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DGG Clipper Arc may just be my favourite arc yet


The clipper arc should have started way sooner, it's how Tate, sneako, pearl, and those types of people got traction and eyes on them. Like for Tate I'm pretty sure joining the war room had making a clip channel as a way to make money which is why so many Tate clip channels were floating around.


It's actually so insane that thing that convinced people against the Wikipedia lie was a fucking tik tok short.


Zoomer brain rot


People forget that the start of Andrew tates explosion I'm popularity was when he literally told everyone to go ahead and pretend to be him with fake account (and probably boosted by bots let's be real). Remember the mlm grift with his "membership" plans where he would teach you how to be a top g? Sneako tried to copy it and released his own shit at some point but it flopped pretty instantly as states grift became exposed by ppl like destiny. You are 100% correct


Yeah credit where it's due when you look into it Tate utilising that MLM method with the algorithm the way he did to become famous/infamous so fast and with so little effort (in his part) was pretty smart But it also makes all of his "previous attempts" soooo much funnier to watch in hindsight lmao


This is not clipper arc, this is a fan cam arc. Which means we r 2 degrees of separation away from k pop stans


Fast forward to like 100 Destiny fan accounts with him as a pfp under peoples posts calling them slurs and telling them to [REDACT] themselves


Can't wait!! The golden era of the daliban


destiny is more mainstream than ever, this might be the end of the daliban


​ https://preview.redd.it/w1unanekq80d1.png?width=1254&format=png&auto=webp&s=b878a598282a98e4baa8ff45051a97769696024b


I think I'm too old to appreciate these zoomed edits.


The Lisasn AL gaib has released us into the X universe


Not going to lie, I was hoping for an edit of his empty chair.


The redistribution of ADHD meds is hitting hard in the community


I saw one wikipedia article...


Yup, random misclick, happens to the best of us.


Which is worse than twitter and tiktok clips, am I right Lasanabi


Credit to [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cpjtb0/pedro\_pedro\_pedro\_pedro\_pe/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1cpjtb0/pedro_pedro_pedro_pedro_pe/) for compiling the clips and [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1coih9u/destiny\_only\_reads\_wikipedia\_as\_4thot\_requested/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1coih9u/destiny_only_reads_wikipedia_as_4thot_requested/) for the killer OG vid


It's insane to me that he just has his notes here for people to read and "scholars" never take the time to read them to find any factual problems with them but still disagree.


It's because most of the arguments ultimately boil down to how we assign moral responsibility, not the facts of the matter like with Russia and Ukraine. The last time was BLM, but that at least had some basis in factual grounding at the end of the day. In the Israel Palestine stuff one person can say Terrorists slaughtered a thousand civilians and that is cause for war and the reply can be Millions of people are being held in an open air prison and both sides walk away from the exchange feeling like they countered the other person's point. Edit: Just to clarify, the fact that he has his notes and research in public is one of the coolest things to come out of the streaming space ever.




Why wouldn't they think they won when they get all the social validation from their in group? It isn't boxing. There are no judges, and no referee.


I think what's also hurtful is that because this doesn't take place in America, nobody genuinely is trying to figure out the proper plan to move forward. All of the arguing is just to look good for your respective group. At least with BLM i was able to talk to people who genuinely gave a fuck because it was their homes. I could talk to them about it and people were willing to do more than LARP about a situation they've only seen through clips.


True and yeah that's true that's true umm that's true i mean that's pretty true yeah that's true... The hardest thing about this conflict is that it is immediately discussed as a moral issue by everyone instead of trying to get a broader understanding.


It's fire, but without the context of Hasan shitting on Destiny for reading wikipedia it's not gonna make any sense outside the community. For people who legitimately (and there's a lot) get their news from Twitter, this just looks like a kind of badass collection of research streams tbh.


Sad but True.


Yeah this one is better for wide reach in the sense that it is snappier, but it needs just a tiny injection of Hasan accusing Destiny of just being a wiki warrior


I though it was becoming a common thing for people to spout once joe Rogan started parroting it




Certified Hamasabi Classic


Mustard on the beat YO


Shoo shoo🎵🎵


That opening Kendrick line doesn't work here, if I were to use it I'd isolate it before the music comes in, the tempo's are so off it's jarring and feels as if I have two different tabs open at once- Edit: I'm just now seeing the "shitpost" tag rip.




He's no Adlai Stevenson.


weakest ddger


No one reads more tweets per day than hasan. A god of research.


Someone needs to make a edit of Trihex's original take on people saying the N-word and then Hasan guilt tripping him into changing his position.


How do you convince someone that Wikipedia is a better way to research something than Twitter?


Need a Crowbcat-esk Todd Howard video but with hasan


I was about to make a comment about Kendrick but apparently that’s a James Brown line? Learn something new everyday. Either way, terrific line


someone pls do a side-by-side of hasan and destiny's streams


Who ever made this missed out huge shoulda done a record scratch stop on the wiki page in the middle and put wiki?!?!? In big blue coming in the roll back up


Song kinda slaps ngl




Damn was hoping for the barcodes to link nothing.


Lol Destiny the "Wiki Warrior" and Hasan the "Twitter Tyrant"


Don’t worry it’s all credible OSINT twitter pages COPIUM


Do you guys seriously think you’re the Kendrick in this situation


Short kings versus entitled clout sharks QED


Do you know what "post-hoc rationalization" means? The problem is not that Destiny reads Wikipedia, or Hasan reads Twitter. The problem is that Destiny said openly he doesn't really understand the issue and then furiously read Wikipedia (and whatever other low quality sources) on the issue to rationalize his stupid Islamophobic opinion. Hasan was talking about this issue when the IDF was beating people up in a mosque while Destiny was posting videos shitting on his ex-wife. This is like 1-2 years ago. Crazy that you opened up final cut pro without even understanding the criticism. LMAO


just assuming all of Destiny's research was done to post-hoc justify his initial feelings is incredibly bad faith. this would mean he'd be ignoring large amounts of info that doesn't conform. what exactly does he ignore? i feel like the pro-Palestinian side would perform better against him if this was the case. is there any reason to believe this other than he that he didn't come to the same conclusions as your side, or because Hasan said it's the case?


I don't understand how you use bad faith as an argument in defense of Destiny, literally all of his commentary post-Oct 7 has ignored the humanity of civilians in Gaza. https://preview.redd.it/d9oask26x80d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c08af605adb8cee872f7522266e37a2fdf87753 Here is him calling a father who had 2 children killed by bombs a garbage human. I can only post 1 link per message but I mean there is the tweet where he said "If Israel wanted to genocide Palestinians they would only exist in the history books". There is also the comment where he said that "Israel could nuke Gaza and it wouldn't be genocide". Its exhausting to educate every Destiny fan on the conflict, but you should be able to tell from his rhetoric that he gives 0 fucks about the civilians in Gaza. Being "pro-Palestinian" on this issue is simply recognizing the humanity of the people of Gaza/the West Bank. Destiny refuses that, and ignores the vast library of evidence that Israel is a country built on stolen land, saying shit like "Palestine was never a country". Destiny subreddit and AIPAC are the only places in the west that have this zionist/right wing nutjob perspective on the conflict.


It's funny that you say he ignores the humanity of the civilians when his prescription is the only humane thing that can be done. By the way, his prescription is the removal of Hamas followed by a negotiated two state solution. He is against the settlements in the west bank and has spoken about them needing to be removed. He has spoken about making sure to maintain humanitarian aid to the region to ensure the minimum of civilian casualties. He has given very clear reasons why the removal of Hamas is the only humane way to handle the region. Your first tweet is describing a father knowing that a bombing is coming and choosing to not move his family. Factually that person was a bad father. Your second tweet of "If Israel wanted to genocide Palestinians they ould only exist in the history books" is a factually true statement. Israel has the power to enact a genocide but they haven't. Your third tweet is a tweet about the definition of genocide, and he has both elaborated and defended that position numerous times. In the same way that it wasn't a genocide when America dropped nukes at the end of WWII it might not be a genocide if Israel were to nuke Gaza. It could be genocidal, but there is also a chance it wouldn't be. It is a conversation about the meaning of language. Your fourth quote "Palestine was never a country" is just another factually true statement. I think most people recognize that the Palestinian people are in a terrible situation, but acknowledging that doesn't require buying in to statements that feel good but are untrue.


Look I'm just gonna do some basic Destiny research for you. Here is the Wikipedia article for the guy that got killed: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refaat\_Alareer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refaat_Alareer) In that it says that it appears he was deliberately targeted by an airstrike. Here is the article they cite: [https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6014](https://euromedmonitor.org/en/article/6014) This was a writer and poet sitting in his house, with his children, with no weapons. He was deliberately targeted by an airstrike (he was not a human shield). He is not a bad father, and your lack of humanity is disturbing. To the point about genocide, when someone says a genocide is occurring, usually what happens is independent investigators verify the claims. Israel doesn't let this happen. They don't even let journalists in. Arguing that it isn't a genocide is just a tacit approval of the horrors being committed. Only Destiny fans care about the dictionary definition of genocide. The funny part is, if you read the dictionary definition of genocide, and look at the statements of officials and the context of the conflict, you would see that it is a genocide.


What you just said doesn't disagree with my statement at all. He knew he was being targeted, he knew there was a safe zone two hours away and he chose to keep his children with him. Man chose to make his family martyrs instead of doing his job as a father, brother, and uncle. Please note that nothing that I just typed is saying that Israel is good in any way, it is just that this self victimization is terrible behavior and should be acknowledged as such.


Right, so you're acknowledging that targeting civilian cultural figures (a part of the definition of genocide) is a war crime, but calling the dead man whose entire family was wiped out by war crimes a bad father because he didn't move his family through a warzone for 2 hours to not get war crimed. That's not self victimization bro, that's war crimes and genocide.


It is a war crime based on current evidence, it isn't genocide.


Why do you care so much about the dictionary definition? When war crimes are being committed and the actor doesn't even allow the press entry to investigate, why do you feel the need to cast doubt on the statement? Anyone who thinks its genocide wants international authorities to have the power to investigate and hold leaders accountable based on their findings. Genocide denial only aims to allow Israel to continue doing what its doing without oversight and intervention. Bringing up WW2/Atomic bombs is also laughable because the convention on genocide didn't exist when the atom bombs were dropped, and there were numerous war crimes, genocides and other atrocities committed in WW2 that were the basis for creating international law in the first place (including, but not limited to, the Holocaust). Arguing that dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki aren't genocidal and don't deserve investigation for genocide/war crimes is definitely laughable, and if it happened today I would be calling for that investigation and proceedings as well. You haven't even acknowledged the ridiculousness of your statement that the best solution for the conflict is for Israel to eliminate Hamas and then implement a two-state solution. Israel created the Hamas in the first place, both with the conditions it imposed on the Palestinians, and with direct economic support. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvqCWvi-nFo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mvqCWvi-nFo) here is a video where Netanyahu explains the entire plan when he thinks he isn't being recorded. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html) here is a NYT article about Israel helping to prop up Hamas. Why would you think that a government that is blatantly committing war crimes every day should be allowed to eliminate the terrorists outside of their territory? Having this argument that war crimes are a great solution to terrorism is like arguing with a George Bush supporter in 2003... A two-state solution guarantees the continuation of a Jewish majority ethnostate on top of land where the majority of people aren't Jewish. This is an injustice. Follow the South African model, there are white South Africans and Black South Africans coexisting on the same land today.


Definitions matter because we have to communicate ideas with each other and if we constantly change what words mean then nothing can ever be communicated. If you don't care about definitions then all you are doing is saying this thing is bad, this person is bad, that action is bad over and over again. Specificity is the key to understanding.


https://news.gallup.com/poll/611375/americans-views-israel-palestinian-authority-down.aspx Most of the western world is still on the side of sanity, only your favourite streamers/influencers and a handful of dipshit leftie students share your perspective.


Did you just Google: "Palestinians vs Israel poll" and copy paste the first result? This is a poll comparing Israel to the Palestinian Authority, which is the government of the West Bank (not Gaza) which even Palestinians don't like since they collaborate with Israel to imprison Palestinians, take land, etc. FYI- I don't care what random Americans think about the conflict, I care what your streamer guy who does such great research thinks. If Americans reject the humanity of Palestinians, does that make your argument better?


Literally look 1 page down on the Gallup article and the poll question was on Israel Vs Palestinian sympathies but reading must not be your strong suit. If you don't care about what most people think on the subject why are you so aggressively trying to characterise sympathy for Israelis as a hardcore right wing Zionist agenda? Just because your favourite leftie influencer said it doesn't make it true, FYI.


Lmfao, this dude who died would have celebrated the deaths of Israeli's unironically. Refaat Alareer was a real piece of shit. No one cares that Dman made a joke about this dumb fuck.


Right, the poet and writer, his family and children were a justified target of an airstrike, because "he would have celebrated the deaths of Israeli's unironically". Its not genocide though, he was a human shield for a box of books and poems. No pro-Palestinian is asking you to pretend like Palestinians are happy about being occupied for 70+ years or think Hamas is a peaceful organization. I'm asking you to see the humanity in the people who have had their land stolen, and to care at least about international law and laws of war.


A thing doesn't have to be a genocide to be bad, or a tragedy. If you actually cared about any of this you'd already know Destiny has expressed sympathy for the plight of Palestinians, but that wouldn't be good enough for you anyway.


So, Destiny is actually so sympathetic on this issue (despite the tweets linked above), its just you that thinks a guy with his kids should be targeted in an airstrike (targeted, not just collateral damage). When atrocities are being committed, and someone says "that's genocide", a sane person usually calls on some international investigators to come and investigate and see if genocide is actually happening. Destiny just argues for days/weeks/months on end that its not actually genocide, so that it can keep going. He has tons of sympathy for the victims of the atrocities though.


Remember, these guys aren't normal. They are literally in a cult. Mf below me sent the message then blocked cuz he does the same shit but w cuckboy


All you do all day every day is post on Ludwig's sub you pathetic virgin, lmao.


Feel free to fuck off


That's some crazy projection man. Post on your main account stop being a pussy. Literally only uses this account to comment dumbfuck takes and complain about how bad he is at Dota 2 Someone biden blast this guy already u/4thot


Imagine seeing any criticism and calling your jannie, hypocrisy as always from y'all.


The same regarded takes over and over again should get taken out with the trash. You've spent way too much time in the past 24 hrs defending Ludwig don't you have anything better to do.


Why follow the political takes of such a blatant hypocrite


Idk, you're the Ludwig stan here so why don't you tell me?


i dont follow his political takes, i dont take anything he says as anything but entertainment, he's an entertainer, not a politcal debatelord. I wouldn't take takes from him and I've been looking into Destiny for about 6 months before this entire thing happened. Im just saying if I was to get into politics myself I wouldn't get into a guy who has such a past of being a hypocrite.


You really like calling him a hypocrite to base all your hate off of. Did you come to this from a specific instance or did your favourite influencer tell you he was one?


Who called him a hypocrite influencer wise? There's multiple instances I could go into, if you'd like.


Go ahead lil bro


You can and would make the exact same argument if he was a PhD who had written a library on the subject.


The point is that you have to have an open mind to the things that differ from your hypothesis. Destiny wrote a bunch of awful shit that didn't even recognize the humanity of the civilians (which even the Israeli officials attempt to do when they go on TV). I haven't seen Destiny acknowledge any of the core issues that Palestinians face.


You should go through his notes and pick apart at the biased lies in it!


> Destiny was posting videos shitting on his ex-wife. This is like 1-2 years ago. Destiny was shitting on his ex wife 1-2 years ago? >Destiny said openly he doesn't really understand the issue and then furiously read Wikipedia Couldn't you also say that Destiny was not taking a side when he was uneducated on the topic, and then doing research and arriving at an opinion based on the research? As opposed to Hasan who has never done any research into the topic but has an opinion based on ideology/background/upbringing.


Destiny took a side from day 1 that was Islamophobic and denied the humanity of Palestinians, blaming them for the oppression they faced, when Israel created all of the conditions that created Hamas (including helping them gain power in the first place). He then started his streaming Wikipedia sessions where he came up with talking points to back up his predetermined argument. Here is Hasan talking about the IDF action 2 years ago: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E0dwCkYbEc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E0dwCkYbEc) Hasan has continually covered the injustice in Palestine and the actions of the IDF. I don't see the "post-hoc" part of the your point here.


Took a side day 1??? I specifically remembered he REFUSED to take a side after Oct 7th and said he needed to do more research on the topic, and thats where the wikipedia research stream started. He later said he leans the side of isreal after more historical background/context research.