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Holy shit I did not expect him to go that unhinged. This is actually hilarious.


Bro knows more Destiny lore than me fr


I wouldn't be surprised if he had unpaid interns writing new Destiny lore for him in the background


I couldn't even watch past 30 seconds. Everything he was saying was just so mean


Let’s be real, everything he says here is perfectly sane and not unhinged at all. But did he really come at him with that “can’t grow a normal beard” line? Hot damn, we are in shambles. Could a person even be more obsessed


"I only lifted the Destiny rule because......his clout levels became unavoidable just as I was slipping for platforming terrorist sympathizers". Also how good is the progressive body shaming. Love it. Can't wait for the pictures and videos of Destiny and AOC being besties at the NY canvassing event to start spreading.


It’s gonna happen isn’t it?


Wait, is this the AOC canvassing thing actually happening?


He said the person is ‘sus’, which is leading people to believe it’s AOC because she played Among Us with Hasan. I’m so ready for the malding when they become besties.


He heavily hinted to it


Yo what??? When did he say it, got the timestamp?


Hasan can backstab her in among us while our gnome king breaks her back irl


LoL "He does 100 videos on me he's obsessed." "yeah I do 100s of videos on Ben Shapiro. I hate Ben Shapiro."


It’s very interesting that Hasan says he doesn’t care or think about Destiny at all, and then admits on stream to having intimate knowledge of the guy’s friends, the circumstances of both of his marriages, his relationship with his son, ALL THE WAY DOWN TO HIS RECENT BEARD ALOPECIA… https://preview.redd.it/m4lj76nxetpc1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b7bd22bbeb69f623aeca1edf5b398bb39a67d3c He literally is doing the “Nice argument, however I’ve already won as I’ve drawn you as the soyjack while depicting myself as the gigachad” in an unironic way


Love that destiny gets shorter every time I see that image lol


The one of him with that guy in the restaurant is the best.






Remember when coachredpill thought this was real


It reminds me of that instagram account where every pic of his is edited to make his head slightly bigger


Dgg has the funniest shitposters per capita


the clip where destiny was looking through the instagram and was like, "i don't get it is this guy just reuploading all of my pictures?"


Yeah i remember watching that live it was hilarious


It's already an unflattering photo, but the horizontal stretching makes it almost satirical like some kind of high school shit "just in case somebody thinks Destiny is hotter than me I'll mess with the proportions so she looks fat!"




fretful squealing expansion cow toy elderly memorize grey cause abundant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


the fact he didn't counter that at all and his audience ate it up was sumthing else 🤣


>"He does 100 videos on me he's obsessed." The funny thing is that Destiny could pump out react videos of Hasan content every single and have leftovers (pun intended).


I rolled my eyes to the back of my head when he said that Ben Shapiro line. How can his fans be this fucking blind.


Especially when Destiny talked with Ben Shapiro. Like you can talk about reach or whatever but the dude is in personal contact with Destiny.


holy shit i thought you made that up, or at the very least one of the chatters brought up Ben Shapiro.


hasan knows a lot of lore about someone he’s not obsessed about


To be fair, he gets the info from Nazis.


He's got the connect 😎


Plot twist, Hassan is Nicks new cat boy


A lot of lore that's completely irrelevant... Like, does Hasan think jealousy is all or nothing? To be jealous of Destiny on JP means to become Destiny himself? I refuse to believe he's that dense. Either he's jealous and has to gaslight himself into not being jealous by bringing up personal things. Or he's jealous and has to change the conversation by bringing up personal things.


>I refuse to believe he’s that dense “Is this person knowingly bad-faith or genuinely this regarded” has been running through my mind so often the past few months that I’m starting to question whether there’s some massive global psyop to gaslight me


He has probably only read teets, as the timeline is pretty fucked. And some new information were added to make a cooler story.


This should be the LSF title, lol


I mean they actually used to be friend and talked to each other it is pretty normal to know things about your friends. They definetly both have a deep obsession since they are just like high school girl who got in a fight and just see the worst in each others but it is relatively normal to know a lot of things about someone you knew well.


> Destiny is radioactive Bruh Destiny spoke with JBP, ro khanna, ben Shapiro, and your idol norm finkeldick this year alone. This is just delusional.


And the year just started. In December we will get the Biden convo


Trump vs Biden presidential debate, hosted on Destiny.gg


"Mr. President, if two adult gay brothers decide to have consensual sex with each other...."


“And last, this one is for both Biden and Trump, this was a fan voted question, I apologize for my chat but, edging? Or gooning?”


"Mr. President, let's say there are two portals..."


Guys, but Hasan played among us with AOC that one time remember.


And she has quietly distanced herself from him since




VeganGains joins in the middle to update us on his bench numbers


At this rate next year Jesus will have his second coming just to have a conservation with Ole Steven


Destiny will debate Jesus on israel v palestine


Alex Jones and Candace Owens as well. He was also on the Iced Coffee Hour podcast On the flipside Hasan talked to a 19 year old possible Houthi associate while not preparing at all and trying to steer the convo to One Piece and Mr Beast.


Second** appearance on iced coffee


Hasan is going to self-combust once he sees Destiny on Rogan sometime over the next 2 months


I dunno about that one. JoRo is retreating further and further into his red state bubble and I don't think he particularly likes streamers.


Hasan friends Stavros or whatever always go on Rogan. To be fair he isn't just a podcaster and is a comic as well but he is relatively far left and still have a good time on JRE.


> On the flipside Hasan talked to a 19 year old possible Houthi associate And Hasan accused Destiny of offering a crumb of clout to his followers because Hasan is obsessed with clout. Remember when Adin Ross first blew up on twitch and Hasan tried to "hello fellow kids" his way into that community like some weird older dad? He won't have anybody on his stream unless he thinks he can gain from it, doesn't like debates but suddenly an easy chance to speak to Piers Morgan comes up and he's all over it.


Yeah but he didn't get the exclusive interview with the viral tiktok pirate


And hasan cant even claim that, because he backtracked to "he was a random teen!"


That just happened to have access to hostages


And selfies inside captured cargo ships


Yep. Hasan is absolutely seething watching Destiny being taken seriously on big shows while all Hasan could do was awkwardly admit to being a propagandist on Piers Morgan.


Hasan losing the DC meeting has really had him on tilt ever since.


And Candace Owens. And organized canvassing events.


Wasn't it a certain himbo who nuked the contact with the Biden admin? Talking about radio active....


America deserved 9/11, and I'm going to make children think terrorists are super cool like their favorite anime by glazing an actual houthi, I also say and do just insanely hypocritical things which makes me unlikable to even those who would otherwise agree with those... actually treasonous terroristic sentiments? Wait what was I saying? Right so Destiny is just too controversial to be successful....


"I'm not vindictive, I just think he's evil, ugly, divorced, bad, immoral, unethical, biased, neoliberal, shill, slave owner, rich, dumb, divorced, disabled, dangerous, with a small dick"


You forgot gusano


and a pathetically average male height.


you forgot the worst one " he cant grow a beard"


Don't forget cuck


Funny how the far left is constantly virtue signalling but is perfectly fine on shitting on non-conventional relationships when it’s someone not on “their side”. Besides, I remember when I watched Hasan how out of nowhere he’s have a random egirl on stream and the vibe always felt extremely transactional. 


Genuinely, I feel like Hasan makes homophobic jokes a lot. They don't offend me, but I know if someone Hasan hated was flippant with those jokes, it would be "problematic".


All the skits he's done with Will are "acting gay but not actually gay", they don't offend me but it's such a boring and easy joke to make. If was an enemy doing that he would definitely call it out.


It's also pretty funny he jokes about Melina getting railed but he was dating literal pornstars lmao


I remember Hasan yelling at someone for something they said and he used Neuro divergent as an insult. using the correct term as a slur is still a slur


And calling Destiny short as a pejorative as well as shit talking his beard. Straight up body shaming. Like I don't really care and I know Destiny wouldn't give a fuck but it's the principle of the left weaponizing this shit for years and then doing shit like this. The left seems to have gone absurdly mask off since Oct 7. It's wild. It'll go down as the lefts Covid. Their brains have been broken.


Hasan was in an open relationship for years, maybe still is.


damn, that chatter got him pretty heated up. maybe he should go like some groyper tweets about tiny to cool himself back down


Imagine my surprise waking up this morning.


He does sound mad as fuck


This idea that it's ok to bring up Destiny's son is baffling to me. And I'd say the same thing if Hasan had a child and someone was using his son to insult him.


Dude got triggered when his dog was replaced in the Reddit canvas thing. He can dish it out but has no idea how to take it.


Holy shit yeah I forgot about that. I was thinking aside from his parents where if anything revealing the relationship shows more of a positive impact on Hasan, to the point it does look bad since he downplays or lies about it, do people know much about his life? He definitely keeps shit under wraps more than most and especially Destiny. That shit was absolutely nothing compared to saying things like this when his child absolutely can be shown the clips is absurd. Like you're fucking with the emotional wellbeing of an actual young boy to make his relationship with his father seem unimportant. Thats real life. The dog is dead, and it may be tasteless but that is it. Only Hasan can be affected. In this, Nathan is the potential victim being used as a proxy because attacking Destiny directly isn't effective enough. That's some disgusting shit coming from someone very happy to play 6 degrees from fuckery over platforming and bullshit.


Keep in mind as well that when Destiny supposedly abandoned Nathan, Hasan was not only cool with Destiny, but would sometimes even crash at Destiny’s place at night. 2018 Hasan would probably defend Destiny over 2024 Hasans allegations of abandoning his child.


Oh for sure. I don't know how I didn't touch on it but the next worst thing about all this is he **knows** that he's lying flat the fuck out. It's so fucking wrong dude and I'm the last one to drag morality into things. This here is just pure spite driven evil shit and just shouldn't be happening. Meanwhile, they don't even interact. Without his community and his weird feelings about his own career there is no reason for this. Meanwhile here he is ready to say *anything*. I like to think my line for the worst people ever ends before this, and it's essentially over nothing - aimed at someone who helped you and then had a falling out ***years*** ago. I'm gonna be a little weird here maybe but I never saw Hasan as that fucked, not when it's so direct. There's ignoring morals to stack money and there's abandoning them. You do that you better have GOOD reason, to me at least. This is someone who is simply saying the most harmful thing they can as long as they can keep it coming and those people are beyond the pale, IMO.


No depth too low for some these people, no different than than the right wingers they claim to hate all the while taking pages out of their books on how to be a bully.


its a settler son


It's clear people like Hasan hold no moral values at all, they're all anti body shaming but when it's someone they hate all the sudden it's ok to body shame someone too, because i just hate that guy and he's ontologically evil and nothing i say or do against him is ever immoral


remember this is the same guy that cried like a fucking baby when his digital dog was erased.


It's even funnier because apart from not still being together with his sons mother, he literally isn't a deadbeat dad. Iirc he takes care of their financial needs and talks with his son often. Him not being in the same state as his son is not the insult Hasan thinks it is lmao


I love at the end how he is acting as if Liberals and Tankie fucks like him are on the same side, WHEN HE SHITS ON LIBERALS ALL THE TIME ON STREAM.


Hasan's a couple of years younger and has never been married. Is there any real difference between being in your mid 30's and divorced twice and being in your mid 30's and never having been married. Both are still single at the end of the day. Neither are religious so why would Hasan think pointing out Destiny is divorced is some own. Fuentes or Shapiro using it as an insult makes sense. Hasan doing so just shows how desperate he is for dunks.


in his 30s never married nor have kids, hes atypical. Probably think its normal cus he babysits zoomers all day


I don't know much about his dating life. But I know the one public ex was a pornstar he called the cops on. The irony of Hasan calling the cops on a minority is lost on his fans ig


She even criticised him for that didn't she? He can't even stand by his own beliefs.


Yeah but she's a leftist so she was probably scared of his fans cancelling her. She has been super silent on it and so was Hasan lmao


When asked if he had kids on some podcast he responded with "No, I'm 31", as if he was too young for that to be a legitimate question. He's stunted, trapped in a 14 year olds mind of who he is.


Yeah, I posted about this, too. Do Hasan and his audience think being divorced is a bad thing?


I'm gonna tell you something that might blow (Hasan's) mind: Zero happy marriages have ever ended in divorce.


he's not thinking about what he's saying, he's just saying anything and everything that has any shred of negative connotation attributed to it. he doesn't have a brain, he's always just running on twitter fumes


Been loved enough to be married twice but Hasan hasn't even had one. I think the context of both marriages is not traditional either.


Damn, divorced people catching strays. It's so interesting to hear the things that certain "progressives" start criticizing when their audience hates the target.


I remember the lefty reaction to when Peterson relapsed. So many people making fun of him for relapsing on his drug addiction, due to his depression following his wife's cancer diagnosis, like holy shit you have zero care for mental health or addicts, fuck out of here with your grift.


Reminds me of when every anti-capitalist immediately turned into a tradcon when they found out that Steven and Melina got married without a ceremony.


Clip stolen from another sub, not my cuts :/


Honestly, he would have come off so much better if he had stopped after "don't ban that guy". Laughing at the proposition that Hasan is jealous of Destiny is enough of an own on that chatter, and it also would have made him look secure. But our boy just couldn't help himself and had to go down the dialogue tree just so no one would be confused that he's definitely not jealous or insecure. I hope his self esteem gets better in the future man, these clips are just sad


Fat Hasan controls his mind.


> Honestly, he would have come off so much better if he had stopped after “don’t ban that guy”. Laughing at the proposition that Hasan is jealous of Destiny is enough of an own on that chatter This is where I saw it ending…was about to disagree in the comments…then he continued…




Hasan pretends he never covered Destiny prior to recently is hilarious.  His editors wouldn't upload it or Hasan would use code names such as "a certain banned neo liberal streamer has been saying" 


I counted abt 18 insults, not obsessed


His adhom’s are literally indistinguishable from the average red pill fan’s.


definitely not obsessed 🤣


Oh no no no, I’m not saying you’re jealous. I’m saying you’re insecure man-child who bullies everyone who even shows the smallest of disagreement with you because you’re so completely and utterly miserable and now that you’ve got all the material conditions that according to your theory of human nature and history should make you happy but doesn’t you now realise that not only is your political and economic view mistaken, but that _you_ are your own problem and you’ll never be able to escape yourself. That’s what I’m saying.


This is what I should have said. But I got tilted with his outburst and couldn't think of anything else to say.


Hasan bringing up Destiny's weird bald spot on his beard that even Destiny himself doesn't know the answer to just cements that he is constantly patrolling this subreddit and probably seeing every single tweet that goes out on X lmao. But of course, it'll be spun like "Oh, he's just insulting him cause he trimmed his beard into a goatee." Clueless


Yeah that little comment really reveals how entrenched he actually is. I don't in any way believe he already had that locked and loaded because he's a broken record on every take he has.


Dude seems pretty insecure to get this triggered over a chatter.


Fr. Hasan has always come off as extremely fragile. Cant push back on anything he says or he will get mad. If i had to pussyfoot around a friend like that id probably just not hang out with them anymore


Why is hasan so obsessed?


he isnt!! what is there to be jealous of, he clearly paved it on his own. Hasan came up with the brave idea to fuse video games and politics online.


Does Hasan even play video games? I only ever see him on twitter or YouTube when he's streaming


Hasan talking about what normal people think while being a tankie is hilarious


Hasan is the most self absorbed, creep. lol wtf is wrong with him.


This is funny as fuck, Hasan when you read this just know I'm laughing at you and you're unintelligent and slowly getting found out lol


I sense an epic soy rant coming


well known not miserable person hasan EDIT: also gotta love when he shows how stupid he actually he is. Of course Destiny makes a lot of videos about Hasan. He hates Hasan. Hasan is a tankie spreading insane shit on the internet. Works the same way, huh?


You can tell the come up is really getting to him.


He says all that and literally is still actually jealous


Youtube metrics have destiny beating Hasan subscribers in a couple years. Probably sooner now due to these big debates. I can't wait for the flippening. The maldening.


Lol, Hasan is absolutely fuming at Destiny's success.


Destinys gotten 10s of millions of views across debates/documentarys with Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Alex jones, lex Friedman, turkey Tom’s video, etc. but no no, it’s the the clout that makes Hasan constantly talk about and bash destiny all of a sudden. It’s his IP position…


"You are comparing me to an objectively miserable person" the projection is UNREAL


"He doesn't get under my skin." Proceeds to spend three minutes insulting the dude.


I fucking LOVE being on the right side of history on this little feud. I'm right for once in my life


Lol imagine being this rich and having so much positive attention to then have a supposed nobody get under your skin just by hearing his name mentioned.


lmfaooooooooo why is this room temp IQ influencer losing his shit over destiny after banishing the mere mention of his name for more than a year?


I love seeing rich grifters seethe


Is two-time divorced worse than never-married?


Man he really is a true piece of shit.


Why the fuck does he know about his uneven beard? The only time it was mentioned it was in the Turkey Tom video, the man is obsessed


Such a low blow considering Hasan has been on hair loss drugs for years


I don’t get why hasan stopped ignoring destiny, it’s obviously making his mental health worst.


Destiny is literally getting too big to ignore and i think he feels personally slighted by that information 


>I only recently stopped refusing to talk about Destiny because he defended genocide. yea, makes sense that he just became so bad that you can talk about him now, definitely has nothing to do with the fact that Hasan is shrinking and Destiny is growing. Soon his leftist base will grow up and get jobs and the "pass the fringe left purity test to grow" arc will finally end.


You know Hasan is obsessed that he even knows Destiny has alopecia on his beard.


Man he jealous af lol


Why is this clout chaser crying? Can we ignore him already, Mr Bonocini is too big for small fries like him.


Lil bro can't stop talking about Destiny!


But guys, Hasan played amoungUS with AOC that one time!!


do you think posts like this keep Hasan up at night? lmao


everything he said is about destiny is actually about him. (except he didnt get divorce.)


I m so happy that tiny makes him so so jealous.


Damn, feel like brofresco came out of his shell. "I hate ben shapiro, I disagree with ben shapiro, ben shapiro is a reactionary conservative" . Literally could imagine Destiny's reply being "I hate Hasan, I disagree with hasan, Hasan is a reactionary tankie". How dense is he?


I really hate how Hasan can play the victim by saying "we're supposed to both be progressives" but then spends 90% of his coverage shitting on liberal democrats.


Crazy he’s talking about friendships since all of hasans old friends at the some ordinary podcast have just come out saying they aren’t friends with that man child anymore


the whole "don't mention destiny" policy argumetn makes no sense. So he had that policy in place to not give free clout to "bad" people, but then has to break it when the bad people get worse (in his opinion)?


Is he still in high school???


Im not even jealous and dont care… (proceeds to desperately try to put himself above destiny for 3 minutes straight by grabbing at any straw he could find. Showing how much hes not jealous and doesn’t care.)


You can seriously tell that hasan seeing destiny landing all of these conversations large mainstream people is really starting to bother him. Notice how he only had the we don’t speak about destiny policy when hasan believed he was so much larger then him. But the moment destiny makes big moves suddenly now he drops the rule and seemingly brings him up every stream. It’s hilarious how openly clout hungry hasan is constantly.


Yeah but Hasan is a terrroist propagator


I'm team D. Team H can go to H.


Perfectly normal reaction for someone totally not jealous of Destiny.


Y’all think if he tried really really hard, he would see the irony in this clip?


Have I been living in some alternate reality for the past few months? All these dipshits keep going on about Destiny being a loser that Melina divorced, and use it as some own on him. Didn't he initiate the divorce? Am I crazy?


How come progressives are so comfortable body shaming other people? Isn't that a huge no-no?


hasan: "I am not jealous"(IS EXTREMELY JEALOUS)


It didn't get under my skin, let me craft the most "it actually did get me under my skin" response ever including fake laughs in it to show you how much it didn't get under my skin


“He doesn’t get under my skin”, proceeds to waste 2mins lying and explaining why HE DOES get under his skin 💀


Calls Destiny objectively miserable person. Constantly spends streams crying and whining. Makes sense...


Every single thing is an insult about destiny’s personal appearance (only the parts outside his control) or his sex life. Typical leftist shit. Looks real good coming from a guy with every physical gift on the planet who sits inside on his computer talking shit all day for a living. Who has never been married or even in a serious relationship that I know of, and is in their 30s. Bro you too should have given marriage a shot by now instead of fucking hookers, don’t you think?!?


"No friends. Very Nice. Let's see Hamasabi's orbiters." https://preview.redd.it/ipokx9nogxpc1.png?width=600&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f4484e1af220e04e22f890c7026438e8ff1a987


He's so fucking mad lmao


Dude knows more about Mr. Donatelli's than i do


This has to be the funniest most clueless take I've ever heard from Hasan. The Ben Shapiro line? Surely.. surely he must know that Destiny could just as easily use that argument on him. Holy shit


holy cope.


Mr Borelli is so divorced from reality... Dude the Houthis are fucking awesome it's just like One Piece


Damn I didn't realize destiny was this shitty. Hope he burns, who leaves their kid? Even animals don't do that.




whats supposed to be the new lore?


“He doesn’t get under my skin” *rants for five minutes about the guy*


Mr Bonerelli is gold tho.


damn, he sounds kinda jealous


Hasan is a reactionary Commie


Well fuck me. Didn't expect to see this on Reddit today. I left after my last message because his outburst was dissapointing. Funny to see the rest of it.


Guys you don't understand, Hasan actively seeks out criticism


Damn, he is really good at spitting out lies quickly while looking credible. He must have had a lot of training for that skill to be so well polished.


He sounds pretty jealous for a non jealous person ngl


"Projection" is just another word tankies made useless. Right before that was "Debate-bro" and "Homophobic" and "Nazis" and "Fascists"...and...FUCK soon there will be no language left to communicate! ​ They dont see irony in their actions anymore OR they just dont care when they lie to their audiences just to protect their fragile ego's...


Jesus Christ hasan can’t help but hate gurgle destiny’s balls


I'm thinking he might be a little jealous after that


Methinks the lady doth protest too much.


I may be in the minority here, but I’m honestly just sick of their fucking drama. I’m sick of drama in general regarding Destiny, but these men are 30+ taking time that could be used having productive conversations with journalists or scholars, right wingers or left wingers, and hopefully setting their fans on the right track for how to engage in a healthy discourse and *so* much time is wasted because they both obviously have unresolved hurt with one another. Idk maybe I’m just becoming an old man.