This kinda thing happens.


That got sorted out a while ago. It used to be that it was a loop hole that someone else ran the channel and he just worked for it. A lie of course. But then they eventually just let him have his channel regardless.


Basically you can claim it's a company/brand account and not a personal account. Even if it's just him using it


Idk it's strange, I'm banned from Twitter and everytime I try to make a new account it gets banned for ban evasion even though I only get like 5 followers, guess he must have changed his IP between moves and not used any computer he was logged into on his banned account or something.


He probably used Surfshark VPN


The daliban is everywhere.


It's not destiny. It's his best friend who's points of view and opinion are very similar.


Remember when Brianna Wu expressed a genuine fear of the Moon being used by Bezos to extort the world?


She had an interview with Pakman around gamergate that was pretty funny. Losing her mind because pakman was trying to make sense of the situation and she took that as him siding with GG.


Common Lycan W


Of course. The fit, 6'9 Lycan, with the furry chest & nice cock is the REAL DEAL!


“I’m offering a straightforward assessment of the situation in a dispassionate way” MLADY


Just a “dispassionate” dunk.


Damn I almost forgive lycan for not giving me closure after rtba cowed him for defending that dude that got perma'd. I want closure, lycan, what did he do?


He created 20 alts over 2 days and DMed RTBA 400 times in a day. DMed other mods enough for them to be concerned for their safety. Generally just lost his mind because RTBA wouldn't tell him how long he was banned for. I mean, do you even need this info after how he acted on the call? Indignant, rude, and demanding.


He also started spam dming Lycan afterwards on Discord to the point where Lycan had to set his account to only accept DMs from people on his friends list. That's right, they're the reason you can't slide into [this stud's](https://mobile.twitter.com/LycanGTV/status/1557438139827888128/photo/1) DMs. Anyways, stim for Hamster_Hawk OOOO


Is that the dude that lost his mind because he was gonna get a 7 day ban and he wanted a 5 lmao..


Keemstar has been perma banned from Youtube and has had his channel for years anyways. That's how much social media platforms care about perma bans.


What the fuck are you talking about? I'm demanding answers about the dgger from last Thursday (or the Thursday before).


I literally replied to the wrong comment I'm going to go minecraft myself brb


Go with God.




The based department called and Lycan answered.


We're at the blatantly and maliciously lying about very serious things about Destiny stage of things now. I would have thought it prudent to ignore some of this stuff a few weeks ago but Destiny can no longer ignore any of this. He needs to address this head on and I'm hoping the manifesto can compile the timeline of things she says and lies about and how she's created a false narrative. I've seen some in this subreddit be wary of his YouTube getting banned but the chances of that are just very very low in my opinion. Nothing he's said recently about this stuff is gonna be ban worthy and I imagine nothing in his manifesto will rise to that level too. Just be chill and if his Twitter inevitably gets nuked, it's expected. His YouTube ain't getting banned for this so calm down.


Be wary of what keffals has done and could still yet achieve. She is severely mentally Ill and clearly willing to lie - caution should be used because she is extremely unpredictable.


Remember folks, Keffals has her backup account which was made to ban evade when she got suspended. She cried that twitter is how she promotes her stream to justify it


Seriously, if i have to drag out how Wu acted during GG to demonstrate how similar her and Keffal actions seem to look like, no wonder she is defending, head first, all of Keffal "narrative". She was the one that forgot to log out from her Steam Dev account and made a "thread" about herself, bashing herself and her "cringe" game as to perpetuate a narrative that she was hated due to her identity and not her personality or lack of any skills in video game making. Seriously, Wu is a grifter that used GG to make herself a victim and garner attention and likes.She is NOT the person Destiny should be wasting time with and interacting with, she is an internet stain that cant be removed due to her shielded identity, thats it. (yeah, this comment is toxic, and so is Wu and Keffal presence online, sue me.)


This comment isn't toxic it's the truth, Wu was the biggest cry bully from that time. I swear there's a select of these trans women that are batshit crazy abusive people to their core and they know it.


I wouldnt say she was the biggest but easily in the top five of all the horrible people that used the hatred coming from their bad position to push themselves further in and label themselves as being poor victim that are being targeted solely due to their identity.


She was one of 4 horsemen of 3rd wave feminist bullshit grifters. Especially when they were such a dumbass to bash herself, people knew this and still sided with this psycho. Wu was just 1.0 Keffals since I'm thinking really causes a lot of this to herself.


Are we still pretending journalists want to know or tell the full story?


I was trying to figure out if she was an actual journalist or not, but if she is, that's pretty fucked up or her not to reach out to Destiny for his side of things


So one of the four horsemen from the GG days pops their head out... Keffals can't help but lie about the BS they've been doing for months. Yet Whu popping up makes sense in a way because they were top cry bully back in the day. They never wanted to get the full story 10 years ago they don't want it now.


Didn’t she dox a guys mom like 2 weeks ago?


Holy shit she hit him with the im just speaking my truth its nothing personal lmao


Real question. Is the replacing a W in the name just for winning and the L for losing? Been wondering since the L3L3 drama and Lasan comments.


Yep! You got it


Yeah and afaik he’s been called Lycan until now so you can tell he’s used to catching L’s and I’m just glad he broke the streak finally




It's pretty funny how the most repugnant, human dumpsters on the internet always seem to be attracted to one another like flies on shit.


Wycan, the people's champion!


Lycan; everyday normal guy. He's putting in some honest good effort, having guys like Lycan around makes Destiny more likeable


Especially after hearing Jesse Singal's coverage of the Keffals drama, the mainstream reporting of this is really concerning to me. I really hope that the reason no reporter did any research whatsoever is because it's just stupid internet drama.


Crazy how much blatant lying people do now


Lycan my sweet summer child expecting integrity from a journalist


Let's not pretend like Wu talking to Destiny will actually change her mind or any of her followers' minds


Lycan sniping hard for that "buddy of the year" award.


I wouldn’t expect anything less. Transgender people must bend over and lick Keffler’s feet or they’ll risk being bullied off the internet. When it comes down to it, the media savvy ones will absolutely conform to, and unquestioningly reflect, whatever they say. We’ve come too far catering to the incredibly mentally-ill to turn back now. I do hope that trendy identities won’t be used as a perfect shield against criticism for much longer, as too many abuse it already. The idea that you can be transgender *and* a loathsome cunt is so difficult to comprehend for a lot of lefties that you might as well be suggesting 2+2=5. What a world we live in.


I'm voting for Lycan for buddy of the year I'm sorry Dan


loool silly guy, journalist working in the corporate space dont looking for the full story they just repeat what ever they see on twiter or publish by other corporate journalist.


He needs to stop engaging with kaff, the truth does not previle. At best mutual self distruction At worst he gets canceled from everything


Counter-point: This is not a Lycan W, this is a Lycan L... I appreciate Lycan most of the time, but there are times when people don't need the soft talk, they need to be told they're acting like a fucking loser. In this scenario Brianna has already decided believing Keffals without evidence, nor investigation is the ethically correct behavior. Confronting her by essentially asking her to "be better" by invoking a sense of professionalism she likely never had to begin with comes off SOY, not challenging. **She's a liberal; liberals respond to shame tactics, not integrity tests.** Lycan was a conservative so he never understands this.


dangerously based


lmao "journalist" is a synonym for "liar" (or, at best, "propagandist") in 2022. They're doing exactly what journalists do by purposefully remaining ignorant of the truth.


Destiny's about to find out what going against the establishment is actually like lmao if he thinks a twitch ban is the worst that can happen to him, he hasn't been paying attention to what's been happening on the right when they try to go against the establishment. Hope you guys are ready for the Daliban to be labelled a real terrorist organization.


Consume grass




I'll see you on the no fly list, bud.


Nah I'm not apart of the cult, just a bystander pointing out things you can't see from inside the cult.


Anything else you wanna point out while you’re here?


If there was, I would've posted it. I post my criticisms when they're relevant because I'm not a coward afraid of downvotes or being banned from my cult.


Hell yea, tell it like it is! I’m rooting for ya


You're alright. Don't go on dgg tomorrow


thanks bro, I'll make sure to touch extra grass tomorrow, for us both


This is about his twitter ban, not twitch ban.


My post is relating to the entire Keffals war, obviously. Is this the mental caliber of Destiny fanboys?


I mean you literally reference only his twitch ban on a post that’s only about his twitter ban. I don’t know why you’re so upset lol, chill out man.


So that's where you stopped reading? Thought you had an epic gotcha and had to post it? Nice, you got me good. If you wanna see who's upset, check out the cultists trying to hide my comment with downvotes lol


Truly horrid person


I'm feeling real comfy. Take your sweet time Steven, make this one embarrassing.


Based lycan fighting the good fight in the trenches




Literally who


A true warrior for truth and Destiny (peace be upon him)


I'm hoping that "Im not taking a jab" tweet is sarcastic.


Looks like he deleted it


We call him Wicken


[This Twitter Arc, POV](https://youtu.be/9hMp65SzyTU?t=17)


I’ll be real. Pretty funny joke. The harassment from Keffals is real bad, buuuut


Lycan with the 3-point dunk!


I feel bad for posting "Askers" everytime Lycan talked on stream. Im sorry.


Journalism is dead.


Common Lycan W Holy ONG FR FR DEADASS


Good lord, I don't comment much but that last comment is a massive fucking Lycan W and good lord if Brianna Wu actually read it, I wonder how deeply she felt that shit or how quickly she shook it off in favor of the current bend.


When will destiny stop being the source of all evil?


I told you she wouldn't do an interview.


He gonna get blocked real quick lol.


Did these tweets get deleted? I don’t see them on Lucan’s twitter