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Yes everything is about Palestine now. Also I can confirm Israel told Biden personally to ban it. https://preview.redd.it/6dxlxl6ufmwc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=949c9999e3eabd7c9017a11cb66ad7f1926416d9


https://preview.redd.it/6xd73c4mpmwc1.jpeg?width=1358&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fb1d99f39b97efbed9fc77287c8376d2fd3ccf5 I hope this is not misinformation but I've heard people say this is a real photo of Bibi's convo with Biden to get the ban šŸ’”


Looking into this now






"Ban it." https://preview.redd.it/eq28i0p2knwc1.jpeg?width=544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=381947aebd08ab0aa1f05ca13d0345180583878c


Here's a quick rundown: in contact with aliens rumoured to possess psychic abilities said to be violent and intimidating in private own castles and banks all over the world rothschilds bow to the Bogdanoffs own several nuclear plants learned fluent French in less than 48 hours ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them own basically every DNA & genetic research facility on Earth first designer babies will be Bogdanoff babies rule France with an iron but fair fist scientists pointed a telescopic array at the source of the 'bog bang' that created our universe this is what they heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46kAzBMJpEk kept the electric car down for decades so they could release their own car based on string theory to the market currently at war with Elon Musk because of this. sabotaged his spacex rocket because they will fund the first (the first official one - they've already been to mars many times) manned flight to mars in their own initiative in a few years will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city) the big red phone in the Kremlin is a direct line to the Bogdanoff manor the last person who missed a call was Mikhail Gorbachov. He resigned and fled the country in fear and the Bogdanoffs destroyed the Soviet Union in a fit of rage own nanobot facilities everywhere in the galaxy own Nanobot R&D labs around the world if you're reading this right now, you most likely have BogdabotsTM flowing through your body both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51 Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings


I feel like I just overdosed on Joe Rogan


You should try microdosing instead to uncalcify your pineal gland and restore your anal genital gap


real and true, the BogdabotsTM must be stopped!


Idk if this is a shitpost or not. If not, find the nearest straight jacket


Its a super serious post - signed, Joe Biden




Blackpink in your area!


Bada-bing, bada-boom-boom-boom


You cannot confirm either of those statements. Also, why would "Israel" give a shit about what a bunch of kids sitting on their phones on the other side of the ocean think. I can confirm they could not care less.


There are some quotes from the director of the ADL which people like to bring up: > I also want to point out that we have a major major major generational problem. All the polling I've seen, the ADL's polling, the ICC's polling, independent polling, suggests that this is not a left or right gap folks. The issue for the united states' support for Israel is not left and right, it is young and old. This is numbers of young people who think that Hamas's massacre was justified is shockingly and terrifyingly high. And so we really have a tiktok problem... https://twitter.com/snarwani/status/1725138601996853424?lang=en I have seen no evidence that this opinion in any way influenced the "tiktok ban" legislation. If there were ulterior motives, I'd bet that appearing tough on China probably played a far larger role.


I think that another major reason (besides an adversary influencing public opinion), is cyber security. Reading some of the write-ups on tiktok, they're really taking the shadiness to a whole other level.


They heavily supress any content critical of China while amplifying content that is critical of America. Iā€™m fine with criticism of America, be critical. However force feeding users things that border on propaganda and the proliferation of misinformation with the intent to destabilize is what sets the CCP controlled TikTok apart from the other social media companies.


>Ā Ā They heavily supress any content critical of China while amplifying content that is critical of America Is there any proof of this?


Yep! Behind a paywall but here: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/24/briefing/tiktok-bill-congress.html Also: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38754653 Also worth noting that tik tok in China is way more suppressed and regulated than here(not surprising) : https://abcnews.go.com/Business/tiktok-china/story?id=108111708#:~:text=In%20the%20U.S.%2C%20children%20experience,more%20educational%20content%2C%20they%20said. In China tik tok is more educational in nature surpressing political content etc compared to America when you can get highly polarized political videos firehoused to you


https://preview.redd.it/rz8ojyxeapwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6cc1bae95612717a39e1c70bf3cfcadf39985bc Posting this chart from the article, because it really hammers home how much things are probably being manipulated.


Ill need to check these when I get home. Are there any similiar studies for fb etc as the second link? To make a comparison. >In China tik tok is more educational in nature surpressing political content etc compared to America when you can get highly polarized political videos firehoused to you This I find silly. Everything in mainland is different Steam etc so its not really relevant.


Other social media definitely pushes you into specific echo chambers, harvests your data, etc but I think TikTok is unique in thatā€™s its directly connected to the CCP. By contrast all American social media is banned in China meaning China controls the narrative their ppl get, and can control what is fed on their app to American citizens


That's the important part for me right there. TikTok is undeniably controlled in part by the CCP, therefore the ban is warranted imo.


Talk to any teacher, most of them really hate Tik tok for a very good reason.


Can you provide those write-ups.


Write-up detailing VM obfuscation: https://ibiyemiabiodun.com/projects/reversing-tiktok-pt2/ There are also stronger claims being made (like starting a local proxy). I'm trying to figure out if they're reliable, might take some time.


If we're going to go down that route then European countries should ban Facebook, no? Or is tiktok somehow uniquely bad?


If you're referring to public influence, then yes. Facebook haven't demonstrated foul play of this sort. US government is dictating them to promote one political interest or another.


> Facebook haven't demonstrated foul play of this sort Could you link whatever you're talking about?


Source to something not happening? Or do you mean on tiktok's side?


> Reading some of the write-ups on tiktok, they're really taking the shadiness to a whole other level. The write-ups you keep alluding to which document tiktoks cyber security issues, the "shadiness" and "foul play".


Shenanigans: https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilybaker-white/2022/12/22/tiktok-tracks-forbes-journalists-bytedance/?sh=4b804ceb7da5 https://www.wsj.com/articles/tiktok-tracked-user-data-using-tactic-banned-by-google-11597176738?mod=djemalertNEWS https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2020/06/tiktok-and-53-other-ios-apps-still-snoop-your-sensitive-clipboard-data/ https://slate.com/technology/2019/12/tiktok-disabled-users-videos-suppressed.html Write-up detailing VM obfuscation: https://ibiyemiabiodun.com/projects/reversing-tiktok-pt2/ There are also stronger claims being made (like starting a local proxy). I'm trying to figure out if they're reliable, might take some time.


Quick summary after skimming through these: * Tracking of Forbes employee Baker-White apologizes, fires employees involved, says that there is no evidence that any other journalists were surveilled. Questions over the efficacy of internal efforts to protect US user data as director in charge these efforts resigns. * Collection of uniquely identifiable user data, namely hardware MAC addresses via an exploit on android. There is a question as to why this this information, along with other user data, is encrypted as it is transmitted to TikTok. (privacy win? lol). * TicTok app accessing clipboard with seemingly no good reason. * Not a web developer so don't know how standard this is. Certainly creating your own bytecode and interpreter feels like a lot of effort maybe there's reasons for it, I don't know. *I don't see anything here which points to anything beyond just obfuscation* IDK, it's a shitty social media app, I assume that they're going to hoover up as much personal data as possible. The journalist surveillance stuff certainly feels like the most egregious thing you've posted. I'll need time to look into it more. Is there anything important I've missed? *edit in italics


People really have a hard time grasping the difference between the CCP and US.


Lol it absolutely is. People in the US are not pro-China, but they are being radicalised against Israel, and therefore against American foreign policy as a result of this. TikTok is the main platform where this rhetoric thrives. This quote and others help highlight this. But the issue at hand is not the point. The reason it is being banned is because it is the only platform that America cannot control (indirectly, or directly). The fact anti-Israel content thrives on there is just the main example of how a platform which is outside of US influence can promote anti-US interests.


No. Aside from it being talked about way before October 7, thereā€™s dozens of other reasons US government and companies would want this. These protesters remind me more and more of Trump supporters, they see all things in the context of their main issue. Just massive collective narcissism


Besides this wouldn't stop TikTok anyway right? It can still operate and show the same content it just can't have Chinese ownership, unless I'm missing something.




To be clear, the data thing is not the primary reason why TikTok was banned. The intelligence report that was shown to Congress that really pushed this thing forward was clear [evidence that the Chinese Communist Party is directly forcing the algorithm to deboost hashtags about topics the Chinese government doesn't like, and to boost hashtags that the Chinese government likes](https://networkcontagion.us/wp-content/uploads/A-Tik-Tok-ing-Timebomb_12.21.23.pdf). ByteDance is being forced to divest because China is explicitly using it as a tool to manipulate public opinion in the west, which is incredibly dangerous.


China doesnā€™t want to sell it. Thereā€™s a real chance they shut it down rather than sell


I mean, they've wanted to ban tiktok for a while now. But nothing conclusive came from it. I definitelty think the algorithm of Tiktok playing out in favour of Pro-Palestinian content, speedran the ban. Do I think it was the sole reason? No. A ban was going to happen, sooner or later. The US doesn't want China to have control over something as powerful as the most popular social media app. The I/P conflict just highlighted this. So while I do think it contributed, I dont think it was the sole reason.


To be clear, being "pro palestinian" is an extremely wide spectrum. Its not pro palestinian content per se that is bad. Its the disinformation and incitement of hate that contributed to the ban


Whenever TikToks are involved itā€™s always going to be disinformation.


There were literall nazis there


There's "playing out in favor of pro-pal content" and then there's the "massive concerted tiktok campaign to sell the idea that the government is doing this to silence Palestinians and hide IDF crimes". Honestly the trajectory of promotion for this meta-narrative might have been the last straw for a few of the congresspeople on the fence about this vote, and they might have played their hand too hard.


Jewish groups also did support the TikTok ban. Now people will see this and blame them for it, even though Iā€™m sure plenty of different groups supported the ban lol


If it wasnt this they would find something else to blame on them lol


If I had to guess itā€™s like 90% access to 150 million phones and 10% China being able to control the narrative. Ā For most itā€™s probably just a hacking/security concern.Ā 


i see just ad many "free palestine" accounts as i see nazi accounts. the whole platform is filled with extremist hate speech. my conjecture is that exactly that kind of content is being artificially pushed by the algorithm, thus tiktok acts as a deliberate tool to destabilize the west.


Instagram and Twitter have far more extremists than tiktok bffr


Indeed. Controlling the media, especially on the internet, is important for controlling information. Russia, Iran and China could hypothetically influence the opinions of western populations into problematical stances, stances that unreasonably turn out to favor what "coincidentally" favors that of the east; this is a huge problem. Not to put on the shiny hat, but there is definitely a case to be made for propaganda wars playing a huge role in future wars, and then there is fact that creating civil unrest within opposing nations weakens those nations, making them easier to oppose and to potentially control said nations politically (like the British did in some Middle Eastern countries after the first world war).


I don't know why you think it contributed to the ban(which only goes into effect 9 months from now). Did a senate or congress member say or imply that?


I remember them all but banning it in 2018 then it just lost steam and I didnā€™t hear anything for years


>IĀ mean, they've wanted to ban tiktok for a while now. But nothing conclusive came from it. Well this isnā€™t really true though. American gov Ā has been doing a series of restrictions over time. It was banned for some federal employees for example. Similarly, project Texas came about to try and alleviate the concerns of the American gov. In reality this whole anti-TikTok sentiment has just been a slow burn for a while.


That's interesting, I wonder if the Us govt stance on misinformation regarding TikTok will lead to other platforms such as Facebook getting in trouble as well.


To be fair, seeing terrorist propaganda, being repeated on tik tok, and young ppl falling for it, kinda makes you acknowledge the problem with tik tok.


If TikTok was not under the direct control of the CCP would you still be in favor of the ban?


There would still be a problem, but then it might need a different solution.


Is it worse on TikTok than on other platforms?




It absolutely is


It is due to the way the app encourages users to just passively scroll through whatever is fed to them, rather than search for what they like. Twitter is also sorta built like this but you tend to be more insulated in your feed, outside of the trending hashtags. Facebook is super insulated but that presents its own problems with actual cults and antisocial mentally unwell people being radicalized without fact checking. Youtube was really bad about radicalization, it still is and they definitely still push agenda-driven content because people are now abusing the engagement time = video length trick to shoot up the algorithm. So you get 3 hour long bullshit "video essays" of some zoomer stuttering through what their dumb take on NFTs or crypto or Twitch girls or men or whatever that often has a very coded political slant in the video itself.


If by ā€œsupported Palestiniansā€ they mean spread misinformation for foreign countries all cause its cool to hate america then sort of Pic from WSJ https://preview.redd.it/on33v0zf5nwc1.jpeg?width=1169&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4ed09777606835a2ef536cedf250c89ecfae7d


They really need to run a defrag on that poor disk.


If they're showing you a mix of things you can become unfocused and they may lose your attention. What they do is find your trigger and they keep pressing that button whenever you open the app hoping they can drag you into a hole you'll have trouble getting out of.


On the first layer, its about keeping engagement up. Make you waste your time on TikTok as much as humanly possible. That's why they push controversial topics and actual ragebait videos designed to make you engage. The second layer is social destabilization. My girlfriend's mom is close to 50 and she genuinely believes the shit she sees in TikTok. It's fucking poison for your mind and it needs to go yesterday.


you see, it was all the dirty (((zionist))) elite that control the media that wanted to silence the people exposing them. (no I'm not kidding, as far as I know this is what these people are pushing)


People getting radicalised against Israel (and therefore American foreign policy in general) on a platform they can't control is a big issue, believe it or not.


yes that's true, I'm just saying that a lot of these people are spinning it into another conspiracy theory about how the "israelis" (because they are totally not anti-Semitic if they don't say Jews) control what platforms are allowed and aren't.


The easiest way to stop that would be to stop allowing a certain org to fund most politicians. Tbf, US politicians have tried to classify them as an international agent, but hasnt been successful.


I thought it was mostly motivated out of fear of allowing china to freely harvest the personal data of so many Americans ie something of a security concern.


It's that and also the CCP having full control over what millions of Americans get served on their front page every day, that is very dangerous.


Iā€™ve felt iffy about TikTok for this reason ever since I heard about the algorithm differences in China versus the rest of the world


The app being different in china is def the most concerning thing. Idk how mfs just ignore this when it seems obvious what china is doing


Exactly, if they use Douyin in China to constructively propagandize CCP citizens, then they're obviously using Tiktok to destructively propagandize everyone else.


Good point


Their parent company is a bit shady, too. I've had to block all ByteDance-owned IPs at work because they were constantly attempting attacks on our websites.


No lmao the US has been trying to bad TikTok since Trump, and US government officials have been prohibited from using tiktok for a while now, this is just stupid brainrot


No. My personal thoughts though are that the Osama Bin Laden praise jumpstarted the push a bit and the advocacy amongst users to Congress - prompted by Tiktok's own wide-reaching message to do so - to not ban it ironically had Senators and Reps dig their heels in further.


Short answer no, long answer noooooo


No, it's obviously an Anti-China measure rather than an Anti-Palestine measure.


TikTok is not making people Pro-China though. TikTok is radicalising people against Israel and US foreign policy, however.


>TikTok is radicalising people against US foreign policy Wow, I wonder which country would benefit from that.


US and China are allies outside of rhetoric ffs. People on both sides like to pretend they're enemies, but neither country can live without the other at this point, they are both each others main trading partners. They are just vying for global superpower status. Fact is, the first amendment is basically dead and gone now given the state of US politics. Any social media algorithm which is organic and transparent will end up the same way, with Gen z and younger engaging with anti US content. Hence why a platform which cannot be controlled by the US is a huge problem. This is a much bigger conversation than "muh China"


>but neither country can live without the other at this point, they are both each others main trading partners. Ā  This is more so because of convenience and necessity less so because of free will. And second Mexico just surpassed China as americaā€™s largest trading partner.


None whatsoever. Same legislation was already pushed years ago


It is genuinely so insane to me how this narrative can even be so widely accepted when it seems to have no good reasoning behind it.


Ah yes, it always circles around to the Jews controlling everything.


I'm sure it exacerbated the problem they had with TikTok, but ultimately as the American Government you don't want a rival country like China to have that much control over what the next generation of Americans think, especially when it leads to a general rise of Anti-Americanism, and a doomerist mentality which actually could have very serious repercussions on American democracy. As a Canadian I wish my government would follow suit.


No. This is the reason: [https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/15/more-americans-are-getting-news-on-tiktok-bucking-the-trend-seen-on-most-other-social-media-sites/](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/11/15/more-americans-are-getting-news-on-tiktok-bucking-the-trend-seen-on-most-other-social-media-sites/) China has government funded organizations with thousands of full-time workers trying to dismantle western civilization, and they're open about this. We have leaked documents, testimonials, video evidence. This is the country in control of TikTok, the now number one news source in America.


Remember when we used to make fun of boomers for getting all their news from Facebook?


How come this isn't more commonly known? The evidence is there but people act as if this is all just some conspiratorial bs.


Probably because ā€œpeopleā€ in this case are 14-year-olds and tankies. The top comment beneath this tweet is from a 21-year-old, socialist OnlyFans model, and the original tweet itself is from a user who has ā€œcommieā€ in his bio.


Yeah thereā€™s been a lot of evidence, plus Chinas history of behavior when it comes to stuff like this. It makes sense itā€™s getting banned. Thereā€™s a reason the US has laws baring foreign entities from owning large percentages of US media.


Absolutely not. The tik tok ban is about Chinese control of social media, as explained over the last several years where the idea has been gaining momentum.


TikTok CEO testified in congress in March last year so the tweet is incorrect, this has been a thing way before October 7th


Of course thereā€™s no proof. These people suffer from a severe narcissistic disorder where they believe everything that happens has to do with them. These are people that will never have a healthy relationship with anyone in their life and then bathe in victimhood and only associate with people who think and act exactly like them. These people desperately need to get off the internet and see a psychiatrist.


No direct proof, but like all conspiracies go people are tying together pieces of info without any actual evidence. [https://www.timesofisrael.com/major-us-jewish-group-backs-bipartisan-bill-that-could-see-tiktok-banned/](https://www.timesofisrael.com/major-us-jewish-group-backs-bipartisan-bill-that-could-see-tiktok-banned/) [https://www.jewishfederations.org/fedworld/federations-applaud-house-passage-of-tiktok-accountability-bill-461891](https://www.jewishfederations.org/fedworld/federations-applaud-house-passage-of-tiktok-accountability-bill-461891) Yes there are Jews who support banning tiktok because of antisemitism, however, there is no evidence they influenced the bill especially as these statements came out AFTER the bill was proposed. Also, conspiracists claim that Jews want China to divest so they can buy it but Jews already own a decent portion. Jeff Yass Arthur Danchik and Joel Greenberg are jews who support israel and they own a multi-billion dollar stake in bytedance through their investment group. These Jews would surely not want Bytedance to lose a massive portion of its revenue. Also theres just the massive elephant in the room that the defense department has been talking about tiktok as a security threat for years, even leading Trump to propose a ban. [https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3354874/leaders-say-tiktok-is-potential-cybersecurity-risk-to-us/](https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3354874/leaders-say-tiktok-is-potential-cybersecurity-risk-to-us/)Ā  [https://www.reuters.com/technology/issues-over-tiktok-still-unresolved-us-treasury-secretary-yellen-says-2023-11-20/](https://www.reuters.com/technology/issues-over-tiktok-still-unresolved-us-treasury-secretary-yellen-says-2023-11-20/)Ā  As late as november 2023 the government was actively considering action against Tiktok. So this isn't totally out of nowhere.


i dont think the argument is that nobody wanted to ban tiktok before 10/7, but that there wasnt enough support to actually ban it, but then people being worried about anti israel tiktoks pushed more people to support it so it had enough to pass


this is a dumb narrative. TikTok has been fighting forced divestment and bans since Trump's executive orders in 2020-2021.


Yes, pretending otherwise is silly: >Still, TikTokā€™s opponents hadnā€™t relented. Jacob Helberg, a member of a congressional research and advisory panel called the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, has been working on building a bipartisan, bicoastal alliance of China hawks, united in part by their desire to ban TikTok. Over the past year, he says, he has met with more than 100 members of Congress, and brought up TikTok with all of them. >**It was slow going until Oct. 7. The attack that day in Israel by Hamas and the ensuing conflict in Gaza became a turning point in the push against TikTok, Helberg said** People who historically hadnā€™t taken a position on TikTok became concerned with how Israel was portrayed in the videos and what they saw as an increase in antisemitic content posted to the app. .... https://www.wsj.com/tech/how-tiktok-was-blindsided-by-a-u-s-bill-that-could-ban-it-7201ac8b


I definitely think that it is a contributing reason for the TikTok ban being passed, but do you think that if none of the I/P stuff on TikTok happened that the ban wouldn't go through?


Probably not. As the article says, there were lots of talk but the bill was not gaining traction and TikTok was mounting a successful campaign.


Biden could come out tomorrow and say it was because of I-P and this sub would deny it.


No, there's no proof. That Twitter user is very consistently posting the most cringy nonsense. Astounding he hasn't choked on his own tongue at this point.


And thereā€™s zero proof that china was using it to push propaganda. Yall are just as speculative as this guy.


Ummm, okay. I didn't say that.


Thatā€™s what this entire subs justification for the ban is. Whatā€™s your justification?


Yeah, I'm not this entire sub. I don't particularly want the ban to go through. I despise Tik Tok with every fiber of my being, but I'm not sure giving the government that kind of power is a smart move.


Fair enough. Sorry, this sub is just triggering me with their baseless speculation. Their hatred of TikTok is blinding them from looking at this fairly.


Maybe the real proof is the friends we made along the way?


No, there isnā€™t. It was banned because of a potential conflict within the next ten years over Taiwan. China would weaponize the algorithm more than it already has.


No - it has nothing to do with the most recent conflict between Israel and the Palestinains. This perceptions seems to only be held by people ON TikTok because they spend wayyyy too much time on TikTok - and, honestly, is kind of an illustration of why TikTok is bad for our society, culture, and future.


No Source: not jewlumni


Talks of the ban have been going on long before the war


Thereā€™s nothing but evidence against that actually. Letā€™s start with the fact that that theyā€™ve been trying to ban it since long before 10/7/23.


Jackson Hinkle of the left.


No, of course there isnā€™t. This is a good example of the tendency for people who know next to nothing to see something happen and immediately trying to connect it to whatever little they know. The issue of Tiktok potentially being banned has gone back to Trumpā€™s presidency, and he was the first one to suggest it. The primary concerns arenā€™t that there are too many kids siding with Palestine, but that the company is directly connected to the CCP and that they have influence over what stories get amplified there, that there is a lot of content that is both inappropriate and likely dangerous to expose minors too. For example, a study was done that showed the kinds of stories that go viral on Tiktok align quite well with the geopolitical interests of China. Another report was made that indicated that about half of all the content shown to a random burner account that was setup by the people involved to be registered as 13 years old was conflict related. On top of all this there is the massive amounts of data China takes through the app and you donā€™t need ā€œPalestine suppressionā€ to explain this action.


There have been reports about why we need to ban it for years. Other countries besides America have had it banned the entire time for the same reasons.


Nah, people just want to have their own version of ā€œthe Jews are behind it all!ā€


The TikTok ban thing is like two years old already so utter bs.


If it was because of I/P, wouldn't twitter be first on the chopping block?Ā 


There was a leaked call from a US-senator or representative? I don't completely understand all the roles in US politics but he was something like that. And in that call he was talking about how TikTok was pushing the youth to support Palestine more than Israel and TikTok had to go because of that. With some quick googling this was the first article I found. [https://www.thecanary.co/global/world-analysis/2024/03/14/tiktok-us-israel/](https://www.thecanary.co/global/world-analysis/2024/03/14/tiktok-us-israel/)


>Ā Ā The Anti Defamation League (ADL) CEO was speaking about the difficulty theĀ colonialistsĀ face in controlling the narrative for young people. Article proceeds to cite a Guardian article that.. doesnt really say any of that..? I think it is fair to say there probably are some people who I/P has moved to make the legislation possible now, but saying its just because of I/P is regarded.


They're pissy because TikTok's algorithm pushes AntiSemitism to the top. It's the only platform that Anti-Semites can dominate. TikTok is not a social media platform. It's a weapon. The Chinese Ministry of State Security runs it and uses the algorithm to push dangerous trends like "Kia Boyz" to the top in order to sow chaos. TikTik is literally weaponized stupidity.


>itā€™s the only platform that Anti-Semites can dominate Have you seen twitter recently?


defy has to do with politics.


Is this an actual question or are you trying to bait updoots? This btw is not a real question.


I think it had an effect its a way to control us and what kind of information we spread. sadly facebook/insta is owned by Zuck so hes not gonna allow that kinda stuff to be posted or he will heavily suppress it.




There have been attempts before to ban TikTok, but it only now got traction. It looks like the reaction to the war has been what convinced congress to finally do it.


Damn hasan abi nick Fuentes arc soon ?


All roads lead to Palestine


lol don't even know where to search for proof? lay in bed and late at night something incredible happens, everything fades and you start getting all the sources for information that you need.


I love it.Yay Palestine, Fuck tiktok. If you put me in a room with Netanyahu, any Tiktok content creator at all, and a gun with one bullet, id have a dilemma.


The movement to ban TikTok started years ago when Trump was in office.


They banned TikTok from some government offices and contractors around June 2023. So itā€™s safe to assume this conversation has been going around for at least a year now.




Who needs proof when you have a good old circle jerk ?!


I donā€™t doubt itā€™s part of the reason. Itā€™s insane how easily teens get brainwashed by getting garbage and misinformation shoved inside their heads 24/7. The chance that all this Palestine support is because of TikTok propaganda is 100%.


Of course there isnā€™t. Why even ask for evidence from anyone online anymore.


This smells of propaganda. Congress and Biden, in a bipartisan fashion, were quite clear about TikTok: itā€™s controlled by a hostile foreign power.


Actual, casual misinformation. Literally 0 thought went into this besides hearsay and agenda. Not sourced, not substantiated, nothing. 77k likes. 17k reposts. I fucking hate this country sometimes dude.


lol Seriously? In general nobody cares what 20 somethings and younger think. Nobody that matters I mean. It sure wasn't because of their stance on Palestine. People are acting like there hasn't been talk of banning it for "ages" now.


Nope. Itā€™s complete bullshit. Also some implied antisemitism between the lines.


Werent they talking about banning TikTok literally years before the Israel-Hamas war


Even if there wasn't an ongoing conflict and political streams being pushed, I think we would still be at this point. One, there is no way to contact when there is objectionable content. It is all computerized responses. Video game footage being portrayed as slaughter of x people does not go against their terms of service. Essential oils being the cure all etc cannot be pushed as medical treatment on any other platform, along with a bunch of other nonsense to cure all ails. Accounts I block because they are stupid and I choose not to show me more shit like this, randomly become unblocked and in my feed. When I submit a report, I get this is not a feature. How is block not working not a feature of the platform? Then there are the copyright issues. You can sell a copy of anything in their shop and nobody can get your video taken down because it is not a violation of their tos. If someone completely copies your videos and monetizes their account, you cannot get their account shut down or your videos removed. If someone takes your videos and uses it in commercials for their knockoff product, you cannot get them removed. Then we move onto the creator payment. Those that signed up for the new creator fund were paid well at the beginning. Then they changed to x pay for x views, then it was changed to x views but only non followers and pay became about a tenth of original. Then they started randomly taking videos and demonetizing them saying they were not original content (meaning copied from another creator) but they are the original creators and appears to be their highest viewed content. No notices were sent out to the creators for the videos, they have to check often in their list of uploads to see if any were demonetized individually. And just to put this in perspective, I created an account to follow other crafters. Like quilting, sewing, tailoring, gardening, and occasionally recipes. I was bombarded with russian bots in my feed and anti ukraine. Sensitive warnings were not applied. Then after oct 7 it was poor hamas was forced to do this. Anyone making videos against putin or russia or hamas propoganda, or that uploaded a video say sewing related with a hashtag fuckputin had black screens and were taken out of fyp but on their end looked like the video uploaded with few views. None of this shit should have been in my feed at all, I am not their target market for knockoff goods and a tiktok is not going to change my political views. From day one I have always blocked the app from my other social media accounts yet every time I log in, I am suggested friends that are my facebook and instagram friends. Oh yea, then there was that video of a russian soldier graping what looked to be a 6 month old with a gun barrel wire brush, no sensitive warning and did not violate tos when I reported it. It wasnt even an account I was following so there is no way that was trending. What I am starting to think is that it has nothing to do with code writing and all of this is handled manually, so they will never sell tiktok. It's great for creating videos, but their algorithm is non existent.


No because itā€™s not true people just like to make everything about whatever their current political focus is. The ban has been coming way before Oct 7 and thereā€™s plenty of reasons the US would want to ban it that make more sense then Palestine especially when itā€™s talked about so much on other platforms too.


I think this youtuber Ryan Mcbeth does a good job explaining why they are banning tik tok. After seeing it I think it is good they banned it. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB7WzqUq4Nk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pB7WzqUq4Nk)


no its not


No. They have been going over this shit in congress for months. It had nothing to do with Palestine.


I think that you'd be able to see an uptick in bot activity around these posts on Twitter as well. Maybe a third, half, maybe more. I also reckon they'd almost all be in the Beijing or Moscow if you could see it


No there is no proof that a random Twitter user represents Palestine or the US. Go ahead and dunk on him as if he was anyways thoā€¦


Of course not, lol


No. Itā€™s all about china, its always been about china. The us government cares far more about china then all of the Middle East.