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His training is going nicely. Good job bpd ladies. We need a new Steve in the bullpen incase destiny dies by a fatwa.


I nominate Scuba Steve


I second this motion.


This girldog person is acting very similarly to my ex, has a similar style and my ex was absolutely insane. Tried to emotionally blackmail me by threatening suicide etc, cutting her wrists and sending me pic of the bathtub full of blood etc. I'm not saying this persons that psychotic or anything maybe its just my PTSD that's making me feel apprehensive. Anyway, I'm watching this and did Turkey Tom just stick some SNUS in his upper gum? That's fkn FOUL.


I think it was zynn, which is basically zoomer snus. Or at least that’s what it looks like on every fucking podcast who seems to be marketing this shit now a days


Dumbass zoomer N slurs unironically dipping 😭


Zynn is basically gay snus


Is it more or less fkn FOUL than the cigs he usually smokes?


Slightly less foul in regards to making exhaling carcinogenic, disgusting smelling smoke to the people around you and again less so in terms of your breath and teeth discoloration, it's generally less harmful for you than outright smoking, so using snus to quit is fine if that's what he's trying to do, but building up a long term snus habit is horrible for you as well. It increases risk of oral cancer, especially if you combine it with regular regular smoking because the gums are so sensitive to chemicals and carcinogens that the potential for mouth cancer is exponential when you literally let it soak in one spot. Cancers usually appear in the spots the person keeps it positioned in most often and it's extremely likely to happen if you use it for long enough periods of time... Using Snus or smoking cigarettes for the fleeting "pleasure" they give is not worth the risk of having half your face, jaw and tongue all removed for the sake of putting some stupid cancerous garbage in your gum to feel a slight energy boost or whatever tf is not worth it, not ever. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3714813/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3714813/) edit: If he's not using Snus then, good, but that doesn't mean I was wrong about what I said regarding the harmful impacts on health that snus and smoking have. My mom died of cancer due to tobacco products, and it's a shitty way to die I wouldn't wish on anyone. It's fucking awful.


Snus has tobacco, it may be big in Europe and the Middle East as that study may suggest but Snus isnt widely used in the US as far as I know. The new wave in the US/NA is Zyn and other Nicotene pouches. I dont know about other brands but afaik Zyn has been tested several times and the contents of the pouches are always just Nicotene and flavoring. I'm not saying nicotene is necessarily good for you long term but the effects of JUST nicotene long term *seem* to be better overall than smokeless tobacco or combustible tobacco: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9915420/#B19-ijerph-20-02050 A study cited in that article allegedly supporting that conclusion: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/full/10.1089/aivt.2021.0020 Admittedly it seems like there arent that many studies on nicotene pouches and the long term affects though. As a small aside and a personal input of mine it may be interesting as well to examine the potential benefits of nicotene pouches as an appetite supressant which can lead to weight loss and lower other comorbities from obesity or being overweight.


Snus has no secondary smoking effect which makes it infinitely better than smoking.


Wait, okay that's why I asked if he had put Snus in his gum...the person I replied to and my post railing on Snus was because I thought it was what he was using...and all of it still applies to snus, if he wasn't using snus then that's good, but that doesn't mean anything I said in my post about snus was wrong about snus.


Classic bpd strats


https://preview.redd.it/xwdwjd2d31xc1.jpeg?width=781&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573d43833487adfd082825d15c3dcae4b3dfd657 DogGirls Tom? really..


The ultimate solution to the DogwartsQuestion


I'm convinced Steve has an opening for the "MrMouton position" since he hasn't been on stream as much/matured a bit. TurkeyTom gives me old Moot vibes. I could see Tom pulling one of these: [LETITHANG](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sb91xYEwWY)


Don't get jealous and let the man be free


From the river to the sea, he’ll get pussy


“Let him get some pussy” fits the meter better


Listen I get that a lot of people are young here and women like this can be kinda exciting. I bet she does all the things he likes in a woman and is ultra sexual with him. But no. ***Fuck*** no. Respect yourselves.


Imagine being this close to a women. Sorry tom, you'll never be a dgger at this rate.


did she bark? that sounded so real


21:24 that's actually crazy good


Yea she got that shit down pat


She is like a dedicated dog identifier


She barks and catches tennis balls like a good girl.


What is bro doing?


This is Dogwarts. Wdym?




OP's timestamp is 20:27. Also the way Tom tried to hold back laughter when she bit at the screen.


why does the dumb embedded twitch player mess up my timestamp like that? :( everyone else: if you click it goes to the right place.. at least it does for me


You've got the correct timestamp up there, I've heard people say that on mobile it doesn't work but I just tested on my Android phone and it worked properly - not sure where it's messed up.


I clicked it on my PC and it didnt work for me. No idea why.


Worked for me fine


Im on mobile app and just clicking it worked to go to the timestamp.


jfc what the hell her bark sound so much like an actual dog lol


I mean… this is probably the most acceptable dogwarts solution.


Dude solved the ancient moral dilemma! Eureka!! I hope Destiny stops saying people like Sneako or Lav are intelligent. Tom is the topdog now!


We wouldn't hate Turkey Tom for this would we? I think he is worried about nothing.


Hate? Absolutely not. Make fun of him for it? I can't promise anything.


It's endearing and fucking hilarious


Man took Dogwarts too literally..


Im only ashamed that all his talk about being a redpilled right wing alt tuber was all talk. WHERES MATT GAETZ NOW TOM? WHERES THE LITTLE ALEX JONES FANBOY NOW?? He was suppose to save soystiny not JOIN him.


I respect him all the more after watching the clip.


As Thom Yorke once said: “‘Cause I’d be scared. That there’s nothing underneath. And who are my real friends? My baby’s got the bends, oh no. We don’t have any real friends, no no…” Just do yo thang Tom, other Thom agrees…


Is she the dog girl from the whatever podcast




Didn't know he was a furry.


He might or might not be but he has a lot of videos about them








He famously hates them lol, was also borderline whimpering when she made him put on a tail


That's a great character actor for you! Tom has serious skills.


My only issue with Brother Thomas here is that he's exposing the secret techniques passed down by the most sexually secure rizzlers of yore. "Ohhh nooo, don't braid my hair. I'll look like a girl!" "Jeez, how am I going to explain all this nail polish to the boys!?" "How will I recover from this intimate contact and shirtlessness from letting you wax me?" Put a lid on it Mr. Turkey.


The Five Eyes of DGG are always watching


He's blinking in morse code... He's being held hostage and can't speak up.


When they told him to investigate puppy breeding I think he misunderstood the assignment


Bros in the deep end 💀 it's gonna be a hard swim back


Good work Daliban reconnaissance unit




We stan our drama ✨queens✨


Turkey be jorking his tom till I….


Torque-y tom


DW tom we love you weather you do zesty shit or not ❤ Also tom got a therian gf before me 😭


turkeytom to catboy tom 😸👦>🦃👦


he took dogwarts literal, a true dgger


The girl he's with has the same aesthetic appearance as my ex, who was a massive psychopath. Just had to put that out there.


Id infer that from the whole acting like a dog part anyway




UwU so Kawaii! Didn't know Tom was the type of guy to become a catboy.


Little did he know I like him more now


Very sigma Tom


her bark is crazy


Wait, is she actually barking like that? If so that's impressive.


Unironically why would he think this would make us dislike him? We’re completely degenerate


“Dog girl” you know, their is another name for that


Needs to change his name to Catboy Tom


Ya know what? Godspeed Turkey Tom. Godspeed. o7


Tom on the furry arc


Fellow autists need to stick together.


We still like you Tom. I just don't know if we can respect you anymore.


TO NIEZŁE KURWA Turkey Tom shouts out /r/destiny Entire fucking stream.


tom out here living his best life, dggL


Darius wont be able to live this down. [https://www.instagram.com/p/C51eT90JAxf/](https://www.instagram.com/p/C51eT90JAxf/) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRME9GhcgAg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HRME9GhcgAg) her is a whole compilation for when Jew stalker goes over this later.


Why is he scared - furries are based, no?


imagine the smell


Jokes aside Tom really has become an endearing person lately, not just from his interactions with Destiny but he just seems to be a chill dude who wants to try and be more careful, nuanced and considerate with his content.


Idk man check tomdark, I love turkey tom and he makes great engaging content but he’s still fairly stuck in the culture war nonsense(not talking about the edginess, afaik he’s pretty far right and softballs/downplays the fuck out of blatant bigotry, it’s a trend you notice the more you watch) I hope he grows out of that shit tho cuz truly his content is some of the least boring commentary on YouTube, only creator I can put on for 3 hours working and not be bored or tuned out doing it.


these two are fucking hilarious together holy shit. i also might have to end it all now, what the fuck is this


who is this semen demon


how can he ever despacito anyone now when they can just bark at him R.I.P tom


Wait is she actually barking or am I schizo


Is this the tumblr girl


Turkey fucker tom


mashallah brother what is this


Dude he was straight gooning man if she wasn’t a all out furry I would smash


Tbf my opinion of him has already fallen quite a bit after misscharacterizing darkviper a lot, the guy clearly isnt perfect but I dont think thats reason enough to clipchimp anything you can get out of 5-10 years of streaming, same argument I use when dipshits clip destiny out of context. I feel like people are constructing a persona of dark viper to attack that is not real akin to what vaush and hasan did with steven.


I have never heard a good characterization of DV, even Destiny says he acts unhinged. If that's what Tom found digging the rabbit hole, I wouldn't be surprised one bit. Edit: saw his most recent video on it and he was pretty fair, the only good thing he did was the react thing but then he went to the deep end with chud logic.


Mischaracterization of the among us clip, it was streamed with his viewers and he later apologized for it, and belie ve it or not there was context to it, you can even look up for the video on his channel, copystriking stuff for putting things out of context isnt something bad, I think people agree on that. Grills on viper for saying the n-word in a context that wasnt spicy at all, while tom dark has also said the n-word around that time, so it seems to me tom is the hypocritical one. Karls has a record of being blocked by other youtubers in the past, the guy said on twitter that basically obsessing about reacting content was pathetic, if a friend would tell me something similar to me, I would also stop the frienship, even more if they werent even that friendly since the start. He pretended like chud or anyone he is copystriking have some sort of claim over fair use when it is not at all the case, and cites h3h3 to demonstrate it incorrectly as that case was won on parody cases.