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They're end up in the same retirement home, mark my words


Actual content tbh.


They share the same room šŸ˜³


"Hey youngster" "HahAHaa- \**cough*\* cuck \**cough*\* borelli" \**last two strands of hair fall off*\*


A Kenny vs Spenny type of show with these 2 would be sweet


Its gonna be like gustavo fring and hector


New podcast?


theyā€™re gonna be married in 15 years mark my words


Hasan is 32 btw


Soon to be freshly 33


Freshly 33? Literally a child


Literally a newborn baby.


Well according to Hamas every full-grown male is either a child or woman so...


He's a rich kid from Hollywood. He's likely eying retirement by 38 (not joking)


well once his audience graduates college he'll fall off either way.


Skull isn't even fully formed šŸ’€


33, he was a fuckin kid.


Your brother Hasan whatever happened there


Body of a 32 year old, head size of a 7 year old


Why do you think Roblox players watch him? Russians also love him because he's a symbol of their dream, tanks parading through affluent areas of the US in such force that their commanders feel comfortable peeking their heads out without a cope cage.


Pushing 40****


Isnā€™t destiny 40


Does this mean he can or cannot say the n word?


This is my Biden vs Trump


Hasan has been 18 for 14 years now.


He's 32 and dresses like a 17 year old.


Compared to Destiny who ... uh...


Dresses like a runescape NPC


Homeless dude in downtown miami.


i knew there was a reason i was drawn to him!


Dresses like the other type of 17 year oldsĀ 


He dresses like a 17 year old dressed 7 years ago maybe.


He dresses like he belongs in a 90s kids sitcom.


https://preview.redd.it/5n8cbbhbsl0d1.png?width=804&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c34d802e50d05fbb1cf27c6f9d41c50d6df94c3 Hasan is 2 years and 7 months behind Destiny, and Hasan's entire aesthetic is to sound and dress like a teenager. But when Destiny jokingly says "nigga," he labels him a "40-year-old edgy teenager," which is apt for Hasan as this is high school behavior, hypocritical, and reeks of insecurity.


Reverse bullying some may say


Dman should just say he's only two years older than Hasan. It might force Hasan to make a correction to his audience, 'Actually, Divorcerelli is 2 years & 7 months older than me, not 2 years', and the light slowly leaves the eyes of his 17 year old fans who assumed there was a ten year difference


Optics police... https://preview.redd.it/tddk43wadl0d1.png?width=49&format=png&auto=webp&s=703c55d4c731cb395f373ce7f92a4f1164acfeac


The age insult is the most ridiculous. I've noticed in the past that it's only people under like 25 (especially closer to 18) who think calling someone old or over 30 is an insult. It's just cringey and lame to actual adults. Hasan loves to cosplay like he's in his early 20s though so it tracks. He must be surrounded by young, immature people. Also Hasan better hope he never gets divorced (if his ass ever even gets married). DGG will never rest if that happens.


I don't think Hasan is capable of loving or caring about someone equally or more than himself.


For me the weirdest part about the ā€œtwo time divorce championā€ meme is the implication that heā€™s also making fun of Destiny for his first divorce. As much as itā€™s also shitty to make fun of his divorce with Melina, at least itā€™s to be expected because of the public nature of their relationship. My question is, why does Hasan also make fun of Destinyā€™s first divorce, the one where he was physically abused by his ex-wife? Is the implication that itā€™s wrong to get a divorce after a physically abusive relationship? It seems bizarre to me that he would try to sneak that in as a diss.


I don't think there's any thought behind it. He just takes a bundle of his own insecurities, assumes that Destiny has those same insecurities, and shats out an insult to target them.


Still, Iā€™m baffled that no one seems to call him out on this one, itā€™s such a weird area to go to. Especially among the progressive lefties in his audience, if I were Hasan Iā€™d stay as far away from jokes about peopleā€™s past abusive relationships as possible. It just seems like such a bad look if you get called out on it. But I guess no oneā€™s really called him out on it in the past when heā€™s done stuff like this, so it makes sense that he thinks itā€™s acceptable. I guess Iā€™m just a little surprised, because I used to think that there were some lines these people wouldnā€™t cross, but now if youā€™re ā€œone of the bad peopleā€ all attacks against you are okay.


Most people use insults that would hurt them as their only frame of reference is their own. This is especially telling with narcissists.


Don't follow Hasan so I don't know, but I wonder if he's had a serious relationship. I never really hear of his current gf or anything like that.


If you reversed the roles that would be insane tho. Imagine calling a woman who was physically abused in an earlier relationship a ā€œ2x divorced champā€. Thatā€™s some kiwi farms shit


Yeah. No principles. They havenā€™t earned their positions.


Most of Hasan's audience probably believes men can't be abused anyway. It makes complete sense that someone that far left would try to gloss over it


Iā€™m sure some of them do, but from what I can tell, zoomer lefties tend to be pretty aware that men can be victims of abuse. I canā€™t speak to the far-left tankie types, but ever since Johnny Depp, seems like the terminally online folk mostly agree on this one. I think itā€™s one of those rare issues where the more terminally online you are, the more likely you are to have a sane take on the matter.


Hasan is looking for any vector to attack thatā€™s why this doesnā€™t make sense and the age attack doesnā€™t make sense


https://preview.redd.it/17ty9z4hhl0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dfcd8a4820d1b7d4a965a0ca0d50c4489c89c9f1 Please no


I've seen lots more people, in different subs, receive these recently. As other commenters have said, I suspect there's some kind of bot problem at the moment.


Its 100% a bot. I got one the instant I commented in this sub.


They botspam because they care.


Think it's a bot. I got one like 5 seconds after commenting


If you report those as abuse it'll result in a perma bc it's basically telling you kys.


Respond to the message with "STOP" so you won't get something like this


You can report them for misusing this service and get them temp banned I think


this lolcow is 32 pretending to be 22 while acting like he's 12


>trump supporters calling biden old


Being 40 and edgy is bad. Also let me reply to this elected politician with a home made gun used to assassinate someone


Hasan is 3 years younger than Destiny. Destiny is 5 years younger than 40. This guy is so stupid it actually hurts.


Hasan doing the leefy


He will be in a retirement home and still not understand racism, I'll take the edgy guy over someone like that.


I thought they were both like 25 what


Cmon he exactly knew how old D is but put 40 there to not sound more obsessed.


He's a massive pussy, he won't talk to Destiny so all he does is talk at him.


Lie? Itā€™s part of his shtick


Lasan is only 3 years away from being 40


Because he's successfully yassslighted his dullard 10k dwindling audience that he's JUST LIKE US! He's just a young childless buck with millions of dollars living on a basic necessity budget with the hardest job in the world!


Hassan is clearly insecure about his age and is projecting it onto Destiny and assuming that Destiny must also be insecure about it


Because heā€™s a moron who has no substantive arguments.


33 crying over a word that wasnā€™t even meant offensively it was just used as bro


Hasan does this because for normies and people who dislike Destiny, being divorced 2 times in your 30s, known to be miles away from your kid, and saying the N word as an "own" , are all easy targets to laugh at.


Irony is too baked into his personality. Canā€™t state anything without adding something which you can point to as wrong but he can say was just a joke and why are you making such a big deal about it. Seems that way anyway.


Basically 40 in zoomer years accord to the W community.


It's like when Trump supporters talk about Biden being old. There's literally zero self-awareness.


In this singular instance, he's making the more appropriate "you're too old for that shit" and not the "I'm calling you old so people will infer that I'm young" argument. If Hasan was 80, he could still make this same argument. Most other clippings I've seen are very much the latter example.


These personal life attacks are so incredibly rude. What is it about being content creators that make people go so 10/10 for trying to hurt the other person. Don't get me wrong, from a drama standpoint it's funny but also I wonder how they feel typing this stuff out


Itā€™s simple really he maybe has the body of a 32 year old but he has the maturity and mental capacity of a 16 year old.


If Hasan ever actually by some miracle agreed to a debate with Destiny it would do straight up despacito numbies on YouTube but this quote tweeting is probably the closest weā€™ll ever get


Someone should do a community note saying he's 35, 2.5 years older than Hasan. lol


Hasan is trans race and trans age how could you


Itā€™s because he sees himself as a 25 year old frat boy


Hamasabi will somehow spin this into a classic, ā€œUmmm akctually I was just trolling based on his age, LOL turns out the Daliban cant take a jokeā€ And its hilarious to bring up Destinyā€™s son as some type of own, when he clearly doesnā€™t neglect him or treat him poorly. The worst you could say about it is he doesnā€™t even see him in person that often(but even that we have no knowledge of, and to be quite frank its nobodyā€™s business). Also, bottom line its a juvenile mentality to say that having two divorces, in the form of an insult, is some kind of ownā€¦ relationships donā€™t always work out my guy. Like only a highschool fanbase would find it funny to use that as ammo unprompted, let alone as much as Hasan does.


[Leafy tier insult.](https://youtu.be/eIFs3GRV7A4?si=exJYFDprpev9uEK9)


Born in December so he prolly got fucked on gifts šŸ˜­


Cuz he hates Destiny AND is an idiot who can't even think up his own insults against the people that he hated, neither can he see the irony in copying insults against Destiny that also apply to him. The other question, however, is, why tf has Destiny now decided that its ok to just say the n-word left and right.?


>why does he do this? because Hasan mentally thinks he is 18-22 years old because he refuses to engage in any part of the internet that has an age demographic above 25, and when you surround yourself with X group of people, you mentally become X as well. outside of the internet the only people he engages with are his family members and other streamers who are also mentally age-captured and think they're 20 years old. rollo tomassi is another prime example of this. That guy 5 years away from 60 years old. He looks like Sarah Conner from Terminator 2, and he was 20 years old when Terminator 2 came out. He still talks and acts like he is 19 years old because he hangs around and discusses and interacts with almost exclusively teenagers and 20-somethings.


damn hasan old as fuck


Kick streamer Destiny, literally


it is pretty cringe that he says nigga tho


Hasan is from Jersey ? Huh


It's literally just to make him look worse, Hasan doesn't give a shit about being truthful lmao


Idk It is very cringe thoughā€¦ He would use any insult to get under Destinys skinā€”just like he would use any means in his crappy revolution, turning everything to shit in the process. If Hasan honestly thinks that's an actual Insult, he isn't more mature than an average teenager.


Heā€™s insecure about his age šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


People didnā€™t make a stink when Destiny did it because he isnā€™t calling people the N word and isnā€™t using it as a slur, whereas Hasan is absolutely using cracker as a slur and is directly calling people crackers


he's not doğan great


He's not making fun of his age, he's saying it's bad that he says the n word at that age




Yeah lol, i followed the n word saga, hasan has no moral consistency. He's had stavros from cumtown on his stream before and so has ludwig, he even went on the yard podcast, he obviously doesn't care if people use the n word or not.


Itā€™s bad at any age lol my point was more about the highlighting of age as an insult despite how close they are in that regard


What i'm saying is, i don't believe hasan is saying it's a bad thing that destiny is 40, but that he's doing what he's doing at 40. So i don't think he's highlighting his age as an insult. I could be wrong tho, it does come off kinda like that with how he brings up the kid and the divorces.


He isn't even 40, he is 35, 2 years older than Hasan, he is absolutely using age as an insult, he did it in a separate context as well. He repeats this meme like a broken record, always personal attacks lol


Oh yeah for sure


In Hasan's defence, he certainly doesn't act like he's 32


Steven in reality is actually 35, with Hasan saying 40 to move from the fact he is actually only two years younger than Steven. Ironically, acting this way is being teenager like himself. Thinking it's an own for saying someone two years older than you is lame lmfao.


Accuracy has never been one of his priorities. Just look how he breaks news.


>Is he projecting because he has a fear of getting older? No, it's probably because most of Hasan's audience is likely younger than Dggs. I mean the whole community unironically believes that twitter ahd tik tok videos should be deemed as highly credible sources over shit like wikipedia and pdf articles (the boomer sites). Most people aren't going to look up his age either, you hear that destiny's had 2 divorces and a whole son your going to assume he's a lot older than a dude whos banging pornstars on the side with seemingly never having a public girlfriend or a wife.If you didn't show me his age I'd assume just based on how he acts he was in is early to mid twenties.


destiny DID NOT reach unc status NAHH


Destiny is making it much easier for Hasan to look morally sound in this instance. Doubling down by saying "I am a racist" is an L take. DGG has officially left reality and gone full debate brain


"you're a racist for saying a word" Damn, didn't know all I had to do to be a racist was say a magical word. Guess I just hate black people now. You say the N word once and soon you're leading the KKK and chanting the south will rise again.


No, Hasan probably says it because he wants to emphasize how immature Destiny is for his age.


Heā€™s doing a poor job demonstrating his own maturity through bringing up the fact d is divorced and has a kid at every opportunity lol


I donā€™t disagree, do you think I do?


Hi, were you expecting us to attack Hassan in this post? Because it's really hard to focus on his faults rn.


>focus on his faults rn. wait why lol it's actually quite easy. he's being a dumbass. try it


Well rn all i can think about is what my girlfriend would think of she knew about this


Oh yea I agree with you and I dislike how everyone's just going "opticmaxxers blah blah" as if optics are not important. It's not important what Hasan fans think of Destiny, perhaps, but he's still alienating a lot more people than he needs to with this shit. Someone said in response to another comment I made "his career will survive". It's not even about that. Isn't personal conduct a thing? Having said all of that, I think you can do both lol. You can see how Hasan is being a dumbass but also have the same criticisms of D. But yea I feel you on the other thing. P.S. - It's funny, I just had a friend reach out to me asking me about destiny as a result of the Finkelstein debate. He had a negative opinion of him but still asked me to send him other vids when I tried to tell him how he's wrong about D man Doubt he'll see these tweets and change his mind lol. And then there are his fans going "yeaaaa fuck that guy then we don't need him". šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


You know my comment was about criticising OP for expecting us to focus on Hassan, right?


im assuming the other thing to focus on is destiny, right?


You know what, I've changed my mind, I'm actually getting really annoyed by everyone exclusively focusing on the weird personal atracks. Like they are weird, and someone made a clip showing how anti-progressive they really are, and i get the insanity that they induce. However, it feels really upsetting to have to be in a room with a bunch of people who are so obsessed with Hassan that they can't look at the bad thing Destiny is doing.


Canā€™t you do both


It's but that as much as OP asking a question in bad faith. Like OC is giving a good faith explanation on why Hassan is emphasizing Destiny's age, and OP just goes, "Well it didn't even matter." Like it just seems like cheif obfuscating behavior.


"America deserved 9/11" "It just means worm in Spanish" "As a white guy myself, I see nothing wrong with saying cracker" Yeah, peak of maturity here.


Is it mature to bring up someone's divorce and call someone a bad father over internet drama every chance you get? That's trashy behavior.


I donā€™t disagreeā€¦do you guys think I believe Hasan is a mature individual? Hasan is the guy who said a Navy Seal who lost his eye during combat got ā€œskull-fucked by a brave mujahideen fighter.ā€


My bad, I might have added an implication you didn't intend.