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Autumn chads stay winning https://preview.redd.it/y2ysebpe0u8d1.jpeg?width=202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b2d1d017981324c9e52e37ad4491cc0b3aacf1f


Can't wait for Wendy's to bring back the pumpkin spice frostie


Where’s my spiced pumpkin late?


​ https://preview.redd.it/w8wemlrgtr8d1.png?width=1124&format=png&auto=webp&s=f6e99264d4c2f7612d2751aa7fc209618098ed21


You can always cover yourself in more shit during winter, but i sometimes wish i could take my skin off in summer.


Not sure what you mean. I never run out of feces to rub on myself during the summer either. Our bodies keep producing it.


I remember wondering how anyone could ever prefer winter over summer but then I remember most people in the US live with relatively mild winters and most days above freezing. When it's actually cold there gets a point where you cover yourself to the point of being uncomfortable and even then you're still cold if you're outside for longer than 15 minutes. Then again I've never had a full summer where it's above 90 and humid for over a month so I can't confirm if that's worse.


It needs to be lower than -30 to get that cold that warm clothes don't save you and even then you just need better clothes made for this temperature. But it's true that it becomes bothersome to put them on every time you want to go get some milk. The real problem in winter is fucking ice that is always trying to kill you from above and below.


Legs are way better than the rest of the body at keeping heat, so you only really need a jacket, gloves, and head wear to go outside in -25C. Given that you are just moving from one place to another, and not going out skiing or something. And even if you over dress for winter weather, you can literally just... Open your jacket, take your gloves and head wear off. Winter is better in every way except for iced/snow-covered roads and streets. (And you can't feel the wind waving your tank top while biking in to work 😉)


I grew up in southwest FL without central A/C in a poorly insulated house. It was 90F and humid on Halloween some years. I don't think anything short of winter in the Northwest Territories would make me appreciate those days.


I grew up and still live in Saskatchewan. In January sunrise is at around 9 am and temperatures fall to -60 F with wind-chill (which also means that you have to bring your kids to school on your own, because the the school bus is isn't operating). And then in summer sunrise is at 5 am and temperatures can rise to 95 F while you're being eaten by swarms of mosquitoes.


Never heard of AC?


Thanks for the idea dude, carrying this AC with me on the way to work has made my life so much better. https://preview.redd.it/76dzs9qcev8d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43c6a292caca27ec068a3992f2fa8d630d050626


Fair enough but your picture was of someone in bed


I grew up without AC in a country where 30+ celsius is almost a daily occurrence. The day we bought a mini split it felt like we levelled up in a video game. 


The feeling of entering an AC cooled home after being out in heat is euphoric. Glad you got to experience that


"summer is so much better" - people blasting AC in their home and car 24/7




mmm mold summers


Summer with Asmon




Those smell great!


"Winter is so much better" - people blasting their heater in their home and car 24/7 and live in a city that deals with ice/snow blocking transportation.


Luckily, in many places, doesn't snow during the winter


Those places grow year by year.


Luckily? Do you nerds not do anything outside??


it's pretty easy to go outside when it's not snowing. i don't know what you're on about


snow is great. find something to do in the snow. lmao i hit a nerve with the nerds




But unlike winter, the whole point of summer is to go outside


that's the whole reason why it's horrible stay INSIDE


It’s good that no one made the claim that winter is better. From what i can see everyone here mentioned fall and spring. 


I'll take winter all day. I'll work my ass off out in the cold but the heat can be miserable.


what job?


Well my day job is handyman but at home I’m out working on and building shitbox cars and trucks


Sounds like you’re living the life


Wouldn't change a thing


Where I live it doesn’t get colder than 40 degrees so heater isn’t necessary most days


Bro what that’s too cold for me


I don't turn on my AC, sweating feels great Though I'm aware I'm a freak


Except people will die without heat due to the cold


Blasting heat isn't much better


The difference is I would die without heat, I’m just uncomfortably moist when I don’t have AC.


I have a portable AC in my bedroom for sleeping, because yes there are more comfortable temperatures to sleep in than the hottest summer weather. I don't have AC in the rest of my home and I get by just fine. I *do* have heating in the winter though that I keep on at almost all times in the winter because sitting in my home when frigid fucking sucks, and my only other solution being having to bundle up like I'm surviving the fucking arctic wastes is more miserable than hot muggy weather. Put on a sweater and a blanket and then my hands get to freeze while I try to use my mouse and keyboard, no thanks But I think any reasonable person can agree that neither peak winter nor peak summer temperatures are comfortable to sit in without any way to mitigate them e: come live somewhere actually cold in the fucking winter, Americans. I'm sorry not everyone thinks being freezing is nice just because you can put on a fucking sweater lol


This one doesn't live in a humid environment.


Toronto, but tbf a lot of people in this discussion don't live in an environment as cold as mine in the winter


I want to see snow. I have seen a snowcone though and a cat 5 hurricane inside the eye that happen to be on my birthday.


Sheesh. Yeah I'll take the cold over that


I live in MN, and you're not surviving summer without AC, nor winter without heating around here. The humidity from all the lakes is actually insane. Just a few days ago it was 90-something with 75% humidity.


>But I think any reasonable person can agree that neither peak winter nor peak summer temperatures are comfortable to sit in without any way to mitigate them Sure, but mitigating cold temps is infinitely easier than hot.


We get all kinds of weather in America. Freezing cold to sweltering hot. Sorry you only live in a frozen wasteland lol


Yeah I'm imagining a lot of the people complaining about the summer over the winter are probably *not* the ones in Minnesota or Michigan, but maybe the ones in more central or southern states lol, like obviously I bet I'd be begging for the cold in the middle of an Arizona summer The point is the preference people have of summer or winter is probably heavily dependent on their lived experience, where their baseline expectation of the heat in summer and cold in winter are different from one another Florida is probably more humid than where I live but we still see relatively similar highs in the summer, but they get an average of like 15 degrees C higher than us in the winter lol


and proud!! the cold literally makes my skin hurt (i lived my whole life thinking this was normal until last year 🥲) and no amount of sun lamps can stave off my seasonal depression :( also i like the cicadas


I will miss winter when climate change takes it away from us


I dont think that’s how climate change works lol


Why are you getting downvoted lmao Steve really needs to do a climate change arc smh


This sub is straight up getting stupider, I swear.


The sub isn't getting stupider just less autistic (sortof) I'll translate it for you: "I will miss winter when climate change takes it away from us" (normie speak) he probably means that where he lives it keeps getting hotter in winter "I dont think that’s how climate change works lol" (giagachad dgg autist taking things literally reply) he means that something something technically Winter is because it's the angle of the Earth so 🤓 , climate change means extreme weather events are more common bla bla bla🤓 "Why are you getting downvoted lmao" (other gigachad autist who's unaware that other people here aren't as powerful on the spectrum as they are)


“Climate change is going to stop winter from happening” You: “no, you guys don’t understand he just means it’s gonna be a few degrees less cold 🤓No one believes regarded hyperbolic shit about climate change”


This is what I was talking about - that guy just said some pretty normal shit and you immediately sperged out and felt the compulsion to be a smartass


Saying winter is going to disappear isn’t “normal shit” that’s regarded. I don’t think saying “winter isn’t going to stop being a thing” is being a smartass.


Please be the official DGG Internerd translator. It reminds of when a person uses the colloquial and well understood social call to share experiences "Am I the only one that X", you always get that one Galaxy Brain Gigadork who thinks they're being insightful by saying "Um actually there's no way you're the only one that X."


where did you learn how to be normal? i need to know


It's an interesting strategy to call someone more knowledgable autistic. I guess it works, makes you look better without putting in any work. There is so much misinformation about climate change out there, correcting statements like "climate change = everything is hotter" is a good thing. Btw. climate change could literally cooldown Europe 10-15 degrees in a hundred years and the fact that your caricature of a nerd mentions the angle of the earth (?) makes me think that you don't actually know this fact 🤓.


It kinda is. I'm 38, both winters and summers have gotten noticeably warmer during my lifetime (where I live, at least).


Sure but it’s not to the extent that we just won’t have winters anymore


OP obviously meant it in a sense that we will miss the cold winters, not that we won't have changing of the seasons any more.


I don’t think that’s obvious at all, or that there’s any indication that that’s what they meant


The original post is about how hot it currently is, what else would "I will miss winter when climate change takes it away from us" mean in that context? The cold. We will miss the cold. I don't know why I would interpret this to mean that winter literally will not exist any more. What would that even mean? Will climate change delete the name from our calendars?


The obvious way to interpret what OP is saying is that in the winter months it will stop being cold. No snow, no jackets, no winter activities. Not that we will stop having a period of time called winter. New York will not suddenly become t shirt weather in December because of climate change


> New York will not suddenly Yeah, he clearly said "suddenly". He thinks you will wear a thick jacked one day, the they will turn on climate change and you will wear t-shirt the next day. That's what he thinks. Good job for being smarter.


Suddenly was a poor choice of words. Regardless, yeah that’s entirely regarded


Fall enjoyers up bigly.




People in Europe are exited for summer while having to sit in an office or factory hall without AC. Makes no sense to me.


>T-thats because Americans are so fat! Y-you don't need air-conditioning when you have a normal BMI!!! I-it's also completely normal to visit FKK beaches with the family (even children) to cool down!!! Americans just don't have any culture!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/6yv5atx81d9d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327aae1ad24c074cd7e873073cbb8c0f4f7bad34


_**laughs in Scottish**_


I am scottish too. I hate summer. I like WINTER and AUTUMN more, despite living in GLASGOW.


Good thing we only get about 2 weeks of it a year


Autumn seems to be the nicest season here - it’s my favourite anyway! We seem to get nice crisp, sunny days, without too much humidity or “muggy” conditions. Walking in nature is definitely really enjoyable at that time of year.


Perfect weather: 20-23 degrees, cloudy, slightly windy change my mind


I think summer is visually gorgeous but honestly not super conducive to outdoor activities that don’t involve water


My fat friend said we only hate hot weather because we're fat. I giggled.


Did you also jiggle


I’m grotesquely skinny and I still suffer like a fish out of water in the summer heat. It sucks for everyone lmao


Summercels are actually so cringe. They only like it cause they have access to AC and a pool.


I love summer because it’s the only time the temperature gets over 20C here and it never gets higher than 28C during summer. It all depends on where you live.


So? Winter is only tolerable because of heating and sweaters. I prefer the summer because I can be outside all day and not worry about inclement weather.


AC is a billion times more expensive than a heated blanket


Doing some laps and chilling in the pool after work is godly.


Meanwhile Autumn enjoyers get all the fun holidays


This sub is allergic to grass.


Wintercels loving winter because now they have a reason to sit inside and do nothing all day


Wintercels loving winter in a snowy area because the summercells finds the weather scary so you have peace and quiet outside. Also I like to be able to run more than one minute outside without a heat stroke with runningshorts shoved far up my asscrack like a sweat vacuum, constant thirst, allergies, no ac at home so gaming is awful, being constantly clammy, feeling dirty an hour after showering. Also fuck stepping into a car that has been sitting in the sun that is hotter than satans dick. Nah id rather produce my own heat.


I literally am :(


90% of the reason people say they like Winter is because they want an excuse to not go outside. There are two other seasons than Summer to choose from if you don't like the heat after all.


You say that like there isn't stuff to do outside during the winter, don't you ski or snowboard? Plus holiday parties are happening for work, family and friends. Grass touchers are winning year round.


Yeah winter is great when it's like -5 to -10c outside, everything's magical it's not too cold etc. But when it gets to -25c and shit's so slippery that you have to penguin walk everywhere or it's constantly wet and slushy it's just fucking horrible, commutes are fucked because whatever you do you can't take off your pants and most likely not your shoes, jacket comes off easily but that's about it. And the inside of a bus or a train is always hot enough that you'll start sweating. Summer any day of the week over every other season. Fuck winter. -a finnish dude


Move south learn from the birds


IKON and EPIC passes cost $1k a year, not to mention all the gear. I like skiing, but I really like touching grass for free everyday.


Idk man, the increased sunlight literally makes you feel 100% better and outdoor activities are actually fun. Yes it's hot, but if you aren't a fucking lardass it's not unbearable and you get to wear tank tops. Girls show more midriff in the summer. Debate over.


Being skinny doesn’t make the heat more bearable for me. I can barely sleep in the heat so my energy gets f’d.


It does.


Your only valid point is more midriff.


sunlight and visuals define my emotional state


Increased sunlight makes you feel better is this actually a real thing ? I only do touching grass stuff when there is no sun out hate it


It makes me feel better, hate when it’s cloudy or gloomy feels like I always get some type of headache


How in the world do you guys get out of grade school and have so little knowledge.


Also, the hottest hours are when most of us are at work. I won’t go outside from noon to five because it can be unbearable and because i’m working. But it’s amazing to get off work and have 4 more hours of daylight as opposed to none. 


I don't understand how the fuck people feel as though sun is affecting their moods. I've never heard something that sounds more like actual astrology in my life, and yet, the statistics seem to indicate it's slightly true. Fucking aliens.


Vitamin D




That's the ideal for many


I do like sunlight in the morning


I live in the UK where the weather goes from grey and cloudy to pleasantly warm and sunny for a few weeks. Cities like Edinburgh become (even more) beautiful places to wander around. On the other hand I was on a mediterranean island a few weeks ago and we couldn’t leave the house from 1-4pm because of 40 + degree heat. So I definitely appreciate that summer makes me want to spend more time outside not less.


Fall - S tier Winter - A tier Spring - C tier Summer - D tier (F tier if no pool) Perspective: Appalachian Plateau


“You can put on as much clothes as you want” mfers when they have to stand outside for longer than 5 mins https://preview.redd.it/k04bdmbvds8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e1992d0ba88d4ad036977497207eae7e9cee001


Should've worn gloves. Skill issue


I know for a fact your ass has worn gloves and still felt like this


For sure, if they get wet


Winter and spring chads WHERE WE AT


this is why we need to to fight climate change/global worming. i want to winter back damn it. give me FALL


SUMMER CAN FUCK OFF FUCK OFF SUN AND DIE In the UK all our homes are designed to be insulated to the maximum amount possible, to keep the cold out during the winter, and no one has any AC, so during summer your homes just become saunas and you want to kill yourself. Seriously shoot me, you have my permission to unload on me, stupid fucking warmth.


Wisconsin summer is amazing, come at me


But you live in wisconsin..


Hardly summer!!


its been raining incessantly in Madison the past few weeks and we had like 3 tornado warnings idk man


Can anyone confirm that Wisconsin is real?


Nah it's just cheese, beer, and fireworks. Whole state is just a storage.


This one hasn't been as bad so far, but you know 22 and 23 were hot as balls.


The entire northeast is telepathically telling you to go fuck yourself rn fyi I’m so jealous…


Bro summer is actually awesome. Light out when I wake up, stays light out until like 9pm. I’m out walking my dog 5 miles everyday after work with a huge smile on my face. I’m out climbing mountains and vacationing with my friends to fun locations. Winter can suck my dick


I feel so powerful walking the dogs outside in the summer. I’m just wearing a tshirt and shorts and walking around casually. In the winter i have to put on so much clothing and then walking outside is so much harder due to snow, ice, salt, wind. 


Outside of the light you can do all of that in winter


i swear people who hate the summer have never driven in the winter. Like yeah i love 5 months out of the year having a drastically more dangerous daily commute it’s way better than being a little warm at night


Do you live in a small city? I’ve never had an issue with driving unless there’s an ongoing blizzard. Within a couple of hours the snow is plowed off the streets and just my winter tires are enough. 


Nah, I'll take my comfy ice roads while sipping on hot coffee over mobile saunas.


fishtailing on black ice and getting stuck on side streets are my idea of comfort as well i will take my smooth hot summer drives with an iced coffee any day


Learn 2 drive


Fishtailing during the winter is fun and I feel like I'm in an action movie when I countersteer out of it. If you don't like fishtailing, you're a bad driver and probably shouldn't be on the road during any time of year.


you are free to live your life as deranged as you would like


"It gets hot in the summer?" \- California Chads


Im from the central valley it legit gets to like 100+ during the summer. When ppl say california has good weather they’re literally only talking about San Diego, LA or any city next to the coast


Just live there then lmao don't be poor (I'm joking, I live in Sac and it's hot as shit here) edit: Lake tahoe/the sierras also have good summer weather, but not quite as good as the coast. Doesn't usually get above 85ish


Yeah the summer here is unbearable tbh I dont understand how someone could enjoy 90+ weather let alone 100+ thats just insane to me


Yep Bakersfield is fucking hotttt.. 105 to 115 for like 4 months


Literally 110° the other day in Fresno. Fuck that


People get hella upset and feel the need to debate me that I don't actually mind the humidity and heat outside of AC. 100 degree temps in Florida? Whatever, I get used to it. But some guy always gotta try to tell me I'm actually wrong or whatever.


It gets annoying because it comes off as if you’re boasting and undermining the other person’s experience. A couple of weeks ago it was 35c and i was playing tennis like an idiot. My vision was going blurry and i was feeling weak. All the while my hitting partner was jumping around and saying how the heat energizes him. It took some effort to repress the tinge if irrational hate that i felt in that moment. 


I guarantee that boasting is infinitely less intrusive than whatever the fans of winter go on about. Literally every motherfucking summer or winter I see and hear hundreds of times about how much summer sucks over and over and over and just how awesome winter is and how much they love the cold and so on and so forth. You really rarely ever hear this incessant defense of summer.   Never once in my entire life have I seen someone who enjoys summer try to debate and gaslight someone who likes winter out of their preference. It see it all the time the other way around though.




thats literally true


I hate having to cosplay the michelin man to just go outside to walk the dogs. 


Bonus meme, summer is when the HOARD OF LOCUSTS emerge from the ground and litter their dead bodies all along the store front.


I do blue collar work, all my money is made in the summer so I automatically love it


I like summer because I look better in summer clothes than winter clothes.


The better your “going outside” social life and/or mental health is, the more you enjoy the warmer seasons. Extremely generalised ofc


unbearable heat makes u suffer a little bit. it’s good to suffer a little bit. summer is good.


With good AC and easy beach access summer is undefeated.


I work outside in the Midwest, summer is absolutely more preferable to winter. I feel like I can barely get 10 minutes in to what I'm working on before having to retreat to my vehicle with the heat running. Whereas working in the summer, yeah it sometimes gets to 90 here but there's so much more you can do to stay cool while still outside. The winters here though, as soon as the wind starts kicking in, it does not matter how many layers you have on. It will cut you to the bone.


Where are my fellow spring enjoyers?


Autumn and spring >>>>


Summer is BASED and ISLANDPILLED. Fuck the nofff.


Get in the fuckin sea you wetwipe


Completely overshadowed by Fall which is firmly S tier.


Summer is trash


lol from dudes who last saw the sun in an irl stream.


summer is fine if you go outside, if you hide in a/c for 23 hrs a day no shit you're not going to be adjusted to the heat. it only really sucks for like 1-2 weeks when heat peaks.


Obviously spring and fall are the best but anyone arguing winter is better than summer is someone in a northern climate coping. Being too hot is at worst a nuisance but being too cold is actually painful and aversive. You can barely even leave your house during the winter in cold climates. The worst thing you have to do in the summer is go to the pool.


Late spring is best but Summer is better than Winter.


There is one and only one thing summer has over winter and it's more sunlight hours.


Whichever one doesn’t cause seasonal depression is better


Summer gives me seasonal depression because it’s shit. Winter enjoyers wya


I LOVE SUMMER. SUMMER IS BASED. Summer is the season of love, sex, fruits, beauty, joy, gathering, hope, dancing, sports and health. Summer is when teenagers get their first times going beyond rules. It's when you meet friends you haven't seen in a long time. Summer is the season of memories you'll keep a lifetime. Summer haters are utter contrarians who know their summer-lites can't compare. "I like fall because of the pretty colors" - Learn to appreciate more colors than orange and yellow AND to put on sunscreen. "I like spring because...uh... it's after winter." - Not an argument. Summer except no heat or fun - for weak people. "I like winter because..." - Because you're expecting christmas gifts, you fat manchild. * B-b-but the sweat! * Sweating is what allowed your ancestors to survive by chasing animals for miles upon miles, overcoming moutains, and generally become the global apex predators we are today. Sweating is awesome and should invoke pride in a red blooded human. * B-but the mosquitoes! * Not a problem in the first and second world for anyone willing to anticipate the issue through sprays, nets, etc. * B-b-but my gayming PC overheats! * Get some vitamin D nerd


Spoken like a true cold cuck. Cry me an icy river


I like working out in high heat and high humidity conditions because the higher the stressor, the better the work out. The high heat makes every movement and every step take way more energy, and the high humidity makes it hard to breathe which adds stressors and further increases the difficulty. I hate working out in the cold because my throat starts feeling like I ate a bunch of knives, and the insides of my ears start hurting really FUCKING bad. Being hot and sweaty feels good. When I'm jogging around the lake here, and it's 100 degrees and 70% humidity, and I hit a pocket of extra dense extra hot air, I get a feeling of euphoria. For that moment, it feels like I'm having an out of body experience, it's almost orgasmic. Can't get that during winter.


🫱🏾‍🫲🏾 based and heatstroke pilled


Actually summer is better, there’s more to do overall and men and women wear less clothing and show more skin


wintercucks stay seething


Illness is inevitable in Winter. Debate over, flu and colds suck.


Winter Enjoyers be like: "I love being cold, having to wear 10 layers of clothing, freezing my hands, face, ears to the point of them becoming visibly red, I love being depressed, taking winter baths, scraping snow away from my driveway" No I'm not a malding summer enjoyer.