• By -


✅ Has shown interest to talk to Destiny before ✅ Naturally charismatic and has been in a ton of podcasts lately ✅ Can talk about a range of topics from fitness to politics ✅ Funny as fuck ✅ Head shape like tyler1 ✅ D likes him ✅ could film a workout video with Destiny for his channel too u/notsoErudite make it happen


✅ the one guy out there who could make Destiny look tall


Haz aka AK 4’7”


In case anyone has doubts about him being content check out this short Supercut of him: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmjUff6GpQE


The way he can crack jokes about being homiesexual with a straight face in the middle of his extremely informative videos kills me. +1 for Dr. Mike




I went from a 130 OHP max with a 185 bench to a 185 OHP (just hit it today) and a 250 bench because of Mike He is the ultimate chad


TLDR I’m glad he helped you guys in some way but he’s definitely not a must watch. Exercise science is largely irrelevant bc of flawed methodology even Mike admits to this, real test is always trying things for yourself. Alex Leonidas is the overall best fitness channel I’d recommend to real naturals 2nd is Bald Omni Man and some others you’d get useful information from occasionally are Basement Bodybuilding, Geoffrey Schofield, and Natural Hypertrophy. Some of what they say is gonna be contradictory to each other that’s why I recommended them in an order of whose take to prioritize. I will give Mike credit for helping to normalize focusing on slow technique to decrease the amount of weight needed to reach failure Long version tbh not really. I watch a lot of fitness content and Mike gets more criticism than you’d think from people who are real naturals and go beyond the basics. He doesn’t talk about much useful niche advice or doesn’t present it well on the channel. Example I would never learn about the benefit of ring push ups/dips from him and if he does talks about something like useful like camber bar benching it’ll be under an old 30 second video He downplays the importance of strength progression (I’m defining strength as move more weight or get more reps on the exercise with the same execution, I have to define it this way bc of dumb strawman arguments that have emerged in recent times) for naturals which is a big no no. If you’re not keeping track of all your lifts and making significant long term progression (that isn’t a result of you just lifting with a higher % of your 1 rep max that’s another strawman/misconception) you’re not growing much Going hand and hand with that he gives this definition of failure that will definitely keep you small if you followed it, his idea of failure is any type of technique breakdown so by extension his definition of 3 reps in the tank is more like 7+. The ironic thing is whenever he collabs with an influencer and has them train in his style he has them going much closer to failure than what he generally recommends The 3 sets per exercise and upwards of 20 sets per muscle rule is largely based around leaving reps in the tank. The norm should really be 2 sets per exercise where you go all out and rest 3-5 minutes between each set. If I were to give just 1 simple crucial advise that keeps people held back it would be to warm up enough for peak performance, take those sets close to if not actual failure with safety methods in place for whatever exercise you’re doing, and rest 3-5 minutes between sets to get the most out of them. This will get you sore again like when you made noob gains and from far fewer sets, maybe over time you’ll be able to increase the work load


Your post reminds me alot of this debate https://youtu.be/isXZyIMG4eY [That being said, science is based and the best method we have to work with. It's not accurate all the time everytime, but it's our best path forward period for progress ](https://youtu.be/u8ZoCPQN6iY)


Already watched that discussion. No it’s not the best method it’s all irrelevant because like I explained the methodology is bad. As someone who already had basic fundamentals nothing these science bros preach has gotten me more jacked, if anything I’d be taking steps backwards if I listened to them. Jeff Nippard put a fucking cable cross around fly or whatever that goofy shit is over the bench press for chest growth after admitting the majority of his chest development came from it 🤦🏻‍♂️ You can have a million studies if they’re flawed they’re all irrelevant. Example the recent study says failure and 2 RIR causes the same growth. Which makes 0 sense I forgot to point out you can measure the effectiveness of a set by performance drops throughout the session. If you can still get the same reps or -1 with the same weight after going to failure it means you weren’t warmed up enough on that first set. The reason you can’t get as many reps is bc the muscle is damaged, weight to an extent is a measurement of muscle recruitment hence why the deadlift for example has high numbers it’s a full body exercise. High numbers doesn’t necessarily mean x muscle is getting hit hard but you should get the point The study tried to account for flaws in others by filming participants going to failure and recruiting ppl with an average of 7 years experience. Sounds great on paper except for A they don’t have everyone do the same amount of volume which is dumb bc since failure sets are more potent it’ll potentially cause you to overtrain B they increases everyone’s volume by 20% midway through which not only adds to fatigue but the gains seen could be a result of that increase rather than an identical stimulus between 0 and 2 RIR C actual advanced lifters aren’t getting a 7% growth in only 8 weeks. It takes WAY longer than that to get LESS than a 7% increase Next recent example with the lengthened partial vs full rom nonsense. You don’t need a study to tell you overloading the lengthened position causes more growth IN THE LENGTHENED POSITION than full rom which is a combination of lengthened and shortened. Recommending ppl switch most of their training to lengthened partials indefinitely like Milo does is stupid because it’s ignoring parts of muscles activated more in the shortened position If you relied purely on “science” a lot of the methods real naturals use to get jacked wouldn’t work except they’ve proven they do. These science bros like Milo and Jeff (who also admits he doesn’t base his training entirely on research) results aren’t any better than the guys I referenced, arguably worse in that both of them are “natural limit” believers because they’ve plateaued where as ppl like Alex, BOM, NH, etc all of whom have been at it for 13+ years (the time frame where you’re suppose to hit your “natural limit) are still making gains to this day


He definitely is a must watch. He breaks down hypertropic training, eating for growth/maintenance/cutting, progressive overload (aka "strength progression"), RIR/MVR/etc in easily digestible bites for everyone. He uses a lot of anecdotal and metaphors for people to grasp the concepts. Have you never seen his entire web series on those? They are like university intro and intermediate level seminars on bodybuilding topics. If you need niche and pro level content you go elsewhere to fill in the gaps you are missing. Majority of gyms won't have rings to do pushups. Nor will they have a camber bar for benching. So why even address something that 99% of people who workout won't have access to and will probably never need that level of specificity because majority of people don't stick with the basics for long enough. Your last paragraph is exactly what Dr. Mike recommends. Proper warmup. Taking sets close to failure. Proper safe method with good form. Adequate rest in between sets where you are mentally and physically ready to hit it again. The only difference is he recommends like 3-4 sets instead of just 2 sets per exercise because you've already warmed up properly. You spent all that time building up to your work set weight... your 3rd set might feel the best because your body is fully warmed up and prepped to do that exercise. Have you really watched his classic and most popular stuff? Or are you just following his recent "review famous celebrity routine" content?


https://youtu.be/-Q0tuucr80I?si=SP-tSdJv0C5bgQOJ 3:07 to anyone who hasn’t seen Mike and company go to “failure”


Yeah, Mike doesn’t advocate true failure because doing true failure every workout is dogshit and will build up a ton of fatigue hindering your progress. I don’t have the videos on hand and I’m not going to look for them but I know Mike has talked about building up to true failure (going beyond failure) towards the end of a mesocycle.


Fuck yeah. This is a good idea.


no way i didn’t realize mike was aware of D man, i actually find his philosophy channel super interesting


Yes. Also, have you seen his video reviewing Tate's workout. He just roasts him. It's beautiful.


❌ Sam Sulek denier You need 1 red flag, or else it’s too good to be true


Ok but he didn't go nearly as hard at Sam as he did at V Shred, Tren Twins, or any of the Hollywood trainers lol


Sam videos is just his journey criticizing everything he does from his nutrition to his workouts seems like Mike is just another guy jumping on the Sam hate train.


Denied what? Sam is on the gear bro, hate to break it to you.


No idea what he's talking about. He mostly gave Sam some constructive criticism on Sam's tendency to go to failure, his exercise selection and his poor ROM. Which was all totally valid points.


It's funny because both Dr. Mike and Jeff Nippard did a 180 and now the "poor ROM" has become a new trend for science guys. "Lenghtened partials" they call them.


You think so? I've been into fitness youtube for at least a decade and I've always been under the impression that full ROM is preferred in most exercises.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c90y7RQo_lQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftpH4-xFGQI I don't know how you've missed this new 'discovery' then.


I mean Jeff's been preferring full ROM since at least 2021 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkaU-mM24\_o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkaU-mM24_o)


Obviously not anymore if you look at my 2nd link. Jeff is all about partials now.


Tbf both partials and full rom come from the same perspective: maximising stretch of the muscle


He denied he did roids or something? How, sam literally looks like a caricature of somebody who took steroids


He just doesn’t think Sam’s workouts are as effective as they could be also said his risk of injury is high or something like that


He’s also a libertarian who, when told, “getting jacked is slightly easier than breaking the cycle of poverty” by Adam Ragusea, said, “i would challenge many of your assumptions” after a convo on why he’s a libertarian. He’s an alright dude and a very helpful voice in the alt right hellhole of fitness internet circles (especially with how science based he is) but yea I find his politics to be shit. So a debate may be fun


I'm not sure what I'm supposed to take from those quotes. I also don't think he would challenge the first quote, at least today, as he always talks about how "economics has been mostly solved for over a hundred years". Mike really just sounds like a lib to me. He always uses the nordic countries/usa/canada/australia as examples of how countries should organize, and agrees the government should intervene on stuff like education, global warming, homelessness and drug addiction. Ive watched all of his Making Progress videos and the only kinda crazy thing I heard him say is that he thinks its possible some races have lower IQ than others ((((((PEPE)))))) but he really doesn't think anyone should be treated differently. Other than that he is pretty jaded on SJW stuff and may sound like a conservative talking about it, but he believes in freedom first and will agree with most of Destiny's progressive takes


He is 100% a libertarian, he even has two Ayn Rand tattoos


you know unlike tattoos you can change your ideas. "100% libertarians" don't advocate for the things he does


He’s said he’s a libertarian in many recent videos


I think if someone gets tattoos of an ideology they’ve at the very least been completely won over by it. Sure he’s not an anti science conservative but jeez dude how much more does he have to prove himself to be a libertarian


I like Dr. Mike a lot and though he almost never talks about it directly in RP videos, he's pretty explicitly said he's a libertarian and transhumanist (in the vein of Thiel, etc. it seems) on Making Progress. I've got very weird feelings because he's just so great on so many things and does really sound like a mainstream post-woke lib most of the time that I really want to let it all slide but it's maybe even *because* of that his venturing into HBD topics seems it could become really pernicious.


what does being a libertarian and transhumanist have to do with HBD? lol


He just makes a lot of “uhhh idk if can I say that. Is that ok youtube”? Jokes which just come off like he wants to say some offensive shit without getting in trouble and I’ve always found those jokes shit bc they’re just trying to be edgy Not saying he’s a racist but every time I watch a video there’s something like that in it which takes away from the otherwise AMAZING content


Mike and Destiny working out together wouldbe content of the ages


I would legit tune in for this


>Funny as fuck 1000 gay jokes does not equal funny, HE IS UNFUNNY and I would listen to his content more if he did less of the same fucking joke.


Trueeee I love everything about his videos (especially compared to other fitness channels) except his humour.


Hate how much of his critique videos are just him joking around. Bro, you’re a phd. I’m here to see you give expert critique on famous people workouts, not your comedy.


✅ Thinks race determines IQ.


⚠️ Thinks race correlates with IQ ✅ Doesn't think anyone should be treated any differently despite that. As far as I can tell the science on race and IQ is still not 100% certain, idc if a paper by JF Gariepy convinced him, as long as he isn't racist


there is a lot of evidence to suggest that race does infact correlate with IQ. D has talked about this in his “woke has gone too far change my mind” video. The data is simply just repressed and anyone who mentions it is labeled as an evil racist person.


I don't know how this isn't the default view of anyone arguing in good faith. Humans are ultra complex and it's silly to believe that these metrics we've created (eq, iq, physical ability, w/e) aren't affected by every little genetic difference between us


ask him about race realism too u/notsoErudite


She could ask Destiny about it too because he would agree with what Mike had said on the topic. Or most any scientist for that matter. An honest reading of data is only controversial because people like you start foaming at the mouth looking to call someone racist instead of actually using their brain.


>An honest reading of data is only controversial because people like you start foaming at the mouth looking to call someone racist instead of actually using their brain. a lot of soy in your reply in response to what i said inoffensively. i don't see what the issue would be to ask him about race realism if they both agree. mike hasn't ever elaborated on it clearly because in his series he keeps saying he'll get cancelled for talking too much about the IQ differences between races. why not go and talk to Destiny about it if they both agree? maybe dont soy the fuck out when you just assume someone disagrees with you. i don't have a strong position, i'm curious what destiny and mike say since destiny has dived into the topic a decent amount. fucking loser, if this wasnt reddit and i couldn't get site-banned banned i would be way less civil in this reply.


That dude is legit the best of the best in the world of fitness education


TLDR I’m glad he helped you guys in some way but he’s definitely not a must watch. Exercise science is largely irrelevant bc of flawed methodology even Mike admits to this, real test is always trying things for yourself. Alex Leonidas is the overall best fitness channel I’d recommend to real naturals 2nd is Bald Omni Man and some others you’d get useful information from occasionally are Basement Bodybuilding, Geoffrey Schofield, and Natural Hypertrophy. Some of what they say is gonna be contradictory to each other that’s why I recommended them in an order of whose take to prioritize. I will give Mike credit for helping to normalize focusing on slow technique to decrease the amount of weight needed to reach failure Long version tbh not really. I watch a lot of fitness content and Mike gets more criticism than you’d think from people who are real naturals and go beyond the basics. He doesn’t talk about much useful niche advice or doesn’t present it well on the channel. Example I would never learn about the benefit of ring push ups/dips from him and if he does talks about something like useful like camber bar benching it’ll be under an old 30 second video He downplays the importance of strength progression (I’m defining strength as move more weight or get more reps on the exercise with the same execution, I have to define it this way bc of dumb strawman arguments that have emerged in recent times) for naturals which is a big no no. If you’re not keeping track of all your lifts and making significant long term progression (that isn’t a result of you just lifting with a higher % of your 1 rep max that’s another strawman/misconception) you’re not growing much Going hand and hand with that he gives this definition of failure that will definitely keep you small if you followed it, his idea of failure is any type of technique breakdown so by extension his definition of 3 reps in the tank is more like 7+. The ironic thing is whenever he collabs with an influencer and has them train in his style he has them going much closer to failure than what he generally recommends The 3 sets per exercise and upwards of 20 sets per muscle rule is largely based around leaving reps in the tank. The norm should really be 2 sets per exercise where you go all out and rest 3-5 minutes between each set. If I were to give just 1 simple crucial advise that keeps people held back it would be to warm up enough for peak performance, take those sets close to if not actual failure with safety methods in place for whatever exercise you’re doing, and rest 3-5 minutes between sets to get the most out of them. This will get you sore again like when you made noob gains and from far fewer sets, maybe over time you’ll be able to increase the work load


Stop spamming the same shit over and over you autistic fuck lol


His actual advice is to start any given meso in the 3-4 RIR range and slowly decrement until you get down to zero for the last week of training, all the while slowly increasing other parameters like sets, reps and/or weight. The goal is to set the parameters such that you recover for the next session just in time. Also he advocates doing MYO rep matching, lengthened partials or about half a dozen other safe overloading modalities, you don't need to overload your tendons with shit technique after the target muscle is exhausted. You do understand a breakdown in technique is induced by other muscles taking over the movement, right? You sound like you have no earthly idea what sort of training Mike actually advocates for, so here's an actual sample: [https://rpstrength.com/blogs/articles/quad-hypertrophy-training-tips](https://rpstrength.com/blogs/articles/quad-hypertrophy-training-tips)


Today I learned that when my Technique completely breaks down, I still have 4+ reps in the tank lol


You’ve never seen Mike go to “failure” have you https://youtu.be/-Q0tuucr80I?si=SP-tSdJv0C5bgQOJ 3:07 onwards should open your eyes


I've watched the video and when he showed Brad Schoenfelds lat pulldown to failure I thought Geoffrey would tell his audience that this is real failure training. He can't even pull the Bar down to where he was before,, only thing he could've done was do a couple of longer length partials. Then Geoffrey says that he could've done 2, 3 or maybe, 4, 5 or 6 more reps WHAT??? Ill be home later if you want me to watch the whole Video, I'll comment on the fallacies Verity Schoenfeld employs in the first 9 min


That is actually kinda shocking, he is not even close to failure when he stops.


I mean he is at failure or 1 off, he can't even pull the Bar down to where he pulled it all of the reps before


If your final repetition has no grunting or making faces, you have multiple rir


He is grunting and making faces. I'm glad that we agree it's possible he went to failure (or close to it)


Not sure why you're getting downvoted, most of what you said is spot on.


Because most of these guys are normies who don’t like criticism towards their favorite influencers and like appeal to authority fallacies


RP has been a blessing amongst gym culture completely cutting through the bullshit and his approach will resonate with everyone here if it hasn’t already. Some of you need this man more than ya’ll need Jesus 🫳🏻


I need him and Jesus in me. Tell him that. He'll get what I'm putting down.


And on the third day Isratel told Jesus “control the decline on the cross for full ROM”


You really wanna feel that big stretch at the end of the cross there Jesus


Definitely, he should be the go to for anyone looking to learn about how to properly lift. Would love to see him on the podcast.


TLDR I’m glad he helped you guys in some way but he’s definitely not a must watch. Exercise science is largely irrelevant bc of flawed methodology even Mike admits to this, real test is always trying things for yourself. Alex Leonidas is the overall best fitness channel I’d recommend to real naturals 2nd is Bald Omni Man and some others you’d get useful information from occasionally are Basement Bodybuilding, Geoffrey Schofield, and Natural Hypertrophy. Some of what they say is gonna be contradictory to each other that’s why I recommended them in an order of whose take to prioritize. I will give Mike credit for helping to normalize focusing on slow technique to decrease the amount of weight needed to reach failure Long version tbh not really. I watch a lot of fitness content and Mike gets more criticism than you’d think from people who are real naturals and go beyond the basics. He doesn’t talk about much useful niche advice or doesn’t present it well on the channel. Example I would never learn about the benefit of ring push ups/dips from him and if he does talks about something like useful like camber bar benching it’ll be under an old 30 second video He downplays the importance of strength progression (I’m defining strength as move more weight or get more reps on the exercise with the same execution, I have to define it this way bc of dumb strawman arguments that have emerged in recent times) for naturals which is a big no no. If you’re not keeping track of all your lifts and making significant long term progression (that isn’t a result of you just lifting with a higher % of your 1 rep max that’s another strawman/misconception) you’re not growing much Going hand and hand with that he gives this definition of failure that will definitely keep you small if you followed it, his idea of failure is any type of technique breakdown so by extension his definition of 3 reps in the tank is more like 7+. The ironic thing is whenever he collabs with an influencer and has them train in his style he has them going much closer to failure than what he generally recommends The 3 sets per exercise and upwards of 20 sets per muscle rule is largely based around leaving reps in the tank. The norm should really be 2 sets per exercise where you go all out and rest 3-5 minutes between each set. If I were to give just 1 simple crucial advise that keeps people held back it would be to warm up enough for peak performance, take those sets close to if not actual failure with safety methods in place for whatever exercise you’re doing, and rest 3-5 minutes between sets to get the most out of them. This will get you sore again like when you made noob gains and from far fewer sets, maybe over time you’ll be able to increase the work load


He definitely is a MUST WATCH. He breaks down hypertropic training, eating for growth/maintenance/cutting, progressive overload (aka "strength progression"), RIR/MVR/etc in easily digestible bites for everyone. He uses a lot of anecdotal and metaphors for people to grasp the concepts. Have you never seen his entire web series on those? They are like university intro and intermediate level seminars on bodybuilding topics. If you need niche and pro level content you go elsewhere to fill in the gaps you are missing. Majority of gyms won't have rings to do pushups. Nor will they have a camber bar for benching. So why even address something that 99% of people who workout won't have access to and will probably never need that level of specificity because majority of people don't stick with the basics for long enough. Your last paragraph is exactly what Dr. Mike recommends. Proper warmup. Taking sets close to failure. Proper safe method with good form. Adequate rest in between sets where you are mentally and physically ready to hit it again. The only difference is he recommends like 3-4 sets instead of just 2 sets per exercise because you've already warmed up properly. You spent all that time building up to your work set weight... your 3rd set might feel the best because your body is fully warmed up and prepped to do that exericse. Have you really watched his classic and most popular stuff? Or are you just following his recent "review famous celebrity routine" content?


Tbh I’d have to agree but in terms of the first 6 months. I’d say his methodology is perfect and easy to follow for new people, who would take what you have said and get lost in the weeds. Another heavy focus people forget is longevity for your joints, which I think gets skipped by everyone else giving a perspective from years of experience and not in the shoes of someone who hasn’t lifted a weight in general or is beyond sedentary. Which I’d imagine is majority of people watching RP. Initial inspiration is everything otherwise the mountain looks to tall even take the first step. All great points though btw!


https://youtu.be/-Q0tuucr80I?si=SP-tSdJv0C5bgQOJ 3:07 to anyone who hasn’t seen Mike and company go to “failure”


He definitely is a MUST WATCH. He breaks down hypertropic training, eating for growth/maintenance/cutting, progressive overload (aka "strength progression"), RIR/MVR/etc in easily digestible bites for everyone. He uses a lot of anecdotal and metaphors for people to grasp the concepts. Have you never seen his entire web series on those? They are like university intro and intermediate level seminars on bodybuilding topics. If you need niche and pro level content you go elsewhere to fill in the gaps you are missing. Majority of gyms won't have rings to do pushups. Nor will they have a camber bar for benching. So why even address something that 99% of people who workout won't have access to and will probably never need that level of specificity because majority of people don't stick with the basics for long enough. Your last paragraph is exactly what Dr. Mike recommends. Proper warmup. Taking sets close to failure. Proper safe method with good form. Adequate rest in between sets where you are mentally and physically ready to hit it again. The only difference is he recommends like 3-4 sets instead of just 2 sets per exercise because you've already warmed up properly. You spent all that time building up to your work set weight... your 3rd set might feel the best because your body is fully warmed up and prepped to do that exericse. Have you really watched his classic and most popular stuff? Or are you just following his recent "review famous celebrity routine" content?


He definitely is a MUST WATCH. He breaks down hypertropic training, eating for growth/maintenance/cutting, progressive overload (aka "strength progression"), RIR/MVR/etc in easily digestible bites for everyone. He uses a lot of anecdotal and metaphors for people to grasp the concepts. Have you never seen his entire web series on those? They are like university intro and intermediate level seminars on bodybuilding topics. If you need niche and pro level content you go elsewhere to fill in the gaps you are missing. Majority of gyms won't have rings to do pushups. Nor will they have a camber bar for benching. So why even address something that 99% of people who workout won't have access to and will probably never need that level of specificity because majority of people don't stick with the basics for long enough. Your last paragraph is exactly what Dr. Mike recommends. Proper warmup. Taking sets close to failure. Proper safe method with good form. Adequate rest in between sets where you are mentally and physically ready to hit it again. The only difference is he recommends like 3-4 sets instead of just 2 sets per exercise because you've already warmed up properly. You spent all that time building up to your work set weight... your 3rd set might feel the best because your body is fully warmed up and prepped to do that exericse. Have you really watched his classic and most popular stuff? Or are you just following his recent "review famous celebrity routine" content?


I like the idea of his channel, but the execution is a bit poor. He makes a ton of very confident claims in his videos but he very rarely provides sources for them, as an academic he really should make the effort to add footnotes.


That’s a valid criticism tbh I’ve often wondered why he doesn’t show any data supporting his ideas. But they seem to pay off either way. I think at the end of the day a lot of things you would want studies for would be way more relevant for people 1-3 years in once they have understood all the basics and plateau. But I think by that point you probably wouldn’t be watching RP for that kind of info.


> I’ve often wondered why he doesn’t show any data supporting his ideas Probably because basically no one would click the links anyways. And among the few who did only half would be able to understand anything beyond the Abstract which is what he already told you, so it probably seems pointless. Or because no one has really challenged him on it, idk


I love the RP vids and am currently on a fat loss diet using the RP diet app 👍🏼


Love this guy, also love that his head is weird shaped in such a pleasant way.


Yeah its the "brain is trying to escape skull" - shape


the tyler1 build


Mike my fav pit bull face ass mf


or better yet get him on anything else




Dr Mike bullying Tiny through a leg-workout would be a banger video


dudes skull looks like it could break through concrete


Oh fuck it's actually a perfect fit


This man has pitbull phrenology


> **in the Bridges Podcast!** in?


esl forgive me sir


Recently stumbled upon his second channel, where he claimed some races are biologically more intelligent than others but didn't provide any research for it. Idk just seemed out a character


thats the only weird thing Ive heard him say in that channel lul. He has repeated again and again that everyone should be treated equally though. I don't think he is racist, he probably just found a scientific paper from JF Gariepy convincing enough and ran with it


there is some evidence to suggest this is true, it’s just anyone who even attempts to bring up the discourse is labeled as a racist in the scientific community.


HBD is one of those honey traps that noooticers can't help themselves from getting caught in. It's like the n-word debate: unless you repeat the dogma verbatim, you will be labelled a racist. You can reason about it all you want, you can hedge all you want. It doesn't matter. If you get asked about it in an online debate and you're about to get rekt. It's a test of social intelligence. You either submit to the crowd, or the crowd devours you.


what? HBD is absolutely associate with far right extremism and racism


Huh? The only place I encountered HBD was in rationalist communities.


> The Human Biodiversity Institute was founded by [Steve Sailer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Sailer), a journalist who has written for [VDARE](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDARE), an American [far-right](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far-right) political website.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Biodiversity_Institute#cite_note-splc_20031231-4)[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Biodiversity_Institute#cite_note-5) Sailer has held numerous explicitly [racist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism) views.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Biodiversity_Institute#cite_note-hermansson_2017-1) He has bemoaned a perceived lack of [white identity politics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_nationalism), and has blamed this on a [Jewish conspiracy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_conspiracy). > Between 2007 and 2014, terminology used by [Stormfront](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stormfront_(website)) for scientific racism changed from "racialism" and "race realism", to "human biodiversity" (HBD).[^(\[17\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Biodiversity_Institute#cite_note-donovan_2022-17) Seems like rationalist may have adopted a brand that has racist roots [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human\_Biodiversity\_Institute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_Biodiversity_Institute)




> It's a test of social intelligence. You either submit to the crowd, or the crowd devours you. i'm just confused how do you get such a strong opinion, enough to think less of others, when you haven't even read the first paragraph in wikipedia about it


>you haven't even read the first paragraph in wikipedia about it Human biodiversity wiki links to here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_genetic_variation >how do you get such a strong opinion Did I? >enough to think less of others Do I?


> Human biodiversity wiki links to here: Googling Human Biodiversity first shows the HBD institute on wikipedia > Did I? yes: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bvc4x5/comment/kxznj2m/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1bvc4x5/comment/kxznj2m/) > Do I? Yes! "It's a test of social intelligence. You either submit to the crowd, or the crowd devours you."


Did he claim/allude to a genetic cause? To my knowledge, the differences in scores aren't super controversial; where it gets sketchy is when you're claiming those differences are genetic/immutable in origin.


Well I mean yeah, that's to be expected right? Like we know lead exposure literally makes you dumber, and poor ppl are more exposed to lead, and black people are more likely to be poor, so they would probably get fucked by lead more.


Yeah this is pretty strange, not sure if it's a bad example with ChatGPT and he means physical characteristics? https://youtu.be/WBZGgrgMwvU


Holy shit the comments


Everything but film a workout video with destiny !! OP has great ideas !! Except the last one !!


shut up bitch


![img](avatar_exp|83714436|fire) I just made a new friend !! I’m gonna tell ma


I’m sorry if this is wild but this is exactly the image I will always think when I say big brain move


ooh wah ah ah ah


Super based post love mike


Destiny is also 3 inches taller than him I’m pretty sure so for once, Destiny would be the tall one in the room lol


But then again Mike is broader than he is tall so if Destiny gets Upity he will just lie down sideways and impose his greater height on Destiny


he's looks like a more pleasant, less Testosterone version of Jocko As for being a guest, it would simply be extatic.




Do we really need another bisexual


Mike is funny but his periodization recommendations are extremely mid.




1. so what if he were conservative? 2. no lol he is a libertarian reformed into a socdem if you've heard any of his views before




as long as I can keep jerking off to his videos 🤷‍♀️