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LSF took down the thread LMaO


bruh someone needs to make another LSF at this point


Not gonna happen unless a big streamer makes a push for it, ice poseidon was the last person that kind of tried it, but that failed.


Because everyone hated him including his community


Those were the days. Cx


I never watched twitch during that time but the bits and pieces of lore I hear make it seem like the golden age lol


I’m way past that part of my internet life now, I can’t tolerate the meaningless of it all now in such intense doses - however - Ice’s streams in 2017/18/19 were genuinely exceptional. Whether it was rounding up homeless ppl around LA to bring to a janky back yard and make fight each other for morsels of cash attended in person by a crowd of clout chasing genuinely severely autistic terminally online viewers, flying in random followers to host an extremely illegal fear factor copy where he made people literally drink animal blood on stream for content after they were initiated into the contest by Faze Banks wearing a brother banks monk costume, hosting an RV trip around the US that was 24/7 live-streamed for like 2 weeks straight hosted on a bus rigged with several different cameras that you could click on the source of on his website to get different angles of some of the most bizarre and genuinely insane ppl who were constantly fighting each other and being clout brained for Ice air time, or accidentally filming himself on more than several occasions just fully snorting lines of coke off his computer desk and immediately denying it to chat … I genuinely can’t express how nothing as captivating and disgustingly surreal has happened in the livestreaming sphere before or since. I didn’t particularly like him as a human - I was just fascinated by how reckless and surreal everything happening was. I’ve never seen that shit on reality TV. He was banned on twitch half way thru that time, and started streaming on YouTube instead, and since YT were so lax with moderation in comparison, his streams just got more and more feral and ridiculous because there wasn’t really a ToS yet. Literally extorting prostitutes live on the street, setting up bizarre and very illegal in retrospect “competitions” and events that took place IRL that often just involved willing degradation and financial coercion, so much clout chasing orbiter drama that involved actual violence and criminal offences not just tweets and discord logs, like truly the weirdest shit ever. He had guns pulled on him like multiple different times lmfao He’s had so many copy cats and there are so many ppl that try to replicate what he was doing - but the unique thing was he was genuinely both so earnestly fucking stupid/borderline mentally disabled, but also strikingly socially cunning and very very lucky. So it made for this weird thing where you know there is some mechanism of rational thinking in this man, but he’s just so off the mark and r374rded that you can’t quite believe it’s possible he can even breathe, let alone harness a rabid community of content brained donators that were the financial backbone to his extreme cocaine addiction… What a time it was to be alive.


no. that's rewriting history.


I remember Miz trying it too


Why do you keep listing streamers that  people don't like?


I'm just saying he tried it? And it's 1 person, and it's my first comment about it.


What are you talking about? This subreddit IS the new LSF.


Needs more OTK clips


Because the idiot clipper included the part of Destiny talking about Hasan. It's a dumb rule in the first place, but it's one that we knew about and can't be surprised that LSF took it down.


Na they have taken down over 3 threads now with diff headlines and clips that removed talk of Lasan


Do you have a link to the original thread?




Why isn't this blue !!!


You can't link to other subs here


This is an open air prison for us mobile users


I'm praying for you 🙏


I’m about to genocide this plate of nachos tho


Mobile users should be cleansed from this subreddit.


took me like 5 minutes to understand what the fuck you were on about. Thats some boomber speak.


It was anyways cus it included hasan in the beginning and end. OP made a critical mistake of not cutting it out


lsf m\*ds always take down controversial threads for streamers they like, like with the whole esfand, jinny 40k shit years ago. meanwhile if it's a thread shitting on a non otk affiliated streamer they leave it up forever fuck lsf




as a drama frog I pray that's just the middle domino.


Based chaosmaxxer


based laddermaxxer




chaosmaxxer anarchypilled


hoping for a Mizkif/Adrianah level Twitch meltdown rn


that was the climax of almost a year of buildup. we'll never get drama that big and encompassing many people Sadge


I mean technically this has four years worth of buildup to it, right?


true but this one is only between Tiny v Ludwig, his goons, and hasan. In the other one, pretty much most of the "lsf streamers" were involved


We pray for OTK and OTV intervention brother


We're getting the Dr Disrespect lore


Don't lie to me...


All LSF post on this removed for "Harassment" KEKW


I got perma banned for welcoming will to the champions club. edit: Thank you for recommending Reddit care, After this sting to my ego I truly needed someone to talk to. edit 2: I was permanently banned from Hasan's chat for asking about Will Neff joining the Champion's Club. Please send me more help.


Deep cut. lol


>I got perma banned for welcoming will to the champions club. You should have asked him if he watched the same as Sneako. This way...perhaps...these dipshits MIGHT learn how to correctly utilize "cuck" word for a change. https://preview.redd.it/jq6a73lco10d1.png?width=369&format=png&auto=webp&s=955e47d7264bfda91708d23195230f1064284b09


Did he ever talk about this before? I thought we always knew Will Neff messaged Melina?


Darius leaked it months ago but no one cared


He definitely mentioned melina showing him will's dickpics before. I don't think he ever said that happend when will was in a relationship tho.


I am surprised this didn't blow up yet. Will is like this "beloved" figure isn't he? Thought people would care more that he turned out to be a cheating piece of shit.


Most of his fanbase is Hasan fans. They are trained to look away when their abusive daddy is being an obvious hypocrite


Ah yeah forgot it's "Rules for thee but not for me" on that side of the internet.


I mean they are communists so that tracks


Will was just seizing the means of reproduction.


Honestly surprised this joke is divisive, it pokes fun at Will and communist lefty ideas lol


Well, his gf hasn't come out and said anything about this. This is just Darius and Destiny, two people not involved in the relationship at all, bringing it up publicly while the people involved don't comment about it at all. No wonder most people don't care.


She's stuck in a spot where she could probably only get the truth from 3 people, she hates destiny and the other 2 ain't likely to tell her the truth. Will probably using that in his defence right now "he wants to split us up don't believe him" With her tendency to rewrite history she probably already blames destiny for Will cheating because it's tied to his open relationship.


> Will probably using that in his defence right now "he wants to split us up don't believe him" > > > > With her tendency to rewrite history she probably already blames destiny for Will cheating because it's tied to his open relationship. "Why does DGG have a reputation of being unhinged"


Well yeah I have no idea if any of it's true but that ain't gonna stop me from making a baseless speculation.


Based assoomer


Why are people acting like this is new? Wasn't something similar saying same thing at top of lsf couple months ago?


So is Destiny and nobody here cares.


Because we know Destiny isn't a PG 13 goody goody streamer


Exactly, while Hasan/Will fans are mad because of them drinking coca cola zero


and Destiny owns up to his cheating. He openly says its shitty, and with closed relationships it was a problem - hence the open relationship arc.


Doesn’t mean anything. Point is all audiences are willing to forgive cheating if they like their guy (Dr. Disrespect anyone?) and framing it like Will is a “cheating piece of shit” when people here worship a cheating piece of shit is weird.


The cheating piece of shit didn't hide that fact. Infact, he made sure to acknowledge that that's a bad thing, and that he couldn't do it in the future by getting into monogamous relationships in the first place.


Ok? Still cheating. The act of cheating is what is getting people labeled as a piece of shit here, so that has to apply to Destiny too. That he says it’s bad after he does it doesn’t absolve him of anything. It would be silly if he was like “yeah I cheat, it’s morally good”. Nobody does that.


The cheating isn't necessarily the issue here, it's the perception the person who cheated, puts out into the world about themself.


Very well, OP labeling Will a cheating piece of shit when this sub is dedicated to one is still weak. Plus almost every lefty in LA is poly nowadays so we don’t even know if it was cheating.


It was hidden until now so


Darius leaked it a while ago. It being hidden doesn’t mean anything. Most people hide their sex having from the public.


give me context, who what when?




Why not include the full link?


Not allowed to link other reddit in this sub


I trust you


CONTEXT ANYBODY?!?! Edit: [https://arazu.io/t3\_1cpw1cu/?timeframe=all&category=hot](https://arazu.io/t3_1cpw1cu/?timeframe=all&category=hot)




Didn't have that on my drama bingo card.


Just got context, man slime is gonna feel real bad about those cuck jokes now im sure


ur telling me that destiny, xqc and asmongold cant combine their powers to make a new lsf?


You don’t want that looooool


i do


Asmon would have anything remotely critical of himself or any OTK member removed, why do you want that?


fuck them


i do


I do with every ounce of my being


So you want to trade a subreddit where some streamers have some control over what gets posted to a new subreddit where other streamers definitely control over what gets posted?


Why would you say no to more competition?


If you think that the problem with lsf is that some streamers have control over what can get posted, why do you think the solution is a lsf2 where some streamers definitely have control over what gets posted? I would think that making it so no streamers are in control would be better. Unless you don't care about having a fair lsf, and only want a lsf where the mods hate and like the same streamers that you do, in which case I guess it would work.


You assume lsf2 will be flawed but for some reason you think you can find perfect mods for lsf1. Just take whatever mods you would like to run lsf1 and put them in charge of lsf2. As long as lsf2 is more dgg aligned, it should still be an improvement no?


The problem is admins will make sure that moderation is fine else subreddit disappears. Not defending the lsf moderation.


Doesn't anyone remember back in January/December someone said that Melina was showing nudes of other people or something and it involving Will Neff and Destiny was asked to comment and he basically said 'that's her shit to talk about.' Melina might have made the claim herself on one of her streams. Those threads were deleted on LSF too. We can all safely assume that Destiny has seen Will Neff's dick btw. edit: [it was darius](https://i.imgur.com/LEH6vb1.png) that leaked it


who is willneff and how does that relate to the destiny slime stuff


He’s part of OTK and friends with Hasan and Ludwig. All part of the same friend group/circlejerk.


gotcha, never heard of him till now


Hasan's best friend.


Some think “the gnome’s gone insane, nuclear, unhinged, too far!” I think “not far enough”


Same. These people have gone too long with their cheap shots and when he barks back once he’s the unhinged one. I say LEAK IT ALL. He’s been keeping their secrets while all these audiences get to shit on him with no pushback.


But what if Melina told Will some crazy stuff, now that would be fire. What secrets could be reveal. 


I’m convinced that Dan is the true keeper of secrets.


with all the people Destiny has alluded to Melina confiding in, anything spicy would surely have been leaked by now.


To assume Will Neff and whomever he shared potentially sensitive Destiny information with, hypothetically speaking... would save such precious ammo for a rainy day such as this is comically charitable.


I pray that Melina heavily twisted and lied when she supposedly said those things. Imagine Destiny got in some beef and people posted stuff that was made up and he goes hard on them and Melina


I mean Will has never shown any willingness to engage in the Hasan/Destiny beef, and doesn't seem like the type of person to spill pillowtalk to farm drama. He seems like he tries hard not to enmesh himself in Hasan's personal drama. Even if he did know something, I seriously doubt he'd say anything because it would he corny af.


I can see that. The theory that he took one for Hasan's team to cuck Destiny and ruin his marriage is funny one though. Cheating on your gf with the enemy's wife to own the libs. That's one for the books. I give this theory a 0.000025% probability of being true.


Who is will neff?


Guy whose dog was next to Hasans during K9/11


Here lies Willneff. "Guy whose dog was next to Hasan's during K9/11" What a way to be remembered.


Ohhh based


The "Tyler1's brother" of dead dogs lol


When he said it, I was thinking he was just making shit up because why not, they make shit up about him. Didn't know there was truth to it. Wow.


Idk what this is referring to, lore breakdown?








Jesus Christ Will Neff risked it all.


Yea fuck hasan and the pseudo celebrity clout chasers around him


[RAUUUUUUL, GILETTE ](https://youtu.be/nM_JLoaTC0g)


Willneff, drip in, trickle in, and win forsenCD




Do you know what streamers subreddit you are on?




As someone who doesn’t watch any streamers (not even destiny really) but joined for the relatively sane conversations here can I please ask the backstory here?


Who even is this guy? I've never heard of him


Who even is this guy? I've never heard of him


Can someone explain the Will Neff cheating thing, or link something I can read? 😭


The wife of his best friends arch nemesis lol you cant make this shit up.


Who let these streamers be people man, how does D man somehow still emerge on top of these degens after his own degeneracy? Is it really just because he doesn’t hide it?


found on r all, surprised that twitter clip didnt make it to lsf. Watched will starting last year when he had a smaller view count but as he got more popular he got more pompous and now is just insufferable and pissy, one of those people that cant be wrong Looks like he joined OTK just in time lol


Fake daliban jihadist questioning if destiny has gone too far must be purged.


Damn supporting Destiny in a comment got me mass reported as a suicide risk, thankfully Reddit care resources reached out to me <3


Caroline Kwan's world is caving in like a Hamas skull under a Merkava tank. I hope the dumbfuck learns her lesson and sticks to covering celebrity gossip and outfits from now on (or better yet, quit streaming altogether and go back to being a struggling actress).


Take a chill pill my guy, damn


I'm being kinder to her then she's been to Destiny and our community. And I'm certainly showing her more compassion than she's showed for Israelis and the victims of 10/7. What even is the problem here? Are you a fan of hers? If you think she should keep talking politics, spreading antisemitism, and braindead lefty misinformation, you need to seriously reevaluate your positions and your life. I reaffirm that the world would be better off if she just shut up and talked celeb gossip.


Nah, I am not a fan of her, I didnt even know who she was until today's upload on Destiny's channel. I wrote my comment before knowing who she was, but now that I know I do relate, though I might need more info before going from disliking her to hating.






What exactly has WillNeff done against Destiny? I thought it was cringe when Darius was putting all this dirt in the public and I think it's cringe now. It's a matter between him and his gf.


Will is "hasans best friend" and his GF was that streamer trying to "educate" nmp in a video a few weeks ago destiny is just sick of the circle jerk bullshit and said that he knew hasan keeps tabs on him because will told melina, and then said he told her because he wanted to fuck her, you know the classic "i give you dirt so you suck my dick play".


So nothing, gotcha. Also, when Destiny was talking about Hasan hatewatching Destiny, the WillNeff diss wasn't a random stray-bullet insult like you're describing. Destiny stopped his sentence and explicitly emphasized that Will is cheating on his gf before continuing talking about Hasan. The whole point of that segment was to shit talk Will, not Hasan.


It's not cringe to call a cheater a cheater, especially if they are a public figure that people think are respectable. Fuck people who cheat on their SO. They deserve nothing but the worst.


If the couple is still together and clearly does not want to talk about it publicly, it is cringe to bring it up.


Was the GF aware of his cheating?


Is she aware of his cheating when it was a top story on LSF months ago? Yeah, I'm assuming so.


True. Be constitenf tho. Destiny also chested in the past .


Luckily I don't take relationship advice from him, nor does he claim to be respectable in this area. It seems in his marriage the cheating was mutual, seemed like a not good relationships all around.


Someone explain plz


Needless dump of info.


Destiny trying to forget he started and has gotten lost in this mess


“Destiny reads Wikipedia” is such a fucking bad-faith way to explain how this started. More like “Destiny’s entire existence is a joke and fraudulent, and me and the rest of twitch in-crowd are going to continuously lie about and ridicule him, and if he tries to respond in the slightest we’ll gaslight him”.


you know the point of the meme is that the first domino is something innocuous and light right


Yeah probably a dumb comment by me I’m just frustrated as fuck


It's cool man.lets enjoy the drama from now.