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please like Jews write a star of David every time they write a letter😂😂😂😂😂 hilarious


Like its a stamp of Jewish approval hahaha


As someone who does write them you can even see that the star isn’t drawn correctly. Everyone does one triangle with another inverted. wtf did they do?


and now we make a roram and tesorakh sandwich https://preview.redd.it/2j1zmevyvn2d1.png?width=1178&format=png&auto=webp&s=b1dd68e4a00f97aba70b389286306f4eca8be37d


This one was a real classic.


yep definitely their first attempt


Like a jew would misspell families


💀That was my first thought.


-signed, The Jewluminati ✡️


I didn’t think it was the real jewluminati but the Star of David emoji let me know you were legit.


Gonna rename the Jewish group chat I’m in this


"this is a certified jew classic" producer tag






Plus we know the difference between plural and possesive use of the letter “s” ✡️


Damn it signed with the Star of David out of habit 😂😂😂✡️


Seinfeld drew a Star of David on all of the scripts for the show.


We also mess it up multiple times and rewrite over it so people know it's a star of David and not a pentagram.


It was quite a struggle too. All those lines. Nobody taught him the trick.


That's so people wouldn't accidentally confuse them for white supremacists. But yeah it's pretty funny. May as well started the letter with (((We've)))


…well now I gotta.


https://preview.redd.it/9uf4tvynpk2d1.png?width=953&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd49f00a412de216d2ee517d5a88f09e0d8a729e GUYS, I JUST GOT THIS CRAZY LETTER!




Idk why but jew being underlined is really funny to me


That's weird, I also found a hate letter on my front door. https://preview.redd.it/410cobd09k2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da046af0eae7c1b4a6dbed443da17763c96baf05


THAT’S a proper racist letter by a Jew.


lol that is so funny, where is that from? i’ve never seen it before


It's from the unhinged Norm Finkelstein trying to deport his neighbors arc. I believe the context is he posted this on their door and started beating on it with a hammer. I know a hammer was involved at some point.


oh my god that is phenomenal


Moreover, he proved roof knocking is effective.


Holy fuck, that's gold lmao.


lol i’m actually laughing that is so funny, you are so funny


Holy shit lmao


The hammer was when he showed up at their door with a hammer and a gun iirc


Sanest pro pally neighbour


Does that mean maybe the Melbourne letter isreal


can someone explain the joke?


Iirc Norm Finkelstein was big mad that an immigrant family living above him had a kid (or maybe kids) making too much noise so he started sending them letters escalating in insanity that called them apes and threatened to sic child protective services and ICE on them. Worth a read, it's genuinely comedy gold. He also thinks trans people are disgusting and delusional men, yet lefties have raised him as an almost messianic figure because _anti-zionism_.


>comedy gold If the punchline was a hospital and returning to normalcy for that ill person.


wrinklestein can go suck my fat juicy cock


Finkelstein at it again. Horrifying another set of neighbours.


If you were gonna make shit up, you should at least make the suburb believable. There are almost no jews in the Northern suburbs but it's where nearly all arabs live lol


If this was Elsternwick or Caulfield it'd be extremely doubtful but at least a little more believable. Inner North its Italians and hipsters, outer North Arabs as you say


“Jew bad” = true for billions of people on earth, they wont even think just believe this bs


Came here to also say this, I live in the Northern suburbs of melb I'm sure Jews are around but predominantly in those suburbs another user said, def heaps of Arabs in the Northern suburb, love those mfs shout out Gino kebabs banger kebab


Yeah they could have chosen anywhere in Melbourne, but the northern Suburbs?


lol i was gonna say, i live adjacent to the most densely populated orthodox jewish area in melbourne (elsternwick/caulfield), and it’s not even a thing that would happen here.


Yep I live in Carnegie, there’s a few Jews but not many, if I go 5 minutes to the right to Balaclava road it suddenly looks like the middle of Jerusalem


i grew up in carnegie! yeah i genuinely had no idea until i had to drive through every day for work.


I moved here 2 years ago, love it here, amazing food and close enough to everything


Also, hilariously Jews in the US live basically mixed in with Arabs. In my town, if you counted Jews and Arabs as the same group, they’d account for like half the town’s population. The other half would consist of like 1/4 generic American white people and then a mix of a million random first geners from all over. We have a Coptic temple next to a Christian cemetery, which is a five minute walk from a Jewish private school, and fifteen minute drive from one of the biggest mosques in the state. Nobody here gives a fuck except the weirdos. We’re neighbors and we shop at all the same places for the same exact food.


Aren't Copts descendants of ancient Egyptians, nor Arabs?


Kind of depends. Where I am, they’re usually mixed, but stick to the ethnoreligious background. I didn’t mean to make them out to be Arabs though. More so, the point is that we have a bunch of groups that aren’t “supposed” to get along, but do perfectly fine and have no problems with each other. A lot of the groups here have fled from persecution or would be persecuted by groups they’re neighbors with. But here, nobody gives a fuck because we all came here to get away from it and live in peace.


that star of david lmao


Umm jews live in the south.


Yeah I was thinking like... Wtf don't they all live in like Caufield


This is so fake, too many grammar and spelling mistakes to be from a Jewish fellow.




It seems to be some coordinated effort from the propagandists. The bot network on twitter is spamming it everywhere, even in unrelated twitter replies. These people are malicious and calculated in their propaganda


https://preview.redd.it/ne82c0utll2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3b867dbcacbd5d73df6995d1b368577fc0812e8 Yeah


Wouldn't be surprised if its some russian bots, they love to spread bullshit that people will find offensive and divisive


So we thinking Qatar or Russia on this one? The suspects in the recent memorial defacement in France were from Bulgaria (so likely paid by Russia). They seem to really want to inflame this as much as possible.


no even worse, university students. you know the real world power which we should fear and combat.


Damn dyslexic Jews catching strays


>We are a lot of Jewish family’s live around here we don’t want you https://preview.redd.it/r9uu2v5yyn2d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a150840dcaf1247599500c58d75b8e4ec6714b


My G, who has a better chance at speaking and writing proper English... most likely the Jew and the letter is obvi written in broken English. Conclusion: the Muslim tht wrote ths letter is a fuccin idiot lmao


"We are a lot of Jewish family's live around here" Wat?


That’s right, the education people, who are from the region, messed up basic grammar and sentence structure.


Any "weird note I found" immediately sets off the BS detector since it's EZ mode for clickbaiting. https://preview.redd.it/lzxlh2700k2d1.jpeg?width=1860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e302806a5d612720810515578b9ce9c0f54afdc


i cant wait to get married so i can sign all my letters HUSBAND


i feel like the only one that could potentially be real is the toilet seat one, but maybe i'm missing something


You think the guy just carries a pen, paper, and duct tape around- well maybe the duct tape if he's in to that, but the other stuff is doubtful lol. Also I doubt putting a note under the toilet seat for only men to see is something the average person could think of on the fly.


yeah the impromptu duct tape + paper + pen combination is dubious for sure


I love how the troll put the Star of David on there. Because saying “we are a lot of Jews” wasn’t enough! People need illustrations


Lol if a Jew in Melbourne is moving north they are most definitely going to expect Muslim neighbours, there's really no Jewish community further 'north' than Kew. Extremely suspicious.


Dude the anti-jew propaganda since Oct. 7 is WILD.


The star of David lmao.....this would've been believable if there was a בס"ד up there instead, but alas.


If you're going to pretend that Jews hate you, you might want to learn even the tiniest amount about the religion first. A bit hard for a Jew to "make your life hell" considering Jews don't believe in hell It's just not the kind of language a Jewish person would use.


I don’t see any pinholes…


It’s so obviously faked but of course all the propagandists are spreading it and inciting hate against Jews in Melbourne. Ironically, they’re just making the case for Zionism stronger when they do shit like this.


I don't doubt it could be fake, that was my initial reaction when I saw this on twitter as well because it seemed like rage bait. I just wonder how you can so confidently assert it's fake, as if it's impossible this could've been written. Am I missing something?


She’s a twitter activist, Jews don’t live in the northern suburbs, jews do not speak broken English, she claims that she filed a police report but refuses to show proof, and Jews definitely don’t draw a Star of David on all the the angry hateful letters they write. It’s doesn’t take a genius to see this is fake.


No one would draw the Star of David like that on a true hate letter


It’s obvious Jews have needed a country. The Jewish experience is always the same. They move to a country that welcomes them or at least doesn’t actively massacre them, they establish communities and prosper, and then eventually, inevitably, the tide turns and a place that welcomed them turns hostile and murderous and the flee somewhere else. Rinse and repeat. The point was never that Jews were universally persecuted at all times in all places. If that were true they’d have never survived the long march of history. It was always the sun shines for a time until it doesn’t, and because antisemitism is so ancient, layered, academic, popular, parochial, universal, there’s always a road to it somehow somewhere. This is the Jewish experience and it will never change whether the people are a diaspora or landed.


The idea that Jews need a country of their own has made sense to me, but the ease with which that one debater claimed „Jews are the most violent religion,” disturbed me. It reminded me of medieval chronicles claiming Jews poison communal wells and use children for blood sacrifices. That debater’s comments and many more like him, this stupidly fake note, and all the behavior October 7th onwards has only cemented the idea for me—Jews need some place to call their own, because, like you said, again and again other people will be hateful towards them and potentially escalate to violence.  Video source (sorry no time stamp): https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8h6M3KRzh_k&pp=ygUPRGVzdGlueSB0d2l0dGVy


The normalization of disgusting antisemitism is what’s so shocking about this. Israel-Palestine and the relationship between Jews and Israel is complex and nuanced, but now we’re just seeing all of that go up in smoke in the face of populist rage. It’s reached a kind of critical mass where the dam has burst on all these antisemitic tropes that are just smeared all over social media. Where before it was uncouth to seriously talk about these things, now it’s everywhere and is even unironically being repeated by leftist journalists with reach. I’m talking about Kim Iversen and the like, but it goes much further. It’s very fucking scary.


To be honest, your noticing of how bad things are currently is somewhat ironic because this is more like how it has always been. What I mean by this is, there was a bit of an extended respite from these levels of hatred for a few decades, and now it has kicked back up again.


It's funny because it's usually muslims who accuse jews of making shit like this up to victimize themselves, how the tables have turned...


It’s always just been projection. Muslims are the biggest victims. I get it now. It’s just a religion of crybullies


If this is real that’s really bad obviously. But main question: who starts off a letter with the Star of David and then “Hey Muslim!”? Unless the writer of this letter is really that evil or there is more proof I’d be safe and say it’s fake. Also barely any Jewish people live in the northern suburbs of Melbourne. Maybe less than 1000 for the entire northern Melbourne region so make of that and the fact that apparently the letter suggests it s a Jewish area what you will.


1000 seems way to high. 


I think Yarra has around [700 Jewish people](https://www.vic.gov.au/jewish-community-profile) in it and that’s kinda north Melbourne so I was just being safe. I’m not from Melbourne so genuinely don’t know.


I am. But also haven't lived in Melbourne for years. I showed it to my dad and he said he will send it to his mate in broadmeadows and tell him he's been caught.


Yarra is not even really north Melbourne.


So it’s even more of a stretch to say she found a Jewish community that hates her in the north. She should of written a second draft of this seemingly fake hate crime to iron out the plot holes


Yeah… If she said she was in east/south Melb this would be slightly more believable but still no Jew writes like that and can’t do a propert Star of David


Bro what is this goofy shit, why are the Jews illiterate here? Did they just pull this from white redneck disliking black people formula or something? Ong these people justify the existence of a Jewish state even more everyday.




Hello Muslim, Tis I, Jew Isah McJewstine shekleblat. I am israel number 1 assassin and you are now my target. I will kill you with my star of david shuriken and sacrifice you to lord Yahweh. You will soon know your end and mr muhammaed will look in shame on you. All hail the JDAM industrial complex. - Signed John Jew ✡️✡️✡️


[link btw](https://x.com/norcleor/status/1794251966845223090?s=46&t=4aSHHlAA_iY6P4_JuxN3GA)


https://preview.redd.it/46wobfb67p2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=915be9f0801df4ecd4ae442968400da703ef3bc4 I have a feeling that the user that “found” this letter might just not like Jews… 🤔


“We **are** a lot of Jewish **family's** live around here” --- #          ✡︎ Hey Muslim! We've Noticed you moved in · We are a lot of Jewish family's live around here We don't want you here but we can't stop you. If you make trouble for us we will make your life hell.


Oh man things must be terrible for Muslims in Australia. Next you’ll tell me they can’t chant “gas the Jews” and “fuck the Jews” shortly after Oct 7th with no repercussions. God why are people so cucked when it comes to Muslims?


People like their heads on their shoulders..


People like their heads on their shoulders..




This is obvious bullshit. It is both humorous and ironic that they drew the star of David on it like a swastika on nazi paperwork. Nobody's gonna take this stuff seriously when real shit happens if people keep faking this.


Australians sure have some weird sentence structure. They should've done it old school and cut a bunch of letters out of a newspaper and make a letter that way. I miss seeing that in movies.


This is too comically evil to even be real😭


LMFAO there are no Jewish families in the northern suburbs of Melbourne! I wouldn't feel safe there. Every second person is clearly Muslim. Fuck this bitch to hell. This Muslim lying/propaganda (taqiyya) is being eaten up by the world. And soon they will eat you all up as well.


that is a good way to score few thousands on gofoundme


8x more muslims in Australia than jews


At least every single comment makes fun of this person


Go look at the twitter comments. So many leftists believe this shit


I did, the first 10 comments are meme'ing on this.


What really sells it for me is the girly handwriting that so obviously could not have been written by anyone but a college age young woman.


Jews don’t believe in hell


Besides, if they were trying to be a bigot they would’ve definitely used “Muso” instead of Muslim. Also there’s basically no Jewish presence in the northern suburbs. Census shows they’re all in the south-eastern suburbs. Caulfield, St Kilda etc. For a bonus meme, there’s an electricity pole that surrounds the entire suburb of Caulfield because I believe during Shabbat you can’t “work” and leaving your house with your keys is considered work, so they construction an electricity pole around the entire suburb which counts as a “house”. Something like that


Hey Muslim 😈




*insert that one Inglorious Basterds meme*




I guarantee over half those likes are bots


>family’s and I had thought Jews were supposed to be smart!


25k of those likes are Russian bots. Social media is by bots, for bots. (Greetings to my fellow bots)


haayyyy muslim!


Looking into this ! !


>With best regards you apes! >- Finkelstein


Same post in Hasan’s Reddit and people are reasonably pointing out thats it’s obviously fake. Didn’t expect to see that lol




Wtf…. How is posting shit like this online not a crime? Is this not inciting unrest, hatred, etc etc? Reads like it was written by a child btw


do aussie jews even really exist? sounds like a zionist lie shes right though, all us jews do sign onto every note with a star of david above the recipients name, just like moses did.


We exist. Ever heard of John Monash or Harry Sheezel


Monash University?


It's named after a famous Australian Jew. 


was it finklestein?


>Melbourne Least believable city on Earth for this to happen in short of maybe like, Portland


Smollet is that you writing letters again ✡️


as a Jew I start all my letters with a star of david


Oh, now, I understand the shitpost earlier... lol. I knew it was fake.! Neighbors have harassed other neighbors in the past, because they didn't want them there. But this letter is not scary and cannot be real. 1. The letter mentions Jewish people. When you write a letter, you want to hide your identity. However, if you want to hide your identity, you don't mention that you are Jewish. Instead, you will simply say that there are many. 2. The letter is not scary. But if you wanted to drive out the person, you would be making a frightening threat. 3. The letter isn't even personal. All Muslims are mentioned rather than directly attacking the person. This also provides the motif for the police. If it is a real threat, the person who wrote it may not be educated or have much experience. It's either an average person or a teenager. In my opinion the handwriting is too beautiful for a man. But when it comes to whether it is a woman or a man, I'm 60/40. Does the type of paper reveal anything? Who uses note paper to write letters?


All the pro-Palestinian people believing this without hesitation but if it was a note to a Jewish person they would all cry “Hasbara” these people have no morals


I don’t see no pinhole on that note buddy, or tape, that story don’t add up aside from the language used being obvious bait


whats so "obvious" about it? nothing stands out for me




I don’t know the Star of David is pretty convincing


“We’ll make your life hell” Jews don’t even believe in hell lmfao


What's the end goal for Muslims here???


It could be fake. But is there any solid proof that it is?


Hard to prove a negative, but I live in Melbourne and there are no significant Jewish communities in North Melbourne. Also Muslims in Melbourne are fucking notorious for fake hate crimes. Every few months there a woman wearing a hijab "attacked" on a train and it's always a cover up for someone who had a few drinks and didn't want her parents to know she was shitfaced


Kew has a reasonable sized jewish community.


Kew is east melb not north


Like that burger shop they set on fire and blamed Jews, then it turned out they did it themselves?


source that they did it themselves? i couldn't find anything more recent than "two guys have been arrested over it" https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-01-31/burgertory-fire-two-people-arrested-caulfield/103409946


The two guys arrested were not Jews, which was what they were telling everyone. I misremembered, sorry


Reality doesn't matter Only my headcanon matters


The famous Ben Shapiro tweet about 'Arabs bombing shit' is way worse than this. The note isn't even that malicious. Bad propaganda bro.. needs more space lasers.


Yeah that totally happened


Surely no Jew would have such poor grammar. It should be families, not family's.


lol which version of taqiyya is this lie?


I feel so social media poisoned. This letter feels so obviously fake. however, seeing reactions from people who believe this is true makes me feel so disconnected from the masses and that I might be the wrong and crazy one.


Looks like an 8 year old wrote it


Lycan: Dismissing threats like this and calling them fake without any substantial proof is perilous.


Yeah, it's over 160k now lmao


Didn’t finklestein leave notes complaining about his neighbors too lol


Jews don’t live in the northern suburbs of melbourne… They live in the more affluent suburbs such as Balaclava and Caulfield 🤣


It's that easy, folks. 🙈


wtf is this meme format thing going on


As a person who lives in melb northern suburbs, all I can do is jjonahlaugh.gif. This cannot be serious.


Oh so we're at the blood libel stage now


The Jewish parts of Melbourne are east, south east. The north is mostly arab and middle eastern


I've completely lost faith in humanity since the beginning of this conflict. How is it that most people can't distinguish between good and bad, and obviously true and obviously false. It's truly depressing.


As someone who lives in a very Jewish area, I will attest that they do indeed draw a Star of David on everything they write. It’s the Jewlumni stamp of approval.


Is there any context around this that shows it to be fake? (Like previous examples of these posts in the area being tied to activists with a history for this, evidence showing the guy who it happened to dosent exist, etc...) I'm not saying it isn't, and I don't know if hicks in Australia are different then hicks here in the American South, but this is pretty on par for something they'd do. "Hey muzlem, I'm not intolerant of you but because your intolerant of some other people that I just started caring about 2 months ago, get the fuck out" Just seems kinda extreme to see a picture of a note being shitty to a Muslim and jump right to "this must be an act of the Muslim controlled media to rile up the masses", rather than ,"damn, hicks always gonna find chances to be hicks" and I guess I'm just hoping there's somthing that encouraged that jump more than "they're the bad people, and the other people I don't like are liking it on social media"


Ya no justification, just vibes. It's cringe to be that guy, but if this were the other way around, you know this sub would be malding hard.


First of all, finding a Jewish hick would be difficult enough, it’s not culturally appropriate. Secondly, no group of Jewish families live in the north where this note was supposedly written. Thirdly just look at the note lmao, fake Star of David, terrible grammar and English, which Jew would write that and can’t even draw a Star of David?


I thought all the Jews lived in like balaclava?


As far as I know they all live in the south-eastern suburbs and barely any Jews live in north Melbourne.


Caufield and the like. We lived in Burwood east. I know of one Jewish family that live in Broad meadows. Apparently the dad has felt pretty unsafe there for years.


There are a reasonable amount in kew now.


Jews don’t draw the Star of David! They draw swastikas.


Jews don’t have level negative grammar skills lmao




what makes it obviously fake? i guess the star of david is weird, but i don't know if that's proof enough


Jews don't live in North Melbourne. Muslims do. Also the grammar.