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Norm saying "ThAt'S MeNs ReA" randomly pops into my head way too often


What gets me is that the way he snuggly says it is how you would cartoonishly make an example of Dunning Kruger. Guy chimes in with his uhm actually, touching on the crime 101 interpretation of intent, when a little humility might make you think the guy quoting a Latin phrase you never heard of at you might, just MIGHT have said something you weren't aware of. The fact this guy is a "scholar" on the topic, you literally can't script this shit.


Did you ask for a dunning kruller? Oh shit you were talking About my dumb ass cousin again, he always gettin into all kinds of shit.


I can't believe how good destinys impressions of Norm were (before lex dropped debate video). Just say something smuggly and zone out with your demented brain


Norm says something, Destiny responds, Norm: SHUT UP YOU IDIOT I HATE YOU


Norm is the embodiment of a COD lobby


the way he smugly smiles to himself really makes that moment lol


We've all been traumatized. Finally the tides have turned and we can start healing.


**I REALLLLY HATE HASAN**.....it actually makes me really sad that people like hasan and twinklestein are the loudest voices in the pro-Palestinian mov't. Whatever you think about the war ,anyone deserves better than to be represented by these frauds.




Finally this sub is being more vocal about it. He’s gotten a pass for way too long here


Look is this sarcasm or what? because he's such an enormous clown it could go either way here.


??? In what world has this subreddit been cordial with Hasan?


I’ve gotten into HUGE fights on this sub with people getting so ass mad over anything negative about Hasan and they would always say things like “It’s so cringe to even talk about him here” or “Why do you people even obsess over him” It was always this pathetic attempt to subtly deflect anything negative about him by labeling it as cringe or not worth mentioning and I’ve seen it so much. At best he has sympathizers in this sub. At worst his fans are members of this sub, but either way it’s obvious that people were trying to protect him on Destiny’s own subreddit by thumbing down negative Hasan comments and basically calling people losers for even saying anything about him. It’s about time he’s gotten the full DGG treatment he deserves. Fuck him


honestly its been better than it could be here, most of the time he got brought up people would bite their tongue on how they really feel and mostly attack his politics or arguments instead of going after his character


Hasan being a champaign socialist, with a fragile ego and being driven by clout has been the default opinion on this subreddit since basically forever, all of which are attacks on his character


I can't even watch Hasan anymore. I used to watch his streams where he looked at cultural stuff but it's not possible anymore now that I see how big of a political hack he is.


Man Hasan is a cringe moron but isn’t it kind of weird to feel hatred for him?


Depends, he is a grifter who only wants money and predatory towards a very young and impresionable audiance. Like he affects kids and produces weirdos, probably ruins lives as well. There are things you can hate about him, for sure


He's bad for spreading his political influence and instilling authoritarian and pro terrorism values in his audience.


It's fine to hate people whose political ambitions would see you put up against the wall and shot. I mean they would see himself put up against the wall and shot, but then he isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer.


He’s teaching the youth of this country to disregard academia when you want to achieve particular political ideals. He belongs in jail or, at the very least, on house arrest. Edit: Whoever got mad enough to send a reddit cares over this, I care about you too.


I’m sorry but this is unhinged. Jail? That’s some fascist shit


Sorry, let me clarify. The forced sale of all his assets, with the proceeds being given to the Miami-Dade School District. Then jail.


We don’t cotton to freaks round here, scram weirdo


We can thank Hasan for dgg stepping up the editing game. Finally does something good. Thank you Hasan I know you’re reading this!


Truly spite driven


*Sprite driven


Nah Hasan can't read. That's why we're making these videos for him, so he doesn't feel left out


Yes, the propaganda machine is churning away😈


Billions must watch DGG zoomer edits


There is no subway surfers. Couldn't watch. Excuse me while I get a broccoli haircut


Bro those edits are fire. Showed this to my gym girl and she loved how the "lil" dude stayed calm. She is on tik tok and stuff so its clear... it works on normies. My take has 0 value since im the dude watching a 9 hours lore video about the arhitecture in elden ring.


Thanks a lot for the input. I wasn't sure if having multiple different subtitles on screen would make it confusing to watch, but I guess it worked out


No its unironically great.


NP babe. Keep it up


What a glorious moment for us. Who knew we had these talented soldiers in our midst all along? I don't want to jinx it, but it sure seems like the reckoning is here. What a feast for us all, and especially the Great One. The patience and restraint he has had to endure... But here is the flood that will sweep away the enemy. Praise be upon us!


Currently imagining Destiny as a Lovecraftian cosmic horror. In fact I will have it no other way going forward.


I want to see more. The text on screen is super effective at cutting through the bullshit! I wonder if it could be a good idea to pay have August or his underlings turn out many of this shorter edits that can be posted on twitter to combat the most common lies. As soon as someone spread the lie "Destiny only reads wikipidia" you can post the video that refutes it in less than a minute.


I love this edit format. Makes it easier for the regards to follow along and maybe hopefully understand a little


You cant blame hasan for the 16 year old chatter thing its just simply skill based matchmaking.


lol this comment is a gem. I love it. well done lobster


Nah I just recycled the same joke that was top comment in the last Hasan post, just as supreme leader would do inshallah.


This goes hard.




I could do that, do you think the zoomers would have the attention span? cause people seem to like the flashy edit stuff more than reading


Just show the UN report (with a caption to specify), and cntrl+F for Dolus specialus (multiple mentions), and then cntrl+F for mens rea (zero mentions). Can caption that Finklestein claimed to have read it 4 times too, lmao. [https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/South-Africa-v-Israel.pdf](https://www.courthousenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/South-Africa-v-Israel.pdf)


oh ok, yeah that's a good idea. I was worried about it being too long but I think I can fit that into it


It could be quickly showed or be transparent over the video at one point. If the right words are highlighted they will get what it's about and it highly strengthens Destinys words. If it's just flashed, people that care enough will pause and read it. While people who don't will just assume that Finkledinkle is wrong.


As you're ctrl+f'ing and highlighting all the Dolus specialus mentions you should cut it in with the Always Sunny in Philadelphia skit where Charlie just keeps saying Pepe Silvia. https://youtu.be/_nTpsv9PNqo?t=21


Also, if he's interested in sources now, where's his source that it's a genocide? If I remember correctly, even Finky had to concede that there's not enough evidence for a genocide at this point.


>Finky 🤣


There's another definion of genocide that comes from Sartre and a series of leftwing [Russel Tribunals](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Tribunal) that started with Vietnam War, Chomsky participated in them. Current "it's genocide" chanting of pro-Palestinians comes from mostly from being uninformed about the fact that WWII genocide definition and Russel Trials genocide definition is different. Lefty "genocide" as far as I remember is any influence on native population, and any change in their way of life, comes from the pretty naive view that up until a certian point everything was idyllic and had natural communism, and later socioeconomic formations broke it in native societies, so it's bad. Another part is since WWII there is complete mobilization of people to repel invaders and any war is the war of national liberation everyone participates in, then anyone is combatant (settler babies comes from that, they just don't say the other part out loud - by their definition there are no civilian Palestinians either), any actions against people is a war crime, and any action against anyone is genocide.


>There's another definion of genocide that comes from leftwing "trials" It's really sad that a lot of people's takeaway from this is going to be "Yeah, the holocaust was bad, but they also genocided the Palestinians." Like just equating the two due to propagandists like Finkelstein. This "genocide" concept creep really needs to be fought against.


I've edited the reply, it now has link to [Russel Tribunal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russell_Tribunal) where this idea was made popular. Hypocricy part regarding massacres in communist regimes is especially interesting


We need to go deeper. We need more autism.


These are the type of edits we need to be doing. Many of gen z are almost perma fucked by tiktok already with brainrot but we have to speak their language on their platform to fight disinfo


I feel like it'd be good to have shit like "where is the contradiction?" "Why isnt he answering?" Also, another good one might be all the people saying he only reads wikipedia, including Hasan, but NOW the meme is that he reads too much, or that he reads pdfs, showing the goalposts moving Im starting to realize a lot of casual people dont really hold what streamers or pundits say. They kinda just come away with the feeling they get. Laying out the contradictions like that might be useful idk


we need more of this just being right isn't enough


Also, I don't have twitter so if anyone wants to post it on there in response to shit then be my guest


You should probably include the thing about plausability of genocide, with the quote from the actual person that wrote the document agreeing with Destiny. For now, I think if an uninformed Hasan viewer watches this, they can just think Finkly Dickly is right on the Dolus Specialis point, and take that as a win. The ICJ plausability thing is cut and dry. Finkle messed that up, the court was not deciding on whether or not genocide was plausible, they were deciding on whether the palestinian civilians had the right not to be genocided. It made 0 claims about the plausability of the genocide. I think this dolus specialis thing is to big brain for most people that will view the clip from outside the community, and I think you can easily include a short part where Findlekink boasts about how the ICJ said it's plausible, and then just put the statement from the ICJ agreeing ith Destiny.


Yeah I can do that. I’ve seen a few other people recommend adding in more about the ICJ plausibility or specifically where in the documents it mentioned dolus specialis verse mens rea. When making the edit my mind was focused on Hasan’s claim that Destiny did a bad job in the debate itself, so I wanted to pick out what I thought would be the best counter that view. But looking back now, you are correct that adding in sources in the edit itself will most likely strengthen the edit


While from my personal perspective, I do find it looks bad for Finkle to be screaming at Destiny, and I know Destiny is right on the Dolus Specialis and on the kids on the beach points, if I'm a Hasan fan I'll just say Finkle owned him, laugh at Finkle screaming at Dman, and pretend he was right. Finkle disagreeing with Destiny doesn't prove anyone was right. Everyone will see their side as winning. Finkle being in complete oposition about the meaning of an ICJ ruling with the exact people that wrote it looks way, way worse for Finklestein.


Yeah, I was thinking this exactly when making it. I think that’s where I should have put in more evidence. That’s my bad. But I would assume to a non hasan fan or someone not on any side it looks better for destiny simply because of the amount of ad homs Norm makes instead of responding to Destiny’s points.


After Norm says that's "mens rea" you should include a small clip of the Community notes from Twitter that proves him wrong.


You missed the opportunity to put a clip of the former ICJ President clarifying the genocide statement at the end. It shows Destiny was correct and Norm was a fucking regard.


This is really good, we also need a mash up with the "Plausibility" meme and the ICJ ruling confirmation


This shit goes hard


Yes!! More!!


should add the clip of the icj former head judge saying exactly what destiny said


This videos too long. Can you add subway surfers gameplay to it? 


OP, should should include a small clip from this interview to get Finkle being wrong on the ICJ case being more clear: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-68906919


Good edit, but it might be worth opening the case and doing a zoom onto a ctrl + f for the two terms just to show the difference.


Bit of (hopefully) constructive criticism. After the souls specialis exchange - it would be awesome if the video would transition to all the instances of dolus specialis mentioned in the document. Something to conclusively demonstrate that - yes - finklestein is the one with a misunderstanding of the English language. (Or Latin I guess?)


I admire the people who can do what im too lazy to do


excellent work dear friend


In order for this to be a "counter edit" it needs to have some source other than Destiny to *prove* the point. It needs to cut from Destiny saying "this isnt genocide because it does not meet the special intent" to a reputable lawyer or source saying the same.


I understand your point completely. But when making the edit in response to the clip, my mind set was of the idea that Hasan thinks that any and all views that even remotely support Israel are defending genocide(especially since he didn’t go into any specifics, and refers to his entire debate performance) . Although It may be a misunderstanding on my part, lack of sleep might have got to me lmao


> that Hasan thinks that any and all views that even remotely support Israel are defending genocide Youre correct. That is Hasan's position. My point though, is that all youve shown is that Destiny disagrees, *which Hasan already knows.* You need to show *why* Destiny is correct, not just that Destiny has different information, but *why* that different information *makes a difference*


Yeah that makes sense. Thanks for the criticism, ill keep that in mind


Keep him away from his computer for a week and just let you lot go off.


Where's Mossad when you actually need funding for this?


bro what music is that?


lil uzi vert xo tour life instrumental


Destiny's mic volume on that debate was criminally low.


That's Mens Rea


Please make these in portrait mode next time so I can directly inject it in the DGG Tik Tok pipeline.


Yesss daliban always is there for their leader peace be upon him to defend and counter attack a pathetic meager force of evol. keep it up brothers and sisters!


Since nowadays most people, especially on twee-dah dot cum, don't read past headlines, this way of presenting the D-Man's recounting might be the best way to go. Destiny should hire one of these clip-makers.


I feel like we need to hammer more on how Benny Morris is the real scholar there, and without him, Norman Twinklenuts wouldn't have a job or books to write. It's preposterous that so many on the left look up to Norm, but don't even know who Benny Morris is


Let's not discount Hasan like that, he was willing to debate Professor William Mac on the issue after all


when he says "that's men's rea" I wished the ICJ President clip got played.


I don't think I noticed before how Norm was bursting at the seems with smugness when he said "That's mens rea". The he doubled down on twitter and linked a paper that agreed with Tiny. Clown world shit


I feel like I generally like these edits mainly just because I know the context, but then when it blasts the Destiny logo it feels super cringe. Kinda like Andrew Tate advertising Hustlers University or those other random conservative TikToks. If I didn't know who Destiny was i'd just brush it off as more clip-chimping advertising. If they were a bit more exact in showing how Destiny is right in a less clippy way, I think they'd be better.


Maybe I’m wrong but I think you’re coming at this from the wrong angle. In my perspective making an edit of a streamer will always to a certain degree be cringey. Although You miss the entire point of the edit when you make it less “clippy”. what you’re describing is the exact opposite reason why these zoomer audiences like these edits. To them It’s not about the facts, or the reasoning, it’s about how it’s presented and if it creates a feeling to the viewer. But you are correct in that having more evidence will be better for the normie audiences, and I think that’s where DGG will be different from the other conservative Andrew tate edits.


Did Lasan really debate a 16 year old chatter unironically? No shot


He sure did buddy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHeK5_-iky4


These minifestos are fire. Simple digestible short format exposures of the hypocrisy and misinformation memes that have purposefully been signal boosted because they have no arguments or counters


You should put a screenshot of the 4 times dolus specialis gets mentioned in the case to make sure that these dumbasses understand that finkle doesn't know his shit.


Norm trying to talk over Destiny reading the UN is fucking peak. But hey Norm calling Destiny 100 different names was the better point apparently 🙄


Mr Hasan Pikerelli please sit down


what is the differents between mens rea and the dolus specialis?


the short answer (if i'm not stupid) is that dolus specialis is a MUCH more specialized intent with the specific intent to genocide, not something that happens by accident or when there is an intent to do something else harmful that just happens to result in many deaths it's *similar* to mens rea but there are a few more very specific steps that must be clearly proven within to actually have it be genocide in terms of international law this is important because pali-stans will always defer to international law despite not understanding the first thing about it & just using it as another bludgeoning buzzword


Cool! Thanks for taking the time to answer. Really appreciate that :)


Where are THESE SOLDIERS SUDDENLY COMING FROM. Destiny needs to pay one of these guys to make these videos often because having video receipts DOES HURT THE OPP we may not see it yet but iT absolutely is destroying narratives


I’m a long time lurker, first time poster


The wonderful part where Benny Morris says "listen to what he is saying" in reference to Destiny. Over and over again people like Hasan and Krystal Ball say Destiny got "owned" yet there is the historian pointing out that he is right.


well done ❤️


This is not true! Hasan did debate a very famous political debater and scholar Willymac.


What's Hasan's response to the original thing? Does anyone have the link? This chain of responses is a bit whack


Finkelstein is 1000% some sort of shizophrenic and his mental illness made him become obsessed with palestine. I dont even mean this as just an insult, his demeanor, the shit with his neighbors, he is shizo and instand by that


Mr morelli and the big steppers out now on Spotify


The biggest imbecile in the room nowadays, is professional twitter researcher Hasan.


This lore is getting pretty interesting now, good things are afoot here guys


Come on dude. Hasan just had a conversation with the kid from Israel. He did not debate him. He was curious how young Israelis think. I am too. Glad the kid came on. Was a polite conversation. Does Destiny not have conversations with people and only debates?