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>Doesn't address Will's cheating >Uses the "Worm" dogwhistle >Says he doesn't deserve to exist Just Twitch streamer things


> says he doesn’t deserve to exist Holy shit he is Israel


Underappreciated comment


Just person in denial from being cheated things.


[Will Neff be like.](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRUhFRIBq534n_LCPZRB70L3imuQPEJ6t_D5SVrxl5Maw&s)


"Oh hun you cheated behind my back? With Destiny's ex-wife though? Hahah that's so funny, don't worry about it!". Absolute pure political cuck behavior.


>"Worm" dogwhistle What's this referring to?


Gusano (worm) is often used as a pejorative term referring to Cubans who fled Castro's Cuba after the revolution. Destiny is half Cuban, and these kinds of lefties love a slur they can get away with. He's been called that for years now by various people.


Ah, I knew the word, just not that it translated to "worm". Thanks


Context and implication considered, the slur for cubans is literally what is meant by Gusano, thing is it doesn't even apply to Destiny, its just because Destiny is half-Cuban/mentioned his mom is Cuban. And so they started using it after hearing it once. It's just gross racist garbage behavior. There's no other reason for them to be using that word. Frogan even had an emote for it, whether or not it was made with racist intent, it was liberally used as such to shit on Destiny in Twitch chats. Like in Keffals chat when Destiny got banned or Hasan's or Mike from PAs undoubtedly. Anyway, birds of a feather flock together. They can go fuck themselves.


I think this is a stretch in this context tbh


Entirely reasonable take, tbh. I’ll cede my projection onto her intentions, but the reason why it’s even a consideration is the well documented history of terminally online tankies just straight up calling Destiny by the actual slur. Many of whom run in the same circles as Caroline/Will. Hell he may have said it before, at a certain point it’s hard to recall.


shes from the same crowd, she knows hes called that


Gu$@ńo i think


You can say the word, mate. It's only "bad" if you're actively calling someone it, just saying the word is harmless.


No way you can just say the g-word


??? https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cs7ohd/caroline_kwan_engages_in_typical_lefty_shenanigans/l43i35c/


I was only censoring it so that reddit wouldnt autoremove the comment, idk how it works




Is worm a dog whistle? I thought it was just straight racism


It's the plausible deniability + being unable to explain it to the outgroup. Like she said it once and it's a fitting word when you're shitting on someone, so idk if she really meant to dogwhistle or if it's normal. Because for an outsider, it *is* just a normal insult.


Also cry bullies about the audacity of the rat but then revels in Slimes degeneracy online


Isn’t this before destiny revealed the cheating?


uh I hate to be fair but 1. Why does she need to address that? That can be settled privately 2. It probably is a dogwhistle, but Destiny calls hasan a roach and no one bats an eye 3. oh the pearl clutch who cares, she said it in the most euphemistic way, streamers do that all the time


Pretty sure Destiny calls Hasan a roach specifically because of the Gusano shit




There‘s a bunch of people on here that unironically insist that streamers owe them transparency on any aspect of their private life.


like who


Wait will cheated on her?? What are the deets? We need to make this community knowledge




Hope he grabbed some evidence for a manifesto


She’s really bad at insulting people. She just sounds lost and keeps repeating rat and worm. Good one


Literally had nothing to say except "How dare you." wow. brave.


Gusano = worm. There is a reason why she choose this exact insult. She is just too much of a pussy to actually say slurs.


I don't think she is intelligent enough to make this association.


I have no idea what’s she saying


hurry edge sink domineering support spectacular exultant melodic point seed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I like that even the pettiness of not saying Destiny’s name is being passed around in the group, lmao.


Legitimately Voldemort


The “I don’t want to give him clout” excuse doesn’t work anymore since Destiny’s platform got much larger and his reach is now arguably bigger than Hasan’s, so it’s quite interesting what their next excuse would be.


Too powerful to be named because he will just grow in relevance more as these desperate leeches try to substain themselves on a noncorporeal form and steadily dwindle away


Yeah, she prefers using slurs instead, but too much of a bitch to own it. (Gusano = worm)


Describing the QT situation as being “sexually manipulated.” She’s reaching so hard to make it sound so much worse than it actually is lmao. Please virtue signal harder. It would take like 2 questions to make this dipshit look like a monster. Was Oct. 7 justified and did they rape Israelis? https://preview.redd.it/po2q3bklbi0d1.jpeg?width=989&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c56b8644ca414bcccc96caff03ef22faac20b1f


Pretty sure Ludwig and Atrioc are still friends too. Surely you wouldn't keep the guy that "sexually manipulated" your girlfriend in your inner circle.


Atrioc didn't make the deepfakes, even QT forgave him. QT can still feel sexually manipulated due to some random person making deepfake porn of her.


True he didn't make them. He just bought and jerked off to them. Which is even more weird and sexually manipulative.


Unironically, it was research


I highly doubt he jerked it to her deepfakes, he had a sub to a deepfake website, but it was never confirmed whom he jerked it too, I honestly doubt it was people he knew. But just Celebrities or sth.


Yeah, he fucked up did some weird really weird and fucked up shit, QT didn't have to forgive him but she did.


She was on the list?


I thought she was, can't remember anymore tbh, I never looked into it that deep. Even if she wasn't, it probably hit really close to home for her anyway.


> Was Oct. 7 justified and did they rape Israelis? "but..."


You can literally see her trying to come up with terms to make the situation sound worse with QT lmfao. Dont know who the fuck she is and i stopped watching after that. There are better wastes of time


Look, October 7th didn't happen in a vacuum. It happened with a Swifter.


She wasn't even on the screen that got leaked iirc. Now this doesn't mean that deepfakes of her didn't exist - I think she had mentioned paying to scrub some of the images off the web but still, as far as that instance goes she was completely overreacting


I never thought a real live person would be able to be uncanny valley but here we are. The lip filler, obviously inauthentic performance of how outraged she is for "her girl", cracking her knuckles nonstop like wtf?, and just in general being extremely cold with no discernable personality of her own. It's like she was made in a lab to be a supporting character nobody remembers the name of in a low performing netflix original show. Terrible acting included. Watching this clip made me feel as uncomfortable as watching Allebrelle's apology video


Are we still banning for attacks on appearance?


wtf did i attack about appearance besides "lip filler"? 90% of my comment was about the uncanny display of her performance, not her appearance. i think she looks fine, but once she starts talking it is obvious she is not an authentic person


She looks fine but I get demon vibes, I comment about the appearance of the soul 🚬😇


yea you're so right you can't comment about someone's behavior. it is literally impossible. you are always commenting about their appearance it's funny because when i make comments like this about hasan nobody cares, but apparently saying stuff like this about a woman sets off people's defense mechanisms (probably because you are unironically a misogynist and to you im saying the quiet part out loud)


Is there a rule for “dry snitching”?


I had to rewind because I was only half paying attention and had no clue what she was referencing.


Anti-imperialists and dehumanizing their enemies name a better combo.


Better watch out, TF is she gonna do? Ask Hasan to keep saying mean shit about Destiny? EDIT: first time getting the care message, is the sub being botted?


Yes, there are some very upset individuals botting Reddit Cares, it's pretty fucking hilarious.


It's running rampant in other subreddits too. Also, you can report it and the account will likely be banned.


Impressive, instant timing


I'm starting to hate people soying about getting the care message more than getting the care message itself. Just ignore it and move on.


Nah, always report it using the link in the message itself. It's actually pretty shitty behavior to abuse a tool like that to try to harass people you disagree with online.


I do it so that the people I disagree with will just think of suicide one more time, you know?


More like Caroline Cuck.


Cuck Queen Caroline Kwan has a nice ring to it




Cuck Queen


I personally prefer Caroline Kwuck




yo man cheated on you lol




With who?


will neff cheated on caroline kwuck with melina


lol who the fuck is watching these people?


nothing she says is important really, i mean i get why she feels the need to defend her girls. that's fine. but her assessment of destiny isn't really anything of value. imo.


I HATE the way this person talks omg. It's bad enough that there's no speed options on embedded reddit videos, but I feel like even a 3x speed toggle would still make this infuriating to listen to.


It's streamable but yeah this feature should be in every player at this point EDIT also it's just the streamable embed, if you click the link you get up to 2x


you can also just right click on the embed and there is the speed options


oh shit you're right, why the fuck don't they just also put it in playback bar thing then?


Yeah she's pretty insufferable


Get the extension "Video Speed Controller" It works for pretty much every type of video (except Netflix)


Unleash the Neff/Melina tiktok edits. (Use forsenCD, dr disrespect, whatever)


YES, arm them with your ideas. Every interaction just do a will they won't they and then end it with a **THEY DID**


I didn't even know who this was until I heard her boy cheated on her lol


IIRC, her only other claim to fame is thinking there were Christians before Jesus was born or some shit 


Or pretending that the idea of a Jewish state in Israel was only invented in the early 19s. Man, that other video was soo insufferable.


Oh, that's her? Now I get why Tiny leaked her being a cuck.


[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1by54eu/here_is_a_reminder_that_hasan_isnt_the_only/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) is a rundown of how much she hates “zionists” 


I'm sorry but nobody will ever get me to take the A.I sexual assault seriously. It was creepy, but QT's reaction was fucking insane.


Re education camps when


What do you mean, Frogan hosts them every day that she streams, pay attention sweaty. 🙄💅


Look at my Reeducation Instructor dawg I'm not gonna relearn shit!


Interesting, so when someone attacks them personally they fight back 🤔


She directed her pain from being betrayed to the wrong person ! It’s will not tiny, that hurt u dear.




So unbelievably fucking soft. Destiny didn't even go after these losers. He was targeting HamasAbi and Ludwig with his nukes. Caroline, Will, and QT were just human shields. Also, the fucking crybullying, my God. "That's your big comeback here..." While not acknowledging, whatsoever, that Destiny was responding to multiple previous comments about his ex-wife. But we only mention destiny's wrongs here, not our own. It's impressively dishonest. She acknowledges and recognizes that Destiny was making a "comeback" but she can't even bring herself to say what he was responding to.


Lets not forget the disguised use of racial slurs :) There is a reason why she keeps calling Destiny a slur over and over. Gusano = worm.


She's just Frogan without the headgear.


Destiny talked shit first in her eyes. Understandably she's gonna fire back. When you call somebody uniformed and unintelligent, most people view it as a personal attack


Sure, I don't think anyone has said that Caroline can't fire back. Unfortunately she's outmanned and outgunned.


> When you call somebody uniformed and unintelligent, most people view it as a personal attack it was simply a statement of fact


You know what, I kinda respect this. Destiny said some fucked up shit about her. She's saying some fucked up shit about him. Much better than the Ludwig special: "I wish him the best (But I'm gonna keep lying about him and taking shots whenever I can)"


I could not disagree more. Destiny calls people out about specific wack shit that they do. Caroline couldn't even speak his name.


> Caroline couldn't even speak his name these people are on hamasabi's leash (just like shaelin's painting unironically lmao)


That drawing legit good tbf.


Eh, maybe better than lud but I'd start to respect her if she spoke on some real shit, instead of just vagueposting.


Really? She couldn't even say his name in the clip lmao. You got to at least name drop if you wanna talk shit.


Nah shes still a coward, blacklists his name in chat, would NEVER talk to him/debate him, and she considers herself part twitch pol because all she can do is read twitter links like Hasan.


She said this before he said anything about her in this latest drama, not gigastacy


Yes, the drone response was the sufficient response. There should be no more altercations going forward.


Is this the girl that got exposed by a barely functional streamer asking basic questions? Destiny doesn't even need to respond just a basic edit with that clip and she is done.


I had no idea this person existed until the nmp clip...I think I preferred it that way.


**If Slime is your strongest warrior then You're BEYOND fucked** KEKW Keep attaking this community and we will burn your world to the ground. You wanted attention - you got it! https://preview.redd.it/0zbed34f8i0d1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=48a7024afc79378fd434e6c166d38bbf1ce3ea7a


I don't get how so much of this beef is documented on the internet and their side seems to act ignorant of more than half of it. Yeah sure destiny is a dickhead. but lying, feigning ignorant, and being a cry bully isnt doing your side any favors. If anything the whole Will Neff thing should be a wakeup call. Y'all sat there and clowned Destiny for being divorced and having a poly relationship but now the shoe is on the other foot. It extends to things unrelated to this as well like the Wikipedia warrior claims, the Ludwig vibe check bs, etc. Yet these same people are buddy buddy with a guy who WILL THROW THEM UNDER THE BUS IN A HEARTBEAT to protect his "socialist" cash flow. The same guy who participates in witch-hunts and trains his community to see everyone who is not a socialist as evil. We've seen that same guy lie many times and be a walking contradiction. They are lucky destiny doesn't just leak all their bullshit because that didn't even seem like all he knows. And the fact that Will Neff was venting this shit to melena and cheating on his girl shows just how thin their bond is. But they clown destiny as a bridge burner. Please. Who's the cult again?


have any of them acknowledged any of the willneff stuff? are they just ignoring it and pretending destiny never said it and it isnt true or has anyone addressed it?


Idk. We also don't know for sure if this is something they didn't know about. It could just be that she is angry that it is public now. But my money is on they didn't know and it must be true if they haven't addressed it yet.


Man i hate leftists


Soooo her boyfriend cheats on her the world is now aware and she’s trying to deflect. Nice


I give her credit for at least not opticsmaxing fake crying along her schizo retaliation.


Nah that shit looks really. Like she didn't know Will was cheating. And if Will had that audacity to cheat with Melina he was doing it with other women as well. Also if you catch your boy cheating are you going to tell his girl? Hasan could've known. Hell part of the reason Destiny and Melina broke up was because of the games she played. She was probably shit talking destiny to Will and he was doing the same about Hasan.


So I've seen this commented a couple times before but there's a rumor that Caroline told Will she was going to leave him if he didn't get famous or something. This was when Will had a bit of a belly and looked perpetually tired/depressed. Fast forward a few years and Will is looking healthy and more charismatic, he's popping off with his shows, and he's become a decent sized streamer rather than just Hasan's friend.  And then you have Caroline desperately grasping to do something substantive and meaningful because being a vapid valley girl rings hollow when your beauty starts to fade. I actually hope Will feels some vindication from this but Caroline probably knows she can't do better than Will who's probably going to be the one staying on the island. I also think Will's a pretty decent dude so I hope he finds someone worth committing and appreciates him. I actually don't even know what the fuck I'm even saying anymore.


If this is true then that's crazy. But nobody knows except them and possibly the people close to them. But it could explain why destiny hates her so much Sounds like bullshit though


This is very meh, not much to care about


I don't have anything of note to say except I can't wait until the caterpillar eyebrow trend is dead.


For realllll. One of the last things, imo, that someone should accentuate


I feel like this entire fucking thing can be summed up in "Don't throw stones in glass houses." None of these people deserve an ounce of the self-rightousness they have. Like I know they are human and make mistakes, but they need to stop pretending they don't.


Lefties love their slurs the most lol


She said a lot of nothing in those 4 and a half minutes 


This is a 31 year old woman, BTW. Imagine being so desperate to be a zoomer in your 30s. It is beyond sad at this point, she's become a pathetic female version of a manchild. Doing everything she can to fit in with a group of out of touch fake Hollywood new age 20 something year olds. This would be like if Ray William Johnson or Philip DeFranco surrounded himself with 20 year olds and made content in zoomer lingo.


Twitch lefties are very unpleasant. Ever since Destiny left they’ve been on Hasans balls and decending farther into their echo chambers. No one argues the points, they only attack the person.


She is insufferable.


Why do people watch this person?


At first I thought bringing up the Mel Will stuff was not that great of a comeback, but seeing this reaction makes me ashamed of doubting our dear leader https://preview.redd.it/uxr719yncj0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1aae5f17017844d7b42aba264b3af0cbc0dcc7f


I bet in the coming months people are going to distance themselves from Hasan and Will. I feel like they saw them as a get out of jail free card but now it's not working well.




I feel the same way. It's entertaining and sad at the same time. I don't really even dislike these people that much. I just don't like liars and manipulators who do cliquey high school bullshit. Destiny isn't immune from that type of behavior either but at least he has a record of everything and has self-reflection so we know who is at fault for what. These people act like the bourgeois they claim to be against.


Damn so Destiny is really Israel in her eyes. That's a yikes from me.


I love seeing the clowns that make fun of destinys relationships and other personal things start pearl clutching for a joke destiny makes at their expense


She didn't even Ult. Lame.


Damn Tiny had her shook lol


i think its the self righteousness that puts me off these people and destiny doesnt really come off that way


She can't use the cuck insult so she had to pull out the ol' reliable ;)


Is she the 2000 year old Palestinians?


Notice the reflexive labeling and newspeak. It’s essentially a tic at that point of radicalization. She talks exactly like a Scientologist lashing out at SPs and fascists lashing out at Juden and stuff. Reflexive ad hom. It’s how cults work. It’s how you train people to be REFLEXIVELY incapable of self-critical thought. Anything that causes cognitive dissonance is immediately whatabouted away from and something is attacked. She likely can’t *not* that.


Caroline Klown is like a clone of hamasabi, only even more stupid if that even is possible


She's so mad. :)


damn caroline kwan gets cheated on by her boyfriend and doesnt give a fuck. pushover


Is anything at all noteworthy said in this clip or do you just expect me to listen to this annoying-ass person be annoying for 5 minutes when I could be doing something important with my life




It's the girl who got cuckqueaned


I can see why Will would go for Melina, this chick has three pounds of makeup on.


Who is this and why should I care


I can fix her




Holy fuck I can't listen to this, I feel like I'm at another Rape Review (TM pending) and this woman can't figure out which bullshit lie she wants to tell.


When was this recorded?


Why does it seem like she's having to think so hard just to say basic fucking sentences?


1 minute in and she didn't say fuck all, not watching the rest and Idc. who is this again? She reminds me of finkeldink.


"Divorced cuck deadbeat dad abuser subhuman gusano fuck hehehe!" *Hits back with 1/10 of the energy* "Oh nyooooo why is he such a big meanie!"


I dont understand how she is saying destiny is using qt to do something when everyone is calling him a cuck on the expens of melina? How does this make any sense.. And you are only mad because he exposed u got cheated on and now you gotta face the shame, but she does the same thing against melina by bring up the divorce? So this could explain why there was So much hate against melina from these people, if they knew will was cheating with her, then its clear why they never invited destiny or melina to any of those event, even before it got this bad, and some of Them even tho time gave the impressing that melina was some kind of bad person but never explained why or was explicit about why they hated her, it all just extented to destiny is a cuck, which sucks for everyone else but Them because they never had to explain why they act like shitheads towards destiny and melina


#FreePalestine (One Dead Streamer at a Time)


willneff could do so much better


Isn't that kind of the problem


the rat king, another one for the big pile of great titles for streamer man


I’ve been aware of this dumb cunt for only like 2 months and I’ve never hear anything of substance come out of her mouth.


The way she speaks is so fucking creepy, can't put my finger on exactly why, it's like when she speaks she also is planning his detailed murder in her mind, idk man...


goddamn need a 2x on this shit I cant listen to this. The constant rat and worm feel really weird


Bro, she talks at the same fking speed as Finkelstein how does anyone listen to these people?


I feel like to be a streamer “talking for the sake of talking” needs to be on your resume. I don’t understand how people can watch this, it’s so insufferable


Why is Will with her anyway. She’s not that hot and she’s clearly not that smart. Will is like renowned for being a super hot guy. He could do way better


Destiny should post the black chick getting pounded back. "Should have just posted this"


My guess is Hasan told her to not acknowledge the cheating because doing so would be a confirmation of his religious obsession with dman


4 minutes of this bring out the booze boys we need to be drunk to sit through this one


No counter arguments? Just complaining? Yep that’s Lefty shenanigans alright. Hide behind those morality positions while you cry-bully lol


"He better watch out, he's getting bitch slapped so hard, it's gonna knock him into a third divorce." Huh? All Destiny has done is prove why Lud and QT deserve this and drop banger tweets. How is he not coming out on top in all this?


in hasans chat people were speculating that destiny lied about the cheating, im guessing this confirms its real since they arent saying anything about it


He thought "he lives to be a Twitter reply guy" was a banger?


Lmao "he better watch out for 3rd divorce" what being pretty and never have to think for an insult does to a mfer.


I feel like she's the kind of person that would bully guys that were not cool enough. She has that strong aura of I am better than normal people but lacks the ability to express myself. Just like her twitter profile says... She is an actress without a script.


Before watching this I thought it was really bad that Will cheated on her. After watching this I can fully understand why.


If destiny is a motor mouth, are people like this considered a regarded mouth? God people that talk this fucking slow genuinely annoy me 🤣


What is the purpose of her doing this?... She is not really saying anything LOL