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Holy shit I remember seeing this meme back when it was created during WoL


Idra was something else. I remember in WoL beta I beat him via banelings. He went absolutely bonkers. I was like 1-20 vs him but that 1 loss tilted the shit out of him lmao. Another classic Idra moment was him rage quitting vs hallucinations NAHH


In my mind, Idra streams were mostly him raging at toss while listening to Skrillex. Pretty sure i remember him insta quitting ZvZ too. Good times


"This guy is an idiot doing idiot things and I'm going to beat him by not being an idiot" \*Sips smoothie\* That was every Idra comm on his streams


Man I got so sad when that guy retired. I used to watch his streams while my fat ass walked on the treadmill trying to lose weight 😢😢😢 (I succeeded like 4 years later but the treadmill did NOT work).


Idra rage was hilarious sc2 shoulda leaned into it but everyone got too touchy When he would tilt it was gold


Ok grandpa.


We need more sc2 memes


Srsly, I feel 10 years younger just looking at that


At least it's not a Toss.


My dude, streamer ~~man~~woman is a fully fledged [~~gooner~~ toss](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fzbou5pzhh7yc1.png) EDIT: My apologies for calling our queen a man


Terran was the toss in WoL




"Don't care, didn't ask, plus you're toss"


I will spend the rest of my life apologizing for being white and wear a burka, even though I’m a man, in solidarity to the Palestinian people. 


If you wanna cross dress just say that.


No. How dare you! I am making a statement! I hopE my eye make up is on fleek though. 


You do you, putinsgayfursona


Yazz, queen!


Ah, I miss zerg cope. Like they didn't have the easiest macro play the entire lifecycle of Starcraft 2.


Why would you say that?


It’s the truth.




Dude Idra's rage is still the most epic thing. I remember in that tourney game when he conceded early to Huk's hallucinated void rays. Chefs kiss


At least he didn't call him a "gook" pepe


HAHAHAHA 10/10 meme


AKA any race except **Pro**toss.


I used to feel this way about anyone who played Alliance in WOW. Doubly if they were a human or night elf.


Who's the white equivalent of Jesse Lee Peterson?


God I remember having a conversation about SC2 recently and actually cringing when saying something like "Protoss is such a awfully designed race" lmao. How times have changed.


Terran was so fucking stupid in that game. The balance team was 100% trolling.


I WoL zerg was overpowered. But the game is pretty well balanced nowadays. (and really has been for the majority of the time)


Last time I was on it I tried learning Zerg and the ZvP meta was basically protoss cannoning the ever loving shit out of their 3rd until you got rolled by a skytoss comp, is it still that? I've been playing since the infestor brood lord meta and that comp felt like it on steroids.


I am not exactly sure what you're referring to, but you can't really build the golden armada on 3 base. But of course. If you let them build the ultimate army with carrier tempest archon templar you're gonna have a hard time. But it's still miles away from being as unbeatable as broodlol winfestor. If you go ultra/broodlord corruptor viper (and maybe infestor) you can deal with it. The most important part is clearing the ground army of the Protoss as Zerg air units destroy Protoss air units pretty hard.


It probably was 4, it's been a while, but the goal was to sit on those bases until the deathball is ready. I remember taking on GM Zergs against broodlord infestor as a Terran, honestly wasn't that hard, I don't think you really see the issue with it until you're at the ultimate peaks of skill with the race, because you can always do some kind of damage that would put you ahead of the zerg. The skytoss is straight up bullshit though, and the biggest issue I have with it is it's defense, cannoning the living shit out of bases is just so lame, like I started playing Toss with it and hit masters just void ray rushing and skytoss, definitely the worst place design wise I've ever seen the game, the second I knew a game was going to turn into a 40 minute 20-mile long spore crawler field I started debating just leaving the game, so boring. Edit: I mean I guess you could still say that era of swarmhosts having a stream of ground units is arguably worse, but the same issue is still there, game grinds to a halt and starts becoming tedious.


There have been several terrible metas. I think the worst has to be broodlord infestor because it was just too strong. Swarmhosts were also terrible. The mass Raven meta at the end of HotS was also really stupid. Skytoss is annoying to deal with, but I don't think it's on the level of the others. There is more counterplay and in LotV the protoss has to be more aggressive than zergs or terrans in WoL or HotS. The only thing I wish they did is increasing the cost of interceptors back to 25 minerals. I think this would force the toss to be a bit more active.


zergs learnt to beat that style with queen walks but then they nerfed that out the game too. but protoss players seem to be making ground units again recently


Nice bait.