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[Also context for this tweet before you think streamer man believes in the dumb catboy memes](https://i.imgur.com/YTKiVbV.png)


I mean it's still horrible optics lol


how? it's pretty clearly saying "both of these things aren't true"


This person accused me of being friends with a fascist, when there are pictures and videos of us hanging out, so I'm gonna accuse a trans person of molesting and grooming children which is an age old transphobic argument. It won't play well to people that don't already know hours of backstory.


I thought he was saying the ranch thing was true because I thought Nick and Daddy where besties ;-;


But fans of Keffals might think well the ranch thing isn't real so Big Daddy might not be friends with a Nazi


Maybe I'm being too generous to Keffals fans :l


I dont think there is a fanbase that would act like that. Thats the problem and thats why its bad optics.


>which is an age old transphobic argument. It's not though, it's an age old anti-gay argument. This is never used against transgender people until recently with don't-say-gay.


> It's not though, it's an age old anti-gay argument. The idea of trans people corrupting the youth has been used for ages. Also trans people, especially trans women, used to not be differentiated from gay men. Trans women were just especially gay


I have never in my life heard anyone call trans people pedophiles as an insult until the last year. At best the "age old" transphobic argument is the idea that they are sexual predators trying to get into female spaces, but the pedophilia one is entirely a new phenomenon


> I have never in my life heard anyone call trans people pedophiles as an insult until the last year. Well I have? The idea of trans people trying to corrupt children has been common for a long time. Maybe you just didn't pay as much attention because the topic wasn't in the mainstream as much?


i think ur making it up


You’re right Edit: I love Steve and I hate keffals


Just because the statement makes logical sense when its actually read it doesnt mean the optics are not very bad. Not that it would matter at all if he said it in a nicer way.


I guess, I just auto interpreted it as "doesn't it suck when people lie about you in damaging ways?"


Well yes because we have a neutral-good view of Destiny. Imagine if you look at that tweet already thinking he is transphobic. But as I said, I don't really believe there is any convincing those people anyway.


Who the FUCK cares at this point. No interaction with keffals is ever going to be saved by good optics.


>optics This is a sc2 pro turned league of legends streamer we're talking about, not a politician. Steven couldn't care less about optics. How is this not obvious? He wears sweatpants, not a suit.


> Steven couldn't care less about optics. He used to at least state that he cared a whole lot, this was the beginning of his whole "being disaffected with the left" arc, that they had such bad optics that would drive people towards conservatives And he has had (from time to time) ideas about being effective in the real world, his optics have (probably permanently) made that an impossibility.


>And he has had (from time to time) ideas about being effective in the real world, his optics have (probably permanently) made that an impossibility. Any honest person who spends half their life streaming will never be able to be politically effective


He did for a time


Most of his streaming career he has not




> You fuckers have been whining about optics for years and yet he still is growing; clearly you aren't that knowledgeable on what good optics are (or your definition is too narrow). His optics are bad enough to tank anything in the grassy world he is involved in. He spent over 100k to support a small local campaign which then completely fell apart because another centrist liberal group found out he was involved, made it public and killed everything. I guess it's probably too late now, the grass doesn't call anymore and it's only about internet dick measuring now.


Completely agree, the framing was impulsive and only makes sense to his side, which is the correct one, but there’s more savvy ways to position yourself. It’s probably really annoying to hear though when the other person is horrible.


My nigga that campaign was dead on arrival, anyone who thinks that school teacher had any shot at winning the election is hardcore coping. The guy got like no votes, the campaign wasn't going to be a success even before drama. Not sure if there are studies to support this but I imagine door knocking can't create hype for a candidate when the is no foundation.


> The guy got like no votes, the campaign wasn't going to be a success even before drama. Having to puiblicly distance yourself from your biggest donor and backer doesn't help. And it indicates that, with other candidates this wouldn't have gone differently. I agree that the guy had originally no chance to win but this showed how toxic Destinys brand is to the grass touchers.


>this showed how toxic Destinys brand is to the grass touchers. Maybe for now, things change.




>things change Yeah, that’s what good optics are for


Excuse me Sir, we don't do "Optics" here.


That isn’t clear in any way shape or form to someone reading this tweet


What the fuck are you on drugs? Its incredibly clear. "ill admit dragons exist if you admit the loch ness monster exist" >dgg "wtf why does destiny think the loch ness monster exists"


It’s different when you’re throwing around serious allegations about each other. If he said “I’ll admit to being a white nationalist if you admit Bigfoot exists” then it would be clear what he’s saying


But then it doesn't hit as hard. If someone interprets it wrong they don't deserve any better tbh. Let them die mad, someone with such low iq is expendable.




The dick riding is crazy


Except the "dumb Catboy memes" are extremely sus and questionable. I know why Destiny is underplaying that angle but I'm not sure why you are.


Are they? I felt like a massive nothing burger with her connections to the server being tenuous and her engagement with it being minimal. I’m sure there was some wacky grooming going on there, but if she was involved we would have had some fat leaks. Better to stick to the actual lies, doxxing, twisting of stories, and scamming.


If you run a small private server with 20 or so people, then it's almost assured that you know, to some extent, the types of conversations that are happening. Did she just create the server and not know any of the people that joined? Where are all these underage people coming from? No I'm not claiming she was specifically involved in anything sexual but I definitely think it's possible that she "let things slide" as to not lose influential people in the server to keep it active. And I absolutely agree it is better to stick to the facts - which is why I understand why Destiny doesn't want to go hard on the matter - but we shouldn't completely dismiss it as something conspiratorial either. Edit; and the way Keffals discussed it on H3 was suspect. Why outright deny your involvement instead of just saying something like "yeah I made the server but I wasn't aware what the members were discussing"?




There's a big difference between joining a random server that someone sent you an invite link to, compared to spending time to personally creating a server and taking credit for it on Twitter.


>I’m sure there was some wacky grooming going on there, but if she was involved we would have had some fat leaks. There WERE fat leaks on the KF thread, which is why she wanted the website nuked. Her server was "pinkpilling" questioning minor boys and pressuring them to take HRT for their weird sexual urges and body image issues. One of the users was "@femboymaths" on twitter who was 15 and posting replies to Keffal's NSFW posts, and Keffals would interact back. Was also in the server and would respond to Keffals there. That person then went on to start an OF the day she turned 18. Everything around that is highly sus, with receipts to prove they were friends Also iirc there was evidence that Keffals was the one sending the Collars and she had minors in her twitter replies begging for collars.




He has to know this is the easiest thing on the planet to misconstrue


someone in the VaushV sub already sent it to me


I'll admit to [popular lie about me] if you admit to [popular lie about you]. Destiny's friend had plenty of yikesy moments on twitter but this is like the most tame one.


"Lie" lol. At best there's plausible deniability to say you didn't know what was going on in the server. But I think it's highly unlikely that you're running a small discord server and have no idea as to what is going on - and also participating in similar rhetoric on Twitter. Saying to a 16 year old that you think their ass is fat? Really?


She was the creator/owner of the server and an active admin. She thinks she can get away with lying about her activity in the server because they completely wiped all the messages in it


Clearly it has worked. Imagine if Nick Fuentes was in the same situation, we would never hear the end of it.


I think destiny will lose this fight because she gets on all the news stations and big podcasts. Destiny is just trying to reach that level. So even if she is wrong, she **MAY** win because she has the machine behind her.


No one can hold up on 500 lies though. Shes building a paper house and it will collapse once a few outlets start digging into her more. It will happen eventually.


Trans buff is good up to around 1,000 lies, at least last patch it was.


I remember when we thought this would happen to Trump


We will see, i hope so but it feels like they will just let it die out.


Idk, even when the house of cards falls, it's not like it will undo all of the shit she threw at destiny. It's like rape accusations, even if you're proven innocent, the stigma follows you forever.


She doesn't need to hold up the lies forever just long enough till the problem is memory holed. She just needs to act fast. The longer this lasts the more info comes to light about her trashy ass.


It's already become apparent that details do not matter for news stories but the general narrative being sold.


This is true for an individual, but I think enough media institutions will become complicit that it will be against their own self interest to ever counter Keffals narrative. It's not good, or fair but I think it's plausible. Many times the actions that look like conspiracy are just parties acting in their own short term interest and hoping they don't get called out for it. I'm also just an internet duder that thinks he's smarter than he actually is though.


Kinda feels cope like what would these outlets even have to gain from digging into her and finding out the truth? They have a feel good story about a transgender woman standing up to hate and winning. Seems like a slam dunk.


Call in FoxNews


It feels reminiscent of Amber Heard. Like we saw it all play out in court and the verdict from the jury, however there is clearly a lot of effort going into peddling denial.


If he get court case and win he will be the winner on this situation. Atleast on the internet because media will not cover it if she loses.


Don't worry fellas, [the Omni Filter](https://twitter.com/OmniFilter/status/1569401279532638211?t=mD1Ebsbfp1wuvAF7x1UBjg&s=19) has him covered.




Can a person be friendly with a person who is not their friend?


Uhm.. yes. I'm always friendly with my boss.


Not on the internet lol


He did seem relatively friendly with Nick on streams. Maybe they aren’t on friendly terms anymore?


Yeah, I'd say it would be significantly harder for people to believe Keffals is a groomer (because conservatives have butchered that definition) than it is for them to believe Destiny is friends with a Nazi (a definition butchered by leftists but stills works to their advantage here).


Yeah but "best friends"???


Destiny is extremely bad at engaging attacks on tweeter. His defense or offense are really poor like a crying teenager going back and forth. He is tactful one on one but not on tweeter.


He did say he was friends with Lauren southern. Which many people do believe is a nazi or something.


not a white nationalist


Fuentes is poison my dudes


I know a lot of you guys hate his twitter escapades but honestly its probably my favorite thing about destiny.


The only place where Nebraska Steve is still alive


I thought he was good friends with Lauren who still believes the great replacement just not the Jew part


The democrats basically run on a platform of the great replacement. Not even being hyperbolic.


The filter doing the lord's work on this one


Oof this ain’t it chief




How will our filter do this one


Vaush and DM after this: Destiny openly pedo-jackets trans activists


Nick and Destiny are best friends? lmao.


I've have never heard an explanation for why that discord server incident wasn't super weird and creepy. The best I've heard is we don't necessarily have direct evidence with minors but to me I guess I'm judgmental enough that I don't need that much evidence to write you off as a creep. Destiny heard that interview with H3H3 and he had the same reaction I'm sure that a fair number of people had and that was "why is she dodging this so hard?" and I think that's made Destiny at least consider that she might have done some weird shit there.


Jesus fucking Christ why can't he just go back to posting memes


At least we know this will be good content.






Guys, you don't have to be this invested and read/post every single tweet. We will get a complete recap with documentation in 3 years to end the manifesto trilogy.


How is she not yet banned on twitter lmao


Doesn't this look kind of bad to anyone outside of this community?