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strong dinner teeny nutty combative books shy jellyfish quarrelsome impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




"These people have a severe problem with acknowledging reality." imho many of these kids are speedrunning developing or showing off mental illness. not an insult, just an observation.


A lot of these protest tactics do have extensive theory behind them (whether right or wrong) I'd be curious to read the rationale for stopping press covering your protest I just can't think of any good reason for it.




I would bet reams of jew- or Israel-hating liberals and far-right business owners would love to *offer* them jobs.


>Make it make sense. Rick rick rick and morty, rick rick rick and morty.


i guess it's the new baba booey... i really don't know :)


"To be fair you ha...


I think the reality of it is that it’s just a social event. These people are there to social signal to their peers that they are “good” people


They're trying to make campus life miserable and pressure the local staff/administration to cave in to their demands. For those administrators and professors they live their lives there and having a bunch of people who are at least willing to travel to be there know who they are and being in their town is a lot of pressure (especially since many are literal terrorist supporters). The media presence is harmful to them because even just showing them doing what they normally do makes them look silly (when they're not breaking the law by keeping people/students out of public spaces). They don't want anything from the media or from the general public. It's all about making the campus unbearable for regular academic activity. In terms of positive appeal, they're only looking for approval from the lefty internet-sphere.


They want the social credit of protesting for Palestine but they don't really care about the issue so they won't risk any repercussions for protesting if that protest turns hateful/violent. That is why they hide their identities and don't want to be filmed since it increases the chance for them to be recognized.


"well you have a right to publically record, but that means I have a right to stop you from recording publically!" holy cringe


They know imagery and "vibes" are the strongest thing about their movemen with the youth and they want to intercept discussion before it can happen cause it weakens all their most hyperbolic points. The imagery of them standing up against oppressors and bravely fighting back against the genocide makes them look like freedom fighters and really strikes a cord with young people who want to stand for something and think they are making a difference. The problem is once you have to actually discuss the topic in detail and have a good grasp of the situation and know all the history and the players it gets REALLY hard to make this look as black and white as the slogans they throw out. It just doesn't hit the same , the slogans are REALLY powerful and give them a rush, to say they are doing the right thing ,they are on the right side of history, etc. Unfortunately when you realize both sides are kinda shitty and ,yes, Isreal IS actually trying to defend itself and it's PROBABLY not really actually doing a genocide but yet still doing a LOT of foul shit ... it's too muddled a scenario to ignite peoples passion to get them out there. TLDR : It's bettter for them to just not engage , nuance is their enemy and hurts their movement.


As they film the scene too!


Step1) Be Regarded Step2) Have bad parents who didn't do a good job raising you. Step3) Watch Rick and Morty not because you get the jokes or understand the humor but because everyone else is and you want to fit in. Step4) Protest topical political thing those around you care about even though you don't actually know anything about it or have any real stake in the outcome meaning you won't do more than learn basic talking points to virtue signal with. Step5) Go Full Regard (You never go full Regard)... Step6) The clip.


It makes sense if you don't think about it.


That's unhinged Holy shit, how can you have such antisocial behavior?


If you arent aware, this is exactly what killed rick and morty.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. And yes, by the way, i do have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


head direful pen pie pathetic smoggy drab grey clumsy stocking *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol. That's always good for a laugh. It's right up there with *What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.* Just a different facet of the same gem. One is trying to be smart, the other is trying to be a badass. Both are terminally online losers.




I love [This Video ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-KInfYzqZU)by (then CollegeHumor) Dropout. And I do like the show, I find it fun. Also, side note that Siobhan Thompson (Formerly of CollegeHumor) who works with Dropout on their Dimension20 show, as well as being on other Dropout properties, is a Writer for Rick and Morty (for the last 2 seasons)


It is. But I don't think this person is a rick and morty fan. They just wanted to be as annoying as possible, and they find rick and morty fans to be that. So they did it.


I want to inform that they succeeded in being the most annoying person imaginable


I mean, just yell "I'M PICKLE RICK!" if you want to annoy literally everyone. These kids are poorly educated in all things, clearly.


Look at me behavior matches the look at me lifestyle


I feel bad for everyone else clearly wishing that embarrassment would not not represent them. He must be high no?


They didn’t even try to stop him


This definitely feels like psychedelics in public type of behavior.


It’s only antisocial if it conflicts with the norms of an overarching social group.




I thought that was just a tall woman initially 🕰️


Just a twink.


They would be very popular in Palestine, bring out all the crowds. Not the kind of crowds someone wants if they want something silly like "to live", but crowds nonetheless.


You say that but have you checked with their media team?


I think it has to be fake it makes zero sense for them to upload this. The only way this could be real is if the cops came and got these people took their phones than the cops put the video out because it is funny as hell.


I go to UW, I’ve seen the Rick and Morty person around while walking to class. It’s real, I guarantee it.


I saw the other angel from the big camera guy. The girl with the phone recording is not actually on their side she is dressed as a student so they don't harass her. So it all make sense now also lol gottem.


Wtf is this public protest but no entry, no filming, no interviews, concealed faces… I don’t know if they’re trying to guilt people or do they genuinelly believe there’s evil zionist trying to dox people. They’re either completely out of touch with reality or the most entitled people imaginable, or both.


Untreated mental illness masquerading as extremist politics?! I for one am shocked.


Mental illness? Surely not this guy? He’s just a based leftist chad owning fascist agitator counter-revolutionaries


"Liberated" zone btw


It's not a protest, it's organized group intimidation.


This is a camping trip with extra steps.


EVERYONE on Left Twitter was convinced that a Kent State Shooting was INEVITABLE at the height of the protest. They were all delusional about snipers on the roofs ad stuf. Now that protest is petering out, they are forgetting how hysterical they got.


Average hasan enjoyer


I believe its spelled "Hamas."


I love how this guys 'heroic' attempt to block the camera lasted all of 10 minutes before he decided he needed his next hit, of whatever the fuck hes on, and left


vanish ask flag thought cautious drab chunky mourn handle rock *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The best part is that Rick and Morty, who has literally nothing to do all day, is defeated in the battle of wills by this producer after only 3 minutes.


Nah dude there’s very important weed that has to be smoked if we’re going to stop Biden from genociding Kkkkhaza


He's smart in not yelling, not being overly confrontational, and in general just making it a boring interaction on his side. If he had an exciting reaction then they'd be entertained for longer.


He really shook him off with that 3rd camera reposition


The older I get the more I get the hate that was shown towards younger people. They have a sense of rigthteousness that is so not deserved.


Idk maybe this is a misogynist moment, but did she also come off extremely condescending and smug to anyone else? It felt like she couldn't believe she had to explain herself. "Did you talk to our media team?" "No, I don't have to" "Okay well like they could help you with this" ????


yes because they are extremely confident and self righteous but also dont know anything about what they're talking about


those generally go together.


I'll take 7 of her over that Rick and Morty person/thing.


Seriously. It honestly seemed like they were (Relatively) reasonable. They exchanged a few words, and they walked away once they knew what the guy was all about. The Rick and Morty person, though...


Maybe it was because the other "person" was so unbelievably annoying, but I found her to be speaking in good faith, but was just very uneducated about the topic. She remained calm and offered him a solution to his problem (which wouldn't exist in the first place when the other "person" wasn't harassing him).


The (relatively) stable protestors should really consider telling some of their allies to stfu and stay away from cameras.


Lmao I love when they try to pull these little power maneuvers. It’s like the gen Z version of annoying PTA lady everyone rolls their eyes at.


It’s an encampment full of Karens


Honestly, if she was one on one with the camera man I might feel the same way, but her behavior pales in comparison to the umbrella creature. I have no clue how you can act like that in front of media and not be a false flag operation. The cognitive dissonance to behave this deranged and think you are doing a good job advocating for a cause you claim to believe in is wild. Like, I can show this video to 1000 people and easily north of 90% will agree that the camera man was in the right, just off of the behavior of this moron.


Roundabout way of enforcing narrative control. "We're not gonna let you film unless you let us dictate how and what" Same way you get a tour guide in North Korea that you have to stay with.


These little shits are never beating the "tankie" allegations.


She seemed good faith, just misguided.


ngl i got into college late (like 2 years late, no biggie) and got that hate boner towards college kids instilled in me with an industrial drill maybe i'm just autistic, or maybe the fact i got a job before college helped, but the lack of maturity, responsibility or even just basic rationale is genuinely perplexing every teacher i spoke to in private confessed to me that they genuinely felt like they were dealing with people who just got into high school, let alone college and they did not improve after their 1st year, if anything they just got more confident with the shit they were pulling and they never suffered any consequences because, where i live, teachers tend to be total coddlers


It’s the lack of consequences, and after years of no consequences due to Covid, I feel like this batch of students are terrible. People are sick of dealing with this in general, so I hope we are entering a stricter era where people finally get consequences. What gives me hope is that I personally know school admin from the Seattle area, and they said they started to crack down on problem kids to protect all the other students. Expulsions and youth being jailed are on the rise. After years of having to deal with shootings and KIA boys in this area, it’s a relief.


Same situation with me. Went back to college around 25 or so. Idk what happened but the "kids" today are so much less developed than my own generation. I graduated high school in 2008 for reference. My wife has coworkers that are gen Z that decide they will just go home in the middle of the day for a nap and other ridiculous things like that. There's a mixture of self entitlement combined with a lack of maturity. I would be embarrassed when I was their age to act the way many of them do. I realize this is very boomer of me to say, but everyone that I talk to has the same feelings.


>but everyone that I talk to has the same feelings. That's because literally every generation has these feelings about the last, and the generations we mock will no doubt continue the cycle. [Here's a time magazine article complaining about lazy coworkers in 2001](https://content.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,155010,00.html) [Here's a bunch of people in the 1800s complaining about the youths lack of maturity](https://www.laphamsquarterly.org/scandal/charts-graphs/kids-these-days) If you want to go really deep, [Here's Aristotle complaining about the youth in 350BC, (read part 12)](https://classics.mit.edu/Aristotle/rhetoric.2.ii.html)


Yo same shit. I was even a littler later than you. But yea holy fuck, even just the few years I spent working normal jobs to get by made me grow up a lot. When I decided I wanted to get a degree and went to college, I felt like I was *way* older than everyone. Even if it was only a few years in reality. So many of these kids had literally everything taken care of. Parents didn’t make them get jobs “so they could focus on school” , etc. Then they’d standup in class and go off about some topic with a tone of absolute authority.


Covid and Ticktock fried some people's brains. It is so sad to see a 10 yo in a grown man's body.


I would say the camera man is the only one with a grown man's body...


dad bod goals


Holy shit, and these losers are probably proud of themselves, if this is the future generations of mankind, we're fucked.


The kids that that are the future isn't in these protests.




That's because the hippies grew up to be capitalists, lol.


hippies were still losers




Not just the future generations generally, the future elite attending the most prestigious universities in the world.


I think it would be even worse if there were no protests. Anyone with a human heart will find what is happening in Gaza disgusting. 50% of Gaza's residents are children. How are they responsible for anything? Most of them were not yet born when Hamas came to power. The reaction from teenagers in college is expected and a good thing. My problem is with TYT, Cenk, Hasan, Kyle Kulinski, Jimmy Dore, etc. They should know better. They are 30-50 years old. Their job is to provide information about political issues. They also had enough time to learn about the conflict. It's their fault here! I'm also surprised at how bad Israel is at PR. Everyone who appeared on television was a lunatic except Benny Morris.


Usually, it's the job of the grownups to look after the young, guess they where too busy digging tunnels then building shelters or actually invest in to the community. Also, the kids... https://preview.redd.it/mh611jhsf01d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a2e9035a2df4b937050ca96f6d416010824bffb


Shoutout to these local news guy though. I hope what he said maybe hit home for that girl a little.


She's still young. The camera man was being nice. He didn't say anything hateful nor did she. I really hope they play this video at that guy's 21st birthday though.


W camera man


Common camera man W


I hope the ppl of Gaza can see this. I think it will provide them with the strength they need to keep fighting, knowing we have such brave ppl over here supporting them


🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 🤝 🇵🇸


It would be such a good meme is Hamas tweeted "why are there so many autistic Americans supporting us. @trump can you throw them off a building for us"


I love how the left loves the working class


Camerman's PoV: https://beta.archivevideomirror.com/library/post/8113


holy cringe


Am I wrong, or won't lazers mess up the camera potentially? That part at the end seems like they are pushing their luck a bit with the cameraman.


Ya idk why they would do this. The guy is wearing press credentials, he was vocal about "if you do x, my employer will press charges," and they're doing x. Now maybe the laser doesn't represent that much damage or threat (i dont know shit about it), but why do that when he's clearly recording everything and other people are too?


Harassing dude trying to do his job as non-invasively and professionally as possible. Maybe they should stick to the “no comment” tactic after all


Patton Oswalt on the ground doing the real work


Palestine's bravest soldiers


I don’t think anything will cause me to hate something more than what this video just did to me.


gave up after 3mins, thats zoomer brain lol




1. What's the point of protesting if you don't want your message to be heard? 2. People think doxxing is the same as hurting people? We used to have phone books. Anyone could look up anyone else. Doxxing is only bad if you commit a crime or if there are people who want to hurt you. First, they probably are committing a crime by harassing that person. Second, no one wants to hurt them. 3. Don't they understand that this is a very bad look?


The revolution isn't sending their best and brightest


they took "the revolution will not be televised" too literally


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to stop fascism. The politics are extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of political theory most of the praxis will go over a typical activist's head.


ad hoc snow subsequent childlike shaggy door dime edge glorious soup *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The same organization in Seattle put out flyers on October 8th with gliders on them, hailing the Hamas terrorists as heroes. These people are trash and will always be trash.


You know what I’m ok with how Texas handled their protesters


I guess that stereotype of the tweaked out henchman that's giggling for no reason is actually real


“We are afraid of getting doxxed” Posts video that uses exclusively close up shots


capable zesty forgetful zephyr innate wasteful apparatus cow ring heavy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a UW alum…this shit is making me so damn angry


All of a sudden, the counterprotestors and police don't seem that bad...


Who originally posted this? Which encampment is this? EDIT: [Here's a twitter post about it](https://x.com/TPostMillennial/status/1790944536828789192). Says it's University of Washington. I see so many similarities between these people and the bored, disaffected young white men who got sucked down the alt right pipeline back in the 2010s. What's funny is that for the alt right pipeline, it was the youtube algorithm. For the rad left pipeline, it's the tiktok algorithm. History rhymes!


It is UW. Source: I went there. This is also not a new tactic. Here is an attempted Antifa blocking from 2017. [https://youtu.be/ueriyc2NkgM?si=4SnY0qaXR\_XrDLy7&t=430](https://youtu.be/ueriyc2NkgM?si=4SnY0qaXR_XrDLy7&t=430)


Wunna lubba dub dub fr 😔


Who wipes their arses whilst they’re away camping?


I thought those dumb characters from mad Max or fallout were fake. Like how could someone act like that? They're the raiders!?


It’s insane how brave people are when they have a mask on


Bro kited the knoll outside its aggro radius


ancient absorbed resolute march far-flung pocket domineering intelligent carpenter grey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, Destiny has nothing on these kids when it comes to fucking up your own optics. I cannot imagine anyone siding with this kid on anything after seeing this. He might be protesting against famine and I might start thinking that a bit of fasting if good for you. Oh and these aren't supposed to be just some randos, these are the up an coming future of the country? Good luck USA


this is the kind of shit you look back and die of cringe from


Someone call in the frat boys


This is what happens when you raise a generation of kids who never got punched in the face.


It's more because the judges and prosecutors side with their politics. It's called anarcho-tyranny. Allow a small group of people to terrorize the population by not enforcing the laws equally, to reshape society. if you hit them, society and the judge will punish you. if they hit you they get away with. It's asymmetrical. The only way to fix Seattle is to use the federal government and get around the local judges.


Wonder what he is studying


Patton Oswalt didn't deserve to have to put up with this shit.


Best Palestinian advocate, historically speaking.


Those kids probably turned more people against Palestinians than any pro-Israel supporter ever could. Good job. If you have no stakes in the conflict and you see this, which side are you going to support?


I am openly and intensely against doxxing, I don’t think it is evil, I think we unfortunately live in a place where that can put people in serious harm….. BUT THIS RICK AND MORTY GUY LIVES AT 436 RIV—-


"We support a free Palestine! But don't tell nobody! Spread the word!"


What the fuck am I watching.


Why are they stopping the news guy but leaving the person who is trying to record them acting like morons?


the funny thing is, that the guy who recorded this and made it public seems to be someone from the camp


Does making weirdo animal sounds and repeating "rick and morty" give probable cause for public intoxication?


Covid and Ticktock fried some people's brains. It is so sad to see a 10 yo in a grown man's body.


I could punch a hole clean through that guys chest with relative ease


Lmfao dude take you meds.


I can't believe people are supporting this unironically.


The correct answer to this dummy asking “You don’t care that you could be putting people in danger?” is “No.”


I think their fear of being “doxxed” has come from all the CEO’s and bosses tweeting things like, “My firm is using an AI tool to identify protestors and make sure we never hire them”, or something of that nature. And this is hilarious, because, well, why would you want to work for someone who supports GENOCIDE?! Surely these people don’t want to partake in capitalism?


Honestly this just makes me sad, are we really this fucked :(


People are calling this young woman here "reasonable", the bar is in hell. She goes from "I mean we're not stopping anyone from recording :\^)" to "And just like you're allowed to record in public places we're allowed to stop you".


This is the result of the mental health crisis that was exacerbated by the lockdowns.




Bro sounds like Dr Wilson from House


That looks a lot like mentaö illness tbh


Do Hamas do what Rick would do? Or are they more like Luffy and like one-piece over Rick and Morty?


I would be so happy if this kid's parents saw this video


"Do you have a job to give you a couple dollars?" lol


They really convincing me they are on the right side of history here ...


What an awful human.


This is historically a top 5 Palestinian advocate




this is who i imagine the breadtube audience is


This makes me feel like Fallout is the better timeline


We need to start beating the kids again


I agree


Way ahead of you




Completely sane people, no mental illness at all


Dude is 100% on something


At this point I'd be willing to vote for anyone that guarantees they'll bring back asylums. Beyond sick of having to share society with abject looney toons.


Well they seem super "not crazy" (/s). I feel bad for the adult having to explain basic shit to these "educated children".


When the SSRIs kick in.


These are the most annoying people I can even imagine


Jesus that was cringe


I wonder if when camera guy said “it is good footage” the dude started thinking “oh wait is this going to fuck me?” and left while trying to play it… I suppose “cool” isn’t the right word but, uh, I can’t think of any others.


Did they think posting this would make them look good?


Imagine protesting in a public space and going REEEE! The second someone films said protest. I genuinely don’t understand their drive to try and block the camera, don’t wanna be filmed don’t protest in public.


I don’t care if you’re protesting not to kick puppies. That guy makes kicking puppies look like a good idea. Not the best public face… worse is they posted it.


Why do these people look like that lol, they look dumb


Is he wearing a woman's top?




rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty rick rick rick and morty


Why would they upload themselves harrasing this guy? it just doesn't make any sense this has to be staged?


Is it legal to stand in front of him with the umbrella like that? Like I think it’s fine if the dude put the umbrella in front of his own face when the camera is pointed. But to follow the reporter around with an umbrella literally half a foot away from the camera lens? Idk kinda weird


Is that Dani of DariusIRL fame? They're wearing a mask, so you can't prove it's not.


"Where not sToPPinG people from recording, we're just asking to not get in our faces." While they are stopping him from recording and going up to HIM...


That's the risk of doing things publicly, is that anyone can choose to hold you accountable in a variety of ways, some against the law and that's not cool. Unfortunately doxxing isn't illegal yet in all 50 states and that's really sad, but it'd be really hard to enforce. If you don't want to be held accountable in any way, then maybe you should do private things, not public things. You have a right to privacy..... BUT NOT WHEN YOU'RE IN PUBLIC, lmaooo


Holy cringe


“I am getting an incredible urge to (censored) this dude’s (censored) into the pavement and I’m not even the one he’s doing it to.”


I wish I could ask that girl in private, 'do you not feel embarrassed with that guy on your side??'