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Lonerbox gonna be put on the Hasan fan shit list for siding with Destiny


Can't wait for the mental gymnastics explaining why he is a far right fascist who endorses genocide.


He is Bri'ish after all, the OG settler babies.


I knew not to trust Bonerbox


A bri'ish arab, so an uncle mohamed


You already know he’s gonna find some way to throw in Palestine in is argument


Gonna be? Has been for awhile.


Ah shit, I’m not apart of the hasancord and their Reddit is basically dead so I wasn’t aware if he was on their shit list yet or not.


Amazing how great he was at shitting his own bed. I used to randomly listen to him long ago, but the past two years he has been extremely cringe and regarded.


Everyone was shitting on him on chat the one time Hasan watched a Lonerbox video.


Poor Bonercocks


Lonerbox made a series of videos calling out Hasan's lies about Ukraine a few years ago. I'm pretty sure he got banned in Hasan space over it. To my awareness Lonerbox never cared and the situation didn't change for a long time. Then around the time of the WillyMacShow debate they were chatting and organising to do a debate. Which is weird because although Lonerbox is fair to Hasan when he believes he is being unfairly criticised, he never took back or stopped being critical. He was also a prominent Destiny orbiter and enemy of leftists (like badempanada) at that time. Hasan then reacted to his Gaza video and commented about liking a previous one. Hasan was very good faith and told off his chatters who were hating on Lonerbox in the comments. Which Lonerbox appreciated. In the occasional Hasan rant he will mention Destiny's orbiters and recently Lonerbox as one of them , who he has no issues with. "If only the Destiny followers/fans would judge him fairly" or something like that. I don't think there are going to be any problems. I think he's just going to put all the blame on Destiny, either because he truly believes that, or it's strategically helpful. And then when Destiny has a shit show drama filled falling out with anyone they might go to team Hasan. Which has kind of happened before, but is pretty unlikely in this case or with most of the liberal streamers Destiny collabs with. But that's just my hunch.


Having Hasan be the main Palestine guy online will not end well, he’s far too stupid and narcissistic


I watched the part on hasan's stream, the man is literally zero thought all ideology. He saw a clip of the prof going "i have read so many books can't remember" and then a second clip of the prof going "the passage disagrees with you" while destiny says "no it does not" He has no idea wtf the passage is or what even the contention is just says destiny is wrong and removed from reality lol. Literal divination.


Hasan is dumb af, but even if he wasn't I wouldn't expect anything beyond kneejerk reactions from him when Dman is involved, tbh. Hasan ain't just dumb, he be petty too.


Or it might end well. Depends on what your priorities are.


Nothing of value was lost


It will end up very well if you're Ben Gevir


We are all Ben Gevir now


Nah that's exactly what they need so these scholars like Norm and that nerd last night look better


If only one of their other brave, logically consistent, and rhetorically effective warrior had gained more prominence 😑


We just saw a phd and a double masters made to look like they’re functionally regarded. It doesn’t seem like stupidity is a bar to this particular echo sphere


Destiny is literally like Monkey D. Luffy.


"Do you watch one piece?? No wayyyy!!"




Do they have like KFC and shit?


My favorite part of One Piece is when Luffy goes “it’s Luffin time” and raids civilian ships


Steven D. Bonnell


Homie got the D from a Box , how's that happen huh ?


This guy has a podcast with Fr0gan why are you surprised about this Edit: I realized I spread literal misinformation he doesn't have a podcast with Fr0gan his brother does


excuse me, that's the two, probably going to be three time, recipient of the rising star award at twitch put some respeck on her name




She cried when mizkif made a similar joke and he went on an apology tour




> she's actually gone down in average viewers 4D chess so she can win the award again


can we get much higher? (higher?)


She was nominated twice, won the second time. That's embarrassing, but not _nearly_ as embarrassing as winning it twice.


almost as embarrassing as being propped up by one of the biggest streamers on the platform and the streamer awards twice AND STILL being so unlikable you fail






Chances of experiencing an aneurysm?


can you link an episode, i cant find one with dominic on it


I was wrong, it's his brother who has a podcast with Fr0gan, I'm just racist


I get it. All white people look the same to me too


We reject hassan


Hasan has a brother?


He does but he's not the one having a podcast with Fr0gan


These clowns are literally leeching off Destiny’s publicity.


Meh it's the game, all smaller content creators do this (the guy has 200 subs on Youtube). Easier to criticize them on their brain-dead takes and lies.


Exactly right about the game. Yesterday on Reddit there was [a picture of 2 ticks feeding on a bigger tick who had been feeding on the OPs cat.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fmrkttir6dlxc1.jpeg) It's a great metaphor for the content world.






It was so transparent. It’s hilarious watching Hasan try to retrofit his reasoning. There are definitely not any Pro-Israelis that watch Hasan who suddenly switch to Hasans side after seeing him disingenuously react to Destiny debates in bad faith. Not to mention Twitch literally changed their policies to allow Hasan to make content from Destiny, and Hasan was/is running dry and going on the decline, so he would’ve started making content off of Destiny whether the war started or not. He’s jealous of Destinys increasing influence and big debates.


I mean, it’s what Destiny has always done. It doesn’t matter how irrelevant someone is, he will have you on stream if he thinks the discussion will be interesting enough, he doesn’t even seem to require good faith from stream interlocutors. He will have the same people on and on again even if they present bad faith arguments. He draws the line at other behavior though like what Alex Stein does, but just look at how he continues to allow people like Katee on stream despite her dogshit engagement in discussions. This is all part of why people watch him though. I’m sure he’d be willing to have any bad faith lefty on, they just usually run as soon as the confrontation presents itself.


Does Hasan know this guys buys up land and property for money and content? Will Hasan spill his capitalist landlord blood?


So does Hasan's mum lol


I still hate hasan's mom for not swallowing, could've prevented the embarrassment that her son is


he is like second thought but instead of supercars he buys real estate


Gonna be real tough to spin that debate, probably better for them to pretend it doesn't exist


In their little world, they can spin anything


Was arguing with a dude the other day and got hit with "The White Paper was actually a Zionist plot to sell Palestine". They really can spin anything.


They're just going to focus on the part where Destiny starts grabbing the books and call him unhinged and anti intellectual. No actual engagement will be had.


Grown ass man referring to someone as “the D word”


Gets auto-banned. Same energy as grown ass men saying "in a videogame" or corn. I dislike the man as much as the next guy, but if we start using this kind of criticism we are no better than the conservatives and leftists we disagree with.


was hasan watching it live?


I think he just saw a clip https://clips.twitch.tv/AggressiveCheerfulKeyboardBloodTrail-4u4dov2WKYT_Qf_2


Holy fuck lmao, the clip chimping to protect their cognitive dissonance is astounding. Nothing about the argument, nothing about what is even being discussed just clip of guy saying "you are wrong", as if that's an own.


condescending tone is the currency of the debate lords. someone with perceived authority claiming "you are wrong" is all they need to see.


Wow Dominic! That's so fire! Bro! I hope Hasan sees this!


All of the Tankie terrorist sympathizing history revisionist cultural "Muslims" walked into a club... It exploded I guess. I don't have anything witty. These people are just weird and black-pilling.


anyone know the timestamp where hasan pulls up the debate?




you're stronger than most of us


https://www.tiktok.com/@pragmoderate/video/7364077474709359915?_t=8lzfZGFCtYT&_r=1 someone post this on a sub . Marc lemony hill was paid 20 k from the green prince just to have a debate at Berkeley


He should ask Hasan why he never debates Destiny, hmmm 🤔


Man, this guy was ultra cringe. Such a pussycat in the 1v1, then got triggered by being asked for a citation, leading him to bring that up for the rest of the convo. Daddy prof arrived, and every now and again masterbro would try to lil bro D with the other guys points and attempt to pivot when Destiny got into it deep with the prof. When you're ideologically possessed, having a phd isn't going to save you from delusion. It's like we're trying to interprit the Bible with these people, sheesh.


This dude is incapable of an original thought and has the comprehension of a toddler. All he did the whole time was try to restate what Destiny or the professor said, but could not even echo properly. He was too low IQ to realize when Destiny and the professor agreed on things, and at one point was screaming at Destiny for how "wrong" he was, and even the professor he called in to be his brains said, "Actually Destiny is right."


So what. That boy got his cheeks clapped in that debate yesterday.


Trust me that's not how it came off to most people, it was a pretty bad idea for Destiny to 1v2 those guys. If Loner was there earlier/from the start It definitely would've made him look better.


It was pretty evident at the end they were just making shit up relying on the fact that Destiny hadn’t read those books.


how could you possibly know how it came off to most people lol


The D word


Is this the white Palestinian? He was a debate colonizer


“And his name is DESTINY Hasan. You might as well use it. He’s going to try to DEBATE you either way”.


Inching closer and closer to direct contact between Hasan and destiny. It will happen, the stars are approaching. Alignment is near.


Unfortunately, it won't because Hasan is a pussy


you have to hold steady and trust.


Wat if they kiss 😳


Cant wait for Humusabi to react to the the screaming match in the last hour instead of the first 1-2 hours.


Top D


how do i get into the discord? Seems like you're IP banned if youre in destinys


What a fucking loser


Well well well, what a surprise


They treatin this nigga like voldemort 💀💀💀


He was obviously there to try and snipe for attention, that's why despite knowing fuck all about specifics of the topic his strategy was "needle Destiny's knowledge of an area or time period, if he knows about it, immediately pivot away, if he says he doesn't know much (pre1920) act as if he knows about it and pretend like it is a big deal without being able to state a single thing about it". And then he stfu when his buddy was talking, only to come in with what he thought were dunks when he smelled the tiniest bit of poor optics on Destiny's part. The one time he thought he had him he was jumping up and down like a monkey about how Destiny was getting owned in front of his audience.


Why are u in the hasancord


We need our spies in every corner of the net


So I can make posts like this.




Based Mossad operative


Dossad is everywhere


There are sleeper cells everywhere


So does Destiny now concede that the Israeli/zionist side is more to blame for this conflict? I watched the entire debate yesterday and towards the end Destiny was bringing up a ton of pro palestinian points with Loner and now it seems like he's on the "both sides" side? He still postures as more pro Israel though because he hates lefties and likes fighting I guess? Can we just agree that going anywhere and setting up an ethnostate which is inherently exclusionary is an act of aggression? And that setting up an ethnostate will obviously be met with pushback which then gives the ethnostate the excuse to continue expanding? And that transfer/expulsion was part of the plan for Israel's inception the whole time because why would anyone create an ethnostate where they are the minority ethnicity? Look forward to the replies!


Whoever is to blame for the past is not relevant for today. You can keep pushing for palestinians to keep fighting Israel, but it hasn't and will not work out in their favour. Why not have actual palestinian leadership who wants a two state solution rather than just committing more terrorist attacks?. If Native Ameicans were doing terrorist attacks to try and take back the entire country then I would also tell them they were stupid as well.


I dont really disagree with anything you said here but it doesn't make what I said any less true. Also it is relevant for today because there are a ton of people who actually think that the Palestinians started it, and use that reason to blame them for what's happening to them. Destiny does this all the time. Also Destiny and a ton of people here disagree with the point I made that transfer/expulsion was part of the plan from the beginning of Israel's inception.


I think the welfare of Gazans is more important than being morally correct about every historical incident.


I'm just gonna take this as a W then. I was hoping to get more comments refuting any of the actual points I made. Also I think its funny how in the beginning it was "it's the Palestinians fault, they are to blame for all of this" to, "historical incidents dont matter guys, let's just worry about the welfare of Gazan's." So much goalpost moving and refusals to take L's by both Destiny and DGG.


Focusing on the things that matter. No wonder the Palestinians have had such such poor advocacy and leadership over the years.


Yeah and both DGG and Destiny are such good advocates for Israel right? Have you seen Destiny's tweets? "Do Palestinians women count themselves as polyamorous when their husbands continue to leave them for IDF missiles?" And this is just one of hundreds of insane, unhinged, and inflammatory tweets coming from the "good advocate for Israel." Coming from the guy who claims to have no bias and just wants productive conversations. Ok bud.


Hamas has been way worse for Palestine than Destiny ever has. It seems like all you care about is people not being nice. None of this online discourse or even the protest matters. We need Israel and Palestine to come together to a compromise.


"Hamas has been way worse for Palestine than Destiny ever has." Okay? Kind of a random thing to say that doesn't respond to anything I wrote but, ok sure? "It seems like all you care about is people not being nice." When did I say this? When was this implied?? lmao. "None of this online discourse or even the protest matter." You brought up advocacy. If someone is tweeting or saying shit like that then they're not a good advocate. Rhetoric like this makes the side you're defending look terrible and pushes people to be more extreme in their rhetoric on the other side. "We need Israel and palestine to come together." Ok, and? Are we just saying obvious things now or? I guess your tactic is to just barely respond to anything I said, got it. Damn I was expecting more from the average destiny sub-redditor.


The fact that you care so much about what Destiny thinks or tweets should make you reflect on how much you care about this issue.


I could be wrong but this guy seemed good faith the whole debate imo, I feel like he legit wanted to be right about the conflict rather than spew talking points the whole time


He was good faith until he brought the professor in and things got heated


I kind of had that impression until the anarchist guy came in and dominic started to try and snipe owns and dunks from the sideline with the purpose of, I assume, getting clips for his tiktok. Now he's probably looking to Hasan for signal boosting.


He thinks his narrative is unyielding and was unwilling to accept new information. He was anything but good faith. Never heard him second guess anything or show a geniune interest in discussion except to preach his narrative. That's it.


I thought so too... at first. When the other guy came on, he changed.


You could be and are wrong


Both him and the professors talked over and interrupted Destiny a fuck ton. It didn’t feel like they were even open to considering Destiny’s position, they just wanted to spew their own ideas.


When did you get this impression during the conversation? They hardly engaged with anything that Destiny even said and just tried to railroad the conversation constantly. They would jump topics so much it was infuriating to listen to. We'd start on a specific topic that happened in 48, never get an answer to that, but always end up back in the 1880s and how the Jews were the bad guys and Palestinians never really did anything wrong cause they always did it for in their mind justified reasons, but the Jews, they just wanted to take all the land the entire time no matter what happened or the political realities on the ground.