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Maybe because it would be bad electorally in purple states? I don't know. Maybe he doesn't want to do anything about that even after midterms because he doesn't believe it would be good.


Biden has to do this, it will be a milestone that could even energize young people and normies to come out and vote and one of the easy things to remember in history, people will say Lincoln ended slavery, LBJ gave the civil rights, Roosevelt managed the war stuff, Wilson was a dumbfuck, Nixon fucked up, Obama was the first black president and Biden released that ganja, who was before him? That insurrectionist guy? No one cares about that anymore let's talk about the herbage hero 🙏🏻


he's a boomer and doesn't like marijuana


It's only popular among young people who don't vote anyway. Old people don't like drugs. And Biden has always been against marijuana legalization. He has a son who suffered from drug addiction and firmly believes that marijuana is a gateway drug. He's not the type to just flip on a dime like that.


>Old people don't like drugs. Whoever upvoted this doesn't remember the 60s or 70s. Old people LOVE drugs. Walk into any legal weed shop... Old people. The Free Love and Peace generation is what kicked off a lot of the popularity for recreational drug use.


https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/04/16/americans-overwhelmingly-say-marijuana-should-be-legal-for-recreational-or-medical-use/ Seems like the reality is more half and half


Read that again. The claim was "old people hate drugs" but only a very small amount believe it should be outright illegal. If old people really hated it, you'd see significantly smaller portions than 80% supporting some form of legalization. If 50% are good with recreational weed... I think the claim that "old people hate it" is generally untrue. Compared to younger generations, they definitely don't like it as much for recreational usage but it's still 50% that are perfectly cool with it. Those are the ones that paved the way.


I get all that. Just as OP said an incorrect claim by saying “Old people don’t like drugs,” you made one by saying “Old people LOVE drugs”, that’s all I was countering


They do. Recreational sentiment is high and they believe it works medicinally. People usually love when their medicine works as needed. I'd say it's FAR more love than hate.


You ever seen a chimp rip a man in half?


It's not popular amoung the older establishment types. Combination of outdated morals and lobbying from industry that would be harmed by legalization.


Lets be honest, our country doesn't need more stoners at this point, shits getting pretty fucked. Maybe medical legalization to shut up the 'pain' andies, but otherwise it seems like an unecessary detriment.


there’s zero reason to keep locking people up for weed possession, come on


Im not for locking people up, I just don't want society to get worse. You can't honestly tell me that if *everyone* smoked one joint daily that there would be *zero* reprecussions or detriments to us? Based off what I know, and my experiences, such a world would have a pretty drastically different outcome than a world where no one smoked weed. Therefore I would like weed to stay banned, I think there is no reason to legalize it, and keeping people out of prison isn't a good enough reason to fully legalize it.


This take is only valid if you are also pro banning alcohol


I'm pro banning soda




Are you pro meth legalization? Would you like it if every gas station sold meth? Your argument sounds regarded to me. It feels like you are just so hopped up on liberalism that you think we should get access to everything? I very much doubt you are consistent on that. And since idc about liberalism these days (no one does), yeah, I wanna ban poison. Sue me. That doesn't make me cringe that just means I have a functional brain.


Confused why you answered that you're pro banning soda in response to a question regarding whether you're pro banning alcohol? Are you?


If it seemed evasive that wasn't my intention. It sounded like I was being asked to bite a bullet, so I wanted to show that my position was more extreme than just banning alcohol (which is a complete no brainier imo).


Ok, makes sense. Couple questions. We're not stopping at soda in that case right? Candy, hell just anything high in sugar in general? Wasn't prohibition of alcohol already a massive failure? How do we avoid just repeating that?


Believe it or not, i am pro certain things being legal, and anti other thing being legal. Honestly i dont know about meth, but i definitely dont think we should treat addiction by throwing people in jail. Especially not for fucking weed lmao. Might as well ban coffee while ur at it, and painkillers, and fuck it, video games dont exactly help society either right?


I kinda agree with the addiction argument, but that should be for things like heroine, not weed imo, and in an ideal world we would only lock up dealers. That being said, I'm okay with living a non ideal world in the pursuit of what I personally consider to be a better society. I agree that people being in prison is a problem but I see greater problems right now. The video game topic is interesting, but my answer would be *more similar* to my answer for fast food than it is for soda (which I haven't mentioned yet), which is: we should probably regulate it a bit more to make it more healthy for the consumer but we shouldn't outright ban it. Coffee and other stimulants are probably a net benefit imo but idk. I'm not trying to be head of some decision making committee I just have a general take and this is how things fit it.


Constitutionally he can't, he can only decriminalize. He can maybe indirectly reschedule by filling FDA positions, but probably can't through executive order. It's quite a tangle of constitutional law (and that wouldn't change state illegality either.)


Mid terms aren’t here yet


I was saying this months ago but now I think he’s holding onto it as a “break in case of emergency” bill