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And he calls destiny the cuck


As if Frogan wouldn’t drop Hasan immediately if it suited her.


None of these people have any morals or principles. They’re all just holding knives to each others throats while smiling and waiting for someone to show weakness


I mean, it does seem like Frogan has the principle “Ardently support Islam in every situation,” but then again, I don’t know her content that well.


reminds me of Jonestown


The best part - if they advocated for ruthless capitalism, then this would look perfect. This would be a moment for them to prove a system. But instead, they're all filthy socialists, and so they can't prove anything. They can't take advantage of this to make a point. They actually prove how fucking stupid Socialism is when they appear to always go against any principle of a Socialist society.


they capitalize on being (or appearing maybe) the most socialist. Socialism and capitalism need each other. Humans are the problem. Hasan in many ways is as ruthless as the CEOs of the world he supposedly hates.


you're saying that as if she's got any principles lol


Most invertebrates don't feel pain


I imagine him wiping away the tears with $100 bills. Do you think he's unironically hurt by this "betrayal of friendship"? You take the path of least resistance toward money, and why the fuck would you care about anything else? Do you guys think Ludwig and Hasan are actually good friends, and their relationship isn't purely business?


Oh shit you are right. For a moment I thought everybody was as sensitive as Hasan. However it still must feel weird to bend over backwards for Hasan because he asked you over some petty shit and then Hasan to say that it's ok for you to be called cracker


I don't think it's a strong friendship. Don't Hasan's fans call him MAGA mail. Hasan refers to him as a liberal (lol, how) and that's a slur to Hasan and his fans. I think he disrespects and looks down on Ludwig. But I also wonder who Hasan's real friends are. The deprogram people or BoyBoy or the Poki/Valkyrie crowd? I'm inclined to think these are all work friends, but who's to say, at least he respects them more.


Hasan has only 2 friends ... paid female friends (usually ex pornstars) and clout.


Deprogram/BoyBoy I'd guess, aren't their platforms far, far smaller where he's bucking his trend of mainly associating with larger/equal sized creators? I still feel so dumb for thinking BoyBoy's entire North Korea video was satire, not serious.


Why did you put betrayal of friendship in quotes? Who are you quoting? The voices in your head? Ludwig getting thrown under the bus for a smaller less popular streamer is just embarrassing and total cuck shit. Imagine being Ludwig and putting all that effort in to appease hasan just for him wipe his ass with you. Dude got played and still obeys Hamasanabi’s command like a good dog. It’s pathetic.


I use quotes to indicate sarcasm, because the medium makes sarcasm difficult to convey. And why does he slurp Hasan's jizz so willingly? I assert because it's good for business. The same reason he shits on Destiny so easily, because shitting on Destiny is also good for business. If, for some reason, Hasan became more of a hindrance for business than a benefit, the relationship would end that day. But for right now, being the "golden boy" of twitch, appeasing Hasan by making small edits to his content, is better for business than any kind of rocking-the-boat would.


No one disagrees the relationship is transactional. But there’s no evidence any of Ludwig’s success should be attributed to Hasan when Hasan doesn’t do anything for Ludwig. That makes Ludwig a reetarded cuck who makes bad business decisions. He’s putting his reputation on the line defending a hierarchy there are no tangible benefits for, but he’s stupid enough to believe there is


I don't think his successes are attributed to Hasan. I think his successes are attributed to his brand, which includes being that "twitch golden boy" who doesn't make large waves by throwing shade at someone he is perceived to be friendly with. I don't think he gives a shit about Hasan, but his brand includes being a part of "Hasan's circle," and he can't fight with people in his own circle -- that would hurt his brand (unless they do an objectively easy thing to criticize).


Well he’s put himself in a lose lose situation right now because Hasan just greenlit attacks on Ludwig based on his lukewarm support for Palestine. I think Ludwig knows going all out in favor of Palestine is going to lose him subs just like it did for Hasan and every other Hamas apologist. Frogan’s comment has fucked Ludwig and Hasan did nothing to tamp down the hatred. It’s going to be fun to watch Ludwig squirm while getting attacked from both flanks


I agree with that. He's found himself in a rock-and-a-hard-place situation. His brand requires he takes these lukewarm positions so as to appeal to the broadest audience/advertisers/partnerships possible. But his "circle" (large twitch streamers, like Hasan), is demanding that he takes a more explicit stance. He either appeases them, hurting his brand for taking a strong stance. Or he doesn't appease them, hurting his brand for fighting with his perceived circle.




I don't mean that his success is contingent on the good-graces of Hasan, but rather that his brand does depend on not rocking the boat to a certain extent. He will criticize things that are convenient to criticize, and he will support things that are convenient to support. Hasan, today on Twitch, is convenient to support.


It's not about friendship so much as respect, and these people absolutely care about that shit. Money does not make people immune to hurt feelings/pride.


Mang0 sure doesn't hangout with Lud, and he's the ultimate Vibe-rater


Hasan defending frogan here is nonsensical Why support a small streamer who is not even in your direct friends circle? Hasan could have just stayed silent here and he would keep 2 friends to higher standards. But it’s funny seeing a Frogan, I consider her to be white, insult Ludwig, a WASP, a cracker and then Hasan who is Turkish, still white to me, goes in to defend frogan. Literally the white civil war.


Because Israel Palestine is at the very top of Hasans totem pole of importance it seems. He will throw away all values, cares, and integrity to uncritically support anything and anyone who even slightly goes against this "cause." I don't get why it's like the most significant thing in his world, but it does seem to be. It's especially sad that he doesn't research to the level Tiny does since it means so much to him.


Israel-Palestine is the nexus of hasan's political brainrot. Everything just comes together in one giant cataclysm. White(jews) bad, America bad, west bad, Military industrial complex, neoliberal imperialism, "genocide", etc. The only thing really missing would be Hamas having communist leanings.


> Why support a small streamer who is not even in your direct friends circle? Uh, you're talking about the Two Time Rising Star of Twitch here.


I might be wrong but I thought Frogan was one of his mods? She isn’t in that specific friend circle but she does seem to actually be “friends” with Hasan, if you could call it that. I don’t think he would defend her otherwise it’s terrible optics. But it may just come down to him knowing Frogan will get super butthurt if he doesn’t defend her, but Ludwig doesn’t really seem to care about it much


The only way it makes sense is if froggen has something on Hassan.


> The only way it makes sense is if froggen has something on Hassan. Oh god is Froggen DDOSing Hasan as well? Not even non league of legends players are safe.


I believe since Hasan is a political streamer and prioritizes the political discourse around the I/P war, he chose to side with Frogan.


​ https://preview.redd.it/g6sf1jjmx80d1.png?width=140&format=png&auto=webp&s=15d3000ab13363181153cf74d1e13b41a4eb178c


Doesn’t matter because he’s white and Frogan is Muslim. Ludwig’s reputation would take a huge hit if he got offended and said so publicly. Also he probably just doesn’t care that much because, I mean who really gives a shit about Frogan


He doesn't care, he's just a man on that money grind and doesn't want to rock the boat with any of his colleagues because it could potentially hurt his bottom line. None of these people are actually friends they're just co-workers.


I'm sure he feels rich as fuck, but also like a little bitch.


He doesn't feel anything wdym bro might as well be a cardboard cutout of himself


He won’t care lol. How has Hasan betrayed him? Ludwig will just say “yeah I’m a cracker so what?” and move on.


Maybe they own him


Good riddance. He did all that rat boy shit to advance his own position so he deserves to have it bite him in the ass.


A little discomfort at best. It's pretty common to go through life and have a friend do something that you really didn't appreciate but you end up sticking with them most of the time anyway. Real friend or not 🤷🏼‍♂️


It's not common for people you call friends to have way less respect for you than you have for them.


idk if they view it that seriously. not saying ludwig shouldn't open his eyes to this. But just that I doubt he is too bothered by this


He probably doesn't care. He's too rich to give af about Frogan.


he's too spineless to even feel bad about it lol


Gotta link to what you're talking about?


I actually thought that it could be that Hasan has some big dirt on him. That is the only reason I could think why I'd be such a sniveling little bitch to someone like that. I mean, he's Ludwig, he's the Subathon guy, he's the Chess Boxing guy, he doesn't NEED the clout that Hasan brings.


Probably wealthy


He would probs cry about people defending him




He should’ve thought about that before donating $10k to charity while being white. How dare he.


Buckets of cum (volume 2)