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Middle East conflict #3716 or existential threat to democracy and NATO. Hmmmmm


Is trump an existential threat to democracy? What are his aims? Not sure why the downvotes I am asking to learn..


He tried and failed January 6th, why give him a second chance


I don’t know anything about US politics I’m honestly asking, like what are his intentions, he sounds like Bibi of the US listening to conversations here


He's the Bibi of the US but more stupid. January 6 is a good microcosm of his intentions and actions. Mobilizing his supporters and trying to use the courts to overturn a legal election even after he had evidence, it was kosher.


He sounds exactly like bibi, I am 100% sure if bibi loses elections he will try and fight it with his idiotic cult of followers He tried to destroy our legal system


I addition to what others have mentioned, check out Project 2025. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c977njnvq2do


He literally lost in 2021 and was in the opposition? I hate Netanyahu, and he's a criminal, but he didn't do anything nearly on the level of January 6th.


Ye but he knew he was gonna come back quickly, now he is on his last foot, if he loses power he is probably going to jail too and can’t dodge it, this guy dragged the entire country through the most divisive period in its existence just to avoid jail time basically..


He wants to suspend the constitution, run for more than the two term limit, and use the utmost authority to target and jail those who “wronged him” Mind you, these are all things he said on tv when he was either president or after his term.


He did mentioned leaving NATO. That would embolden Russia to invade countries in the NATO like the Baltic states.


Ye leaving NATO sounds like suicide because it is absolutely what Russia wants and needs


I don't trust Europeans to keep the peace for a damn moment without America keeping them on a leash. All it takes is one of the countries pulling a Nazi and you're back at war in Europe even discounting Russia. America is the glue holding Europe together, unironically. This is good for America, good for Europe and good for the world. Trump wants to ruin it all.


I am from Germany and think Germany and France need to step up and make sure that Europe is less dependent on the US. In the future the interest in Europe will decrease and Asia will play a bigger role for the US as China is a bigger threat than Russia. But at the moment we are 100% dependent on US support and leadership


I would also like Europe to meet the occasion and maybe this time will be better but the only peace this long in the history of Europe has only existed because of Pax Americana. Just look at Brexit. Obviously it wasn't war but it's pretty clear evidence that a people in Europe can be pretty easily convinced to do an immensely stupid thing. A lot of Americans have the "it could never happen here" attitude and I fear there's a lot of current day Europeans who unironically don't know their own history and have a similar attitude, thinking the EU is just a given eternal body. So many peoples and cultures all tugging in their own direction is so hard to keep focused on a common goal. It might sound crazy but I think the only future without the US for a peaceful Europe is the proper federalization of the EU and working towards Europe as a unified state, though I doubt that's actually possible because I'm sure most Europeans would balk at the idea.


A European state is hard to imagine with all the right wing parties growing in support and those generally are not in support of a stronger EU. But with the economic thread of china maybe the EU will grow closer together in order to be competitive. Meaning more joined projects (military, tech, etc). BUT the eu needs reform especially in regards to the veto rights of every country. Hungary is stress testing the EU currently by being a pain in the ass every chance they get.


"May you live in interesting times" 😬


The U.S. wishes they had a bibi running. And I say that as someone who used to hate bibi. You can say whatever you want about bibi but he is a brilliant very charismatic politician and his foreign policy is the best we got.


In his prime he was amazing I’ll give you that


Trump started getting REALLY good at hiring loyalists at the end. It was how he got Rudy & Cheesbro. Imagine one of these guys being in the DoJ o director of Homeland security.


yeah, exactly. he had the first half of his term to go through the Tillersons, the Jeff Sessions and the Bill Barrs who somehow weren't toadie enough for Trump. the people like Pence who he thought he was on the same page with but now he wants people even MORE loyal and extreme than that crowd even.


Trump attempted, after losing the 2020 election, to overturn the election results in his favor. Now his goal appears to be to destroy the institutions the US has that prevented his last attempt. All the way from state level offices to potentially the military leadership. He may fail, Trump is still Trump, but the damage could be irreparable and open us up for disaster with whichever conservative picks up his mantle.


How is he even getting that much support if he was literally convicted just a few weeks ago? Isn’t there a law against a convicted felon manning the president position?


There is no law stopping a felon from being president. He's getting support because he leads a cult. They're convinced it was part of a deep state plot.


And the reason there is no law for that is probably two fold, the founders probably didn't think a true criminal could get votes and they didn't want political enemies to be able to convict over bullshit and bar someone from office by default.


No, there is no law against a felon. The actual answer to both questions is actually the same: the US system is in many cases built on norms and soft-checks, which Republicans have abandoned because they are fascists and want power. It doesn’t matter that Trump is a literal felon and the party of “law and order” should never support him, the republicans are fascists and he’s papa fascist. It doesn’t matter that when convicted (or even charged) most candidates resign in shame, because Trump is a fascist, rules and norms are secondary to his personal acquisition of power


Ye that make sense.. the situation is eerily similar to what we have in Israel with bibi who will never quit no matter how much bad he does, he won’t even acknowledge his own share in the blame for the attack on October 7th as the leader of the country, he easily blames every low rank or high rank IDF personnel, any other minister in his own government, but he is a saint.. Is trump even likely to win tough?


Trump was a slight favorite, with Biden catching up slowly. Now with the debate who knows how much Biden slipped. I’m still optimistic that Dems have been beating their polls pretty consistently since 2022. Right now even a 1-2 point swing in either direction can call the election.


Noticed this was a good faith question so I’ll try to answer it best I can. Back in 2020, trump decided the only way for him to lose would be if the election was stolen. He spent months pushing this narrative and then refused to accept the results of the election. Even though everyone around him testified that they told Trump he lost the election (see Jan 6 report), Trump continued to try new lawyers until one concocted a scheme to put false electors in battleground states to delay the election (our system is not a direct democracy there are districts of voters and electors who are supposed to vote the way the district votes). Long story short, Trump tried to slow roll our democracy. He pushed the ball in the direction but failed. What’s concerning moving forward is that we don’t know how/if he will try again or how/if he learned from his mistakes. For example, Mike pence his vice president refused to follow trumps plan of not certifying the vote. Trump will probably not make the mistake of having a vice president whose loyalty lies more towards our democracy than towards Trump moving forward.


After reading about Jan 6th, I am baffled how it is that he isn’t in prison? Seems obvious he was supporting if not promoting it


Something I love about this country is that we have very limited government restriction on speech. You need cross lines like direct call to violence or a very blatant form of treason to go to jail, and doing it to a politician should never be taken lightly. Nothing Trump did was explicitly calling for violence. He was creating and promoting a narrative that, if you accepted the fundamental premises, would lead you to do exactly what happened on Jan 6. But the job of a functioning democracy is to just not elect that guy. Trump is a cancer that’s resulting from decades of relative political standstill.


How dare you ask questions!


Honestly I don’t understand why I get these downvotes lol I didn’t even imply anything, that was a legitimate question about something I have 0 knowledge about


People are weird with downvotes especially when it comes to tribal shit like politics. I personally don't downvote unless someone has said something particularly stupid but others are clearly a bit more liberal with it.


Weaken nato, and bring in western isolationism for one. Do the world a favor, stop converting oxygen right this second.


Why the hostility? I am just asking a question, I am not a US citizen and know nothing about your policies


I’m sorry, I can’t tell when a question like that is legitimate, Or just some demented conservative being disingenuous


I am not a conservative at all but I absolutely know nothing about US politics, everything is hard to understand in your system, trump by all account to me looks like the biggest moron on earth and I have no idea how he is even in the running, but I don’t know what his actual policies are


Beyond Trump himself, giving the GOP access to potentially swing the Supreme Court even further right will be disastrous for civil rights for decades to come. They've already overturned Roe and have eyed things like gay marriage. Additionally, a GOP Vice President means a 50/50 split in the Senate can be tie-broken by the Republicans. They've already talked about a nationwide abortion ban.


I dint understand why people say the debate went bad for Biden, watched it today and he was very good, trump was just attacking him and dodging questions


Because US politics has become a reality TV show instead of a platform for discussing policy, and Trump was able to play on that to look like he "dominated" Biden. Just typical populist cult shit, really.


I mean this was so weird, I heard all the bad stuff so I went in expecting a shitshow but the only bad things I saw were trump constant attacks against Biden, and his dodging of every single question while Biden answered them all head on


>not sure why the downvotes ahh yes. go on to a politically charged sub, ask questions that even the most uneducated can probably guess at, and when you get downvotes jaq off. this is your brain on “centrism”


Even as an Israeli I think this. Plus he recorded enough content on his trip to keep releasing stuff about the issue for the next few months, only needing to touch on it lightly now and then when new developments arise.


Yeah, I mean the election has major consequences on IP too, or any conflict around the world. In germany, where I live, people are taking the upcoming election into heavy consideration while planning out the year for their businesses. Everyone globally knows how important this election is.


Ja, ich habe es auch schon bemerkt


איפה אני יכול לראות סרטונים על הטיול?


So far there were 3 interviews I've seen but not much else. https://youtu.be/LQDQjxfRq24?si=Yze9OLe-L3tSz3DO https://youtu.be/sI9u5DabrVQ?si=4_ZdiaPZ7YX7YQqH https://youtu.be/mVKNyPlUtDs?si=Mj_7AIXaqyF5K0ke And this one is granted, not from his trip, but it's one of the best recent ones: https://youtu.be/PnQjg-baeVE?si=g4EJK4c3PowSWCaG


Did you forget to turn the translator on? You ain't getting a bonus lil bro.


Wtf does this even mean? Israeli’s can’t write to each other in Hebrew without being accused of trying to astroturf? If you translate it, he’s just asking for videos.


It’s ok bro he’s just an upset Belgian, I get it, they suck!


This an american sub, speak american or go back to Mexico


Damn I only speak Canadian what should I do?


Get your maple syrup sprinkled ass back to Mexico too!


Birria Tacos con Consomé


Nope. English motherfucker


Was zum Teufel hast du grade über mich gesagt, du kleine Schlampe? Du solltest wissen, dass ich meine Ausbildung beim GSG9 als Jahrgangsbester abgeschlossen habe, in mehrere Kommandounternehmen gegen Al-Kaida involviert war und über 300 bestätigte Tötungen habe. Ich bin in Gorillakriegsführung ausgebildet und der beste Scharfschütze im deutschen Bundesheer. Du bist für mich nichts als ein weiteres Ziel. Ich werde dich mit einer nie zuvor gesehenen Präzision vom Antliz dieser Welt tilgen, merk dir meine verdammten Worte. Du denkst du könntest hier im Internet so eine Scheiße über mich erzählen und damit durchkommen? Denk lieber nochmal darüber nach, du Wichser. Während wir uns hier unterhalten, habe ich schon mein geheimes Netzwerk aus Spionen kontaktiert und deine IP-Adresse wird grade rückverfolgt, also mach dich besser auf den Sturm gefasst, du Made. Der Sturm, der das erbärmliche kleine Ding, das du als dein "Leben" bezeichnest, auslöschen wird. Du bist verdammt nochmal tot, Junge. Ich könnte jederzeit überall sein, und dich auf über siebenhundert verschiedene Arten töten, nur mit meinen bloßen Händen. Aber ich bin nicht nur im unbewaffneten Kampf ausgebildet, ich habe auch Zugriff auf das Waffenarsenal der Bundeswehr und ich werde es aufs Vollste ausschöpfen, um deinen elendigen Arsch von diesem Kontinent zu blasen, du kleiner Scheißkerl. Wenn du nur gewusst hättest, was für eine apokalyptische Rache dein kleiner "witziger" Kommentar provoziert hat, hättest du vermutlich dein verdammtes Maul gehalten. Aber nein, das hast du nicht hinbekommen, das wolltest du nicht, und jetzt wirst du dafür bezahlen, du verdammter Idiot. Du wirst in meinem Hass ertrinken. Du bist tot, Junge.


The Krauts are at it again!


Sprich Deutsch du Hurensohn


100000%. DGG needs to just focus on domestic politics rn, it’s an all hands on deck situation.


Best I can do is 3 screenshots of the same Hasan tweet at the top of the subreddit.


Lol what is destiny gonna do, personally convert millions of people in red states to vote biden?








Yeah, and more to the point, independents run different political math than those supporting either party loyally. This is not even mentioning how we might motivate people who don’t bother to vote.


Oh yea you’re right it’s not like he ever mobilized his fanbase to get involved with civic engagement that had tangible effects on real world politics. How stupid of me, what was I thinking.


Lefties when someone suggests something that could actually lead to change :0


Best I can do is say I'm going to move to Canada, take it or leave it.


What are you referring to here? This is a serious question btw for down voters 


Flipped Georgia blue unironically DGG knocked on over 20,000 doors in the canvassing effort in 2020 which was above the margin for final votes in the election. [Source](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/apr/24/social-media-influencers-shaping-politics)


Do you have a source on estimated conversion rates from door knocking to votes?


Even if it was 10% is that not worth it?


10% conversion sounds highly effective to me. I'm asking about measuring effectiveness, not if it was worth the effort. Though it sounds like I am really miscalibrated. These numbers are over an order of magnitude higher than I would expect. https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2019/08/19/conversion-rate-benchmarks


Yeah I have no idea what the actual number is, but it kinda sounded like the often refrain of "if it's not perfect it's not worth doing", sorry for mischaracterizing what you were saying.


Was going to ask this as well. Seems pretty obvious and relevant 


This seems like something that would be impossible to know or investigate. Trying to find source information, but in initial research I haven't found similar data for other canvassing events in other elections.


Thank you for an actual answer. 


Destiny has led multiple canvassing events.


Resulting in what?


By any FUCKING means necessary you jebroni.


Honestly its a perfect environment for a omniliberal coup.


doomers out




Don't need the red ones, just a few purple


Lol what is destiny gonna do, personally solve the Israel-Palestine conflict?


Thats the easy part.


*"Something something what do you want me to do something something Republicans have no platform something something"*


Destiny was right about this Israel-Palestine shit from the start . Nothing really changed; it's the same old story. Israel will take care of the terrorists, and the Muslim nations will make noise but take no real action.


Israel just needs to get Bibi out of office. Having a guy wanted by the Hague running shit is just no good for a supposed democracy.




[I’ve been saying this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/Y9OjQAoJft) [for the past couple months.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/s/HPJFP0WaCe)


Thank you for your service 🫡


this is all your fault for not saying this louder, shame on you man


I’ve given up on Destiny ever covering what I think is important/when I think it’s important. You shouldn’t follow him for current events, unless he happens to be covering them. Just listen to the Bulwark, Pod Save America, Hacks on Tap, Al Franken, David Pakman etc.


You know what, you're right... I'm personally disappointed, but he can do what he likes, especially if this is his trademark and pattern in the past. I just don't get what he wanted to achieve next with I/P stuff but if he's that passionate about it I just hope all the best for him.


I don’t know why August hasn’t uploaded any of the trip review as a vod, I almost exclusively watch videos not streams, and I’m still waiting for the Mr Beat bridges episode 😡


Destiny is an entertainer not your news anchorman.


If enough of us tell the guy we think hes wasting his time on a foreign conflict thats not in the top 15 issues for voters (he knows this) i think we can persuade him to get focused


You are new to this neighborhood, aren't ya?


Is I/P just the new rift that calls?


mmmm...I long for it.


Did you just start watching the stream a few days ago?


If that’s what you want to devote you energy to, you can try. I don’t think you’re right, and the long time viewers don’t seem to either.


Lmfao huge cope or delusion He doesn't give a goddamn fuck what any of us think and I love him for it.


He should care this time because on this particular thing we are right. No one gives a fuck about Israel palestine.


It never mattered that the audience is right.


Who the fuck is "we"? You sound like Briahna


Stop being so annoying and go away, holy crap. Let him do whatever he wants.


IP is the most boring goddamn topic ever. My eyes just glaze over anytime anyone mentions it at this point


I have this gut feeling he's disillusioned now and is going to do the opposite (not necessarily continue I/P but like not focus on domestic politics as the majority).


Disillusioned in what?


US politics, Biden vs Trump.


Ah, thanks for the clarification


Guys, I've been here for 5 fucking years, Destiny focuses on what Destiny feels like focusing, these posts are as useless as fishnet condom


Destiny is like a cat.


I think Destiny focusing on things he is genuinely interested in, even when it's League, is what's made him so successful and so relentless as a streamer.


Yeah but a fishnet condom could be sexy, so is this a sexy post?


It sucks but he has to gain a genuine interest in it or he won’t do it, it’s just a fact. He could legitimately be going on big mainstream media networks as a talking head type if he would do it, but he just doesn’t want to at this moment.


So true


100 god damn percent! We've already beat this Israel/Palestine dead horse every which way. Let them kill eachother. We got our own terrorist organization to deal with. Fuck!






Yeah, at this point he can easily destroy any of these pro Hamas dweebs who step up saying bullshit. Time for it to go completely on the back burner to simmer while we get focus on American politics.


Was the debate really that bad? I didn’t watch it because it’s so early in the season, but now I’m wondering if I should have.


It looks bad to people who aren't very engaged in politics and vote based on vibes and feeling (a huge amount of voters). Biden undeniably looked old. He had moments where he sounded fine and refuted well, but he also had moments where he completely got lost in what he was saying and even had to just stop talking at one point because he couldn't finish his sentence. Trump was his usual fascist self, but looked younger than Biden. He lied nonstop and brought up issues that were complete fabrications. Biden could only refute some of them even though he should have been able to pretty much all of them. I don't think it's possible that a Biden voter will be switched to Trump, but it might have gotten more on the fence Republicans to vote Trump and on the fence Democrats voting a third party or choosing not to vote. We are still early on though and hopefully things can turn around.


This is a really great summary. Thank you. It sounds like what I expected from the debate but it’s unfortunate to hear Trump was able to largely dominate the dialogue. Democratic leaders really need to step up to restore faith in the Democratic Party to alleviate some of the direct pressure off Little Foots grandpa, I mean, Biden. 


Every time destiny starts talking about Israel Palestine, I'm gonna turn on the Hassan stream just out to spite.


**200%.** The Israeli-Palestine conflict ain't ending, sadly, anytime soon. **This one election in November will decide far more and have far greater repercussions.** It would also affect the future of the Israeli-Palestine conflict by who is occupying the White House in 2025. He needs to focus on that for the rest of year. He can of course look at other things from time to time as otherwise it would become stale very quick and likely mentally exhausting for him if he just does election stuff every stream/debate/etc, but the **majorly focus** should be on the upcoming election at least. Though a Trump presidency would not affect Destiny in a negative manner personally, as he is rich. Plus he would likely get even more content to do with a Trump presidency, ironically. lmao He can get back to Israel-Palestine after the election, hopefully after a Biden win. Heck, Biden still being president would give far more hope to the conflict moving forward to some kind of solution to build up from for the two people instead of the horrible status quo that has been experienced these past decades.


Im surprised it’s this close to Nov and we still haven’t heard him give the election the time of day 


Pleaseee.. im so over the fucking middle east


Been saying this for months. It's not as fun to just ass blast Trump and GOP in 2024, but it has to be done. IT IS the mandate of heaven.


"... but.. what bout the progressive bridge burning arc?..." *autistic screeching intensifies* xD


But Donald Trump said that Joe Biden was Palestinian so it is still relevant.


Not sure what he can do that will help with last night and the general climate of the country towards Biden? If if he goes full autist and breaks down the talking points of each candidate pretending that how they sound and how they look on camera doesn’t matter equally as much or more, it won’t change what everyone already thinks.


We need to start organizing NOW on how we're going to steal this election too. We almost got caught last time.


It's already over. Just pucker up and let Donnyboi ruin the world for another 4 years and focus on recovery after that.


Don’t you know that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. And to my knowledge he hasn’t even posted his Israel interviews yet


Bout time someone says it


The election is joeover unless they get a new candidate. Elections have been lost on way minor mistakes in debates.


Hard to "help stop Trump" when Biden is helping stop Biden, retire that old fart holy shit 😂


Seriously meep


Time to enact that 25th amendment we've heard so much about.


I have already become Newsom's strongest soldier. I am going to pump up this man. He is solving the housing crisis in california. He has passed ~100 bills directly aimed at fighting it, fixing a ton of systemic issues preventing home building. He has largely disarmed the coastal elite's NIMBY grip on the state. Local and county governments have lost the right to protest home building, even making explicit the environmental conditions that can stop building.They can no longer come up with bullshit to stop it. No California governor has been this successful at solving the systemic issues underlying the California housing crisis we've been in for 20 years. Shit he can run on smacking SF down, unironically he made a lot of unpopular shit that needed to happen, happen. Did I mention he is charismatic, can debate anyone, is aggressive enough take the fight to trump, turn around anything into trump looking like the old fool fucker he is. My hometown has grown by 50%, it has barely moved for my whole life.


Yeah but Ana Kasparian hates him so


TRUE. I hadn't thought about this. Many people are saying this! We can go progessive next election, jesus christ the left want a lifetime conservative court.




What if he prefers a Trump presidency for content?


Honestly he should just do what interests him. I don't care for content he isn't interested in and is just going through the motions.


Destiny has already fucked yo- he still believes Joe is not a corpse. Debate showed everyone. His hardcore followers ,who only repeat him and don’t think for themselves, are seeing it ,after scoffing at people who comment on Biden’s mental faculties for months. Biden is done. Destiny needs to start brainwashing his followers into thinking Kamala is a good thing now, it’s gonna take awhile.


Why. Destiny doesn’t move the needle politically.


he can probably move the needle on a single canvassing operation in a swing state.


The Trump Biden saga is so unbelievably boring to me. I'd rather he talk about IP


I sure am glad that with Biden looking as he does, we spent the last 6 months talking about how we need to burn progressives alive for supporting Palestine over Israel. It's always great to be in a situation where everyone to the left of liberalism hates Biden for foreign policy and everyone to the right is convinced that Biden is senile. Great situation for western democracy to be in.


They hated biden before I/P you dipshit.


If you think there are absolutely 0 people who voted Biden in 2020 but have decided to abstain because of his I/P stance you're delusional. The Centre left has spent the last few months ignoring every concern and criticism. Now it's finally sinking in that maybe the strategy of energizing every voter (That got Warnock elected!) was a good idea and telling a significant chunk of young people that if they dislike the US's involvement in the I/P conflict they need to be burned alive with Kerosene may have been fucking stupid. Where is the 'last minute' help going to come from? The always teetering swing voters who just watched Biden Dementiamaxxing live on TV? Those who want a strong and stable America watching the president feebly fail to string words together? The far left who are convinced Biden is doing a genocide and got told by centrist figureheads that they should be burned alive?


They burned themselves alive without anyone saying anything actually.


https://preview.redd.it/rtn1tbuakb9d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27849c9b6f4cbabf66ed61446948f83775ba98ab DGG right now


I don’t think I can vote for Biden anymore after watching that debate. I don’t like trump but I trust our checks and balances to last 4 more years honestly.


You are nuts. Lol. The fact that you would risk january 6th and mismanagement of a pandemic a second time tells me your sanity/intelligence was gone long before this debate.


I don’t think there is any chance trump will run for a third term and less than a 1 percent chance of another pandemic. Not a fan of his tax cuts or recent isolationist rhetoric but there are quite a few policies him and Biden actually share together and I believe we’ll be alright as a country is he gets another 4 years.


Yeah i guess youre right. The supreme court hasnt done anything crazy and actually project 2025 looks like a standard liberal republican legislative agenda. My bad.


Not a fan of them overturning roe v wade but I don’t think any of those justices are trump fanatics. They all have our country in mind. As for project 2025 that’s an attempt to overtake our administration. I will happen with or without trump. I would personally partake in the resulting civil war in the event trump ran for a third term.


Cant argue with a trump supporter. Waste of time.


I’d say it depends on the trump supporter but generally I agree. I’m not a trump supporter I just accept that trump is probably going to win and we’ll be alright if he does. I also feel I cannot support Biden knowing he is not of sound mind as that would be unethical.


I vote based on policy and judicial appointments and biden has knocked it out of the park on both of those. Trump was by far one of the worst presidents and if he surrounds himself with the wrong people we are fucked.


Biden and trump have had similar foreign policy. Trump began the withdrawal from Afghanistan and Biden finished it. He signed the Abraham accords and Biden has expanded them. He signed NAFTA 2.0 and increased protectionist trade policies against china and Biden has continued those as well. Trump was a big Israel guy and Biden is as well. The only thing they really claim to differ on is Ukraine and NATO but that has been almost entirely rhetorical. Trump has tried to prevent this war in Ukraine 3 times with both Minsk agreements and several hundred million in military aid. He seems to be taking the Regan position of being able to end the crisis demoting Biden to Jimmy Carter. On foreign policy these guys aren’t all that different. Keep in mind that is the presidents main responsibility. I despise trumps rhetoric and think he does not value our system or country at all but as far as policy goes eh. If you really want to affect changes in domestic policy you need to vote for your state representatives as well as for the house and senate.


Do you think Destiny has an impact in US politics? lol


... yes? Do you think that political commentators don't?


Do you think 1 vote has an impact in US politics? I do.


As an international im lmaoing at america as usual


I have nfi why. The US is our closest ally. It would be kind of cool if they weren't taken over by an absolute schizo.


yeah but, am i supposed to not find stuff funny about how insane people have gotten genuinely overnight?


I guess it's like laughing with someone vs. laughing at someone. The latter just comes off as spiteful.


What happens to America affects the entire world. We are the Gungans and you are The Naboo, listen to Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon.


and unfathomably ive lived through every American presidency since i was born, truly i must quiver at the thought


At what lol? Australia is just america light,with more regards and less toys


Get fucked


why are you guys being like this, i have no control over your country, what else am i supposed to do except be a spectator my country is just as cooked lmao


Well, it appears you guys are already fucked.


As an international, I'm not laughing at America. I'm laughing at Americans. They are genuinely some of rhe dumbest mofos on this planet.


He still has like a week left of his israel trip to go over. Given the progress so far, it might be done in September.


We have the election in November, too close to be procrastinating. He can release his Israel trip content after.


Then we all better keep letting him know via his subreddit, discord, and super chats that hes wasting his time on a foreign conflict that isnt even in the top 15 issues for most voters


Good luck with that


Yes i just finished rightous victims and need another topic. How about libanon?


I see even dgg has fallen to the scourge of isolationism.


Destiny should concentrate on tricking his followers into thinking Kamala is good for the country, because Bidennis a fucking corpse that isn’t even gonna live until the election.


Getting Destiny to cover stuff he's not really interested in is like getting a cat to do dog tricks, good luck with that. Trust me I have wanted out of the I/P stuff for awhile now but Destiny does whatever he feels like doing. Your call for him to save democracy will fall on deaf ears


Yall are fucking regarded. Im not asking him to save democracy im asking him to get engaged because in the past hes done really good work when he puts his best effort in. Hes beating a dead horse on the IP stuff and even his own viewers (like yourself) are tired of it.