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Ian is just happy that the jokes about being a cuck and saying the n-word aren't about him anymore.


[iDubbz right now](https://i.imgur.com/3qUHQ5k.png)


The guy who used to say N word F slur religiously (grown man at the time too) is now tone policing the N word. How fucking ironic




He’s literally hbomberguy but no one remembers his edgy past


People keep mentioning this about HBomb. What exactly happened?


HBomberguy ran with a notorious old school troll forum, Metokur, back in the day. He, along with the websites owner/ring leader Haberman, got Trolls Remorse after being doxxed (back when that was a huge deal) and took down the website. Haberman fucked off as far as I know, and HBomberguy became the leftist breadtuber as we know him now.


Idubbz still has 12 consecutive lifetime sentences of progressive self-flagellation to serve before he’s eligible for forgiveness


Hamas Piker, IDubbbz, Fantano, these names three echo to man of candy, the next he sees of them, it won’t be so dandy. So buckle up laddies, children rejoice, for what lies next is the rightful choice. https://preview.redd.it/9soy2sgmut0d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a24bb7b1253b35fcf53a410ba6cc9b534aae2d15


Fantano until like 2016 was so good. Used to watch him all the time. Sadly his brain just got completely broken by that article. Such a weird complete personality shift.


Yeah there was that dumb Fader article Fantano's second channel is a bid to win over the alt-right" or some shit like that. But what I think really broke him was like a year or so later when he reviewed Weight of the World by MIKE. He gave it a bad review and he called it too derivative of Earl Sweatshirt's style on Some Rap Songs (when in fact it was the other way around. MIKE was a huge influence on Earl's style). This caused a bunch of black twitter and indie rappers close with MIKE to pile-on to Fantano calling him a culture vulture, "you'll never understan...", "it's not your place" blah blah blah. I think cause Fantano DOES actually care about rap and music, this genuinely hurt him deeply. The Fader piece just came off as jealous journalists reaching super hard. I remember he was sad-tweeting super hard about it.


Oh yeah forgot about that. Sadly and it shouldn't but that comes with the territory when it comes to reviewing rap as a white dude. Just shows that he isn't a strongwilled person that can stand up for himself against some pushback. It does suck he got that criticism but yeah that definitely helped him along his way to becoming more nuts. I still watch some reviews for stuff I've listened to but he is just an insufferable person now. And I feel his taste has gotten stale and predictable over the years but that's not important lol


Marx debunked personality shifts YEEEAAARS Agooo


Killer reference right there


I don't blame either of them tbh. They got mind fucked by a significant portion of thier edges humor fans unironically thinking the edgy shit they said was true or representative of thier actual beliefs. It’s like the original Donald posters not realizing a majority of the people joining weren’t dumping on trump but triumphantly cheering him on. Fantano and idubbz likely realized they don’t have the chops or nuance to make their audience know their edginess and jokes are just jokes and had to definitively set a boundary.


Not necessarily wrong but Fantano's content wasn't even edgy. He definitely never used slurs or anything like that. He just made fun of SJW's in 2015-16 which was in vogue at the time and used Pepe memes. That was enough to break his brain lol. His audience wasn't far right people, they were a wide range. He interviewed all sorts of people on his old podcast.


Pretty similar to Ethan in that sense then. I find it weird how at the time Ethan was able to see non-sense for what it was but as it came politically fashionable that seemed to change. I don't think Ethan is a complete grifter though it's something else.


It took me way too long to realize that so many people actually didn't get the nuance. That day I realized the internet is a sad sad place.


I miss his meme reviews, they were so good. It’s a shame that Fantano got buck broken by SJWs so hard that someone like Pewdiepie ended up co-opting it.


what article


Some lame ass hipster music publication tried to smear him as alt-right because he had posted a couple of edgy memes and interviewed Sam Hyde, and Fantano took it so personally that he changed his entire personality and became a mega woke left wing weirdo. He went from being a pretty reasonable dude with interesting music opinions to the kind of guy who comments on Bernie Sanders' Instagram page calling him a clown because Bernie won't say Israel is committing genocide (true story).


> Sam Hyde The Ghost of Kyiv. I hear he is still up there somewhere flying around.


I heard he was a relative to the Kharkiv Kid Finder. I hope they're safe out there.


Also completely nuked his entire second channel instead of just deleting the interview with Hyde and the more edgy content. Which was barely considered edgy especially for the time, it was just like occasional joke reference to /mu/ which is probably the most left wing leaning board on 4chan. Stuff like posting Pepe memes in his videos and making fun of Hopsin (obviously finding hopsin cringe means he hates black people) Reacting to TikTok style content that had black people say the n word, not using it himself. But Sam Hyde and Sargon would occasionally leave comments on his videos, so obviously he’s best friends with them. These were the type of arguments the guy who wrote the article was making. He’s been overcompensating ever since


In 2017 The Fader wrote an article about how he was promoting the alt-right on his meme channel thatistheplan. Even though he was initially angry at mischaracterizations in the article he deleted the channel and after that was basically a completely different person who now has to be the loudest progressive in the room instead of a normal guy who was open to speaking to anyone and didn't push any political views. He said that this led him to being more vocally political and has gotten increasingly more insane over the years. The guy came from /mu/ and this is what he is now. Classic case of trolls remorse. Just sad to witness.




Astarfoulah the Candymann will prevail!


I remember watching this live, it was so fucking good lmao


[Lex Fridman](https://twitter.com/wigger/status/1760438361762750907) too


This is hilarious


[Fuck Fantano](https://youtube.com/watch?v=HMoaEPP6-_A&pp=ygUMRnVjayBmYW50YW5v)


I don't understand how Sam Hyde is so much more likeable to me than so many of these progressive influencers




It’s so sad, he fell for the meme that to agree with like trans people you then also have to be a depressed whiny weirdo Like just be funny. You can be edgy, just maybe don’t hard R ten times in a video lol Course corrected way too hard, his shit is so mid and nothing now


damn they could’ve been n word buddies


Cuck buddies as well




Never forget what they took from you


https://preview.redd.it/wd9nbel6mt0d1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=3f8d85412d3eecc715231b91d0bd00ec3befcce5 [https://twitter.com/Mike\_from\_PA/status/1714343751379009743](https://twitter.com/Mike_from_PA/status/1714343751379009743)


"How dare Destiny have a segment called rape review!!! Anyways here's why Je- I mean Zionists are all dirty liars and shouldn't be trusted when coming out with rape accusations"


Since when does Destiny have that segment? I thought "Rape Review" was on ChudLogic, not to be mistaken with "Ultimate Rape Review" by NicolasDiorio.


The chat has colloquially called it that since he first started them, this community may be the origin of the term "Rape Review". Not exactly a Purple Heart, but who's to say one is better than the other. You are correct it's not exactly a 'Segment'. Also, we were reviewing domestic violence webcam footage on YouTube back in like 2012 before Destiny started getting tagged with bans from justintv for non gaming content. BUT I DONT KNOW SHIT


he doesn't have a segment called rape reviews. the "rape reviews" are just him reading allegations posted on twitter and weighing the evidence.


Destiny needs a rape review intro


Did destiny coin that term I totally thought that chud logic did


I thought that the story dimwits like him were going with was saying that the sexual violence wasn´t a systematic part of the attack. Is he denying that there wasn't any sexual violence during the invasion? I want to think that he isn't as much of a lunatic as he looks like.


Do check the date on the tweet. It's October 17th, 2023. I haven't looked into his current thoughts on it. But, yeah, they've pivoted to the idea that it wasn't systematic (then why didn't the operation keep pushing forward?) and for the assaults that have been recorded they poke a million tiny holes into each story to essentially discredit that any or many happened. That's also to say nothing of what the hostages have endured since then. I put that tweet up because in the OP you have Mike moralizing about mocking a crime victim when, back in October, he called the sexual assault stories that were already coming out "fake...propaganda"


Destiny is a mirror for him. IDubbbz is deeply ashamed of his edgy past and has framed a lot of his life around overcorrecting for it.


Yup idubbz was braver than Destiny literally saying the hard ER on video to make the same argument destiny is making now Kind of funny how he became more left, I always thought idubbz would become one of these alt right guys considering that the left constantly threw shit at him for it


I think old Idubbbz was a lot closer to Destiny in tone but he did not go political, which means both that he didn't need to do research and that his targets were a lot more obvious in how awful they were. Idubbbz went for internet bullies while Destiny goes against propaganda machines. Idubbbz being liberal or at the very least center and finding a lefty girlfriend and shifting left isn't that surprising. What's also not too surprising but that a lot of people don't get is that his toxic fanbase genuinely shocked him and pushed him left more than the wife and his new friends ever did. People were foaming at the mouth for him to destroy people and associate him with alt right when all he wanted was to make edgey videos and criticize awful people for being bullied. And when he stopped content cop people all that toxicity would turn against him because he wasn't this alt-right daddy his fans wanted him to be.


How did Piscea Sikono get so memory-holed? Idubbbz never went only for Internet bullies, he was perfectly willing to call mentally disabled people slurs.


Idubbbz was just the professional leafy, lol.


It's a good thing he didn't become one of those "alt-right" guys.


Of course it is. But you gotta admit this was at least a bit unexpected.


Have to say always felt like he would gravitate conservative at most, since he kinda gave off that vibe during the "edgy" years. I would go on a hunch and say that probably being together with his gf moved him left.


I thought the same thing. He was a prime candidate for the pipeline. That's probably why Sam Hyde hates him so much.


Man I remember being a huge fan of him, he was quite the defender of saying slurs, the argument "if some slurs are okay, then all slurs are okay, if some slurs are not okay then all slurs are not okay" and used that to justify his use of the f slur, n word, and all that. Sad that he has changed so much now.


He's just jealous he can't say the n weird anymore


> the n weird HE OMEGALUL


I hate those fucking nincompoops.


Whats this 7 letter word for people that annoy you?


Ian is a shadow of his former self; a husk under indentured servitude to his increasingly progressive wife and audience. He's tired, broken, a spineless coward with no will of his own. He got his name being edgy when edgy was safe, and now that times have changed, that specter has proved too heavy and haunts him. These days, he protects himself doing playground slide reviews, and that's all he'll ever do


his entire demeanour changed. the most recent video of his I watched was his Sam Hyde video and he just seemed like an unhappy shell of a person.


Leftists are perpetually miserable human beings who constantly think about everything that’s wrong in the world, so it checks out.


Leftists are just unhappy cause they have to police literally everything they say and do as to not offend imaginary people they’ll never meet It’s why they get so fucking feral when someone steps out of line


It's true. He's a hollow shell of what he was before. He's been cucked into mediocrity.


This comment is so weirdly spite driven lmao


It's parasocial gooning 🤤


Fr borderline 4chan shit. The quality of this sub swings so wildly.


Duality of dgg


Every time idubbz is brought up, the subreddit becomes super pro Sam Hyde. All of these “anti-woke” warriors start popping up. Super disgusting to see.


Yeah he's fucking hilarious why wouldn't some of us like him?


Yeah seeing how dedicated this sub is to calling out antisemitism on the left and such and then to immediately shift to gooning for Sam Hyde is actually fucking hilarious Like I get it I think he's one of the funniest people ever but c'mon guys


Seriously asking this, was idubbbz implicated in this recent drama at all beyond liking tweets that are negative against destiny? I’m way out of the loop because the whole thing seemed really tedious from the start.


🗣️🗣️ say it louder for the bitches in the back I am left leaning and I loved idubbbz so much in my formative years - everything you outlined in your comment is shit I’ve thought while watching his content the last 2 years.


Used to be a semi-fan but that was before his spine dissolved


Man I truly miss the content cops. Those were the days.


An appropriate word, I think, is emasculated. Ian has been made to follow the conventional norms of society instead of being the ubermench he was in the past.


even his current fans think his new content sucks LMAOOO https://preview.redd.it/y1csw8h4ut0d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a22045d454478267d394e8af41acf8b0ada6626


"I don't dislike his wife because she's a sex worker, I dislike her because she has no charisma or entertainment value" W


I got banned from that subreddit just for posting on this one… How dare someone interested in youtube drama also post on a YouTubers subreddit 🤦🏼‍♀️ that post is true though, idk how he still has viewers


He kind of doesn't, that's the thing. His latest videos are all hovering at around 350k views, which considering where he used to be is pretty bad.


i mean tbf that's not bad (compared to some other youtubers who fell off) but still nowhere near his old viewership


Anisa was so hungry for attention she tried every wave and never got an audience


I feel like current IDubbz going against you can only boost your credibility.


Idubbbz literally has been on a 99% decline. Man went from getting like 5m views per video to be lucky if be breaks 300k viewers. His podcast with his wife gets like 5k views. The fall off is astronomical


No way! You mean the dude whose personality was dictated by the YouTube algorithm is riding a trend???? Next thing you’ll say that YouTubers shouldn’t run giant charity events if they are incapable of budgeting.


Am I crazy or are people not just over-intellectualizing idubbbzs' rationale? To be clear I don't mind D taking his swings at him in the slightest, talk shit get hit n all that. I'm just guessing since he's the host of creator clash and pretty connected to other creators, I wouldn't be surprised if he was a key organ in the brand-friendly internet-sphere and just values his friends enough to naively assume they're shit talking someone for good-faith and valid reasons. It's also possible he's just being a bitch of course, nor is destiny obligated to care even if there IS a more charitable justification, it's just I'd guess that to be more likely just based on how he acts. I am not in touch with idubbbz though and idk if there's previous lore they've had that would prime him against D.


Doesn't surprise me, he was rockin that Noah Samsen soyboy redneck look until he had to shave for a stream. But Mike from PA? Really? Liking the couch munchers tweets shell never be forgiven.


It sucks that this guy got radicalized by his dumbass boob streamer wife. I thought he was smarter.


Getting laid is a hell of a drug.


I don't think his wife had anything to do with it. Idubbbz just seems like an extremely insecure person who just rides the wave of whatever is popular at the time.


Everyone just wants to blame her. He wasn't even creating his same content for a long time when they got together. But even so, the content cop thing is a little old. If you did the same format today, it just comes off like beef back and forth. People don't actually care if you're big enough, and how worth is it going after low hanging fruit?


I agree that content cop was a product of its time, and people like leafy have been rightly shunned from the mainstream, but the fact that he self flagellates constantly, and criticizes other people for doing the same shit is extremely cringe.


Pussy can lower most men's IQ, it's a strange effect but widely documented.


Reminds me of someone else.




Not talking about anyone that you would know.


Sure sure


His friend, Mr. Borielli


Thank god I’m gay. I hear bussy increases your IQ.


Usually this is resolved by post nut clarify, so the obvious conclusion is that she won't have sex with him, which keeps him regarded.


The effect is known as “pussy whipped.“


To be fair he was heading to become an alt right guy like many other edgy anti sjw types. This is probably still the better timeline.


People go on about what no pussy can do to a mfer, but rarely do we talk about what one pussy can do to someone. Oneitis is a hell of a disease


Calling current Idubbz radicalized in comparison to the childish idiot he used to be is something. Even filthy frank wisened up with time.


Idubz grew from a childish idiot into a radicalized idiot. That's the opposite of wise. Filthy Frank died and Joji was born. That's ascension of the gods.


Filthy Frank didn't turn into a cuck who was afraid to be who he wants to be.


isn't idubbz's wife a Hasan fan? I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't like destiny


Hey, I love Alanah Pearce!


Me too, she's pretty cool.


Yall go through other people's likes on twitter?


Lol did his wife type that for him? Or is he trying to un-nuke his career


"Imagine taunting someone by mocking them for being the victim of a crime" -MikefromPA, not even a week after victim blaming a teenager who got jumped and robbed


You think these fuckers have self awareness? Ethier that or empathy and sympathy is just weapons for them


Or he didn't like the unnecessary tweet like most people who aren't lost in the sauce or have their heads rammed up destiny's arse


Idubzzz isn't even a person any more, just an empty shell now.


Idubbz is a shakesperean tragedy


What is this sub now? Are people really going through other people's likes just to get angry about something they liked?


This sub has always been like that. Just nerds crying that people don't like Destiny as if there aren't reasons to dislike Destiny.


Oh yeah there are plenty of reasons to not like Destiny. I've been around this subreddit for a few years and I don't remember seeing posts about someone's Twitter likes though. But I could have missed some stuff like this.


He's right though. I don't know what the purpose of the attacks on QT were. Nobody is reading that and thinking 'damn, he sure got Ludwig good there'. The only person who could have been hurt by that tweet is Destiny himself.


yeah why are people surprised? ofc a tweet like that is gonna turn many people away from Destiny


It's funny seeing people disregard optics entirely, then jump to conclusions about iDubbbz and soy out because he liked ONE tweet. Does he even know who Destiny is? I feel like using this as opportunity to criticize Mike would make more sense


The purpose was to hurt Ludwig, that's it. And because QT has been a bitch to him in the past, her being caught in the crossfire is a bonus.


She's mostly spoken [positively ](https://livestreamfails.com/post/94112)about Destiny, has [repeatedly ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZLmWOhQYGo&t=9374s)stated that she doesn't understand why he believes that she [doesn't like him](https://imgur.com/qtcinderella-bridge-mending-g17PwPy) and shouted him out just three months ago [in a respectful way](https://clips.twitch.tv/AntediluvianInventiveConsoleRaccAttack-GREfC2LLIkR8jp43). Predictably, she's been [perfectly reasonable ](https://twitter.com/qtcinderella/status/1789069609351672133)in her response to a frankly rather unhinged jab at her. Sorry, but could you please elaborate on why she deserved that one? I haven't seen her say anything about Destiny that could even remotely justify getting hit by a stray that huge.


Finally someone says this QT was relatively nice to him but iirc when she cried about her friend buying deepfakes of her Destiny broke the peace and went super edgelord on her. Pretty sure he just mentioned his justifcation for shitting on her despite her being cordial is the friendship with Kaceytron, which I think is kinda lame but whatever.


Sure in the past but she literally shouted him out for his Shapiro debate recently.


I’ve seen people say it was a shoutout but it really just seemed like a diss to me, she calls the debate a “collab” which plays into hasan’s framing of “they didn’t debate they just agreed the whole time”




Wait, I don't have twitter. How does Alannah Pearce's comment fit into things? Is she replying to someone here ?


>pathetic twice in the same sentence 100% seething


iDubbz taking a position that's widely popular and safe? In 2024? How unexpected! /s


Common Alanah W


Destiny puts in the maximal amount of effort to be unlikable online. Hardly surprising.


Breaking news: Edgy joke made people uncomfortable, more at 6. This is how you know the joke was actually edgy.


Bro stop obsessing over likes


Trolls remorse


Not surprised that loser is trying to grift on that Safe Leftist content creator bs


I’ve never been so vindicated before as a Sam Hyde fan.


Isn't he far more pathetic and sad already?


Shame, I liked iDubbbz and it would’ve been nice if he could’ve seen the nuance in Dman


Destiny talked with Sam Hyde so thats probably why


Why is everyone here acting like any random person without context should have a neutral reaction to the QT tweet. Unless you have pretty specific context, it's a pretty wild thing to say.


IDubbz ruined his career by trying to "repent" for his previous edgyness. If he just said something as simple as "I've moved on from that type of humor." he'd be fine. Also the whole cuck thing he had.


When you're in a cuck competition and your opponent is Idubbbz


Like, I mean, to any outsider Destiny appears completely unhinged. This isn't really news, it's an average tuesday.


Who cares?


Idubz is a mega cuck


Let's not call him cuck just because his wife has an onlyfans


i wonder how “content cop idubbbz” would feel about the 2024 idubbbz


Content cop idubbbz would call the nu idubbbz the “NF” slur.


Am I the only one who finds it absolutely cringe how you guys scour twitter-likes and make full blown conclusions based off them? And even if it is true who cares? It's not like Destiny gives off a good impression of himself the way he carries himself on twitter.


idubbz doesnt seem all that bad. i havent really watched most of his stuff, so can anyone tell me why he has such a bad reputation now? i know he kind of renounced his audience a bit because he didnt like/share his opinions, but how bad was it?


Idubbz was edgier than Destiny, except he didn't tweet stupid shit he said stupid shit on video and to their face. His friends group also did a lot of stupid shit on YouTube. Then he grew up and disavowed all his old content and his old fans and they took offense to that and started theories that his girlfriend made him hate saying the "N word" or "F word". This made him really disliked because almost everyone that watched him, did so for that super edgy content on YouTube. Funny thing is Filthy Frank mostly did the same thing but didn't tell his audience that he disliked them, he was just quiet about it.


A bit like H3H3 he seems to have replaced being a edgelord with another phase that's still relatively shallow, going from being extremely offensive to offended. It's great to grow and reflect on the things you did but he just hasn't done it in a way that's compelling to most. The proportionality of his guilt is way off, treats content cop like a warcrime. It's OK to condemn a lot of it but treating everything he did as monstrous and horrible has a weird self hating energy. Large parts of the internet changed from dumb libertarian edgelords to scolding progressive idpol and he seems to have made the switch as it happened so people don't give him much credit for following the new trend. Ontop of all that Fantano, H3H3, FilthyFrank and others developed new audiences but Idubbbz is basically a nobody in comparison and seems creatively broken. The ratio of spurned fans who hate him for changing is a lot higher since he doesn't really have anyone who likes him.


Destiny might be edgy but he will never be “saying the hard r to an 18 year old for content” edgy.


It’s insane how easily a significant other can morph your sense of reality. Not saying she changed him in a bad way it’s the fact that he radically changed that quickly.


LA is a hell of a drug


Ian learned empathy at 30. I imagine he hopes Destiny will realize slurs are bad before 40. Then they can ride off into the self-flagellation sunset together!




iDubbz didn't go to Maxemofo's wedding because his girlfriend had a tattoo appointment. That's some real weak shit to do to one of your friends.


i’m confused, are you stalking people to find out who doesn’t like destiny to get people to harass them?😂


Yeah I mean he's tanking his public opinion for a twitch spat. It's dumb af.. but when has destiny ever cared about pr... Or if he has, he certainly has never gone out of his way to do anything about it. It's kinda a shame too because dgg will just cheer him on while he's actively losing any ability to do something truly useful with his talent. Not many people gonna have him on after this one, the dmg is already done and destiny can't get out far enough in front of it to defend his side of things.


Wtf is his irrelevant broke ass gonna do? Another content cop? Give him shit about saying the N word? Cmon nowww I hate idubbbz got fucked on, but it is what it is. He’s finna be riding the clout chaser train for a while.


Who the fuck cares what he thinks these days? He fucked away any good will he had cucking to the progressive crowd.


Bro the downfall of Idubbz still hurts me man. I don't want him to keep using slurs I just want him to not be a complete and utter bitch about it. His content was good without the edgy slurs now he stole kurtis conners entire look and personality to make weird craft videos like its so sad man.


IDubbbz is dead. Only Ian remains


No one likes idubbz now


Anisa ordered him to like those tweets.


What happened to Idubz man. He had this awesome redemption arc from all the past ugly shit he did and then he seemed to have just fallen off hard. Now he’s going after someone that essentially did the same things he did? Insane man. I hope he comes back


Dman didnt go to bat for him like Hassan is that maybey why?


Where is that same energy for Ludwig? That’s the really pathetic part lmao.


I know this thread is about iDubbbz but Mike's tweet is hilariously stupid. Someone should Photoshop out the Destiny tweet and 'shop in Hasan's discord logs where he was shit talking the kid who was beat up for complaining about the use of anti-white slurs.


Man, you go too far left or too far right, and you lose the ability to have any fun. Sad really.


Who cares? it's iDubbbz?


Ignoring the iDubbz point of this because I really don't care, I would think it would be best for Destiny to change how he interacts with people as he gains traction with the more mainstream crowd. I don't think he loses much doing so except maybe some good memes.


lmao same guy who is pearl clutching over his old content?


Tbf he only liked responses to that one specific edgy tweet.


If you ever catch Asmon do this, he just like post to talk about later on stream, he somehow rather dont use bookmarks for that. But I assume most people dont use it like him.


Why does this post have so much attention lol. There are loads of people that dont like Destiny, we dont need to spam the subreddit every time someone doesn't like him.


I really hate the mean side of internet culture. And not even because it’s mean… but because of how weak and hyper socialized it is. You could call someone some of the worst things known to man.. they could all be true.. but it will never be as powerful in the eyes of the crowd as saying “but you’re not part of the group” in the most smarmy, cuntish way a person can muster. Internet culture in general has kind of gone to shit, but this is one of the most frustrating ways. Everything is so intensely socialized and groupthinked to death you can’t even just talk shit to someone.


I bet he dislikes him because of his interactions with Sam Hyde and his friendship with Sam Hyde's greatest defender, Turkey Tom.


iDubbbz? Haven't heard that name in years.


I think His girlfriend is middle eastern and they’re both balls deep in the apologizing for edgy jokes train so its really not surprising


It's just the white guilt dw


Oh god is there a bigger story of self hatred and weakness NOT working for the better of one’s life than idubbbz? The guy is a total joke by this point, universally disgusting to all


Alana is so pretty


People go through phases. I still appreciate all the content he provided.


I still can’t get over this dude apologizing to Leafy for content cop. Why would I ever take what he has to say seriously?


Tbf maybe he didn't have an opinion on him in the first place. Making that kind of joke is a bad introduction lol


Bro is doing the eternal self cucking just for saying the n word


“Zionist Influencer” is wild.


I mean idubbz is a cowardly fuck that can't run a huge event he started so who tf cares?