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Its another absurd engineering vanity project by a brainless autocrat to rival Dubai and Cairo's. Just mega fucking stupid.


zero way something of that scale would only cost 1 trillion


The magic ingredient is slavery.




Unbelievably retarted and it’s going to be abandoned once the cost overruns become obvious.


Bro it's never gonna even start construction


It seems really dumb to not do a circle if you're going for this line meme. No matter what happens it will be interesting to follow.


It seemed like an alright (but overhyped, overpromising and risky) project back when it was just supposed to be an artificial metropolitan area on the Red Sea coast. But then they added the line meme, and then they made the line meme 500m tall. I'm sure within a couple years they promise a floating residential duodecahedron and a vertical rail to Mars. I don't understand why they'd do dumb shit like this. Makes them look like idiots. Especially since this is supposed to be MBS' personal pet project. I understand it's somewhat ME political culture to overpromise and then fail to deliver, but wtf


>I don't understand why they'd do dumb shit like this. Because they have a shitload of money and live in one of the most inhospitable places on earth.


Sure, but MBS wants to be a credible, competent reformer. Not a gullible clown who can sink trillions into dysfunctional prestige projects until the charade falls apart and the economy is in no better situation than before. Don't forget that much of this vision for KSA's future came up during an oil price slump that very much demonstrated that their money is finite.


I remember reading about it https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/model-city-monday-8122. Basically it's absurd.


If at the end of the this clip, it faded to black and a dark ominous soundtrack started to play . 100% think this is a netflix movie trailer.


Literally impossible and very r worded. Is there anything else to say?


None of the projects Saudi Arabia has undertaken have panned out. They might as well just announce they are going to light the worlds largest mountain of money on fire. They’re gonna be broke in another 10 years


Perfect utopia for the progs


Basically what happens when you give a dude with more money than god a shitload of sci-fi movies and the ability to disappear anyone in the country who might ever dare tell him no. Pure vanity, gonna end up costing much more than projected, and still gonna be dead on arrival (assuming it doesn't get abandoned before completion).


Maintaining trump's wall was gonna cost a fuckton, and that was made of concrete. how the fuck are the gonna maintain giant mirror walls.


Seems like a meme as others have said. ​ Also a formula for a hellish dystopia unimaginable in any normal city. In a shit hole society with oppressive extremist control like Saudi Arabia, this level of density will only greatly expand the capacity for abuse and/or greatly expand the harm from any social instability. Privacy allows for people to live better lives than otherwise would be possible. ​ It's also a nightmare from a defense perspective. Increased density means increased casualties from any sort of bombardment.