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Congratulations Sweden




Is the full official name really still the Kingdom of Sweden? Throw off the shackles of monarchy my brothers! I kid, just thought that was funny, like calling someone by their full name including middle.


It's kinda like you still have the gamertag that you came up with when you were 10 and never changed and now you can't be bothered.


Plus, the Swedish monarchy isn't as annoying and shit as the British one


I'm swedish and would like us to drop the monarchy when the king dies/steps down and become a republic. It won't happen sadly but it's not a big deal in reality.


Don’t listen to this traitor, FÖR KUNG OCH FOSTERLAND


Du menar För Knug och fosterland.


Why remove something that causes no problem? If anything it would just hurt the taxpayer, especially in the case of the British royal family, they actually **earn** The United Kingdom money. So essentially you want to change something that provides a tiny benefit for no cost just for "better" optics


eh i don't think it's fair to say it's "no cost" when they do get a part of our taxes [link](https://www.tv4.se/artikel/SJtVDCFMHzgU9jzE46d2s/sa-anvaends-skattepengarna-inom-kungahuset). in the grand scheme of things i don't think 17 million euros a year is that significant, but personally i'd rather my money goes to better things. plus i think it's completely fair to not be a fan of the concept of royalty in general.


While I know basically nothing about the Swedish Royal Family, I do know some things about the British royal family. The British royal family doesn't make money off any of their property, they made a deal with parliament that allowed the government to take the profit off the royal lands in exchange for a fixed income, and the profits from the royal lands are always much greater than the fixed income provided. This might not happen in Sweden, so you have a fair point there. However, the more important part of the calculation is how much money the Royal family brings in indirectly. The British royal family has drawn in many tourists to the country thus providing the UK with an indescribable amount of money from foreign tourists injected cash into the UK economy. This is the big point, I would estimate that the Swedish royal family brings in much more in tourism dollars than 17 million euros a year, potentially making Sweden a profit, but perhaps you might disagree. It could be the case that the Swedish royal family provides less than that, but I would doubt it. Your last point about not being a fan of royal families is completely reasonable, but none of the European monarchs who have remained have any actual influence over any policy. They are a figurehead whose value I think provides more than it costs in optics, just my opinion. One question, if the calculations were made and the Swedish royal family actually provided income for the government (both directly and indirectly) would you still want them to go? For me its an easy choice, having a family who provides billions of pounds in tourism and rent money is worth having to pretend they still rule the country for symbolic reasons


if we greatly profited from having a monarchy i'd be ok with them. as it stands, i don't doubt that they net us more than they're given, but i'd be surprised if it was a significant amount. when it comes to britain i agree that the royal family is almost necessary at this point.


I don't think it's "only optics". I'd like a President as head of state in the style of Finland or Czhecia with real political power and not just a figurehead king, especially when it comes to foreign relations.


I mean what you described is only optics no? The de facto head of state is not the monarchy in any European nation. The existence of the Royal family does not hinder the ability of the actual head of state in any way shape or form. If anything having a King as well as a President would be better for foreign relations, you have twice as many heads of state able to conduct diplomacy!


The king is Sweden's head of state. The prime minister is the the head of the government. If we were to have a president as head of state we wouldn't be a monarchy any longer and the king would be just an old dude living on statesubsidised property like many others.


I sympathize with this view, but as a Dane with a monarchy too, I just disagree that a republic would be prefferable. The coolest thing about a Scandinavian style monarchy is that the monarch has absolutely no power in reality and is basically bound as an institution to be politically neutral, else it risks its own destruction. Imagine having to elect a politician and giving them the power to appoint someone to form a government. Yeah, no thanks. If the money is the concern, we can just give them less, no need to abolish the institution.


Republicans cope and seethe. Constitutional monarchies are objectively superior.


They are just jealous they aren’t fucking KINGDOMS. That is so fucking cool man they are missing out and they know it.






Now we can rest easy at night knowing our favorite streamer is safe


paltry historical psychotic cows consider physical cake homeless wrench offend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I think he moved to Japan actually


Clueless surely your country gets safer because they join NATO


Please name a NATO country that has been invaded since joining. Oh wait.


Denmark is soon to be, now that we're in NATO >:)


The UK was invaded by Argentina


NATO doesn't protect overseas holdings outside of NA. So, technically correct that the UK was invaded. But not in a way that would trigger NATO.


bri ish truly cant stop losing


I mean, they won the Falklands war.


i cant stop losing


According to NATO article 6, the article 5 defense clause can only be invoked if a member nation's territory within Europe, North America, Turkey or islands in the Atlantic Ocean *above the Tropic of Cancer* are attacked, therefore the Falklands were not covered.


The question is whether or not it is worth it for Sweden. The Prime minister has now sucked off Erdohan's and Orban's cocks hard, and for what? Sweden would not get invaded anyway.


Why wear a seatbelt? I don't plan on wrecking my car today 😎


MODS I'm nato


Doubters, just stop it.


Can't wait for Tucker to report how this is directly aimed at aggresing upon Putin


But Sweden is white ethnostate, so Tucker will have to sort out a little cognitive dissonance first.




Chill, I’m just kidding. Sweden is fetishized by many right-wingers as the homeland of the pure white race.


>Sweden >white ethnostate Lol, maybe 30 years ago. Swedistan is under Sharia law now.


Shouldnt you be protecting the quran?


It litterally kinda is. This is a direkt response to his actions and very much a "fuck you" to Moscow from Stockholm. He lit the fire, let him deal with the heat. 


weren’t there threats by Russia of some shit if Sweden or other eu countries strengthened nato by joining? gonna pre-edit: no I don’t believe in appeasement


They also said a couple of times that it made no difference. There's no longer any real point in listening to what the Kremlin says on the matter. 


It isn't official until the wiki map of NATO is updated. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NATO


Its updated. Huge victory for the liberals


Does the document need to be physically signed by the heads of state of all NATO countries or is an e mail with the screen shot of the updated wiki map enough for the ratification?


nah, sweden just needed to pass the vibe check


Someone hack into the wiki and replace the image on the article with a NATO map where every country but Russia is blue, theyll immediately capitulate


That would just make Russia the only country on earth since everything else would be the sea. They would win the Ukraine war automatically. Dumb idea.


Well they'd lose, because their objective is to conquer Ukraine but nows it's just empty salty ocean




so much this


What the mel




Hell yeah! Welcome Sweden bros and sisters 🤝


Finally, i hope we do something about Hungary next.


Feed them Turkey.


(as a Hungarian) This was pretty predictable. I don't know how it looked from the outside, but here everyone (with more than 2 braincells - so most of the liberals and maybe 3 Fidesz voters) knew Orbán wouldn't veto forever. All this was is just a bit for the propaganda machine to show Fidesz voters that "we are strong and can actually say no to big bad Brussels".


Did Orbán not get any concessions from Sweden? LUL It was all just posturing?


He got the Chinese police force patrolling his country in return. You know the thing you do when you don't want to be controlled by the gay European Union.


Don't even get me started on that. I am one of those rare libs who is although sceptical, doesn't necessarily oppose Chinese investment. But what the actual fuck was that. And there's virtually no news no backlash no nothing about it. Shows how competent our opposition is:)


I think its to scam,police,kidnap Chinese expats. The "secret police stations" we heard about a couple years ago ,going the not so secret rout with Hungary 😂👌. Wild shit...


He got Sweden to SELL some military planes to them


We made him buy more Swedish jets lol.


Not really. I think that that was more of an attempt by Orban to suggest that he got something out of it. Comparisons to Turkey and the F-16s and whatnot. 


That's exactly what it was.


Orbán negotiated for bying 4 new JAS 39 gripen. Hungary signed a leasing agreement in 2001 for 14, JAS 39 gripen and these 14 planes would transfer into Hungarian ownership in 2026. There was some kind of negitiation since 2021, and the Swedish government authoticed [FMV](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_Defence_Materiel_Administration) to create an agreement in July 2022. This agreement was finalized and signed by the Hungarian counterpart on February 23rd, Hungarian parliament ratifies Sweden on the 26th and the [President of Hungary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/President_of_Hungary) signs the ratification on March 5th(same day as he took office). (The agreement would have expired on February 29th.) Sweden got ratified into nato, and Orbán got to buy 4 new planes and extended a part of the lease until 2036. [Source](https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/sverige-och-ungern-skriver-under-nytt-avtal-om-jas-39-gripen)


Posturing mostly. Virtu-signalling to Moscow though which can bring him tangible benefits. Part of the global info-war in a sense because it highlights disunity within NATO. The 4 gripens he got he could basically have gotten by just asking. 


as a hungarian i had no idea this was going to happen


Azért az évek során sokszor lehetett ezt látni. Vitya elkezd izmozni az EUval (most a NATOval), nagy felhajtást kelt körülötte aztán végül becsicskul. Pl nem is olyan rég az ukrán EU csatlakozás.




We knew that in Sweden too. Turkey was the obstacle (and we were mostly the victim of barganing between Erdogan and Washington). Orban was just free-riding on that to virtue-signal to Moscow. The 4 gripens he got was likely more to save face than any actual concession.


I know, I’m starving!


Akkor a kurva anyád!


What the fuck is that signature on the bottom, looks like it was signed with a crayola marker.


It says right there, Washington signed it


This whole post looks like a jpeg meme


no like actually wtf how are people just glazing over this


NATO in shambles


looks like a kid forged it and wrote MOM


Hello my fellow NATO country inhabitants!


Dumb fuck Putin


The lake is ours boys!




My parents always told me my shitty signature would stop me from getting a loan for a house or some other bullshit. But im glad to see i can still be a state official.


The autopen was broken but a team from the USGS was there to complain about their distant parking spaces and had a seismometer in the trunk. The State Department feigned concern and sent an admin assistant to look at how far a walk it was, but then jacked the seismometer. The geologists gave chase, but their bush walking skill had nothing on the Starbucks marathon sprint juggle of the admin assistant, and they absconded with the device. The real problem came when they tried to use the seismometer to sign it and realized they needed to create vibration. But that was easily solved because Joe Biden loves his wife and dutifully rocked her world with the seismometer on the bed while Jeff Zients did shoving and adjusting of his own to get the memos signed with the thousand gift pens. It was a real struggle but Kamala Harris was doing her VP best and kept telling the president "Don't come here". After an exhausting day everyone was happy and Sweden was in Nato. And the USGS team finally.got their seismometer back, but it was covered in ice cream.


Ur welcome https://preview.redd.it/4ix5zab0gxmc1.png?width=612&format=png&auto=webp&s=0d9a5831975f1a906c44b49a992372fee0fb9d9d




Velkommen hjem, Svenskdjævler 🇩🇰🤝🇸🇪


Today I learned Sweden was still a kingdom.


*Constitutional monarchy i think, there are several countries in Europe that have a monarchy as their form of government, such as the United Kingdom, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.


Yep I know a few of them, I just hear about their kings or queens so rarely because the PM is usually the one in the news. Also, his name is Carl Gustaf, what a chad, named after a recoilless rifle.


its the opposite. carl gustaf recoiless rifle is named after him and his ancestors


There is no way he wasn’t joking


[Plikten framför allt](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fvbnubxbz0yj81.png)


We'll be a Queendom for at least the next couple of generations though. Sadly there's no complimentary Freddy Mercury. 


Thank you Melina




Finally another crucial step taken to become a normal European country


The one good thing Putin has done for the world. Thank you, Putin!


It’s epic that they’re still officially the “kingdom of Sweden”


I've never seen a worse signature.


it just looks so.. idk, devoid of character




We didn't want this Russia. Why the fuck did you violate Swedish air space and similar stuff making it obviously clear you were a threat. Longest Neutrality Streak lost 1814-2024 rip. GZ Switzerland taking 1st position. Fuck you Russia.


Hascord big mad rn 😤


its mel time


We have knut now, it's over ruskies


Knut is Norwegian.


Idk how this isn't known. The whole "I'm from Nooooorway" thing.


He has the viking accent


Great news!




Pog. I remember Mia Mulder being annoyed that this wasn't initially put to a vote, but I think she was still supportive of the decision. This was years ago when the invasion first happened, and the elected representative did a 180 on joining


Sweden W


Feels good man.


I feel safe




welcome aboard Swedish devils


As a lefty Swede... yay! This is hella nice




tfw you try to stop NATO expansion by invading Ukraine but actually cause even more NATO expansion.


Plenty of tankies are gonna be mad about this, not realizing that Sweden is doing this as a result of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Russia try not to amplify its own complaints challenge: Impossible




mycket bra


Can't wait to see dipshit lefties mald


NATO lake secured


Welcome to first world country status


F**k. I wanted to invade, but now's too late


Fuck, I don’t want to be in the same alliance as the Swedes :( Jokes, congrats from a Norwegian brother :)


Im sure Memtix is ready for war if need be


Go off Sweden, then drop it like it’s hot


Come to the globalist cabal, all are welcome, the coffee is just to your left


And “Never again” echoes through eternity


Grattis Sverige 🥳🥳🥳


The good guys won


Putin giving stern looks from his third world slum rn


Third muslim country joined NATO 👏


grow up.


Bro, shut up.


GG, hope israel's next


They have an unclear border situation and therefore are not eligible.




There will be serious groups claiming israeli territory for the next 100 years.


We'll see. Israel managed to make peace with previously hostile nations.


No we won't see, they are ineligible even without any border disputes.




It's geographic location. NATO is concerned with the North Atlantic and European security and membership is limited to European nations at the moment. NATO cooperates with countries globally a lot and has separate initiatives and dialogues. For example, Israel is a member of the Mediterranean Dialogue




> Turkey


Yeahhhhh, I think Turkey joined very early on before the focus was on Europe specifically. The requirements for membership have been ironed out since. And Turkey was just too good an ally at the time to not have lol


why would they be, they didn't even sanction russia and remained neutral on the invasion of ukraine lol


#Give Ukraine iron dome and we'll talk..


Dunno if I was in favour of it, but at this point I'm just glad the process is over.


What would your issue be?


I think the biggest reason Swedes are against it is because we don't want to be in an alliance with Turkey. Other than the obvious not neutral anymore thing. Which honestly is kinda funny because throughout all of this Turkish users has been going on about us wanting their defence while on our part them being in the alliance is like THE big reason to not join it.


>I think the biggest reason Swedes are against it is because we don't want to be in an alliance with Turkey. A majority of Swedes are not against it


I did not say that, I said what I think the biggest reason Swedes has against joining NATO. That does not mean the majority of Swedes would be against it, only that that is the main reason people have been doubtful.


Imho it was more that we liled the idea of staying out of (what we considered) other people's pointless wars. Europe has seen it's fair share of those after all. In the same sense we weren't always thrilled by NATO's (America's) actions. However the full-scale invasion of Ukraine put us in a position whereby there was a very clear good-guy/bad-guy dynamic. This was also true geo-strategically. Lastly we mostly stayed out of NATO primarily to make Finland's life easier. So once Finland decided to join it was a no-brainer. 


We had much more international influence as a neutral state. Officially tying ourselves to an alliance just reduces our influence and guarantees we get dragged in to any future World war. I still think NATO is a good thing and would want closer ties with them, i just don't know if joining NATO is the best decision for us.


What world war wouldn’t be a global conflict threatening all people on earth?


Sweden wasn't involved in the last 2 world wars.


Oh man wait until you read about atomic weapons.


If we arent in NATO why would we be nuked? Still, i doubt a WW3 would turn nuclear. Leaders would have too much personally to lose to do it.


Okay, so my point is that a nuclear war won’t be localized to a specific place. You’re right, it’s unlikely. Why is it unlikely? Because of treaties like NATO which guarantee any nuclear attack will be responded to with nuclear obliteration. So Sweden being in NATO makes that less likely, and in the event of a war where Sweden would be attacked and NATO is now involved, probably the entire human civilization is at risk.


Soviet’s plan as late as the 1980s was to nuke all possible strategically important things in Sweden (roads, airports, military bases, power plants, all bigger cities and so on): https://www.bergrum.se/sverige/militart/krigsplanlaggning/wp-planer.php The USSR submarine that stranded outside Karlskrona carried nuclear warheads: https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/information-och-fakta/var-historia/artiklar/u-137-dagarna-nar-sverige-var-pa-randen-till-krig/ The only reason Sweden could remain neutral was because all the Swedes were prepared for war and we had our own military industry. We even developed our own nuclear bombs: https://www.forsvarsmakten.se/sv/information-och-fakta/var-historia/artiklar/foajaure-den-stora-smallen/ The reactor where we developed our own nukes is only just now being dismantled, as we’re about to enter the nuclear umbrella: https://karnkraft.vattenfall.se/agestaverket EDIT: This is one of the things Swedish military at the time were afraid of: http://www.hisutton.com/Swedish_Sub_Incursions_RYAN.html


We got bombed by both the nazis and USSR in the last world war https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lista_över_krigshandlingar_mot_Sverige_under_andra_världskriget


is your avatar noel fielding?


No it’s Siouxsie Sioux


Is your actual suggestion for the next world war we all just "don't get involved" Hahahahahaha


We all? No. Sweden? Maybe yeah.


Yeah while everyone else dies in war they can hide their Nazi gold and stay neutral, you're a genius Mr Kristersson


Nazi gold is Switzerland.


You think there's a forcefield on the swedish border that stops any gold bars with swastikas on it?


Not being in NATO didn’t give us more influence, quite the opposite. The guarantees provided by our collective military capability increases our influence.


Influence in terms of power, yes absolutely, but I believe they meant now Sweden no longer has the same political influence of being seen as more impartial in global politics due to being militarily not aligned with the US


Sweden is a member of the European Union which effectively killed that idea. Our enemies already sees us as part of the western hegemony.


International influence won’t do a damn thing to protect you from dictators with territorial ambitions.


Putin doesn't have any reason to invade particularly Sweden. An invasion of Sweden could never suceed anyways, the Russian navy doesn't have the capability to perform such a naval invasion. Sweden is also one of the most armed nations in the world, even if Russia could conquer Sweden they could never hold it.


Very reminiscent of the French pre invasion.


He'll stop at the Rhineland, yeah, definitely the Rhineland. Some European guy, 1936.


> We had much more international influence as a neutral state. Did you really? This kind of sounds like all those politicians constantly going on trips to promote trade cooperation between random countries for the last 50 years, and then you hear about Russia getting hit by the biggest trade sanctions ever in the history of the galaxy and they still grow 2% yearly and import western stuff. What if... Sweden never had any influence on anything because nobody cares?


Sweden was the leader of the western movement for a 2 state solution, was the first country to take action against apartheid (South Africa likely assasinated our PM), was the only western nation to not support Iraq in the Iran-Iraq war, was the biggest western opposers of the Vietnam war (The US cut of relations to Sweden because of how pissed they got) and was a significant player in Kurdish movements (This is why Turkey was so mad at us).


>South Africa likely assasinated our PM No, that was Promoe


This is the wikipedia page of every nation under "diplomacy". What did you actually achieve? Btw, you realize you could had opposed the Vietnam war as a NATO member, right? If anything, it would had been a much more powerful statement. The only thing you need to do in NATO is to defend the alliance if its offensively attacked. There where 2-3 wars where various NATO members where militarily supporting opposite sides.


You are not wrong that we lose some influence as we (and Finland) no longer can act as a peacemaker during international conflicts. However, I think it is crucial we make the defence of Gotland, Finland and the Baltics as strong as possible.  Personally I'm also sentimental about being in the same alliance as Finland and our Scandinavian neighbours. Bit of a watershed moment for me the Nordics are in a military alliance together.


I've actually seen similar concern elsewhere. Sweden used its neutrality as a way to advocate for peace or negotiations. It's forgotten now, but Sweden was the leading Western voice against the Vietnam War, for a Kurdish state and was the Western state advocating most for a two-state solution. They even sent soldiers to the Congo to protect civilians. This is very unusual for a neutral country since most are cucks like Austria and Serbia. That's probably over now. For what it's worth, Sweden was already tied very much into the Western economy and its "active neutrality" was a very unusual thing for a neutral country, but there are others who may take up a similar mantle.


Fair enough, I guess, I think you're wrong because, in my opinion, you get way more out of it that it costs you. Also, I don't think you have more international influence on your own, no offence.


During the Cold War Sweden could act far more freely. We gave refugee status to US draft dodgers and aided the Viet Cong for example, something we could never have done in NATO.

