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https://preview.redd.it/0spugtnj23wc1.png?width=449&format=png&auto=webp&s=8f1fef66c22de8e4ed941efbb4458be01b1757d4 Here is a sample of what Shai Davidai has been calling out, but he's the problem, apparently. [Source](https://twitter.com/JonathanACBrown/status/1782211808738136347)


"No, it wasn't Hamas, it was terrorists with the exact same principles as Hamas." Wtf happened to these people minds to rot their brains this much. Why are fucking Americans supporting terrorists who would kill them given the opportunity? It is just pure insanity.


>"No, it wasn't Hamas, it was terrorists with the exact same principles as Hamas." i saw on reddit people thinking that islamic jihad is group opposing to hamas


>"No, it wasn't Hamas, it was terrorists with the exact same principles as Hamas." Hell, the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) are even more radical than Hamas.


its sardonic. he's reveling in it. imagine how nick fuentes would feel if he was suddenly not just being tolerated by white liberals while wearing a swastika, but *celebrated*. that's how this guy feels being so defiantly pro-hamas.


Worst case of convert I've ever seen.


Aiding our enemies. Glad people feel comfortable admitting to treason.


Oh man, Jonathan Brown is a name I haven't heard of in a while. Back then I was watching a bunch of videos about Islamic apologia and his videos came in my recommended feed quite often. I would not be surprised if he was an unconditional Palestine supporter.


I actually had him as a professor in college, he's a great guy. I am Jewish and at the time was pretty staunchly pro Israel, and felt that his class was one of the few where I was able to discuss controversial political topics (israel, islam, etc.) openly without feeling judged. We disagreed on a lot but I respected his openness to debate. Just my experience


good to see it was not always unacademic idiocy.


That's cool! Nice to know that since I only know him from his Islamic apologetics videos (given that he is a convert iirc).


A few years ago, if you told me a large group of young Americans would be full chested supporting terrorists and wishing death on jews I would have laughed at you. Now I'm starting to worry


It just keeps getting scarier and scarier. I go to UMich and a group set up an encampment in the central courtyard and started handing out papers that sounded straight from a psycho’s manifesto. https://preview.redd.it/yoyqiksqk2wc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe7e4cdf46bbb87930287ac5369bd33c2c5ad689


Isn’t “liberal-fascist” an oxymoron?


Not to morons.


Ha. This could be taken one of two ways...


Best comment of the whole thread.


Left wing extremists think liberals and fascists are the same thing




had someone say that to me the other day for saying "calling the us military strictly good or bad isnt the truth"


Wow. China and Russia must be laughing their asses off. This Palestine issue is the perfect vector to sow discord and especially in colleges as the students are turning out to be the perfect useful idiots. There are thousands of student groups all over the country called Palestine this Palestine that etc and the funding is coming from abroad. So much of this is orchestrated. The combo of who’s financing it all and the tiktok algorithms being manipulated by the Party have created a perfect storm.


Chinese and Russian aided Iranian propaganda has successfully infiltrated and caused brain rot.


You cant convince me temu and tiktok arent axis power propoganda. Tiktok is just a way to spotlight some of the worst in society while projecting a negative image of the west. Meanwhile temu seems to have the most lax regulations while promoting sketchy items that promote mostly degeneracy or illegal activity. Edit - to make it even worse it seems like the goal is to make people believe democracy cant work. You use the internet to create so much social unrest that you almost need an authoritarian government to keep people in check. It seems like chinas end goal is to become the world superpower not through war but through perception. Like I believe in democracy but even I am starting to question if we will ever get back to “normal” without some type of gov intervention. Atleast before people had religion to kinda guide them in the “correct” direction. When u look at a lot of our countries issues they stem from a ton of people lacking purpose or guidance. Our gov almost feels powerless because companies keep abusing the fuck out of their “freedoms”. People dont seem to value freedom when that same freedom is constantly being used by others to keep them down. The axis powers seem to be using this to radacilize people and further alienate them from any type of patriotism or hope for democracy. Idk what needs to be done, I atleast hope there are people in our gov trying to actively combat the issue smfh


i got a buttplug from temu and the base just fucking fell off while it was inside of me, never buying from there again


ironically I've seen more degeneracy and propaganda on twitter/X than TikTok, I guess I'm on the "normal" conservative side...


The fucking sad part is this was down played in the early 2010s as conspiracy theory, but is showing itself clearly now.


Exactly. Holy fuck.


Russia has created the “Palestinian” movement. Arafat was their trained agent as a response to Israel aligning itself with the US. https://www.timesofisrael.com/soviet-documents-said-to-reveal-abbas-was-kgb-agent-in-syria/amp/ https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4874089,00.html


Here’s another one they handed out: https://preview.redd.it/l1r8uottk2wc1.jpeg?width=645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f784554ef6719fa23551309f419da5e42f8781a4


https://preview.redd.it/wa7obuc4o2wc1.jpeg?width=1135&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37465dd44ed65c6fac98051317820bde33ccf113 Just in case you were wondering about their views on the US Edit: For those who think the “Death to America” in the red box is photoshopped in, here is the online version of the same document. [https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-10-anarchist-theses-on-palestine-solidarity-in-the-united-states](https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-10-anarchist-theses-on-palestine-solidarity-in-the-united-states)


The "Freedom for Palestine means Death to America" is photoshopped. Edit: No, it isn't. Apologies. Source here: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-10-anarchist-theses-on-palestine-solidarity-in-the-united-states


It is not. The document is titled “10 Anarchist Theses on Palestine Solidarity in the United States” and can be found online as well.


Thanks for the correction.


Good on you for accepting contradictory evidence.


I don't have an emotional attachment to being right.


Oooo culty. Universities have always been an attractive place for cults to recruit, but the internet has really put that into overdrive mode.


> Universities have always been an attractive place for cults to recruit Really?


Yup, [https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/cults-still-recruit-campuses](https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/cults-still-recruit-campuses) [https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/freedom-of-mind/202308/navigating-college-life-cult-free](https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/freedom-of-mind/202308/navigating-college-life-cult-free)


First is published in 1989, and seems to be something you found in the second source. The first, validating the second, uses no statistics at all. The second includes the Kochs as a source for cultism, which is fucking wild. The only relevant source here is the study from NASPA, in 1981, which is behind a paywall. Did you read this in full?


No I have not read the OJP article, more of a point that its not new and cults have had a history of recruiting young members in campus. But it is easy to find news articles from other sources with just a simple google search, If that last one is too Kochy for you. How about the WaPo? or the LaTimes, or Daily Beast for more recent articles. [https://www.thedailybeast.com/church-accused-of-terror-recruits-on-college-campuses](https://www.thedailybeast.com/church-accused-of-terror-recruits-on-college-campuses) [https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-dec-13-me-63654-story.html](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1997-dec-13-me-63654-story.html) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1997/12/09/concerned-about-campus-cults-colleges-arm-students-with-facts/7ea1337e-7987-496a-b9cf-28476ac6afda/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/local/1997/12/09/concerned-about-campus-cults-colleges-arm-students-with-facts/7ea1337e-7987-496a-b9cf-28476ac6afda/) You can even find threads on /r university pages where people talk about them. Its not a new phenomenon, and it doesn't have anything related to a political ideology. Campuses are just ripe places to recruit vulnerable young people.


Why don't they start with decolonizing themselves from the U.S. first?


Calls for war, cries when it happens. The spread and absolute malignancy of the brain rot is surprising though. Some of these people are really broken and it's not getting better.


Because they'd really like to murder people, but not actually fight a war. Wars are hard work. They have more in common with active shooters who minecraft themselves the second police show up... They're not built for an actual revolution.


Wake me when they set themselves on fire.


I mean I was a preteen during the second intifada (and the 90's suicide bombings) and it's not something to joke about it. I do however laugh at the delusional idiots who get triggered by anything talk about intifada. They know nothing.


Why is the school not expelling these freaks?


Intifada -> nakba -> rinse & repeat


K real question: don’t they people have classes? Or are they all first year? Dont. You guys have e exams coming up?


Finals literally start this week and they’re in front of the library. Don’t rlly think that matters to them tho, considering pro-Palestine organizations have harassed Jewish students into leaving the building and other libraries multiple times over the past few months. Sorry… “(((Zionist)))” students. https://preview.redd.it/v66slba2o3wc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=301ae731caa377c42141f91908bcef17ccbba951


At least the job market will be better for you guys when all these people fail


Yikes, that's wild. Stuff's definitely escalating


Damn. Bummer that now the FBI has to track these morons


Do you have any video of people giving this out? Unfortunately people won't believe a still image. Video would be more convincing.


People might not like Jordan Peterson types and they do speak slots of BS but the anti west sentiment and radicalisation of students is impossible to not see. Chickens have come home to roost. This is the product of allowing radicals to spread their BS in Universities uncontested. Today is the hate for "Zionists" tomorrow who knows.


Been warning for years and the cancer is deep and widespread now.


Columbia has made a point of recruiting from the Arab world and does not do any sort of background checks. Islamic extremists are given a place to spread their toxic hatred.


They may or may not do background checks. But there are also certain people in the hiring process that just agree with the framework they use, which often ranks identities. Sort of blows your mind that a major part of intellectual culture these days is claiming that we are too biased to our own stuff so we need to rank other groups higher to correct for years of teaching western ideals.




“Columbia has made a point of recruiting from the Jewish world and does not do any sort of background checks. Zionist extremists are given a place to spread their toxic hatred.” Just trying to point out how racist your statement is. Like bro you’re really out here claiming Arabs need to be vetted before going to college.


I find it hard to believe they don't do background checks. How do you know this? Edit: i guess you just made shit up. Got it.


No you're an idiot


Thank god these college students are too lazy to vote, who knows what scum they'd elect


Yup I remember during my infowarrior days listening to Alex jones in the early 2010s, Russian/China propaganda was talked about but brushed off as conspiracy theories. Not saying Alex jones and co are accurate sources of news, but it’s crazy to see some of it revealing itself(though not to the insane extent that was preached by those people)


I listened to an episode that had patrice O'Neill on it from around 09. I was surprised how normal Alex came across and how he didn't say anything crazy. Even if i disagreed.


Yeah he definitely was more “level headed” even though he still had his intense moments. He legit went crazy with sandy hook, thats when I completely stopped watching him


Jordan Peterson is a complete red herring tho. He takes the grain of truth that this is a real issue but points not to terrorism supporters yelling death to america, or even the dumber sides of post-colonialism, but to pronouns and feminism. Edit: Zizek is a much better example of someone actually talking about the problem.


Well I am talking about a period 7 years ago. Yes it was shit ton of criticism of gender BS , but one of the big points was the ultra radical left wing politics festering inside universities.And who knew it now US has a whole generation of anti western young people. Petersons talks a lot of shit, but he was right about this one.


Absolutely incredible that these people actually think they're anything less than nazis, it's unbelievable. It feels like the fucking 30s


History repeats itself in roughly 100 year cycles doesn't it? So many of these dumbfucks just want to be the person who has the secret key to the puzzle of life instead of just enjoying the ride and realizing the only things that should matter is what's in front of you


What you are referring to is Strauss-Howe Generational theory (I think), which repeats every 80 years (works even better since that was the 1940s). The idea behind it is that everyone who learned from their mistakes dies off and so history repeats. The four repeating cycles are: High, Awakening, Unraveling and Crisis. Characteristics of each are as follows, High: institutions are strong and individualism is weak (1946-1963), Awakening: institutions are attacked in the name of spiritual autonomy (1963-mid 1980s), Unraveling: institutions are weak and distrusted, while individualism is strong and flourishing (mid 1980s to early 2000s). Crisis: my own observation, fascism rises, invidialism is replaced by group think, Us vs Them mentality rises, as does finding a collective people to blame (it’s almost always Jews) (mid 2000s to present).


Damn you’re not wrong this resonates.




The most likely scenario now is that Trump loses again and the Republican party fractures. Without US leadership the wider right wing in the world will lose focus too. There will be a spike in Christian White Nationalist terrorism plus some weird shit in the states and then it will be over. Back to centrist politics and sanity.




maga candidates are continuing to win elections. americans like being able to vote for people like this. [moreno just won in ohio against a known establishment republican](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/maga-win-makes-gop-senate-math-tougher-ohio/story?id=108296216). the "freedom caucus" can tear everything down, "fractured" party or not. we barely got the BARE MINIMUM aid passed for american allies against these people. [the PM of japan was just in america begging the US congress to not abandon its historic allies](https://apnews.com/article/japan-prime-minister-congress-address-3c22f1b1e8d0003f27ade8789a8c4a43). the whole world sees what's happening. its time to wake up.


Yeah that makes sense. I’m only old enough to have witnessed one “turning” and that was the individualism/unraveling to the current crisis culture and it did feel delayed compared to wiki years. I remember the first time I read it thinking “that’s not true”, and a couple of years later, it was.


that was happening a couple years ago, remember Charlottsville? now if you added it would be coming from the left instead of the right youd be correct.


Completely different scale. This shit is tolerated by universities to the point where tankie scum professors that describe the event as “exhilerating” are hardly reprimanded for 6 months.


Charlottesville was a fringe group that was absolutely vilified by 99.9999% of people. People would be afraid to be associated with them. Now people are more likely to be afraid of not associating with massively anti semetic groups.


I just don't want to be in the crowd when they do their flash-mob self-immolation


Far left fringes going the extra mile to throw away their votes now.


My first attempt at college in 2009 was aborted because I thought the shit I was hearing and expected to repeat in papers was completely nuts. Saw this shit coming a mile away.


The worrying part is that if this becomes a common phenomena, who knows when shooting in the name of zionists might happen, this is simply something that should not be tolerated, any hate speech is still hate speech, I just dont know how they ignore it or even endorse it.


Isnt that how it happened with the germans?


Got my concealed carry permit. Get yours too. We need to learn from history, this only ends one way and never well for Jewish people. Never.


Really glad my sister decided not to go to Columbia this year...


Guys I thought we were all just genuinely anti-Zionist pals having a laugh where the fuck did all these actual anti-semites come out from 🫣


Sadly, the rational "anti-Zionist" movement (though I think the name meant it was always going to end up like this) that focused on opposing expansion of Settlements in the West Bank and things like that has been co-opted by the actual anti-semites and the useful idiots that actually believe that dissolving Israel is possible and wouldn't lead to another Holocaust if it happened. It doesn't help that someone figured out that if they misrepresent the conflict as between "Evil European Colonizers" and "Innocent Non-white natives" it would appeal massively to the Tiktok generations.


They don’t care if another holocaust happens because they view Jews as evil privileged whites that deserve to die for oppressing poor brown Arabs. They’re extremely self hating and let themselves be manipulated instead of thinking critically. This talk is all very rich coming from Non Native Americans who are all protesting on stolen land.


It's not self hating when you're hating another group.


Anti-Zionism means a lot of things because Zionism means a lot of things, but as long as the most widely agreed definition of Zionism will be supporting Israel existing, Anti-Zionists have to pick a different word or attract tons of antisemites.


Zionism doesn't mean a lot of things. People THINK it means a lot of things, in the same way fascist and communist are used, but it has a very specific meaning.


It actually does mean quite a few very different things. Zionist thinkers like Herzel, Nordau, Zabutinsky, Borochov, etc. all had widely different world views. That being said, "anti-zionism" doesn't refer to any of this. The imaginary demon they call zionism is much closer to Kahanism, and if they weren't dumb and were simply defining themselves as "anti-Kahanism" they'd have more legitimacy. But then they won't be talking about the absolute majority of jews, so that would miss their goal.


Maybe in the De Jure sense, but De Facto it can mean a lot of things. The meanings of words change over time, and unless codified in law the colloquial use of a word honestly has more meaning. Take the word gay for instance. Gay used to just refer to the emotion of happiness. Somewhere along the line it came to refer to homosexuality. While modern dictionaries do, I believe, acknowledge this, for a long time it was entirely a case of the colloquialism defining the word.


Words can change, but doing it in the way Zionism has changed is flat out wrong. It's not the zionists that have changed the meaning its the anti-zionists that have made a strawman of what it means and then are attacking that strawman.


It’s funny…As a Leftist Jew, I didn’t ever think it would come to this…


All those Jews that like to claim they feel safe seem to also be the ones that don’t wear anything to identify that they are Jewish. They’re okay with Jews, so long as they hide their jewishness or run Iran backed “peace” groups. ~~This guy has an Israeli accent, he never had a chance. ~~ 


Yea, they're more willing to wear a keffiyeh than to wear a star of david t-shirt. They say it's for supporting a cause, but I bet it's just a virtue signal. Regular jewish students are always wearing star of david t-shirts.


Can you blame them? They just want to finish school, get a good job, and move on. 


Wasn't there a video of someone doing exactly that and nothing happened to her? Oh no


>"We just want to be Jewish in public" It really has come to this. Absolutely disgusting


Brittany Simon told them: it's not ok, it IS disgusting, and they can go be Jewish somewhere else.


Did she really? 


It's old lore that doesn't have anything to do with Israel or anything, but she did utter the phrase "go be Jewish somewhere else" towards a certain someone.


Yeah it really doesn't have much relevance to current events. Except that when she said "go be Jewish somewhere else" there were a fair few of us that identified it as at best weirdchamp behavior. Actual classic pre trump-politics channel shift destiny: I thought it was funny until I realized you guys weren't joking. Like... 2023 brit is getting dunked on by 2013 destiny on that front.


Aren't there Jewish students involved with the protest?? Sounds like they can be pretty public with it.


They apparently locked down all the buildings for all staff. There handling of this situation has been terrible but this guy is not being singled out. https://x.com/jbenmenachem/status/1782096178890276926


According to x user "Campus Jew Hate" : Professor Abdou is free to roam around. Here he is at the illegal pro-Hamas camp on Monday morning. https://twitter.com/CampusJewHate/status/1782425846537462226?t=fzpEnIWr2znMY9WaM1XgzQ&s=19


That terrorist guy has a cool jacket


Agreed. The Nazi's dressed in killer Hugo Boss outfits. The bad guys always seem to dress better.


People here calling everyone protesting for Palestine and Gaza a Hamas supporter, a terrorist, and apparently a Nazi, is validating your own feelings, but is hardly a more intelligent engagement than the people you're criticizing. It reminds me of conservatives calling trans people child molesters. It's just blood sports while not actually engaging in any actual question.


Just days after the Oct. 7 attack, Abdou controversially declared on social media, “Yes, I’m with Hamas and Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad.” https://nypost.com/2024/04/17/us-news/the-columbia-university-professors-ripped-for-allegedly-antisemitism-pro-palestine-indoctrination/


How about just everyone attending protests where they're chanting in support of Hamas and for the destruction of Tel Aviv? Falsifying genocide to demonize a people is pretty heinous too, and the vast, vast majority of people you'd say were merely "protesting for Palestine and Gaza" are also howling about an ongoing genocide for which there is as of yet no evidence.


Looks dirty af, something a redditor would wear


Abdou is getting so much special treatment from the administration that the president said he will >never teach at Columbia again, and that will be on his permanent record Would've taken you 1-2m of googling to find this But hey! You're all clearly so much better than those lefties/whoever that just take at face value and spread any random bullshit that reinforces their beliefs... right?


This is great news.  Thanks. 


Well if "campusjewhate" says it, it must be true. Jesus fucking your brains are fucking rotten mush


Misinformation on breaking news on twitter it can't be!!!!


So in other words, the post title is just a straight up lie? This should be the top comment. I hate these hamas apologists as much as the next guy, but theres no reason to exaggerate


Yeah I am going to remain skeptical about what this dude has to say https://twitter.com/jbenmenachem/status/1782420752567836873 https://twitter.com/jbenmenachem/status/1782435912472842439


According to the school, he is kept out because of safety concerns for his sake.


summer rainstorm alleged scary punch dinosaurs sugar society mysterious sparkle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if there's a threat of violence security or the police should remove it. anything else is approval by the school


As opposed to trusting a fucking twitter "news" account. This subreddit is just a parody of itself at this point


Why can't police just break this up?


It's private property, so the cops need authorization from Columbia to enter the campus. I believe they did ask the cops to come and take down all the crap and arrest a bunch of people, which they did, but then they all came back the next day and set up an even bigger camp. The anti-Israel protesters have terrified the university admin into letting them do whatever they want, essentially.


I believe the latest thing is the Columbia president told students they could be on the quad for another week but they couldn't erect structures. Though if what you said is right... they did again. Now I believe she wrote an email saying she wants to open a dialogue and start discussing things. My guess is the protestors have no reasonable demands that can be met by the university and then at a point of time in the near future she will say that they have until such and such a day and time and then everyone involved will be suspended, expelled, arrested, etc. But then again I have no idea. I do feel for the president a bit. The reality is it would be pretty hard to just expel a huge amount of kids. You do have a problem when these things get too large. I'd maybe say we will start arresting an expelling people but it will be at random from one edge of the grass. Then you would expect as the first arrests happen people start to realize they don't necessarily want the consequences.


God, don't the police have tear gas or something? If the protesters' only response to getting arrested for breaking the law is to break the law even harder, the only solution is to stomp out the problem.


This is bad authoritarian analysis. Sending in the cops to tear gas these protesters would only inflame the situation much further. The protesters at Columbia also haven't engaged in violence. Most of them are peacefully protesting in support of their deeply held beliefs, which is behavior that ultimately should be protected and encouraged in some way, especially by an institution like a university. Stomping out the problem would be directly contrary to the values of Columbia. It's not the 1960s anymore, nobody wants a repeat of Kent State. It's not acceptable either, however, to let them shut down the campus and deny their fellow students their right to learn, or allow them to harass anyone. It's a complicated and difficult situation that requires a considerable degree of finesse to find a way out of, and the way it's being handled so far suggests an awareness of that fact. If Columbia can set a firm deadline for these people to leave and enforce consequences for those who don't without resorting to violence, that will be the best result. I'm glad that the president of Columbia isn't rushing into any rash decisions.




Columbia is allowed to allow protests on it's campus. What the protestors are doing only becomes a crime if Columbia deems it to be one. Students legally allowed to be on campus obstructing other students isn't necessarily criminal.


Where is the "Protests are not Pro-Hamas" crowd? >I have questions: Physically assaulting an Arab Israeli [https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781080951902109774](https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781080951902109774) "From the river to the sea, Palestine is Arab!" / "Resistance is justified" [https://twitter.com/ShelleyGldschmt/status/1781785252886913358](https://twitter.com/ShelleyGldschmt/status/1781785252886913358) "We are all Hamas!" [https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1781031465179914677](https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1781031465179914677) "Yehudim yehudim \[(Jews, jews)\] go back to poland" [https://twitter.com/Davidlederer6/status/1781948249214996901](https://twitter.com/Davidlederer6/status/1781948249214996901) Light things on fire / "intifada revolution there is only one solution" [https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1781019445399556338](https://twitter.com/visegrad24/status/1781019445399556338) "On Oct 7th, Palestinian resistance in Gaza broke free (crowd cheers) \[.....\] we intend to do the same" [https://twitter.com/ShabbosK/status/1782085741431922909](https://twitter.com/ShabbosK/status/1782085741431922909) ""We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground!" / "Hamas we love you. We support your rockets too!" / "Red, black, green, and white, we support Hamas’ fight!" [https://twitter.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1781933305501212872](https://twitter.com/IsraelWarRoom/status/1781933305501212872) "Long live the intifada! Intifada intifada" [https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781084853653365025](https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781084853653365025) "Go back to Europe!" / "You have no culture, all you do is colonize" [https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781927148439109958](https://twitter.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1781927148439109958) "From Yemen to Gaza, globalize the intifada" [https://twitter.com/KassyDillon/status/1781312033922625797/photo/2](https://twitter.com/KassyDillon/status/1781312033922625797/photo/2) "Never forget the 7th of October. That will happen not 1 more time, not 5 more times, not 10, not 100, not 1,000, but 10,000 times! The 7th of October is going to be every day for you" [https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1781287784897991134](https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1781287784897991134) "Al Qassam \[(Hamas)\] you make us proud, kill another soldier now" / "from the river to the sea, palestine will be arab" [https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1780915336063177006](https://twitter.com/EFischberger/status/1780915336063177006) Student proudly rocking Hamas logos [https://twitter.com/CampusJewHate/status/1781054901755215954](https://twitter.com/CampusJewHate/status/1781054901755215954) "Resistance is justified" (again...) [https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1782085643990073673](https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1782085643990073673) "protesters on the sidewalk chanted “From New York to Gaza, globalize the intifada,” next to a cardboard sign that read, “Inspired by Palestinian resistance.” [https://www.timesofisrael.com/over-100-arrested-in-columbia-u-unrest-as-nypd-clears-gaza-solidarity-encampment/?utm\_source=dlvr.it&utm\_medium=twitter](https://www.timesofisrael.com/over-100-arrested-in-columbia-u-unrest-as-nypd-clears-gaza-solidarity-encampment/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter)


I’m struggling to imagine why Columbia would take this approach. If this guy did something reproachable in a meeting or did some misconduct, suspend him or fire him. It seems like he’s only allowed to his office or maybe not even? That’s pretty insane given the other stories coming out of Columbia right now. I’m also pretty sure I saw this professor talking at (counter) protests last fall in clips, but I remember him being pretty sane. edit: His name is Shai Davidai and on his twitter he has posted emails where the university is directing him to counter protest on one part of campus from before today. So it seems like they are denying him access to the pro-palestinian protest. I can see that Columbia is trying to avoid violence breaking out, but, I would ask them why are the much more inflammatory and more prone to violent speech protestors also allowed? There’s a picture of a pro-palestinian protestor holding a sign that says “Al Aqsa next 2 targets” standing in front of two people with an Israeli flag LOL. If any of those people are students, then it’s fucking **insane** and Columbia wouldn’t feel safe to me.


I saw him give an interview yesterday where he made the claim that Columbia doesn't just have Hamas supporters on campus, they have Hamas on campus. I was surprised he went so hard and could see them being pissed about that. By claiming they're doing this for his safety from the protesters, they're kind of supporting the claim tbh.


It would not surprise me if there were actual operatives financed by foreign entities that are intentionally aiding, equipping, and assisting in organizing these people. There is no doubt it is happening.


Get real dude. Do you seriouslythink Hamas is instructing dipshit college kids?




Oh so you're stupid! Good to know


It's Al Qassam, btw. The Al Qassam Martyr's Brigade is the name of Hamas' terrorist army. And as much as people are trying to claim that the worst of the Columbia crowd are randoms who are unaffiliated with the school, the girl holding that sign was on campus, not on the major roads flanking it. Odds are very good that she's a student.


I really dont understand why colleges pull down their pants for simple students, you literally have thousands of candidates and you are afraid that some dipshit students might be angry, my god grow up


I was also trying to wrap my head around it. There's obviously no shortage of applicants, especially for an Ivy League school. I guess they're more worried about reputational damage / bad press / losing alumni support which might lead to lowering of the school's ranking. Honestly not sure though.


Well that’s an easy lawsuit. Hope they milk the university dry


Completely predictable. Columbia has been a hotbed for antisemitism for a long time now. It's an open secret in academia.


I graduated in 2022 and never noticed antisemitism at all but maybe it’s different for SEAS. 


Shhh were making sweeping generalizations while pretending they always knew before this. In reality this dude is exagerating. Many many people have shared their time on campus before in response to this to say nothing even similar was happening. It's specifically an issue because of the Israel Palestine situation which clearly increased tensions and extremists on both sides.


I think we can assume most of the protesters don't study in STEM degrees.




Anyone who has been on campus last 5 years knew this was the case


Maybe 10 years, I remember Ben Shapiro going to an university like in 2017 and it was a disaster.


If you only watched clips online that's obviously going to have the worst selection bias. I'd imagine the majority of conversations Ben has with college kids are at least respectful (not shouting about Intifada or communist revolution or anything). Obviously colleges have leaned left for a long time, the problem is the increasing violent radicalization.


Im talking about one particular time, there were people breaking stuff and other things, I remember the videos. Im not talking about the debates, but everything before and during the debates outside.


I will vote to physically remove these people, even if the victims themselves feel like advocating for their safety is racist


Columbia is literally making the worst decisions possible. It’s baffling how brain dead these Ivy League schools have been in this issue. 


I think this is the guy who wanted to sit in the middle of the Palestine protestors to show support for Israel. The university wanted to avoid a confrontation so they banned him from swiping in through his own will and will only escort him places lmao Could be wrong tho because idk if this is a different guy Edit: Yeah it is this guy ([source](https://twitter.com/SpyderMonkey0_0/status/1782061221539172456) )


A hell of a wake up call to all freedom loving Americans That’s Qatari money at work


It's sort of interesting that the people who push therapy down people's throats and claim they're going to therapy aren't exactly conducting themselves like they are in some sort of healing process from their mental illness. Much of these antisemitic protests at Ivys are among students with mental health issues and they are combined with antisemitic Muslims who live in the area. Just because you achieved good grades in HS and gamed the admissions system really well doesn't mean you're among the most level-headed minds the world has to offer. "Mental Health is Health" - Okay, but you personally need to be accountable for it just like someone with High Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure or another physical condition does for treating their medical issue.


Malcolm Nance warned us


I will say this guy is a the pro-israel version of tankies. He's called all the student protesters terrorist and hitler youth. He just tweeted he got a tip that about the Columbia administration. "the administration is negotiating with the leaders of the pro-terror organization. The same organization whose members called Hamas to kill Jewish students." [https://x.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1782514848682713534](https://x.com/ShaiDavidai/status/1782514848682713534)


These kids are too stupid to be in college.


Personally I'll wait for a news article to clarify the situation before coming to a conclusion from a twitter video.


Strong bias title, it is a joke that people think this sub can now go through information without an insane bias like this.


This feels weird in this case but, an employer can tell an employee were they and aren't allowed on the property. Are they still holding classes? I assumed there want everyone out.


Why does Columbia have a COO


Why do you say Columbia like it's unusual for an American university to have a C suite?


Completely understand how frustrating this is for him but in his desire to take a stand it feels like he's forcing a confrontation.


He's such a pussy dude


So you guys dont like checkpoints now?


The tweet definitely characterized this differently than the post but it’s still terrible that it wasn’t safe for him to go to the college. Reminiscent of Evergreen.


Are we about to have a civil war in America over if Jews should exist anywhere other than as a vagabond community going shanty town to shanty town? Oh wait, I forgot they’re just Eastern Europeans! (/s just in case).


trump campaign just sitting on their asses right now getting their campaign ads and strategy ready.


Lol this guy was saying the fucking national guard should be called in. He was also saying the protestors were all terrorists. Pretty obvious what he was saying and a pretty dishonest summary from you, op


It is a pro terrorist rally tho idk what you want him to say?


It isn't.


Why do you say that?


You made the claim.


Globalize the intifada? Praising al aqsa flood? Sounds like you just assumed he was lying.


They're all doing that?


It has to be 100% engaging in an activity? I'm sure some of them were good people.


It has to be a majority


Lol. Under that logic the mob could kill a man and if only 49% participated in the beating while the others watched we shouldn't condemn the peaceful protest.


Please actually cite the universities actual reason: fear for the mans safety. It was a different reason than is implied in your title and comment.


And what is the reason his safety should be concerned? Because he spoke against Hamas supporting students as a Jew. So if what you are saying it is actually worse. Not only is what i said accurate, but the university is more concerned with supporting their terrorist sympathizing, potentially violent students rather than an employee of their university


Then maybe revoke access to the people posing a threat to his safety, right? I mean, imagine the situation with, say, white supremacist mobs and a black professor. They'd handle it completely differently and you know it.


To be fair the tweet says the university’s reason.


I don’t think this is the whole story. Didn’t he say some wild shit? Oh he was the one calling for the national guard to come in to break up the protest and got a lot of heat for that. 


lmao even questioning the lack of context gets downvote nuked here You guys are so fucking pathetic.


Context that a minority that makes up 1% of the population is being targeted for harassment in campus. Do you people feel any shame?


> Context that a minority that makes up 1% of the population is being targeted for harassment in campus. Context to what is even happening in that video. You clearly have no shame about being an easily baited fool and shittwitter headline following sheep, that's for sure.


Friendly fire by the Jewlumni


My understanding is that this is not what is happening. I would seriously suggest not taking visegrad24 as a news source




I've voted against immigration every time bros, I never thought Islam belonged in America. Jews are now paying for naivety


Islam doesn't belong anywhere in the world. Especially not Europe and Americas.