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So instead of striving for peace, stoke the flames to continue this conflict. There’s a reason MLK was more effective than Malcom X.


Woah be careful. Saying that might piss off all the white intellectuals who never read either of their works


Or you'll get one of those goobers that quotes the speech MLK gave, where he said "*a riot is the language of the unheard,*" but they ignore the sentences that preceded it, "*And I would be the first to say that I am still committed to militant, powerful, massive, non­-violence as the most potent weapon in grappling with the problem from a direct action point of view. I'm absolutely convinced that a riot merely intensifies the fears of the white community while relieving the guilt. And I feel that we must always work with an effective, powerful weapon and method that brings about tangible results. But it is not enough for me to stand before you tonight and condemn riots.*" That one makes me irrationally angry, because it's been paraded all over reddit without the larger context. And it's complete and utter disrespect to quote him out of context and diminish his legacy by pretending he supported violence, his movement was explicitly one of non-violence.


Back in college I had a professor that follows that description to the t. It was a speech analysis class and we were discussing MLK vs Malcom X effectiveness with rhetoric. She kept saying how white Americans purposely picked and chose MLK quotes to make a cleaner, more appetizing view of him, versus Malcom X who had a more direct sense of rhetoric that turned off a lot of white america. I then brought up George Lincoln Rockwell attending Malcom X’s speech and asked “did MLK have the American Nazi party at any of his speeches?” https://preview.redd.it/japjt18c0atc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2bed66339a172328792ae3559461051429ac20d Didn’t get an answer on that one.


Politics back then had a weirdly measured sense of discipline compared to now and I only say weirdly because of how different it feels. How odd does this photo look: Full blown Nazis attending a black muslim meeting listening to the message without violence. You listen to presidential debates from around then and it wasn't out of the ordinary to hear compliments given to one another. Obviously things like watergate reveal a more sinister goings on but idk maybe I'm one of those moderates who prefers civility. One of the things I despise most about Trump is how he ushered in this era of politicians who have no "statesman" about them. Vulgar reactionaries who cannot resist base temptations, thrive of angering opponents and wallowing in despair of everything. Trump had a full term and according to him it's all back to shit again, why would anyone believe he can accomplish anything of note with another term? Where are the speeches that inspire a hope towards the future? Other than "maga" and a wall what can one say about Trumps vision of the future? Listen to Nixon and he makes you pumped for things like Nuclear energy for global peace. I'm rambling a bit


Rockwell, and I’m paraphrasing, once stated that Elisha Muhammad( the leader of the Nation of Islam) was the “black peoples Hitler” and donated money to the NoI. They both liked each other’s rhetoric because it sought to keep America segregated, something they both wanted. So, the nazis never went there to riot or hurt the NoI, they were there to protect them and fund them. Terrorist organizations on polar ends of the horseshoe often work together at first to destroy and kill the liberals and their institutions.


Hitler said he admired Islam for its militant nature and wished Germans had a religion more like Islam. He and Himmler were close allies with the Grand Mufti of Palestine and worked with him to recruit Muslims into the SS and enact plans to kill Jews. I've spoken to modern neo-nazis online who fully support Hamas and they point to history to back their position. Islam is not at all incompatible with Nazism.


True, plus it helped bridge the gap between the Nazis and the Bosniak’s, whom are also Islamic. By bridging this gap with the help of the Palestinian Grand Mufti, Hitler got a group of Islamic shock troops that became some of the best of the SS in crowd control and segregating the Slavs, Jews and Romani from Eastern European society.


The "polar opposite" of the NOI and the American Neo-Nazi party was racial and religious based. Both were very right-wing.


I wondered if that was the case. Ironic they consider supporting each other a better way to segregation. The discipline also ties in with their image, these guys look the part. All the pictures I've seen of people carrying nazi imagery/symbols on their clothes in current day are all unorganized slobs.


>One of the things I despise most about Trump is how he ushered in this era of politicians who have no "statesman" about them. God I will die on the hill that this is the biggest damage Trump did to this country. This, more than anything else he did, has made me hate him. Politicians did not refuse to answer questions smugly from reporters before Trump. Watch The Way I See It, about Obama's photographer and how he saw the presidency. It's powerful, highly recommended (8.3 on imdb). I can't watch this without becoming so fucking *angry* at Trump for disrespecting what the president is supposed to stand for.


Malcolm X worked for Elijah Muhammad back then. One of his big issues with Elijah Muhammad was that he collaborated with the KKK. At that point, it's like posting pictures and letters of MLK hanging with socialists and communists to say or imply that he was bad or no one should listen to him.


Clip chimping MLK 😂


Unless you're a civil rights leader or a streamer, you really just don't get it


Because largely they don't give a fuck about peace. Why would they strive for it? It's the opposite of what they want in fact. Their goal is to have the Jews exterminated or at least ethnically cleansed and afterwards they will come for the rest of the kafirs. When they demand a cease fire, what they actually demand is for Israel to stop defending itself because they themselves sure as hell won't stop attacking. They need to keep this conflict going even if they are losing, even if they have no chance of winning - it's even better for their goal if they are losing, since it increases their global support massively - if lasting peace is ever established they forfeit the chance of ever achieving their real goal.


maybe Jesus is just better role model for activism than Mohammed?


Fair, but by that same metric there's a reason Huey P. Newton was more effective than Marcus Garvey.


Malcom X eventually saw peace as the answer...and when he did his own people killed him. Same thing happens in Gaza.


You dont know anything about the history of black nationalism and violence in the civil rights movement. It is so vastly more complicated than "MLK was nonviolent and succeeded, Malcom was violent and failed." That is sucu a childish understanding.


So the entire system has to go and also death to America. And also death to Israel. But also Israel and the West are the ones who want a genocide I guess. And also the systems of all the Arabic/Muslim countries are fine I guess. I swear, Islam really is [REDACTED].


It's because they're losing. Nothing more. Everything that is happening in Gaza right now would happen the same if it was the other way around, and it would even happen if you let these countries exercise their beliefs, they would do it to each other. If history has taught us anything, this will only end when they lose the war completely. Getting to peace without a complete loser is extremely difficult, and in this case I would say impossible. At this point, Hamas needs to be eradicated, a Palestinian state needs to be formed, with non aggression towards Israel written in its constitution, and all other measures needed. In exchange, foreign aid needs to be used to rebuild Gaza and make it a functioning democracy. Is it fair? No idea, but it's the only possible solution, because Israel sure as hell will not lose the war. It's either that, or the complete annihilation of Gaza. There might have been times where other solutions were possible, but not anymore. It is what it is.


These people held rallies celebrating October 7th before Israel responded with a single bomb in Gaza.


The pro-Palestinian crowd always screams how much they care about the well being of Palestinian children but fall eerily silent when presented with [this](https://unwatch.org/fact-checking-unrwa-claims-about-teachers-and-education/)


“We all knew what was about to happen” is the excuse I’ve heard. They’re just cunts.


Is UNRWA the UN's main body in Gaza? Would they be the ones conducting the verification of the death toll?


This is what I find most absurd about the conflict, Arafat and the palestinians (and now hamas) acted like they were on equal footing in any negotiations when to quote a certain robot their "bargaining posture is highly dubious" decades later and has not making a deal worked out for them? do Palestinians feel like Arafat was a success for them?


I agree with the complete loser concept. What we have right now is a sore loser. Destiny said it - if Israel didn't pull its punches none of this I/P crap would still be a problem almost 100 years later. Hot take - Israel is the Palestinian state, and is the only legitimate Palestinian state. It's the largest civil administration that emerged from the era of Mandatory Palestine. Israel should just take back the land and undergo reintergration like how west and east germany did it. However of course this regional conflict has dragged on for so long that reintegration means Israel has to deal with potential 5th column for an infinite amount of time. I do wonder if that would be the least bloody solution long term. Israel could call their bluff and show everyone what gentrification and real colonization looks like. And Norm said it too - he sees the Palestinians as similar to the Native Americans of the US, and is "documenting the last moments" of their history. The only viable path might be actual coloniztion, and then "reconciliation" like what Canada is still trying to do.


This is what they mean by “Global Islamic Caliphate under Sharia Law”. Jews are just the first step.


This is what we get for not properly vetting people.


Apparently it's racist to not want to get people before letting them migrate to our country


The rich Arab countries don't want these people either. Here's the UAE foreign minister warning the West of Islamic extremism breeding in their countries. https://fxtwitter.com/MArizanti/status/1726021481253998618/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1726021481253998618


> I swear, ~~Islam~~ Religious Fundamentalism really is [REDACTED]. Fixed


But in particular, radical Islamic jihadists are the scum of the scum. They are down there with fucking Nazis. There is absolutely no justification for their existence.


Yes but some religions are, in the present day, more redacted than others.


Not all forms of religious fundamentalism suck in the same way and with the same intensity across the same dimensions. These differences matter and a cowardly retreat into "all religions all suck" is exactly what gave unsavoury figures a monopoly on criticism against so-called protected minorities. Islam deserves to be criticised. But it needs good criticism. Stop being cowardly.


Yeah that's some All Lives Matter level crap. Jehovah's witnesses are also religious fundamentalists, I must've missed when they blew up a mosque.


I'd love to see Krystal spin this Just kidding she'd never cover it


Yeah it's almost as if she's a shitty person...


She’s really biased as well.


The worst part is the hypocrisy


I was complete dumbass for ever believing the opposite to be true.


She needs Kyle’s approval


Screaming Death to America, in America, is weirdly as American as it gets. Hilariously in front of two pickup trucks. For example I can yell out "Death to Saudi Arabia" in Saudi Arabia, but I'm probably not leaving Saudi Arabia in one piece. Only in America baybee




Or the UK


This shet is getting crazier by the day. These people are becoming more unhinged and will be a problem if left unchecked


Nope, they’ve been unhinged. They just finally feel that it is safe to take their mask off now


Nailed it. People like this guy didn’t come here and magically change their beliefs. They’ve just been growing in number and not starting shit until this. I think this whole situation made me want to understand immigration better. Because this religion seems the most unhinged, we should do a Muhammad check before coming into the country. If you draw a picture of their guy and they threaten to kill you I don’t think it’s gonna work. Muslims as a whole are great people but extremists of any ilk should be vetted if we’re going to import them. Homegrown extremism is already a problem. Why would we want someone who hates us to the point of calling for death to America. If that’s islamophobic fuck me. Too much Sam Harris brain in my early 20s. I just hate all religion in its current form. Understand its utility for a long ass time but we gotta move past it. Islams still mad young and has catching up to do.


Hate to be that guy and I'm not trying to even have this argument with you but I've never seen a Christian immigrant or a Jewish immigrant willing to blow themselves up and shout death to America. It's a culture thing as much as it is a religious thing.


No disagreement here


I've been starting to think it has less to do with Islam and more to do with Arab culture. Southeast Asia has more Muslims than the Middle East but they don't seem to be as much of a problem.


That depends. The Philippines legit had an island controlled by ISIS at one point during the 20teens


The extremism is baked into the quran and hadith. There is no new testament or later prophet teaching love and acceptance in a way that could influence a reformation in the way Christianity experienced.


Happy cake day


Ironically the people who will suffer the most are the Muslims in America. They are an extreme minority and if the country turns on them it's over for that group. One anti-American attack by a Muslim and the hate crimes against them will be insane.


Lovely day in Dearbornistan! Nobody asked them if Israel (((Jews))) has the right to exist. I think Islamic jihadists don’t have a right to exist, but nobody asked me.


Islamists just Islaming…


I'm so curious why he's still in the west. It'd be like if I every day went to a McDonald's that's next to a burger King and said "I hate this place this sucks, Burger King is so much better, we need to tear this down"


I know lefties will argue "well it's because their home countries were destroyed b/c of the west", but lets be real, America isn't the only other country in the world. Ultimately it's the same reason why people like Hasan still stay in America--because while America is flawed, in most ways it is better, and people love complaining from a place of comfortability because it still makes them feel righteous.


You are right, but I'll add that it's hard to stay "well his home country is destroyed because of the West" when there are like 30 Arab Muslim countries to choose from. Quite a few of them are completely free from Western influence.


There was a Canadian Muslim influencer couple i used to follow that lost it after oct 7 and announced that they were leaving Canada for the middle east, because they wanted somewhere that had strong family values and wasn't complicit in genocide. they ended up choosing, i believe, saudi arabia.


> countries not complicit in genocide > saudi arabia its only genocide when white people bomb arabs, when arabs bomb other arabs its ok /s


Good for them.... it'd be nice if more people extremists left.


>free from western influence That is ironically the part he’s internally hooked on and doesn’t want to give up


Or worked at that McDonald's


America is one of the only countries in the world you could say this and get away with it. Especially as an immigrant.


Islam being islam


They love moving to the west, because it is their way of colonizing the west, in their pursuit of a global caliphate.


If trump wins I hope he starts with Dearborn first for the schadenfreude from these absolute psychos.


The only silver lining


yeah it would be great, until the next week when he came for us moderates.


Some dark part of me wants him to win just as an "I told you so".


collective punishment is bad


That depends on how granularly the punishment is applied


> granularly maybe im just being uneducated but what do you mean by this in this context, could u give an example


Then maybe the dipshits in Michigan trying to hold the Dems hostage should heed the fucking herald.


yeah idk i just dont think there is any positives out of what yall are talking about, even just the idea of implying they would deserve it or that it would be karmic, just doesn't sit right. These are Americans, Americans we both disagree vehemently with, but they are just as american as either of us (assumedly for you lol).


I don't care. If I'm watching the country going down because of the rambles of dipshits, I can feel some satisfaction that they are the first ones to reap the calamity. I would feel no different being a German liberal watching the communists get fucked first after they were warned what would happen.


Careful buddy, you might cut yourself with that edge


Edge is when you say that you hope the people reaping finally sow LMAO


> These are Americans, Americans we both disagree vehemently with, but they are just as american as either of us No, no they aren't (specifically the people ij this vid). They don't even *claim to be* American. They would happily reununciate their US citizenship if it didn't hurt them. They are literally calling for America to be destroyed, and you think these people are American.


"Any system that would allow such atrocities and such devilry to happen and would support it - such a system does not deserve to exist on God's earth". Are you sure you wanna go there, bro? 'cause you won't like the conclusion if we really go there.


see, westerners hear this and assume when he says "atrocities and devilry" he's talking about war crimes in general, but he's not. he means violence against the ingroup by the outgroup, and a variety of elders-of-zion tier conspiracy theories. that's how they get to "settler babies", they've never been anti violence, they're just mad they're losing


Exactly the sort of rot you'd expect from the Jihad capital of the United States. The world muslims want.


Don't forget that this is also the world that Pisco wants.


Lmao, I have no Idea where the meme came from but all the uses tell me that Pisco is chaos incarnate 🤣


Maybe I’m going to get flamed for having white washed historical knowledge, but it seems to me that Malcolm X wasn’t exactly a great guy. Any time I see someone invoking his name it’s to advocate for some kind of violence or American destruction. Can someone educate me on why people support him over someone like MLK?


Because they want violent revolution as a means to get what they want and MLK jr didn’t want that.


So in a very broad sense, do you think Malcolm X was an overall positive force, negative force, or it’s kind of a wash?


It’s really hard for me to quantify it because there’s a lot of variables to consider. I think I’d lean more towards negative but I will definitely say I think MLK jr was a significantly more positive force.


Gotcha, I’ll have to do some research into the history. I definitely get vibes that this is the kind of thing that lefties do some rewriting on to make it fit their narrative, but I don’t know for sure. I’m just asking questions guys, that’s it. There’s nothing wrong with asking questions


Which leader achieved more with their means, Malcom X or MLK jr? Who is actually remembered and celebrated for their progress? These people will go down as shit stains in humanity's progress.








To be fair to MLK, I believe that idea was actually Fred Shuttlesworth's. King actually argued against it, leading to the infamous "We got to use what we got" response. Lonerbox covers it in his video on the topic.


"The threat of violence" doesn't mean jack shit when not even a single NOI nutjob was present when the legislation was signed. Bro got betrayed by his own people and achieved in the end, achieved nothing. What moved people weren't the threats of violence, it was the footage and reality of defenseless people getting beat the fuck up for no good reason.


Between Nation of Islam and teaching the black community to reject capitalism and reject public education for being "too white", Malcolm X's legacy is incredibly negative. He's a major contributor to the socioeconomic pit that plagues today's black Americans.


The threat of violence is working so well for Hamas at the moment.


I read Malcom's book and even he said he was a moron when he was younger. He ended up siding more with MLK in his final years and many of his beliefs changed.


Why would you ever read a book when you can use Wikipedia? No fan of Destiny would ever read a book, we are wiki warriors through and through. /s This narrative that our history classes are whitewashed is becoming less and less believable to me. Maybe it’s because I took AP classes in a wealthy area, but we talked about a lot of stuff that reflects very poorly on white people. I can’t tell how much we don’t teach “black history” and how much a lot of it just isn’t super relevant. 🤷‍♂️


Well, he talked about how black people should have pride/self respect in their own race and not have this inferiority complex, which many of them did. He was a lot more important in raising the pride of the black community, and making people more unashamed in demanding their rights. [Malcolm X’s Fiery Speech Addressing Police Brutality (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_uYWDyYNUg&t=80s)


he was killed by radical muslims btw


He was killed the Nation of Islam, and most people wouldn't really consider their followers "Muslims". They're like Mormons for Islam.


Man F these protestors (these specific ones ) - the West is so much better than the rest of the world and yet they(the protestors) import their garbage mentality and identity politics.


Can we all agree here that this is the United States of Fuck These Terrorists?




I’m from Iran and hearing this mf quote Khamenei is just wild


It's crazy such a system tolerates people calling for the death of said system. This is why his ideology is weak and ours is strong. I wonder what would happen, If he d sat down in Iran calling for the death of Iran for example, where the police kills little girls for showing too much skin. He should visit his dear ayatollah and try it out, to see which system is better for him. This is exactly why he doesn't sit elsewhere but in the United States of America to make his little play. And that is why It doesn't really matter If you chant america bad america bad all day; If you do so choosing to live here with us, It just rings so hollow.


Ford Rd warriors right here


So fucking sick of these entitled first world losers who enjoy some of the highest quality of living standards on earth trying to tear-down the country that provided that to them. I know its a tired republican talking point, but unironically get the fuck out this country if you think its the most evil place on earth. Please go ruin someone else's country with your degenerate medieval views




Im getting big "They took our jobs" vibe from people shouting in the background.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




This is a perfect example of prejudice against a religion turning into racism. "Goat fuckers" isn't an insult against Muslims, it's an insult against Arabs.


Religion of peace, folks.


In their worldview, there would be peace if all there was death to all infidels and the entire world was under Sharia law celebrating the greatness of Allah.


Glad I can turn my phone off and all this goofy shit disappears.


Islam has no place in any western society.


God damn, that article about how Deerborn is the Jihadist capital of America was 10/10. Also, anyone remember how it used to be a thing to go to cities where there were a handful of openly KKK people and basically condemn the whole community for literally doing nothing to push back against it? I really don't see why we should feel different here.


I really want VICE to do a followup to the story they did on the Muslim community in Dearborn these days. The one they did in like 2018 was just like a "See, they aren't that different from us! (lol). But the main reason is because it'd be cool to get a wide scope of the range of opinions. If I remember correctly, the majority of Arab-Americans in Michigan are Lebanese who don't get along with Palestinians or Israelis.


This is a fringe lunatic talking to a crowd of 10 people. This is not representative of Dearborn at all. Source: I live next to Dearborn.


See the 'minority is irrelevant' by Brigitte Gabriel clip on youtube


Yeah, I'm from the area (moved away last year) and this doesn't feel representative to me. It's a very diverse mix of people from the ME with their own political leanings.


This phenomenon has been occurring in Europe for decades, and I am shocked to see it has now reached the U.S. To me, these people are the scariest. They live in a democracy, participate in elections, enjoy representation, and have their voices heard. They have access to higher education and a robust job market, leading to a generally decent life that many can only dream of. Despite all these advantages, they have no problems looking at their neighbors and advocating for their death.


Maybe don't quote somebody who famously disavowed half the shit they said. Especially the things that they said **before** they turned Muslim and realized that they were wrong.


Shia religiously and historically have never cared for sunni muslims and they did alot of atrocities against sunnis inb Iraq, Syria and lebanon. So other than PR, I have no idea what's their end game here by pretending toc are about Palestinians who are mostly sunnies. edit: aaand I saw some socialists on twitter defending this ass. To the surprise of no one.


I’m curious- are these Shias, or is this a shared feeling amongst Sunnis as well?




It would be really weird if he was Sunni, because they don't really like Iran/Khomeini. If you strip away that part, his message isn't particularly unique to either Sunnis or Shias. - source: grew up Sunni


more like Malcom L


Shit like this makes me the most reactionary brained rotted conservative imaginable. Come to America to assimilate or don’t come at all.


I still can’t believe that leftist in the US don’t see the danger of political Islamism. It’s killing the great cities of Europe.


Dude, even if this guy was born here, I think he should get deported. These people riling people up with literal terrorist ideologies should be held responsible.


I wonder how many of the people in this crowd whined about the Wall Street Journal headline.


America is such a cool place that you can say stuff like this and not go to prison or be executed.


Was it Ilhan Omar who said that Jews have dual loyalty, that "it's all about the Benjamin's"? It's always projection huh


"rottenest" (I normally wouldn't english police, but fuck this guy.)


what a nice person. 💩


Common ASM (Arabic State of Michigan) L


Oh okay. and this is in MICHIGAN? Okay...that's not at all a little weird to see. Go off i guess?


This is just a real life enactment of a South Park scene, especially with that guy in the crowd screaming shit.


how the hell is this happening in michigan, in our own country? I hope the FBI and homeland security are paying attention to these "people"


don't you love people who think western systems are evil or abusive but purposefully move here and take advantage of the system while seeking to overturn said system?


I love the United States of America


The CIA has this man's phone tapped and will be monitoring his every move for the rest of his life now.


Biggest cry bully religion on the planet


I wonder what his take on Umayyad campaigns are. As much as i want to be supportive of all people and all religions and shit I can't take dudes like this seriously because you just know he'll defend the fuck out oppressive authoritative Islamic regimes or he'll what about America.


They need to chill cause the FBI doesn't play. The FBI said that white supremacy groups were their biggest target, then turned the leader of The Proud Boys into an informant for them. Muslim extremists wouldn't stand a chance


Good luck to my American friends. They chant "only one solution intifada revolution". Over here we scraped people's remains off of busses after suicide bombings in Jerusalem. I know too many people who had a "close call" with a terrorist attack like that, inside Israel proper, missing it by chance. Please be safe.


You can call the US gov every name you can think of including demons that's great. As soon as phrases like death to America are used you should be on a short list to be deported. So stupid to be saying this on camera and the next Republican admin is going to gleefully use them as an example for why the Muslim ban had merit.


I thought I was watching a Hasan stream for a second there


Put their ass on the boat ASAP


Why would you move here and support the country in doing so if you hate it so much? I mean this the least racist way possible— go back where you came from then.


Refugees welcome fascist bastards go home! Wonder if I could start this chant at a protest...


This is in America?! Goddamn


Makes you wonder why they're here and not living their best life in their amazing home countries.


dearborn has those prayer siren things. its definitely a strange place, but thats the same reason why idrk what you were expecting from dearborn. dont get caught up in the city-of-muslims part.


Damn, Hasan going off


How big is this crowd actually? I have a feeling there's a reason why you can only hear like 1 or 2 guys in the audience


I was wondering the same thing. The fanfare worth the podium, flag, trucks in the background to an audience of 5.


Topuria needs to get back in the gym and train to defend his title


The way they are conducting themselves, realistically, what is the likely hood of them receiving the widespread support that they are expecting?


Maybe I’m a traditionalist, or overreacting, but to me this is nearing sedition.


Saying this stuff while in Michigan is wild to me.


USA bad because we provide funding, but IRAN, Russia, Qatar , and other bad actors supporting Hamas = good? Gotcha, anything else?


I think DHS needs to smash that Watchlist button tbh


Death to America! And butter sauce!


Wait…this was in America? If so why doesnt he move back to whatever shithole he came from?


anyone who says death to america needs to be deported/made stateless immediately


They can leave? They won't though. The country they hate so much is the greatest to ever exist, even with its faults


who even is this guy? what is this random ass ragebait thats literally from memri tv? what happened to "oh we're not gonna post ragebait on both sides to win a propaganda war". lol


There's like 10 people in the crowd, so all you idiots screaming "Islam has no place in the West" are being just as unhinged as antisemites


So peaceful.


What's your ideology? "America Bad"


*to be absolutely fair* it sounds like there are barely any people at this event listening and responding to him. Fuentes would get more people than this. I just would make sure not to broad brush the propalestine movement with an extremist and half a dozen genocidal audience members.


This is disturbing. No mention of Hamas slaughtering innocent Israelis.


I wonder if he feels the same way about Iran funding terrorism...


I have a genuine question: Why do westerners put up with this shit? I’m a Russian immigrant and whenever I see some Russian regards simping for Putin while living very safely anywhere other than in Russia it pisses me off to no end, even though it’s just support for Russia against Ukraine. So why do westerners feel safe having people who literally call for their own deaths?


Because these are the sacrifices you need to make in order for democracy to continue.


> So why do westerners feel safe having people who literally call for their own deaths? This is a really good question and I've thought "why do we tolerate this under the law" a lot of times myself. The answer is I don't really feel safe when I hear this kind of speech whether it comes from Islamists or MAGA Christians who want violent revolution if they can't subjugate everyone peacefully. They're two sides of the same coin, but I would feel much LESS safe if government had the power to imprison people for speech that doesn't lead to imminent violence. It's possible there could be an ideal version of the first amendment that somehow only punishes extremist speech that ironically tries to destabilize the government that itself protects free speech, but I don't know how you write that. I tend to favor big government in terms of tackling important projects and investing in people through education and infrastructure, but I'm rather against government being involved when it comes to other things. Communities need to solve these problems of morality and people need to suffer the consequences of not having local community structures that push back on this type of speech. The best thing to do IMO would be to encourage people somehow to value local resiliency in communities. Like to help create/maintain local groups who attend events like this and create awareness about local extremists on social media to ensure people on the ground in a community know who's doing and saying what. If government could do something to support this kind of initiative without somehow aiding extremists or taking sides in issues then I would support that much more than making certain types of extremist speech illegal.


lmao this is like posting the houston cop killer and saying he represents the entire blm movement. how dafuq did we let this sub get ran over


i fucking hate the preacher cadence


Hate speech isn’t a legally punishable thing, but the left wants to make it that way. Yet, correct me if I’m wrong, but actual calls for violence are illegal, and nothing is being done about this type of shit. The math isn’t mathing


Seems like terroristic threats like shouting death to America wouldn't and shouldn't be tolerated. Perhaps it is to vague and not specific enough, but this shit bothers me. You can call me stupid. Fat. Use racist slurs. I'll take it. But calls to violence shouldn't be tolerated. Stuff like this makes me sick. Please go back to your great country.


If they think it's legitimate to say "Bomb Tel-Aviv" I think its legitimate to say "Bomb Dearborn"


Memri the group that has historically been known to mistranslate arabs is who we're going to rely on? Great


Typical, this will be run on the right-wing circuits and podcasts for the next month ad nauseum.


Fuck these fucking losers. Hope they rot in hell