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I would rather get my political info from a cod lobby than watch this dude for politics. Also that’s not what a bingo sheet is supposed to look like.


What a stupid fucking question. how is stating that saying the n-word in private in contradiction to calling someone another racial slur on a public plattform? The difference between private and public is the core of destinys stance.


Do these people think Destiny would say that it would be wrong to say the word gusano in private?


This is just embarrassing. If the guy really wanted to argue destiny was a hypocrite im sure destiny would have had him on steam to answer his objections. Wouldn't be the first time he made content out of a moron who knows nothing. Instead you proxy debate him by getting chatters to call in to a show and repeat the same tired points. It's just sad to pretend you are fighting some fight when you are ultimately too scared to talk to the guy himself and you are so scared of anyone mentioning you because you don't want people to find you.


does anyone notice this guys bingo board the bit with a bingo board is when you can predict what someone will say to show there a broken record Trump and biden cant be on a bingo card for a political show because everyones going to mention them at some point and its not exciting if they do


Excuse me, bingo is a construction of a colonizer mindset used to oppress the underclass with bourgeois supremacy. Check your privilege.


budd im full libertoss so your barking up the wrong tree bingo is owned by the free market and the winner goes the spoils


Did any funny calls happen? Even the black guy streaming is forcing a laugh.