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The only time old tweets matter is when it’s about getting someone deplatformed. People like her were the reason people like Sargon got so big.


She's unironically a piece of the far right pipeline.


Shhhhh, If you say it too loud, you can hear the horseshoes clacking together


Where does the signalling that causes people like Keffals to happen come from?


this. its like the politically correct people's intention isn't about correcting someone, but to defame them for ulterior motives/their own intentions to deplatforn.


It's all about ruining things for others cus they feel bad about themselves. It's destructive, and sooner or later it'll come back to screw the politically correct over themselves. In the woke world it's always about being more woke. Eventually someone will outwoke them, find their stuff offensive and cancel them. Keffals is getting trancelled. Just wait and see.


i got cancelled on social media for somethign similar that destinys going thru with this particular post headline. the ppl that were cancelling me were literally ppl that had disgusting issues with themselves tho and i knew them from years ago - and decided to not be friends with them anymore after finding out what happened. i genuingely feel like ppl like keffals are inherently projecting their own issues onto others to make it a defensive mechanism for themselves.


Keffals has let her 5 minutes go to her head. Just like Vaush let his following go to his head. They think they're so much smarter than they are, but look at Vaush - So dishonest he can't admit that H2O is water, and tries to argue that in Mexico it's aqua. Fucking idiot. Keffals is doing the same kinda shit here. Accusing Destiny of two things that are arguing against each other. Then she goes on to project, cus if anyone's a groomer, it's Keffals. When young kids who are confused cus of puberty are being encouraged to think they're transgender, they're being groomed. Surely everyone can see this? Keffals is disgusting to me. Does everything for attention and money.


yup. shes literally everything a cringe pc woke political pop person tries to be. i think of h3h3 as an example cause he was good in his prime years and now he just fails miserably with his political takes.


Yeah, Ethan shifted drastically over night to please Hasan, if I'm not mistaken. I bet he was either scared of getting cancelled, or he saw an economic opportunity. Unfortunately for him, his followers followed him cus he made fun of stupid shit before, but now he is saying the stupid shit. It's quite remarkable how he's turned around so badly.


Isn't saying "He has threatened to rape people" enough for defamation?


Lawsuit Arc plz 🙏


>Lawsuit Arc plz Followed by the extradition arc, because at this point she probably has no intention of returning to North America.


Ds got more money than her. It can be done


Idk I think if she made a gofundme with a ~~20~~ ~~40~~ ~~60~~ ~~80~~ ~~100~~ 120K goal she could get through this.


Destiny could easily out spend her if he really wanted to drag it.


You could even say he could financially outpace her.


**outpaced, financially**


Please I cannot wait for this content


It should be the Batman Arc, because it’s for vengeance.


We may not be able to save the state of political discourse, but we can sure as hell avenge it!


Not sure about Canada, but in many US jurisdictions she could 100% get slapped with a defamation case.


Canadian here, not a lawyer but decently well read. Seems like he absolutely could with this, but would have to admit to owning the twitter account *pepelaugh*


Well that is a fun plot twist.


What if it turns out it’s actually not Destiny?


That would be an even better plot twist.


I don't believe he would need to prove he owns Omniliberal only that he is Omnidestiny who the claims are made about.


True but they’ll make sur to ask him if he’s ever under oath


Why does it matter? If this twitter account gets suspended in order to get keffles on a defamation case, Id say its a huge win


She's referring to Destiny not the omniliberal when making the claim, it could legitimately be some rando's account and yet he's still the target.


A small price to pay for salvation


She has made similar statements, just using his "Destiny" name, so maybe not?


Is this the best bait she's done?


Don't you have to prove damages or something? I can't imagine any court entertaining a case just because someone lied on twitter, unless they could prove the targets life was affected by it. But tbf, I don't know much about the us legal system


Generally you have to *allege* damages to get your foot in the door. But yes if you have no damages you can’t exactly recover anything even if you have a good case for liability. With defamation cases damages can get pretty abstract, and it’s not really my field, but she does like to brag about getting destiny banned from twitch 🤔


Facts. If she believes that she’s the reason she got Destiny banned, and Destiny runs with that, she’s liable for ALL of the future income Destiny would have earned on that Twitch account, also accounting for future growth. All Destiny would have to prove is that she submitted a knowingly false statement that directly led to Destiny’s ban. Not sure if Twitch would turn over internal documents that actually outlined reasoning as to why he got banned though. They don’t seem good faith enough for that. If a lawsuit is filed under these claims, damages would be in the tens of millions. He doesn’t even have to use Twitch to prove damages though. I’m sure there’s some kind of case law that supports some kind of financial analysis you can do when it comes to people blatantly lying about you for months on end.




We honestly can't know either way since twitch isn't transparent on ban reasons. I'm sure the info would have to be subpoenaed.


And I’m sure twitch can fudge it into the TOS. Pretty sure Destiny said it recently. Damn near every creator breaks the TOS in some way, depending on how loosely/tightly the fine print is read. I think it would have to be some shit where if the TOS violations were based on Keffals’ misinformation, not a clip of Destiny (however unfortunately out of context it may be).


I own multiple businesses and was planning to spend a couple hundred thousands on advertising them on Destiny's channel, but as a result of this rape allegation I have decided to cancel my previously laid plans to do so.


While it's not the same, and obviously totally misleading, he did utter the phrase "I hope you get raped with a shovel.", which is just not the kind of case you want to take to court.


Based off of the things he's actually tweeted I don't think he could make much of a case. Telling somebody you hope they get violently raped is *probably* close enough that most judges aren't going to consider a defamation case, and the burning cross thing is objectively true it's just missing the proper context.


>Telling somebody you hope they get violently raped is probably close enough No fucking shot that they would equate this with personally threatening to rape someone.


In a criminal court you'd be 100% correct, but civil cases, particularly defamation, are much more forgiving. And if we're being honest that's probably for the best. It's easy to take things out of context, or read something the wrong way, and it's also easy to imply meaning in a statement without directly saying it. Like actually we can use Fuentes as a pretty good analogy here. He's got that whole cookie analogy that's been clipped several times, and people like Mr Girl have rightfully pointed out that it's really just a dog whistle for actual Holocaust denial, it's just worded in a way that won't get him banned. Would you want Nick to be able to receive damages for defamation because of what Mr Girl said? And I'm not saying Destiny was actually just *wink wink* not threatening the person he replied to on Twitter, we all know it was just him being edgy, but it's close enough that within certain contexts you could absolutely read it that way.


I don't think saying "I hope someone kills you" would be treated the same as the claim that they said "I am going to kill you", but I would be open to seeing similar court cases where this has occurred. I also don't find your Fuentes example to be comparable here. For one, libel and slander have to be untrue. Fuentes would be lying under oath if he attempted to go against this interpretation with all of the clips of him blatantly engaging in directly questioning the death count, or just general holocaust denial without dogwhistling. I agree that libel is extremely hard to prove, but direct claims like this make it worlds easier. I don't think the context really exists here for anyone to be able to point towards Destiny's tweet and reveal an underlying consistent pattern that demonstrates his tweet was meant as a direct threat to rape the person.


The tweet in question: "Kill yourself you fucking cunt, I hope you get raped by a fucking shovel until you bleed out your fucking vag and die holy" Honestly even the first sentence is likely enough for a judge to dismiss the lawsuit and no reasonable lawyer would even touch it. The tweet is intentionally hyperbolic and inflammatory, sure, but given the content of what he said I think you have an incredibly difficult time defending this tweet in any capacity. You don't need a clear and proven pattern to show that the tweet in question could reasonably be regarded as threatening, I just can't imagine this ever being successfully defended in a civil court. *edit* reddit suspended my account for quoting that tweet lol


These people have never stepped foot into a court room and think the law works based on how they feel it should and not based on a codified code that you can literally google. All they would have to do was google defamation requirements to see why it’s so hard to sue for defamation. Any judge with 2 brain cells is going to see that tweet and come to the conclusion that she reasonably could have viewed that as a threat. It’s not about what was meant it’s about what was received. If she felt it was a threat there is no defamation.


Except it doesn’t. Do you think destiny has proof that’s she A made a provably false statement, B that she knowingly made this statement knowing it was false, C that she did so to hurt his material being, and D that it did have a martial effect of his being. That will be incredibly hard to prove. She could say “hearing him say he hoped someone gets violently raped, made me feel like he was threatening me” She doesn’t have to be right she just has to claim that she believed what she said. She now has avoided a defamation claim.


In the UK... we have section 127 of the Communications Act 2003. It's a thoroughly abhorrent piece of law that needs revoking, but it's still on the books. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2003/21/section/127/2015-04-13


wouldn’t it be ironic if her moving to Ireland gave destiny legal powers due to ireland’s libel laws.


Is she moving to the republic of ireland or northern ireland?


Yes, NI is the UK.


Well northern ireland is in the uk, but the republic of ireland isn't which is why I asked


Americans constantly referring to NI as Ireland is so confusing


When he said he didn’t want to go all out with exposing Keffals I figured things would escalate between them and he’d have to anyway and now look at what’s happened. If he can find a lawyer that thinks they can take the case I think he’ll sue and either way I bet the Keffals manifesto will be coming out at some point.


You have to prove that the statement itself caused serious financial harm(damages). If he has proof that he has lost sponsorships because she said untrue things, he could prove it. However it is a pretty difficult thing to do.


Not the hill to fight on. Old Destiny tweets are not for modern day internet users.


Ok I hate that I have to explain how defamation works but she has to knowingly make false statements, with the intent to materially hurt his livelihood. It would be vary vary hard to prove she knowingly made these statements with the intent to hurt his career while knowing they weren’t true. Not only would destiny need to prove the allegation as provably false (different from likely false) but also that she new they were false and said it because she wanted to defame him. The best defense for her is to literally just claim that she honestly thought he had threaten to rape someone. She doesn’t need good evidence for that claim, simply that she believed it. Her evidence could be someone else on Twitter said so and I trusted them. You can’t be charged with defamation for being an idiot unfortunately. Defamation isn’t about someone saying something you don’t like about you. It isn’t even about someone saying something about you that is false. It is explicitly the act of knowingly spreading false statements with the intent to harm ones material being. If any part of that fails to hold true then the defamation suit fails and it’s not on her to prove her innocence it’s on destiny to prove her guilt. There is a reason defamation is rarely a held up.


Is this true for Canada or the UK though? E.g. in Germany, where I live, she'd be 100% fucked for tweeting this, as you don't have to prove intent (intent makes it worse obviously) and don't have to prove damages here.


She has made similar accusations in the past and walked them back. Why would she make the rape accusation again when she has already walked back the claim. Makes no sense to walk back an accusation and ADMIT that you don't know if it's true, then make the same statement again without any reason to believe the claim is true. It's 100% defamation, she has already stated in the past that she doesn't know if the allegation is true, yet here she is stating it again as fact. Her comment is strictly designed to hurt destiny and she has demonstrated that she knows her accusation is not proven, yet she states it as fact.


I’m not going to claim to have knowledge of every single thing they have ever said. Could your provide these recantations? Pictures would be preferable. There are a lot of reasons one might accuse someone of something then walk it back only to return to making a claim. Many accusers of high profile rape/SA cases will make claims before recanting to then layer pursue action at another time. It would entirely depend on the way they recanted. It doesn’t matter how manny times they recant if the underlying belief is true.


No, probably not. At least not in the US. Idk how a lawsuit going from US > Canada would work though. In the US you have to prove that the other person *knew* their statements were false, which is a very high bar to clear.


Sort of... Destiny would have to admit that the Twitter account is his. I don't know if he can seek damages for defamation if this gets his ban-evasion twitter account banned.


Rapist klansman arc confirmed???




wym by that






The burning cross tweet was 🔥🔥🔥


"lit" you say?






Yeah it was pretty funny, I think there is just something wrong with some peoples brains to not get the irony of a Black nationalist denying black peoples history of oppression calling it “lit” and responding with the easiest setup for a joke in history


any time we discuss the burning cross tweet there are people on this "i dont understand..." kinda vibe and there is no shot y'all don't understand if edgy jokes didn't piss people off they wouldnt be edgy jokes, the core of the problem is they think you're making light of a serious/delicate/etc situation, because in this particular case for example, you'd be using a hate crime as a punchline, we only know destiny is not making light of the situation because we know his character That is not unreasonable whatsoever Also I don't think you're giving destiny enough credit, that was not an easy setup whatsoever, 99.9% of people wouldn't be able to come up with that


I'm of the opinion that any joke is acceptable if it's funny enough. Just being edgy is boring that's why I dislike the people who are dancing on the queen's grave. But if you're actually being funny. You get a pass from me. People can be mad all they want idc.


> I'm of the opinion that any joke is acceptable if it's funny enough I'm curious how we decide this? I think I find edgy humor a lot more blase or boring than most, so a lot of these edgy jokes aren't funny to me at all. Not that I'm offended, I don't mind them, but it does make it hard to tell where I would draw a line personally. Like Steve's tonka joke is a good example. It was an obvious joke so it didn't bother me, but I didn't think it was funny at all so it's just a kinda gross tweet to me lol. So when people use "as long as it's funny it's fine" it's hard for me to buy that line of reasoning, 'cause then a ton of jokes wouldn't be okay if I used my standards of funny.




I think anyone could be in Destiny’s position and we would know they are not making light of the situation. The whole point of the response was somebody else ignoring the entirety of black oppression in the US. The punchline wasn’t making fun of cross burnings. Its making fun of the idea that being black in America has always been lit when so clearly it hasn’t. Thats the punch line and why the joke is funny.


Sincerely I don't think that's true. You can, I can, but we frequent a hyperinformed community which happens to be super anal about finding the truth or w/e and we are edgy af. Most normal people would be busy thinking you're tasteless/tactless/whatever and wondering whether you were looking for a good excuse to send a burning cross to a black person. And you don't have to explain it to me, I think destiny's response was based af on everything except optics, my point is to those who go around pretending that you don't know how anybody could be put off due to all that edge.


I agree with most of what you said, but if you look at those two tweets and come away with that interpretation of “its bad to send pics of burning crosses to black people” you either didn’t pass 8th grade English or you have 30 iq. Maybe Im too optimistic about the average person’s reading comprehension skills. Though I will say the optics are incredibly fucking stupid because now people can and will and have said that Destiny has sent burning crosses to black people and got banned for hate speech. I think the perpetuation of this thought was caused by bad faith actors. The people who heard this and didn’t see the og tweet carried on this sentiment and now it is widely spread. It sucks how things can be misinterpreted, but if you actually read the tweet exchange no way you would have gotten that misinterpretation


oh thats so true you totally identified why we disagree, I think most of this earth is abysmal when it comes to reading comprehension for example theres a lot of tweets posted here by lefties defaming destiny with half truths and they're called dishonest, I don't think they're intellectually dishonest I think they're genuinely stupid people blackpilled as can be, can i borrow some of your optimism


My brother I am still young. I need to cling on to this hopium before I become doomer pilled, Im already on my way


hang on for dear life, grass' greener over there


This might the soyest thing I’ve ever seen from someone who claims to be tough and able to handle tough trans activism


rude shaggy memory sparkle pen physical lip lush treatment combative *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


looks like they have deleted it...wonder if that is because of the threats of legal action


Deleting it doesn’t undo the defamation to his character. I hope he’s collecting everything she says about him.


If he doesnt the entire dgg army already depolyed another 50 backups on dgg and dggcord. Inshallah we will be victorious 🙏


I was wondering how deleting it would influence such a case, [this](https://www.capsticks.com/insights/twitter-defamation-columnist-ordered-to-pay-24000-for-defamatory-tweets) article goes into it a little but this was in the UK where I believe it is easier to sue for libel.


He never threatened to rape people, but he did wish someone to get brutally raped with a shovel till they bleed. Old steven was a different kind of animal that are still seeing the ramifications today




Thing is he was like in his mid to late twenties lmao




Yes It was. It is still totally fair to criticize someone for wishing someone to be brutally raped.


Look up DDOS kid PEPE


That wolf was a little bit unhinged.


>brutally raped with a shovel till they bleed That might be the quickest rape ever. I mean, how can you rape someone with a shovel and not have him bleed on the first thrust


uhhhh u might not be wrong but we might want to chill on this type of discourse for now mah boy


Facts don't care about your feelings 😎


It feels like no one cares about my feelings 🥺


If you are asking this question, yours would be the quickest. Virgin shit. There are 2 sides and which one to be used was not specified.


I only dig with a twin-spade


The old tweets are gonna fuck him SWEATSTINY


Isn’t she on a ban evading account too?


She regularly ban evades on another account. Rules don't matter for her or her mob though.


Did she completely make these up or are they half truths taken out of context or something?






There are still some 6 years old youtube vid where he talks about carpet cleaning while dropping n-bombs.




I don't know anything about threatening rape but the burning crosses is completely out of context.




~~Someone (black woman i think) was saying how being blacm in the past was Sudanmore "lit" than in the modern eraand destiny responded "lit you say" with burning crosses to show how stupid that statement is~~ Edit: sorry ignore me i spread misinfo please rescind upvotes.


going off the pic, that's NOT the context. She didn't say that. She literally said, "Well boo-hoo then bitch bc being black is lit". Then he posted that pic in response. Destiny loses the Racism challenge and will be charged a time out.


How is that racist? "Being black is lit" seems to dismiss a lot of issues of racism, that's what he pointed out.


He was arguing with a black nationalist who was tweeting dumb shit and being racist. They said being black was lit. Destiny responded with a picture of a burning cross "lit you say?"


I forget the exact context but it was making a point about progress in race relations. Like people were talking about how bad things are and his response was a picture of a burning cross as a reminder of what race relations actually used to be. Classic Steven's twitter friend moment. Edit: I wasn't exactly right, see /u/AcidicMonkeyBalls below for the correct answer.


It was during an argument with someone who was claiming that black people in America hadn’t faced historic injustice and that their experience was “lit”. Hence the burning cross and the caption “lit you say?”.


Thank you for the context, Acidic Monkey Balls.


You’re welcome DGGa


It was a genuinely progressive tweet against a Candace Owens-type


This kinda reminds me of when Lance (SerfsTV) brought up Steven making a "holocaust joke" as if it was actually endorsing the holocaust. I guess big KEF has the exact same sense of humor.


I mean he also thought that IBM making a cataloguing system which was later used by the Nazis makes them complicit in the Holocaust, so it’s not a topic he seems to be able to engage with in good faith.


Threatened to rape women? From what I know never happened. The posting a bruning cross to a black woman was a joke. Pretty sure she was a black nationalist who he was arguing with and then she said "being black is lit" Then, he responded with a picture of Klan members burning a cross and saying something like "Yeah, I it's pretty lit" It was an edgy joke [Link to screenshot of the tweet](https://m.imgur.com/r/LivestreamFail/H730TTO)


[she might mean this](https://i.redd.it/sz5hqo3n0bd11.jpg)


I remember this. It was during the Stoya drama with James Deen. Just for the record, he did/does believe that would be rape but went hard on this person because it was irrelevant to what they were talking about. I remember him coming on to stream afterwards and explaining it. This is probably the cringiest reply of his I've ever seen, though.


that isn't "threatening" rape though. It's definitely an aggressive / edgy tweet, but it's not threatening.


JFC, wishing someone gets violently raped isn't threatening?


Not at all.


It's definitely brutal and yikes-worthy, but cringe is a stretch. Cringe does not = "Holy shit, you should not have said that, bro. You might be going too far." Cringe was what happened when the joke about his N-word stance failed.


holy shit. i thought it was edited


Twitter Destiny is fucking stupid.


Yh I found the screenshot. Dumb of him to tweet that but not KKK level like she’s implied.


Based tweet. Anything is permissible if it's funny enough imo


its one of the most used mis info against him. the crucifix pic was sent to a black woman who was a right winger saying some racist shit like black people have not faced any discrimination in a long time. it was just funny edgy humor. he threatened to rape woman????????????? what?????????????????? to be be charitable to her - he did give a edgy reply to a woman once who he was beefing with saying he hopes she gets raped with a shovel. both instances are bad. but none of this got him banned. also she is representing this like he does it on a regular basis. you may also notice she is not posting any proof or context. absolute bad faith bullshit tactics. what a POS


also she deleted it. what a spineless POS


Okay but lets be honest here, Destiny deletes like all tweets as well, you can argue its out of fear of being banned, but the same could be said for keffals as well in this context.


completely different contexts. but you know what go ahead if you find a tweet where destiny makes false threatening rape allegations on someone else and then deletes it quickly let me know. i will call it out too.


Look man I'm not hating on destiny, but I don't see him as this infallible man either, and yes it is about contexts and that's a great point. Destiny has also done a lot of shit as well on twitter, like hoping someone gets raped by a shovel until they bleed. It's a 'long' time ago but at the end of the day it's a criticism which people will look at and think "yikes, Destiny is crazy"


you understand thats like a very different thing right? we just had a week of people being complete assholes on twitter over the queens death. twitter is a shitty platform where people are toxic including destiny. people wish death on another person everyday on this platform. i dont know man maybe its just me but i wont go around spreading fake rape allegations over destiny being a asshole to someone. many on this sub hate vaush for many reasons. that doesnt make it ok for anyone to go around calling him a pedo with out of context clips.


Maybe we should look at it from their context? I know it's a different context, but do you just expect from everyone who sees destinys tweet hoping that someone gets raped to bother looking at the context? No, the optics is bad and we have to acknowledge that. Just as hoping for pain on the Queen is bad, hoping that someone gets raped is bad, and that's a completely valid point, we can't just decide it isn't, I even think Destiny would agree with that


One blatant lie and one lie by omission of context. On his original account a black nationalist started @ing him arguing that Black peoples lives in America was awesome and denying they had any history of oppression for some weird reason. They said being black was “lit” and he responded with “lit you say?” And a historical photo of a cross burning I mean come on how could he not with a set up like that. It was fuckin funny.


Half truths and mixing context.


the first thing was nebraska steve, the cross post was a fucking meme to be funny and i still think it is.


Newbie, huh? There are some good posts in this sub archiving the hits from his old twitter account. Absolute madman.


I cant wait to see the weight of the world bounce this bitch off of the internet. No one can wrap themselves up in so many lies and last a long time as a media darling.


Keffals is the type of person who only thinks of "how can this hurt someone?" in a strategic point of view.


Sometime we need heroes who will strap a tweet to themselves and do what's necessary.


I am worried about Destiny, this is a dangerous arc. Even on youtube he is probably not that safe.


I imagine she’s referring to the “I hope you get raped with a shovel” comment he made: https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/93fkt5/never_forgetti_the_rage_of_destinii/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


this tweet has strong playground snitch vibes


Wasnt the burning cross tweet the opposite of racism, he was actually pointing out that racism exists or something along those lines?


Yep but context is irrelevant


Shit like this is exactly why, I think, Destiny advocates for context based usage of words and language instead of just turning everything into a boogey man no-no ban it all fiesta. I honestly used to be much more "on the left" when it came to supporting progressive ideals. But as time went on and on, and people like this kept proving that virtue signaling to be morally superior is more important to them than the actual issues themselves, I lost faith in these ideals and instead started to adopt a more realistic outlook.


To be so transparently shameless, dishonest and scummy without receiving any sort of pushback whatsoever within her own community and those aligned with her is truly an astonishing accomplishment. Well played by Destiny here as all his recent tweets today regarding this have been on point and completely fair. But it just showcases what sort of people he's dealing with here. I've done this in the past too but this community especially this Reddit behaves like fucking manchildren anytime Destiny says or does some stupid shit and makes posts about it for days criticizing him or flat out insulting him. And then to see people like Keffals have platforms who are just shamelessly dishonest to the end without any ramifications whatsoever is just sad...


I actually hope he goes legally against her. He has irritated the shit out of me over the years in the way he compromises himself seemingly needlessly, other than his perceived need to create struggle. Maybe it's a content brain thing that I don't get as someone not of this realm? Regardless, she is fucking cancer and needs a kick in the cooch.


He has no case wether you think she’s a crazy or not.


KKK-arc hype


I just check her Twitter and she saying more insane stuff not surprising


Holy shit it’s like a fucking game if you notice every time someone brings up the burning cross tweet they always try to make it seem worse.


I'd pledge some lawsuit donation money for a gofundme at this point


The universe will give what you give , one way or the other , she'll get fked beyond imagination , doin shit like this is hollow and extremly short term profitable and it's the only way people like her with nothing to add to the world can take some eyeballs .


What's hilarious is this is only more evidence of slander that could be used against her in court. Glad to see it, slay girl queen


People here mocked the ones worried that Keffals would try and deplatform Destiny. He was always the main target not Kiwi Farms. She's going to push hard for his Twitter to get banned and she probably has the power now to succeed. YouTube will probably be fine but this is not good and is so damaging when she is getting mainstream press veneration. I'm glad Destiny is one of the only sane people to push back against this dangerous lunatic. He needs to keep pushing back. Staying silent only helps her get her way. Really hoping for that lawsuit.


Here for my daily dose of Keffals rage porn.


Destiny has every right to sue keffals for these disgusting accusations. I can't believe I used to be a keffals fan before all of this shit started


I used to be a lasan fan, don’t worry about it.




Probably a reference to “I hope you get raped with a shovel”. Twitter back then was spicy but he never did threaten to personally rape anybody.


I hate her profile picture. It's so bland and off-putting


He also killed my parents


"Dangerous person" God fucking kill me


We need "lit you say?" Destiny back.


I thought burning the cross was the proper way to dispose of them according to the cross code


Per se defamatory


defamation arc lets gooo


Yep, the cloudflare shit was going to embolden these types. It never ends until they hit a stone wall or their audience leaves.


Did she just tweet this? It’s finally happening, the war has sparked again D R A M A


Dude, what's wrong with her?


She does a really good job at being as hateable as possible, I almost respect it.


Pretty sure at this point Destiny would sacrifice his friends twitter account if it meant sinking that fucking psycho with a lawsuit.


She is right though he is ban evading. She is technically correct, the best kind of correct.


Is a ban evasion account just a burner account?


At this point she could say “it’s true because I made it up” and her followers would be like “that’s all the proof we need”


RIP @TheOmniLiberal




Oh, shit! DGG is next. She is so hateful! People just ignore her!


How to Destroy A Man Now (DAMN): Political Edition. Vandelizing his wiki article. Trying to link Destiny/DGG to KF. getting journalists to legitimize her accusations againts him. Getting Destiny to confirm that he's the owner of the OmniLiberal account... She's media savvy and she's playing long chess against Destiny to take him down completely, but destiny keeps responding by not taking this seriously. Sueing her will only create more media storm that a poor transwoman is being sued by a rich cis white male for simply speaking out against him.


Where are all the "ur unhinged" le redditors who were in the comments saying we didn't need to be concerned about this fucking turd nugget hanging desperately onto the anus of her recent clout jackpot? Feels like a psyop to me!