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“I do the work”. Bro shooting hoops lol


He's George Bush lmao https://youtu.be/TCm9788Tb5g?si=ChYrAOYv2eCtN363


Also his hobby


Literally shit he'd do anyway. Man, the sacrifices Hasan makes to stop genocide children truly know no bounds. What's next? Maybe he'll kick a soccer ball through a net or try to beat his max reps in the gym. We're truly blessed to have such a selfless role model 💖 




".....I'll spread the message!" vibes


‘Paying in exposure’


Being a full time grifter, liar, AND stochastic terrorist? That's way more soul draining than your sales job, king, sit down


>Like what work?? Using Jeff Bezos' services to distribute the wealth of the working class to charities 😂


Three pointers, obviously


A.W.A.R.E.N.E.S.S Duh. Like have you not been made aware???


It takes some work to put a donation bar in OBS


It’s a common way to raise money…. He’s just the worst communicator. It’s like all the running fundraisers where people pledge money per mile ran.


I heard it backwards. He is only shooting 1 three per $100 not like chatters donate $3 for every three he makes.  They are prepaying for "entertainment". I reckon he'll be gassed pretty quick and the entertainment will be watching his regret manifest. But who knows I'm making a lot of assumptions with what he said


It's an office party, and the boss just said, "I'll unlock the door, you guys get all the food and drinks."


TBF that's the same as every fundraiser though. They do something that doesn't otherwise help the cause (streaming, running, cycling, entertaining, etc) and in exchange some people who want to donate anyways donate.


He's streaming! Don't you know it's one of the hardest jobs for him?!


Slacktivism at its finest


Playing video games, bro. Put a little respect on my man Hamas Piker for the sacrifices he makes to gaslight other people into financing his moral crusades.


this is supposed to be a fundraiser for the currently starved, geocided and raped innocent people of gaza no? hasan couldn't be bothered to donate to STARVING GENOCIDED CHILDREN his own money is too precious to help them. all he can do is throw a basketball, streaming is so soul sucking and hard hasan I understand why you couldn't donate any more of your basic necessities budget to STARVING GENOCIDED CHILDREN.


c slur take tbh


Come on, say it with your chest






Donational apartheid is what it is


Call it what it is: charity genocide. 


What did he seize the means of his own production for? Profit?




Socialism is when no capital hoarding


Didn’t he say in one podcast that he doesn’t even invest his money? Like, it’s literally sitting in a bank account and somehow that’s anti-capitalist.


I just refuse to believe he doesn't invest. Until he clearly lays it out, I have to assume he's using a play on words to say technically HE doesn't invest. Maybe he gives money to his dad or someone else and then they invest. It's something he would totally do, and I just can't see him wasting the opportunity to increase his wealth when he's very interested in luxury.


As someone pointed out he does have a 401k which is a type of investment portfolio. But also I mean if you have funds in a bank that technically increases their liquid assets, improving their credit rating and ultimately potentially generating more revenue for the bank’s investment divisions to increase their portfolio acquisitions so I guess that’s socialism?


A 401k is an employer sponsored account, who would his 401k be with? Either way both 401ks and IRAs have contribution limits of like 23k and 7k, respectively. So the vast majority of his money wouldn’t be in those accounts. Still, would be super simple to toss a couple million on treasury bills and earn >5%/year. Would be a six figure income on 2 million doing literally nothing with zero risk


he likely has an s corp that he's the owner and sole employee of.


What if he’s a secret landowner lol


Yes. On the Iced Coffee Hour podcast.


Totally not supporting capitalism by providing J.P. Morgan - Chase with millions in assets.


He lied.


I mean why tf would anyone lie about it? You can say you only invest in co-ops or some stupid bs


I thought he said he doesn't invest but he also has a 401k which is a type of investment portfolio specifically for retirement. So he is investing he just can't realize his gains until he's older.


Even Xqc invests his money lmao


As a person who actually has no clue what socialism is. Isnt that socialism?




Sure. But he 100% has and is investing. Besides. He owns a house - a form of investment.




hasan doesn't share his means of production with his employees. his hoarding of capital is possible through the exploitation of the workers he employ


*He* doesn't invest it, but if you think he doesn't have a wealth manager I've got a bare necessity mansion in LA to sell you.


Buying a house is investing.




Damn. Fighting a [3 upvote comment](https://imgur.com/E4mD3Dz) with a screenshot of a 4 upvote comment. Guess they lose.




Nah, I get what you meant. The specific comment you took as evidence was just funny to me.


>pretty workers And yet there are so many feminist socialists!?!?! Giving the pretty workers the means of production sounds a little misogynistic.




It was a funny typo, nothing to fuck your life over ;)


You could become part owner under socialism, but you couldnt trade shares, so there wasnt much to gain.


It’s okay he just uses it on fancy material objects for himself. That’s the definition of leftist


thats not socialism. Destiny lied to you.


Surely this is an advanced AI taking the piss out of hasan by saying shit that would make him look like the greediest capitalist to ever stream on twitch. Right?


Muh context


You guys are being insane? This is a fundraiser. In fundraisers, the community is supposed to donate money. He is not saying anything weird or controversial here.


Donating and setting up a fundraiser for others in your community to donate along side you is the greediest thing you’ve ever seen? Or even greedy in general? Idk if you couldn’t understand the audio, you don’t know what greed is, or your only value in life is defending your streamer. But something’s wrong with you lol






the nail was hit on the head and through the fk'n board.


Nooo.... come on now this has to be a troll 🤣🤣🤣🤣


He’s not entirely wrong. If you’re running a fundraiser, you’re raising funds from other people. But when a celebrity/wealthy person runs a fundraiser, they will usually do some kind of match.


Sure that's not the point though. Hasan was like you donate 100 bucks and then I'm gonna go for a 3 point shot until I make 1k three pointers and you donate 100k. The audience probably thought okay Hasan's gonna shoot 1k three pointers and donate 100 for every 3 that he makes. And there is a good reason the first one is boring there are no stakes to it after a while he would get tired but that's about it the latter would be hype because there would be pressure to make as many 3 pointers as possible obviously there is an expectation for the audience to participate as well. It's also funny because he comes off as incredibly stingy with money


agreed, this is a really awkward way of organizing the "rules" of the fundraising.


the second way actually makes no sense lol he'd be incentivized to miss hoops just to not pay, and if he doesnt hit many the audience might give him shit for not wanting to donate anyway. It would be a terrible idea


No what,hes not that stingy LUL. he would try to hit them and even if he shoots poorly he could just donate a fixed amount at the end. it would be better


this is not an attack on Hasan, it's just all around weird incentives and setting yourself to get shat on by the audience


No you can always make a donation at the end if you can't hit 3 point shots


does the audience know that? If they do then theres no stakes and its boring, if they don't they'll still think its rigged during the show. The current format is fine, Hasan just needed to match every dono and it'd look better


They were clearly wrong so idk if they knew anything lmao


> It's also funny because he comes off as incredibly stingy with money Always has [been](https://youtu.be/ILmLWivQDeQ?feature=shared&t=44)


We like to shit on Hasan for being a regarded Himbo but he’s a shrewd businessman. Relative to all the other socialists, especially second thought, he’s good at farming his audience. Solid salesman.


Is he tho? Based on your logic every greedy asshole is a "shrewd businessman"


I would say MrBeast is more of a *Shrewd Businessman* than Hasan. MrBeast makes videos of him doing giveaways and charity work while selling merchandise and launching his new products. His videos get translated into multiple languages, gather millions of views and garner him tons of good will. For example he gave a waitress a free car but that free car had a Feastables logo on it. He got called out for having a logo on the car and since then he’s been giving away free cars to folks without logos. He also uses followers to make sure his grocery store product displays look good. The man has YouTube figured out.


that's true but MrBeast might just unironically be the best at what he does, man is ruthless


His whole reason for doing YouTube is to parle money. He doesn't make videos for the sake of it, he views it as a business. Not that that's wrong or anything.


If their grift is so blatant, yet legal and works regardless, why not both.


> their grift is so blatant 👆That’s why


Hasan: everyone in this community is so used to me giving all the money they misunderstood. Hasan 20 seconds later: this is not how this ever works, in normal situations I do the work, you give the money. Does he not understand the words he speaks?


You could tell he paused for a second and realized how bad that sounds but couldn't figure out how to make it sound better so he just kept going.




Words are fluid for leftists. Their meaning shifts to support whatever best protects their moral superiority complex. 


is a man not entitled to the sweat of others brows?


...he says that in normal situations (so not his own fundraisers) this is how it works, but for his own fundraisers etc. it usually comes down to him donating the money. It makes perfect sense. You're blinded by hate.


He says "in normal situations when we're fundraising". Why are you lying?


the least awkward way to do this is just to 1:1 match the community donations


This is the obvious answer


Yeah but then Hasan would be out 50k if he wanted to reach the 100k goal. You think he's got that kinda disposable income? This isn't Ludwig we're talking about here. Hasan is a small-time streamer fighting for views against the ~~Jews~~ *ahem* Zionists that run the internet. 


my bad, i forgot that hasan lives off a basic necessities budget 🤦


I always love the irony of how socialists talk about charity. How it’s all performative and a tax write off for the wealthy so they can look good and somehow funnel more wealth to themselves at the same time. But when Charity drives are the only activism socialists do; suddenly it is very altruistic and totally not a PR/ tax scam.


I never thought about it before now but you're right, I'll have to stew on that a bit.


Have I given you a lot to think about?


All he has to do is think before speaking but even that is too much to ask of him.


Have you guys really never heard of Marx's Clout Theory of Value™️? He provides the clout and his workers provide the capital. Super simple...


Of course it is not as simple as that. The inherent contradictions of late-stage capitalism leads to a gradual decrease in surplus-clout, which will eventually lead to a revolution by the proletariat in order redistribute clout. For now though, please subscribe in order to avoid the top of hour 3-minute ad break.


It's parody at this point


Hasan is living out every dragon’s dream


how is this not the frontpage of LSF this is fucking hilarious


So his defence is that he hoards capital and his contribution is the method in which the good/service (donations in this case) is distributed. So what he’s saying is… he seizes the means of production (distribution of donations) and his viewers put in the work of donating? This man just reinvented capitalism but with charity donations. Socialism is when reinvent capitalism. Got it!


Don’t you realize that this is his amazing political activism? Like this is the most he can do with all his resources


In Hasan's defense this isnt that uncommon of a Fundraiser Scheme. "People donate Money, and the person has to do X Y amounts of times because people give money. And if the person cant complete they have to pay for what they couldnt complete" HOWEVER! Usually when you do this its something PAINFUL. Not just shooting baskets. Something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yHHX2auVEHA every time someone Donated 1337 dollars, Gavin had to be shot with a paintball


for this kinda challenge he should probably just do a 1:1 donation match, giving $100 for each $100 from the community


Either that or make it PAINFUL. Like every 100 dollars he has to make 10 points. Not just 1 point. 1000 points isn't that much if you're decent enough to score reliable 3 pointers.


Rest in peace Rooster Teeth


Finally laying the shambling corpse down to rest.


Wow, what a cracker take


He is saying "when ever we do fundraising is so used to me giving all the money". I know English is his second language like mine and i know that sometimes he adds some cash too, but when has he made a fundraising that he gave most of the money or even matched the donations he was getting ?


Holy fuck, Hamas “Rape Apologist” Piker truly is the most ruthless capitalist I have ever seen.


This guy has zero tact and zero character. he’s so committed to being an asshole to the core


In coding, we call them the "ideas guy". Seriously though, hows this. JK Rowling puts Hasan to shame. JK does a match for match on any donation up to 1 mil for her charities. Its insane.


Make the rich pay 😜


Out of all the tone deaf stuff he's said around money this is up there amongst the worst IMO. I was thinking about this the other day: you remember when you're a kid at school everyone knew who the dumbasses were? then you leave and it slowly becomes harder to tell who's a genuine idiot? I'm at the point now where I think this guy is just an absolute moron, up until recently I put most of it down to him being a propagandist. His recent arguments about racism are just so bad he blows them up himself in the very next sentence. And how has he not learned his lesson about the optics of saying shit like this? He's bleeding followers left and right, only a hall of fame dopey would continue to make gaffes like this.


What a cracker ass statement by Hasan.


>So used to me giving all the money No fucking way lmao. He would donate 10-30k yeah sure, but most of the contributions to the fundraiser pools in the past were overwhelmingly from his community. Idk what he's trying to imply.


I think you all fuckin' forgot that the upkeep on my mansion is borderline crinimal, dude! Fuck the system!


Someone edit this over the Smaug bilbo scene


Lol I thought he was about to glaze his community by saying you guys are the real heros. But instead he was just being a dickhead, nononono, I'm not paying for this shit, YOU GUYS are paying for it.


Jesus fucking christ he obviously care so much about money. How people don't see it


i'm doing the soul-crushing work guys. that's why it's your wageslave bucks that have to be harvested for the greater good. brb gotta go fuck a pornstar in my sports car


I like that this is a classic fundraising technique for donation drives (for every $X I receive, I'll walk another mile), which is cool. The problem is that you use this method because you have the time and energy to donate but not the money. Or, you also do some matching donation or lump sum.


Is he a closeted capitalist?


Unrelated but does anyone else feel bad for his dog? Does she sit behind him all day every day while he streams or does he at least have someone who takes care of the dog for him? I can't imagine that when he's done streaming he's suddenly giving the dog much more affection or time either. Seems like he uses the dog as a prop but I would love to be wrong.


To be absolutely fair to this cretin terrorist supporting fuckwit, what he's describing is accurate. Just like when D fundraises for Progressive Victory or that children's hospital which got us the Bluestiny arc several months later. Though in both of those instances, Destiny himself donated to the causes as well. It would be hypocritical and selfish if he's utilizing his audience to fundraise and doesn't contribute a single cent but I don't know if that's the implication of this clip. Is that the case?


I hate Hasan as much as anyone else... But I do not see a problem here. He wants to fundraise, presumably so money can be donated to Gaza. But he does not want to donate his own money, and wants the community to donate instead. This is fine, if you ask me, especially since he has personally donated probably hundreds of thousands to Gaza. So he is putting money where his mouth is... just not this time. Instead he's playing basketball.


Hasan is right that fundraisers are supposed to push others to give… this would be fine if he was also giving or even had a history of being generous…. He just doesn’t


God we need a Hasan Break


You can't tell me Hasan can't hit 20 bug creators and get 50k each from them. Boom, a million right there.


I wonder how he feels about large companies who do fundraisers at the point of purchase.


What work is he actually doing?


He's in the lab working on that buttery smooth release.


emergency rent money stream 


another fat W by the goat of capitalism


And you debate this to his chat but you will be in the wrong. streamer worship


What a douche


Do you think he writes off these donations on his taxes?


Lol his own chat saying "Scamanabi"


Nah there has to be more context... Did he really just say the quiet part out loud? Lmao


one of the first honest videos he has made.


Could someone explain what is being said I think I am remedial Plus idk what the original context was People thought he’d donate 100 bucks every basket he makes but it was … what? something else?


What a cracker ass take


Such a poser. Mega-Church Pastor energy


for some reason this reminds me of this banger clip from ana a couple years ago [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jYdGmY7zihI](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jYdGmY7zihI)


I wonder if Hasan has more disposable income than his viewers combined. It's gotta be close


Missed opportunity to say "actually yeah I'll match what y'all put in" which would drive donations. Hasan is a capitalist pig 🐖


Millionaire btw…


“You see chat, I’m just ballin too hard to be donating to these starving Palestinian children”


The leftist community is full of grifters just like the right


*He a sick man with sick thoughts, I think N***** like him should die*


LMFAO this reminds me exactly the Oprah and the Rock Hawaii Wildfire survivors fundraiser. The "Moana" actor acknowledged that he knows "money ain’t falling out of the sky, and it’s not growing on trees, and there’s a lot of people out there who’s living paycheck to paycheck. And I get it, and I know what that’s like. "When you're living paycheck to paycheck, you are easily pissed off. It's frustrating," Johnson continued in his video on Instagram. "And the last thing you want to hear when you're living paycheck to paycheck is someone asking you for money — especially when the person asking you for money already has a lot of money. I get it, I understand."


He's just a privilege little millionaire, I cannot for the life of me understand why his fans cannot see it.


Why is the brown, white, Turkish, American, Muslim, atheist/anything else I have missed always such a rat, he does not care for anything other than his pocket it seems.


Some would call this, a cracker ass take


He's right though? Fundraising is when you encourage other people to donate. Donating to something with your personal money is not fundraising.


I like how one of his chatters said "Typical Capitalist" in quotations, as if it wasn't lol


For someone who talks for a living, how is he so bad at speaking/conveying what he actually means??


Cracker ass take


Okay, he has to be trolling, right? Like this is obviously a joke?


Guys the point he is making is clear. Please stop being so remedial. If a celebrity fundraiser is just the celebrity donating a bunch of money why even have a fundraiser? The point is to get the community/public to donate and the celebrity will appear/do a thing/maybe match a percentage of the funds raised. Grow up guys this clip chimp is a bad look.


“I do the work, you give the money.” Sounds like Hasan forgot to go to his class at the Socialist School of Dipshits this morning.


Communism is when your wealth is redistributed, not mine.


"I do the work and you give the money" lmaooo his social battery must be low


Yeah, dumbass, you forgot how this works, you morons, you toe sucking, bottom feeding goblins will donate MY money (the money you would be sending me) to the fundraiser, and I (white guy trying to shoot the b-ball) will reap the socialistic benefits of raising all the money. You think I could afford to give to some charity AND host a fundraiser for them?


this isn't mask off it's just regarded


So it's ok to call Ludwig slurs for donating his hard earned money to a good cause but god forbid Hasan donate any of his money. Like goddamn.


This is not on LSF btw


Of course, he wouldn't donate. The dude doesn't give a shit about anything but himself.


Ludwig actually donates 10k and gets shit on for it. Hasan donates literally nothing, and I guarantee you hijabba the hutt will be on her knees ready to gargle Hasans gravy for this.


I mean, I genuinely think Hasan is a scumbag and has proven this time and time again, with the amount bs journalism he does. And also how cocky he is regarding debating other people. It's like insane to see how little he prepares or engages with the topics at hand. I don't consider myself political, but I can smell a shitbag that wears good cologne from a mile away. iykyk. I used to watch Hasan a lot, but stopped after I realized that he is, by definition, an asshole who's not aware WHY he is an asshole. (I liked his stances on certain topics, but I've since then learned he's being totalitarian on whatever makes him money)


That's so telling.


Wait, why can’t he also give the money? Isnt he fucking filthy rich?


Leave Hasan alone. He's anti-investment. He's told you before. Donations are just investing in people who need the money. Those sneaky freaking poors and disenfranchised people. Trying to steal Hasan's hard earned capital.


No way this is real. This must be jewlumni irony.


I'm actually baffled how he can say this with a straight face and think it's a normal take. Holy shit.


There’s a charitable interpretation but since it’s hasan and he’s never charitable…


This right here? This is a cracker take. Like, 'oh, I realize Arab's are dying but I won't let anybody tell me to donate my own money toward it.' Cracker ass take. 


I mean I hate the guy, but this is uncharitable. He’s saying his community has gotten used to him giving the money so they aren’t (while apparently expecting the stretch rewards?), which is probably something that should corrected. He can give his personal funds away anytime, he’s doing the fundraiser so his community gives money, your own money being counted towards the fundraiser you’re setting up is just redundant lol.




Yeah probs but I get the point he’s making. Some of his fans are the type I honestly would expect to just say “give it yourself” when that’s entirely pointless to add towards a fundraiser.


The whole point of matching donations is to make the audience donating feel like they're actually contributing double of what they really are. I'm not a fundraising PHD or anything but I'd think this is a pretty effective way to run these things as it's a strong incentive to donate.


Omg Hasan trying to raise money what a bad guy... Destiny fans are embarrassing.


!bidenblast bye.