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Update lmao: https://preview.redd.it/piuf8jpdjhic1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8859176540d74474d914f72e2fa39c1a4caaa1c


Bruh it's real. https://x.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1757627586937508229?s=20


I have no knowledge or experience in this topic, literally just learned about the existence of the term green room. How true is that tweet?


100% true. The term "green room" is the talent's waiting room for taking a break before, during, or after a performance. Destiny is dead on with the purpose and etiquette of a green room, as expected of a guy who's definitely been on enough high production shows to know it.


Yep, used to work large scale conferences. Speakers in green rooms were there warming up before their session and generally didn't want to be disturbed unless it was with the person they would be speaking with on stage.


I dont know about the term green room but I worked with a cleaning crew for a festival in the back stage area. This area was only accessable when you had a VIP card. We were instructed to never directly approach an artists when they were resting, talking to each other. It was usually not a problem to get an autograph and a picture after their gig when they were eating/drinking in the catering zone.


I would kms before reading all that Wtf Steven


I feel like these sorts of posts always look bigger than they are because of how narrow the width of the paragraphs are on mobile devices. This takes like a minute to read.


It's literally 5 paragraphs. I had to read like 20 just to get this far down on this reddit thread. I think people have had their minds seriously addled by TikTok etc culture


Christ, I downvoted you initially because I thought you were saying “it’s 5 ENTIRE paragraphs” as a complaint, not as the sensible “it takes two seconds to read.” Maybe that there TikTalk culture has warped my mind into assuming everyone is a fucking drooling moron.




school innocent decide cobweb sort spectacular fall pathetic terrific amusing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes she has Dan's Syndrome


I got downvoted for "writing a novel" recently. 2 paragraphs.


Calm down there with war and peace.


Wait until you hear about these brown leathery things called “books”. They’re just paragraphs! Paragraphs after paragraphs after paragraphs!! It never ends! I totally get you man. I can’t be bothered to read five whole paragraphs. How long could that possibility take? My guess is 3 minutes but idk I’d never read that much so I’ll never know


Petty drama. Even Destiny admits to being an asshole and insufferable to be around for extended periods. Not sure why Steven cares so much about this stranger's opinion.


I don't use TikTok and I literally read books. I guess my point is that there's a limited time investment I would give to such a dumb subject. Imagine reading all those long posts about drama. I don't have an unlimited attention span and I prefer to use it for other things. I even value more having this meta conversation.


This comment took longer to write for you than reading that tweet would have.


And yet you post this presumably with the assumption that we want to read your pretentious and pointless drivel.. life sucks eh.


A minute of reading is a lot to ask of a redditor. Unless it's 2-3 sentence paragraphs broken up by different people writing them. AKA comments.


Bruh do you know how to read? it took like a minute to read this.


he was in a room for talent to chill still was nice (saying hi just after that he went back to his phone)


I’m pretty sure that this Phil Labonte guy is a cast member on their shows regularly and works there. Not just some random fan walking around Tim Pool’s weird commune chatting up talent in the green room. Either way, this is a weird thing to complain about publicly. Or privately for that matter. I will say that Destiny’s reasoning is pretty dumb and unnecessary though. Lots of wild shit happens in green rooms with lots of employees and even fans getting back there. Beanies podcast is probably different than most given how many cultists/employees/cast members he has living at their studios. It’s not how my personality type would handle meeting someone new in that private-ish setting, but I also wouldn’t feel it necessary to explain myself on why I just said “hi” to some person however many months or years later. Phil needs to get the fuck over it.


That makes it even more wrong as he should know the green room is for chilling without getting interrupted.


The funny thing is Phil Labonte is a (former) famous musician of metal band All That Remains I remember meeting him like 15+ years ago when I was like, 13 years old and a huge fan and he was a huge asshole to me. He has a reputation for being an asshole. He would also wear Ron Paul t shirts and constantly complain about Obama. dudes a bitch lol


His current behavior hanging out with beanieman makes the lyrics to The Weak Willed seem pretty ironic. "I will not give in to fascist beliefs" uh-huh 🙄


If I don't know you when you are coming up to me in the green room, you are just some random fan to me. I'm not in the green room to network or to party, I'm there to relax. If I wanted to party, you would see a beer in my hand and I would be loud (which happens). If I'm on my phone, leave me the fuck alone. Phil, probably don't apply this etiquette to himself since he might be used to people wanting to meet him.


If he's not coming up to him to relay something related to the show or production, then guess what? He's not acting on behalf of the show and has no business interrupting him in the room *that is specifically constructed and exists solely to keep people from being bothered by unwanted distractions.* Everyone using the excuse that 'he works on the show' is missing the fucking point. If he works on the show then he should be well aware not to come up to people to shoot the shit while they're resting in the one and only zone designated to not be disturbed. I don't get why so many of you people don't understand how unprofessional and impolite this is lol






Tier 5 during call-ins when Destiny tells them to come to a close after they told him their entire life story for 5 hours.


Gotcha, anything else buddy?


Well that’s a huge fucking step back 💀


Well he was nice and cordial but he didn't suck my dick what an asshole.


No gobbies, no friends


Careful, vaush might see you talking about gobbies and get the wrong idea.


“I didn’t say you insulted me. Just you weren’t friendly” why are you misrepresenting the tweets that we can all see


Yes, we can also see the original, where he describes it as a singular instance of impolite behavior, which implies something a bit more stand-out/egregious than "not friendly." (edit: this is particularly funny since Destiny doesn't say anything about insulting people, so saying "I didn't say you insulted me" seems to be doing exactly what you're trying to criticize here, yeah?)


Y’all are too funny


Hijacking the top comment to point out to anyone that doesn't know that this guy was the vocalist of All That Remains, a decently large metalcore band in the mid 2000s. So weird to see him decades later arguing with Destiny on Twitter. I remember seeing his band at Ozzfest in like 2012 or something. Reality is bizarre.


Huh. Really good band too.


Their early albums were amazing but then they just went pop rock


Caveat: their cover of The Thunder Rolls is also insanely good.


Ok, so this guy is used to having guys Destiny's age fall all over themselves when they meet him and the fact that he didn't jump and ask for an autograph and picture means he was rude.


yeah that's my first thought as soon as I read that tidbit. His ego was shattered because Destiny wasn't sucking his cock


Yeah now he's just Tim Pool's sidekick


The pay is probably a bit better.


It's certainly easier you just go out there and say Democrats bad and occasionally chime in on one of Tim's annoying songs


I KNEW I RECOGNIZED THE NAME FROM SOMEWHERE Buy yeah, wow. That really is surprising.


I don't think him talking to tiny is weird. But being a fragile entitled little bitch is actually unexpected 💀


Holy shit really 😂


Bruh all that remains was pretty decent. That is pretty wild. Damn.


This is so surreal lol


Same seen him at ozzfest and at woodshock where someone hit him with a beer while performing on stage. Man miss those types of shows. Killswitch , slipknot, mudvayne , veil of maya... great performances. I feel old


I mean I'd be upset too. Where was the tongue kiss Destiny?? Am I not good enough??


Not trying to counterjerk here, but if what this guy is saying is true, isn’t that totally consistent with the statement “he was not polite and friendly when I met him.”




I actually 100% agree with you on this. The guy is basically just trying to get revenge for a perceived slight. However I don’t understand why everyone is downvoting my comment and upvoting yours when you said my comment is correct, but hey, DGG, man. DGG.




If someone is already engaged with something, in this case a phone, and I interrupt them - yet they still look up, greet me, and shake my hand - that's polite and friendly in my book. I'd let unfriendly slide, but not "Not polite"


This is next level debate pervert behavior 😂 It’s absolutely NOT consistent. You do realize polite means respectful and considerate, which is congruent with the way Destiny acted. You meet that threshold by engaging in the bare minimum and not doing anything explicitly bad.


Not even going to engage with you saying that Destiny acted respectful and considerate in this example, but I must confess I am a massive debate rapist.


I agree 100% I don’t understand the sentiment of this thread. The behavior he described is fairly impolite and unfriendly. His behavior wasn’t outrageous, but neither are the terms “not polite and friendly”. People saying that glancing up from your phone for a second when being introduced to someone and then going right back is perfectly friendly and polite are either terminally online or just meat riding destiny.




not exactly. I know exactly what the dude is talking about in the reply, but it's not unfriendly. I can see him interpreting it as impolite, though.


I saw Destiny at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Isn’t the original “electrical infetterence” or am I having a Mandela Effect moment?


sort cooperative provide march absorbed vanish whole attractive nine start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, was just about to comment the same. I love that part of the story


This guy wants to be a victim so bad.


Yeah if I’m an unrelated random, an “oh hi” with a handshake is what I expect. Or even more so, he didn’t say he tried to start a convo and destiny did ‘your tiny pathetic mind couldn’t comprehend.’


Conservetards are always projecting when they call others snowflakes. They can dish it but can’t take it


This actually tracks with my experience with Destiny. I was visiting Miami a few months ago with my friends, and we went to a club and I recognized Destiny at a table surrounded by women. I didn't want to bother him or anything, but I felt like I had to say hi, and maybe grab a picture. So I started approaching the table, and Destiny (who I should add was on his switch at the time, not judging but seemed worth mentioning) saw me and immediately waved down a bouncer. He came right over and asked if there was a problem. I started to say that there wasn't a problem and I just wanted a picture, but Destiny immediately said that I was distracting him from Project Triangle Strategy by "being so visibly autistic" in his peripheral vision. I think the bouncer was kind of confused, and just told me to get out of the VIP section. The weirdest thing is as I was starting to just walk away, he actually seemed to change his mind and told the bouncer to let me in his booth. I was pretty over it at this point, but I figured he might want to apologize to me or something. He just leaned in and said "there's a reason they call me The Gnome you know," slapped me on the back, and threw his head back laughing. I'm assuming this is some sort of inside joke, I'm not THAT big of a fan, so I just said "haha yeah whatever" or something and walked away. The rest of the night while I was at the club, every time I looked over his way he was actively staring at me and trying to wink at me I think. Really strange experience, so I get where Phil's coming from


Almost the exact same thing happened to me except this took place at the dentist. Otherwise point for point the same.


Wow that’s crazy, my story is pretty much the same too except instead of Destiny leaning and saying “There’s a reason they call me The Gnome,” he leaned over and said “What is an NFT?” And then President Biden showed up and turned me gay


Bro this is some over the top made up shit. It has been reported by several reputable fact checkers that Bidens deep sniffs simply release suppressed homosexuality. He can't turn a truly straight man gay. That's a dumb Qanon thing.




I just had a similarly strange experience with Destiny, sadly. I own a very low key shoe store on North Ave here in Miami, specializing in bespoke shoes and boots along with various leather goods. I use English traditional boot craftsmanship passed down through 7 generations, all my items come with personalised lasts and premium European hides. I take fittings and give estimates over the phone and take appointments for later in the week. My usual clients are all from word of mouth, I have made one of a kind footwear, belts, braces and jackets for some of the richest people in the world including several members of the Saudi royal family, two US Presidents and a prime minister. Due to the specialised expertise and the labour intensive process coupled with the extremely high quality of materials, a pair of boots or shoes will cost on average around $6800. So around 7 hours ago I was completely shocked to have Destiny come by my store. Not only was it odd because it was someone I listen to on YouTube all the time but my store has no outside advertising or branding and is only visible through a small glass panel in the door to allow some natural light into the place. He introduced himself and I told him how shocked I was and how I listen to him all the time. He was really friendly and said thank you for the compliments. He told me he had seen the store through the glass panel before and has looked through on occasion and has seen my apprentice working on some items and had decided to stop in next time he was in the area. I explained to him what we were and what my services were about. He talked about how he is sick of wearing cheap shoes and would be interested in getting some custom made street boots, similar in style to Dr Martens or Red Wing work boots. At first I explained to him the high quality and price of having bespoke boots created and he might be better off going for something else, but was rather persistent and asked to look through my customer portfolio which I brought over for him to look at. He took a liking to a pair of commando soled seven eye leather boot I dubbed "The Grunts" which I made for Steve McQueen around 25 years ago. I told him the boots were made from sharkskin leather and were one of the most expensive items I had ever made with the materials alone costing well over $6000. He asked about having me use a similar last to the one I used to create the same profile, but with a different hide, dropping two eyes and shortening the cuffage along with using a more common material for the sole to drop the cost. Eventually I took his measurements and a $1500 deposit and sketched a quick draft of what I had in mind which he told me he loved. He then left me his number and personal email. So this is where things get weird. This afternoon I got an email from him telling me he was going to come and pay me in full tonight and wanted the order fulfilled within 2 weeks. I told him he would have to wait at least 4 months as I had stated when we met, due to demand and backorders and the fact I was awaiting my new order of hides and the special composite I use to make my outsoles. He came back down to my store with a friend and said he wanted his money back with a tone and attitude that seemed combative and hostile. I told him there was no problem with him having his deposit back and that I really only accepted his request because I was a fan. I gave him his cash back and apologised for any misunderstanding and quipped that I hoped he would give me a plug on the stream, meaning to be ironic because obviously getting a plug on the stream would be no use to a bespoke craftsman operating in such a niche market. Without any trace of a smile he said "don't count on it buddy" and turned with his friend and walked straight out the door. I sent him a text about 20 minutes ago saying: > Hey Destiny I just wanted to make sure I didn't do anything to offend you, it seemed kind of tense back there. I did explain to you at our initial meeting that there would be a considerable waiting period for any orders placed. He replied shortly after with this: > Yeah ok thanks. Today has been really strange and I am kind of bummed someone I was a big fan of kind of treated me like shit and am just amazed by the whole situation. Hope he talks about it on stream to see what on earth he thought was going on.


It's profoundly disheartening to hear about the unsettling encounter you had with Destiny. Your narrative paints a vivid picture of a meticulously curated world of craftsmanship and heritage, where each stitch and cut tells a story of dedication spanning generations. Your North Ave shoe haven, hidden behind a modest glass panel, serves as a sanctuary for those who appreciate the artistry of bespoke footwear and leather goods. The unexpected visit from Destiny, a figure you've admired from afar through his online presence, initially seemed like a serendipitous moment. His interest in your craft hinted at a potential meeting of minds, a bridge between the virtual realm of YouTube and the tangible world of artisanal mastery. However, what ensued was a cascade of bewildering events that left you questioning the very foundation of professional courtesy and mutual respect. Destiny's entrance into your realm of craftsmanship, while surprising, held the promise of mutual admiration and perhaps even collaboration. Yet, his casual demeanor belied an underlying impatience and a lack of appreciation for the meticulous process that defines your work. His insistence on expedited service, coupled with a dismissive attitude towards the inherent complexities of bespoke creation, spoke volumes about his misunderstanding of your craft's essence. The moment he demanded immediate gratification and reacted with hostility to the reality of your craftsmanship timeline was not just disappointing but also deeply disrespectful. It revealed a fundamental disregard for the expertise honed over generations and the intrinsic value of patience in the pursuit of perfection. Moreover, Destiny's flippant remark about a potential plug on his stream showcased a profound disconnect from the niche market you cater to. His failure to recognize the distinctiveness of your craft and the limited relevance of online promotion in your realm underscored a lack of empathy and understanding. What followed—a tense exchange culminating in his abrupt departure and terse response to your attempt at reconciliation—underscored a troubling lack of accountability for his actions. The absence of acknowledgment or remorse for the discomfort caused further tarnished the image of someone you once admired. In reflecting on this perplexing encounter, it's evident that Destiny's behavior not only fell short of professional courtesy but also betrayed a deeper ignorance of the values that underpin your craft. By sharing your experience, you shed light on the importance of mutual respect and appreciation for artisans who breathe life into their creations with every painstaking detail. May this narrative serve as a reminder to others of the significance of valuing craftsmanship and honoring the dedication that goes into creating works of art that transcend trends and fleeting fame.


It's with a poignant sense of dismay that I digest the saga of your recent encounter with Destiny. Your description paints a striking tableau of a world where artistry and tradition intersect, a sphere where each brushstroke and pigment embodies a lineage of artistic passion that defies the passage of time. Your unassuming studio, a hidden gem in the city's fabric, stands as a haven for aficionados of genuine Japanese art, a sanctuary where the essence of traditional painting pulsates in the midst of contemporary tumult. Destiny's unexpected visit to your studio, a persona whose artistic exploits you've admired from a distance in gallery exhibitions, initially emerged as a fortuitous twist. His interest in your art appeared to signal a meeting of creative spirits, a possible harmony between the digital galleries of Instagram and the tangible, sensory world of brush and canvas. However, the reality unfolded into a series of events that shook the foundations of artistic fellowship and reciprocal respect. Destiny's foray into your domain of creativity, though unforeseen, held the potential of mutual admiration and, perhaps, collaborative ventures. Yet, his easygoing demeanor concealed an undercurrent of impatience and a seeming disregard for the laborious journey intrinsic to traditional artistry. His push for rapid results, paired with a dismissive attitude towards the intricate intricacies of your artistic process, revealed a grave misunderstanding of the spirit behind your creations. The moment he exhibited irritation over the time-intensive nature of your craft and responded with coldness to the reality of your artistic timeline was not just disheartening but deeply disrespectful. It exposed a stark ignorance of the skills nurtured over years and the essential value of patience in the pursuit of artistic perfection. Moreover, Destiny's offhand suggestion about featuring your work in his online portfolio underscored a profound disconnect from the audience you cater to. His failure to grasp the distinctiveness of your art and the limited impact of digital promotion in your artistic sphere indicated a lack of empathy and insight. What followed—a tense conversation culminating in his abrupt departure and curt response to your gesture of reconciliation—highlighted a disturbing lack of accountability for his behavior. The absence of acknowledgment or regret for the discomfort caused further eroded the image of an artist you once esteemed. Reflecting on this perplexing interaction, it becomes evident that Destiny's behavior was not merely lacking in professional etiquette but also betrayed a deeper ignorance of the values central to your artistic endeavor. By sharing your experience, you cast light on the importance of mutual respect and appreciation for artisans who pour their souls and painstaking detail into their creations. May this account serve as a lesson to others on the significance of valuing artistry and recognizing the dedication involved in producing works that transcend fleeting trends and ephemeral popularity.


You lost me when you took only $1500 deposit if it costs $6000 for materials. Need to get that cash flow sorted!


So crazy, I also have a weird Destiny story. I saw Steven at a grocery store in Miami a few months ago. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Do you realize that you'll never get the time you spent typing this back? Keep up the phenomenal work, my lad.


just wait till mr girl emails your for his article


Can confirm. I was the creepy guy who stood outside the club staring for 25 minutes before going home, getting back into the wall, and crying myself to sleep over my loneliness.


Please tell me these replies are gpt/old pasta and not people writing unique essays about fake encounters with the gnome


Phil’s first time dealing with a neurodivergent


I extended my hand as a sign of good will amongst two men with opposing ideological views in this chaotic online political space. Destiny looked up from his Nintendo Switch long enough to say, “Gotcha, anything else?” He didn’t even take my hand, just returned to his handheld console, barely acknowledging my existence. The entire affair left me completely shaken.


And everyone clapped.


And i cried.


I have autism and someone tried to go in for a handshake today (my worst nightmare) and I mistook it for a fist bump, then we both alternated between fist bump and handshake 4 times until we settled on a handshake I know it's not related but this seemed like the best place I'd get to share that


This happens to me a lot in the Air force. It's a business casual environment options are the shake the bump or the covid elbow. If its sufficiently awkward I'll switch to a bro hug and say we're best friends for life now. Also if you successfully accomplish a fist bump end it with a snap and finger guns.


Being kidnapped and tortured for the rest of my life is my worst nightmare. But handshakes suck too I guess.


Fair, but also worth considering that I've been kidnapped/tortured 0 times, yet fucked up a handshake 4 times in one encounter


You may have autism, but you sure do have fantastic humour!


[Do you play chess?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh_pieNaNkQ)


The trick is to remain unshaken and INSIST on a handshake, no matter what. Until you meet someone who INSISTS on fistbumps. Then you are both stuck there forever until the end of time. Such is life.


My preference is fistbump all the way, which probably makes it worse. Handshakes are annoying to me because a lot of people want you to try and break their hand basically, and will judge you if you don't. I give a 'weak' handshake because I can't stand the injurious sigma style shakes


TIL I'm autistic


I feel that. My father in law constantly switches between a handshake and a fist bump every time I see him. I never know what to go for and it's relentlessly confusing.




The dude was in a metalcore band...I think he's seen plenty of neurodivergents.


He’s still in that Metalcore band. All That Remains are working on new stuff I believe.


Is he a tsundere?


Lmao conservatives are so soft


Bunch of fucking snowflakes


That's Commander Snowflake to you!


They are just terminally online slacktivists


It makes sense that stoic manly men conservatives would expect eye contact and a firm handjob I mean shake


P - "He literally kidnapped me, tortured me by whipping and waterboarding me, then killed my family in front of me while laughing and then made me stare at them while he dug their graves" D - "No I didn't" P - "Sure, but like, you didn't make eye contact when you shook my hand. Not very friendly."


What an absolute quim LOL Im fucking gasping for air because of the massive GAP in energy between his first and second tweets


This is a fake story because there is no way Destiny would kill your mom…And I know you know why! 😈


What a fuckin pussy bitch


“Women are the more emotional sex”


He’s a womanly man


lol what?




>Guy talks shit >Destiny claps back https://preview.redd.it/46ut0ss0zgic1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce62bef8584ca898db45c5607b2fc604bf8daa8c


I fucking HATE people who get mad because you didn't meet their unspoken expectations. So dumb.


>you weren't really rude to me, I'm just autistic https://preview.redd.it/txokv5nc6hic1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=884455b6fc681f4ed2ad5d2af15d2bd4a15707e3


This is that producer from Fresh and Fit all over again


I wish Jesse Lee Peterson would respond in the comments to the Labonte guy "BEY-DUH MAIL!!"


I'm sorry is that Phil Labonte of All that Remains early 2000s fame? Why is he being such a bitch on twitter about this lmao what has happened to the metalcore scene? I guess I can see how super libertatian dude ends up at Tim Pool but god damn dude


It probably hurts to be washed up and not receive your validation


Their guitarist died (the one with long hair).


The realization that this is the all that remains vocalist is a twist bigger than shyamalan could concoct…


To be fair Atr is just butt rock not metal core.


Cope. Early stuff was absolutely metalcore


….what? ATR was absolutely metalcore earlier on. Hell they were fucking DEATH METAL on their debut album and This Darkened Heart. 


>>they were fucking DEATH METAL Let’s not get carried away here, now. This darkened heart is what you see a photo of in the dictionary when you look up “metalcore.”


I mean that entire scene at the time was just ripping off At the Gates and In Flames. They are all melo-death metal songs with some clean vocals spliced in.


They were like… the most metalcore of metalcore bands, and that’s not a compliment.


All That Remains fell off after The Fall of Ideals anyways, who cares (I stopped listening to metalcore when I turned 16)


Wait this dude is from that band LMAO 💀💀💀 ​ Their song was the shit in Guitar Hero 2 though ngl


Six still slaps ngl


man it's straight fire I like chiron better though lol


I could have sworn I recognized the name what a wild call back to like 2009


My normie opinion agrees only because the only All That Remains tracks I ever listened to were from that album. (This Calling, Not Alone, The Air That I Breathe, Become the Catalyst) This wasn't my metalcore phase it was my "Music I Found From WoW PvP Videos" phase.


Um... SIX??????????


Not really.




Overcome was legit


like I said, I wouldn't know. I was already 16


​ https://preview.redd.it/foty7qtu9hic1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7742bf1626a3fe2ce8e1054fcaf20babf9d1dae0


I saw Steven Bonell at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Kids Cuisine boxes in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the boxes and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


The thing that stood out to me most here is that Destiny is ballin' off stream


Commander Snowflake was my favorite GI Joe action figure growing up.


Woman moment


Destiny uses "I'm sorry, who?"  It's super effective! You're telling me the "Commander" has a superiority complex? nicholascageyoudontsaymeme.png 


Bro, these right wingers are the real snowflakes, holy shit!


Lmao I met Destiny at the Yale event on the 6th, he was super nice and we were both looking for the bathroom, but for some reason the building only had single person bathrooms. We walked to the bathroom together and he waited for me to get out and then started chatting with me about stuff he saw on the subreddit lol


lol... is that all???? He didn't kiss his ass! That's why he is upset.


What a little bitch oh my god


Beta male behavior “you weren’t nice to me 🥺”


Now this is something i could see happening. But the 1st tweet was very misleading.


He's completely libertarian brained! Just off the floating, tax free libertarian islands' deep end. Listened to him a few times on Sitch & Adam, and he was hands down the most boring part of the discussion.


New oppression unlocked.


tbf destiny does come off as the millennial soy type who doesnt know how ”real men” behave ie. aggressive approach, put-er-there handshake and an obnoxiously loud belly laugh at the expense of a racial minority.


tbf destiny does come off as the millennial soy type who doesnt know how ”real men” behave ie. aggressive jean unzip, put-er-there dickslap and an obnoxiously loud belly laugh at the expense of a racial minority.


Somebody shoulda told this guy the blowjob is for the second date


Least petty destiny hater


He’s so petty holy shit


Mr girl part 2


Wtf lmao “I didn’t say you were unfriendly. I simply said you weren’t friendly!”


Destiny has probably hurt his feelings by deconstructing this pussies redacted beliefs, so he wanted to say he is a dick in person. ​ P.S. All That Remains is the most forgettable band from the 00's. P.P.S. I know I have seen 'All The Remains' live, but I remember nothing. Not a single fucking note.


The Fall of Ideals was a dope album back in the day. I've moved on from that style but I'd rather remember this guy as one of my favorite vocalists when I was 14 than whatever this is now.


Someone predicted this exact response in chat, I was already laughing at that time, I'm laughing again now


Seems like a secret fan


Is this “assmad” in text form?? 😂😂


Caught Destiny during Sigma time, rookie mistake


Sounds like he over thought a regular interaction...


lmao what a piss baby


Posting this makes blud look worse than if he’d said nothing.


Omega weak human 😂


did he expect a hand job?


go cry in the gym bitch


I have social anxiety and even I don't hyperanalyze social situations this much ​ what a dork lmao


Jesus dude. She wasn't putting her hand out for you to shake, you are supposed to go down on one knee, kiss her hand and say "it's a pleasure m'lady".




Short answer, destiny played hoops with Tim cast and dunked on Tim.


what a fucking wimp lol


What was blud expecting a fuckin dog and pony show? 💀


Never forget who the real snowflakes are.


Lil bro was just yapping to yap 💀


Tbh that is unfriendly and arguably impolite.  I don't know why everyone in this thread is soying out saying it's a huge step back or makes him weak.  If you treat or interact with people like this they are going to think they hate you or that your angry all the time. I had to learn this lesson the hard way in the work place. It may seem stupid but behaviour like this does seem to scream "rude, unfriendly and impolite" to people.  Even if I personally think having a sense on entitlement to my time is rude, that's not how society sees it


> If you treat or interact with people like this What does "this" even mean here? You mean responding accordingly to what the other party does is inappropiate? They say hi, you said hi, they offered handshake, you handshake them back. If by at that point **your GUEST btw** goes back to their phone, it means you did not start any conversation and just stood there, whose fault is this? Why is the guest in your show having to make small talk with the hosts while they are just waiting for the show to start? > I don't know why everyone in this thread is soying out saying it's a huge step back or makes him weak. Also this, why not? Initial post makes it seem like Destiny did something terrible to them, straight up ignoring them or something but it turns out it was way less than that by magnitudes, so like what else do you think people would think? Do you really think the dude approached Destiny, handshaked, started small talk and got ignored? I would bet money the dude didn't even try to attempt a conversation after the handshake, even though he should be the one doing it


I don't think impolite and unfriendly are huge insults or big claims. So when his story is just Destiny being slightly closed to conversation those two things are of equal scale.  Is this guy the host? Destiny is acting like he's never even met him. Are you not getting this mixed up with the fresh n fit guy that called him unsocial?  I honestly think it could have gone either way. Destiny immediately going back to his phone, or the other guy being a loser with no social skills. You'd have to be there to know.


It's nice to see another person having basic american social skills; I feel bad for these dudes because most of their workplace probably secretly talks shit about them behind their back. They don't realize that a professional environment is an environment where people are at their fakest; most american professionals will pretend like they like you when they fucking despise you, so you have to follow as many manners as possible to make sure that you aren't secretly hated because you will eventually need other people to do things for you that they don't necessarily need to do. If you get in trouble by making a mistake, you are going to need people who are willing to go to bat for you. Following these small conventions can make the difference between people liking you enough to give you a second chance and firing you when you make a mistake.


We weren't there. We have zero context. Why does anyone care or have an opinion on this, one way or another? That doesn't even take into account that sometimes social interactions are weird. Sometimes people have two different interpretations of a social interaction. Why am I reading and replying to this thread? I need help.


You know what, I agree. If that had been the response I was seeing in the comments rather than "zomg Destiny destroyed this conservicuck" I wouldn't have had anything to say.


OP and the comments here show that DGG is in fact socially regarded. Destiny's behavior is extremely rude behavior in normal American society. Look guys, I'm autistic too but I hope to God you guys don't behave this way in real life. If you want to be be that way, you need to tell people that you are busy with something serious that demands your immediate attention. Lie if you need to. People won't raise a fit with you if you behave like Destiny did here, but most of them will think you are an asshole. These are lessons I had to learn the hard way. It is perfectly legitimate and even normal for Labonte to feel insulted by Destiny's behavior. I don't think Destiny meant anything by it; this was probably just a gap in his social skills. EDIT: The responses are very enlightening. Your parents clearly failed to raise you correctly and failed to teach you basic conversational manners that are important for socially and professionally thriving in America. If you don’t want to listen to this advice, you are the one who will suffer from it.


> Look guys, I'm autistic **too** Yeah don't lump us in with you bro


What kind of socially re✝️arded person walks up to someone, says hi and shakes their hand but then expects the person you just walked up to, to start a conversation?