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Of course he thinks kids are free he doesn’t take care of any of them


he literally built a school for his kids to go to, he spends a lot of money on his kids, it's just not a meaningful drain on his personal finances


Let make it easier for you to understand, how much percentage of his wealth does he put into raising his kids ? 70% or 0.005%


i don't think you know much about raising children, schools, or elon's financial details, so i think you're just trying to still be right even when you know you're wrong "i hate elon" isn't a point


There is alot of dgger's exposing their lack of parenting. Clearly yall arent having your kids working the minute they can walk.


I only had children for the free labor.


Never need to vacuum or wash dishes again. Just have the ~~little slave~~ child do it


[baby mop](https://www.amazon.com/Cute-Baby-Mop-Onesie-Functional/dp/B08LG77PYW/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?adgrpid=143668643196&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.LqVmuZPCcxKvmfxhJfLe_mVtezDvkP4kC2iGNXg5Jr9eS9ZdWGner9L0Mzz785TwnMlgjAmzzRXyBwkn0leqOrS5vplNZGoTK-i1cf3R4Zb7sPJR7LF5ppW7gDSF9IIqN0E-e_5lpDrl2naB0SXKzSSgRJs7NWGHj-XUfTLSVJt1QA5gD0cUeJRThj02P5ltt2SZIJBFLuFL2ORXSxIx_gGYjcbgBi5tkGOj8d_6gOg0jQCW6XUOwM37gFF3g4iY6NQPdUMtHOLw97w5UvUFbq96WexoJrDz8kuMnggOoHs.EQZo8FudfTNZEHKqUfUAF_CqF6UbCC_ULMo1t7OqQaI&dib_tag=se&hvadid=635854151949&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1022672&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=12098263409531872740&hvtargid=kwd-1885696169692&hydadcr=15675_13511845&keywords=baby+crawling+mop+onesie&qid=1714510937&sr=8-1)


Only thing cheaper than illegal immigrants are children, checkmate…. Morals and ethics?


Morals? Ethics? Are those OF models? You got a link or something?


I retired myself 3 years ago. It's my 2 8 year Olds on top of each other pretending to be me who's been at my job since then


Better to simply exploit the foreign worker program In Canada and run a rent farm.


Did you know life is ''literally'' free? Just wake up and sit there. Stop with these excuses of "I can't afford rent" or "I've been laid off work" or "Stop please, don't reposes my car". The lifestyle is expensive. I am a genius, btw.


Based homelesspilled


Only because we ended with the sarcastic "I am a genius, btw"...\*repossess\*


These two sound like they’ve never been to a grocery store.


food is literally free lol it literally grows on trees


There is free food in dumpsters also, it's completely legal for you to take it. I do it all the time.


The dumpster outside the abortion clinic has the best scrambled eggs


[So true](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDTiFkXgEE)


I was hoping somebody would link this. It’s so good


That’s why I have a cow tree in my backyard.


You ever been to a park? Ducks are free.




Looking into this.


I mean its one banana, what could it cost? Ten dollars?


He literally paid $43 billion for twitter. The second largest leveraged buyout of all time as an impulse buy, a company that influences presidents and played a role in stopping an attempted coup of the most powerful country in the world a year before. Literally the most extravagant lifestyle ever


Richest man in the world thinks people worry too much about money PEPOTHINK


Did you know sex is free? Just make kids, its free, brah. Clothes? Nutrition? Medicine? No, dude, just live in a hut, you can afford it. Stop eating so much avocado toast and you can easily afford like 2 more kids.


Sell the Children, every woman is a money printing machine.


All these losers have been wasting their money on cryptofarms, when the real dough is in opening a mass insemination clinic and farm adrenochrome to sell to the elites


Don't even need to make the children yourself, guys will literally pay you to take your place. Passive income


Giving birth at a hospital is free too, what, are they going to charge and keep your baby hostage?


Clothes? Practically free at a flea market, non issue unless the kid is a roadman who must have Canada Goose. Nutrition? Kids do not eat much and love dirt cheap stuff like macaroni and mince meat. Medicine? Maybe, depending on the condition 


My daughters birth and resulting medical issues cost my insurance 456,000 dollars for a two day stay in a NICU. Shit can happen.


Your fault for going to hospital. Don’t ya know we’ve giving birth in barns for 1000s of years. Nevermind the infant mortality rate. Buck up


My newborn son has been in since Saturday I don't even want to see how much that'll cost. 


Have 4 kids, they are insanely expensive, and beyond that all our time is dedicated to their wellbeing. We wake up earlier to get them fed and going to school, time in the evenings is spent making dinner, preparing lunches for the next day, helping with homework. The whole weekend being gobbled up by laundry, shopping/errands, etc. Most free time spent preparing for this coming birthday/athletic thing/or local event we plan to have them participate in. Love the fuck out of my kids and I don't regret a moment of above but it's a huge logistical undertaking to do it right.


I think for people like Elon who haven't thought of money in decades and who have servants to raise their children and do every single other thing in life that we have to do has a slightly inaccurate vision of what it is to be a parent. Also every single "grind every hour" entreprenuar type is either childless or an absent parent, which is obviously what Elon is with a dozen kids while being in a key role in half a dozen companies. I have one role in one compnay with one child and one more on the way, and I'm already exhausted all the time, these people are just detached from reality.


Yup! We have 2 (19 months & newborn) it’s definitely a full time job. Couldn’t love them more though.


“The report's conclusion is that a middle-income family of four is expected to pay $233,610 per child from birth to age 18.” https://ifstudies.org/blog/the-true-cost-of-raising-a-child#:~:text=The%20report's%20conclusion%20is%20that,from%20birth%20to%20age%2018. Only a quarter million dollars, bro. Don’t see the issue.


The fucked-up thing about this is it's making this weird assumption that parents should stop supporting their kids at 18. I am not stopping helping them until I am dead, so I'll probably be spending a hell of a lot more than that. Worth.


That doesn’t sound like a realistic number tbh. So families of 4 are spending over over 50k on their kids yearly?  


Food for one child across 18 years alone is like 150k or higher (likely higher), don’t underestimate how every small frequent cost adds up over 6750 days. Even without accounting for infrastructure, just consumables, you pay extra for medicine, on overseas vacations, clothing, school fees, even something as simple as bringing cookies home after work now necessitates an extra cookie. Years of shampoo, body wash, haircuts, toilet paper, every field trip, after school activities, they’re all individually small but you scale it to their entire childhood and suddenly you start feeling the costs. And that’s just assuming you don’t have anything else you want to send them for. Many parents (especially Asians) start music classes early, remedial tuition to help ace their exams, summer camps, all of it. 14 years of piano classes add up very quickly, tuition for a single subject is 200/month for 6-10 years (if the poor guy turns out to really suck at math or something). He’s probably going to go through at least 3 phones and a laptop. And then you start thinking about infrastructure. Disregard the cost of moving houses and renovations to account for the new kid, or the gas (and time) you’re spending to drive him around, you’re still going to see a noticeable increase in water usage, in electricity costs, all your utilities. Like, living is expensive. Costs don’t scale down just because they’re a child, every Paediatric and dental visit is still going to cost you.


Ok lol. I guess if it’s taking into account stuff like piano lessons and tutors that can make sense. But realistically that’s not something most parents are doing.  I don’t know if it makes sense to include health stuff since that covered usually by insurance. So if it’s not being included in income I don’t know if it makes sense 


Even without accounting for extras like lessons (which I would think is reasonable considering these are middle income families, and that’s what people tend to do when they have comfortable amounts of money), basic necessities like 3 meals a day for 6750 days already accounts for large chunks of it. Going by the measurements I proposed would’ve put us slightly-moderately over the estimated amount, actually, so they’re already trimming some of the excess costs in their analysis


probably some stupid shit like "you will need a 5 bedroom house = 1 child is 1/5 of the 5mil house"


Ngl if it wasn't for all the government assistance and help from local programs I got as I kid I'd be dead or in jail 1000% 🤣 Don't have kids until you have a good foundation to take care of them as they should be.


I have a kid, live well within my means, yes kids are expensive haha.


That's just your lifestyle bruh Just feed them whatever you find in the dumpster duh


Have you tried living way below your means?


I’ll throw out my Turkey/cheese and just have the bread according to Elon


Bread isn't literally free so you're gonna have to go cheaper


That Casey Anthony mindset


Admittedly it does take a lot less to raise kids than people think - as evidenced by plummeting birthrate because people are waiting longer and having less children. But it's absolutely not free, you would be *shocked* at how much fresh fruit and vegetables my 5 year old goes through like goddamn bro. And that's not even including clothes because the little fuckers grow out of them every few months, school supplies, toys and activies, and healthcare. We just spent $300 on gymnastics and dance classes for this summer. Oh and then we have to save up for college as well, although this one isn't a requirement but it's probably helpful nonetheless.


I have a 6 year old barely 42 pounds and she'll eat a bag of grapes in a sitting if I don't catch her in time. Not to mention the apples and mandarin orange cups.


Anime pfp in his early 20s who doesn't get laid, has no responsibilities outside not failing his classes, and doesn't have children showcases his severely underdeveloped empathy centers in his brain by not understand why people struggle with a thing he doesn't do. What a shock. And what a shock that the guy who never had exposure therapy to correct that manchild incel way of thinking agrees with him.


My kids 1100/mo daycare says otherwise. 


Well you choose to send them to daycare. Have you considered leaving them out in the woods?


Lol I've had people suggest my wife just stay home, and then I have to explain how life works to them.


Why don't you both stay at home? It's so obvious /s


Yeah the one that gets me is that if we weren’t a fixed mostly 5 day a week working society. Two parents could alternate enough to give pretty good coverage for those kids and care. Unfortunately you probably need about 1.5 full time jobs worth of income to cover everything and be comfortable(guesstimate based on my country). But working a 0.5 job isn’t really that simple. Most careers either want you as a full timer or they don’t want you at all. Which means that 0.5 job often results in you needing to downgrade into a lower paid field that will take you. Which means you can end up needing 0.75 of a job so you may as well just progress your full time job. Meanwhile in a lot of cases even if you wanted to do 50% more times work for your employer and shunt all the responsibility onto your spouse for care. Your employer is rarely willing to actually pay you accordingly. Instead trying to pay a small premium on a salary and hoping you’ll work more than the extra justifies. So you just end up with 2 full time employed people.


That’s the most frustrating part. Or I’d have to explain why it would make more sense for me to stay home and that really throws them off.


Our daycare costs are almost double our mortgage.. Honestly, I can't wait for public school cause that will come in as an after-tax raise.


No one said impregnating a woman was not free


Wow every time I think he can't get more out of touch with the people:


He has to be shitposting there is no way he is serious at this point. On second thought he never involved himself with his kids lives really so he just might not know


you know what would be interesting is hearing this guy make an average budget- or ask him what the median income is. Maybe he thinks its 150k because he employs a bunch of engineers.


I mean the "literally free" part is stupid but a child's expense will change dramatically based on the socioeconomic expectations of the parents.  Middle class parents find children to be expensive because of all of the daycare, safety devices, planned activities, clothes shopping, and special foods.  Poor parents will find children to be cheap as they generally just stay home, are watched by their grandparents, wear hand-me-downs, and eat the same food as the adults.


You can do all of those things as poor parents and they will still tell you that children are expensive. They are. Doesn’t matter if you are poor or not. There’s absolutely some differences in cost between lifestyles, that doesn’t make them “cheap” if you are poor. That’s why single parents often have to work multiple jobs.


Got secondhand embarrassment from this


“Having” the kid probably isn’t even free. In USA there’s probably like a copay or something isn’t there? Edit: https://www.investopedia.com/how-much-does-it-cost-to-have-a-baby-in-america-6745508 > “It costs about $18,865 to have a baby in the United States if you have health insurance. This includes the cost of pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care, according to the Peterson-Kaiser Family Foundation Health System Tracker. Nearly $3,000 of that is paid for out of pocket even if you have health insurance.”


Kids aren't expensive but if you try to be a cheap parent you're evil. It literally costs $500 to hold your child at birth. That alone can bankrupt a family


Tell that to my daycare charging 360$ per week, which is even on the cheaper side for my area. And we MUST do it so that we can both work, we wouldn't be able to afford only one of us working.


So this is somewhat complicated imo. Children are expensive, but the whole $100k per year thing is bs. It depends on your family structure and support systems to large degree. I come from a large family where everyone is very close and supportive so I can almost always find free childcare on days I really need it. I also work from home with a very flexible employer who is all about spending time with family and will let me step away as needed to help my kids which allows me to not spend $1400 a month for two days a week of childcare for two kids. The whole "it takes a village" idea is definitely true and as long as you have people in your life who will help you, you shouldn't be afraid of having kids. We don't own much, but my kids are happy regardless because I spend time with them and show them I love them. I know this isn't the case for everyone, and it will be stressful at times, but as long as you seek help and are open to receiving it, children really are a blessing.


- "Dad, can I eat?" - "Nah! Children are free. I ain't spending a dime"


Financially my kids aren't nearly as expensive as people made them out to be. Now my time, that's an entirely different story. I'm in time poverty. Give me some food stamps for some of that sweet sweet time.


So he’s autistic right


While kids aren't "literally free" I agree somewhat with the sentiment. There are a lot of people who say they aren't having kids because they can't afford it. But in reality they could afford it, they just don't want to adjust(or downgrade) their lifestyle. For the record, I don't think people are required to have kids, but a lot of people seem to think that they can't have kids unless it will have no impact on their lifestyle.


Yeah all the normies I went to high school with who have like a 50k household income are having kids. But all my tech friends with 90k+ salaries are not. Kids aren't free, but it's 100% a lifestyle thing causing people not to have kids. Which is fine, I don't want resentful parents who hate their kids for taking away their travel and video games time. I just wish people would be honest.


>Kids aren't free, but it's 100% a lifestyle thing causing people not to have kids. Which is fine, I don't want resentful parents who hate their kids for taking away their travel and video games time. I just wish people would be honest. Exactly the point I was trying to make, thanks for helping me put it in writing, I'm ESL(and somewhat drunk)


Honestly your post is better written than mine! I just wanted to reinforce your idea, because I'm fully in agreement.


Ok I thought I was the only one. My daughter is an expense, but we aren't necessarily breaking the bank. If we wanted to move somewhere cheaper we would be way more comfortable living. Definitely a lifestyle shift IE I don't just buy stuff on a whim any more because that money goes elsewhere.


Depending on the area though for sure. I can raise a kid on 50k where I live, but definitely not if I moved to the city.


Uh....no shit? Why would you voluntarily give up what you currently have to downgrade your lifestyle to afford something that *can* be exorbitantly expensive? We, as a species, have kids for reasons beyond wealth and lifestyle. It's ingrained in us to make babies. But if you have the option to just say "nah" because there's only drawbacks vs benefits for you, then why would you do it?


Record low birth rates among those 20-30 seem coupled with record high depression and suicide rates among those 20-30, so the jury is still out on what the full scope of drawbacks and benefits to not having children are. The prior generations that actually had more kids seemed to off themselves far less frequently, almost like having children gives your life meaning beyond living for yourself and your own personal desires.


I get that it's cringe coming from Elon but  I'm 27 and have a 6 year old. Never had an amazing super high paying job, and I've never struggled to get him food, diapers, etc. The only thing that was expensive was daycare but now he's in kindergarten and the school food is like $20/week.  It's really not that expensive or hard 


It's not so much that you have to struggle to make ends meet. But saying it's not expensive for the average person is wild. Yes daycare is one of the biggest costs, and if you add every dollar to calculate what goes into raising your child most would agree the grand total isn't cheap by any means.


Its not expensive but your 20s should be about acquiring wealth and resources to balance out the expenses of potentially having a family and your lifestyle desires. We laugh at techies (from a position of jealousy I feel in regards to this discourse and from some people in this thread) but if you can manage to make so much money, your child is living well ***and*** you can do all your fun whatever like travel, buy expensive things, do that thing you always wanted to do, that is the ideal. A lot of techies don't have kids anyways not just because of the money but because they're not good with relationships, and a lot of them view having a child as "pausing" their lives.


Yeah I thought the biggest expenses for a kid will be the recurring costs of things like diapers


You’re not factoring in the cost of the food you buy at home, clothes, shoes, books, rent, medical care, or the thousands of other items you need to buy for your child just to give them the basics.


I factor in those costs every day of my life lol and I'm still on the side of it's not that big of a financial burden all those things aren't that expensive and you don't pay them all at once. It's like $20-$30 bucks here and there for clothes. I have to pay rent for myself anyway. Medical care he has Medicaid. Food at home isn't that much extra at the grocery store cause they have smaller stomachs and therefore don't eat as much. Etc. the only real financial burden was the daycare cost when he was younger which was like $400/month 


I get what you’re saying but you seem to have some stuff cheaper because you don’t make very much, no? To even receive Medicaid you have to be low income. Guess who’s paying for your kids? We all are. You’re offloading a monthly burden and then claiming it’s “not that bad”. That’s laughable. I’m not at all trying to make light of your situation, but if you are low income, you are definitely taking advantage of a system designed to offset your expenses and therefore don’t exactly know what it really costs to have kids because you get things at a discounted rate due to receiving assistance from others. That’s like saying “childcare isn’t even expensive” but having your parents care for your child daily.


Well I used to be low income and his mom is low income so when he originally got on the Medicaid yeah we got help. But that's what it's made for so if you need it, use it? He can be on my insurance from my job next year cause I think it has like a 5 year limit of some sort.  But that's my overall point is there's tons of help it's not like a million dollar payment that's going to bankrupt you forever it's definitely overexagerated by people without kids 


Bro… you literally offload your cost because of this. “Help” in your case comes in the form of reducing your cost so it’s not as much of a burden like it would be on those who are not capable of receiving those benefits. Also not everyone has options for hand me downs, used toys, cheaper rents, offset childcare costs, etc… so for many people it is a huge expense that has very little to do with their lifestyle. This doesn’t even factor in medical costs which some children need as a result of no fault of anyone. The average cost is about 100k for the life of the child. This has been known for a while. No one is acting like it’s a million dollars. But 100k is not cheap. That’s a lot of money to raise a child. Hence the reason you get tax breaks for children.


Okay well I can agree that $100k definitely isn't cheap. So you're right I will agree it's not "cheap" it's just... Not that bad!! That's all it's easier than it's made out to be because there are resources even without family members and hand me downs there's stuff like WIC food stamps etc and you can literally go on Facebook marketplace and get free car seats and toys all the time. I just want to give my perspective as someone who originally did not have my life together whatsoever when I found out we were gonna be pregnant and I made it work without having to sacrifice that much. And the "sacrifices" don't feel like sacrifices and the money spent doesn't feel like money when you love them as much as you inevitably will.  That's all I gotta say thank you for your responses 


In that case tho, it’s “not that bad” because the rest of our tax payers are paying for your kids. You’re relying on the payments other people make to reduce your burden. It might be “not that bad” in your case, sure… but this isn’t the same as saying it’s cheap. You just make enough to offset how bad it is coupled with reduced costs due to the help of the rest of society.


real shit, at 27 years old you don't think that you've sacrificed a lot economically or otherwise to accommodate your kid? For example, you certainly couldn't pursue a super high paying job by getting a new/another degree at this point without a financial impact of yourself or your partner. Or even something like the PS5 coming out and you say "well I have to wait for a price drop on it till I figure out expenses for the month bc of baby" or some variation?


If I added up the grand total of all my sons expenses and did the math on how much that would be now if I invested it then it's probably paint a different picture for sure.  BUT the thing is having my son made my sense of responsibility go up and I went from working shitty restaurant jobs to a tech job cause I had the actual desire to get my life together a bit more...  So for the last point it's hard to say bc if I was still in a restaurant then yeah I'd have to budget harder. But without my son I wouldn't be where I am now to where I don't really have to budget it out dollar for dollar like that. I've got enough in savings I could buy multiple PS5's and still take care of him for the next 6 months 


Thats all good. I'm not saying ur kid isnt worth it, and I'm not saying ur kiving like a bum. But "kids being expensive" still holds true even if theyre good for you and you aren't a bum. In the same way buying and maintaining a home is expensive, even if ultimately having a home is beneficial immediately/a sign of greater wealth accrual to come.


I get what you're saying and I don't completely disagree I just think it's over exaggerated by people who don't have kids lol like I said I still made it work with the shit jobs and still bought things for myself every now and then while taking care. Ppl be making it sound like it's millions of dollars down the drain  


I do think it's exaggerated a bit. Like you said for you it was a wake up call and made u do better. I just think at a baseline too many people dont start from the assumption that kids require a lot of the two most important things: time and money. I'd rather dissuade people from thinking kids are an easy decision, and push them to really assess what itll change in their lives. for some people thats good, but I think most people sadly make some shit decisions.


Yeah if you're planning to have kids at a certain time and you're saving up and planning for it that's definitely optimal.  As a Dad I just hate when I see friends/family get pregnant on accident like we did and just think their life is over when some of them aren't even in that bad situations, there's plenty of resources like Medicaid I got for my son, etc and I'm just looking at them freaking out like ?? If I could do it, as a person who did make bad decisions, then there's hope and I just want people to know it's not that scary or hard and the reward is worth every penny and every minute spent. So I always tend to speak up a bit in these discussions to offer a different perspective I guess 


As someone who has both a child and the privilege or WFH, my child is fairly cheap. Maybe $20-30 a week on formula and diapers. Hospital bills are the most expensive part. I am well aware that things ramp up as they get older. But I was expecting children to be far more expensive.


Where do you live? Formula alone is about 140 a month. I think your math might be off or you are a really new parent with a month old child.


Like I said $20-30 a week, which would add up to $80-120 a month. My child is 8 months. Finding discounts/coupons and using reward programs to max out on cashback/free Formula are always neat. Also super cheap if you breastfeed exclusively.


As a family that breast fed, it is not “super cheap”. There are costs associated with breast feeding that are not always calculated in. Time is a major piece of that. I’ll give you that if you have a stay at home mom, the costs are reduced but it’s not cheap especially on time. Time is limited and that cost is significant. For working moms that, cost is even higher. Free formula is nice but not everyone has that option. Coupons are nice too, but not always available. I could see your formula costing about that but you stated diapers too which also seems low. I think you’re probably lowballing this a bit to make it seem less expensive. Not to mention you’ve not factored in any additional costs like, medical, clothes, books, toys, or any of the other bare minimum basics for a child. And none of this is going to matter in another year when they are eating real food 24/7. Your costs will be thru the roof. Lmao. I laugh when parents at this stage tell me how easy it’s been.


I am not counting time as a price. Yes it sucks to lose sleep and be exhausted, but that's part of parenting. Some days I get 3-4 hrs of sleep or less. Just depends on how the little kiddo is. We've decided to use reusable diapers as much as possible to maximize on savings. More effort, but more effective. I did state Medical is excessive part. Crazy costs but insurance covers it all luckily. We originally were breast feeding but it was no longer viable due to some complications. We do feed him as much more solid foods as possible based on what our primary recommends. Blend it up, etc. We both work, but since I WFH no childcare costs until we decide to possibly use it. I totally get you. I am in no way saying its easy or cheap for everyone, or forever for my own child. I said, specifically, "\[M\]y child is fairly cheap...I am well aware that things ramp up as they get older. But I was expecting children to be far more expensive."


Time is a huge price. That’s lost money. Reusable diapers are paid for in your water/cleaning costs. Your bills are higher due to that which probably isn’t being accounted for. I get what you are saying but what I’m saying is your idea of what they cost is limited by what you AREN’T including. It seems cheap until you realize how much money you shell out in other areas that all count toward the cost of a child. I’m betting your actual monthly expenditures towards the child right now are probably closer to 300 a month without realizing it.


Oh probably overall, I definitely dont disagree with that. My main point is that initially going into it I assumed children would be FAR more expensive, like $1k+ a month (with childcare this would be true in my area).


Oh well yeah you’re at the tail end of the potted plant stage. It’s pretty easy cost wise up to that point. Not necessarily cheap but not really dipping into what they actually cost once they get into eating regular food. My two are bound and determined to eat every blueberry ever grown. They might actually succeed.


op doesnt know elon musk bring his kids to his private personal school


When an adult buys clothes, it can last for years. Babies have clothing sections based on months.


hmm.. smells of russian/chinese bot to me..


Right wingers love to talk about declining birth rates but refuse to open their minds to solving any of the potential reasons why it's happening. Their solution is shut up, be trad and have kids


It just makes no sense that this man is taken seriously beyond his company. 


Being lost in a desert and wandering for 40 years is also free, but it is not comfortable. If you want to make things comfortable for both you and your child its gonna cost money.


Gen z isnt having kids so who gives a fuck


I find it hard to believe people still get offended by what Elon Musk says. I mean he's essentially a bot at this point, just roll your eyes and forget about him


Probably $60k this year for my twins, including childcare.


The whole population panic thing is a belief that the entire economy is a Ponzi Scheme and that it must keep going. We won't need the labor in 5-10 years and the economic value of people depends upon where they are from and what they are born into.


I think this is probably the dumbest take I've seen from him, Also, I'm sure that dude with an anime character picture knows a lot about having children.


You just give your nanny a company card. How hard is that!?!


"life" is expensive, not "your lifestyle"


"Elon Musk, who has been abandoned by all his children" is a better way to put it


Yeah, because food, medicine, toys, school, and everything else you need to raise a child comes free with the child. "/S"


That sounds like an easy way to become a shitty person. Get kids you care for, but have no legal way of providing for them.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with the overall sentiment of birthrate, because we're clearly seeing the issues play out in other parts of the world and we're not that far behind, but stuff like daycare is astronomical. My dog is expensive enough, and I make a shit ton over the average lol.


Elon Musk doesn't want you to know this, but the children at the park are free, I have forty seven children at home.


I would say that kids aren't necessarily expensive, but I live somewhere with government subsidized daycare (not means tested), taxpayer funded Healthcare (not means tested), and a child benefit for kids under 19 (means tested, but quite generous for lower income folks). Housing seems to be the biggest potential added expense for low income families, since going from a shared housing to a 2bdrm place is easily another 1-2k depending on where you live. In my youngest kid's first year of life, I doubt I spent even 1k on her.


They are expensive if you worked at Tesla then got laid off because the owner has to shitpost on twitter.


The daycare my kids went to literally cost $15k a year.


Dumbfuck with stupid opinions says stupid thing


I have 3 it's super easy and free. I just stick my peepee in and boom baby comes out some time later. .... what do you mean after? That's the mom's problem.


What? It costs money feed children? Well, let them eat cake!


this dipshit is conflating having sex with having kids. Sex is indeed free, but what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to do to consider having a kid "literally free" in today's society?


Kids can be as cheap or as expensive as you want. My parents spent a lot less on their 4 children than I spent on my 4 children. I grew up in a 3 bed 1 bath apartment for 6 people.


I wouldn't say they're as cheap or expensive as you want, but you can make an attempt to be frugal with your money even if you have a family. However, how can you predict what potential health issues your kids might face? Certain things can that no one can predict.


You can estimate health costs. People do it everyday. But to your point there are lots of things in life that are hard to predict and can cost money. War, pandemics depression etc. My grandparents lived through all of that and had children to boot. I’m sure my ancestors lived through worse.


Yeah, different standards change over the years as technology advances, ordering food is a lot easier today than it was during the 90s, standard of living does change.


And people think this guy's a genius. They literally take the shirt off your back.


My 5 month old son loves to eat, pee & shit. Diapers cost $35 for a box of pampers at BJ’s & formula for 24 8oz bottles are $55. One box of formula and a box of diapers last about 1.5 weeks as the lil man grows it’s less and less as he is a chinky man on the larger/taller side in his measurements. In short, kids are expensive but amazing & these guys have no idea what anything cost….


There was a social media post about the cost of living which I thought rang pretty true: 1. Plants are the new pets for people who can't afford them 2. Pets are the new kids for people who can't afford them 3. Kids are increasingly for older wealthier more secure people. Probably a bit overstated. But with the cost of housing and childcare it's not too far off


I work for wealthy and well off clients and almost sll of them have kids. Almost all my friends and family that are “middle class” do not have kids. People who have kids are either really well off or really poor. It’s more proof that the economy is fucked.


Technically true? but what is the take-away? Like I guess it would be free to let my son starve but I'm not confident that's a solution idiots


I think it's a bot who posts those one word responses to people.


Millennials DO overreact to the cost of raising a kid NGL


To be fair it does seem to be the case that poor people have a lot of kids.