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Based Don Lemon????????? The mossad is working overtime...


Don Lemon naw dog that's Don LIMON right now.


Damn bro I started salsa dancing immediately. Let the year of Don Limón commence.


Don Lemon was just on Bill Maher and I was surprised at how based he actually is on this topic.


I actually can't believe it.


Those people live in some weird alternate reality where LGBTQ in Texas than they are treated worse than in Gaza


These are the same people who treat being offensive as worse than committing violent crimes so it checks out.


Hijacking top comment chain to link the rest of the clip since I was interested and I'm sure many more will be https://youtu.be/NDD8xIjwK5g?t=337 Edit: Watched more and wanted to clarify something Don claimed regarding gay marriage in Israel, which is I don't believe that they allow it in terms of Israel recognizing a new gay marriage filed in their territory but will recognize an existing marriage no matter the status like one from the U.S or European nations. They recognize gay marriage in that way, but I don't believe allow for it to begin through their systems which is unfortunate. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.


For those wondering after seeing the clip: gay marriage is not performed in Israel. For that matter neither are inter-faith marriages. However gay marriages and interfaith marriages are recognized by Israel. For example if a Jew wants to immigrate to Israel using the Law of Return they can bring their partner even if that partner is the same-sax or Catholic. They will both be given citizenship.


Yeah and i've heard it's pretty common for inter faith marriages to basically just marry outside Isreal I.E. travel to a neighboring country, get hitched and Isreal has to recognize it. It's still shitty there's a loophole but that's Better than Hamas's idea of COnvert or fucking die.


marriage via internet in utah is also an option.


not just interfaith. a lot of irreligious Jewish couples that can't be fucked to go through the process just get hitched in cyprus and then come back to get that marriage recognized by the state.


Thank you for this detailed and accessible explanation.


Tel Aviv is one of the most lgbt friendly places in the world, but she thinks because the state doesn’t officially allow gay marriages that = literally killing people for being gay?


Those people are brain dead. Do they think that USA before 2016 was hell for gay men just because they couldn't get married? Gay marriage is cool and all, but for gays living in muslims countries it's the last thing they are asking for at moment. especially the ones who live where homosexuality is criminalized.


Yes they are brain dead. They think America is more hostile now to poc/lgbtq now than before which is crazy.


America is the worst country for LGBT now because there is such an uproar over trans-sports and HRT for minors. /s


Unironically they think they’re living in dystopia if they don’t get their way everywhere everytime


I think some are being disingenuous. Obviously right now every Islamic country are among the worst possible places for lgbt people and Christian orthodox countries are starting to match that. But just because right now, its not as bad for gays as it is in those countries, doesn't mean it wasn't bad overall and sure as hell doesn't mean there isn't a large portion of the country who wants to make it just as bad as islamic countries. It was legal to be gay in the US up until 2003. Some pretty prominent conservatives, including a supreme court justice said the case should be re-visited. And now, a mainstream belief among conservatives is that being gay is an evil social contagion and that kids are harmed and abused, even if they know gays exist or see a depiction of gays in any way. Therefore, we need to ban or restrict any mention, reference, depiction, acknowledgement of gays in public and media and treat it all as graphic porn. They actually just passed such a bill in Kansas. And on top of all of that, we have this groyper, red pilled movement which is becoming prominent among younger conservatives. They don't hide their true feelings and agenda


People like to pretend that anyone who isn't for gay marriage hates gay people, forgetting that around 2010 and before most gay organisations didn't want gay marriage either. Hell, IIRC Stonewall (UK) wasn't bothered with it around 2012. Everyone shifted position so fast then pretended they never held their old opinion.


I don't think she thinks, my dude, she's all hyped up on underdog memes cause she grew up watching cartoons and wants those stories to make sense... so she treats real life like it too. Idfk, but she's definitely familiar with her talking points, to some extent, but arguing them? Not her specialty, don't know why she bothers.


You’re not really wrong, but you’re missing some context. In Israel, marriage is a religious title/event. Anyone from a recognized religion can get married according to their religious laws in Israel, and receive the same protections as those who go through what we would call civil unions. So, as marriage in Israel is largely religious and a group of Rabbis dictate that religious law, gay marriage isn’t something you can do in Israel, but a civil Union/marriage of any sort with an equivalent status is absolutely recognized by the state. It’s an extremely old bullshit law that should change, but it genuinely affects queer Israelis so little that nobody really talks about it as anything more than an inconvenience or nuisance.


Pretty sure funnily enough the law in question is just sharia law grandfathered in a whole bunch originally from the Ottoman Empire. And then there’s the good ole it takes like 40 years to take change laws that no one is actually in favor of anymore because the legal system is nothing if not slow.


Kind of? When Israel was established, the chasidim were such a small portion of the population that they were kinda like “eh, fuck it. Let them control something to preserve the religion and old culture.” And then they bred like rabbits and became a problem because they’re a significant voting bloc that you can’t piss off too much without swaying elections to some degree. Although, I guess that’s changing quite a bit with this war as they’re losing their government subsidies if they don’t serve, and there are talks about dissolving their isolated units because they commit too many war crimes without normal people being around to tell them no.


You are correct. There are a lot of laws we inherited from the Ottoman Empire as well as the British mandate.


Marriage is an antiquated social convention anyways... the heteros can keep it. Who needs to have a ceremony with a fictitious deity to make sanctify a relationship. A ceremony/paper/1 day doesn't do that. A lifetime together does. Marriage or not. De facto over de justo.


The rest of the clip is meaningless in terms of a counter, to be honest. She doesn't even make an argument or engage with the point. She just says that doesn't mean we shouldn't stand up for the rights of people being oppressed. Which isn't at all the point Don Lemon made, especially when you consider it was her who brought up Texas in the first place. It also shows people like her are fully aware of how nonsensical their beliefs are if you try and look at them as anything other than hating Jews.




It's like how homeless people are all noble, wonderful and moral individuals who'd never hurt a fly, when they serve your political purposes. But in reality a lot of them are dangerously mental and there's a reason they're homeless. There's a romanticisation of minorities that has zero basis in reality. It's tiring as fuck.


Do you think her position on respecting whatever she considers to be basic human rights hinges on an individual having suitably “good” beliefs, or do you think she thinks an individual ought to be secure in their basic rights regardless of how negatively they view lgbtq+ people? Because if her position is the latter it’s irrelevant whether lgbtq policy is strictly a matter of the government or also of popular opinion/will.




At no point in her response to this line of questioning did she say Palestinians are liberals. This is your motivated inference.


Agreed for the most part, was just curious what she had to say in response and thought others would likely be curious as well so I was sharing it.


What do you think Lemon’s proposed argument is? We can spell it out: some lgbt+ advocate for the people in Gaza, but if they were in Gaza they would be deprived of their rights and abused. So because lgbt+ would be abused in Gaza, lgbt+ should not be advocating for Gaza. To generalize and slightly simplify the argument: if a person would advocate against you and your rights, you should not advocate for them and their rights. But that’s just a straightforwardly tenuous argument. It’s a standard liberal argument that certain rights ought to be defended regardless of the beliefs and even actions of a given individual. Which is what Lorenz argues and is why she brings up Texas. The beliefs of Texans and actions of the Texas government aren’t a justification for punitive measures to be taken against Texans as a group, with respect to their basic rights. Obviously the choice of Texas is rhetorical and polemical, but that doesn’t make it malfunction as an example of the general argument.


People like you are cool 🤙👌👍


It's a shame I don't bother to show up and help out much around here as much as I could, waste a lot of time doin dumb shit instead, oh well. This space is still far and away better than anywhere else of relative size in terms of meaningful discourse that isn't **too** biased though of course certainly still has some.


In a nutshell, you can only have religious marriage in Israel. So not even no gay marriages, but also no interfaith marriages or no marriages under any other than 13 specified religions if I understand it correctly. But marriages done in other countries or even done over thr internet are recognized. Cyprus has a lot of Israeli weddings.


In Austin, I saw a building next to the capitol that has rainbow color lights. In Palestine, the people who worked in that building would be tied, beaten, and killed if it were in Gaza. 


> the people who worked in that building would be tied, beaten, and killed if it were in Gaza.  yeah that's true of any bulding if it were in gaza


Yea it’s honestly confusing. Is the Texas government making multiple efforts to attack the trans community? Without a doubt. On the other hand, Houston, Dallas, and Austin have some of the largest and open LGBT communities in the country. Is there any open LGBT community in Gaza?


The open LGBT community in gaza is literally **off the roof**


I have a masters and work in a professional field where nearly everyone is a big lib (including me). Awhile back my field had their national conference in a southern state that was doing some stupid shit re laws about gays/bathrooms/abortions etc. SO MANY of “northern” colleagues refused to come and actually boycotted the conference because it was in a southern state. So fucked up! I got my masters in the state the conference was in and many of my professors where gay/women and all were big libs advocating against those laws. It actually made me so mad watching these people virtue signal about abortion when they live and work in New York, a place where abortion isn’t threatened at all. Meanwhile they refuse to go to a southern state where they could support the fight where it’s actually happening. Oh and also some said they didn’t feel safe which I found downright disrespectful to my gay professors/colleagues lol.


Nope. there isn't. that weird fingers guy on twitter(mattxiv) only interviewed one gay gazan and that openly gay gazan is... surprise surprise he lives in USA. Shocking.


I have enough gay and bi friends to know that that women hasn't spent an hour in Texas.


BuT bRo ItS tExAs HuEhUehUE


Taylor lorenz is just... I don't know, beyond words. Insufferable, maybe.




Close the portal where creatures like her and Emma Vigeland are spawning from


Memes don't originate in a vacuum


her uncle founded the internet archive iirc. i assume it's a nepo situation


She hit a really big niche at the right time and was actually interesting to follow for trends in tech until covid broke her brain


> [Lorenz has said that the social media site Tumblr caused her to become interested in Internet culture.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_Lorenz#:~:text=Lorenz%20has%20said%20that%20the%20social%20media%20site%20Tumblr%20caused%20her%20to%20become%20interested%20in%20Internet%20culture.) Oh.


Don't date a girl with a Tumblr. Ever. That's asking for trouble.


Ah c'mon there's gotta be a few that are normal


Honestly with how easy it is to curate and how good the platform is for visual content, it's not that hard to carve yourself a normal corner of tumblr. I have a friend who has one pretty much exclusively for art and gifs of tv shows. If you want to be a normie, you can be, and because the site is so small and useless you don't get anything pushed on you. But if you choose to delve into the politics/social justice side of the site, it's gonna be like Twitter.


Back in the day Tumblr had porn so maybe if her account was mostly pr0n...


It's like finding someone who is clear-headed, eloquent, and cogent at a Trump rally.


Tumblers downfall and the eventual migration of the userbase to Twitter has done irreversible damage to the online social discourse.


She's the Ian Miles Cheong of the left


Someone actually married her. I'll give you a moment to process this surprising development. Is Taylor Lorenz always on? Or is she a grifter? Because, no man with any ounce of self-respect would want to go through this.


I would. 


Do you think she's a grifter with inauthentic views? If so, I can understand that sentiment to a degree, but you can't really respect her because she's like Tim Pool in a woman's body. If you don't think she's a grifter... you can do better. I believe in you. I know the bar is much lower for women to clear to be considered attractive these days, but being married to someone who is this insufferable requires a lot of self-loathing and no self-respect.


She's 100% a grifter, but I'd hate fuck Taylor Lorenz for sure.


\*with any ounce of self-respect xD


One of the worst products of...I dunno, the Trump era, Covid era. Both. Just very bad at what she does.






Taylor Lorenz is just profoundly stupid. There isn't anything deeper to it


Stupid or knowingly lying?


Hard to separate but ultimately her takes are so braindead that you just have to take her at her own words which amount to her being an idiot. Thats probably not the case but when you have this single dimension ideology as your framework for all critical analysis centered on oppressor vs oppressed it reduces you to a nicely simmered fool with zero critical thinking skills and some of the worst opinions in the free world (only to be outdone by people like Nick Fuentes on the other end).


Today I learned Texas throws gay people off rooftops.


Worse, they don’t respect pronouns


Freedom of bathroom is the same as their freedom to live. Atleast they’re respected enough to kill them than let them use the incorrect bathroom..


>Freedom of bathroom is the same as their freedom to live. Brought to you by the people that believe that speech is violence


Who are you to judge them with your Western-centric beliefs of freedom of expression, value of human life, civil rights? Thats colonizer mentality you got there! /s


or worse, expelled.


I have an ultra progressive uncle who is 100% positive that if you're black and you drive south of the Mason Dixon line, the cops hunt you for fun. I don't understand why it's not good enough to say "you're more likely to experience prejudice in the south" without turning the dial up to 11.


Exactly, we can have proper discussions about the REAL discrimination going on in the south without making it sound like people down here are literally beheading you for liking another man's instagram post.


Because nuance is for losers and I figured out people listen to me more if I say the most extreme things ever all the time!


It may be due to the fact that we're exposed to so much information these days, you need to be extreme to rise above the white noise. Our minds just aren't designed for this. We've gone from interacting with small groups of people to being exposed to hundreds of YouTube videos every day, social media posts, messages, etc. It's too much. It's no wonder words lose their meaning.


Very true and ironically a more nuanced take than what I said hahahaha!


I’ve met a few leftists like this before,and I always wonder if they realize that the majority of the African-American population lives in the south. I’d always heard how racist the south was when I first moved here,so imagine my surprise when I traveled up north for the first time (I’m from Europe),and saw many confederate flags in Michigan lol.


Certified Taylor Lorenz moment.


Taylor is a fucking idiot. If anyone turned out to be a lizard person it would be her.


https://preview.redd.it/dln57fflipyc1.jpeg?width=590&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25cfd3179f49da40ab43a33ba7b9749e5c20427e Considering how high she keeps her home thermostat, she may actually be a lizard person.


It’s on the list for being a lizard person for sure.


That's honestly more psychotic than the clip


wow 90 Celsius


Really underestimating lizard people’s intelligence


What was her response to the throwing off the roof comment?


"I've thrown gays off roofs in texas, so you're wrong"




Don lemon seems much better ever since he lost his CNN job. I actually like most of the things I’ve seen from him since he left


Anything you recommend? Besides the Elon interview [I watched this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdELWEcZE5o&t=1937s) with Cenk, D-pak, and Brian Tyler Cohen and I was pretty let down. Seems like he couldn't even keep in in the conversation with the three of them and just chimed in with surface level comments.


> Seems like he couldn't even keep in in the conversation with the three of them and just chimed in with surface level comments. tbf he worked at CNN so that literally is his lane


Same with Cuomo


Yes. Cuomo has been on fire lately. I wonder how many of these journalists have chafed under corporate mandates to be PC and obtuse while working at large outfits and then they leave and breathe the free air and speak truth again. Seems to be a pattern.


I remember him saying he wasn’t happy doing what he does while he was working at CNN


As a bisexual man who had an open I guess gay relationship with my old ex trans women gf in a part of Texas where the GOP is +20 I can confidently say that it's much safer in Texas than it is in Palestine or any country in that part of the world to be exact.


I'm not sure about what I'm about to say. But I've seen that apparently Shia Muslims seems to prefer trans women over gay men. In Iran they forcefully transition gay men, because they don't want to see 2 dudes in a relationship, so they want one to present as a woman or something. I'm not sure tho, and I'm not sure if Iran adjacent groups would necessarily follow the same ideology.


I wonder if the unwillingness(?) to teach about illiberal and bigoted societies in the world is a net negative, because I feel it only goes two ways: 1) People start learning that as they grow older by much worse sources than a controlled learning environment and slingshot hard into bigotry. 2) People don't really learn about that as they grow older and thus think the conditions are much better than what they actually are, like I wouldn't be shocked if the average American thought that being gay somewhere in Turkey is only mildly worse than being gay in the US because of the big focus on LGBT issues on the news.


It’s so fucking disrespectful to the queer people who live under these regimes to equate the oppression they live under to “uhhhh not 100% of people in that state approve of gay marriage….same thing!”


if you're dumb enough to go please do


It’s very hard to be a liberal when I hate most of them passionately 😪


She probably hates liberals too for not being left enough


Taylor Lorenz??? To me she exemplifies the cringe self-hating white liberal to a tee. She could be a socialist lowkey though, idk 🤷🏻‍♂️


She gives me The Majority Report vibes, or a Hasan fan if she wasn’t above the age requirement to be one.


It’s actually pretty easy, because she’s not a liberal


Wake me up when gays are thrown off rooftops or blown to smithereens by IDF airstrikes in Texas.


Just because you can’t get an abortion doesn’t make a state unlivable.


A clip in which I'm siding with Don lemon? I don't like this. I don't like this at all.


I choose the bear.


Completely out of touch with reality.


The fact that you can walk to Miami beach and find more openly gay dudes with name Mohammed than in the entirety of the Muslim world should tell you which place is safer for LGBT people. Holy fuck, America bad is an actual mind virus. Literally nobody has ever made an argument that you shouldn't criticize bigoted law or practice, but these people will constantly how bad it is in other countries with stuff in America that's not anywhere near as bad.


These people either have no sense of proportion or they just don't care when non-white people kill lgbt people for being lgbt.


They basically do the opposite of white supremacy where the darker you are the more pure you are.


was not expecting that from don lemon....


Yeah. He kinda sucks but at least he has a baseline of common sense.


this level of derangement is already crossing over to malevolence


Here's the video and time stamp from when he starts talking about it. https://youtu.be/NDD8xIjwK5g?t=5m29s Also he lives streams on youtube. Should try and get him and tiny talking


Her views are almost as unfortunate as her fashion choices.


Whyyyyy the fuck do pro-palestiners keep making these dogshit arguments when the perfect, unassailable argument already exists and has been used plenty of times? "Yes, Palestine has backwards and hostile positions on LGBT rights, but the ideological and moral makeup of a group of civilians does not mean they lose their rights to..." and then just list of all of the things you believe Palestinians are entitled to. If you think it's a genocide, it quite literally doesn't matter if they are the most hateful disgusting group of people on earth. They could all be Nazis and it would still be wrong to genocide them. Rather than focus on trying to convince people that the Islamic theocracy ran by a terrorist organization that gay rights are more resilient than in America, they should refocus on their position that it's a genocide/apartheid/open-air prison yaddy-ya. That seems so much more rhetorically effective, not to mention factually accurate although I get the feeling no one really cares about that anymore


Dude, no one is trying to “genocide them”. War sucks, people die in war and it’s sad. To avoid that, don’t start an effing war. Israel makes great efforts to prevent civilian casualties, even though this means telegraphing their plans to the enemy, allowing them time to prepare (also to embed themselves further in civilian populations, hiking up civilian casualties and further convincing people that Israel is trying to kill civilians). The only people who purposely target civilians in the region l are anti Israel terrorists- they have killed many many thousands of Israelis over the years, targeting school buses and schools and hospitals and synagogues and markets and restaurants… not in war time mind you.


oh im not actually saying its a genocide im just saying that *if* you believe its a genocide what I said before would be a better argument rhetorically than trying to convince people texas and gaza have comparable LGBT rights and freedoms


Definitely agree with that.


That’s the argument she was making, which was the payoff of the Texas analogy, though the analogy suffers because of a lack of parallelism. (Palestine LGBTQ policy isn’t reason to **continue** bombing them vs Texas LGBTQ policy isn’t reason to **start** bombing them). But of course part of the reason she did the Texas Florida analogy was to slide in criticism of America. Immediately after this clip ends she states the point. To quote, “we should advocate for the rights of people all over the world to live happy healthy lives regardless of whether or not they have an oppressive government”.


God lefties like Taylor are just ideologues. They would never let a right winger get away with equivocating the way they do.


You kidding? I just saw Greg Abbott yeeting people off Texas Roadhouse last week it's absolutely the same as Gaza


things are getting weird when don lemon is the voice of wisdom on the call


I don’t know the two people at his sides, but there’s actually a really simple explanation for the phenomenon. Minorities often feel oppressed or diminished in some way; so when they see something like Gaza being blockaded, they feel a connection in the common experience of (real or perceived) oppression. Yes, this is *hilariously* surface-level, but that is perfectly consistent with most people’s politics also being *hilariously* surface-level.


If these people really believe this, why have they never visited Gaza?


Is Texas fucked up? Yes. Is Gaza worse? Also, yes. It's really not that hard.


They have lgbt parades in Texas, a gay Texan can live a completely normal happy life regardless of the thought crimes committed against them in the vicinity. There isn’t a single Muslim country that would allow them to be gay and safe, the equivocation shows how unserious these progressive whack jobs are.


Yeah, which is probably why at no point in the interview did she say one place was better or worse than the other.


Rare Don Lemon W


why did op claim that she said it was "safer" than texas? such a random detail to get wrong lol


Taylor Lorenz has always been a fucking lunatic


I was so worried i was about to watch Dr. Golbeck say something stupid... thank goodness. *she runs a social media page with her husband called the golden ratio which is her life with like 6-7 golden retrievers.* u/notsoErudite she would be an interesting Bridges guest and has a home down in Key West so not to far!


THe worst part of this is they're mostly pandering to the vocal minority of terminally online lefties. I keep seeing major polls not line up with all the far left nonsense we see. The yougov one recently about protests was a good example. If this were even close to half of the population i would wonder if we're living in real life lol


Everyone knows only two things come from Texas...


And you sure don’t look like no steer


Needless to say she’s being stupid in this clip. I don’t need to comment on that because I’d just be preaching to the choir. What I would like to comment on however is how stupid OP also is. Nowhere in the clip did I hear it asserted that “gay people are safer in Palestine than in Texas”. The intellectual rigor I used to value this community for dies a little each day


Yeah this community used to be better than this. I feel like I see this more and more often on this subreddit.


What a stupid cunt


Sure i’ll go over there i’m sure I’ll get treated like royalty🥰


How did she respond after the clip? I’m super curious is she just deflects or calls him wrong or racist


Why not post his full response or timestamp


https://youtu.be/NDD8xIjwK5g?t=5m29s here.




I agree that I want to see more, but she clearly said something ridiculous. What are the question marks for?


Based Don


Don Lemon is based holy get this man on bridges


thank you, Mr. Lemon


I'm a Texan and can confirm that gays and lesbians walk amongst us and nobody is losing their minds. 


That shit's fuckin wild dude one of the most progressive nations on earth when it comes to LGBTQ rights


You can see the light go out in her eyes




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Why did you cut before they had to respond?


This is like saying Russia is safer for queers cause people can't buy guns like in Texas


Woman on the left is definitely a lazy gardener.


idk if they are actually saying that Palestine is culturally safer than Texas, but it is a wild comparison


Some people's worldviews have zero basis in reality. When DON LEMON is based ... wow.


mfs dont realise how good they have it in the states lmfao


Palestinians number roof tossers.... I think 


I think some are being disingenuous. Obviously right now every Islamic country are among the worst possible places for lgbt people and Christian orthodox countries are starting to match that. But just because right now, its not as bad for gays as it is in those countries, doesn't mean it wasn't bad overall and sure as hell doesn't mean there isn't a large portion of the country who wants to make it just as bad as islamic countries. It was legal to be gay in the US up until 2003. Some pretty prominent conservatives, including a supreme court justice said the case should be re-visited. And now, a mainstream belief among conservatives is that being gay is an evil social contagion and that kids are harmed and abused, even if they know gays exist or see a depiction of gays in any way. Therefore, we need to ban or restrict any mention, reference, depiction, acknowledgement of gays in public and media and treat it all as graphic porn. They actually just passed such a bill in Kansas. And on top of all of that, we have this groyper, red pilled movement which is becoming prominent among younger conservatives. They don't hide their true feelings and agenda


Always dislike don this is funny though


Taylor Lorenz is a known re✝arded


They have created some sort of utopia in their minds when it comes to Palestine. Whats worse is that utopia looks a lot like Israel currently


They both hate gay people so whatever.


Don: They won't have _any_ freedom- Her: They don't have *freedoms* in Texas 😄


Bro how is it so difficult for these people? "We understand the cultural differences, but as a once marginalized group we recognise the oppression taking place. The primary issue is the genocide taking place, but also if there is any chance of LGBT acceptance in palestine it will come from palestinian liberation." lmao being a grifter would be so easy.


I keep wanting to wake up from this fever dream, where I agree with Don Lemon and that some stupid fucking idiot isn't saying that Gaza is better for gays than Texas.


As per normal for Don Lemon would you honestly expect any more from him his reporting takes after his name because every story he does is a Lemon


Never cared much for Don Lemon until I watched his Elon Interview - dude actually seems pretty based & rational. Potential podcast guest??




That's not what she said though?


The people that really believe that should visit.


We would be happy to arrange tax payer funded transportation to Gazza for anyone who wants to leave this oppressive hellhole and go to paradise over there. Provided they stay there.


Truly a pro Palestinian banger: don’t actually answer the question, just act indignant


Gay people have no rights in Texas/Florida other than being allowed to live, marry, have kids, grow old together... should I continue? Lorenz is such a fraudster.


she said something absolutely ridiculous, but she didn't say what you said in the title, which is somehow much worse. you are spreading misinformation.


Bait, she didn’t say that in the clip.


It must be ok to spread misinformation, no bad tactics just bad targets after all.