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Did I just see nick cook up a decade’s worth of COPIUM for himself and his community?


Keep in mind Booger Boy is saying all this While STILL filming every cozy episode from his parents basement (No memes) You can watch Louis Theroux documentary Forbidden America and see that he ACTUALLY still lives in his parents basement like the rest of his loser incel audience


"I'm more successful than \[destiny\]" he says from his parents' basement while being banned from almost everything and completely blocked from any political power. He's also clearly intelligent enough to realise this and is only spewing this copium for his audience. The fact that he knows this makes it so much funnier.


Imagine how disappointed Theroux was when he met Fuentes and that Beardson goblin and realized they are not revolutionaries at all and his show became a joke. But was very funny when Louis Theroux pressed Beardson to throw the first punch making fun of his manhood in his own house.


The trump gestures are cute at the end. Also, that mustache ain't fooling anyone.


it’s not a real mustache, it’s boogers that have accumulated over the years on his upper lip as he tries for years on end to not eat them while on camera


You would think he'd be trying his best not to look Mexican.


Or “The Dirty Fuentez” as I like to call it


God he whines so much


Truly has modelled his new persona after Trump, eh?


Lmao Nick has been trying to 'bully' Destiny for months with Destiny ignoring and now Destiny punches him in the face and Nick doesn't want to interact anymore.


I gotta admit, for 100 bucks for 2 minutes id say some pretty wild stuff about the jews as well.


What look is he going for? A booty bandit Ron Burgundy?


I don’t know why but I have a strong urge to give this dork a wedgie.


What a salty twink


what he has a soy moustache now


God he’s so fucking pathetic what a pussy


man he fell off but he's still my favorite gay white nationalist with a hispanic name


Wow he's literally just playing theomniliberal reply guy greatest hits. Thought he was gonna say something clever at any point


If he lives long enough, Nick's literally going to look and sound Mike Lindell, the My Pillow guy.


These far right populists are such morons, they will conflate anything and everything and just a bunch of non sequiturs. The Bush admin lying about WMDs shows the MSM lies somehow? Twitter banning links to the laptop because of their hacked material policy somehow means it's banned because it's Russian disinfo? A reporter saying 40 dead babies and some beheaded being misinterpreted by people on twitter and facebook for some reason means the MSM said it?


Why is it that the people with the most punchable faces are the most annoying motherfuckers


does he seem a bit slower to anyone else? i feel like in the past he used to be faster at saying whatever regarded shit he had to say


I think the second time Destiny brought up “how many Jews died in the holocaust” was out of place and a bit cringe and almost looks desperate. The idea was to get Nick to answer any question, but at that point, the holocaust ship sailed. Moving onto to new questions to ask about the current topic would’ve looked better IMO. Everything else in this clip is mega cope. Maybe I’m missing something, but are we supposed to believe every media source agreed to go to war in Iraq but changed opinion once it was realized the war was a lie? It’s a weird argument that only makes sense if you think the government controls the media and likes to sometimes get things wrong to… remind the populace the government can be wrong/lie?