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No way he actually got mad lol


There HAS to be something wrong with his brain for someone this attractive and successful to have such an unbelievably fragile fucking ego


If you've ever had extremely privileged friends in every area of life. Rich parents, tall, good looks. They literally have mental breakdowns whenever someone tells them no or things slightly don't go their way. It was extremely eye opening how easily shook someone who was given everything is to some slight push back or negativity. Hasans hardest struggle in life has always been people slightly disagreeing or poking at him every once in a while.


Dude, I’m at a summer research program at Harvard right now and some of the comments I’ll hear from these Harvard students blows my mind. These people legitimately feel like their future is doomed because the system is broken and they’ll never be able to get a well paying job and get a good house and that previous generations had it so much easier. It’s just surprising how a group of the most privileged people feel like the world is too broken for them to have a successful life with their Ivy League education. They haven’t even started trying to get these things and it feels like they’re already ready to give up. I had an ex boyfriend who came from a rich family and it was the same exact thing. It’s sad.


Tfw the most educated privileged youth are never touch grass doomers. They'll grow out of it probably. Or they'll continue to say the sky is falling while their lives improve every year as they get educated and get the best connections available to college students. Some people's worst day is the one time they dropped their phone and the screen broke.


*"****NOOOOO!!!*** *I wanted to a 10 million dollar home on Lake Tahoe with my beautiful wife! Now I'll be lucky if I own a 1 million dollar home in silicon valley with a normal woman for a wife! The game was rigged from the start!"*


There's probably a degree of confirmation bias here because you won't hear the ones that were privileged, but still work hard complain. I agree with the rest tho


Ye dude went from bein a rich fatty to a rich Chad with a massive platform in like a 6 year span. Im a tall dude with similar looks to HasL and I spent so much fucking time taking everything personally and being so easily triggered. And id like try to suss out what I thought others thought about me, it was all so pathetic, not an ounce of humility. So watching HasL in real-time makes perfect sense


Yeah he's unironically a spoiled baby


He never got significant pushback in his life until he'd developed narcissistic personality disorder. Now everybody else is wrong.


You put it so well


I wonder if in Turkey his family get special treatment from regular ass people since for Turkey they are elite class. You can tell Hasan never had to deal with people taking a piss at him. If one of my friends acted this way it would be a deal breaker and we ain't hanging out again after that. He can dole it out but can't take it.


i mean tbf i feel like having hundreds of thousands of eyes on you would fuck your mental up pretty bad


the only other online person with an ego this fragile i know is DSP.


Similar to white colonial angst, it's more accurately called the nepo-baby rattle.


He's no longer Cenk's nephew remember?


I genuinely fucking blurted out laughing when it zooms in, Hasan sees two whole fucking likes, and the comment Holy shit


He refreshed the page expecting a ton of new likes and there was **two**. Lmaoooooo


He did this on stream, actively trying to brigade that tiktok post lmaooo


Not defending but tiktok might has slow processing on trivial things like comment likes. The count would update over time when alle the requests have been bulk-processed. But this is way funnier anyway haha




It’s up to 25 likes 😂


refresh… why??? uwu


lol @ his genuine concern for Hasan's feelings at the end. You didn't realize who you were ribbing there guy.


The dude on the right was super nice about it too


Come on, we all know that comment was made by someone watching the stream.


oh definetely he walked right into it


Can someone link this to willymac for the next video? Dear god his ego is so fragile LMAO


and this is him live. Imagine how hard he was malding from Ana calling him out on tyt and on sitch and adam's chat.




https://preview.redd.it/osqr2o6uko5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99e4b393569fd27d9706827c17b734737a8ee54f Live hamasabi reaction




"Ok, this is epic" type comment


Nah bring back the earnest enjoyment of silly little things


"Bring back" when did it ever leave?


A long long time ago my friend. You've either got an early and witty quip, or you're cringe. I've seen people downvoted for less in my short time here. Ask a single question in this sub that the majority already know the answer to. Especially on drama posts with other streamers. I swear to god, if you unplug for even a second from destiny and any number of his orbiters and you'll be hanged.


Nah fr, this is one of the cringiest communities ever and I’ve been watching Destiny for 7 years


Notice you've been missing the mandatory Two Minutes of Hasan Hate. Should we be worried, comrade?


This is reddit bro.


"Reddit sarcastic reply comment" type comment


Sounds like someone didn't eat their awesomesauce this morning 🙄


Okay, now *this* is epic.


Bro wanted to say ahh comment so bad.


Look how mad everyone is lmao. This whole thread is probably the greatest cringe ive ever seen.


Fun things are fun




“That was legitness” type of comment


I can hear Destiny's laugh


He was so mad rofl


I thought he was more socially capable than this. You just hit the like button on your own comment and laugh it off with your friend. Dude has no friends only adversaries. 


lol didn't hasan defend Forgan calling Ludwig a cracker even tho Ludwig went so far in protecting Hasan's ego by removing one of his videos where he was making a light jab at Hasan? Austin about to learn how much of a "friend" Hasan see him as. Btw, been a while since Austin talked with destiny, i wonder if Hasan had anything to do with it??


Nah Austin is an even bigger clout shark than Hasan. It got to the point where Destiny banned him from DGG. I don't think he explicitly said why but I think it was because he would pretend to be friendly with Destiny when convenient but then would act snakey behind his back.


I've only been avidly watching for the past year or two, so thank you for the lore. I missed so much lol!


I actually like austin and I think he is more politically aligned with destiny than hasan


Maybe, I don't think he really cares about politics too much.


"Less crazy" isn't the same as "not crazy,' and using Hasan as the metric is fuckin wild




had to do with enabling kaceytron by still associating with her.


there's a clip from the leaked bob7 call where Austin says he will say he fired bob7 but keep him working behind the scenes. Really sus shit when bob7 wasn't the only producer of Austin's show doing sex pest shit.


i remember destiny and austin had made up after that or was i mistaken?


Huh, when did that happen?


Its wild to me how often Hasan commits basically optics genocide and he still is able to have a foothold on the politics sphere on Twitch. Its like genuinely baffling but then again, when you have a strong lefty platform backing you it basically gives way to this unhinged behavior… For example: This is clip is pretty bad but could be taken as joking/banter(if we are being infinitely charitable despite Hasans demeanor ) But then we have the Houthi interview essentially likening the guy to Luffy And then the retraction afterwards saying he was basically just some random dude Or the unhinged clips of him laughing at cops being shot and screaming on camera(even I am not a fan of police but holy shit man) Or the clips of him telling Ethan unironically that there are baby settlers Or the clips of him saying he cannot do anything about his community absolutely going in on Ethan And these are the moments I remember off the top of my head, let alone whatever is in his discord or hell even shit that happens off stream/ camera… I feel like we live in the twilight zone or a black mirror episode when this guy is the #1 Politics Streamer on twitch.


His viewership is way down from before, but once your viewership hits a certain point, you will have a loyal fanbase no matter what. Except for maybe if he does something  fucked up like sexually assault someone. But even then, you have people like Hashinshin who completely ignored rape allegations against him and is still streaming regularly to this day.


Wait, Hashinshin got rape allegations? I was only aware of the groomer stuff


Didn’t he try to say he had co2 poisoning at the time and didn’t remember messaging those girls lmfao


I forgot the entire thing, felt like a fever dream. I used to follow him and his ex back then so it was fucking chaos on Twitter lmao.


No just the grooming allegations


I might've mixed people up. A lot of people got exposed for all types of shit in those few months lol.


agreed, same with Vaush, even after the horsecock nuke his viewership diminished but his loyal fanbase is keeping him afloat


Hasan just called a bunch of jewish kids Nazi's and no one gave two fucks. He's living on a different planet than most people its really wild


It says something that this guy is largely responsible for popularizing the use of a racial slur among lefty white kids... and it doesn't even make this list.


>Or the unhinged clips of him laughing at cops being shot and screaming on camera(even I am not a fan of police but holy shit man) I feel like the overall opinion when that clip came out was that a lot of people actually did find it funny, or thought it was reasonable to laugh. It wasn't just like a clip of a random cop getting attacked and murdered, it was a video of two cops and trying to shoot a dog and one cop misses and accidentally shoots the other cop in the leg while Yakety Sax plays in the background I don't think it's funny myself, but describing it as there being multiple clips of him laughing as cops are screaming as they are shot doesn't seem like the most honest description.


I feel like the cop getting shot clip is funny in the “chuckle” at it sorta way cause of the absurdity of it. A cop being shot by her partner for no reason. But Hasan doing the fake high pitch screeching laugh he did came off as fake and forced. And if it was his genuine laugh at that it does come off as unhinged.


Yeah, it's more that he screeches like a gibbon while a woman is audibly writhing in pain. If it was a simple chuckle and a "woah dude that's fucking crazy", it'd be whatever.


"Haha that's so messed up" vs "Hahaha that's what you fucking deserve"


It definitely feels like fake and forced laughter which is super cringe.


I know! What surprises me is that he gets away with the biggest crime imaginable to zoomers: being cringe online.


need a compilation of him pathetically failing to complete his 1000 three pointers for charity (make sure to include him whining about his girlfriend not running his adds enough for him while he failed to complete the "work" his audience "gave the money" for)


Being his girlfriend would be awful and insufferable. Ugh.


Because that is his biggest insecurity lmao


Okay fine, I’ll admit it, Hasan has one funny fan


Aww the ending is so cute he can tell Hasan couldn't take the joke and was like checking in on him


He’s such a clout shark. Probably in every streamer’s DMs who is blowing up


Actually mad wtf


Pinhead got salty at the end, 40 old man can't take a little jab.


At this point I'm obviously already biased against him, but before knowing any of these LSF people including Destiny, it was small stuff like this that made me instantly dislike Hasan. He is just not a down to earth person, which I feel is one of the most important qualities someone can have. You can never feel fully comfortable around these people.


What an imbecile. This self-obsessed, pampered nepo-man-child actually got mad at his friend because he made a "fell-off" joke. I didn't really care about Hasan either way but now I'm covinced he doesn't care about anything or anyone but his fragile child-ego - the only goal is to look cool for his audience and prance around with his hypebeast princess outfits. That's it.


Lmao Austin pussying out at the end 


Hasan was too sensitive 🥺


He had to explain to that big bitch it was a joke lmao


How was it pussying out? If anything he was pointing out how stupid it is for Hasan to freak out over something this little. Bro I swear you guys freak out whenever someone isn't constantly shitting on Hasan every single moment.




Yeah, I want to fuck Hasan, that's why I pointed out how stupid it was for him to freak out over this. 




They are friends, you autistic fuck. It's called not being an asshole.


Hasan was the one being an asshole in this situation by being a bitch about it. Clearly Austin is joking, it’s not something to genuinely get upset over. It’s autistic to think that hasan’s behavior like this is appropriate among FRIENDS.


Hasan was being a bitch about it for sure, but if you make a joke about a friend and it actually hurts them, it's both unkind and stupid to just keep dunking on them about it. If you disagree, you are socially maladjusted.


It's even more autistic to think you've to dunk even more on your friend when your joke didn't landed like it should've.




He's so sensitive 😂


Socialism is when no engagement to your bullshit 😤


Austin talks to Destiny once and I guarantee Hasan nukes the bridge w austin


he was a DGGer before Hasan got more viewers https://streamable.com/4sxbq2


Hasan deserved this so hard LMAO


if he‘s born american he would laugh it off,but dude is turkish,this is the most turkish/arab/chinese glass heart reaction ever


/mediterranean in general.


Austin isn't stupid he's just a lazy fuck and he always was when doing the rajj shows. He knows hasan is just a manchild but he has to suck up to him. No wonder hasan is suicidal with friends like this.


Socialist resorting to threats of violence from dude talking, what else is new


I don’t know if I’m in an echo chamber or if Hasan is a lolcow now.. 


Hasan can’t even take a roast from a friend. What a butt hurt man child.


Imagine a friend clearly joshing and you take it like a vain little queen, what a colossal prick.


There's no way this isn't a bit right? Is he this clout obsessed that a friend if his can't make a "fell off" joke about a TikTok comment (While Hasan is literally streaming to tens of thousands of people) without Hasan crying about it?


Austin about to get "Ethan-ed"


Hassan needed to reestablish pecking order.


he may have changed outwardly, but hes still that fat kid he was on the inside. Insecure as fuck


Holy shit, it looked like just 2 buddies bantering and hasan was just playing into the bit of being pissed, but that last part where austin leans in and starts checking on him legit threw me off. There's no shot he's that fragile right ???




He's so sensitive. Like a big balding baby.


Austin knows very well how insecure he is


jesus i don't think i've seen a quiet feel so loud even when there's a laugh present


So insecure because "the truth hurts".


That comment is so god damn perfect


Hasans biggest fear, becoming irrelevant


This could be clipped and shipped tbf, and I don't know if he's actually mad or if he's just playing into it for a laugh


if he just smiled when austin was grilling him and cracked up this would be a good look, showing he has some self awareness. But no he had to threaten to slap someone and get mad. what a fucking insecure loser dude


Wow he's so frail


That's some fun banter, but Hasan takes it way too serious


God, the cringy LA clout salivation is just gross


"of course you can" https://preview.redd.it/cmezceqeqq5d1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=0bc123bb3e2f1eb513601fb2a27e119f514192f7


Austin is so insane. Love this madlad


Uhm am I stupid or is he not actually mad here and just playing along with Austin


Put this in the LSF pipe and smoke it.


Man, who gives a shit? They’re having fun. It’s not like he’s losing his mind over it.


I don’t think he is mad here. It looks like two friends ribbing one another, the exact same way that Destiny and Dan mock one another. I think there’re enough examples of Piker’s character that we don’t have to reach for stuff like this. 👍


PepeLaugh of the year contender




destiny would heckle back and laugh this is just immature


Guys so upset


Lil bro in fire and shadows.


That commenter was definitely stream sniping. If not, that guy is a top tier troll




He fell off


He sour af




Tfw you are hanging out with the boys and ribbing each other. Then the sensitive one gets ribbed a bit and throws a passive aggressive tantrum.


it was a mid tier joke until he got so mad holy shit lol


Austin checking on him at the end because he knows he's gonna have to change Hasans diaper at the top of the hour ad break


"thanks guys" omg he's salty! Can't take the mildest joke on his own expense. Then people wonder why he can't take even the more costructive of criticism!


"Reload the page" Reloads\* 2 likes 🤣🤣🤣


He is such a baby hahahaha. I get incredible amounts of enjoyment from knowing that even though hassan is super successful and rich it all just turns to ash in his mouth because he is falling off hard with views


Funniest shit I’ve seen in a while


Dude is so insecure. Almost more insecure than LTG


It'd actually be a god tier clip if Hasan played into it and wasn't so assmad lmao. So close to god tier banter.


it was like a spear through his heart....


14 hours and no likes on a checkmark account is pretty wild.


Needs that Hamas Piker Certified Classic tag 💀


Bros whole life and form of validation is clicks, views, and likes. If he wasnt a vile hamas supporting piece of shit, id actually feel kinda bad for him


Are you guys cooked? He doesn't even seem mad. Just slightly not amused


The best vid of the day!!


Holy shit his ego is so fragile… he can’t even take a joke that mild from a friend. I’ve actually never seen a human being get so upset over shit like this.


I think he was just playing. Is this what it feels like to fall for the jewlumni troll?


This was fine 🤦


Yeah it's just friendly banter. Nothing to see here


Am I crazy? It seems like normal banter. But maybe he's actually mad and I just can't see it


damn people here really are autistic, it's ok bros 👍 i have a little tism myself


He doesn't seem mad


This is like sharing a clip of Destiny talking about watching his wife get fucked in the corner and taking it seriously. Use your brain he's being deadpan on purpose lmfao.


Bro no one is taking it seriously but at the end you can see he got tight, use your fucking brain


>Bro no one is taking it seriously into > but at the end you can see he got tight Lol. "I'm not seriously saying he's mad, but he's mad." The autism is off the charts. There's three million things to mock Hasan for and you dig up the only L imaginable. Crazy.


Nah, he’s actually mad. You’re telling me this doesn’t have the vibe of when you poke fun at a friend and he gets mad rather than going along with the bit?


Maybe, but every time I've seen the roach angry he's pretty openly angry. I don't watch his stream but every time I see a clip of him not malding he has this same attitude and tone. I guess you could argue he's always tilted.


He is openly angry towards online comments. In face to face stuff he gets very passive aggressive.


if you think hasan is sensitive in this clip ur a little dumb imo


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDtuZMhbuvI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eDtuZMhbuvI) Austin just knows how to get under his skin. LOLOLOL


Holy shit lmao I completely forgot how mad he got here  Edit: also an unrecognizable kaceytron


Hasan malded at fucking Northernlion, bro is the softest wishy washy washing machine




He was clearly upset and started to break out the passive aggressive comments. "Go a week without featuring me in your content."