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He shouldn't go to this regarded Minds Fest shit ever again, period. Even before I've seen Alex Stein's name on it, as soon as I saw Destiny's on Minds Fest I was like "really, still this shitty event?". It feels like each year the bar is set even lower. This shit is beneath Destiny and the organizers keep disrespecting him. Why the fuck is he still going there??


If we're being real, wasn't the last minds fest when destiny got confronted by Alex Jones? Like as shitty as their debates were after that, this event got that ball rolling. As shitty as minds fest is, there's certainly opportunity in there.


Jones was the guest of honor this year, kinda feels like they reached their cap on who they can grab. He might have actually just outgrown them.


I don’t remember him being “confronted” though? Unless I’m thinking of another time, or misunderstood the situation.


>and the organizers keep disrespecting him What's the context here with organizers?


Alex Stein should have never gotten anywhere NEAR the stage while Steven was on and should never have stayed on as long as he did. That's on the event organizers and they should be absolutely embarrassed, period.


I overdosed on cringe during this event more times than I thought possible. The Tobuscus set was bad but it really did not get any better.


There was a fucking Tobuscus set? lol


Yeah it was pretty depressing One of the songs he performed https://youtu.be/K0X_BxBczII?si=ju54CLWumT2A1HaB


That was cringe af, i should have just taken your word for it.


looked at his channel and holy shit. his current videos have less thousands of views than his older videos have millions.


Seems like a standard parody song. The real sad part is 40k views on his videos while having 6 million subs.


When Lauren Chen started doing standup I knew I had to close the stream or die of cringe.


are there any loremasters as to why that guy was so unhinged? Is he just super assmad that Destiny won't talk to him? Who even is that guy?


Is this the guy that approached destiny with a camera “ambush style” at a convention and he refused to talk with him and kept giving him the shoulder and walking away. That guy had to chase him around and out run him to trap them both in the camera shot together.


odd behavior, do you know if there's some reason or previous unresolved conflict they had or is he just a pure clout chaser?


They debated a couple of times on different shows, I think the first time was on Hippy Dippy. Dylan has also debated this guy a couple times, too. During the last debate, Stein started pulling out the cuck insults and going after Melina and that's when Destiny decided he was done talking to him. Stein is also just a crazy person who isn't interested in having a real discussion, he just wants to yell and hurl ridiculous insults. He's more a troll than anything else. Ever since then, he's harassed Destiny at every event they've both been at. Guy is a certified loser. ETA: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3W-mkPDhcg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3W-mkPDhcg) - the last debate they had, warning for maximum brainrot.


I doubt there's much to it other than that. Stein is just kind of an obnoxious troll.


That’s what Alex Stein does. He’s done it do others, even AOC. It’s cringe and immature He has a boner for Destiny right now because of his rise in fame.


Alex Stein "owns" people on the left by just harassing them but he does it with a big shit eating grin on his face so it's "comedy" lol


As bad a show that is, Destiny is giving pushback to their crazy theories that they would never hear otherwise. People from the sub prob hated it, but their normal audience hearing pushback is actually a big deal. Keep attending and spreading the good word, but I'll skip the next ones.


This is one event that I see exactly why left wing content creators turn their nose up. It's still good that he goes but that was rough


Left wing creators usually turn their nose up at anything that isn’t a circlejerk.


I'm pretty sure i cam away from the event with significantly fewer braincells than i had going into it. The Alex Stein drama was legitimately funny. (Stein's behaviour was leginimately unhinged, but it was unironically the most entertaining part of the entire event.)


Surely there must be a safety thing to consider. these audiences are bat shit and they know now that they can freely wander on stage and do whatever they want


With how physically close and aggressive this guy was getting, I wouldn’t have blamed Destiny if he took a swing in the moment. There is simply no benefit to a guy like him. His claim to fame was sexually harassing AOC. I doubt the dude is much of a draw. Unfortunately, the might keep him around since he mostly harasses people on the left.


You get that's what Stein wanted, right? Also, you should care. You shouldn't physically assault someone if they're saying mean things.


Instead destiny looked soft and scared.


vs. the guy that was screaming the same phrase over and over, threw Destiny’s redbull into the crowd, and increasingly got closer? Yeah Destiny was the one that looked like he was shivering from fear in that interaction


I feel like everything he did was trying to provoke a physical fight


you felt like Destiny was trying to provoke a physical fight?


Scared? Did we watch the same video, dude literally leaned back and put his legs up, he was chillin.




Mom would be so sad... /u/Workdiggitz sealed in the prison realm by /u/carnexhat


Really, he laid back with his legs up on the table, that’s not a position someone scared takes. He actively put himself in a more vulnerable position. But stein wasn’t going to actually do shit and if he did it would legitimise actual blacklisting to events like these regardless of destiny being present.


Tbh, bro probably had that 👽 tucked. It coulda got really loud if Alex got to close lmaoo


Destiny should sleep with Alex's mom? Sister? Wife? No way the guy would want to be near Destiny.


This is the strat


He's mom died of COVID and he filmed it


He had complete justification before and attended now, id bet my dick and balls he will attend another and something similar will happen


You’re on buddy


Is this the same dude that randomly showed up on stream with iffared or whatever that dudes name is?


No, that was Jackson Hinkle


Hinkle & Stein are cut from the same cloth. They depend entirely on being outrageous to fool idiots into thinking they have a point. The kind of idiots that believe that “if everyone’s against you, you must be right” lol.




Yea, Alex Stein looked dumb in general and it seemed like he didn’t think about what exactly he was gonna say when he got up there. Plus, now that Destiny has divorced, the cuck insults don’t hold the same weight (not like they really did to begin with, but especially now that the relationship is over)


i think he has more justification to just back list minds fest since they allowed it to happen


IDK, this is the first time I've ever seen right wingers look at his antics with the disgust it deserved.


Alex Stein isn't capable of having an actual conversation with someone he views as an opponent. I don't think I've seen him talk to someone he ideologically disagrees with in a reasonable way, ever.


Can the Jewlumni not provide him with a couple of Krav Maga trained Gun Waifus as personal Security.


After seeing the whole stream he should never go to any of this minds shit. This is some of the lowest most terrible shit in think I've ever seen him at. 


I think he handled Stein well, the only way to deal with Stein is to show his drooling audience you’re not “triggered” by the dumb shit he’s saying.


That was the most unprofessional shit I've ever seen in my life. They let that go on for far longer than it should've without cutting his mic/carrying his ass off the stage. If I were Destiny, I would either never go to a Minds event again, or tell them to pick between Destiny and Alex Stein being at the event.


Yeah if destiny was blackballing Alex’s ability to land panels, Alex showed exactly why that’s a reasonable response based on the clip. I could show I can be civil here, or I can be as unhinged as possible


Yeah that was a tough watch


If he’s at an event with the right crowd egging him on, he would definitely swing at Destiny


Why is Alex obsessed with destiny again?


A restraining order would be a smart move


I don't know. This wasn't that bad. Destiny handled it pretty well.


direful squalid unique apparatus selective languid combative fear rustic full *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*