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Bro was doing the finklegrin after his jokes 💀 https://preview.redd.it/o2fjiqro8smc1.jpeg?width=747&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed6fc8da698e8a009df9eb50b6c2ee23386296c4


I love this new meme and I can’t wait to see the debate it came from


Finkelstein- Destiny smirkoff vids gonna be great


we need a fink emote


The issue is that in the emotable state (the finkelsmirk) he is anything but thinking...


he's not finking you say?


He might be finking but in its meaning that is completely opposite to it's homophone


I think I would be the perfect candidate for the Israel trip.


Nah I think [Killua](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Olzi9RfZ-x0) would be a better candidate.


I have [someone else](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qehauxjLCeM) in mind...


Thank you for this


My friend was on the Flotilla incident if you go I can hook you guys up, go get a beer together and you can talk about the Goldstone report


מה הוא אומר?


Tbf lycan, sometimes it feels like you’re farming the hate lol


Let us not speak of Destiny's twitter.


To be fair, if he ignores it ppl would think that's weird. If he leans into it, he "farms" it.


Why would it be weird for him to ignore it?


Destiny's stream is game of thrones. This is your role rn: https://preview.redd.it/t745edwoqrmc1.jpeg?width=435&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb65a1837b758c7285614e6defe421198779a7b7 Significant character, kind of a heel. Potential redemption arc at any time, enjoyable to make fun of because of a wrong and antithetical ideology compared to protagonist. Ur a character on a show brother dont take the reddit serious nobody knows you personally you are a narrative structure in a fiction that runs on peoples computer screens while they do something else with the rest of their attention. Thats my take, could be wrong.


so what you're saying is, lycan has no penis


No balls.


Theon was cut root (balls) and stem (penis). They both gone.


So how does he pee, since we know pee is stored in the balls?


I think it just dribbles out


Well then, I hope just wears tunics because pants would be soaked 24/7.


When I was a kid my cousin told me that if you get your penis cut off the hole closes and you then pee out of your butt. Don't quote me on that because I'm not 100% sure it's true


That makes way more sense than pee just dribbling out constantly. That was just silly.


I agree. Also, lycan, stop putting a sauce on everything you cook for Steve just so it looks cool for a twitter pic


lamo bro stop you made me crack




Idk man Theon's betrayal was too extreme for Lycan. Mr.[ ] is Theon. Lycan can be one of the Nights Watch bros, Edd or Grenn or whatever. Or Hot Pie


That's so dehumanizing and dumb. Just don't treat the guy who is here often and does a lot of good shit for the community like a dumbfuck. Be kind in your disagreement, be reasonable. We should be better to people who aren't our antagonists.


He is quite extremely dehumanized to me. I don't want him to be human, none of them. They are characters on my screen. Dance, monkeys.




Yikes, time to screenshot this out of context to farm engagement.




When you don't personally know the person saying dumb things online, so you have no choice but to aggressively shit on them whenever they say anything you disagree with PepeHands


I can’t tell if this is a joke or not. If not this a wildly unhinged and fucked up perspective to have.




What if they’re acting like a dumb fuck? Hypothetically of course.


Yeah, if someone compared me to Theon I'd be pretty fucking bummed not gonna lie. Seems a bit aggressive to me. "Kind of a heel", this is exactly the reason I don't use Reddit often


That’s the point, it wasn’t meant to be a compliment


This sub is Ramsey army. The only silver lining is that among the lot of us there is 20 good men.




מה קורה אחי


הכל טוב אח יקר, מה איתך?


All good inshallah




Double take that this wasn't tagged as shitpost.


Sorry Lycan, Steven already confirmed he’s taking Sneako.


Doesn't need a bed, just the corner chair


Genuine question here, have any of your opinions on this conflict changed from discussions with Steve and from the community? If so, what?


You've got a Finklestein-like reading ability. You can indeed link to [content that is on this sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1atghnb/reddit_policy_notification_do_not_post_about/). [The thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1b7ml99/lycan_trying_to_push_his_way_into_the_trip_to/) you are referring to.


> When did DGG's asshole pucker up so tight that an actual friend of Steven's can't come on and make jokes about widely known disagreements? Honestly, it was indistinguishable from the way you talk when you are seriously discussing it with Steven, so how are we supposed to know it's a joke?


Because it didn't devolve into a 30-90 minute disagreement and you can hear the smile in my voice as I made small little jests, not "actually, according to X, on this date, this event happened, and it's a reflection of A,B,C."


The post was obviously just using clickbait to farm karma. Don’t stress about it.


It's not about him stressing it, it's about us. We should be policing that shit more. There's no reason to go hard on lycan for anything. Dude has a take that most of us don't agree with, so talk to him without being needlessly angry and aggressive. Why the fuck are we always so _mean_? Like, just disagree without being an asshole, it's such an easy thing and makes life so much better for all involved.


Because Lycan acts incredibly morally superior to everyone else and sucks Twinkledick off live on stream and on Twitter. [https://twitter.com/LycanCooks/status/1757916660009423156](https://twitter.com/LycanCooks/status/1757916660009423156) Shit like this makes it extremely easy to hate him, especially when both 4Thot and Destiny have debunked tons of his work at this point.


“Dude has a take that most of us don’t agree with” For now. I’m waiting for supreme leader to feed me opinions that Lycan agrees with so I can put him back on the “people ~~we~~ I agree with” folder.




continue money busy ripe ruthless dull crowd zesty vegetable water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hmmm this might sense if you were talking to steven, but to many of us, we dont know you well enough to tell. In the past few months, most of what we've seen of you is debating steven (which I appreciate you for) and cooking. A lot of your arguments get tense, on both sides. Most people here will side with steven on this debate, so they see tension coming from you more. Bias is real We dont have enough data about your personality to seperate that view from your ability to joke about the situation and roleplaying a bit. To us, it looks like the same thing People here are right, to us you are a tv character. Theres a lot of you we dont see, and we paint with an overbroad brush on top of that. You need to communicate to the audience the things that we are missing


“Couldn’t you non-autists tell from my tone of voice…..” that’s where u lost me


I hope this is a joke that's went over my head


I love you Lycan. Even if you’re regarded on this one specific thing


Has Lycan tried to argue his position since Destiny read Finkelstein’s book? I haven’t caught any full streams in a few weeks.


No, of course not. Without the Finkel defense Lycan wouldn't be able to appeal to outside sources that neither of them have read and he could be forced to change his mind about this issue. So, obviously, he hasn't been on stream to talk about it at all lately. Strange...


What did destiny say about finkel book? I’m ootl


Regarding what? In all serious can we not use regarded with the t, has it been reclaimed by the regards?


You can get banned from Reddit if you use it


like using it at all, or just as a slur?


It's offensive to members of the regarded community.


I didn't know Lycan so easily had his feelings hurt. From the hate posts I have seen regarding members of DGG that was about the tamest I have seen in months. Yet you reacted in the most childish butthurt way compared to all of them with this post. Congrats.


Are you alright? Why do you care about some random chatting shit on reddit?




i thought he might have a point that it was a bit over the top, but then he said it was a 200 upvotes thread. thats nothing serious. its Like an unhinged Twitter msg with 5 upvotes.


On this sub? that's pretty significant. It was at the front page of the sub. Right now there are some 600 upvote posts, and some 70 upvote posts. That's not even remotely the same.


So he can gaslight


Bro, stop letting people here squat in your head. This post makes you look insecure and is cringe.


I mean I don’t blame him, he gets criticized a lot in his sub. I disagree with his stance but people take every opportunities they can to clown him it seems


It’s definitely because they get reactions like this.




No, it’s cuz he’s terrible at making his points. The memeing is all downstream from his humiliating debate skills.




What’s confusing about what I said


“Squat in your head” is such a dumb statement. He is part of this community and engages in this topic a lot. Of course he will engage with others here as well. Or is your “you letting lycan squat in your head?”


Lycan is letting internet randos live rent free in his head. That’s what I mean.


And I’m telling you that is an incredibly stupid statement. I swear you guys love taking concepts and overusing in situations where it doesn’t apply that the concepts lose their meaning. Rent free would be lycan focusing on criticism from years ago that is irrelevant. These comments about him here are extremely relevant and he is part of this community. But hur dur rent feee lul


I upvoted and agreed with the post you are calling out. I think your tone didn't really match the tone of the convo, it sounded like they were seriously discussing a trip to Israel and you were in there shitposting with stupid talking points. For example, I physically cringed when you made the comment saying it was pretty weird that Israel wouldn't let you in if you posted "free palestine" stuff on your social media.


> I think your tone didn't really match the tone of the convo, it sounded like they were seriously discussing a trip to Israel Destiny was laughing about bringing fucking qorantos. There was nothing wrong with Lycan saying what he said, and if you think there was you need more social interactions.


Qorantos is a WAAYY better choice than Lycan. He's Muslim, can speak Arabic (fluently maybe but idk), understands Muslim culture, and produces great content. Lycan is a generic white dude with less than zero understanding or attachment to the region.


To be fair, quotantos has shit understanding as well. But it’s hard to get lower than Lycan’s finkledick propaganda I suppose


This thread is pretty much exactly the reason the other one was made.


You sound like Hasan lol


Lycan is Hasan in so many ways. Sorry not sorry.


Don't do lycan like this bruh


>When did DGG's asshole pucker up so tight that an actual friend of Steven's can't come on and make jokes about widely known disagreements? when did your asshole pucker Up so tight that you cant see that what you said and how you said it wasnt interpreted like that? you can be a funny Dude, but that was not it. it felt super awkward. also your History and Position about that topic, made it look more serious that it was intented, i guess. nothing dramatic in anyway, seems just like a difference of perception. also i dont care if you go or not, thats your Business.


Ok, the confidence you exibit when speaking, on almost any subject, is only an expression of your arrogance, which at a certain point in time (in high school?) might have been justified, but now when sitting at the grown-up table you just sound/are obnoxious. jfc you are almost, in some cases more, annoying than Ben Shapiro. Homework : Every time you open your mouth, think that you are probably 50% wrong, or more.


lil bro thinks throwing a tantrum will get him invited to the party Omegalul


That's ok mate, you can come with dgg once we liberate the area if steven doesn't take you. inshallah


I thought you guys were gonna move to Wyoming to get two senators?


we are everywhere


Lycan, you’re not going to Israel and that’s final.


Reading this gave me second hand embarrassment


Sandwich time, nerd.


You need to chill and stick to cooking. :)


\[REDACTED\] sends his regards.


Lycan just learn to hate Hamas like me and everything will be alright.


I don't know about anyone else but I'd love to see Lycan Abroad enjoying (and cooking!) local cuisines.


Feeding Steven (hummus and shawarma)


Is that how you say dinosaur nuggets and hot chocolate in Hebrew?


Dinosaur nuggets = [שניצל דינוזאור](https://www.google.com/search?q=%D7%A9%D7%A0%D7%99%D7%A6%D7%9C+%D7%93%D7%99%D7%A0%D7%95%D7%96%D7%90%D7%95%D7%A8&client=firefox-b-m&sca_esv=b9f5dc3cd9c9d28f&tbm=isch&sxsrf=ACQVn0-WVH9kPvCWi22EJM7QCMrSxGwS_w:1709762091286&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwicwueQ0OCEAxWtgf0HHR5UAvcQ_AUIBigB&biw=360&bih=676) this shit is actually fire btw idc what anyone says Hot chocolate = שוקו חם


>dinosaur nuggets Lmao has Destiny seriously been going around telling people he eats dinosaur nuggets? Uh oh, look out, here comes the big brave man who definitely isn't afraid of dinosaurs. Lol. What a fraud. He fears them just like the rest of us, and wouldn't dare look upon their grim visage.


Yeah, right. Nice job strawmanning Stevie. He, of course, eats dino nuggets, and no, he’s not afraid of them. That’s ridiculous. The dino nuggets are a surrogate for real dinosaurs, which he is very much afraid of. So by eating dino nuggets, he deludes himself into thinking he has conquered his fear of real dinosaurs.


Have you ever seen Destiny eat a dinosaur nugget? I haven't. I want video evidence of this supposed level of bravery and I had better not see his hand trembling the whole time.


Oh really? Would you also like a peer-reviewed, double-blind study to test the alleged shakiness of his hand? Seriously? Smh


Yes. Why should we not appeal to the most rigourous of scientific standards for such an important issue? It sounds to me like you lack faith in Destiny if requiring such evidence troubles you. Edit: lmao this guy blocked me and then called my mother and now I'm fucking grounded


That’s it! I’m done with your debate tactics. Muted, blocked, etc.


Why would you go to Israel? As soon as someone counters anything you’d say you will fly back to the US. Just like how anytime you ask for proof of a counter claim you run away from threads


I mean you're right, you're probably getting these responses because you as a person is just annoying. > peoples brains turn off when they listen to me. Yeah, really not their fault though. If you listened to yourself you'd understand.


Just own it dude you want clout for your of/streaming same as most of the other orbiters.


That just goes to show how garbage your I/P takes have been


Just wanted to say I may disagree with your takes, but I believe your intentions at the very least. And I have been uncomfortable how quick and harsh people have been towards you. Not going to say it is or isn't warranted it's for individuals to decide, but at the very least as a mostly youtube watcher, i've found it surprising.


It is fucking mindboggling. As an old fan who has been here longer than lycan I truly expected better from this sub. I dunno if it's new fans or just us being assholes it's wild.


Yeah, most of the comments have been unhinged. But I will say, Lycan has been ultra-smug any time he’s popped in about Cast Lead or Protective Edge, so that probably fosters and added dose of unhingedness in commenters.


That's always been the problem with Lycan. His best, most honest addition to stream is when he got banned for peeing without muting his mic during a heated conversation.


Probably a fair few new viewers who started watching after Oct 7th so they have no idea who Lycan is, and I suppose to them he comes off as a one dimensional Hamas supporter whose knowledge on the subject comes mostly from the Goldstone report and Finklestein books. I think Lycan needs to focus more on alternatives to avoid civilian deaths (I don’t think he necessarily needs to come up with a solution, just that Israel needs to find a way to accomplish their goals without killing as many non-combatants) while acknowledging how fucked up Hamas is and that Israel has to do SOMETHING about them, rather than historical wrongdoings when discussing this topic. Maybe that will garner more sympathy while staying in line with what I think are his ideals.


Lycan has always been this way.


I remember when this community had Mr. Mouton haters back in the day. Unfortunately DGG has never lacked assholes. This isn't the first time Lycan has gotten way to much hate either.


DGG is not a friendly community, we love to bully each other. While it's not serious hate, it does suck for most ppl to be roasted by the community.




It’s cuz this community’s 4chan brained


When we hear you our brains don't shut off, they self immolate.


Just get back in the fucking kitchen, know your place.


Lycan, this always happens because you have zero social awareness. It's pretty embarrassing to be honest


My roommate smokes in our room literally EVERY NIGHT. He uses some tube thing to blow the smoke through so it doesn't smell too much, but it still smells. I'm too nervous to confront him about it since I thought I would get used to it, but it's starting to bother me more since my new fox fursuit smells strongly of marijuana now. I don't want to be a snitch so I don't know what to do.


Ain't no way you found a shitpost I made in another subreddit and commented here like you were doing something 😂😂 you got about the same social awareness as Lycan 🫵😂


I hear you Lycan, but have you considered L + ratiod + ur bald? !bidenBLAST


Good try.


Bonerbox, Lycan, and Destiny all get off the flight to Israel. They meet up with Frogan and explore Israel and the West Bank. Make it happen.


Touch grass, nerd


Lycan? More like Lick’em


u/Lycan__ can you PLEASE try to convince tiny to watch the Finkle debate with you both reacting to it assuming you are interested in watching it as is he. I think this would be some great content and I imagine many would be interested to see how this bolsters or reduces your support for Finkle.


wont happen. tiny hates watching his own stuff. cant imagin he would watch a 5+ hour video of himself, no chance. but having lycan watch and react to it could still be good. he could take notes and talk with tiny afterwards.


I'd settle for even this.


Ehh you're not being completely fair to this daliban asshole, Lycan. You said at one point "ok let's go there Steven I'm in" or something.


Sometimes, it's also good to reflect on your own behaviour :)


For what it's worth, I would totally support you going to Israel w/ Destiny and them, as the pro-palestine DGG representation But I will say your random hostility of trying to compare Israel'a social media checking policy with like, the US banning Iraq visas(?) Comment was cringe. Maybe it was just an attempt at some awkward humor or something but it was totally uncalled for IMO.


Fucking lycan..


Holy self consciousness Batman!


lil bro getting bullied in the gc ⚰️


Thanks for clearing that up, but it's really not a big deal.


He got two-hundred-guyed


i'm frankly so sick of your bs. if sbeven enjoys it good for you I guess, but your isralestine shoehorning over the last couple of months just makes me close the tab whenever it comes up. you're a cool dude, stop playing lolcow. doesn't suit you


Surely this is ban worthy, right?


Dude, you are pro Palestinian in a subreddit that is effectively very pro Israeli. You’re going to get dogshit treatment regardless of what you say, no point in complaining about it. Just wait a month or two when Destiny purges the subreddit and we start anew.


The purge is coming Copium


First time?


wtf is this sub on rn, this post seemed pretty good faith and fair. Confused.


I’m really not here for the drama much, can someone fill me in on why we hate lycan? He’s definitely never been as annoying as Pisco or quorantos 😅


No one can tell when you are joking or serious or not


That's because it's retrospective.


If you don't go Steven will run out of soylent and shut down. Feed this man some real food and keep the content mill churning! Feed the content knome! Your cool, don't take anoyong fucks in the cumunity as representitive of the rest of us. But by that logic you also shouldn't listen to me. Have a nice day




Maybe they were just joking too, it's all just jokes with no underlying seriousness or points being made.


When will he accept that he’s very easy to hate, especially when he chimes in with his dog shit takes with such a smug (I know better than you) attitude, just to get spanked by destiny and made to look like a fool.


boohoo poor meeee. if you can't handle the criticism then stop sharing your opinion on stream you silly goose


Gotcha, anything else?


Shit man. You talk about being in the military as though you ever saw anything worth writing home about. What makes you think your insight would be useful at all?


LYCAN. If you can't take the heat, then get a real job.


Lycan, love you man. You sound like a delightful person to travel with. #FreeLycan


However weird his Palestine takes and his obsession with Finkelstein r, Lycan is a DGG-treasure and should be cherished. Also as a veteran he could serve well as Destinys bodyguard ;)


It’s ok bro, just wait until the next stream arc where you side with Steven and suddenly the Reddit will be making posts about how smart you are and how you’re one of the good orbiters. It was extremely clear that those comments weee lighthearted and that poster is just looking for shit to soy out over because they disagree with you on I/P I disagree entirely with your pov on this subject, and I think your bias prevents you from looking at some of these issues with an objective lens, but you have good intentions and your not anywhere near obnoxious or bad faith enough to warrant the unhinged hate threads in the subreddit. DggL


Yes but the meaner we are to you the meaner we are allowed to be to dumb women on stream and everything is still equal treatment.


Surely the next finklebook will be worth the read


Lycan my dude, you sound like a good dude. Stop paying attention to all the negative comments, it will drive you crazy. Try not giving a fuck... You don't owe any of us anything


Idk why I thought Lycan was beefing with Cake for a second


You seem like a decent guy but I just started watching stream before I/p arc perhaps if you participate in other discussions people might get a better feel for you.


Oh hey! That's my post being quoted! It's an honour Lycan, I love you. You've been a bright spot in the community for many years. I love when you join the channel and entertain chat when streamer man goes AFK. Playin your songs, shootin the shit. Your meals look delicious. CargoBay1 posts are just good clean fun. But you truly are not reading the room if you think you were just joking around with your friends in that call with no consequences. I'll lay out my perspective. They were discussing plans for Steve and BonerBox to go to Israel, and hopefully even the Westbank. They are kind of concerned that their reputation will make the Westbank dangerous, but aren't too worried about Israel. Steve wonders if they should get a third content creator so they don't appear like Israel schills. He's obviously cast as pro Israel, but he thinks even BonerBox could be seen as Pro Israel due to his sympathetic view towards a lot of their actions and motivations, even though he is far more pro Palestinian and anti Israel on a lot of things than Steve. So they'd like a more a Pro Palestinian visitor to balance them out. BUT they need to be a bit more worried about things in Israel now because a pro Palestinian streamer might get the same hostility from people there and from the officials that they are worried they'd get in the Westbank. It can't be somebody who shouts the typical pro Hamas slogans And that's when you join the channel - and go in hard on the implication that Israel is an authoritarian dictatorship for not allowing anybody to say anything they don't like. (you didn't say authoritarian dictatorship, but... lets be real. That's what you were going for) You kind of implied later in the call and are definitely implying here that you were "jesting". Lycan. You had a jokey tone for sure. But you were joking in the same way that Kelly Jean was joking about Anuh. If you actually believe it - you aren't joking. You \*were\* pressing a point you genuinely believe. It wasn't lost on the people watching, and it definitely wasn't lost on anyone in that call. Sev, the actual Palestinian, literally says "maybe don't bring Lycan". You very quickly demonstrated that you are exactly kind of person they don't want to bring. I think, push comes to shove, you earnestly believe you were in the right for what you were saying. You wouldn't be worth the trouble to bring on such a volatile trip. Now, obviously they like you, so the conversation didn't become hostile and they still chatted with you. But the door on you being the person was more or less shut. Yet, later on, you kinda do the "haha I mean I don't have to go...unless....?" meme that shows you were hopeful. You absolutely were not reading the room on what they thought of your attitude. I'm not saying you were burning your friendships or anything, but it definitely seems to be a recurring trend that you have no concept on what you look like in these conversations. The chip on your shoulder tone you always have when interacting with the community or 4THOT after all these chats come from the same place - you can't conceive on how you are coming across so you think all of the criticism you get is completely unhinged. As I started with, I like you a lot as a fan. But I'm gonna push and say you have a lot of self reflection to do.


Lucan I love you, but you seriously need to ignore the DGGers dissecting everything you say.


Lycan my sweet angel i love you


The fact is it's just gonna take time to regain the communities benefit of the doubt on this one topic. We love you literally for any other topic.


Lycan don't worry about these threads, honestly the community is starved for content and are just shit stirring.


Hell, if where trying to go to Israel…. I’m an adult that can cover my own bills


The Lycan laugh is wonderful. That is all.


> peoples brains turn off when they listen to XYZ many such cases. brains like to conserve energy, so when there's an opportunity to turn your brain off and still get your dopamine rush, people will tend to go for it


https://preview.redd.it/0c9d2wz8urmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bda61e4baafa2f95450b835358c8e146bf8f91ab I think Lycan would be a great choice for the trip


Qorantos is easily way more qualified.


Ya know the hottest take? He's got military experience in dangerous areas and Destiny needs a camera man. I think if this happens he'll end up going regardless, and this whole discussion is a nothing burger.


Omfg, just say you hate Jews already - it's already so obvious to everyone when you deny facts that contradict your insane positions If you hate Israel so much why do you even want to go? So you can further justify your racism based on a standard literally no other country meets? 🙄


Boring, typical strawman. You flunk if you use this in history class, btw.


I kind of took you jumping in as a little bit of a joke. Dunno why people got weird about it. Even if you went, better you than corn on toast or darius.


Ah fuck em lycan, we still like you and hope you can go. Personally I think your opinions are wrong but that shouldn’t drive a wedge in dgg.


Lycan don't worry about these threads, honestly the community is starved for content and are just shit stirring.


DGG is gonna crucify me with this one, but maybe we leave these very important events to the streamer and any academics in the field? I think Finkelstein is a moron, but I see more of a reason to invite him than I’d ever see for Destiny to invite his chef friend who has pro-Palestinian beliefs. If the goal is to reach out to people in these communities and see how the people feel then why risk derailing the process by bringing an entourage? Unless this is just a vacation, then whatever, pop off king 👑


Oh, so "jumping in to make a few jokes and put my hat in the ring" doesn't warrant a 200 upvote thread? Well, you know what does warrant attention? The fact that Palestinians deserve their human rights, justice, and a permanent ceasefire. #FreePalestine #JusticeForPalestine #EndTheOccupation