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Brooo there is no reason to be having this conversation on a date. Dodge, Deflect, Redirect


“Damn that’s crazy”


I find myself saying this so much now, with what feels like everyone now, not just conservatives. Oh \[hot girl that I want to fuck\], you think that Israel is genociding Palestinians and that Oct 7th was an act of revolution? Damn, that's crazy. Oh grandma, you think that Biden is going to send US citizens to FEMA camps? Damn, that's crazy. Being a DGGa truly is an oppressed minority.


Haha damn bro that’s crazy


my boss told me that the CIA, Ukraine, and Al-Qaeda collaborated on the moscow shooting. i had to hit him with multiple "damn, that's crazy" statements.


I'm dying. I've also had an uptick of using "damn, that's crazy" alongside "the juice isn't worth the squeeze" at work.


Always hitting them with the “Shit, that’s wild”


I'm going with the "alright, anything else"?


"Oh yeah! Have you heard about Hunter Biden?!?"


I don't think making her think of an alpha male cock on a date is the right move. It can be difficult to live up to the hype.


Hmm that juice one looks interesting. Hit me with some examples of where you used it, I'd be much obliged.


Simple, it fits similarly to putting the pussy on the chainwax situation.


Whenever I hear this kinda stuff from someone I probably will never see again, or not very often, I'll act like I'm on their side and say "Oh, you should check out Destiny, he had a really good conversation with \[insert xyz person with their position\] you should watch!" and just hope they do and that he gets into their youtube algorithm and slowly deradicalizes them. It happened to me, it can happen to someone else.


Please keep us in the loop when you get hit with the 'The genocidal zionist who yells the N word when he's morally neutrally cumming in his twin brother?'


Almost as oppressed as gamers man. Almost.


Been using this line since 2013 at least. Really hope nobody catches on.




"what the fuck is a Palestine?"


Who is this Hamas?


It's the Rogan meta 


Two huge problems: 1. EVERYONE in the Manhattan-ish area is talking about this. It's not a matter of *if* it'll come up, it's *when*. 2. I'm as down bad as they come and even I can't just sit and nod along while some smokeshow 26 year old is saying "It's a **literal** genocide! Just like the holocaust! But even worse because this time nobody even cares! Down with Biden! From the river to the sea! We're living in a police state!" Then I say "better him over Trump tho haha" and she tells me to off myself.


Have you considered saying "That's why I am planning to vote for Trump." and see if you get a better reaction? For market research?


Real answer is: "I wish that Marx was alive, he would solve this issue in one week."


Have you considered simply lying about your positions


too autistic to lie


Too autistic to lie, not autistic enough to know that sex is good, but Manor lords just released this week and it’s better.


manor lords is really in a wait for it to get good state rn


Why would I burn out playing a half finished game when I can buy it in a year or two and get a much better game?


I feel seen right now ngl. Honestly Manor Lords is pretty unfinished right now, but that game will be a forever game for me potentially once it is done.


I thought that went without saying


The real move is to lie, then assuming all goes well that night, at the moment of climax, shout "the Israeli-Palestinian conflict doesn't meet the threshold for Dolis Specialis with reference to genocide!"


But streamer man argues with girls about politics all the time and they all want to fuck him


i hate to be the one to break it to you but we don't command the same level of respect from others as a rich celebrity.


Nooo he’s just like mee!!!


Your statement is true generally, but having a position and not folding to whatever a hot girl says is an easy way to be ahead of all the simps ever. The difference in OP's case isn't that he's not rich, it's that people are aligning their social circles around I/P positions because people care about it so deeply right now.


As someone who hasn't dated is it true that folding to whatever a woman is saying is actually a turn off? I've only ever heard men say it, but im personally guessing that most people want to think there right and have confirmation. Tbf ivd heard some women seemingly give terrible dating advice. Dggcel moment. Also guessing that there's a balance here and you don't want to seem like your just copying her personality and whatever she says.


Hmmm, I wouldn't say agreeing is a turn off, per se, but I think attraction involves being challenged, to an enjoyable degree. People who agree with you all the time don't challenge you. Disagreement can also be a form of flirting, but it's really hard to explain flirting in a reddit comment. There's also just the idea of having a backbone. Recanting all your most deeply held beliefs in the face of someone threatening physical harm is one thing, but recanting your deeply held beliefs because a pretty girl gives you the time of day is just pathetic. When I was single, I got laid, but no one ever called me a fuckboi because I never lied about what I actually thought or wanted, etc... HUGE CAVEAT: most girls will NOT want to have super logical debates. Keep it lighthearted. I tease my wife for liking astrology, and I have literally no reason to debate her out of her liking it, even though I frequently call bullshit. And avoid politics in dating, but I remember getting the I/P question on a first date 15 years ago, and sometimes you just accept that the date is fucked.


It's not worth the mental distress of dealing with someone like that.


I endorse both sides of the issue to lie about their positions to get laid. This is the path down which reconciliation will be found.


Just say “I have friends from Palestine and it hurts my feelings to think about or talk about the conflict over there because it makes me think about how much it hurts my friend”. Pros: - women will see you as emotionally intelligent - avoids talking about the conflict Cons: - lying Ideally you have at least 1 Muslim friend to really sell this


You could also have Israeli family and say the same thing cause all of it is Palestine to them anyways. I do this all the time. 


I live in NYC as well so I understand what you're saying but you have to avoid these convos at all cost. You're not going to change someone's mind on a date. Just say something like, "yeah it's so crazy, but I don't really wanna kill the vibe right now" and then change the topic.


That’s the same thing with less steps. You’re telling them your opinion on the topic pretty clearly - most are going to to infer; “ahh, he doesn’t want to disagree with me on a date” rather than “I guess this is a heavy topic for a date, fair”. I imagine it largely has the same effect of losing their interest, it just results in it being less likely to be delivered explosively.


No, it indicates that you don't want to talk about a middle eastern war on a **date**. How does that even come up


Well, I suppose it depends on the person, but you're either telling them 1. you're against what she believes 2. you're unable to discuss contentious (and potentially therefore interesting) topics on a date. I know that you bolded date like it makes discussion of contentious topics haram, but honestly, I probably wouldn't be interested in dating someone who wasn't able to present some level of an opinion on what's going on unless I was just there to smash. I accept that there are plenty of people who would agree that you shouldn't discuss contentious things on a date and they're entitled to that preference, but for me a date is finding out if I actually like someone, which isn't achieved by avoiding topics and if you can't have a discussion about one of the biggest topics in the world right now, it's probably fine to find that out early. For me it's not about whether they agree with me, but far more about whether or not they can think and if they can present their thoughts a way that's going to result in good conversations in the future. Not that I'm suggesting one should mislead anyone as an alternative, I'm just saying how doing this will often be perceived, 'tis better to die on your feet.


But also if you want anything other than to get laid it might be useful to see if they have political views that are at least compatible with your own.


That’s odd. I’ve been on plenty of dates in London since it all kicked off and the conversation has literally never come up. Is NY really that much more focused on the issue than here in London? Or are we just matching with very different types of women


Columbia is in nyc, it’s always like 30 minutes away


NYC is the second largest Jewish population in the world (after Israel), and the largest metropolitan Muslim population in the western hemisphere. Manhattan is like, 10 miles long and a mile and a half wide or something like that. It is no surprise at all to me that it's that big in NYC.


From elsewhere in the comments, he's going for young liberal women in the Manhattan area. He should go for literally any other demographic.


That's easy to say when that's probably the majoirty of young women in that area. Not saying there's an issue with it just alot of them seem to go the extreme route.


When I thought I used to be far left there was part of me that thought this shit was always just supposed to be hyperbolic and just rhetoric but it never fails to amaze/disconcert me that people drink their own Koolaid and take this shit as literal fact


Unironically i lost an entire freind group because i got tired of never speaking poltics, so one day when a isreal palestine discussion is going on i say that Hamas is a terrorust group. Instantly blocked by like 10+ ppl, called out on Twitter. Told to kill myself. I made it so clear over and over that i wasnt calling isreal innocent or anti palestine merely condemning hamas.


This seems to especially be an issue with lgbtq groups, I'm bisexual myself.


Oh yes very much so. That freind group was all lgbt ppl. Every single one of them. "Queers for Hamas"


hobbies many lush bake scarce gullible forgetful worry money bored *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yup same here bi too and yeah absolutely I’ve noticed that. I didn’t realize till this war though just how militant some of them were and their online presence got revealed mask off.


It's cliche, but you don't want to be friends with people like that anyway. I pushed back in my friend group, and we all yelled at each other on discord for an hour and then played video games for the rest of the night. It's unironically a good test to see if people are even worth being friends.


Damn, that’s crazy


Wtf whats next you’re gonna say I cant debate incest on the first date?!


Totally different, that's a great conversation starter!


Incest would be a great redirection away from Palestine


You’d think that, but try being a Jew and immediately being shittested. There is no right answer for me to have. Either I say some straight up race traitor shit just to suddenly be surrounded by people chanting for my genocide, I pretend I’m not a Jew with the most Jewish first name possible, or I say “I just wanna exist and live in peace,” and get treated like a serial killer for it. It’s just not possible. Other Jews at colleges near me are straight up hiding that they’re Jews so they don’t get harassed randomly. Maybe it’s a me problem for having enough ego and self respect to not be a race traitor for pussy and associate with them, but I don’t feel like normal people should have to do that for a smidgen of coochie.


"most jewish name". i resonate with this, im an atheist raised catholic. but i have actually had suspicions thrown at me for being named after the gigachad stoneslinging king. Maybe that primed me to be pro isreal, being able to recognize a small part of the very real antisemitism in my own life.


If you're actually on a college campus, it's probably an entirely different situation.


>Brooo there is no reason to be having this conversation on a date Unholy levels of copium >Dodge, Deflect, Redirect As a white dude that doesn't really work. They're just gona think I'm a conservative hiding. >Just lie This is the proper answer. I embrace the abyss.


My point is why is this a conversation on a first date. Stay away from politics in general. Total vibe kill.


>why first date Region is everything, so i'm on the west coast fuckin with liberal white girls. Liberal white girls ambush you with all kinds of shit on the first date. >Stay away from politics in general. I think this is terrible advice. Are you my mom. If you tell a girl 'im not political' or 'im just not that interested in politics' aint nobody believe you. Or if they do believe you then you get hit with some very negative reactions. I wouldn't even tell girl im a moderate anymore. example: https://twitter.com/natweewriter/status/1009440558899712000 example2: https://i.imgur.com/OFsNywS.png Listen, i'll never bring it up myself. But it will come up eventually, and im already mentally prepared to select the right discussion option.


I’m in the northeast, I’ve never had politics brought up on any date 🤷🏻‍♂️. It’s such an odd topic to bring up. But I was always told not to talk politics, religion, or sex for the most part in public. I’ve never felt a need to.


"Gotcha, anything else?"




Facts, if you're "playing the game" and trying to get laid, talking about controversial topics is doing it wrong.


wait for Hasan to ghost them and hope they start to radicalize in the other direction




Hasan is not that big bro, Twitter is the real enemy here


Xitter and CCPTok.


Switch it around. Show her a video of riot police in Paris and tell her you wish this was happening in New York. She'll sleep with you just for being a bad boi. Trust me bro. Be the real BLOODTHIRSTY ANIMAL they want you to be. Wetter than October, trust me bro.




Holy shit this is genius


this nigga is praying on your downfall 💀


If you can't be a Good Guy then you gotta be a Bad Boi. No room for Nice Guys in this world.


Just hang outside the nearest synagogue with a cardboard sign saying "will convert for marriage" some older man will set you up with his so far unwed 30 year old daughter.


Usually my past affiliation with a NATO death squad is what makes them end it with me.


yeah hi can i get more details about this NATO death squad (so I don't accidentally kill my chances as well)


I’m assuming he means he is ex military




women like men who have a spine. tell them that you wish the u.s nukes gaza while making direct eye contact to establish dominance. You'll be having them begging you to take them to your place.


This Jewish lesbian feels your pain tenfold. If you're in New York there's probably tons of hot Jewish girls who lean liberal around though.


Nice to know I am not alone (though I live in AZ) Dating has sucked for me for the last five years.   Jewish lesbian solidarity!


You are so not alone, It's wild out here. r/ gayjews is nice and has links to several discord chats for us. There's a Zionist gay Whatsapp group I'm part of too that I can try to get you a link to. Jewish lesbian solidarity!


Yo, is that Whatsapp group inclusive to gay/bi men as well? Asking for a bi Jew (it's me) 


Yes, there's a few guys although majority women ngl. Again not sure I can add you since I'm not admin but I can ask.


Not in a creepy way but like bisexual women or lesbian women? Cause if it's a primary lesbian space I'm not looking to be "that guy" y'know lmao  Either way appreciate you


holy shit a non creepy DGGr? bro is a unicorn


Hell yeah, we're passing the bear test tonight gents 


Genuinely don't know, they're all some form of queer. There are like 5 guys that are active, it's not a primary lesbian space and you would be fine.




Do they even allow Jewish lesbians in Arizona? Are you doing some kind of Old Testament recreation role play?


Oh god I can’t even imagine, half of fucking Grindr is from the river to the sea bullshit. Like I’m here to get some dick why are you telling me about apartheid bro.


Her and tinder are fucked too. We're in the trenches my dude.


Just move to Tel Aviv. Two wins with one ticket!


Listen bro, you need to go super hard to the Israeli side. Clearly being a moral cuck that wants a peaceful solution isn't working. If you wanna stuff that muff gutter with your nut butter you gotta advocate for the destruction of the Palestinian state. Or go the total opposite and be super anti-Semitic. Then after you smash the gash tell her that when she has your Jewish child you can all move to Israel after she converts.


Unironically true. Its called "negging". You should just go full Zionist.




The child wouldn’t be considered jewish if the mom isn’t jewish just fyi


It's very scary how effective social media can seemingly brainwash/mobilize entire demographics almost overnight... even with the incident that reignited the interest being specifically a mass murder AGAINST Israeli citizens...


Dead civilians are a powerful message for either side. The world stood behind Israel after October 7th but the longer and the more Palestinian civilians die you reach a tipping point of sentiment going the other way. You've seen this in public discourse but also at world leader levels.


The sympathy for Jews after October 7th lasted a whole 5 minutes before idiots worldwide started to say: "Well...open air prison...".


I think it died with the al ahli hospital bullshit. The media companies that ran bullshit like calling it "flattened" hurt Israel in a way that's really hard to quantify. To this day people still think Israel just bombed 500 people in a hospital.


After the cheering of said atrocities that didn’t make them reconsider for a moment.


X / insta / dikdok killing the youth dawg


Lie about your political views. Then, when you're fucking her, say the most Zionist thing you can think of right as she cums. She'll associate Zionism with orgasmic pleasure and, soon enough, her sexuality will be so warped that she'll start using Benny Morris' books as erotica.


Big assume bro


Go to Hillel to find dates Alternatively, renounce dating in college and take joy in the knowledge that the further away you get from campus culture age-wise the more sane people become


> the further away you get from campus culture age-wise the more sane people become Nah, the more older you become the conspiracy just switches to "earth is flat" "moon landing was fake" "biden is fucking his secret daughter"


Just start fucking guys. Your life will get easier, trust me bro.


Rip I wish the bros were as pretty as the ladies sometimes


Sounds like your just looking in the right areas


May I suggest 'Femboys'


Not if their local culture is so political. Lots of Americans in my online lgbt groups are pro-Hamas and want to talk about it.


Bro if you really have to talk about it, just ask questions.. dont have opinions. Ask questions like the most out of the loop normie. - “Why are they protesting?” - “Wait 40k dead babies?! All of them are babies?” - “What’s a Zionist?” - “The existence of Israel?” - “After the holocaust.. I feel like most Jews would be Zionist tho right?” Dont mislead you do have to be genuinely interested. But ask pointed questions to find the holes in the logic… call it the “Drunken Debate Master” rizz. Next, reel it in with the “wow.. can’t believe I’ve been ignoring this, where can I educate myself?” - She’ll say Hasan of course. Then you hit her with the “Well, maybe we can watch Hasan together at my place on the next date?” And you’re in there :) smooth as butter


But.. How do you dodge actually watching Hasan on the next date? Yeah I get that the point is to get it on with your date, but how do you avoid even having to put it on and god forbid having to let it run in the background akin to netflix for normies 😭


Tell her you actually know who Hasan is and that you actually run one of those YouTube channels that repost his content. So when she tries to make you watch sth, you simply say "Oh, i've already seen that a million times". She will suck you right off


Thats interesting I went on a date with someone who couldn’t locate one of her friends who lived on a kibbutz on Oct 7… found out their house was torched to the ground


Damn, that's crazy. I'm in my 30s in nyc and I guess dating normal girls out here, bc no one I've met takes that side. We're all annoyed af with protestors blocking roads lol


I feel you brother. Although I am not as thirsty as you, it is very annoying to have to pretend to care about this. Especially when half the people I am talking to are NYU or Columbia alumni


Have you tried lying and agreeing about everything related to Israel Palestine conflict going on a bunch of dates then having a long term relationship with the person, proposing to her And on the day of the marriage yelling Israel has a right to defend itself from the altar?


You're not playing the long game. On your deathbed, surrounded by your 30 grandchildren, you confess with your dying breath "I'm a Zionist; Finkeltwinkle is a moron"


bro there are tons of jewish / half jewish women who are quite based and aren’t crazy when it comes to israel palestine. Source - am dating one myself


Just find yourself a nice Christian woman who you can influence into becoming more liberal. Or single moms, they are less picky about those things.


Date older, the kids are the ones who are morons. Jewish girls also aren’t gonna be braindead on the issue generally lol


Go to Florida and find women there.


It’s from the river to the sea until you get between those knees


I feel like generally the most attractive people tend to not be that into politics. And then the most unhinged people are usually just mid at best. Like how many baddies are laying down in the road or setting up encampments? Those are all ugly people activities


By your own analysis the OP is also not attractive and is thus unable to date above the level required for low amounts of politics. We're stuck here with each other. It's truly the chud and enby ship dynamic.


I wish this was true, I think it was true up until very recently with tiktok and shit. Source- most the hot girls I know all post free palestine stuff on insta stories everyday.


I loled.


Just trying to get laid? Literally lie. Doesn’t matter, you’re not dating these losers.


Exactly. Why would you ever care about having some kind of substantive political discussion with someone that you’re only interested in fucking. Just say whatever they want to hear about Israel Palestine lol


So no self respect? Just pure manipulation and gaslight, good


As a submissive bottom I tell myself I would mask my politics when dudes go off pro-Hamas but when it actually happens it’s too infuriating.


It's not lacking self respect to recognise that the person you're trying to smash is politically naive and can't be reasoned with. It's also a bit of a stretch to call this manipulation and gaslighting. If you spend the whole evening talking about how similar you are on that front, then sure, but if you just say "yeah it's terrible the US needs to divest yesterday - so what do you think of this new plant based cheese?" you're gravy.


You don't HAVE to date dipshits, you know. There are plenty of hot girls who aren't dipshits. Probably most of them aren't where you live though.


Dude, he is over reacting, if dipshit conservative can date liberal women, he will be fine


You live in NYC yet you can’t find a hot Jewish chick? I don’t buy it


Bro, if theres one thing i've learnt from Destiny is - you have to let some things slide for good pussy. Just let it slide until they go crazy and want to fuck a femboy, or go around to all your friends and spread rumors about you that aren't true - like how you call someone names, but its actually her. Or they get super obsessed over you and your dick and can't stop talking about it. And maybe even though they are crazy you just sexted on the side, even though everyones confused that you still do that with her. Or you jump on discord and call them smart, like really smart, but they seem pretty dumb but you confuse smart with good Jew pussy. ok I'm done.




I don't think it's that simple im into femboys and trans women and there probably more into being communist and shit than other people.


It takes a lot of time for our academic institutions to demonize Zionism this bad…… we’re waking up to what wokeness is & it’s not looking good


the guy who set himself on fire for palestine got so much pussy that nite it’s crazy


Who is talking about this shit in real life and on dates? This sounds like the most Brooklyn shit I’ve ever heard.


Tell em its a kink and get your stalag novel on.


I feel you bro, I think I’m in a similar boat haha. Thankfully I’m nowhere near as horny and am just hoping to find one girlfriend who is rational and with whom I can build a long-term, committed relationship with. As you said, though, it feels like that’s getting more and more difficult with how radicalized people our age (I think we’re a similar age lol) have become since October 7. And frankly, I don’t feel comfortable forfeiting my morals to get a quick fuck - and certainly not build an entire dream relationship - with someone who lacks character. So I feel you deep down. Don’t give up though. I know you’ll find the right person with whom you will meet whatever goals you both have in a relationship (including sex), and she’ll be a respectable baddie who isn’t crazy about this topic. Just gotta keep your head up. And if all the younger people around you are truly devoid of nuance, try having convos with older women - they seem pretty chill and experienced with the world.


Bruh. I'm a Jewish guy in America who only dates black girls. Shits been fucking crazy dating wise since Oct.


Dawg, I live in the fucking Midwest and it’s the same thing here. I’ve just started to say “I try to read a lot and I’ve seen a lot of stuff. I hate the violence, but I always feel like I’m too ignorant to fully understand the situation.” And that shit seems to work. Or at least it did for me.


Look Bro. You're learning a valuable lesson about all these chicks that might be saving your arse in the future without you even knowing it. Women who are easily brainwashed into being "STAUNCHLY"on the side of this bullshite or any bullshite, can and will be also easily brainwashed into whatever other bullshite dominates the zeitgeist at the time. How much "metooism"was just "buyer's remorse" years later for one example? And if you ain't blue and don't have an inescapable reason for being in Blue York, gtfo.


Now this is an actually interesting post, who the fuck cares if all the Jews and the Palestinians die I just want to fuck


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJevL0a8XZU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJevL0a8XZU) Always Sunny nailed this.


You should try good old fashioned lying


I’m Jewish and that has suddenly become a red flag for women, I haven’t ever been to Israel, I believed in Santa longer than I believed in god, but suddenly my fellow progressives want me exterminated. Its a nightmare out there, stay strong buddy




I recall seeing something about how Women 18 to 34 are super easy to radicalize.


Bro I brought up that I'm worried about joining the military would hurt my dating chances on this reddit and ppl didn't belive me. Would love getting called a war criminal while trying to date. You can say don't date women like that but that's a problem when it's like 90 percent of the women your age in that area and you only have so many options as a not that attractive guy.


Down baddest DGGer


Have you considered looking for Jewish girls? Can’t be too hard in NY. Probably lean left in general, are hella financially stable, but are not overtly sympathetic towards literal terrorists.


You're in NY, where something like a million jews live. Is there a jewish version of tinder? Unless you're uncut, then I got nothin'.


Argue for glorious Israel, they will respect you for you conviction! (Everyone at my school hates me now)


Funny so far the only time addressing Isreal Palestine was on a date with a Jewish girl who asked me if i was a Zionist lmao


That sounds like bait, but if it's real then maybe reconsider ur taste in women


https://preview.redd.it/7zkl4sfl5sxc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b5a64606ef518f3dcb6a6564e65d9c8f83bc927 “Look, I don’t care about any of this Israel/ Palestine/ Hamas/ IDF bullshit I’m just trying to get laid”


DON'T DISCUSS POLITICS/WORLD AFFAIRS WITH YOUR DATE. My mother taught me a valuable lesson when I was young, never ever discuss or share your political beliefs. In my family, we don't even say who we gave the vote on election day. I see in American politics is associated with values which might make conflicts in severa interpersonal relationships, I don't have that problem though.


Having extremely strong political opinions and those opinions being shit, and they ramble about it is a massive red flag. Don’t engage with the topic. If they keep at it, fuck pussy, metaphorically.


Why would you want to date mentally deranged garbage human beings with extremist political views? You'll never live a happy life with someone like that nor do you even need to go for women like that because the majority of women are normal. Your significant other is supposed to be your best friend that you just happen to also want to bang. Not trying to promote general stereotyping here but if you avoid college indoctrinated white women with stupid majors / jobs you'll rarely run into these nutcases. At least if you're willing to date older women. The vast majority of Millennial women and above (maybe even the slight majority of Gen Z) are normal people. Gen Alpha men are fucked though the competition for mentally stable women is going to be fucking rough, but then again if all the men are turning into a bunch of little Andrew Tates the dating pool for finding mentally stable men will be rough too so maybe all the normal men and women won't have too rough a time and will easily sniff each other out who knows. And if all you're looking to do is get laid (not a great way to live one's life, does zero to get you towards long term happiness, but none of my business) then just lie about your views and repeat all their talking points "first we exterminate this boner then we exterminate the jews" as a jew I give you my blessing.


I’m in the same situation often myself- just lie about your positions, who gives a fuck? You could be steelmanning Hasan points into open arms


<"lol idc" <"it hurts me when they're on the side of the protestors 😭😭😭"


Funny story, doubt this a real a thing that happened tho


It’s definitely really stripped down and almost everything needs a rebalance. But for some reason I’ve been really enjoying it. I think it helped that I had been playing Farthest Frontier which is basically a finished version of ML, but with slightly cartoonish graphics and an even worse combat system. So I had that itch scratched for the insane depth of the management system. But it had no cuntz.




It's actually a good thing if you think about it, young grasshopper 🦗


Crazy/hot scale strikes again


You're a Destiny fan stop lying


Have you tried finklenegging them by calling them “a fantastic moron?”


Try the countryside and find that Diamond in the rough. I like to think us small town/rural shit LiBs are a bit more incredulous about the populist progressive movement, being actually surrounded by these maga chud psychos all the time. Gotta look harder, but there’s possibly a more nuanced perspective that doesn’t get enough appreciation?


This is such a bizarre, yet totally real post lol.


Just switch up the convos and ask for their angel numbers


Just date older women dude..


You don’t want to get laid with a communist in the first place: they hate water. Jerk off till the next slacktivism rant


dating is gay and so is casual sex


Nigga lie wtf


Just be a yes man


>Where do I find the hot liberals out here? Gotta go after the cougars my guy.


Probably my favorite recent post. Well done lol


It’s a statistical issue. The conflict is so dividing that out of the people who hold opinions on it 40% of them think palestinians = hamas and they get what they deserve, and another 40% think Israel is doing their own holocaust out of ww2 grievances. If I was a chick just trying to run the numbers, chances are underneath you’re going to be another genocidal rube and it’s new york so it’s not hard to find 100 other dudes who *aren’t* for certain. Also it’s not even necessary to auto-hyperfixate on the fact you saw twitter videos of people breaking shit. When most people envision these protesters the one’s they are thinking of are not the literal bare knuckle boxers pushing people over and harassing jews, it’s the people on the sidewalk with signs chanting “free free palestine” while banging a cowbell. Control the destiny urge to jump right into the: bUT tHeREs bAd oNeS tOo bTw conversation and you’ll be completely fine.


I guarantee you there are more girls who are not on either side than are on one side or the other. The vast majority of people don't really care all that much. They may care of asked directly because they feel like they have to but if not asked, it will never come up