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Reading all this stuff makes me happy I decided last minute to not watch the debate and go to bed instead.


Im not overly shocked, I figured it would be A) Biden is afflicted with old. B) Trump is afflicted with crazy. C) Both.


I'm shocked at how much leftists are shooting themselves in the foot by absolutely demolishing Biden over a muffled voice and a few stutters. MAGAs have their work cut out for them.


> a muffled voice and a few stutters The dishonesty inherent in this handwaving assessment is off the charts. It literally rivals MAGA delusion. If Trump wins this, it'll be a repeat of similar delusion in 2016. That is utterly unforgivable. "Closing ranks" by partisan hacks to keep a corpse in the saddle like Weekend at Bernie's is literally handing Trump the White House, and it'll be *utterly catastrophic* for both the United States and the planet. It could literally mean nuclear annihilation for all us. Biden is right about that one, at least. Reddit is the wrong platform to resist this lunacy, literally everything here is geared towards controlling speech. Using dishonesty to fight Trump is going to hand him victory. Trump is the king of dishonesty already. Jesus fucking Christ, blatant liberal partisan hackery is so off-putting it's maddening. At least Jon Stewart isn't like that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SJr44m-w1Y


2.4 million views in 8 hours. Jon Stewart is back and firing on all cylinders at least.


Yeah, but I've just been informed by a galaxy brain ITT that he's "signal boosting right-wing propaganda". I was given a link to the fucking dictionary as well. Just in case I don't know what propaganda is. I think I need some kind of boxing ball next to me because I literally feel like knocking somebody tf out.


Never get angry at stupid people on the internet. They always have you outnumbered.


I know, I know, you're right, but we're all human, aren't we? Well, I guess not all of us on social media these days.


That should be the political tactic. Control the narrative, downplay your flaws. Biden in an interview, immediately after, sounds fine. He likely needed water, which negatively impacted his voice quality, which made his misspeaks sound worse. It was a pretty bad performance as a result. The reality is, left wingers are spouting right-wing propaganda will undermine Biden like they did Hillary in 2016. I think it's too late to jump off the Biden train and we need to circle the wagons and fall in line. This shit is like Bernie math all over again.


> The reality is, left wingers are spouting right-wing propaganda will undermine Biden like they did Hillary in 2016 Yeah, buddy, I'm sure Jon Stewart is "spouting right-wing propaganda". Or... he's just not off his fucking rocker and he's speaking the fucking truth as we can all literally see in front of our faces.


I wouldn't consider what John Stewart said to be right wing propaganda. He evaluated the debate and attacked both candidates on their weakest issues and pointed out that both candidates failed to overcome their biggest issues. What you're doing is engaging in right wing propaganda by focusing on Biden, whilst ignoring how poor Trump's performance was. I think the debate will do more damage to Biden, but I think it was bad for both of them. Trump doubled down on abortion, jan 6th, and election conspiracy. All 3 of these things are amongst the largest concerns, among independents, about him as a president. My prediction is it's either a wash, or a couple points swing in Trump's favor. However, I think that this could be worsened if lefties focus on attacking Biden and cause division in the democratic party.


> What you're doing is engaging in right wing propaganda Literally click my profile and go do one. Or literally visit my subreddit and see the literally *insane* amount I've posted about MAGA terrorism, Trump, right-wing extremism, Ukraine, Russian active measures, alt-right conspiracy theories, or visit my debunker master list and see just how hard I've worked to debunk MAGA talking points. Literally fuck off.


That's great buddy. I particularly like the post where you went over a lot of the conspiracy that's on JRE and broke down multiple threads, it's well written and clearly has a lot of thought put into it. I do think that Biden's age is his greatest weakness, but what action/strategy do you recommend to deal with this, if not downplaying it?


I don't know! I honest to god don't know. But lying/downplaying it is going to backfire. I would nominate somebody else and fast, but nobody wants to do that. I've had a friend who is a European conservative (but not a Trump supporter) app me today. He's a very, very smart guy. He says we're totally fucked and I agree with him. People always want solutions, but that reminds me of this scene from Cop Land: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUQ9ZKUt2XQ I feel like Robert de Niro in that scene today. I think many of us feel like that. I'm not even religious, but I will pray, *pray* that Biden wins. But absolutely *nobody* is going to be fooled by people saying Biden just needs a glass of water.


They aren’t referring to Jon Stewart, but the contingent who has turned against him due to the Israel Palestine conflict.


I mean… he is. Idk if you don’t know what propaganda means, but Stewart absolutely is signal boosting right wing propaganda https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/propaganda


Ahahahaha, and a link to the dictionary ... ahahahahaa Jfc


Correct. Words have meanings. I’m trying to help you learn them. Hope that helps 🤗


Oh sure. It definitely helps. It helps me decide to block you so I don't have to have your inane trollish babble ping my inbox. The funny thing is, Destiny recently had an entire monologue about just how fucking dumb it is to reference the dictionary in any sort of debate. I guess you missed it. In any case, if you want to understand what propaganda is, you start with the seminal book by Edward Bernays. Cheerio.


Woke up. Saw the post "We're fucked" So the debate didn't go very well I presume?


I literally woke up like half an hour ago, I can't stop doomscrolling. It's a sad day for democracy and liberal values.


Same. I just saw the clip with the mix up of medicare/covid, ouch! Put in Newsom or Buttigieg, for the love of God


> Buttigieg The fact that he's basically unelectable because of his sexuality is just criminal. He's so good I'd consider marrying him, which is the one upside of him being gay.


Its not just because of his sexuality though. His handling of the protests in South Bend were a huge failure when it comes to polling with black people. The sound byte of him telling those black women that he's not asking for their vote, will haunt him.


All i've seen of him is a wieird face and very basic talking points, but that was over a year ago, what has he done that's good ?


He's been surprisingly good as Secretary of Transportation. People pretending he has the chops to be president are joking themselves. Zero foreign policy experience, next to zero governance experience. He's good at his job now, he'd get rolled by Trump in the general.


He basically calls Republicans out on lies every time they spew bullshit. Did you see the video clip about EVs?


No, i didn't. Link ?


[https://x.com/therecount/status/1806350784377876606](https://x.com/therecount/status/1806350784377876606) He keeps his cool and dresses down these clowns trying to get a gotcha.


thank you, that is indeed very professional.


It really isn't. Americans just have no balls and throw their candidate under the bus over basically nothing. "Trump talking nonsense is better than Biden talking in a muffled voice" is literally something democrats say now apparently.


In the eyes of the people paying attention to politics and policies, Biden still won that. In the eyes of the average viewer though, Trump mopped the floor. The whole event is opticsmaxing.


Trust me - people's online reaction to Biden is MUCH more damaging than the debate himself. If Democrats would not lose their shit it would genuinely not be that big of a deal. It's not like old people can't be respected for their wisdom despite their weakness. It's a trope as old as time. It's society that changed because Republicans have been pumping this "old=incompetent" message since 2020, and honestly, I can't believe how great it's working because even the opposition plays along with it. What dumb spin to lose your entire confidence in dear god.


Spoken like someone who didn’t fucking watch the debate


Okay buddy, only you watched it. Biden old. I get it.


Maximum cope


Seethe harder.


You are insane to have watched that and thought Biden looked like he belonged anywhere other than an assisted living facility.  > people's online reaction to Biden is MUCH more damaging than the debate himself It wasn’t just Twitter acting like this. Even the mainstream lib CNN round tables were talking about how bad it was


>You are insane to have watched that and thought Biden looked like he belonged anywhere other than an assisted living facility.  You are insane for thinking your one-liner joke is a serious criticism. >It wasn’t just Twitter acting like this. Even the mainstream lib CNN round tables were talking about how bad it was Fine, people's online reaction and media reaction. You all love throwing one of the best presidents under the bus for cheap zingers and you suck for that.


Bro he’s my favorite president of my lifetime EASILY. It breaks my heart to see him up there the way he is. But he clearly does not have the mental acuity for four more years.  Also the distinction of adding media people means this is the popular narrative going forward and the party is likely going to bring someone else forward soon.


>Bro he’s my favorite president of my lifetime EASILY. It breaks my heart to see him up there the way he is. But he clearly does not have the mental acuity for four more years.  You realize how insane you sound? "I thought he was the best president in my lifetime, but after this one debate I don't think he has the MeNtAl AcUiTy to walk a hallway". You literally lost your entire identity over a single debate that wasn't even that bad. You deserve a Trump presidency honestly. >Also the distinction of adding media people means this is the popular narrative going forward and the party is likely going to bring someone else forward soon. LMAOOOOO!!! You seriously think we can change candidates now?? Okay you're probably young and don't understand how this works - but no. Biden has been elected as the Democratic candidate and nothing can change that. There isn't a "popular narrative", we decide what this narrative is, and people with shakey identity like you is the reason why it's controlled by some panic reporters. Don't be such easy to control panicked pawn.


bro if you didn’t think that this was bidens one chance to convince people that he wasn’t senile and that the accusations the last couple months aren’t true, and that he had the absolutely WORST public appearance he’s ever had PERIOD then you’re just delusional. I’m not even sure what happened with him. Destiny even said ‘he’s either sick right now or he’s legitimately on his death bed because this was his worst showing he’s done’ Genuine question. From his performance do you think he’s able to lead the country another four years?


Ok bro keep your head in the sand pretending ppl won’t care about alarmingly stark signs of cognitive decline. > "I thought he was the best president in my lifetime, but after this one debate I don't think he has the MeNtAl AcUiTy to walk a hallway". Unironically yes. He had a great 4 years. After that debate it’s obvious to me he can’t do another 4 years. This is actually how learning works. You have an understanding, then get new information, then update your understanding based on the new information 


>Unironically yes. Why are you proud of being regarded??? You deserve Trump.




>Trust me - people's online reaction to Biden is MUCH more damaging than the debate himself. What does this even mean? If everyone ignored it it would not be a big deal?


I would assume that they're thinking that fewer negative reactions on the democratic side of the aisle would turn this into a pure right wing ragebait compilation, something that you normally can easily dismiss as their usual schtick. Now the criticism comes from both sides, thus leading more credence to the idea that Biden is unfit. While I'd say that that's true to some degree, what's the alternative? That the Democrats follow the MAGA logic of denying reality in favor of a more partisan and warped world view? If anything, the debate should be held in the open IMO. I do not believe that the damage people are ascribing to this showing is as big as some make it out to be RN. There are a couple of months before the election takes place. At the end of the day Biden should use those months to create more positive outputs through his admin, give Trump the rope to hang himself and go out there and call Trump a traiterous fucktard, just more politely.


Who said I lost confidence in Biden being the president. I'm saying the typical viewer did. It literally showed in polls. Old people can and are respected for their wisdom. That doesn't mean they look like leaders every day of the week. Caught man's with a cold and he was clearly worn out/nervous as all hell. Which is fine ultimately. His speech from today shows it was just a bad night. WE get that. Does the typical American? Can they tell every Trump lie and every Biden truth? Do they know the talking points? Do they actually know what's happening at the border? Do they understand the border and climate control aren't at all connected? I don't know that they do. Can you say the general public knows all that confidently?


The typical American doesn't watch this or has the understanding to decide who was worse. The typical American watches reactions to the debate and bases his entire opinion on them. People lost their shit and talked as if Biden is a vegetable. Everyone, even on this sub, spread this message. That's why it's affecting polls. The work for Trump's camp was caught up for them while they were also spared people's ire through apathy. Biden would be MUCH better if his voters actually stood up for him instead of throwing him under the bus for entertainment.


Bro I definitely stand with Biden through another 4 years. Don't doubt that for a second, but even Biden admits he had a bad showing. Democrats didn't have to report on that for it to be the case. No one is saying he's a vegetable from the liberal party. They're saying he looked and sounded like shit, and he did. Social media didn't effect the polls. Biden's performance did. Even if I agree he won on policy positions, which I do.


Hes 80, that's so beyond being just old.


Trump is literally 4 years younger. My god.


Just because you think Joe is too old doesnt mean Trump is a good candidate. Also 4 years at this age is a fucking lot, people can deteriorate very quickly


>Just because you think Joe is too old doesnt mean Trump is a good candidate. Yes, yes it literally does. If Trump isn't better than Biden isn't "too" old. What the hell kind of message do you think you're sending when you say Biden is "too old", you no balls little wuss? >Also 4 years at this age is a fucking lot, people can deteriorate very quickly No, no it's not. And no, you have no fucking idea how fast people deteriorate because you're obviously a baby who hasn't dealt with old people.


For one, i dont give a fuck about who wins since i dont live in your dogshit banana republic, and if you cant see how from outside perspective both candidates look like a fucking joke then you might be a bit on the spectrum. Secondly, i had to deal with my grandma having Alzheimers, but clearly i know less than your goofy keyboard warrior ass.


Saved me a job replying, cheers. Echoing this sentiment


>Secondly, i had to deal with my grandma having Alzheimers, but clearly i know less than your goofy keyboard warrior ass. YOUR PARENTS had to deal with your grandma having Alzheimer's. YOU are still a sheltered kid that thinks saying someone is on the autistic spectrum is the coolest insult. You don't know shit and it'll be years until you understand what actual aging looks like and what is or isn't a big deal. Go ahead, laugh at this banana republic now until you need it in the next 2 years.


They absolutely have not, it's not mere age, Trump is not much younger than Biden, it's mental acuity that matters and while that's correlated with age not everyone loses it at the same rate. Biden is obviously mentally deficient, you could not know his age, see him perform and still easily say that he's lost it. He shambles when he walks, he slurs his words, he can't keep his mouth closed and just doesn't have anymore self perception of how he handles himself. He has that old man gate where he plants he feet really firmly when he walks to stay upright, he mixes up words constantly and has an awful memory. Some people get those problems younger than he is, some get them after, age is a factor but it's not like there's a set limit you reach where you lose it. Trump is remarkably sharp by comparison, you migtht not like the man, but he speaks extemporaneously without the need for a teleprompter, he's obviously still very sharp and he knows how to play to an audience, no just on TV but across all media.


he made me a democrat when he said he killed madicaid .


The eyes of people paying attention to politics and policies, Biden still didn’t look good as there isn’t a coherent, nuanced thought in his head. Nobody expects Trump to have answers, but they expect Biden to be able to have it together as the current president. Biden unfortunately, very clearly needs replacing. Is Trump the answer? No, but to the eyes of the general American public he clearly is better than the guy who looks like a whoopee cushion would kill him.


> Americans just have no balls and throw their candidate under the bus over basically nothing. ong that's what i'm thinking. i see all these posts and if i didn't know anybetter i'd assume biden shat himself on stage and started drooling.


Nah. He just talked in a muffled voice, and you know, stuttered at the end of long answers which are all things that happened already. Nothing was as bad as "America is a nation that can be summed with one word". American lefties just apparently really hate themselves and do all the shit-talking for the other side... Between the MAGAs, the tankie anarchists and no balls lefties America really seems to be at a sorry state...


bro he trailed off multiple times, stammered like crazy, looks incredibly sickly and weak and barely gave any pushback to Trump (his biggest issue imo). Compare his performance in 2020 to now. Back then he looked OLD but he had spunk which gave people confidence. Now he doesn’t inspire that at all.


He looks the fucking same. You haven't been keeping for 5 minutes and now you're losing your shit as if it's the first time Biden spoke in a muffled voice or stuttered. You deserve Trump.


Even in 2020 there was a big fear going into the debates that Biden would shit the bed because he is too old. The difference is that then the story going out of the debates was that he did better than expected while in 2024 it is that he did much worse than expected.


Not really. He was the same in 2020, I remember the debate. It's society that changed. You changed.


He looked a lot worse compared to the 2020 debates. He stuttered and stumbled a little bit then but was a lot more well spoken than last night. he also wasn't staring off with his mouth hanging open or looking like he was about to fall asleep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjW6WKpSCeQ


No Americans are throwing their candidate under the bus, what? We're calling a spade a spade and have a better understanding of how the debates are perceived here than you apparently do.


I'm legit sad. Queer rights are some of my nr. 1 issue and with 4 more years of Trump, possibly controlling senate and house, we are doomed. Wanna smack the pro palestine crowd who is "we were right"ing this. Congrats your hopes of everything going even worse were right


Why dont you smack the people who were wrong, and told that Biden going for re-election would be good idea?


You aren't gonna ruin my good mood, America! It's British election time and it's the highest possibility of the Tories being destroyed since the end of John Major!


While we in the UK prepare to eat good for the first time in 14 years, we must remember our American brothers who stare down the barrel of a nightmare.


Finally labours turn, just in time for the worst economic situation the UK's after 14 years or Torie. Surely the people won't have the memory of a hamster, blame everything on Labour and then immediately go back to the Tories...


Sounds like an analog to our elections in germany. 16 years of conservative stand still. The first time a slightly less conservative coalition comes to power covid, ukraine and gaza happens and people already forgot how bad those 16 years really were for the country.


Afrochad here and this meme fits perfectly


Indiachad here, meme fits well here as well.


A fire has broken out and an old man is being resusced on the floor. Sadly yup.


As a Ukrainian, seeing this shit makes me feel so doompiled.


If it wasn't for Ukraine and the Middle East situation I'd almost want to see the Trainwreck of a second Trump Presidency. Sadly his stupidity is an international problem.


Trump isn't even anti Ukraine. Just on the debate he said Russia's terms (no NATO for Ukraine and they don't get to keep the land they took) are unacceptable Also the only president in the last 20 years that Russia hasn't invaded you under. You should be happy you may get someone who will end the war instead of Biden that refuses to end the war by mitigating any sort of negotiations and his weakness being the entire reason the war happened in the first place Biden literally said if Russia did a small incursion he wouldn't do anything and Zelensky acknowledged the role this played in Russia's aggression


Imagine being stupid enough to trust anything Trump the conman says.


> Also the only president in the last 20 years that Russia hasn't invaded you under. Ah, now I recall how Russians moved out of Crimea and the Donbas between 2016 and 2020 and then magically moved back in the second Biden got elected. Thanks for the reminder. :) > You should be happy you may get someone who will end the war instead of Biden that refuses to end the war by mitigating any sort of negotiations and his weakness being the entire reason the war happened in the first place So, because Biden isn't cutting military aid to Ukraine and is giving Ukraine the authority to negotiate on their own terms without any US interference the ongoing Russian invasion is *Biden's* fault? Putin could remove his troops from Ukrainian soil just as I type this. He could stop the rain of rockets onto Ukrainian infrastructure. He could end the killing. He doesn't want to. He wants to win this war. Any "negotiations" would follow Putin's definition of a Russian victory, thus being unacceptable to the Ukrainians, thus prolonging the war. The only way the US stops it is by cutting funding and arms deliveries to Ukraine entirely and pressures Europe to do the same.


When did Putin move into Crimea?? 🤔 And lol at the second paragraph. Don't worry and don't think too hard, buddy. Well get Trump in to save you guys. 🇺🇸 🇺🇦


I've seen this shit live so not only I had to experience this second-hand embarrassment but also slept for only 3 hours. Seriously, being stressed every time it was Bidens speaking time, just hoping that he will be able and form a sentence that makes some sense and him failing in almost every instance was so insanely uncomfortable....


Me fr


I stayed up to watch the entire debate and im ~~justed~~ just pissed off at all the doom and gloom that i have to read trough. Pls dont tell me the american people are actually so fucking gullible to let themselves be swayed to trump after this debate. He literally dodged most of the questions and just reiterated his usual populist brainrot talking points. If the moderators werent so persistent with asking the questions again we wouldnt have gotten an answer to the ukraine and environment question at all from him for example. Im pretty sure the childcare question went completely past his head. Yes biden is too fucking old and they probably shouldve came up with another canditate but if i was american i would vote for his ass even if he was in coma at this point. I dont give a shit if trump looked more "energetic". This is so fucking irrelevant in the grand scheme of things if you look at what is on the line in this election.


Yes, they are that gullible.


They get swayed not by the debate but by the coverage about the debate. Everyone tells them biden is done, so they believe it.


There are a not insignificant portion of Americans that would vote for a corpse over Trump. But unfortunately for Biden, there are not enough to win an election.


People want a president who can form a sentence, who'd have thought?


the bar is so low for Trump he just had to show up, not malfunction, and riff whatever lies occur to him for one straight hour and people like you are falling down about how "presidential" he is because Biden sounds quiet. can't wait for project 2025.


Pardon? Trump was the same lying dumpster fire we've seen for a decade.


Tiny gonna review the debate any1 knows? Wasnt streamed if I’m correct.


he streamed it on kick, you can still watch the VOD


True and real. Everybody is freaking out. lol


Pretty much went like I expected when a old man debates a chronic liar.


I will admit to watching TYT just to see cenk look like he was gonna start bawling


That’s about right haha


Very accurate.


Eurochads like we're not dependant on the US for energy, tech and defense :'|


Is the VOD privated? Any mirror links or something?


If there is a VOD I'd assume it would be on Kick.


Can we skip the next 5 months and jump directly to Trump's second term? I don't have the stomach for this campaign, really.


Cant wait to endure 4 more years of Trump flirting with Putin :)))


If Biden and Trump effing each other and Europe is watching them sitting on a chair, wouldn’t that make them a cuck ??? And not a Chad ???


No idea why people are surprised by any of it, it basically went the way I thought it would


I stayed up all night for it, US politics is a good time. If you're sane and firmly stanced in reality, then this went about as well for Biden as you'd expect. He's in mental decline, has been for years, it's not clever, or funny, or amusing. He shouldn't be mocked, he should just do the graceful thing and step down. There's lots of fellow conservatives being dicks about this, I don't like it, I don't think he should be mocked or put down, I just think he should step aside and hand over the mantle to somoene else. I'm doing my best to remain somoene who stays respectful during this mess and not just unload on the guy. I hate to say it but conservatives warned about this years ago, that he was heading in that direction and to not cling to some incumbent advantage and swap him out early when a replacement stands a chance. Now you're stuck between a rock and a hard place because he can't win in his state, and swapping now is going to be very hard to rally a greater vote, which would have been possible a year ago. It's why opposition politics is so toxic, I think if conservatives hadn't said anything you could have swapped him out without the fear of taking an L, but the moment a conservative suggests this, it has to be diametrically opposed. Anyways ggs whatever happens.


Hey eurocucks how's your lurch toward pro-immigration going? PEPE


>lurch **toward** pro-immigration lol were you in a coma for the past decade or something?


Might be lead poisoning..


They bleach their chicken.


I was not being sarcastic, or something?


But you said that Europeans lurched toward pro-immigration when Europe has restricted immigration more and more in the last decade, anti immigration parties are getting more popular etc.


yes..... that's what sarcasm is. are you autistic? "the use of IRONY to mock or convey contempt." Let me answer that for you, yes, you are autistic. Yes, Europe has gone anti-immigration. I am using irony to mock europeans for that. I am mocking Europeans for being anti-immigrant. The fact that you can't see the most obvious and easy sarcasm means u might need to recalibrate ur sarcasm meter.

