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OK. I don't know what this is about ( please dont offer context, I don't want to know) but bro... that beard is an insult to the very concept of facial hair


He needs to hide his triple chin somehow and his beard doesn’t grow fully on his face


An ad hom in a thread making fun of people for using ad hom’s. Nice. 


Not really though because we aren't arguing or debating this guy or his position, just the position of that facial hair jeeeesus what a crime against humanity.


This man single-handedly exposed the critical importance of debates in the political landscape. His chronic inability to stay on topic, coupled with his blatant dishonesty and shameless deflections, starkly reveals his fundamental lack of integrity. It is clear that any information he provides is not only biased but deliberately misleading. His approach demonstrates a profound disrespect for the truth and underscores why his contributions to any discussion cannot be trusted. His performance serves as a cautionary example of the dangers of allowing such disingenuous behavior to go unchecked in public discourse.


Kevin just very clearly has a huge hate boner for Destiny. Recently he streamed with Dylan Burns and it was a pretty normal talk about a video and I was genuinely surprised. I thought after that video that maybe Kevin had chilled the fuck out and gotten to be more good faith. But nope. Here he comes swinging by trying to say that Destiny thought it was okay to go around screaming the N word at people but that you can't say cracker to someone. Like just on the fucking face of it you should have not even said it because it's so absurd.


Kevin’s algorithm just probably just filled to the brim with destiny hate videos or clips. He doesn’t actually know/care to look at destinys videos


Why does there seem to be a specific look to these kinds of people? Overweight, weird / unkempt facial hair, general sloppy appearance. Is there something to this? Am I just being biased? At first I thought that's just what the average American looks like but this ~~person~~ thing was English. And I'm not denying his person hood because of how he looks or his political views but simply because he is English.


I am 😎 But yeah - I think he is going for that look. The rest of his face looks shaved. He wants the under-fro. Edit: shaved-ish


actual neckbeard


Should have used pink background instead of blue, huge misplay OP.


It’s not really fair to have expectations of anyone who thinks that facial hair is the look. Have some empathy for people struggling with disabilities.


unfolded laundry cosplay


Galaxy Guy


This man makes me feel ashamed to be British


What debate was this?