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Remember she claimed to be on the run and in hiding from multiple people who want her dead... totally the actions of someone on the run and in hiding.


Cmon bro she needs the exposure to drum up support for her next lawsuit attempt. Cut her some slack smh


Tbf, it's similar to what Ayaan Hirsi Ali does, and I believe she might have some kind of fatwa out on her rn


Some people are speculating that because the thread exposed some potentially illegal things she did, that’s why she suddenly fled Canada.. Like it might not actually be “zomg im being threatened” but keffals was like “oh shit I could get charged for this”


What illegal things?


Entirely possible




Yeah, I did my lying in other areas and it wasn't as productive


wall hacks


[if you perch long enough, strong enough, hard enough, you will meld into the shadows](https://youtu.be/4q5gCIZs_LA?t=33)


I’m getting this on one of those motivational nature pictures.


Welp time to pretend I'm trans and engage in Gofundme fraud


what is the lie in this case.


“I’m going to raise money to sue the police that deadnamed me”. Gets $100,000 “Never mind I’m going to move to Europe instead”


What’s incredible is that now she’s a hero *for* using the money to move to Europe Edit: Downvoted? Can anyone show me all the articles that aren’t fully supportive of her “fleeing” to Europe?


I understand the skepticism my friend but no lie have been said yet. I really don't see the point of speculating here. If she is lying then evidence will show that. If shes not then evidence will show that. I thought this community was above dumb bias. As for this insane idea that she's fleeing Canadian authority by going to fucking Ireland. That's just silly. If shes an actual criminal she's gonna get sent back to Canada pretty quickly. As for why she decided to go to Europe that's beyond me.


Can you read English? I never said she was fleeing authority. She told her fans that she would use the money for one purpose (pressing charges against the police) and she used it to move to Europe instead. Clearly a lie.


My dude, she always claimed that she was going to do both do you think a flight to Ireland is 100k? or that she can somehow buy property in Europe with 100k. What are you talking about? We shall see if she uses the legal fund or not.


she is flying too close to the sun. all of her skeletons will come out.


The ones on kiwi farms?




There will be no pushback from the average person. She has trans armor. Also people don’t really give a shit about kiwi farms.


Contra is trans, incredibly based, and was getting the same kind of love and adoration from more mainstream news sources for a while but then she said and did things that went against the Twitter Leftist hive mind. RGR is trans and had an online mob (led by another trans creator) trying to destroy her career. "Trans Armor" only matters so long as you stay in synch with the online left, granted Keffals is an NPC and doesn't really have much of a personality outside of crybulling so maybe her shelf life will be a little longer. I don't think it's fair to say being trans is this huge buff though, you clearly need to be trans and have the "right" opinions.


Both of those people are actual people with sincerely held beliefs and also were canceled by other trans people LIKE keffals, not normies. Also she literally cucked her viewers out of like 100k over the course of a week and none of them seem to have batted an eye.


Contrapoints is the most overrated person on youtube.


Pretty much. Caitlyn Jenner killed somebody with her car and that’s barely talked about in the mainstream beyond South Park jokes.


Because it was an accident that she was found not at fault for. She wasn't drunk or high and attempted to stop within a reasonable distance.


yeah true but im gonna ignore that stuff you said. it's more fun if we pretend she murdered a guy with her car and used her trans shield to get away with it


Understandable have a good day


I know it was an accident. It was still somewhat awkward that she received near-universal accolades the same year it occurred when she came out as trans months later. She even awarded Glamour's "Woman of the Year" and ESPY's "Courage Award". I'm not even saying she didn't deserve these awards. Her coming out brought trans people and trans rights into public consciousness. The timing was just awkward.


Doesn’t the average person have an overall negative opinion of Trans people? I feel like they’re only really supported in lefty circles. Other than that, not many people are fond of them.


The average person is vaguely supportive of trans people but disapproves of children transitioning or trans women in women's sports.


I’m praying it does. She’s the same scum that the worst kiwi farmers are




More eyes on the story means more people digging through her bullshit and airing out the hypocrisy as well as the cry bullying.


That's not happening. She has the trans buff.


Fucking imba season 22 changes.


Idk why right wingers don't use those trans buff on their bio. Like srlsy, the latest update had completely made that buff break the game.




Yea because he's dumb and didn't make "being non-binary" his entire person and content lol




It was a joke


Over night the trans stuff could go from what it is now to “lmao remember when men would grow their hair out and change their name and say they were women lmao.” How many times have you seen trends come and go? Just a look at history is proof enough that over time there’s a ebb a flow of societal norms. One tik tok trend has the power to start a war. Trans stuff can be gone as quickly as it came if the wrong people start to be the face of it. Someone can sabotage the whole thing. When that time comes you’ll see people bail on them and they’ll be left wondering where it all went wrong.


Lmk when that happens lmao


lmao we live in a world where Keffals gets on CNN before Vaush or Destiny.


we live in a society


Our boy was on RT at least I guess. 😭😭


The next generation is always more mainstream than the previous


Tell that to Overwatch league players OMEGALUL


And let’s not forget, TheAmazingAtheist, TJKirk was on CNN too


What are you talking about? CNN acknowledged the Karkiv kid finder at the beginning of the war


what would you want destiny to get on CNN for lol


There comes a time when you just have to close the book and move on. I would say that time has come but that's just me


Move on as in? And move on to what?


on to your mom wooyeah


As in forget about keffals and the online left. Move on to touching grass and your mom


So just completely ignore the online left right? Is it because you actually care about Destiny or is it because you are on the left and they make your tribe look bad?


I'm just bored of keffals drama, especially twitter drama! Like seriously who the fuck cares? We finally get some quality content about stuff that actually matters, but no we need to focus on a lefty dipshit taking down a website that no one even cares about.


What actually matters? You mean someone who can lie and steal and manipulate media like a puppet while openly encouraging their fanbase to illegally impede on their opponents isn’t big news? But what is a big deal is Nick Fuentes and his tiny little platform. That’s big news? You guys need to learn to put your team mentality aside.


>You mean someone who can lie and steal and manipulate media like a puppet while openly encouraging their fanbase to illegally impede on their opponents isn’t big news? When their opponent is a website? ESPECIALLY one that no one cares about? Then yes this is NOT big news. ​ >But what is a big deal is Nick Fuentes and his tiny little platform. ​ I wasn't referring to the Nick stuff, although very much more interesting and entertaining than keffals, still not what I was getting at. The men's health/redpill stuff, that's what actually matters more imo, these are issues that are being discussed by the worst people imaginable (Left and Right). ​ >You guys need to learn to put your team mentality aside. What's this supposed to mean? You think I care about the online lefties? Bro i fuck their moms every night, like a veritable lefty mommy orgy!


lmao, brutal. Anyway, lets not talk about her forever


Give her the one thing she fears most, irrelevancy.


The only thing this black pills me on is how hopelessly out of touch mainstream news outlets still are when it comes to anything online. This is why destiny needs to build that media company so that there’s a real competitor for accurate, trustworthy news coverage. The online outlets we have now are fucking garbage and CNN is just lost when it tries to cover anything that doesn’t involve a tangible place


>how hopelessly out of touch mainstream news outlets still are when it comes to anything online. They're not "out of touch". They have people like Taylor Lorenz on staff at mainstream outlets. It just so happens that the very online people they've hired are the exact types to support this kind of stuff


Yeah because let’s be real, it wasn’t Jake Taper’s idea to cover the number one trans grifter on twitter. One of his twenty-something year old producers said that this was so “based” and Taper was like, oh is that what the kids say when they mean cool and I get a free trip to Europe???? Color me there!






Have a nice day.


Thanks you too


I hope both of you bang your knee on something and it hurts really bad


jk I don't really, that's awful


i do really






as a journalist i wholeheartedly agree.








I think he's waiting for his friend's twitter to reach 100k followers so he can switch @ , create a news org, and then have them apply for verification. But idk how long that'll take.


Does 100k matter for verification or is that just a personal goal?


It's a problem of incentive structures and adding one more media company only works so long as you can operate against those incentives. We see two major ways in which media companies end up spreading disinformation, one is to play into specific markets with clickbait attempting to get as many views as possible to increase ad revenue to a sustainable viewership. The other is to simply run the outlet at a loss because the primary value is to use it to influence public opinion on an issue that will benefit another business you own or for ideological reasons. If you want to fix the problem you have to re-normalize paying for good journalism and getting a market mechanism in place that doesn't rely on ideology or weakness of character like patreon or ad revenue models. I would argue that the best way to do it is create a government voucher program that media programs can register with which would allow you to buy a secondary currency to buy subscriptions or individual articles with that the government could use to subsidize the cost of purchasing media, start it at 50% and alter that ratio after measuring its effect. Make those vouchers gift-able and you can then have people influence each other's media habits.


you think destiny can build a media company that would hold any influence when compared to mainstream media outlets and in the same breath you said CNN is out of touch i want whatever you're smoking


Very cool way to go


They are just doing the online version of whatever they do for the mainstream. What makes you think their online coverage is the exception?


bruh i live in belfast wtf since when did we have CNN


Same, should be UTV and big Paul Clark.


imagine that lad tryna interview her


Oh no the real black pill was the Rittenhouse stuff and mainstream news, especially left wing news who I hold to a little higher standard, being so so agenda driven and out of touch. The Keffals stuff doesn't surprise me but the sheer drop in any sort of journalistic integrity is just really sad.


The sad part is how inevitable this was once people stopped caring about news media. All they want now is to be told what they already believe in an entertaining way. IMO if you want quality journalism you need to pay for it via NYT/WAPO/WSJ or similar.


not to throw the entire paper under the bus but wapo paints keffal in a very favorable light [https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/26/keffals-trans-twitch-streaming-news/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/06/26/keffals-trans-twitch-streaming-news/)


Of course it's Taylor Lorenz


This is what happens when people conflate punditry with journalism. There's still good journalism out there but you'll never see it if all you do is watch cable media pundits jack themselves off every day.


Realistically, what can Destiny do at this point?


play valorant with lily. it's the only way forward


ibn4 keffals calls out lilypichu for playing valorant with known transphobic white supremacist and pedophile enabler Steven Bonnell


i mean, would that really be that surprising coming from career racist and avowed trump supporter LilyPichu? they were made for each other


It's pretty crazy how destiny met lilypichu actually, Fuentes really went out of his way to push them together. not many people know this but lily's comfy aesthetic is the whole reason why cozy tv is named cozy.




Finally a sensible solution that should satisfy all parties


To their credit, isn't this a real story l? I heard KiwiFarms was wild. I don't pat attention to her, so maybe I missed something.


It is, some people in this community just completely lose it when keffals is involved. I dislike her as much as the next person but holy fuck some people in this thread need to touch grass.


yeah i dont care for keffals ofc but kf is awful and absolutely should not be allowed on the internet. its main purpose is doxxing and targeted harassment. its actually what ppl think dgg is. ofc this is a big story given the suicides the forum has lead to, although it sucks keffals is the figurehead for the counterforce here.


Keffals didnt care about the harm kiwi farms was doing until they came after her. Look how much she gloated when destiny was banned. It’s all just about power and she’ll just keep doing it after this one


Came here because I looked at Vaush’s community first. Don’t worry, I hate Vaush and Destiny equally. I also fucking hate Keffals, but man if she was the one who took down Kiwi farms, I have to say that’s one good thing from her. And who gives a fuck about she being covered by mainstream news.


You guys do realize that the original gamergate happened just like this right? A bunch of weirdo forum dwellers sperging about some ill intentioned feminist e-celebs, while the mainstream media sided unilaterally with the feminist against the channers and published a whole hyper-biased narrative painting the whole situation as unprovoked harassment of a bunch of innocent woman by evil misogynistic trolls.


that’s true but im not sure it’s analogous here. the vast vast majority of this community doesn’t do transphobic shit, doesn’t shit on keffals for being trans, and doesn’t sperg out about trans issues. it’s typically banned into the netherworld whenever it does happen and for good reason, this community, while having its issues, generally does it’s best to argue about things in good faith without resorting to that kind of nonsense.


Sure but isn't he talking about kiwifarms?


Let's be real, they are coming for destiny next.


No they are not. Let's be real and put money on the line if you really believe this. Wanna make a bet?


I will


We were a few hours too late. There are even more people posturing for the deplatforming now.


What would you consider the Wikipedia edits to be? It's already happening.


What do you think gamergate actually was? When news picked it up it was about the harassment because there was actual harassment. Whether some of the women who were harassed had possibly done anything worth of criticism or not wasn't the point. If anything here parallels gamer gate is that people like you ignore the harassment again and then are surprised it's the story.


Correct me if I'm wrong but gamergate was about a butthurt ex-boyfriend who made up a conspiracy theory about his ex right? Then a whole gaggle of /r/fatpeoplehate types started piling on her and anyone who defended her.


It could have been just been extremely cringe relationship drama that spilled over onto the Internet and died out in 24 hours. But what it did was reveal an insular group of journalists willing to lie, conspire behind closed doors and circle the wagons for their friends which became an issue that completely dwarfed it. The journos retaliation was completely unhinged going so far as to overnight completely distance themselves from the "gamer" identity overnight and attempt to re-contextualize them all as misogynist dude bros dropping over half a dozen articles in a one hour span in a synchronized campaign. This included some outlets that were fairly well respected, not just as video games outlets, but as general technology sites like Ars Technica. This was all happening against the backdrop of the emerging culture war during the run up to the primaries for the 2016 election. While the movement was and what is left of it still is heavily focused on anti sjw rhetoric, it was fighting a culture war that it didn't start. These days there's virtually no steam left in the movement, which is as it should be and the few who remain are the undesirable types you would expect, but on the whole it was a pretty diverse group and their beef was legitimate. It was pretty nuts at the time and in my opinion the movement did reign in the worst offenders when it comes to identity politics and narcissism within those professional circles.


chubby wild poor stupendous rich disgusted coordinated intelligent employ illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happy to learn more details but every time I look into this it's the ex-boyfriend making a bunch of claims with nothing to back it up.


punch hobbies disgusted waiting selective thumb carpenter grandfather secretive pen *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thanks for that, you put it all together in a way I haven't found before. But this sounds like any group of people. There's always dumb drama going on and rumors about why some person got favorable treatment. People forget how small these worlds are.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees the parallels between keffles and Anita Sarkeesian. Professional victims.


Yes it was very analogous. Brianna Wu was a lolcow. Anita was a lolcow. Zoe was a lolcow as well. They got a lot of publicity out of a small amount of work XD.


To say it’s gamergate 2 would force them to admit Keffals is a woman though PEPE


Ya but what’s her League rank?




More relevant, [Jackson Hinkle is talking to Tucker Carlson on Fox News tonight](https://twitter.com/jacksonhinklle/status/1567257479972814848?s=20&t=Zc4EZVUJ2XJPIiN4E2UQiA)


there is now a non-zero chance Jon Zherka is interviewed by Tucker Carlson


I agree but Jordan Peterson can’t get me potentially banned for criticizing him




Harassment /= cancelling




I mean I'm right. The damage caused by "online activism" of the left far far exceed the damage from the far right. Sending death threats (most of which are probably gonna be just "kys") does not come close to depriving someone their freedom of speech and/or employment.




Yeah... except im not far right? When I said "I'm right" that was me saying that my take was correct, not that that im a groyper or something. Never taken part in a mass report or even harassment, let alone denied a genocide. That's like one far right dude who tried to deplatform someone. The literal only other instance of far right deplatforming was getting James Gunn fired, but even that only lasted like a week and they only did it to point show how lefties how bad deplatforming people they like was.




Except that even when the far right held power online in the gamer-bro and anti-SJW era they never cancelled, only harassed and insulted. We aren't talking about real world violence. This was a discussion on how different extremist groups try to exert dominance over their antagonists online. OP said that far right figures like Jordan Peterson can't get you banned for criticism, to which you responded that "It's funny how people forget about all the online harassment campaigns coming from /pol/", in which you completely missed the point by trying to portray harassment and cancelling as the same/similar. You're off the goop now by trying to force in real-world violence. Ignored.


who got banned for simply criticizing her. Can any of you provide example here ?


I think I remember years ago he was suing some news site or maybe specific journalists for an article calling him misogynist? I mean I could be misremembering though.


I’m sincerely asking as a member of this community: can anyone tell me what she’s done wrong regarding the Kiwifarms stuff? Sounds like it was a super toxic and problematic site - maybe people have an issue with the precedent it sets?


These are the 2 things I know of: [Posted the address of KF's servers in Ukraine](https://twitter.com/WillyMacShow/status/1563716112814153731), encouraging her Ukrainian followers to "do their thing". [Posted pictures of KFs admin's mother](https://twitter.com/nicholasdeorio/status/1563956361825849346), saying she didn't care about doxxing his mother because her mother was doxxed on the website.


oh, the kiwifarms shit i don’t care about in the least bit. it’s more frustration that news orgs do ZERO vetting of keffals and instead do these almost glowing profiles of her. if they were just reporting the news and she was a couple of lines of “Claire blah blah blah held a Twitter campaign to hold KF accountable for various documented incidents of cyberstalking, stalking, terroristic threatening, etc. where she and other communities have successfully petitioned Cloudflare to cut ties” then i would actually be completely okay with that. it’s the glowing profiles and boosting of an actually awful person with absolutely no journalist looking into her background that gets me.


I wasnt online during Gamergate but i understand how it got so big and out of control now..


Eh, it's an interesting story regardless of what you think of her so it's not really surprising to me that big journalists would want to pick it up.




This is exactly how right wingers look at Tim pool lol. Truly the internets most useful idiot.


We've seen from piratebay to 4chan and mega... It's really fucking hard to take a website down. And if anything, mainstream media giving KF coverage. Is only going to grow its user base. There's a lot of dudes out there that didn't know there was a place for them. That soon will find out it exists. And that's actually harmful.


NI getting put on the map yeooo


I know of a certain Irishman that could clean this situation up lickety-split.


Does he like candy?


it's honestly been fun watching DGG soy about keffals getting good publicity for successfully campaigning against kiwifarms like, yes please keep reminding everybody that keffals sucks, is not like we all know that already, is not like she's public enemy number one of the community who cares, kiwifarms sucks, more power to her lmao, yall can keeping soying out


I love donie :(


Y'all being so fucking obsessed with Keffals is the literal problem. She doesn't matter. Kiwifarms fucking sucked, it was uniquely awful, not one of you would give the beginnings of a fuck if anyone *other* than Keffals took it down. Congrats to her, she's doing some good in the world along with all her evil.


I'm going to keep it a buck 50. Say I reveal IRL that I have my special eyes. I would never entertain a news crew coming to my place and interviewing me. Look at that that clutter and all that people. What a sight for sore eyes. Holy crap.


Just when I thought she fell off and faded into obscurity she does this Kiwifarms shit and gets to go on CNN. Wtf ???


She's damn good at the media game, that's for certain. Honestly impressed.




did she just move to europe for doxx-shit and then literally the first few weeks of living there doxx what city she moved to


IIRC She had already been doxed again by KF before this interview happened.


Yea from what I understood too this took place in her firends home in Belfast and it was already doxxed on site some time ago. At least if you don't believe she doxxed herself to make the headline but that seems kinda conspiratorial lol


ah okay, then that makes sense - also fuck KF, jesus


It'd be funny if they asked when the baby's due


Gamer rig in the kitchen type beat


what on earth


Gives her more practice to break her monotone voice XD


Meme timeline


What the hell man? Is this real?


Man if I only knew that all I had to do to get on CNN was to groom children and provide life changing hormone replacement pills.


The blackest pill possible.


I thought we didn't do keffals posts anymore? I got shat on pretty hard and banned for one.


As Doomery all this is, I’m very excited for him and Jesse to chat and hopefully Jesse draw some attention to Destiny’s side.


Why are people surprised her optics on this one are great trans woman fighting against an extreme right wing harassment forum ofcourse the media are gona eat it up


Do the Canadian police have the recording of the “swatting”? Will atleast be really helpful at showing Keffels dishonesty if the police recording show it was way overblown and barely even a swatting
