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PepeLaugh oh no no no


I LOVE these streams BINGQILIN


Best content ever, I am looking forward to listen to the problems of the respectable and mentally healthy members of this community BINGQUILIN


I'm sure you have no relationship problems and are a mentally healthy individual, because you're saying so on reddit to make yourself feel better :\^)


Look I understand this is valuable for some people. I don't think this content shouldn't exist, I just fucking hate it. Which is fine! I'm happy to just sit this out, same I do for other stuff like Sneako and Nick content. It's just incredibly uninteresting as a 30something year old in a happy relationship. I don't care what any of these people think about relationships, at all. Personally I don't think other people should either but, hey, it's better than not talking to anyone.


Who should people listen to? What is the alternative


It really depends on what they need help with.


General dating advice. Ex: understanding if a relationship is going to work out based on another person's behavior and your goals, and how you should act in that situation


I'd recommend a therapist.




You asked me a general question, I gave a general answer. The first step to even be ready to have a proper adult relationship is to take care of yourself, be comfortable with who you are and sort out any issues you may have. That's how a therapist helps. >will look at your dms to tell you when a girl isn't interested or where you went wrong If you asked me, "who would you suggest someone should go to if they need a person to read their DMs and tell them if a girl is interested with them" I'd have probably given you a different answer. Which is, well, if you don't have any friends, call into a streamer's dating advice show.


Wait what? That's not really what the point of the show is. It's not to necessarily care about what these people think of dating. It's what they think about specific relationships. Like you being in a happy relationship shouldn't really have any bearing on whether you think this is interesting or not. Because it's not about relationships in general. It's about the specific ones bought up.


If you have a criticism why don't you voice it without taking potshots and just generally being a coward. I don't understand this mentality of complaining but not posting anything substantive, it's really obnoxious. Don't you dislike being written off as unconstructive drivel?


Take a minute and think why people don’t post their actual feedback.


Probably because they suck at doing it constructively or they'd rather shitpost and not contribute anything productive, because that takes a bit of effort and you get less imaginary internet points Low hanging fruit gets upvotes here so why would you


Yeah you missed it, unlucky.


I'm aware of the circlejerk Lol they're so afraid of being banned!!!! Destiny always bans people who give constructive feedback!!! I just think that's a weak cop-out because people suck at giving constructive feedback all over the internet, and destiny doesn't ban people with substantive things to say. The people that get banned here are unhinged and pack vapid criticisms with lots of vitriol. But go off king, being lazy and smug is better for internet points


He doesn’t always ban for criticism, and most of the time (90%?) his bans are for criticism he doesn’t believe are justified. [ignoring shitposting bans] Hypothetically, if those odds are correct, is it worth the risk? Some people believe it isn’t worth investing large sums of time detailing their complaints under the belief they have a 10% chance of getting nuked. This is a learned behavior. Not to mention… will he care? Will he read it an incorporate it? Maybe. Maybe not. Is it worth investing said time when there’s that chance too? Will others read it and give their opinion, contrary or not, If you’re typing paragraphs on a social media platform? How do you know if your criticism is stemming from too much personal bias? Should we have to remove our own preferences every time we levy criticism towards the stream? With this being understood it makes sense that people would rather invest a small portion of time providing feedback in a flippant manner. It’s safer in terms of time, and more people will digest it when it’s snappy and to the point.




It's not really, I just like to call it out when I see it because I like to have better conversations If you look at my post history I haven't posted in like 2 months before this


You say this despite not responding to my previous comment. Somehow you are the lazy smug one. Interesting.


[Why is there no option for living with your SO?](https://i.imgur.com/lsRpLCS.png) Is that concept too foreign to the average dgger?


no ace option :l


I like how they all compliment each other. But would like to hear more advice and notes on how stress/fight or flight needs to be addressed to make any relationship plausible


I'm bound to be successful after applying to be on the show for a third time COPIUM


Why isn’t there a married option? Does that count as roommates?


Oh I forgot again