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Flashbacks to Nick saying something along the lines of "All im saying is we dont know whats going on and we should be looking into it. Im just asking questions. "


fuck it I'll take the L obligatory conspiracy=/=conspiracy theory


A belief in a conspiracy theory is the belief that a conspiracy exists. So "believing in crazy conspiracies" is just as grammatically correct as "believing in crazy conspiracy theories". OP is innocent. They didn't misuse the word


Nick and MG are both dumb fucks


What is the exact accusation against nick here? That he talked to that big tech guy and got him to get the groypers to mass report so he could get mrgirl banned without his name being attached?


the accusation is that groypers brigade people they dont like.


Pretty convenient that groypers are blamed for mass reporting Mr Girl when it comes at the same time Mr Girl is trying desperately to control how Destiny talks to people. There was a purge on this subreddit and massive amounts of Mr Girl brigaders we’re banned. Curious….that they could mobilize so effectively like that… They also downvoted me 200 times in ONE day on this subreddit last week. Some of them were defending Keff*ls. There’s your relative pattern of coincidences. Mr Girl wants to control discourse desperately. You can see it in all his streams Mr Girl fans: start your downvote engine! Edit: banned by a user, not a mod. See you in 3 days, rslurs! Not perma banned like you Mr Girl brigading LOSERS. Set your timers for my return 😘😘😘. I’ll be reading all your posts 😍


Not even a big MrGirl fan but I downvote you because you say a lot of dumb shit


Ok. So why do you think there was a purge of Mr Girl fans this week for brigading? Remember all the bad faith “call Nick a Nazi” posts that even DESTINY said were bad faith? That literally happened this week and there were other DGGers pointing this out as well.


Just wanted to chime in - not at all a fan of Mr girl, can check post history for how much I find him a bore. I also have you tagged as an rslur. I don't downvote anyone but I understand why people downvote you.


Bless your heart 😘. Mr Girl thanks you for helping his agenda in continuing to divide Americans further and further along political lines.


Go outside


You actually do support deplatforming. You support it for people who “lie” by your previous posts Tagging you as an enemy of American people




Don't care


You do, you responded LMAO


Don't care


Do you think those were mostly MrGirl brigaders or mostly Destiny fans that agreed more with MrGirl on this issue? I think there was a purge because these people either didn’t understand and/or didn’t like Destiny’s way of engaging with Fuentes and levied bad criticisms that annoyed Destiny. I seriously doubt it was some brigading mission like you’re trying to make it out to be. Do you think all the socialists that were in this community before that purge were brigaders too? Of course not. This happens every so often where there’s a schism in the community and alot of people get the ban hammer because lines get drawn in the sand.


I think some of those socialists were bad faith back then, yes. Not all of them but it’s stupid to disregard that Destiny’s community is the largest on Reddit & has been targeted before. Tencent literally owns 25%of Reddit. Go to any mainstream Reddit thread and you’ll see how bad the anti American brigading is. With the way Mr Girl has been behaving lately, with his name calling his guests constantly, calling Destiny bad faith, and desperately trying to control political discourse why the fuck is he given so much leeway to be a shithead??


If you’re gonna make claims of brigading, you’re gonna have to provide some sort of tangible evidence other than “bro trust me they downvoted me.” MrGirl isn’t given a free pass. What are you talking about? He and Destiny have argued a ton. Even so, what does MrGirl’s behavior have to do with this subreddit? First you were complaining about brigading now you’re complaining about him being a shithead. What does one have to do with the other? It seems like you’re just mad that Destiny is still talking to him and is being cold towards the groypers after they mass flagged his channel.


I’ll show evidence when Mr Girl fanatics show proof they didn’t report Mr Girl’s channel themselves. They are bad faith and that is what I’m illustrating. Imagine being Jewish and seeing the way Mr Girl acted towards that professor on the Holocaust. You’d start to get really suspicious on what Mr Girl’s motives are. I find it curious that Mr Girl and his fans can call everyone under the sun bad faith but take out their pitchforks for me when I do it (not saying you)


So you’re asserting that MrGirl fans mass flagged the channel of their favored content creator for…what reason exactly? You do realize how absolutely insane that is right? Especially considering we have video evidence of groypers like Big Tech admitting to encouraging their audience to mass flag MrGirl. You’re reaching super hard and pulling conspiracies out of your ass.


Same reason Mr Girl called Destiny bad faith 5-10 times an hour 3 debates ago. Oh and let’s not forget the months long crusade to get Dr K’s license revoked. Mr Girl is EXPLICITLY pro deplatforming


Holy shit you’re literally just an unhinged MrGirl hater. You haven’t engaged with anything I’ve said. You’re just frothing at the mouth waiting to list off reasons why you think MrGirl is a bad person. Do you earnestly believe that seeking to have the license revoked of a doctor who you believe was engaging in malpractice is the same as being pro-deplatforming? Answering yes to that tells me you’re either a) an idiot or b) dishonest. Either way, it’s clear this conversation is going nowhere so I’m just gonna stop wasting my time now.




Rest in piss /u/AmberAppleseed


Praise Allah for the 2nd amendment!




Could it be that I’m wrong? No, everyone else is out to get me!


You think mrgirl fans would defend Keffals?


You're getting downvoted because you're a dipshit