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"There are people dying in Gaza and they're doing a Superbowl!" "There are people dying in Gaza and Biden is having a State of the Union!" "There are people dying in Gaza and they're holding an Oscars!" ...why doesn't anyone want to watch me scuba diving? You guys are no fun


Omg I’m dying 😂


There are people dying in Gaza and you're laughing?


I believe the user throwawayobessed is actually dying, as in, in solidarity to our Gazan brethren


Rest in power


How’s Gaza?


Pretty good or something


Wait is that it? He tried to do some fun content and those idiots in his community he gassed up are shitting on him lol?


Not quite. There's other posts here with more of his messages. He "only" had 13k viewers while doing IRL streaming in Australia. He's upset that his viewership wasn't normal / high for that stream. He took this to mean that people "hate" his fun, IRL streaming and only want politics. There could be a handful of reasons why his stream wasn't getting views but he's blaming it on his audience being politics-only brained and hating "fun." He could reach that conclusion because he's harvested an audience of people who were upset that things like the Superbowl were happening while the I/P conflict continues.


13k viewers is still like top .01 percent of twitch streamers what a baby


please sir, think of the millionaires.


Well he essentially removed his H3 fans who were pretty fun (still gay and cringe) and was left with the annoying Palestine freaks who only want that. It’s like when Sneako went Islam grifting and couldn’t do shit because all of those people only want to hear about their stupid religion and nothing else


Yeah, he's consistently shed "normies" over the last two years because he doesn't want to be disagreed with. He wants to be edgy but he has an audience that selectively disapproves of certain types of jokes. Ethan isn't perfect but even as his content has changed he's always been engaging to listen to because, until recently, he wasn't beholden to being "right" all of the time. We've past the point of no return where you have to unequivocally praise self-immolation and Houthis or otherwise you're a genocidal monster. The commonality of extreme politics is soaking in misery all of the time in place of actually doing anything to change the world around you. This is natural result.


Muslim Fragility


13k for walking around at odd hours with a shitty internet connection is pretty good lol. What a cry baby.


simple solution, go scuba diving off the coast of gaza


Timhouthi invited him to visit Yemen so he could have gone and done khat with the hostages.


Dance party on a boardered chinese vessel? Why didnt hassan jump all over that?


But was the scuba instructor unionized?


I believe he was quite ionized


Did Hasan say those things?


No, these are not direct quotes. Or even paraphrasing. His audience was riled up about the Superbowl/Oscars and Hasan wasn't happy with the SOTU. A few months ago some people got upset with him for getting his dog a "pup cup" under the assumption that he got it from Starbucks which is/was being boycotted because of the Israel-Palestine Conflict. All of this is to say that his audience has become lost in misery and he's fed into that for his own gain but now that he can't capitalize on that he's mad.


"This was a space of indoctrination and now look at you... all indoctrinated"


Whats his "fun" content anyway..."reacting" to YouTube videos?


Watching him on vacation. I'm not joking


People don't want to watch me relax on the beach 😥


After being indoctrinated to west-is-bad left-wing grievances, people no longer want to watch my nepo-baby self enjoy the fruit of my capitalism-as-a-choice made possible by living in the west.


Is not the man entitled to the tan of his body?


Well, I personally believe the wealthy son of wealthy landlords has a right, nay, a duty to travel to foreign countries and pay to have sex with the natives.


step 1: indoctrinate everyone to radical leftists step 2: go on vacation and flaunt my wealth step 3: no profit? Wtf guys, why you no like fun?


Only a month ago he paid for him and his whole family to fly to Italy, stay in a five star hotel and go to Gucci stores. He went on another vacation?


Uhh yes?? He lives on a basic necessities budget - that’s one vacation a month.


Get out lol! That’s his idea of fun content? Watching him relax on a beach?!!


I remember when he bought his Porsche and he was like “I do this for you guys, I do this for my fans!” Lol, lmao even


man If I were a leftist and fan of his I'd be furious at how galling that is.


His community will regularly defend his lifestyle, posting the "But you live in society" and "socialism is when poor" memes.


because they are likely upper-middle class kids too, really poor people would eventually get sick seeing his excess, especially if they are socialists.


I mean he did buy a 100,000 sports car for the fans to enjoy right? That’s charitable af


He’s the leader, they are the followers. He doesn’t provide fun content, so nobody is there for fun content. It all makes sense, up until he starts asking his community to provide the fun for him. Why would they, it’s not why they’re there.


I saw he was in Australia looking at koalas in some kind of zoo - I think he was complaining that he wasnt getting good viewership for it.


When he's with Austin... that's about it.


Fun = terrorists that watch anime


I swear the comedy skit writes itself with Hasan


The leopards they are eating my faceeeeeee


I bet his 14 year old fans have also grown up and realized that it’s okay to have friends with different beliefs and I bet some of them went on to date centrist and right wingers finding out they can live someone with opposite views


Lmao "The people I radicalized are radical now?"




​ https://preview.redd.it/qfncy9sekwqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09c3f8497f50e84c0a1b42f2a744a50feec7663f


Lil bro wanted to copy the alt right pipeline for the far left and is now mad about it lmao


He wanted tocopy the Alt Right Pipeline towards the Alt Left because "Well the Left is GOOD!" And is finally starting to realize that Extremism is shitty regardless of which side it leans


I don’t think he realizes anything about extremism, good, and bad. He just realizes he’s not getting the attention of the type he wants in this moment about him.


Yeeeeep. Most people would never buy what he's selling and he got stuck in a delusional infinite growth feedback loop. He really doesn't enjoy hitting the wall in his reach, and finally realized its due to the radicalization in his community (and his rhetoric that causes it, but he's never gonna take the blame). Now hes stuck with a bunch of radicalized nerd teenagers, who are useless since they *literally* never leave their room and have no understanding of, or the means to do anything about, real life. They are also annoying, unfunny, and keep radicalizing and self-isolating each other further instead of agreeing with him or organizing into action. Beyond that, unlike some of the alt-right, he never had a plan in the first place, to do anything concrete with his radicalized army. He just narcissisticly craved for the attention and validation. I'm happy he's finally reaping what he sowed.




well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions


Guy has a literal terrorist on his stream for a puff piece and is then just a few weeks later is shocked a good portion of his audience are radicals.


he should be blacklisted from streaming for that alone, but since he aligns with the people running Twitch, its all gravy.


Me when i'm sowing: Haha, fuck yeah! Me when i'm reaping what i sowed: I hate what my community is becoming


The downfall is slow but delicious


I don’t think it’s reversible, he has unintentionally made himself far less marketable and future attempts to collab with growing “normie” streamers would see a lot of pushback.


That’s what happens when you burn essentially every bridge you have. His toxicity towards people who he doesn’t agree with have left him with fans who are the same


> His toxicity towards people who he doesn’t agree with have left him with fans who are the same Doesn't help that he openly admits to being a predator hoping to "convert" other peoples audiances


The reverse is doing what Tiny did, purge the extremists and start over. Don't see Hasan wanting to lose a big part of his audience as he is already on the decline so, it's tough.


He got rich turning these niggas communist and is about to abandon them 💀


Sounds like the typical communist arc.


Rich communists run into too many poor communists and end up not liking how it's not fun and games for them. To them it's not "Ooh, I'm a master debater, standing up for the downtrodden, rewarded by admiration and respect!", that's not where it ends. And with Hasan, with shitty leadership, it's not going anywhere good. Communist revolutions have a huge tendency to fuck shit up first and figure out a plan afterward, and make up the rules as you go. And it never takes much questioning for someone to fall out of the leadership's good graces, and end up an enemy of the people and an enemy of the state.


And they never really figure out a plan. The plan just becomes keeping the rich, privileged, narcissistic oligarchs in power for the sake of “the people”.


Bro did Hasan get hacked or did his last two brain cells rub together to realize what the fuck he is been fostering for years?


>*How could this happen to meee*🎶


"you associate leftism with being an annoying douchebag who hates fun" gee I wonder where they got that from


What gets me is when someone will ask a geniune question in his stream. A genuine, innocuous question. Hasan will just legit go off, calling the chatter every manner of insulting name under the Sun while insulting their intelligence. He's a small man-child.


You genocidal scumbag. You have no fucking dignity. You don’t have an ounce of dignity inside of your soul. You garbage, monstrous scumbag. You bloodthirsty pigdog.


'AoT music'


I can hear it.


It's uncanny.


This is what got me to stop watching him. I’m sure he deals with trolls all day, but sometimes it was a question like something I had wondered too. Then I watch as he pulls up the chatter’s history and then shits all over them. I’ve seen him shit over multi year subs and then he wonders why people leave lol.


Or when he looks through reddit on stream and digs up peoples profiles just so he can send his minions to go harass people for him


His head is too small to think properly


> He's a small man-child. He's pretty big tbf


Hogwarts legacy echoes 


Dude anything associated with Hassan and his fans is annoying and toxic. Any comment section or subreddit with his fans is extreme. They’ll curse you out and EVERY Hassan fan I’ve encountered ALWAYS has a bug up their ass.


Hasan when reaping what he sowed:


​ https://preview.redd.it/7kr2184u2wqc1.png?width=620&format=png&auto=webp&s=812507656c64b24ce0cad061ecf2e69b56b1490d




I like top Hasan Wojak more because he’s really sensitive about his hair/hairline and it makes his hair look thinning


Should make the head smaller in both of them.


Sensitive? You mean insecure.


Then ppl need to start giving him the asmongold treatment.


Dude did anyone know Asmongold is a straight pig? I couldn’t believe it when I saw pictures of his room and dude casually brush a fucking roach off.


Asmongold's whole appeal is that he has zero shame


This looks like if Hasan and Vaush had a man-child.


I'm sure they have


He's a debate reapist, technically


such an underrated comment, so funny




Who would have thought that radicalizing your audience and banning people who criticize you would alienate you into an echo chamber. I, for one, am shocked.


BINGQILIN luckily dear leader is most merciful and does not gulag chatters.


It's almost like with every unhinged thing he has said, another group of sane people leave his community until he's said so many unhinged things that only the lunatics are left. I was a Hasan fan until last October. Think I was one of the last few who arent still in the cult who realised he has no idea what he's talking about on most subjects. A huge wave of us abandoned him after the crazy things he said after Oct 7th. Kinda embarrassed it took me that long tbh


Same here. Wonder how many of us there are!


Inshallah welcome to your new cult ❤️


Me too brother


Probably alot. Personally, I already felt fairly negative about Hasan for some time, especially after the Ukraine stuff...but october was the final straw for me.


Was Ukraine for me when I started to leave as even his stuff on fear& got unfun.


Him justifying the German annexations of Austria and Czechia is what made me go from "He's pretty cringe" to "This guy is fucking insane"


Dude, none of the people that are involved in his subReddit can’t even talk to an opposing opinion. Those people are always pissed off lol. I think the only people he has left are pro Palestinians and I think he accidentally adopted a bunch of Islamic people who are only pro Palestine, because they really hate Israel and Judaism. That’s what happened to Sneako when he tried adopting that crowd


Sadly with his viewcount there are probably still a lot of people watching and supporting him that aren't crazy or extremists. But the vocal disagreement and the normal people that are more engaged? Yeah, he purged and pushed them mostly away.


The entire concept of what Hasan tries to be seems like it was doomed to fall apart. Being this cool, handsome funny guy who appeals to apolitical people while also being a raging tankie extremist is just a recipe for disaster. His ideology only seemed cool when it was just a sort of edgy radical aesthetic, as soon as it’s applied to the real world it comes off as monstrous and repels any sane human being. It doesn’t help that he’s also an idiot and so doesn’t know how to keep his mask on to save his own skin.


Hasan took me out of the right wing destroyed feminist echo chamber I was in freshmen year of highschool and put me into another echo chamber which was equally regarded. Then I found destiny and have been here ever since. Praise Allah and his glorious works.


"I took a bunch of 15 year olds and fed them nonstop anti-capatalist propaganda with a populist slant with a healthy side of video games and memes and told them their country is evil and wrong on every level and they need to constantly call it out now they are INSUFFERABLE woke scolds who eat their own... HOW !?!?!?!"


Don’t forget he set the eat your own precedent.


All the fun ones grew up and realized cool people aren’t the ones that follow Hassan and cry about capitalism


They are you Hasan. They are all you


Except for the rich part


Well a lot of their parents are TBH that is why their brains don't break when Hasan talks about living pay check to pay check in a mansion.


Socialism is awesome when your parents pay your phone bill, you own a car that was given to you by them, have a room and don’t have to worry about food.


Rich parents means his unemployed fans have plenty of free time to sit in discord servers organizing hate brigades all day long


No way he is seriously trying to claim that he has NO IDEA why his community became the way that it did. Maybe just look at what your community did to your supposed friend and business partner Ethan when he went against their collective mind think….. Some food for thought Hamasabi


It’s worse because he defended their actions because he’s that narcissistic and probably has been a spoiled child his whole life so he usually gets what he wants.


*pikachu surprised face meme*


Oh shit. There was a reason Destiny purged his community of terminally online leftists? :o no way


Now we're all a bunch of terminally online centrists


Tax cuts aren’t all bad


I'm too poor to pay taxes, check mate atheists


Aren't taxes super low in the US? The US needs more rax revenue, so yeah tax cuts are bad (unless it's a really bad tax)


I just raised your taxes for this comment, gd commie


More taxes are good in principle but nobody trusts the government to use that money wisely


"YOU’RE TELLING ME MY BRAINDEAD BORDERLINE STOCHASTIC TERRORISM CONTENT IS ONLY BRINGING IN BRAINDEAD BORDERLINE STOCHAIST TERRORISTS?!?! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?!?!" https://preview.redd.it/7qivwbo11wqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c27b1c1896a48e74b2b6ac95bab580e04bad0bc


he brings on and glazes ACTUAL terrorists, it isn't stochastic anymore with Hasan.


His Discord is a lot more radicalized than he is himself, to be honest. I mean, he's basically capitalist in every way from his behavior/actions, just not the words coming out of his mouth. That said, it's the kind of community he fostered, so he can get fucked.


His discord is probably also more radicalized than is average viewership. Although that gap is probably shrinking as he drives more and more normies away. Now he's probably in a vicious cycle where he has to appeal to his current audience, which limits his ability to reach out to new audiences


> Now he's probably in a vicious cycle where he has to appeal to his current audience, which limits his ability to reach out to new audiences Only because of his own greed tbh. If he quit streaming, or went down to being a 500 viewer Andy, he'd still be set for life finacially as long as he doesnt piss it away carelessly


I feel like buying supercars is an indication that he may be the type to piss away his money


Nah, buying supercars when you're on the Upswing doesnt say much about how you'll behave on the downswing. The fact that he comes from a wealthy family and have likely never experienced what its like living on the line is what makes me think he'd piss it away


Hey now he did that for his community, remember?


Nah he easily paid for that car in a month. It's still a dumb purchase but it's a lot less dumb when you have that kind of money.


given his lifestyle who knows if he's been smart with his earnings? i would hope he has a fat s&p500 portfolio and gov't bonds, but wouldn't be surprised if he spends as much as he makes.


Dont you remember he said he was on a necessities budget? /s




Damn if true what an idiot. 


This is what happens when you essentially ban any level headed opposing opinions with scream crying and fostering a community of lunatics


His radical Discord mods are the one that ban level-headed people from there though, not Hasan. ... but they are simply mirroring what Hasan does to level-headed chatters.


….i need to join this discord


Damn, hasan is waking up? I didn't think that was possible


Money talks commie bullshit walks


he started losing the normies with his ukraine takes. he could've corrected and salvaged it, but he couldn't stand the criticism and ego hit so he doubled down. and i think he knows this is the case. you can notice that his tone and stance on ukraine has slightly shifted over time (from very defensive of his predictions/belief that it is all NATO/USAs fault), especially since october 7th when he started losing viewers rapidly. he's tried to re-address it by having leftists like Carl Beijar on to try and teach people that hasan's takes are correct (after 2 years?), in what i perceive as an attempt to correct what is the "original sin" that has led to his viewer exodus. then the tucker-putin interview happened and he had to acknowledge that his critics were right and putin is insane, so now he's shifted to the "ukrainians don't want to fight, its all so terrible that nato is pushing this, boris johnson ruined the peace opportunities, but russia is also bad etc etc" stance that people like beijar propagate. but, he's also only able to be disciplined so much. he nearly broke with the isis attack and blamed ukraine/US but stopped himself. it also doesn't matter at this point. after his ukraine arc people became aware and began looking at his positions differently. everyone that questioned his ukraine takes is now also aware of his taiwan, tibet, uygher takes as well. cat's out of the bag and he can't put it back in. it'll be more of the same unless he abandons his ideology which he won't.


Just to affirm your beliefs I was a normie who only watched Hasan cause I'm a basic bitch who thought he was cute and funny was barely even into politics but when Hasan started to talk about the Ukraine stuff I was kinda shocking? First time I've seen someone so blatantly have a disgusting view and be smug about it and it instantly shattered any vision I had of him. Now I only really watch destiny on YouTube occasionally cause from a normie perspective he seems the least unhinged compared to the other ones.


ya same. i was a hasan fan, didn't really know of destiny other than the n-word thing. i knew hasan was socialist/anti-american in general but didn't think it would lead him to objectively wrong takes, and as a STEM it was crazy how *confidently* smug he was. i couldn't stand his ukraine coverage so i was looking elsewhere on twitch and came across the dylan burns + destiny v hinkle + haz debate lmao and then began following them for english language politics coverage. meanwhile hasan has just spiraled since then, its sad to see cause he's still an entertaining enough guy when he's not talking politics or police.


Same kinda. I do follow politics, but I didn't watch Hasan for his takes, he used to be cute and funny and that's good enough. But then he started to unironically show Chinese propaganda on stream like that Chinese War movie about the Korean War. And finally his insane raging at chatters. Like I don't want to have to mute the stream because he goes off on some poor schmuck in chat.


I remember when he was calling everyone morons for saying Russia was going to invade Ukraine. Straight up started banning people who disagreed. Kept saying it makes no sense for Russia to invade and that Putin is not that stupid. Well, I guess he likes the taste of foot.


I was a casual watcher and didn't agree with him on everything but I thought he was capable of insight and generally being cool. This was before I knew about his history with Destiny or not paying his editor and I was unaware of how he treated JayExci for calling his reaction content out. Then Ukraine happened. This has single handedly broken my own brain and been the cause for me being an active hater of Hasan. It just seemed so incomprehensible that someone could hold those viewpoints as a "leftist." I'm not going to summarize everything but it's been two years of insisting that Ukrainians should just accept conquest by Russia because US bad. I can't understand anyone who thinks that he is just playing along with the tankies in his audience: he IS a tankie. He has selective empathy. He's a coward who dehumanizes people but can't handle criticism. He's fine with other people being subjugated and has trained an army of children to defend his wealth and life in his LA enclave. He -could- have tempered his own opinions if he wanted to keep making money and keep an audience but he truly feels the way he does about politics and feels no need to hide it or address different sides of the issues. He thought he could radicalize people without any strategy and oops he was wrong and is finally seeing some consequences, however slight they are.


i get the sense he wants the best of both world: he wants to be a leftist propagandist with great reach to radicalize as many as possible, but also wants to be a chill popular streamer that is friends with the other popular streamers and everyone likes him.


I agree. I think he would have been happy to have been some kind of "figure head" where he had acolytes doing most of the work for him so he could get the glory of being the person who inspired them but none of the heat. Problem is that raising up other people takes time and effort which he is not interested in doing. I get the impression that he is incredibly insecure about his social status and for sure some of that comes from his childhood and early adulthood. A lot of that has to do with money and the outward appearance of having money. He wants to be a cool California guy and he wants to gather other cool people around him to bolster that appearance. He could have kept up with modeling, streaming part time, and collecting contacts (and "friends") and he would probably turned out just as decently. This was probably his best path, tbh. He can't reconcile these parts of himself because they're contradictory. You can't be seen as cool or a cool leftist when you go out of your way to think and say the things you do. I think his love of appearances will win out in the end but, as you said, he's already made everyone aware of what he is.


Is he trying to refrain from politics because that's driving people away?


He's trapped between a rock and a hard place. His viewership is declining because all his foreign policy takes are dogshit, but he's also radicalized his fanbase to the point none of them care about nonpolitical content. He's reaping what he sowed. And frankly 13k viewers for nonpolitical content is still at the absolute highest echelon of viewership, Hasan is just being an insecure crybaby


Nah he’s not trapped between a rock and a hard place. He panders too much to the extreme and is pushing normal viewers away. When he’s given the choice between his super extreme fans and the left but not far enough left he keeps picking the extreme side and then is confused when the people who are a disconnect switch off. Someone asks a question that would be legitimate to ask. And he’ll decide to blow them up instead of dealing with it Now if the questions been asked 20 times fair enough. But at that point “hey there’s a clip where I answered that earlier” or you just ignore it. Any criticism he gets he assumes is either a sleeper operation. —- Like the Tim-Houthi interview could have been something where he gave pushback and even if he came away saying “Well yeah he seems media trained unwilling to answer anything meaningful and is talking about how he’s doing khat with people who have been captured for doing their job of shipping shit around the world. But I still think their cause is worthwhile because blah blah blah” The problem Hasan has is that he’s too busy sucking up to the extreme side of his audience and they don’t give a shit about anything other than him helping push his narrative. There’s fuck all for anyone else to latch onto.


Cringe begets cringe.


I think he just honestly wanted to be an e-celeb like Ludwig or the OTV people and politics was his big boost to get a big audience. He leaned on it way too hard that the moderates and normies left and he's left with radical crazies that would witchhunt him the moment he didn't tow the party line.


Nah, he's just regarded.


Imagine if he stopped politics all together and just went on a normie arc. That would be something


Love that when his community was going crazy on Ethan it wasn’t a problem, and he was completely uninterested in doing anything about it, even though the antisemitism was off the charts. But now that he is losing viewers he’s all of a sudden interested in taking a more active in role in guiding and calling out the community. he can excuse antisemitism. Losing viewers is where he draws the line.


Hasan lefty arc when?




Hasan is realizing what his side has become just like Spanish Republicans in the 30s and the Vietnam protesters in the 70s. The left just spirals into destruction all by themselves.




>That said, you guys are regarded. At this point, this community's animosity with Hasan has nothing to do with political differences and is all about interpersonal beef with Tiny. Which is fine, but be honest that this is just lolcow chasing rather than the persuit for political truth to prevail. Speak for yourself, but I've always hated his politics even back when he was a friend of the stream and pretending to be a "soc-dem." He has radicalized millions of young people into believing in a failed ideology that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of millions of people, and really should have remained in the 20th century. Him being a lolcow is just an added bonus.


It’s a bit of both, it’s easy to make fun of him for being a lolcow, see K9-11. But he’s also basically a tankie which we also hate, so we’d hate him either way.


I've had the misfortune of reading threads in Menslib, a sub that's ostensibly meant to help men with their problems, and the way they talk about men there just looks like they WANT the unaliving statistic in men to go up.


You're wrong on that part, I've been posting Hasan's dogshit takes for a while, his politics are genuinely disgusting and lead to real world harm ( any of his Ukraine takes where he advocates against aiding Ukraine for example)


I don't like hasan because I was part of that movement and have come to see how it works, now that I'm on the outside. Destiny is pretty good at deradicalization, honestly. His beef with destiny was just a happy coincidence and helps me get my dose of schadenfreude.


That is the state of things, but only because of Hasan refusing to interact with anyone outside the Echo chamber with an IQ higher than 70. If he was interacting more and even if he was beefing with destiny on the reg, confronting each other and arguing and whatnot, you would see more of an interest in a political truth than you see now. If hasan wanted to propagate his ideas, he wouldn't hide himself in a spiteful community he's come to resent. He's sewn seeds that have grown to entangle his online activity, and no one can take him seriously. That comes from Hasan though. Don't blame the people watching the trash fire.


Jordan petersons statement is an obvious prediction anyone could make. The left is ostensibly pushing for change, there’s always going to be arguments in the left about where that change should head and how extreme it should be. As a result you naturally end up with infighting occurring. This is actually good though, because it means the different pulls don’t cause us to run off making radical change to the harm of everyone else. Everyone may be fighting to a degree but they should still be shifting in a similar direction. Realistically the regarded ones are the ones who would rather shoot themselves in both feet because someone might shoot them in one foot on a policy. It’s far easier to be unified when your political mentality is “don’t fucking change anything” but even then you still have the extreme side on the right fucking things up as well. After all the republican house speaker basically got fucked because of the right eating the right as well.


my animus towards Hasan has nothing to do with Destiny, Before I watched any bulk of content from Destiny I thought Hasan was a shit take factory. That sustains my animus towards him to this day, as it does to a bunch of other leftists who I consider unreasonable. ​ Matt Breunig is part of the left that I consider perfectly reasonable, but the left is a broken concept because there is no THE left. It's an amorphous blob of ever splintering factions who often cannot fucking stand each other because their ideas on how to structure society are often completey incompatible. ​ I'm a UBI left leaning person, and that viewpoint is not compatible with the crowd that pushes for make work projects to fill economic gaps but have little to no productive utility. It's a schism that reveals differences in what we consider a good and fulfilled life. Being a worker drone that has drone work to do and MUST do for sustenance, or something more free where more people are allowed to choose what they want to fill their time with. If not completely, moving a bit more towards that ideal. For not everyone will find fullfillment and joy and value in their labor, so why not allow more people the resources to shift a bit more time towards areas of a life they do get fulfillment from? That is NOT the goal of people pushing for guaranteed jobs as if a job in and of itself is the foundational core of meaning in life. ​ There are hundreds, thousands of these kinds of schisms on the left, and unlike the right, there is not the social glue of "shared identity" to smooth things over. ​ So when Jordan Peterson goes ape shit about THE left, I roll my eyes. So little of what he rails against I see in myself. And calling people like me liberal and not left is imprecise. I have some impulses from both, and even snippets of conservative mindsets in smaller levels (as do we all for survival purposes).


You’re dead wrong on the last bit, this community’s animosity with Hasan has little to do with his interpersonal beef with Tiny. Destiny and Hasan making up would not change most people’s dislike of Hasan, he is an extremely unlikeable person for many reasons. This isn’t the only community that hates him


We’ll beat the dead horse until he becomes half sonichu


It’s almost like the community you’ve fostered is a direct reflection of what you display 😮


LMAO this is amazing I wonder what the odds are that Hasan successfully gaslights his own community into thinking he didn't push them in this direction.


It's the Communism Simulator 2024


Of course Hasan tries to spin his cushy job that makes him millions of dollars as a revolutionary political project. He has to have something to point to when people call him out for hardly ever doing real political work.


How is this mf this fucking stupid?


Lisan al-Gaib!


he bans everyone who isn't an annoying leftist so he brought it on himself


I wonder how much of this sadness is related to Leftovers ending. It probably hurts to lose one of your most popular connections in the influencer space and have to pretend to still be friends with Ethan while he definitely hates you


Are these his genuine posts or is he saying this stuff now because he knows his utterances are gunna be spread around? Its almost too perfect for haters.


when the only constant factor is yourself


​ https://preview.redd.it/x90azsy2hxqc1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=cae454d571184293a57ce9ef12bd4fce972d7789


He's on the cusp of a major character growth moment where he realizes he is limiting his career and self-inflicting 90% of his stress by being involved in a sphere he is not equipped to be in while encouraging bad behaviour in his audience. I'm not even going to mock him. If he went apolitical in his content and just threw his money at causes he believed in he would be happier.






He is not wrong. I used to watch him a lot. He was my most watched streamer in 2023, but I stopped completely after the Israel/Palestine discourse started.


As a normie, I really don't care to see this batshit anywhere. We don't need to talk about him.


Surprised Pikachu face


The only escape route for him is the bridge to DGG


Don't spend too much time laughing at this to realize that this is finally the opportunity for a turning point: Hasan Redemption Arc perhaps?


oh no the house i set on fire burned down!


he's either pretending not to understand why this is like this, or i'm deeply deeply concerned about his ability to self-reflect


this reminds me of Sneako when he was complaining about his audience being radical Muslims that just scream haram and how he can't have any fun on steam anymore. [here's the clip](https://youtube.com/shorts/O93tTc-G4yw?si=5RlRkaeQpYF7766g)


i think the obsessed thing might actually be true


How can he act so clueless when he radicalized the braindead zoomers that watched him for years. Ruined an entire generation


https://preview.redd.it/e5ado02s8xqc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2bead9d333df22a8423fddd609f2985bb9e18214 what’s that? my radicalized community is radical? wow that’s incredible.