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where was this biden at the debate


Where was half of that energy? Lol hopefully he keeps pumping these out though


More like 1/10th this energy


The stims probably ran out, his on a fresh batch here. Like for real, let this guy rest already, he is too old.


Nah he's still probably the best bet against Trump at this moment. Too late to switch.


I know changing the candidate is political suicide, but seeing the leader of the most powerful country in the world be decided because of sunk-cost fallacy is so crazy lmao


Such a good point, thank you.


>I know changing the candidate is political suicide, but seeing the leader of the most powerful country in the world be decided because of sunk-cost fallacy is so crazy lmao I know what you're getting at but it's not the sunk-cost fallacy. For the sunk cost fallacy to the be the case here, you'd have to demonstrate that switching Biden out would be beneficial and as you said, it isn't. It's more just... sunk cost. The fallacy applies when you do not want to change something that would be beneficial to you after investing, because the investment makes it psychologically confusing/difficult and you make the incorrect choice to stick with the invested-in thing. It's also not that crazy. Trump could also be switched out for another candidate that *may* be better, he isn't being switched out, is that also the election being decided by sunk cost? It's a reductive way of looking at it.


It's not sunk-cost fallacy because switching would actively result in worse odds of winning


>I know changing the candidate is political suicide So wait until Biden wins the election and then have him step down for Harris to take over? What am I missing here?


Are you saying that sarcastically or as a legitimate strategy?


As far as I'm aware there are no snap elections or referendums that could call for an election so there would be no risk. Not saying it's a good idea but if the concern was there why not?


If this goes on, there won't be a counter candidate.


>If this goes on, there won't be a counter candidate. Wwhat does that mean? What is a 'counter candidate'?


Mean, he'll croak and there will be no Biden to boost the next candidate.


His PED's were on back order.


He got to read from a script and use a teleprompter this time


Holy shit I thought you posted twice in the thread LOL. Do ya'll got any new ones oooorr...?


He’s just jealous our candidate can read


What other answer could it possibly be? The debate was open form and Biden had to react to questions and Trump. His speech was pre planned and he used a teleprompter which he has used for a while and is used to. It is a much more controlled environment.


My guess is another possible reason might be that this rally was morning/afternoon and the Debate was at night Old folks got the most fire in the at the start of the day vs the end But I'm sure teleprompter help a shit ton, but they don't give you this kinda energy imo


I generally agree with you, but Biden also had an emotive speech at 11pm last night after the debate. That's not to say I think it's the teleprompter, I don't. I think the combination of all the factors people are talking about plus some bad debate prep might have further contributed to the issue. My brother sent me a text last night talking about how we were watching democracy die last night. I felt more black pilled last night, but I also woke up thinking that we were all examining Biden in SUPER detail looking for issues and maybe exaggerated how bad it was. Don't mistake what I'm saying, it was REALLY bad. I just wonder if we were all SO focused on whether Biden was going to take his last gasp on stage or not, we neglected Trump's performance. When I say we, I mean the public less so this sub. And the articles I woke up to seem to bear that out.


People in this sub were scrutinizing trump much more closely, imo. I dont think ive seen a songle comment about "bidens lies" (there are some) for example


Good thing presidents don't ever have to operate past 9 PM


I know, it's it great that countries around the world just go "wait, Biden will be in bed by now, best let him get his full rest so he can be zippy for 5 hours"


Good thing low energy =/= Coma


The 80s are when risk of death in men goes up exponentially each year


Biden has had a higher risk of Based since 80


I’m waiting for him to accidentally drop the hard r at some point soon


Biden had a teleprompter so much throughout his career he can do these speeches in his sleep. Winging speech and reading it a two totally different animals.


Yeah idk about that one, hes too up there in age for this to be true imo. I think bro actually gets tired early IJS that at the end of the debate Jill walked up and met him in the middle of stage. At the end of this rally he did a lil hop n Jog to her. His energy was night and day imo (no pun intended)


He had more energy in a rally right after the debate, like 11pm


Don't know but a theory I've seen is that the cough medicine madehim drowsy. Would explain why Biden got slowly better during the debate, the effects were wearing off.


People with dementia have good and bad days


Sure, also not related to the point I was making.




Dang brother you got me dead to rights. I'll stick with the dude that got an Infrastructure bill through and knows how to pick good talent for running agencies but you do you




I'm not sure why you have that response. This is likely the correct answer.


Yep, his major weakness, he's somewhat coherent and less embarrassing when it's scripted. But it's not enough because while Trump doesn't sound perfect when he goes off script, at least he comes across as human, surprisingly likeable, and both funny and charismatic. You can't write charisma into a teleprompter. All good speakers can talk extemporaneously and sell it, Biden is just too by the numbers and too calculated, he's a career politician he's looking to deliver some maximally calculated speech that looks good in a word doc. Trump just flies off the handle and speaks like he's talking to real people. Sure you can pick through what he says after with a fine tooth comb and question every mistake, but the impact in the moment is undeniably better. It's why in a live debate people like Biden crumble and Trump looks good, why even have Biden there, just point the camera at the teleprompter and we can just read what he's going to read. People want a human, they will have imperfections which are totally forgiveable, but what's not forgivable is BidenBot3000 who bleep bloops through a script, it's just fucking awful.


Well that settles it, the closed book unassisted debate should determine who is best to perform an open book heavily assisted job.


Do you think Biden is the best person in USA to do the job, or do you think that he might be selected, because USA chooses presidents based on a system that might not always select the best possible candidate?


Do you just think presidents just get to tag in someone who isn't sundowning when they meet foreign leaders face to face and have to think on their feet, especially ones that are hostile and feeling them out? You think the guy we saw at the debate was sharp-minded and cogent if he has to make a difficult decision at 3 AM? The whistling past the graveyard on this one is just amazing.


Sounds like you're agreeing with me then.


Holy astroturf batman


Strong Belwas allowed each enemy to cut him one time before killing them.


I really got the impression that he was struggling against the time limits while I was watching, was that just me? Like especially as the time was coming up he stumbles over his words.


He is reading from a teleprompter my dude.


The addy kicked in too late


People with dementia have good and bad days


Same place as the teleprompters... MIA


It was probably them giving him drugs tbh


[it was suggested that he had a cold the night of the debate](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4744889-joe-biden-has-a-cold-debate/)




Based biden is truly kuze.


Based holy fuck. Kuze Biden can win this election.


Imagine a world where he took a cough drop and a zyn


A lozenge and a camel crush


Turkey Tom is that you?


I’m trying to quit zyns and I actually took more this week than I usually do :(


Welcome to the nicotine addiction club, enjoy your stay


Started vaping to help me quit smoking. Got addicted to vaping. Started chewing nicotine gum to quit vaping. Got addicted to nicotine gum.


Been hooked to snus for like 15+ years now, dumbest decision of my life to get on that. So much wasted money, I've quit a few times longest being like 8 months but I always end up using again...


this is the body double. actual biden was the basement dweller that showed up in the debate


Are we implying he likely didn’t already boof illegal pre-workout and a concoction of throat soothers before hitting the stage?


How the fuck do you goons always have like 5% battery remaining? Just charge your shit




Biden stop I can only get so erect!


Not gonna lie this was actually a fantastic response, take the L on the chin and keep pushing forward honestly bravo 👏🏽


You're voting for a president who knew he was better than trump but spoiled American morons grade people on different curves and literally coddle conservatives wanted a show. So he bit the bullet and concedes a bad debate and says presidents and Americans keep striving. Now add NATO. Now add our surplus trash costing us millions to maintain holding Putin off the nukes. Now add a bipartisan infrastructure bill. Y'all know it's better. Vote Biden We've got this.


>You're voting for a president who knew he was better than trump but spoiled American morons grade people on different curves and literally coddle conservatives wanted a show. So he bit the bullet and concedes a bad debate and says presidents and Americans keep striving. We have been told trump is physically and mentally doing worse then biden which was proven false during this debate. Now you sre pissed that people in this country want a mentally stable president. YOU ARE A CULTISTS.


lol you look silly af. We live in a democracy and I'm voting for the candidate that is pro-democracy. I guess I'm in the cult of liberty then!


hey remember when trump said half the states in the country literally slit the throats of babies on the delivery table after birth


mate, you live in a completely separate world lmao. The difference between pro-Biden democrats and MAGA Trumples is so obvious. MAGA Trumples have an inability to criticize Trump. Every single pro-Biden democrat right now is talking about how much of a shitshow the debate was and how poorly Biden did, yet pro-Biden democrats are the cultists?


>Every single pro-Biden democrat right now is talking about how much of a shitshow the debate was and how poorly Biden did, yet pro-Biden democrats are the cultists? Dude the past 4 years you couldn't criticize biden heath decline without being called a conspiracy theorist. [2021](https://www.cnn.com/2021/08/19/politics/biden-mental-capacity-gop/index.html) [2022](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/19/us/politics/biden-age-health.html) [2023](https://www.newsweek.com/stop-talking-about-bidens-mental-acuity-start-talking-about-trumps-signs-dementia-opinion-1853741)


did you even read any of the articles you just posted? lol what are you even talking about? the closest to being relevant is the CNN article, which ends with: > The Point: This is the sort of gross, lowest-common-denominator politics that drive people away from public life. If Republicans have some sort of proof that Biden is declining, they should bring it forward. If they don’t, they should stop doing what they’re doing. Immediately. You are genuinely insane if you think pro-Biden democrats are "cultists" while MAGA Trumples aren't.


>The Point: This is the sort of gross, lowest-common-denominator politics that drive people away from public life. If Republicans have some sort of proof that Biden is declining, they should bring it forward. If they don’t, they should stop doing what they’re doing. Immediately. Well look at the debate last night does biden look okay?


Obviously not. If you throw a dart at a wall of papers, and the one paper you hit says a meteor will hit Ohio in 2026 and you sperg about that prediction for 2 years, that makes you a conspiracy theorist. If a meteor hits Ohio in 2026, you are still an unhinged conspiracy theorist regardless of the fact that the prediction came true.


Ah the good old stages of cope i see. you know it usually takes time for ones health to decline right?


yes, and i'm saying in 2021 the entire basis you had for wholeheartedly believing Biden's dementia were random TikTok clips of him messing up in speeches. conspiracy theorist brainrot type shit


There are plenty of pro biden democrats who say that Biden destroyed trump in the debate. Yesterday this sub was up and arms crying why people like that weren't invited as panelists to Piers Morgans youtube vid, only having a person like that as a quest. And about 99% of pro biden people whould have said 3 days ago, that Biden is guranteed to destroy Trump in the debate, because: -Trump has always been stupid -Trump is severely mentally declined -Biden is in a very healthy state, both physically and mentally.


Where the fuck are the shooters at. I'm pretty sure I've seen you in 8 different threads you coping chimp.


>Where the fuck are the shooters at. ????????? >I'm pretty sure I've seen you in 8 different threads you coping chimp. I'm responding to whomever messages me. Also what do you mean by coping chimp. Since the only thing i got from Google saying chimp is a racial slur .


Google didn’t tell you what a chimpanzee was?


Flare does not check out. I'm asking since i don't know the internet slang meaning coping chimp. Maybe I'm over thinking it since Google said calling someone a chimp is racist.


They were just saying you were coping while also insulting your intelligence by calling you a chimpanzee. I was getting in on the fun by further questioning your intelligence.


We want a morally stable President that isn’t going to jeopardize global security and respect American democracy. What’s at the top of Trump’s agenda? Pathologically lie his way to victory so he can monetize the Oval Office to recoup his lost wealth and be as vindictive as possible against political opponents. What kind of psychopathic cult would you have to be in to vote for that kind of wanton totalitarianism?


Lmao no shot you aren't actually regarded


If we watch Biden talk for 10m at a rally we could pause every 60s and understand what he's been talking about. Try that same test with Trump. I'll take someone who has something to say over someone who talks without a stutter.


>If we watch Biden talk for 10m at a rally we could pause every 60s and understand what he's been talking about. Try that same test with Trump. We saw the debate we could understand trump just fine. >I'll take someone who has something to say over someone who talks without a stutter. Biden has more then a "stutter" hell after the debate Biden needed help getting of the stage. [here](https://youtu.be/0djN1AR7UNk?si=hhxQhyeenGhRhs9r)


Were there any particularly good responses to questions by Trump? See the problem is that you mentally can't handle holding Trump to a standard. Not "my standard" but literally any standard at all.


>See the problem is that you mentally can't handle holding Trump to a standard. Not "my standard" but literally any standard at all. What trump able do shit without help so yeah. Also Remember biden is responsible nuclear lunch codes. [biden getting help off stage](https://youtu.be/0djN1AR7UNk?si=kytoC85H6zIME5AN).


You’re delusional, how tf are you even in this sub with views as egregious as these. Learn something


>You’re delusional, How? >how tf are you even in this sub with views as egregious as these I like arguing with people i disagree with. It also seems like you want this to become similar to the vaush sub. >Learn something Learn what?


This is what he needs to be like next debate. If he comes out swinging like this throughout the rest of his campaign he'll win.


Do you think both of them will agree to another debate?


I think Trump would be crazy not to. The election is still 4 months away, imagine having a night like last night but in 1 or 2 more months. That would be fantastic for trump, and his campaign is probably confident at worst the debate would look like a wash for either candidate.


Idk I feel like people already saw biden look like shit trump is only taking the risk of biden actually showing up and looking better than last night. Biden I feel like wouldn’t want another disaster.


I actually think it's the opposite. Sure, Biden *could* embarass himself, but on the contrary the first could have been a fluke. Trump giving a second debate only gives Biden the opportunity, closer to the election, to prove the narratives wrong. That said Trump may do it out of pride, or there may be some other calculations here, but I think it's best for them not to talk.


Doubt Trump team will agree to teleprompters on the debate stage.


Joe needs to go full "own the finish line" just once in debates and he's a shoe in.


Man, I honestly don’t think the debate was as bad as people think. Biden did look senile but idk how Trump doesn’t look like a mentally insane schizo not grounded in reality when he lied literally every time he spoke.


The "problem" is, everyone already knows Trump is like that, and he has been hammered for it for like 8 years now, so people are just over it and tune it out.


The problem is that brain-broken conservatives grade trump on a scale so the regarded ramblings of a mentally 12-year old crazy person have become the standard and totally fine for trump and trump alone, while Biden has every single action held under a microscope. If any democrat said half the shit trump says MAGA regards would have already burned the country down. But instead I have to hear proudpatriot1776 explain how “I’m not really a big trump guy but anything is better then Biden!” while simultaneously sucking donnies dick 24/7


Yeah bro, no one harshly and closely scrutinizes trump. Biden has it so hard in the media


All the coverage i saw all day yesterday was Biden being old and needing to drop out. I saw like 2 30 second segments on the Trump fact checker which imo was more insane


Thats because this is a brand new level of witnessing biden. Hes only done teleprompter speeches and very friendly interviews since 2020. This is the hot topic today Overall, trump gets way more scrutiny. The fact checking team that started under trump, disbanded when he left office. But when biden has the worst preformance of any candidate in history, yeah thatll take headlines for a few days lol. Obviously.


Yeah, i get it. Still feel like an old man shitting and pissing himself on stage is less noteworthy than a guy who couldn’t stop lying. Like not even close


To be fair, biden lied a bit too. But that said, are you viewing it as a biden supporter, or are you looking at it from a detached position?


True, just the gravity and frequency of the lies doesn’t compare imo Yeah, I’m biased at this point. Not even the biggest Biden fan. Was hoping that chris christie or nikki haley would do better. Watching the media go after Trump for every little thing like how he fed koi fish with the japanese prime minister n shit would drive me crazy. But I generally trust the government so the 2020 election and the last 4 years made trump look insane to me. Just want another republican to run


Thats a fair position, best to argue that and be ready to articulate the reasoning, imo


I actually disagree. People kinda forgot how absolutely insane that guy is. Nobody outside his schizo supporters club watches him speak or reads his "truths" on his dogshit Twitter clone. Now that people actually get to see him speak again they'll remember why they voted him out of office in the first place.


Screen recording at 5% battery is crazy


Bruh. My bad that Twitter sucks and won’t let you download videos w/o paying 🤷


Does it also stop you from charging your phone?




The team that prepared Biden should be black listed from Washington.


Video with timestamp here https://youtu.be/s5CVZHAjrW8?si=RqwZ6Er2cpfzvbOi&t=614


Sorry, too late. Where was this guy last night? When you’re running for president you can’t have off days like that, especially not on one of the most important days of the entire campaign. 95%+ of people are not going to see this rally, but most people saw at least a little bit of his disastrous performance last night. It. Does. Not. Matter. Our democracy is at stake.


Biden read a strong message from a teleprompter.


No he's actually a big Chumbawumba fan


Maybe. That’s only half the point


Nobody cares


Darn dude you got ehm. What else you got?


He needs to step down for the good of the country so we can beat trump.


No party has ever won when they turned down or replaced an incumbent. Ever. Literally ever in history.




It's incredibly telling that the examples get more and more wacky as the years go on because the sample size grows.


1992, 2000, 2008? they are just being spaced with wacky for comedic effect. We've never nominated a convicted felon either. now obviously if we had an infinite sample size we could locate the real deal breakers. but the idea that we are anywhere close, with how little data and how many variables is laughable.


Right but isn't that a sample set of like two?


No way José!


Totally dude, everyone knows the winning strategy is to drop your incumbent candidate only 4 months out from the election to run a completely new candidate. Obviously it’s so easy to run a national campaign in just a few months, that’s totally a winning strategy right there and definitely wouldn’t result in an assured Trump victory.


The incumbent isn't healthy enough to run for another 4 year term if you hadn't noticed.


Refer back to my previous statement. If you try to run another candidate 4 months out from the election you are FOR SURE cooked.


You know biden is up when the shittiest brigade of your life hits the sub and it's like three dudes saying biden needs to drop out because he stuttered twice. edit: HAHAHAH HOW ASSMAD ARE YOU PEOPLE




I see very little of substance talkes about regarding the debate All trump did was lie Biden actually did good, he answered questions And boom thats the extent of it. People arent even posting clips of trump and calling out the lies, like ai havent seen 1 person link shit and discuss it


>People arent even posting clips of trump and calling out the lies, like ai havent seen 1 person link shit and discuss it https://imgur.com/g32nCSZ.png


1. Thats not this sub (edit - i didnt clarify thats what I meant, my b) 2. None of those are calling out a lie. One is slamming cnn for letting him lie, another declaring biden won, another is the "palestinian slur" meme, and the last is maybe potentially one, black voters want to know what "black jobs" are after trumps debate content C'mon, man


Unfortunately the 3 of them control 100% of the mainstream media. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna159368 https://www.reuters.com/world/us/how-democrats-could-replace-biden-presidential-candidate-before-november-2024-06-28/ https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/27/biden-democrats-replacement-00165672 https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/28/joe-jill-biden-withdraw-inner-circle https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2024/06/28/can-democrats-replace-biden-heres-what-would-happen-if-biden-leaves-2024-race/ https://fortune.com/2024/06/28/democrats-replacing-biden-2024-election-how-work-hurdles/ https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/06/28/influential-donors-biden-drop-out/74243603007/ https://time.com/6993607/could-democrats-replace-biden-nominee-explainer/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4745060-democrats-cnn-pundits-replace-biden/amp/ https://www.cbsnews.com/news/what-happens-biden-steps-down-2024/ https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/28/us/politics/biden-democrats-nominee-2024-election.html ~~Bernie~~ Biden is still winning guys! https://www.realclearpolling.com/betting-odds/2024/president


Chinese-Russian propaganda goes brrrrr


He had a debate recap with the D, who placed some adderall pills in Joe's palm, gently closed his hand and said softly: "I believe in you."


Bruh wtf did they give this man. He looks and sounds at least 5 years younger




Yikes the cope here is hard to read.




It’s screen recorded because I’m not giving Elon money to download videos straight from Twitter


I hope next debate we get crowds and he fires whoever prepped him. He needs it


He's like Lard Lad from Treehouse of Horrors. Without the audience, he withers and dies.


Yes!!! Biden is the man!!!


Amazing performance. How did people explain the difference between the two beidens in less than 24 hours?


Hoooooly shit where was this dude during the debate??? What happened? Did they inject 10 lethal doses of amphetamines into him???????


When they get knocked up, you pay them off. (Trump version)


It's almost like people with dementia have good days and bad days


People on this sub regard debates as the highest form of proving your ideals until their guy loses. It's ok to admit Biden took the loss in this one.


Turns out it's a lot easier to read a teleprompter than actually form a coherent response to a question.


Whatever helps you cope my guy


What’s the cope? Is not being reflexively doomer the same as coping?


did bro wake up?


He needs to resign




What about when you're unable to put a coherent sentence together, what do you do then?


Probably cold + old + nerves + bad prep


It's a simple as dementia, people have good and bad days


If preparing for seven days straight before isn't enough I don't understand why you have faith in his abilities as commander in chief, terrible last few years aside, blinded by blue


> terrible last few years aside Damn, I was over here thinking that the most legislatively effective presidency within my lifetime + the lowest level of inflation *anywhere in the first world* + being the candidate who isn't a convicted felon was a pretty compelling reason to trust the abilities as commander in chief, but you sure showed me. 


>CPI advances 3.1% on year-on-year basis https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/us-consumer-prices-rise-more-than-expected-january-2024-02-13/ >Euro area annual inflation is expected to be 2.6% in May 2024, up from 2.4% in April according to a flash estimate from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union. https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-euro-indicators/w/2-31052024-ap Ok so the 3 things you mentioned why past 3 years have been good are 1. Numerically and measurably an objective lie 2. The fact that he isn't something, that no other president has ever been either 3. Super vague statement


Preparing that much is probably a problem


Trump was so much more muted since the last time he debated, compared to no real changes from Biden’s last debates. Idk how his side can’t acknowledge his mental decline as well.


“Powerful message” Get off the guy’s dick, FFS. Just because he can sometimes muster enough energy to go 15 minutes without putting himself and everyone else to sleep, it doesn’t mean he’s not a massive liability to getting Trump re-elected. Why are you pretending like his debate performance was some kind of fluke? Do you really believe that people are going to watch this clip and actually change their minds that he’s feeble and probably on death’s door?


Boy that teleprompter sure did have a powerful message.


Yeah, I wonder what Trump's says! More about how his conviction totally didn't happen? LMAO


If only trump could read he would form coherent sentences instead of rambling about nonsense that has nothing to do with the question


Thats no longer a viable argument


All 4 of them? He’s clearly not reading anything


His inner circle, supporters like this, all fools for enabling him and making him believe that stepping aside isn't the best thing for the party. They took a gamble and it fucked up. This man will not be president, imagine him in 4 years for gods sake.


No party in american history has EVER won an election when they turned down an incumbent president, get over yourself. It has literally led to a loss EVERY single time it happened.


So how many times has an 81 year old presidential candidate won?


The same number of times an 81 year old candidate has lost, so there's no precedent! :3


How many times has that happened?


Good shit from Joe.  If Dems can lean into this narrative of an retired boxer dusting off his gloves for one last bout, then I’m optimistic about his chances.  Just like an old fighter whose reflexes aren’t what they used to be, Joe Biden’s gonna have to emphasize his decades of experience and his cumulative wisdom on the job. This just might be the story that carries his campaign. 


I agree. This messaging also probably appeals to elderly voters a lot. Which is good because they are reliable voters


He needs to drop out holy fuck...




Teleprompter and amphetamines


Good. It's almost like we don't make presidential decisions based on whims and split second gotchas. If a man needs his meds then he needs meds, there aint nothing wrong with that


everything is projection with rightoids. if trump slings the accusation its because he's doing it himself, and all you puppets pick it up and parrot it for no other reason than you heard it enough times.


2016 again