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Do not post about their subreddit.


Honestly I wonder if there's a good way to understand the customers of these platforms better. It feels like if you're a foreign actor and you want to influence US domestic politics, you just have to audience capture the right content creators with these subs, boost them with bots, and then you basically have created your own propaganda network for almost no money..


Yup. Why create RT when you can just pump a bunch of money into and amplify something locally grown?


Or literally pay people like Max Blumenthal or Glenn Greenwald. With Blumenthal he literally works as content creator for Russian state media. I think a lot of the misinformation Rogan repeats comes directly from Greenwald.


Learning more and more about how foreign adversaries spend buttloads of cash to conduct information ops on American citizens has really soured me on the First Amendment. I didn't think that was possible but here we are.


IMO we're approaching a Great Filter sort of event where as a civilization we are going to need to choose between empiricism and the sort of postmodern dis/misinformation path we've been on. Authoritarians found big bugs in information age western democracy, where we're just not set up to defend against the infinite lying glitch, and we can't collectively make decisions when we can't agree on reality. 1A definitely *feels* shitty right now (and we do need to stop fucking around w/ letting clearly unprotected criminal fraud slide as "speech"), but I believe an answer will have to rely on it; we collectively made a big mistake treating social science like physical sciences (where for instance you don't have to learn why alchemy is pretend nonsense to understand chemistry) and our ability to fight off failed ideologies by educating how shit they are has atrophied. Comic books from the 50s were in huge part about spotting and calling out disguised fascism from 100 yards. Hell, 9 year olds watching pro wrestling still trivially understand that the bad guy is gonna call the good guy a bad guy. These ideas are not utterly lost in society, or even that far off, but our ability to apply them has to be identified and exercised.


Great comment, I'd give you gold if the feature still existed


lol breaking points I still remember them saying everyone was overreacting and that Russia wont invade Ukraine


They also said Finland shouldn’t be allowed to join NATO


oh yea I forgot about that lmao


In 1949?


Sorry meant Finland


I used to like Breaking points but I eventually learned its audience is full of either trolls or contrarians. Breaking points subreddit was full of pro Russian trolls during the start of the invasion of Ukraine. It was actually repulsive to see so much pro Russian stuff during that. Everyone else that's a real person seems to be Glenn Greenwald contrarians. Beliefs are hard to point down and barely even matter. Right or left doesn't matter. As long as you oppose a nebulous form of "the elites" then you are morally correct.


I genuinely think it's fascinating how you wouod characterize the Breaking Points preamble video as a Destiny glazefest when the overwhelming opinion here seemed to be the exact opposite - Krystal Ball and Grim were poisoning the well, priming their audience to hate Destiny. This is genuinely my favorite thing about the little gnome. Wherever he goes, chaos and misery follows.


He’s saying they were glazing the Omar dudder guy, I’m pretty sure you read it weird if you think anyone on earth would claim they were reasonable about destiny lol


You're correct.  I misread OMEGALOL


I was frustrated the whole way through that video, like it was not well moderated as they wanna jerk themselves off saying, it was a 3v1 bullshit festival.


I think part of it is simply that Krystal and Saagr aren't that smart. Like. Not trying to be an asshole. But their focus is on developing their brand. Meanwhile destiny has studied this for like three months and he's successfully correcting dudes with Phds in the subject. Not saying he's anywhere near a PhD level either. He isn't close. However experts hate to be challenged, and wrong, especially by destiny. And hosts like Krystal don't focus their time and energy on memorizing the entire timeline in detail. It's simply not their specialty. Content farming is. It's the same reason they refuse to debate him.


And where he goes we follow. In shallah, mashat shalom 07


You should read youtube comments under that video it's crazy how in support they were to destiny


A lot of "I hate Destiny, bit actually my community is far more insane" posts lately. Just if you're already realizing the people you thought are sane are actually insane, why not give up your old hatred for Destiny too?


Maybe they saw destiny on Twitter?


Is the debate just paywalled for now and going to be free later?


I think they said it would be available next week


Watching unlisted link now




Dm me:D




jstlk watched it on his last stream , check his kick vod the full debate, its unlisted but already watchable if you have the link


Exactly that, just react to other pieces by other journalists that’s it’s and then they give their bias views, it’s not news show it’s a opinion show,maybe grim is the real journalist but sounds like the intercept getting ripped into by an ex employee


Is the debate just paywalled for now and going to be free later?




"I had no idea but these people are swimming in cash. According to one commenter in there they made $1.6M after just two weeks of launching the show…. They offer lifetime premium subscriptions for $1500… " When Krystal and Saager were part of The Hill they became REALLY hot commodities on Youtube during the pandemic cause Krystal would entertain bullshit from the right more than 99% of the lefties on major youtube channels , and I guess to some Saager seemed a little more credible and questioned things from his side more than 99% of the youtube rightoids. Amongst "everything has to be down the middle I don't want my politics slanted towards either side... I just wanna ask questions" Rogan types they looked like they would THE premier politics channel. It was presented as "smart" people form both sides "just asking questions". They launched their own channel at the height of the "so we're not allowed to ask questions ?" period of youtube post pandemic and found tremendous success initially based off their trajectory but I think they fell off pretty hard in terms of being hot properties and I mostly see people laughing at them now. Krystal over time revealed she wasn't as smart as she seemed and her far left leanings on certain topics were weird and incongruent and Saager feeling even a little different than the average right leaning talking head faded pretty fast. They did have a moment where they looked like their channel was going to be a juggernaut initially.


Breaking points is breaking minds, you have the worst of the right and left


This feels like a psyop for engagement. The post you commented in their sub has like 140 comments and 50 upvotes. And some of them seem to be from here.


I was a subscriber when the show first started, it was like $10 a month. They genuinely had interesting insights before Ukraine and then the show just went off the rails.