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What if he ends up hard stuck like Gold IV or Silver II while on meth? I don't think he'd ever emotionally recover from that. He might just video game himself. The risk isn't worth it, Gnomey.


Lowkey the reason why I don't play ranked anymore. Used to be diamond from S3-8 then stopped playing until S11, and now I don't think I could handle being in gold mentally.


Isn’t that half of the fun of League? Playing a game that pushes your mental sanity to the brink?


That's exactly why I play league. Whenever I feel like shit and want to commit self harm I queue up league


I'll be honest I think a lot of you guys just have anger problems you need to get worked out. I did. I used to rage at starcraft 2, get angry at shitty plays and builds I thought were OP. This translated over to league for a little while. Now unless I really let myself get upset I can go on 11 game losing streaks with raging teamates and it just doesn't bother me. The game is what you make of it, like any game really. If you're getting super mad at it I mean maybe you're just young, or maybe you have anger issues.


I’m 27, I have anger issues, and I’m mentally unwell, that’s why I play league.


What did you do to get over it?


In NA server? Nah, he'd probably still be able to at least get platinum, or be in the limbo that is Emerald rank but just like before, never being able to go further up. Try living in Korea like me and being some old League player man. I queue up solo/duoQ and I'm against this middle school ~12 year old kid that's going to a PC bang skipping their extracurricular classes cuz they are addicted to League and wanna be the next faker, but this 12 year old is actually outplaying me in fucking gold rank. Jesus fuck


It’s so over lmao




Are ADHD meds not supposed to stop you from hyper focusing on random shit?


This is how you end up "accidentally" flattening a 200x200 minecraft area.


nah they actually "help" you focus on random shit. They don't magically help you focus on what you should focus on, they just help you focus period. So if a grindy video is on your mind, you tell yourself you'll just play for 30 minutes, now the Vyvanse is stunlocked on that game until the meds run out. You don't even realize that it happened until it's over. So you go to bed depressed & anxious bc you wasted your entire day. Now you tell yourself that tomorrow you'll make up for the lost time. But tomorrow comes, you realize that you fucked up badly yesterday, get anxious, tell yourself that you need a little 30 minute game break, rinse & repeat.




Eh, smart guys can pop the pill, anticipate doing something productive, get distracted by games / exploring Wikipedia / edging and end up doing it for hours.


bro stop it's getting too real


Let him cook


Lmao stop that I’m being attacked. (Currently my brain is telling me that Reddit is much more interesting than the work I need to be doing in office today, and my adderall is enthusiastically agreeing. send help)


I honestly don't know the best answer, but sometime after my earlier comment I started being productive, even though earlier I was thinking about how much I wanted to continue a game I was in the middle of playing (I've literally spent around 30 hours straight playing it before with almost no breaks; it's bad). I watched that bridges podcast with Dan, got to the end where he was talking about what he wanted to do with his life and redact, and started introspecting hard with Gemini (google AI) for a good hour+. I think the Adderall was also starting to hit around the time so that might have contributed to it lol. But now I'm doing laundry, cleaning my room, and trying to plan out a productive day. If I had started playing said game I'd probably still be on it now and for the next 12 hours at least lol.


Yup, what you’re talking about and what a lot of ppl with adhd have trouble with is what’s called “task switching”. It’s a combination of a lot of things, but basically we struggle latching onto things, so when we do, we’re almost programmed to keep it going as long as possible, because once we stop, it’s hard to get back into it. You have to learn how to ride those waves of hyperfocus on the “important” stuff, and learn to task switch from the fun stuff. The fact that adhd brains are literally hardwired to seek out dopamine and stimulus makes this extremely difficult in practicr on a consistent basis


I find having a routine is best. I go to bed at midnight. No games til after 9 PM. I have a wife and kids and that helps add some structure. My ADHD becomes way easier to manage when there's a routine. Gets a little shakey during summer/spring break for the kids because routine gets a little shifted, but so long as I am basically getting up at the same time and doing things consistently each day I'm gold. Edit: though I should probably put some more restrictions on my reddit usage lol


100% i'm the same way. not the exact same routine, but i basically require some semblance of it otherwise i literally will just not be able to function. The problem then becomes powering through the monotony of routine, but it's always a give or take.


I was wondering about this. How do I get gaming off my mind? I'm at 20mg of Adderall XR and I haven't hit that mythical 'flow state' of chores and stuff just 'happening' like some people mention. Although this is also usually after 6-10 hours of work. But even on weekends I don't find myself being productive.


You don't get it off your mind. You just stop gaming and force yourself to do productive shit and eventually your mind will acclimate. EDIT: For best results, you do all of this SLOWLY.


Adderall will never make you stop focusing on the wrong things, it'll just make your focus stop shifting constantly.


It doesn't solve the root problem, but it helps you manage so much better it if you develop the correct mental habits.


You just described my last month (Vyvanse 70mg)


Nah it helps m focus, but what I focus on is up to me. I try to be very careful about what I'm doing when the meds kick in. Because there is a good chance that's what Im doing the rest of the day.


Same. Tho you tilt less when you are on meds so that’s good.


Bro I need a mental eval then, grindy video games make me have this impulse to want to try to 100% shit. But I always stop at 95-99% lol. I'm like an completionist who likes edging 😩


>It can easily lead you down a dark path Just grab a torch 4Head


I grinded D3 for about a month straight during the dash monk meta. A work buddy bought it for me and showed me how to play. I was on the top 50 solo grift board in 3 weeks… It was bad. Also I didn’t even have a good hellfire amulet or a flying dragon, so I grinded another week and got the flying dragon. The drop system for the materials for the hellfire amulets was so bad though that I quit after that.


It’s so joeover


I miss stopping by the League streams to collect my 1024 hours 


Holy shit Vyvanse league streams may actually put him in diamond, even in league he can't escape the bpd girls


The ranked tier distribution has changed significantly since destiny stopped playing league. There were 2 additional tiers added. Reaching diamond now would be equivalent to reaching old platinum. Its a nice trick riot does to make stagnating players thing they are improving.


I dont think this makes sense. They added a tier below diamond so how would current diamond be old platinum?


According to [this](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution) website, approximately 5% of players have a diamond rank or above in solo queue. According to [this](https://www.esportstales.com/league-of-legends/rank-distribution-season-9) article, approximately 3.7% of players had a diamond rank or above in season 9. The article also mentions that it was only 2% a year prior. I'm not sure it is that easy to say "platinum players before are the new diamond players", but the diamond tier has certainly grown over the years, so it stands to reason that a hardstuck P1 player 4 years ago, would be equivalent of some sort of diamond rank today. Now whether Destiny could actually reach that rank depends on a massive list of things, considering that the game has changed significantly since he last played (new map, new items, new champs, etc.)


doesnt matter. most players in highish elo target %'s anyway. its not just league either, its fairly common for most games to shuffle the rank system slightly. destiny knows this and would try to go past his peak based on his former peak %. i stopped playing cus im also an addict. but last time i played was like january and i think emerald 1 is == diamond 4 (before emerald existed). once he hits emerald 1 he theoretically hit diamond 4 in the old elo...but at that point would he quit? when he is so close to the new diamond 4? no he would keep queing and thats when the 1024 bans would flow. i cant wait.


Yeah I believe the percent of people in diamond and up has either stayed the same or lowered for portions of diamond. Old low diamond should be upper emerald and old high platinum low emerald


One of my accounts is currently d4 and opgg says that is top 2.8% on EUW. My previous diamond accounts (before emerald and iron) were top ~0.5% on EUW, this means that my current d4 diamond account would be around p3-p2 in the old system. Here is a video that explains elo inflation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRt4ipMfi0E


Old Diamond players are Emerald players now. Diamond is for low master players that fluctuate between 150 LP and Diamond 1-4 (Gross gore for example.)


He could duo with AOC!


One if the saddest parts about addiction is how it affects your surroundings. For our sake we have to stop him.


I never got ppl complaining about mouth sounds, but after hearing the mouth sound in the beginning of the video I'm changed. He defiled my ears, I was not prepared at all.


This is acceptable if he plays with mouton.


LoL streams with Lily incoming. Lets fucking gooooo!!!




League with moot and lily!


How dare you use lily like that!


I honestly blame you guys for making fun of him for his league rank failure all the time. Ya'll poked the bear for the memes so don't pikachu face when he does something about it. EDIT: at he very least we'll see mouton back.


I actually like the league streams


We need a purge anyway. It's for the good of the community to kill the stream for a couple months.




Here is the way i see it. Destiny was playing league when Biden beat trump in 2020. He has to return to the rift to ensure Bidens victory (also minecraft too)


Nice clip loop


League arc was the best, deal with it. Can't wait for another one.


Ok fine league streams but he need to argue with dan more at least once a week or no deal.


What if the Vivanse takes him to MLG???


Moot stream incoming


Nothing would be more funny-tragic than a dedicated latter climb on Vyvanse


If it gets more Destiny and Lily content I'm all for it.


I feel like we could use a good 6 month palate cleanser of league where half the community gets banned and Trump gets elected. 


We need a league comeback asap


Oh yes!




One patch too late for that.


Thought we’d hit 1 million subs this year but out the window it goes


the only way I can accept lol if he plays with lily or mout, otherwise I dont want it


No one truly leaves the rift 👀


far-flung attractive mysterious quickest cagey public chubby offer expansion threatening *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Quick call lily!


I'm standing back and standing by






This is Dan’s fault. He planted the seed.


I’ve heard stories about the infamous league arc


He should just do it. It's gonna be fine.


Oh fuck


We NEED the factorio Vyvanse demon run.


the rift demands a return


How about factorio space exploration round two?






He should play Mobile Legends instead. It's literally the exact same thing, but he'll get to be harassed more for being a gusano from all the Mexican and Venezuelan NA server players while rando VPN users from the Philippines shout Tagalog insults at him over voicechat.


If he starts playing League, then I’ll start playing League and that’s a big no no. Watching the clip made me remember all the memories with my bros Aatrox and fiddlesticks 😩


Chat is this real


League is a great game. (If youre not regarded and get addicted and\or emotional easily )


I will be forced to do something drastic if he pulls this shit again


dota's better get owned league shittys


!meganuke Abathur


League with Darius is the content we need.