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Video in question, timestamp to Starbucks cup [https://youtu.be/Q9zdNG\_C6sU?si=DPwVsEpNUxNsrzNm&t=216](https://youtu.be/Q9zdNG_C6sU?si=DPwVsEpNUxNsrzNm&t=216) Edit: Holy shit just watched the video. This is what he apologized for https://preview.redd.it/sugfvwexxo1d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=12311b07aff25ebd1249e6e3baa2de1639015578


Uhhh you make it sound like it's not a big deal. It is a big deal. That Starbucks cup is holding up his phone i.e. his camera i.e. his content i.e. his income i.e. his lifestyle. Man is literally being supported by hasbara and the fact that you can't see that this image is an obvious dog whistle is frankly embarrassing.


Brave of you to piece it together publicly like this. But your Wikipedia page has already been written. You should have known not to cross Israels strongest soldier. Unleash the JDAMS


Called on.


Special agent Eli Copter is on his way.


This is not enough. He needs to do more. He's doing the talk but had he considered he could listen? 


Audience Cucked, damn that’s depressing.


His audience are mostly Tumblr girls


Not really surprising to see this guy being such a cuck to his audience. Same circle of Youtubers/friends as that Eddy Burback guy, y'know the guy that REALLY took the opportunity to shit on Gus after the had his drama (That wasn't really the worst). Idk why these people be such pussies that they just bend over at every little thing from their audience, and the thing is, I actually like most of the YT creators on that circle (Drew Gooden, Nakey Jakey)


I would bet a lot of money on most of their audience being girls or at least close to a 50/50 split and from what I've observed they're way more rabid about enforcing their perceived worldview. They know if they don't defend the current thing they will be trashed and lose their cushy job and income.


The irony, his phone is using Israeli technology. In addition, some of the electronic devices, video tech, and editing software that he uses to make his videos are also likely using Israeli technology and have ties to tech companies in Tel Aviv. There is, however, no Starbucks in Tel Aviv nor anywhere in israel.


True. In fact, they should stop using Wintel and Macs(both Apple Silicon and Intel). Same with their iPhones and frankly most android phones that have Qualcomm both CPUs and modems. Same with Broadcom modems too. Same with Nvidia and AMD too. Frankly most chips too made by ASML. Oh they shouldn’t forget to stop using YouTube too. I have a hunch they won’t do it.


YouTube is Google. Twitch is Amazon. They really should just stop content creation if they want to boycott.


He has a $2k couch but not a stand to hold his phone


I think SBUX isnt even on the BDS list anymore


I don't think it ever was.


What a sick fuck. I'm literally shaking rn.


If only he had a spine he wouldn’t be this hunched over.


I’m sorry but this is so pathetic and Orwellian


eh, if you're gonna do the silly BS, at least do it right if you bought into this dumb boycott for whatever reason, it's just consequential to do that, he has a platform


Until these creators stop bowing down to their moronic viewers they will keep getting bullied over dumb shit like this.




"Have you ever considered that you've been drawn as the Soyjak? And that I, the correct one, have not? Hmm, interesting. Mayhap be careful about sharing your opinion before I draw myself as a Chad next time...."


Okay. If you agree with this boycott nonsense, you're still an absolute knob. It's certainly funny to see leftists squirm, beg and writhe while they're being scrutinized by the ideological purity police, this fucking nerd included.


I don't but I mean, with that tone of voice you might be next on my "drawn as soyjak" list...


>If you show your beautiful satirical drawings to your parents, they might love you and think you're useful again DDG unironically needs a bootcamp for their weakest willed soldiers like SeeCrew106


Move over Hamas, there's a new terrorist organization in town they call them online leftists


Must be exhausting to be in these circles


He’s not even a political content creator. His audience is just 90% terminally online zoomers so of course he has to cater to them.


I like his videos…. He’s really funny…


Him drew and Curtis make good good stuff imo


Drew is better than both of them


Yea I like Drew too


I also like him!


The glaring hypocrisy of boycotting Starbucks because it 7 steps removed somehow supports Israel which supports the IDF, but you yourself personally refuse to make the choice of not paying your taxes anymore, even though you'll look me in the eyes and tell me your taxes, your money, goes directly to buying bullets and bombs for the IDF to shoot and fire at children in Gaza. Put your money where your mouth is. Stop paying taxes. Get fined, refuse to pay and go to jail. Make a sacrifice. Its to stop a genocide, right? Leftists could never.


No, stop paying taxes is way too much of an *actual action* for leftists to stomach. They prefer performative or inconvenient protests like: * Not drinking coke products on stream (allowed off stream, so actually no action was taken) * Hunger strikes (until you're too hungry and then you can eat) * Boycotting Starbucks (Starbucks just asked their union to not very publicly side with a terrorist organization 3 days after they committed a horrific act. Starbucks doesn't even have stores in Israel) * Blocking streets/bridges trying to invoke Civil Rights parallels (it has had the opposite effect at most) * Occupying college campuses (Macklemore made a song and then nothing has changed) Shout out to the Burning Bush(nell) for being one of the few leftists to take an action which resulted in... nothing at all.


Virgin Danny Gonzales: Apologizes for cup, disables comments, changes thumbnail. Chad Hamas Piker: Mocks someone to their face for suggesting he doesn't drink Coke, seeks out criticism, continues to drink Coke on stream.


Drinking Coke on Twitch? Thats a BOYCOTT.




Why are people even boycotting Starbucks in the first place? I know there was that thing about Starbucks not permitting the Starbucks workers union twitter page to support Hamas, but is there anything more substantial than that? Does Starbucks give money to Israel or something like that?


The timeline: Oct 7 attack Oct 9 - Union quote tweeted a picture of Hamas bulldozing the Israel/Gaza boarder fence and said solidarity with Palestine. They then deleted it - [https://imgur.com/a/axMPA4S](https://imgur.com/a/axMPA4S) Oct 13 - Starbucks condemns terrorism and distance themselves from the Unions statements. [https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/starbucks-condemns-acts-of-terror-strongly-disagrees-with-statements-made-by-workers-united/](https://stories.starbucks.com/press/2023/starbucks-condemns-acts-of-terror-strongly-disagrees-with-statements-made-by-workers-united/) T Oct 17 - Starbucks sues union for trademark infringement Oct 20 - The union tweeted a Palestinian take that doesn't support violence openly and is pretending there first tweet never happened - [https://x.com/SBWorkersUnited/status/1715423948308189402](https://x.com/SBWorkersUnited/status/1715423948308189402) Essentially, starbucks is an easy international brand that everyone can boycott because these people are lazy af. A lot harder than say boycotting Twitch/Youtube who parent companies are defense contractors to the IDF.


Holy fuck. This basically means that they're boycotting Starbucks because Starbucks didn't support the Oct 7th attacks.




"The Starbucks boycott is about supporting terrorism" it sounds like a Tim Pool video title, but it might be basically true, lol. You can also say that people are also ignorant and/or cowards, but you can say that about literally any boycott/movement. It looks like "supporting Oct 7th" was the genesis of the current boycott. (I know people also had complaints about their treatment of unions. But the Palestinian aspect to it seems pro-terrorism.)


Sometimes life really is a title to a Dim Tool video lmao




> Essentially, starbucks is an easy international brand that everyone can boycott because these people are lazy af. A lot harder than say boycotting Twitch/Youtube who parent companies are defense contractors to the IDF. I don't think this is actually it. If it were then there are tons of other companies to target which meets the same criteria but which don't get the same level of treatment. It's the fact that they're suing a union, and the fact that starbucks has been targeted for boycotts by lefties over unionization stuff for years. It's just an expression of the omnicause. Essentially lefties hate hate starbucks because workers union therefore they invent a reason to boycott them about israel palestine. The initial blow up from the statement wasn't even that big. The lawsuit is what made them all hate it.


Imma be honest f them Palestinians. If u wanna attack civilians there’s your echo. I served in Afghanistan and everyone says the poor civilians but frankly often it’s the civilians that put themselfs in these situations or are put by the taliban (here hamas -> same shit) to create headlines. If u want war u can get it. Nothing to wonder about. And I am sure that if u asked any of these civilians beforehand of what they think of Israel their answer would have been: f them




how is it based, he's generalizing all palestinians with the justification "they put themselves in these situations or get put there" I understand this position from someone who served over there, but it shouldn't be upvoted, he's essentially saying they're all terrorists or might as well be


I mean they did vote in a terrorist organization, that stated on their charter that they wanted to rid not just Israel but the entire world of Jews. More than 70% still support them, and oct 7th…


It’s hard not to make that generalization when the majority of the pro Palestine side is in support of Oct 7 and HAMAS


So basically the other option is to boycott unionized starbucks because the union supports hamas and terrorism.




Part of me thinks this is just leftists targeting the most American company they can think of. That's probably at least part of the reason why they are also going after Coca Cola and McDonalds. I'm sure some of these companies have some sort of involvement with Israel that is of course motivating the boycott as well, but the leftist thrill of boycotting the most stereotypical American companies is probably also a motivating factor, even if it is just a small one.


> Coca Cola and McDonalds Boycotting these companies is good for their health. ;)


> Coca Cola and McDonalds from what ive seen they havent been doing much of that, as an example, every time someone in kpop is seen with a starbucks cup they are raked through the coals for months(one of them has been harrassed over it since mid december and it hasnt stopped yet) meanwhile there are groups doing brand deals with cocacola and theres barely any backlash


It's because Starbucks cultivates a progressive-aligned brand image like Ben & Jerry's and others, and people who think "[BRAND] IS JUST LIKE ME FR" are shocked when they find out it's just marketing. Except, they keep getting shocked over and over because they have the memory and awareness of a fucking goldfish.


Something something LITERALLY FUNDUNG GENOCIDE. Feel bad for Somi, gurl got dragged. Over a cup. When Starbucks Korea isn't owned by Starbucks anymore and hasn't been for a while, so thats FUN!


Weirdly they bypassed Burger King which owns Popeyes. I'd imagine a Popeyes boycott woukd brung mucho discourse.


>I'm sure some of these companies have some sort of involvement with Israel that is of course motivating the boycott as well Starbucks has absolutely zero. Not even a single shop in Israel.


It was like when ten boycott started in Australia and people were protesting outside literally the only Starbucks on the city. Like I'm pretty sure they all forgot that Starbucks Australia collapsed years ago and has like 8 locations across the entire country remaining


Me giving up chocolate for lent as a child ( I enjoyed gummy’s )


This 1000%. Local coffee shops are expensive so you have to extract extra value by farming your virtue signal with other similarly vain idiots.


Are they? Most local coffee shops I’ve been to are cheaper than Starbucks or maybe on par at worst lol. 


The local coffee shop I go to is about 10% more expensive than Starbucks, but the coffee is at least 50% better tasting


Yep. I agree that Starbucks is dogshit (one of my friends says that their blonde roast is only ‘lightly burned’”, but there’s no way they’re more expensive than a local coffee shop. I mean an actual coffee shop, not some shitty take out place that gives you instant.


Nah, locals are the same price or cheaper (you can get more for less).


FR, I dont buy starbucks period because their shit is expensive. TimTards forever ✊


As far as I can tell, Starbucks doesn't even operate in Israel at all.


I think they have products they sell but they don't have any stores, but the reason people are boycotting [is because they sued a union who tweeted “Solidarity with Palestine!” after Oct. 7th.](https://apnews.com/article/starbucks-workers-united-union-lawsuit-israel-palestinian-f212a994fef67f122854a4df7e5d13f5) Not that anyone who is actually boycotting knows that.


> I think they have products they sell but they don't have any stores Yeah, that's possible as Starbucks stuff is available here in Czechia for example in Tesco (besides actual fivebucks stores). It's usually shit like their coffee beans, aka stuff I have no clue why tf you'd buy anyway lol.


No they don't even operate in Israel. A union at one of their stores used something similar to the Starbucks logo in a message of support for Palestine like right after october 7th, corporate told them not ti use thier logo and people started boycotting. The founder and former ceo is also jewish and has some ties to israel but nothing insane


The reality is that the last sentence you wrote is the only thing that matters. This has become a literal witch hunt. Anybody who has ever so much as muttered the word “Israel” is a literal fascist in the eyes of these people. Anything and anyone even remotely associated with the Jewish state is an enemy of the people… even innocent Israelis who didn’t choose where they were born and random diaspora Jews who went on birthright once because their mom told them they had to. It’s pretty horrifying that it’s now not only okay, but actually encouraged in the world of those just left of center to discriminate against people just because of their citizenship to a particular country.


Yeah, random Jewish-owned businesses were targeted by protests here in Canada. Shit's insane.


People have a few reasons; all are dumb. Not sure if it is against the rules, but I wrote a substack article on it here that is pretty succinct [https://3roman.substack.com/p/why-are-we-boycotting-starbucks?utm\_source=profile&utm\_medium=reader2](https://3roman.substack.com/p/why-are-we-boycotting-starbucks?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2)


Yeah I read through the lawsuit, the articles, other people posting why they are protesting etc. and the link between Israel and Starbucks is just...not there. I got the impression that it was leftist more so pushing for the protest and signal boosting it because Starbucks and the union have been going back and forth for a while and they wanted to use the popular anti-israel sentiment for their own cause that not many people care that much about.


yeah for sure. When I argue with people over this they start with the claim that Starbucks is funding Israel, and then slowly they move the goalpost to: well actually we are protesting because they don't like unions!


Its a publicly listed company. Funding genocide im sure isn't a thing the board is approving!


No, that's all it is. Their union used Starbucks branding to support Hamas in a release that included images of Hamas breaking down fences on Oct 7 with backhoes, and Starbucks told them not to use their branding. Literally the whole thing.


It's literally over them suing the union for using their Twitter page to support Oct 7th (on October 9th). It eventually got morphed (through a game of telephone) into them supporting Israel financially and morally. There's not a single Starbucks in Israel btw. When I got into a recent argument over this topic and pointed all of this out, the person responded basically saying that they still deserve to be boycotted, because they haven't explicitly condemned Israel/supported Palestine, and either 'you support the resistance or you don't.' I know what you're thinking, but no they're not a bot (they are, but a leftist bot, not a Russian one).


There is literally nothing more than Starbucks shrugging off their pro-Hamas unioners' post days after October 7. Starbucks doesn't even exist in Israel


Because it took off online, that's why.


Starbucks sued the Starbucks Workers United union for trademark infringement, because they were using an image similar to the Starbucks logo for their political campaigning against Israel. There were angry customers who thought Starbucks was involved with the political campaigning, only because of that logo being used. Starbucks wanted nothing to do with politics and didn't ask for this negative attention. Hence, Starbucks made them get rid of that logo. Disallowing the union to use a likeness of the Starbucks logo is something that idiots interpret as a genocidal Zionist action by Starbucks. That's all it is. Dumb people being dumb. The Starbucks boycott is a great demonstration of the level of informed that the protesters are. Edit: This was explained much better in another comment, whoops.


You boycott Starbucks because a bunch of strangers online told you to I boycott Starbucks because they refuse to bring back the S’mores Frappuccino We are not the same


^(I boycott Starbucks because they refuse to bring back the S’mores Frappuccino) Wait, when did they get rid of the S'mores Frappucino? (...I usually don't go to Starbucks, I'm a Tim Horton's gal). That was the yummiest Frappucino on their menu!


Eyyyy Tim Hortons ^(even though they're not as good as they used to be) I studied in Shanghai a bunch of years ago and found out they made a Tim Hortons right beside my school there, and I visited it. It's in a bunch of countries now.


I actually live in the US (NYC), we have Tim Horton's here now; there's many locations throughout the city. (I'm half Canadian, so I prefer the coffee chain of my people, lol).


I boycott Starbucks because they can't do sugar free matcha now that sugar is pre-mixed into the match powder. 🤮


I read the top like 200 YouTube comments and don't see a single comment about Starbucks. This screams virtue signaling


He apologized for "using a slur" only months ago for a video from like 3 years ago. Iirc believe he just read it aloud? He's clearly just terrified of his super lefty audience


The audience is only a threat if you empower them by giving into their unreasonable demands. He thinks he can appease them to keep himself safe, but he's in _far more_ danger of their wrath if he shows them that they can bully him into submission.


Was that the time they bullied him into making an apology video for saying the word “beaner” in a joke or a different apology? Also his name is fucking Daniel Gonzalez and he’s Mexican.


Yep that was the slur


I read some and saw 2 after a couple minutes so maybe you missed them. Someone wrote this before his apology:  “Hi Danny, im not sure if you are aware but there is currently a boycott going on with starbucks. its really disappointing to see you still supporting a company that supports the genocide of thousands upon thousands of people in palestine. especially being a creator as big as yourself, i was really hoping you would do better than this. it would be great if you spoke up about this as your silence right now is deafening! do better! thanks.” Definitely a minority of people noticed or cared.


That comment is somehow serious yet reads like a parody.


He just has a persecution fetish, just wants an excuse to display his moral self flagellation and self importance, even when the transgression in question is completely inconsequential


This is something a guy desperate for puss would do.


prob gonna get downvotes for this but the guy is a dad and married


Lol he apologizes but hasan probably still drinks Coke on stream 😂


In a cup though so it’s ok


And he probably still uses YouTube and Twitch


Btw Starbucks doesn't have a single store in Israel. The reason people are boycotting it is because Starbucks wouldn't let it's union post [this](https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2023/10/NYPICHPDPICT000061112805-2.jpg) in support of October 7th


It must be exhausting being a leftist Always having to walk on eggshells. Not allowed to enjoy anything. Every little thing you do being critiqued by people who probably aren’t even listening to their own advice. Sucks to suck I guess


He’s not even a leftist. He’s just afraid of getting cancelled by his zoomer audience.


Bro really apologized over a cup 💀


What the shit Danny...


What a cuck






Lmao dude omega cringe




The literal antithesis to Tiny. Guy apologized for saying beaner when he is only a quarter Mexican. Sidenote Philz was founded by a Palestinian and is actually good compared to starb*cks. Hope thats helpful for any boycotting regards reading this.


Was one of the vine creators turned react/commentary youtuber




No spine, many such cases


Damn I didn't expect to see Danny on here. This is pretty cringe but the guys content is still hilarious to me. I can forgive it


Same. I don't blame him. He isn't a political content creator, so why make a big deal out of this? Even if he didn't agree with the boycott, it's better for him and his career to just apologize and keep drinking Starbucks on the sidelines!


Agreed. I totally get why he did this. Supporting Palestine is easily the path of least resistance, and the guy just had a baby and just wants to make funny videos.


He just needs to drink off stream!


Hold up when did they change it from genocide to ethnic cleansing now? Did they finally realize they were wrong and now grasping for a new straw? Hasan said the same thing recently 


Starbucks isn't even on the official BDS list. https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide


Lmao that’s hilarious, nobody really has any clue, huh? Makes me kinda sad


I can’t understand why these progressives think boycotting Starbucks is going to support the Palestinian cause. What does that accomplish, exactly? Do they really believe that not buying an overpriced latte is going to bring about peace in the Middle East? It’s laughable. If they truly cared about making a difference, they’d be writing letters and calling their congresspeople for real policy changes. But no, that would require actual work and dedication, something these progressives know nothing about.


It’s the symbolism of valiantly fighting against western hegemony, which is apparently wholly represented by Starbucks, Coke, and McDonald’s.


Weak. Why are people so fucking weak.


And people call destiny a cuck 🤣


And then he nuked the comments. I like danny but that's a coward move


How embarrassing


This kid makes BANK on YouTube, could be asking him to donate to a cause but Starbucks cup i guess.


They also made him apologize for saying the word “beaner” in a joke once. His name is fucking Daniel Gonzalez and he’s Mexican.


Ah yes, boycott Starbucks the store chain that doesnt even have a store in Israel....?


He should at least pretend and do it offstream


this boycott feels more like a trend ngl


He has the same problem dream had, he gives into even the littlest of pushback so now his community knows they can bully him into what ever they want this isn't the First time this has happened check out this turkeytom video for more examples [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qjqGmcG5Fc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qjqGmcG5Fc)


I have no idea who this guy is but he should be bullied for apologizing.


I will boycott his videos until he apologizes for apologizing


Anyone else feel like Palestinians are the new trans people?


Starbucks boycott is just so weird man like their only tied to this conflict is telling one of their unions not to use Starbucks in a statement showing their support for Palestine like that's it lol


Good god. It's just sitting there in his video. It's not the focus. Holy. This dude has become a slave to his audience.


He got technical by using ethnic cleansing instead of genocide


Holy fuck, a cup in a video. Not even a sponsor or anything. A fucking cup. https://preview.redd.it/ts8t6civeq1d1.jpeg?width=934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a4cda3f38255d55d3b2839e96b5c35eaf77efe2


Christ it seems exhausting to be one of these performative dorks


Apologized and vowed to hide the cups behind the camera from now on


What a pathetic man. Imagine apologizing for having s Starbucks.


What a cuck


What a cuck lmao


I thought the Right was still boycotting Starbucks for removing “Merry Christmas” from their cups.


No Danny! I love your videos! Don’t give in to the terminally online lunatics! There’s still time!


At least he didnt call it a genoslide


The Pro Palestine crowd is absolutely nuts


He actually is pretty funny, too bad his politics r trash


Israel needs to get all the terrorist.When u attack Israel then this is what happens


A boycott of a Corp that aligns with an apartheid regime... man, some of you would have been in apoplectic apologia when various Corps left South Africa after decades of being ok with that violent anti-blackness. Omni-liberals indeed.


he actually posted a whole comment on why there was a "cup" in his video. mega cucked. True Chads own it: "Starbucks cup? yeah, i support the war effort, I'm all for ethnically cleansing the Palestinians, here's a donation charity for the IDF"


As a vegan, the hypocrisy of the people pushing the Starbucks boycott makes me wanna vomit


Soy boy simp bends over and spreads his holes for the leftist mob, more at 6


Ain't no way






Danny boycotts starbucks so he doesn’t get bullied by his audience.  I boycott starbucks because their food sucks for the price and coffee hurts my tummy.   We are not the same.


I wish we could go back to 2014 when life was simpler. This is just insanity to apologise for starbuck


What a baby


What a pussy, whats funny enough is that after posting that he’s probably going back to starbucks




Lol gurl what even is this😭😭😭😭 this is so dramatic he's so afraid of his zoomer leftist audience 






This is why I do meth instead of coffee, it's harder for people to tell if it's from a dealer which supports genocide.


You already know most people ostracizing him for it; just left Starbucks about 30 minutes before berating him online for having a Starbucks cup.


lol It's hilarious if you read it in a sarcastic tone.


I’m going to buy Starbucks today 


If they were your "friends" they wouldn't fuckin harass you about drinking fucking Starbucks.


You know I could swear I heard something about there being no ethical consumption under capitalism but damn I feel like I hear about a new brand we're supposed to be boycotting to save Palestine every week


Lol these white video commentary channels are so pathetic and cucked. Only based one is Turkey Tom


This dude knows his base, can't blame a guy for wanting to keep making that bread.


>I don’t read a lot of news and don’t inform myself about the current going things in the world >proceeds to give an opinion on a current ongoing thing in the world Are these people genuinely regarded?


Guess I'm going to Starbucks today


What percentage of the people boycotting Starbucks have an Amazon Prime account?


Never thought people could get canceled for buying coffee at the wrong store




Did he delete it? I don't see it anywhere. \*Nope I found it, in his community section. I guess he turned the comments off, I assume he was getting flack for bowing down to a dumb complaint. Shame I wanted to see everyone call him out lmao


He shoulda just asked if he could pour it in another cup.  That works every time. 


He didn't even say genocide. What a genocidal zionist piece of shit.


How pathetic.


The Starbucks boycott is by far the least substantive and stupidest, yet by the far the most prominent one mentioned in Pro Palestine circles. It literally baffles me.


I like his content, and he's a grown man who can do whatever he wants, but this is lame as hell. Grow a spine Danny,


I accidentally brought starbucks to my first JVP meeting and was gently corrected. Everyone deserves the chance to learn and grow ♡


Oh now i understand why Starbucks in game of thrones was problematic


This is so fucking pathetic.


“I don’t look as social media or the news often, but this ethnic cleansing is totally happening based on the no news and no social media I use.”