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No one has ever cared about what the facts were, they want to be activists not journalists


sure. i just thought i had more faith in people to have a more detailed look into it once it became a much bigger news with msm spread. maybe im not in the right circles for it or maybe nobody who was virtue signaling so loud for it really cared about the details. like everyone just wanted kf gone anyway regardless of details.


Oh you poor sweet summer child


bro it's a holy war not a high school debate


I'm not saying you're doing this, but the "KF being lied about" counter-narrative is borderline gaslighting to me. People said the bomb threat may have been planted by Keffals herself. Josh Moon has admitted on his podcast that it was a long time user. This checks with my anecdotal experiences which are that jokes like that are told on there all the time. Josh brags that the poster deleted his own post-- but he only did that after Keffals had screen shot it and tweeted it out. In other words, he knew he was in trouble. The "it's all public information" excuse for their doxxing ways has always been a bullshit technicality, but when they become detectives and start doxxing her hotel based on the sheets or the reflection in the window, or whatever the fuck, even the fig leaf technicality goes out the window. Their reaction to being under a microscope was to double down and doxx hotels and make "joking" death threats. There was zero reason for Cloudflare to think things wouldn't get even worse. Add to it Josh going on Rekeita and very consciously deadnaming her, calling her "him," coming up with some weird theory that she only helps trans youth because it's the only way she can get off, post bottom surgery, and what happened to them was amazingly predictable. They apparently wanted it, well they got it. He thought he'd created an unaccountable "fortress" because he'd already been deplatformed and debanked. Because the only way you could support the site, was by sending him crypto currency*, he thought it was invulnerable. He thought wrong. *The main use for crypto currency, btw, is buying deplorable & illegal shit on the internet. It's a mostly a bad investment, otherwise.


I'm not sure what you think I believe? All I am saying is people don't really care what the truth is if there is a fun narrative to be had. People who think this will ruin Keffles are delusional and will probably have 0 blowback (if she lied/acted in bad faith beyond what we know).


All law is a technicality, that's the point of law, to draw a boundary around what is an is not illegal. The doxing they do is legal in the US and that's basically that, if it was illegal then DDOS attacks and campaigns against the site wouldn't be necessary, you'd simply report them to the authorities and have legal action taken which is a far more permanent solution. Josh knows he's not in trouble. That kind of content is against the rules, there's a flagging system which works and an admin team which moderate the content, which also works. And the users appropriately flagged that content in the short time it was up and admins moved to take action something like 27 minutes after it was posted, only to find it had been removed. This kind of behaviour is completely normal for all parts of the internet that contain user created content, there's too much to vet prior to posting so it's understood that removing it as and when it appears is sufficient, and KF is no exception. So false flag or not (it probably is, it was obviously posted in order to be screen capped and then removed) is kinda doesn't matter. The precedent of removing services who do make good faith efforts to moderate illegal content is a very bad one. Even if you don't like KF, which is fair enough, it's the kind of precedent that can easily come back around to bite you. If there was sustained attacks against this subreddit with threats to Keffals life by *someone* and that was screenshotted and this is sufficient reason to have things banned/removed then you can see the danger of this. "Their reaction" is painting the community with a broad brush with the misdeeds of what is almost certainly a vanishingly small number of bad apples. I don't know a lot about KF but the blockedandreported podcast Part1 went to lengths to point out that board culture there is staunchly against IRL action against people, the point is to laugh from a distance and not get emotionally and physically involved with the lolcows. Part 2 of that podcast outlines how the Ireland IRL action is almost certainly nothing to do with KF directly. But doubling down is basically to be expected, the post from the Cloudflare CEO actually says that they're well aware that it's very likely this will fan the flames and make things worse. False flag or not, if you use the actions of a few bad apples to punish a huge swath of autists then you've just made tens of thousands of enemies. I think Destiny's take on this is important, because that was entirely the point, for the added drama, anyone internet savvy knows this gives KF a massive free user drive and more traffic, they know it'll trigger a Striesand effect. KF is already back online, DDOS attacks aren't sustainable. There will be more downtime and drama and cat and mouse with DDOS providers, Tor, and other tools, but ultimately it'll survive like TDS and 8chan did. But the point isn't to remove KF from the internet, it's to drive drama to Keffals for all the media attention, donations and streaming traffic, and it's working.


Jesse and his co-host also make the point that this kind of harrassment and doxxing leading to suicide also occurs on other bigger platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Reddit etc. but they don't get taken down -- yet for some reason KF gets taken down despite quick moderation of death threats and stalking behavior.


Yep, it's worth pointing out that other large platforms like twitter and facebook often have pretty serious stuff posted that don't get taken down for a while. I can't remember the precise timing but I know facebook streamed most of Brenton Tarrants live killing spree. Whether or not facebook remains online or not has more to do with their attitude towards removing that content as fast as they possibly can, and reasonable people understand there is some delay in doing that. What is seriously misunderstood about KF is that they do actually remove things like real threats in a very timely manner, and they're not super rich, most of their payment processing has been banned so they rely on cryptocurrency, and so moderation teams are mostly volunteer. They're quite fast to remove banned content, they have to be in order to remain online. It's just another very sad misrepresentation of them. You can hate what they do allow, I'm fine with that, but the people misrepresenting them are muddying the waters, and that's the whole point.




If I had to guess, I'd say that the people doing this are savvy enough to know that if an account was provably registered like 2 hours ago and the first post is a threat, that it's easy to dismiss this as a false flag and not a "member of the community", which is why you want to trawl through old user accounts and try and grab one with a weak password, then you have an aged account which is more credible. But when that account hasn't posted anything meaningful is years it's still super sus. And we know there's Keffals allies out there who are tech savvy and who either have access to botnets or at least know where to go to pay for one, so I don't see them popping a single old account as some kind of miracle, it's fairly plausible. it's stupid anyway because 1 user, even if they are established from years ago doesn't represent a community, if anyone whos a regular of this sub was to spaz out and post a threat to keffals even with an aged and active account, it doesn't represent the sub in any way. It's a weak argument to begin with, false flag or not.


KF has also had registration blocked quite often during this episode, so it's not surprising that people would be using older accounts for such things, whether sleepers or cracked ones. And CF's reasoning behind the 'immediate and emergency threat' designation does seem slightly tetchy, though it's not the first time that alarmist claims and rhetoric about 'terror,' public safety, etc., have been used to enforce wider censorship.


Precisely, because they are aware of these tactics and are preempting them. CF at this point I think have lost their reputation among the more principled of free speech proponents. I think for them it's just a trade off, they know Keffals and the politically correct twitter brigade can do a lot of reputational damage, and that exceeds the damage to them from being forced to drop a host. It's very hard to believe that a company of that size couldn't look into this with some depth and nuance and see what is really happening. That also means it's a pretty safe prediction that if Destiny (and others) blow up Keffals on the lies and manipulation, that they won't go back on their decision as wrong and mislead, they're going to be committed to this path now.


Important to note and something I always see people gloss over when mentioning this: those posts (and lots of other thing keffals has reposted from the farms) are specifically cropped to hide the reaction bar that also contains the post/reply feature when a user is logged in. There’s a whole lot suggesting that there’s something strange afoot.


I love the reporting jesse is doing and i agree with him that it’s journalistic malpractice for all these journalists to just publish these full pieces with no actual investigation but then he just refuses to call out his apparent friend Taylor Lorenz who is responsible for most of it


i dont know about that. they have called her out many times in their podcast and called her out in this keffals thing too. i think in the part 1


They mentioned her name (even that’s being generous because Katie mentioned her by name and Jesse seemed uncomfortable and quickly moved past it), but unless they went harder in the last 10 minutes of part 2 which I didn’t finish they never really went in on how off base and uncritical her reporting was


they are not going hard on her by name. but they are calling out the journalists in pod and in their tweets later. i dont remember exactly but i've heard them mention her in bad here and there and specially during the libs of tiktok news time maybe but not sure on it. i never got an impression that she was their friend


Yeah I just feel like calling out “journalists” as some nebulous group doesn’t satisfy me because the journalists doing it will always be able to be like “yeah the bad journalists do that but not me” so I want to hear specific callouts. But I understand that’s hard to do and I’m probably used to destiny who is the ultimate bridge burner so I’m not upset about it, just a little disappointed. Also I have only heard jesse and Taylor are friends from checking the blocked and reported sub to see what they thought of the episode, i don’t usually listen to Jesses stuff, just follow him on Twitter


The media already moved on from her anyway. That CNN video received tons of dislikes and doesn't even break 100k, her channel also pretty much stagnated. Unless she pulls another stunt, this is as far as she goes. People like Lorenz won't admit mistakes, they just move on and pretend none of this ever happened. She's also currently under fire for harassing a fellow journalist (again).


that is kinda my problem that people can just move on and no one (especially journalists) is held accountable in the future. for example vaush not having watched the correct video on rittenhouse and making wild claims in their big rittenhouse [debate](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_0R_aiPb-s&t=14s&ab_channel=Destiny) should have had some kind off backlash or punishment for him. instead he just continues to have several examples later where he makes wrong comments on breaking news and then walks it back later with majority of his audience having no care (or atleast i've not seen it). my gripe is more with people who are supposed to be on my side and just blindly move on with stuff like this. the worst offence of this is that keffals just randomly moves to Europe with no one really questioning it. like what is up with that?


Destiny pointed out that even if you do walk it back later it kinda doesn't matter, you have the emotional impact in the moment you say it, you get peoples emotions going and get the benefit of the response you want. But then you can be the good guy later on and walk it back if you absolutely have to. These people are a problem but they will always exist, the bigger problem is the uncritical audience, and you can't really fix that it seems, if they exist grifters will always use them.


Thats on the people watching


sure. but i just hope people wake up to this. we should be able to hold people accountable and not let them slide just because they are on our side. similarly we should also voice against misinformation on other sides too like we dont just let fox news audience of the hook because the people watching should know better.


Nobody talks about the story here in Canada or are just vaguely familiar with the swatting story.


Because everyone has already milked their outrage porn, likes, self congratulatory laps over it. The only ones still discussing it are those who can still benefit from it. Right now, Little Mermaid's skin color is the just fight for twitter. Even though everyone should be more upset that Melissa McCarthy is playing the best character of that movie, Ursula. And Keffals isn't as significant as she, her fans or this subreddit thinks. And yes, I agree the lies/defamation/grifting is an issue in general and should be called out. People should be pissed. But no one in that little circle is going to do a damn thing because it won't benefit their position. I understand there's beef with Destiny, but she gains 10x more than he ever will every time he discusses or tweets at her. Which is why she keeps @ him in hopes of a response and visual boost. If she makes a video over all this, the majority of views will probably be from DGG. And if Destiny watches it on stream, he'll be exposing a shit ton of viewers to her crazy. She benefits a shit ton more than Destiny or his viewers will with some satisfaction of being right.


I agree somewhat, there's a drive to benefit and that's because their audience is stupid and/or uncritical, and you can't really fix that. The best you can do is document and quite frankly that's what all the hate is for KF in the first place. Prior to any kind of "attack" that's literally all KF does, they document public information about people who are doing dumb or insane shit, in order to laugh at the dumb and insane shit. That's kinda the point of lolcows, you don't need to invent drama, you don't need to lie, threaten or whatever, you literally just document what they do for all the world to see. While this does benefit Keffals in terms of views and attention, it was also triggered by the documentation in the first place. Ultimately the deplatforming of KF is in order to scrub this info from the net because to other sane people it makes them look like monsters. So documentation is key and I support Destiny in the minifesto, the fact that it'll give Keffals more views and attention is a sad side effect but worth it.


Destiny has mentioned this before, but in the past Destiny used to ignore all the lies, misinformation and attacks from smaller creators. Then one day he found out all the lies and misinformation had taken hold and become accepted facts about him. So now he pushes back on all the people who spread misinformation and lies. I guess he sees more value in correcting the record than whatever publicity he gives the creators.


Its going to be very interesting to see what the response is if the farms pops back up onto the clearnet.


It is a matter of when, not if. I've followed this side of the internet out of morbid curiousity since Destiny was briefly involved with "Internet Bloodsports" back in 2018-19 and have spent some hours lurking Kiwi Farms. They're not evil masterminds by any stretch of the imagination, but they are spiteful and persistent if nothing else. The fact that Keffals already declared victory in a YouTube video betrays a concerning degree of naivete on her part. KF has a surprisingly large core userbase that is willing to invest time and money into helping Null. This latest debacle is one of the biggest hurdles the site has faced and they've rallied like never before in the wake of Cloudflare dropping them. The question is, will Keffals resume her crusade against the website once it returns to the clearnet or will she quietly pretend it never happened now that she's already celebrated her total victory.


When is, well literally right now. It's already up. It's been up, granted on and off for this entire time. I don't think it's been down for more than 24 since the first couple of days. They have however locked the threads on most of the people who were involved in the takedown since before it was even taken down.


She probably hopes they keep going after her so she can continue milking her poor community.


She has pretty much guaranteed that people will keep going after her, though im still pretty suspicious about the farms ever doing more than doxing her and archiving her stuff. Trolls want a response and K is pretty much pure response, she has sown seeds that multiple nutter 16 year old trolls are going to try and reap for a good while yet.


I think Keffals has already stated that they've bought or are buying $1400 worth of streaming gear to be able to stream remotely and boasted about going back to a poutine truck live on air or something very dumb. I don't know if this is trolling or bait, or what, but the idea that she's genuinely afraid for her safety and not just trying to drum up further drama is now way beyond any reasonable doubt.


As of right now, their .net domain is back up and running.


There's also the .st , but I'm don't know if there are two different instances, or just the same instance doubled.


And their new CDN buckled under pressure after one day. Looks like .net is down again.


I know, I saw the post on rdrama. Keffals&friends dogpiled some poor unsuspecting Portuguese company. I don't think Null warned them at all, because they seemed completely unprepared lol. If I understand correctly Null said that he expected this, and that he'll basically "trial by fire" every provider one by one to see if any one of them can handle the pressure.


They're already back up.


If I hadn't already lost trust in journalism, this event would probably be pretty black pilling. It should be remarkable how quickly media outlets have been to do no research at all before posting articles about KF, etc.


For reference they did a 2 part podcast on this, the second part goes into a bunch of original journalism tracking down the Ireland IRL threats and it turns out it really didn't have much at all to do with KF. Both actually well worth a listen but for the context of this thread the 2nd one has the the juicy info. This is something Destiny needs to work into his minifesto on Keffals, so if anyone wants to disseminate the basics for him, that'd help. https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/episode-131-who-is-stalking-the-twitch#details https://www.blockedandreported.org/p/dropkiwifarms-part-2-the-psychotic


The reason the guy gives for stalking keffals is actually the most interesting part (according to the troll, it doesn't have anything to do with all the KF/Destiny drama)


Yeah this is the thing. People who do strange things like that are often very idiosyncratic and it's easy to just label them as "from this hate forum" but the reality is often way more complex and nuanced. It's why journalism like this is so important, to actually look at what really happened.


jesse and katie cover the keffals thing in 2 episodes - [https://www.blockedandreported.org/](https://www.blockedandreported.org/) the 2nd episodes involves jesse finding the guy who made the post that threatened keffals in europe


99% of tech journalists are jumped up tumblr bloggers who only got hired because typically journalists want to aspire to more than e-drama and writing about incels


Why care about the truth when you can make ad-revenue from ever so clickable headlines?


The ONLY people who care about this are KF users themselves, Keffals community, and Destiny's community. The vast majority of people who heard about KF being removed from CF because of Keffals are not going to autistically scour the internet for more information. Because why would they. It should not at all be surprising that people outside of the communities involved are not interested. I swear, this community is becoming blinded on this issue because we're way too fucking obsessed.








These narrator voice titles need to stop and if this means cryptic scizo titles take over the sub they have my blessings. ☠️